No wild west cowboy setting

>no wild west cowboy setting
>no futuristic sci-fi setting
>no modern day setting
Yep, let's do fucking knights and dragons AGAIN, bravo Miyazaki

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>hopefully it has sekiros combat

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>expecting a fucking wild west from a studio that was founded by a bunch of dnd and ultima geeks

I'm sure after they've done a trilogy, the Bloodborne equivalent will be one of those

I'd kill for a wild west game made by a japanese dev. Bloodborne 2 is set around that time period, they could do that.

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Hackyazaki can't even be original about it either.
I'm not even going to be surprise if he use the one eyed Odin for the final boss if the game is Norse mythology according to the leak thread.

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I'm not sure what the problem is. Miyazaki's thing is dark western-inspired fantasy. It's what he does, it's what he knows. Demanding him do a completely different setting totally out of his element is like telling Kamiya to fuck off with the hack and slash games.

I fear a pure western setting in the John Wayne, Clint Eastwood sense would be too barren. Better to set it in the Appalachians for a creepy hillbilly, Deliverance-type vibe.

knights and dragons are cool
fantasy is and always will be the most popular video game setting

I think there's plenty of locations and biomes they could use for variation. A snowny mountainrange like in The Great Silence, muddy ghost towns like in Django, a poison swamp filled with gators etc.
They could use cryptids, legends or native american myths for the creepy shit, too. Lots to draw from.

Futuristic and Wild West settings were both already done by The Purge (Wild West setting sucks for this kinda game btw).

Tokyo Souls is the coolest idea they should do.

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t. Butthurt Bloodbrony still seething that no one cares about his paperweight

As someone who likes both things, yes.

*The Surge

>B-b-but Fat Fuck Martin is a consultant this time!

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>Tokyo Souls is the coolest idea they should do.

This is the most laughably stupid idea possible and those concept images make me want to vomit.

I couldnt give less of a shit about what you believe is better, anglo.

Also Aztec Souls

>still no aztec souls
>still no mesopotamian souls

Alright, no more memes: Native American sim games.

Name just one. I want to hunt buffalo or cultivate big corn crops or something.

Age of Empires
Far Cry Primal (I dunno I haven’t actually played it)

Ghostwire might have this vibe.

Only NA cunts care about gay cowboys and wild west, get fucked

>Phantom Wail still hasn't been announced and was likely made up by a turbo-faggot for (You)s

End my life please.

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I'd be down. Add weird hillbilly cannibal cults, witch covens who cast spells using moonshine fueled conniptions and corrupted wildlife and I'm sold