Summer Games Done Quick 2019 Marathon
Now: Ape Escape
Next: Crash Bandicoot: N. Sane Trilogy
Later: Punch-Out!! (Arcade)
Full Schedule:
Summer Games Done Quick 2019 Marathon
Now: Ape Escape
Next: Crash Bandicoot: N. Sane Trilogy
Later: Punch-Out!! (Arcade)
Full Schedule:
Other urls found in this thread:
Reminder that MSF:
>provides medical supplies and treatment to ISIS fighters
>provides food and water to known terrorist cells
>provides food and medical aid to migrants attempting to illegally enter foreign nations
>personally commits illegal human trafficking
>exchanges food, water, and drugs for sex
Let's break 2 million this GDQ!
>ywn be this comfy
punchout soon
back to /pol/ with you
Oh runner, you card!
Who's the cutie second row middle?
how can one poster alone be so based?
which run is this?
This but unironically.
Is he literally Yea Forums?
>Uses reddit and discord
>Plays fortnite
>Is a virgin
Today's runs are such comfy games
too hot
Literally my posture right now and it's super comfy.
who is this?
Nothing "thanks" pretty much is the end all word when it comes to texting.
Post pics if you initiate a new convo
S/S: Split/Second
SS: Rygar / Titanfall 2
S: Streets of Rage // Alien Soldier // Chasm: The Rift
A: The Hobbit // Tony Hawk // Marble Madness // Ranger-X // Half Minute Hero // Bloodstained: CotM
B: Devil May Cry // Spyro the Dragon // TMNT 3 // Zombies Ate My Neighbors // Metroid // Castlevania: SotN // Metroid Prime // Skylar and Plux // Kirby Air Ride // Kirby 64
C: Sonic Generations // DKC2 // LoZ: Minish Cap // Final Doom // Bwaster Master // Solomon's Key // Jackal // Contra 3 // Ninja Spirit // Castlevania // Perfect Dark // Slipstream
D: Portal 2 // Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland // Outland // Contra // Super Time Force Ultra // Timespinner // Castlevania: PoR // Prey // Uncharted: Drakes Fortune // Monster Boy // The Textorcist
F: Super Mario Bros 2 // Ducktales 2
ZZZ: Borderlands 2
Ω: Metroid Prime 2
Nigga he drowns in pussy
Body language expert here, you can tell by the way she is slightly leaning away from him, along with the crossed arms legs that she isn't interested in him. Sorry anons.
A trap
Rate this run!
Rate this run!
>is a virgin
Not for long lmao, she was scooting closer midway through.
That's not even hot 22 c here and its comfy
>qt asian fuckbuddy
>doesn't give a fuck on stream
>triggers reddit and trannies
yeah im thinking hes based
37.5 degrees currently
greetings from northern Germany
Alright, what I miss? I know Girl Boob was overestimate but from what I heard he wasn't repeatedly failing the same jump like last time?
>haha, wouldn't it be funny if I came on your freshly cut hair?????
That'll get ya in, user.
God damn do I fucking hate Yea Forums
the temp aint too bad, its the fucking humidity that kills the user. fuck living near the damn sea.
He's looking pretty comfy, but
>arms and legs crossed
>torso tilted away
>teeth-gritting smile
That girl does *not* want to be there. I mean, if CouchBro just DGAF, more power to him.
Your mistake is thinking her body language is only considering him. The fact that she's being watched by a hundred thousand people is apparently inconsequential according to you.
Post more chicken and i might
I really wish I had more Charlie pictures…
>Ω: Metroid Prime 2
I missed it, what happened?
punchout is always so boring to speed run
It was a trainwreck.
She seems pretty interested here. Sorry, user.
Very accurate.
Can somebody post a clean bingo card?
You're both faggots but 7. It's alright
straight average run. 5/10
This is the only solution
3 out of the 4 people on the couch were trans
That was after he just got done shuffling around on the couch with his legs flailing. She made up an excuse about the couch cushion being out of place to scoot closer.
> The fact that she's being watched by a hundred thousand people is apparently inconsequential according to you.
It is. Her leaning slightly away from him as he orientates his body to hers has nothing to do with the crowd. The crossed arms/legs could be a result of the crowd but in combination with the leaning away its unlikely.
stage one boneitis
Wait, there was a Titanfall 2 run? How'd that go?
Ape Escape run was solid.
Post temperatures
Let's see if it's truly SUMMER games done quick
How do I go back and watch past runs? Where are the vods?
good couch and runner
explained all the strats good
I like to watch them though
You lose
>4 hours of Pokemon Crystal
Finally, i can sleep
girlgirlboobgirlboobboobgirl was the runner, fucked up all over the place, eventually ended up going over estimate. Maybe some day they'll get a competent runner for MP2
Why should I do during Pokemon Crystal?
>Run by Claris
An entertaining train wreck by any chance?
>Crash Theme
that's literally his girlfriend retard
Check "Empty room"
The midwest is the worst.
For me, its the maid.
>pokemon crystal
>no werster
i sleep
projecting is bad, user
I only post Sabrinas sorry
I would bet $100k its not. Again, body language expert
Had a couple of crashes already. Arguably the lad that ran Textorcist had a breakdown just after he beefed the run too. Viceroy is also probably b&
Delusional. The only thing you're an expert on is posting bullshit without even trying to make it sound rational. You have a child's ability to judge body language. You're making your judgments based on a single screenshot and ignoring the hour+ of her laughing at his stupid jokes. Don't waste my fucking time.
Smooth and clear.
How can you live in that shit and not just be a perpetual puddle of sweat?
Really enjoyable for me.
give me a (you)
"trap" implies convincing deceit.
Not given here.
send help
Overall a good run. Good commentary, runner played the game well and the tricks were cool to watch.
No, just a train wreck. Even trannies on Yea Forums think it was cringe. It was genuinely awful.
>2 resets
>keeps choking
>almost cries
>commentary is just a bunch of giggling and mouth noises
>goes over estimate by nearly 10 minutes
Is this the new cool way to dox
almost 300k guys
How much longer until the big big donations come in?
Good platforming, even when exploting a glitch it's not the end all of the amount of platforming and right stick countering left stick management with the gadgets.
Good couch and comms explaining enough in decent detail.
>implying a man that comfy needs pussy
I hope it gets uploaded to YT.
I'm up next guys wish me luck!
Stop talking bullshit.
>writing a book about literal degeneracy
what run was this?
you fucked up, if you really wanted to go sexual you should have said "yeah, my feminine side wants to be all over you now." or something like that.
Anyway, ghost the roastie, not worth your time
>barely at 300k
The norm now is that the very last day of the event generates $1 million alone.
you can see that the cushion is fucked up in that webm though, shes sitting directly on the edge of it.
4 hour Crystal kino inbound
>a fucking book about speedrunning
oh lawdy
I want summer over goddammit.
It's always humid as fuck here.
haven't seen anything so far have i missed cringe kino?
>tfw ywn have your back nipples rubbed
Why live
8/10, good enough.
good luck!
>Even trannies on Yea Forums think it was cringe.
Does their opinion even matter whether they are ones or not?
Like no one cares if you cut off your dick so you can try and validate your point.
split second
>33 degrees anywhere during summer
And they say global warming is real kek.
I feel like you need to give it a generation or two and the m/f ratio in gaming will even itself out. It hasn't been that long since gaming was super niche and limited/marketed to nerds and boys.
Back when I started gaming girls were all about having pets and shit. The only girl I knew that even touched video games was a kinda ugly one that had played on her brother's WoW account and even she only got to level 12.
Now a large portion of girls I know from college / my friend circle game to some extend, even if it's just party games, minecraft or pokemon go.
Once the incel rage dies down a bit and there's more games marketed towards girls we'll probably see many more girls play games and probably speedrun too. Even if just to follow the chads.
Not his gf. You could be using this to learn about body language instead sperging out.
This omnigamer guy lifts, right? That's not a gamer body. There is some muscle there.
>The midwest is the worst.
Agreed, but we're talking about weather.
Quite based really
>book about speedrunning
top kek. How do you take a purely visual/audio medium and think a fucking book is a good idea?
one more run until based punch-out
This is the S/S run?
It’s gonna be epic bros :D
Why is this GDQ such a sausage fest
It matters in this context because Clais' run because it was a terrible run, not just because she's trans.
It's pathetic how deep people try to get with game communities.
>Speedrunning is not natural
based omnigamer
It was good but you'd never know it from looking at the threads since it was 99% bitching about trannies and 1% porn with 0 talk about the game
Does Peaches still go to these events?
33 is really high you fucking amerilard
my posture is getting destroyed but im comfy lying on two chairs
pff, 29C here and It's winter here, I'm actually cold, can't wait for the 40+ summer.
t. virgin
There's a picture of them kissing in this thread, but I guess you know more than photographic evidence.
Tom Nook is a fag.
But it's BASED to have the correct taste in vidya and post about it on Yea Forums.
Fuck yeah. Do your best!
Listen to the words coming out of my mouth. Stop talking bullshit. You're shitposting. See
stay there, phoneposter
>Editing video title for dem views
>ooohhh, black people at the coach, this run is based!!!!
>yes, yes, yes!!! reddit zoomer runner!!!
Thread and stream will be so comfy
>33 is really high
Do you live in fucking Iceland? I'm not american.
God I wish
I need some sweaty hairy virgins to ogle
Most of speed running is logistics. Routing, finding skips/exploits, etc.
>Getting to have a fantastic chat with @omnigamer in regards to his book, Speedrun Science!
Yeah, maybe if you live in alaska, retard.
I honestly don't think the runners or couch for borderlands 2 were that bad.
Too bad the game is not only boring as fuck but impossible to watch.
fucking aussies
holy fuck I want to die, fucking Florida
Well, 100,000 people are watching a fucking stream about speedrunning. I FIGURE there's a market for it.
Tampa is the worst right now.
>commentary is just a bunch of giggling and mouth noises
This, this right here fucking triggered me to no end. That along with the half way explained tech.
Alright Yea Forumsros i'm going to prepare food
Steak, Nuggets, or Mystery Meat
Rice, Pasta, or Mystery thing to go along
The devs on the call added nothing worthwhile. It's always such a chore listening to them ask some banal question, wait 5 seconds for one of the devs to realize they were even being addressed, and them respond with some shit the runners and audience don't give a fuck about in the first place.
>SGDQ 2019
What a fucking cancerous clickbaity title that's intentionally double wrong.
Oh, are you one of those mediterranean LOL ITS 40C EVERY DAY HERE WHATS THE PROBLEM XDXD ultra badasses
Updated for Ape Escape. It's bedtime for me, keep rating the runs and I'll update the tier list when I wake up! Goodnight anons!
S/S: Split/Second
SS: Rygar / Titanfall 2
S: Streets of Rage // Alien Soldier // Chasm: The Rift
A: The Hobbit // Tony Hawk // Marble Madness // Ranger-X // Half Minute Hero // Bloodstained: CotM
B: Devil May Cry // Spyro the Dragon // TMNT 3 // Zombies Ate My Neighbors // Metroid // Castlevania: SotN // Metroid Prime // Skylar and Plux // Kirby Air Ride // Kirby 64 // Ape Escape
C: Sonic Generations // DKC2 // LoZ: Minish Cap // Final Doom // Bwaster Master // Solomon's Key // Jackal // Contra 3 // Ninja Spirit // Castlevania // Perfect Dark // Slipstream
D: Portal 2 // Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland // Outland // Contra // Super Time Force Ultra // Timespinner // Castlevania: PoR // Prey // Uncharted: Drakes Fortune // Monster Boy // The Textorcist
F: Super Mario Bros 2 // Ducktales 2
ZZZ: Borderlands 2
Ω: Metroid Prime 2
I want to fuck her tits
Then why are you using the amerilard system if you aren't american? 33 degrees celsius = 92 degrees fahrenheit
how to convert fahrenheit to celsius?
That's not him, he's not that tall.
Holy shit, are you actually stupid enough to fall for the most basic bait out there?
>FOUR HOURS of pokemon shit
holy shit, this is the worst GDQ ever.
Eat rat meat.
Catch it yourself.
Yes and there was a LGBT speech donation.
He's correct. Not gf.
so he just compiled all the info people put on the internet over the years put it in a book and tried to cash in
Yeah this week has been real bad.
>It matters in this context
Barely, you can easily say that the run is bad by just explaining the objective faults without relying on him being a tranny or not instead of saying "see, this group hates it too"
There BETTER be Cocoposting around the clock during the Crash run!
92 in Miami lads
Did he talk to Narcissa?
Yup. I hate shill runs.
You just know she's the dominant one in bed despite her meek apperance.
>average temperature in central Europe in June is 23°C
>""""""""speed""""""""run is longer than 30 minutes
Good night based lad.
How is this making you an expert on body language? Prove it with the body language, shitposter.
wow it really is "NO FUN ALLOWED!"
Put evil Coco in CTR!
Doing God's work user. Sleep tight.
male with glasses, beard and reciding hairline with his mouth wide open.jpg
What shithole country uses celsius to measure temperature?
Viceroy might be banned but apparently mike only warned him about the "I'm gonna kill you" joke. Of course we all know GDQ likes to shadowban behind the scenes and away from prying eyes so who knows.
>tfw rat problems
glue traps barely work and I don't know where the fuck the stupid bastards come in from, can't find any obvious holes anywhere. Not to mention you kill one and another just comes in the next day
Yea Forums would hate it even if it was an okay run just because Claris is a tranny.
when is crash ffs
Reminder that if you do not suffer insanely much from temperatures above 26 degrees Celsius you are a literal nigger and you need to gtfo. The white man flourishes in colder climates, not in the fucking desert.
>Totally forgot there would be coco-posting cause crash is next
Oh, fuck yes
So how manny trannie runs have their been now?
Rumors are they're going to all get together and hotglue the samus statue
she makes my pp the big pp
Keep it pure, user.
dude......They are so fucking, why can't you accept that? Are you a jealous Asian guy or something?
I know relativity and differenciation is lost on most of you troglodytes but even in case it's just a joke, it's getting old.
this exact list including the omega symbol was posted on reddit sans the s/s
why dont you go back fag
Another swing and a miss. Just accept that your country is full of pussies.
No idea but search engines let you change back and forth
100F = 38C for reference of " It's getting too fucking hot "
Sabrinanon, where'd you go?
33° is literally freezing you fucking autist
Befriend them user.
Become the rat king.
Literally every single one on the planet that isn't the USA.
It worked for Milo
Oh wait...
Who wouldn't want to?
Are you japanese or something?
>casual room
>Yea Forums would hate it even if it was an okay run just because Claris is a tranny.
Yeah but least you can spot that the complaints are nothing but that if that was the case
Is the kid high or something? He's kinda annoying but it's amusing that everyone hates him.
Dumb American
I'm ready bros
>the casual room
Jokes don't age.
I feel that, I hate having the windows open but in this weather it makes my room too muggy to breath in
Fair enough
>no trannies on screen
>no tranny twitter posts
>no tranny controversy
>nobody talking about trannies
The absolute definition of rent free
actually a cool interview
absolutely epic bro, you really truly got me, well played good sir, well played
Oh, so none that matter. Gottcha.
I haven't posted it on reddit yet, but why can't they enjoy the runs as well?
what the fuck is that thing
Nice ass and abs but she looks so stumpy for some reason
Get a pic with /our boy/ viceroy
That's impossible.
2-3 too many
I'm still here. I'm just running out of originals, thus changing the pace.
Fair enough then. I've not been keeping track of the bingo desu
You don't recognize Samus from the Metroid series of video games? You call yourself a gamer?
>mfw ready to fap to Coco while watching Crash
they had to make her a shortstack
I really hope you know how predictable that reply was.
>every single time temps get brought up in a thread on here
>pretend to think that celsius temps are in fahrenheit
>ALWAYS get at least a couple retards to bite
Holy fuck this has happened for fuck YEARS, quit being so fucking stupid.
>Crash race up next
Thats where you are wrong nigger.
Because BoobsGlirlBoobsBoobs is mentally unstable autist with a track record of being gutter trash and shit at games. They are a shit person regardless of how they identify themself
I guess Im not a real gaymer
Body language expert here, she was totally cringed out by him, sorry bros. No, I'm totally not from reddit trying to ruin his chances at a gf.
wish this guy just did porn
That isn't Samus at all
Kinda like how Yea Forums wants every game to be Tortanic, reddit wants anyone who has fun to be publicly crucified and banned from GDQ for wrongthink/wrongjokes.
>Mexican Runner
>all not running
worst marathon ever
im saying you stole it off reddit
I have never forgotten. How about you, Yea Forums?
when it starts pushing 22+ it's shutting down time.
>I'm not American
truly epic
Would you, user?
Friendly reminder that we will fight transphobia no matter what.
Guess all those post saying they missed Miles were just memeing
It is.
Yo this music is so good my childhood is coming in my ears.
Best Pokégirl
And I still got a (You)
Thank god, I hope he doesn't show up on steam at all.
you fucking retarded?
konosuba poster been here from start
brittney venti is stupid and disgusting
I should get myself a cool shirt.
when will they stop pokemon runs in this shitty event?
I've been doing it since the beginning of the marathon here, lad. I love that others are getting to benefit from it though!
>does not have a gender
ok but what's their sex?
bored as fuck
choose my class Yea Forums
Can you really call a man with all assets larping as a woman a tranny?
I will never forget, he's an absolute legend
It's time to stop posting, user.
old pokemon runs are comfy you fag
Who is she?
Hi sonicfox
Have another, I hope it makes you feel good.
oh I see
I never said I wasn't American you bumbling fuckhead.
Yeah but those malkers will ensure she never has to work a day in her life.
>not insta-locking paladin
If that's Samus then this post will be a 3
whatever sex you are with a cloaca
>precipitation: 0%
might kill myself lads, we live next to a fucking ocean, where is my rain? do we even have hurricane seasons anymore?
you still browse /r/eddit though user
Go back
So you just butted into the conversation for absolutely no reason without reading any of the previous posts?
Alright you're not a bad troll, you're just a retard.
>climate change isn't re-
already did a druid
only a redditor would put the titanfall 2 run in ss, that shit was some basura
Ranger or Druid.
Are you looking forward to Crash? Even though I grew up with Nintendo consoles, I still have fond memories of the Crash games.
Stationed on Okinawa. I'm American.
Thanks user
>Water literally boiling
>not insta-locking Cormano
How do I cool down?
>fly out to the event
>entertain thousands for free
>GDQ uses his valuable time to shill a politically-leaning charity and countless for-profit sponsors
>they don't even Tweet that it was a "great run" or anything, they just completely ignore him and Tweet about Air Ride
>Mike scolds him for making jokes that five year olds don't even get put in time out for
>Split/Second Discord disowns him and says they'll send someone else to GDQ next time like they're a fucking political committee
>implying this wouldn't be the hottest piece of ass you'd ever have
user, what did I say about posting lewd Coco?
Time to get rid of all your electricals then
friendly reminder this is where AGDQ 2020 will be held :) be prepared for the hottest winter of your lives if you go
TF2 did get a lot of positive ratings. It was not put there arbitrarily by someone putting their finger on the scale.
Some other faggot butted in. Not that it matters. You should kill yourself either way.
>phoneposter is a faggot retard
every time
get naked :3
kys and go back
both males and female birds have a cloaca
does it have a penis/phallus or not?
I dropped a glass and broke it
Literally fell asleep during tranny prime 2 run, how did it end?
Anything happen after that?
It's not.
Coco is inherently cute and lewd.
fuck off retard, titanfal was sleek fast with decent commentary
go dilate and die in pain
sure, but I'm looking more forward to the Punch-Out runs
Imagine the smell.
clumsy faggot
How about cute Coco
I'll cope with my DICK
That's 104 of people temperature.
Which central american or shittynisland do you come from?
Mac was 100% right about science but also 100% wrong about religion.
Keep it cool
I get small seizures its not my fault be nice
you should charge your cellular telephone soon, user
He's simply too powerful
post coco butts
Indoors in Orlando in Winter in a place that takes AC seriously is not going to be an issue. You can almost desiccate yourself to death in your hotel room if you blast your AC. Nobody's going to be overheating.
How many qt Japanese girls want you?
Cute thread!
Coco is a pure girl user. She doesn't like that!
This user understands!
>calling others reddit while defending some streamer
how do I convince her to not speak and wear a paper bag 24/7?
Its your fault for being a weak ass bitch.
With the real feel being like fucking over 100F, it fucking hurts
Fucking France
My region has been broadcasted to potentially break heat records we haven't reached since 1983
I think there's been just as much set up/intermission time as there has been games.
this bitch seems annoying but those milkers tho
Based Chad Konosuba poster plowing qt japs left and right.
thank your for your work
have a good sleep
Should I go next year?
stupid and disgusting
Do people actually like crash or is it just a meme?
what did I missed?
>>Split/Second Discord disowns him and says they'll send someone else to GDQ next time like they're a fucking political committee
You can't be serious.
titanfall 2 speedruns are boring dont quote me
If you don't shower daily then no
Post more Coco
All girls her age have a healthy interest in lewd things.
>This user understands!
I understand that Coco can, is, and will be both cute and lewd.
This is really ugly but I can't pinpoint why. Uncanny valley with it having rippling muscles but a short stumpy body with a bobblehead?
so is this run going to start or what?
Shaped like a Christmas ham she should be embrassed, looks ridiculous
How does it feel to know your toxic bullshit isn't safe outside your little toxic safespace, incel?
Imagine the smell of her toilet paper
This dude has a kino accent.
Can you Bandicoot lewdfags post Megumi?
>all the pedos are going to start posting coco lewds
button up that shirt lad
getting lewd in here
Of course he isn't. It's some meme game no one plays.
>it's an interview when you think the run is about to start episode
Didn't know Samus was a Hobbit.
Whens ESA?
>Esports tier commentary
Fuck off.
None. Thats why theres so much rape.
Coco prefers to keep her clothes on!
What happened earlier with couch boy and that girl? I was sleeping.
Ice bath
>imagine the smell at sgdq
isn't her audience mostly incels?
I don't understand this reply.How did you infer all that from my post?
It is, but it's also only 70 degrees here in the bay area. One of the coolest summers in a while. Stop trying to tax me more you fucking bootlicking faggot.
>imagine the smell at sgdq
They had fun which isn't allowed.
The same is true of any woman running a community online.
She is a big fish in a small pond though
oh boy
Fuck, bobcuts look so good on asian qts
Did you watch the blind Mike Tyson one live? That was kino.
Brittney pls go
races are the only part of the events I actually enjoy watching.
2 > 1 = CTR >>> 3
anyone else gonna fap to the coco porn in the thread
Who's going to win?
Who's going to choke the most?
Here we go here we go here we go.
Pray for a close race and good commentating lads.
>that fucking hair
No wonder the tech crew is incompetent.
The tranny runs are ok too.
I'm disappointed that nobody spammed messages at spoke too soon lol
I would sniff her fat ass
What’s it called when you want to be crushed by a fat woman’s ass
More like soulLEAST lmao
For you lads a bit tired of Coco, here's Rumia
And back to the crowd cam
imagine masturbating before your run and just letting your cum harden on your tummy so you smell like sex
whoever is number 1
Shoutouts to the tech crew!
>can they hear us?
"On" is only a temporary state
Shoutouts to the tech crew
I believe many male birds don't even have a dick, but the only source I have for this is ample amounts of furry porn.
$50 USD on Murcaz
>Playing Crash on PC, since PS4 is too under-powered
Gross but also fucking funny.
>win Murcaz
>Chocking Cameron
Why is a disembodied "can they hear us?" the funniest thing of all time
who dis
>sweating steam notifcations
>screens are so small you can't read a fucking thing
Really? They're so one sided the majority of the time.
4 the players
Checkmate /pol/
did you all see all the friend requests popping up?
>seething epic fag
>No glitches
I unironically like Crash games
oh I did, really kino
Thanks but I think it’s actually called man slaughter
>I can smell the crowd guys through my monitor
watching them come off slowly is the best part
This dude has a totally fucking up flat cock head. It's honestly the funnest shit.
my wife
>not pirating it all just like Patty would do
MOST of the time...but every now and then shit gets exciting. it's definitely more fun than watching a long boring rpg run at 3 in the am.
Air ride was pretty A tier
the bantz were so good
Husband you mean
He's not. He literally was the one who started speedrunning the game in the first place.
>That OK sign
Please don't tell me thats a tranny
>thinking pirating would be accepted at an event this side
I have nothing against pirating, but at least Steam > Epic
I think it's cute.
>jawline you can see from space
>use Coco
What did he mean by this?
No, ah.
Hey transphobes. Kill yourselves.
I hate spikevegeta
if i was there id go up to those nerds and check them for that ok sign
fucking pussies think they can do anything when theres noone there to keep them in check
>died already
Already dieded
tell me who
Hey, the best run of all time was a let's play
Is bonesaw still banned?
>already choke
Pirating is immoral. Support the devs!
You first
First choke: Murcaz
natalie mars
i'd knock you out
Oh you sweet, stupid person you. Ofc it's a tranny.
Eh, to each his own I guess.
Seething. Bleeding. Seeping. Enjoy your gash.
>there are people who think that this thing is passing
Holy shit like 10 of them did it
That's the FLOTUS
I unironically love her videos.
>inb4 her
how do I make lolis real?
no you wouldnt
bet you never actually swung in your life
Yes daddy
I absolutely would desu
Daily reminder to love the tech crew
Trannies are also counted in that demographic so I don't see your point
Is that your pupper?! so cute!
new bread
no they're not.
They are Nazi sympathizers. They know exactly what they are doing. There is a history of making normal symbols into hate symbols.
And what's the most common race of trannies? Retard lol
>in the country
which country, faggot
>throw white power gang sign
>is a fat ugly sheltered virgin who leaves his room once a month
MUHHH MASTER RACE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA white superiority more like fat nerditity
Why are those boxes so smug?
Where the FUCK are the Coco posters????
I NEED more bandicunny.
I see no issue outside of furfagging
Even with all their fucking around Bonesaw was still under estimate
I have bad mental health and I’m a white dude. I’m getting therapy though. I think they are trying to make me gay.
>they switched off Coco
spikevegeta is fucking based
In all honesty there haven't been too many serious tech fuck ups so far. No audio blasting my ears or stream straight up crashing.
Where did the /trash/ user go?
real is overrated.
Shut the frick up.
Ask Jeff Bezos
wheres the clip boys
did he actually do the racist power symbol or was this from an old event
Yes we are the women of the future. We will eradicate all men :)
which trans runner at the event is named based
why do they do these tiny split screen runs WHICH ONE DO I WATCH I CANT SEE ANYTHING ON A 24 INCH MONITOR REEEEEEE
No but I my dogs photos would flip because I forget which way to take them.
Good point, but not investing in stuff like cable sleeves and zip-ties for cable management and easy troubleshooting is bound to go messy at some point.
who are you talking about user
you keep asking about this trash user
Any good webms with sound clips so far?
He knows if he sees my message.
New thread?
Aside from Perfect Dyke no.
anyone have a link for the metroid prime 2 run?
I want to witness that monstrosity