You can download the samsho season pass for free, you don't even need to own it.
You can download the samsho season pass for free, you don't even need to own it.
Other urls found in this thread:
fucking based
If you need help choosing a character
SNK so good for no reason
Why did a simple deflect counter do so much damage here
Jubei's counters do mad damage, but are riskier than normal deflect
>feb 2020
lmao this game will be dead in two week
>that snktard that kept saying iroha was gonna part of the free dlc pass
I'll say it again. They didn't keep her out because of "not fitting in" or being too sexy for the west. They just saved her to be part of paid dlc to get that extra dosh.
The Japanese are so mad on twitter. SNK picked the DLC before that random poll was made. And that poll only catered to the Japanese not the rest of the world.
Japs mad as usual baka.
Waifufags will always be mad, it is nothing compared to the constant MK DLC requests Boon gets. 90% of the replies he gets on any post are where's mileena!
Me on the left
>on DLC, they'd already pick the four season pass characters ahead of the survey they ran, so their picks aren't necessarily reflective of ppls' requests
He needs a giant bottle of tears
Xbone link?
Based psycho.
Someone please, I need a mirror of the full picture
"Iroha is part of the free DLC! She was kept out for the reviewers!" Where are you now, asshole.
>This is canon in the game
>my dad works for snk honest!
Fucking based. Thanks. Wanted to eventually pick this up but didnt want to buy it now since i have a few more games to play. This is great.
Tfw if they didn't reveal everything at once this leak would be considered true since basara is the next character.
Can I do that on pc?
So SNK being cucked by Sony was true huh? I guess that's another nip company ruined by Westernshit. I'll make sure to pirate.
Yes, good
Yeah they hired a bunch of Americans recently and it shows.
>Make a poll to see what DLC the fans want
>Completely ignore it
>flame pants
>flame gloves
lmao, he ran away from the ninja clan just so he could wear this
Free season pass and Irohafags who don't even play the game mad, good day.
>Giving the titty character away for free when you could sell her later
Sony are cucks but this is the real reason
>Make a poll to see what DLC the fans want
More like they have to give it away because it's so bad nobody would pay for it.
>Make a poll to see what DLC the fans want
idiot, read the fucking thread
The only character that no one would buy except for oldfags is Wan-fu
How did Nakoruru being so fucking broken get past the devs
>Had 5x as many votes as all the season pass characters combined
>Has more fan art than any character in the series
>Even the fucking community manager wants her
How do all of these guys play?
New to Samsho here, and was wondering: How do approach neutral against characters with better pokes than your character? I plan on maining ukyo because I like Iaido characters, but his normals look kind of stubby, and his jump feels floaty.
Reminder that in the Dengeki interview with the devs Kuroki himself said that the reason Iroha is not in the game is because she would need to be redesigned to appeal to Western tastes.
When will this outfit be DLC
I knew she was a futa. Memes don't lie.
>Those last characters
This is like if Street Fighter had a "free" season pass of E-Honda, El Fuerte, and Decapre.
He doesn't look right in 3D. SNK are still amateurs in that department.
Now all he needs is this
Really does come down to patience and knowing your match up. There isn't a free easy way you can just get in each time. You can just defend and deflect which helps.
>I plan on maining ukyo
He has some of the best buttons so I guess you don't need to worry
Honda rules, eat shit.
>waifufags and shotacons
absolutely disgusting, fuck literally everyone who voted for those four characters
Kof guest in samsho when
Basara is popular as fuck
>you don't even need to own it.
What the fuck
Shizumaru is atleast somewhat of an interesting character, faggots aside
It's not coincidence that a board that normally despises such things is mysteriously excited for "waifufags btfo" this time. The shills are out in full force today.
I don't really care about waifufag or shotafags but more about the fact that 2 out of the 4 were absolute cancer, one punishing you from a whole screen away for a retarded amount of damage and the other having a fucking retarded move (that he can one shot with) that forces you to change how you play even in the fucking stage and character select screen.
We know, Saigado :^)
Best waifu is already in the game, so fuck Irohafags
>Smash gives you fucking Banjo Kazooie
>Mortal Kombat gives you the god damn Terminator
>Samsho gives you Wan Fu
Wait, so I can get the DLC added to my account so I'll have it when I buy the game later?
>The best waifu is the one with a dick
Typical commiefornians
>wanting Terminator the walking ad
Enjoy your Joker too, bro
>Cereal Bear
Why am I not surprised that the contrarians who unironically like this pass also hate the most requested character in Smash history?
I bet you want Geno too, raging homo
should of been sieger instead
>My nigga Basara is in.
He's almost fine, his expression is the only real issue. He should look sadistic.
Remember to show this to every shill that tries to tell you SNK is based.
He doesn't run away until IV which is long after this new game.
Well, she is the perfect female according with the lore
Don't give a shit about Geno, he's a literally who side character. Basically the Mario version of Wan Fu.
What's wrong with Wan Fu? He's one of my favorite characters
t. old heavy main (GTFO with that Trash Bros crap I play Zangief, Astaroth, The Hulk)
Hyuk yourself bear nigger
I would've been fine with both.
Don't worry, while you pretend you actually give a shit about Basara I'll be shitting eggs on anime swordsmen. Only one of us will be having a good time.
That's my fuckin point though, the only people who even like these characters don't like them for good reasons, they're fucking obnoxious pieces of shit in the actual game.
nothing is wrong with him, people just want their retarded fapbait character that no one who actually plays the game gives a fuck about
But Darli is already in the game
rosterfags of any game need to be lined up and shot
>No Rera
>launch day but nobody is fucking playing
>netcode is trash so don't even try matching with anyone out of your region
>no quick matchmaking, just shitty king of the hill rooms and dodger's paradise in ranked
I hate to admit it but people were right, SNK and online QoL don't see eye to eye very well.
Man I knew Banjokeks were delusional but holy shit he's not even in the top 5, he's literally down in the low 10s and they finally got to him after adding everyone fucking else over the course of a fucking decade. Congrats on having to pay money for him, though, that must feel good.
>that trailer music
>Mad about free stuff
>Even after SNK clarified after Rimu's reveal that the season pass wasn't influenced by polls
Are they slowly turning into western SFV players or what?
Oh right, this is a rosterfag thread, what was I thinking?
Anyeay yeah I actually like Wan Fu for cool shit like , he's just this gains god from west who styles on samurai with a hunk of architecture
>rera never
feels bad tbqhfampaitachi
This is my first SS. I'll go online soon, I promise.
>Implying I waited a decade for /myguy/ just to not play as him
Thanks user. Congrats on paying for four litreral whos when SNK could have given you Amakusa.
They don't care, just see Boon, Ono and Harada getting constantly harassed every time they make a new post, by people asking for character
How do I invite people to my lobby? I don't see an invite function anywhere
If this shit wasn't free this would be the shittiest selection for dlc ever made for any game
kek, the resemblance is uncanny.
What a glorious time with crapcom dying and snk living again
maybe if we acted civilized about what we wanted we could actually get it
Im so sick of this. What are some jap devs that don't give a fuck about the west PC bullshit?
Darli's dick.
Nothing comes close to this
These are all great characters you fucknugget, perhaps DOA is a game more for your tastes.
They don't exist anymore.
Man I know you don't even play SS but Kazuki and Basara I know for a fact are very popular, Rimuru has her fans too, basically the only legitimately unpopular character in the pack is Wan Fu and fuck you I like him, used him to cheese Mizuki back in the day. Also I'm getting all four for free, so ???
You're getting them for free because even SNK knows nobody would pay for them.
The music and sound is SO fucking good in this game.
>kazuki instead of sogetsu
That had fucking Geese Howard in it, making it the best DLC of all time. They even made sure he has the same voice, a better season pass there never was.
>nobody would pay for Rimururu or Basara
Pour one out for the 12 people that like Gen-An.
Come back for Season 2:^)
Time to look for Jap only releases then
Why are people ignoring this? This is a blatant admission than SNK is doing exactly what Capcom, Square and Sony did before them but Yea Forums loves it this time?
Being a Gen-An bro is suffering
Where the fuck is water ball guy?! I NEED my water ball guy!
>most requested character in Smash history?
Look at this bandwagoner and laugh!
press start
In V special.
Water ball guy is a faggot.
I like how not one post itt actually discusses the game
It's frustratingly slow. Like the stages are three screens wide and it would take 10 minutes to walk from one side to the other
Nah I'm chugging that shit myself, I played him a lot back in SS1, I'll always hope they'll bring him back even though I know it won't happen.
Oh yup. There's always samsho 7, right? haha ha ha
Because it has no good qualities except "haha dab on waifufags xD"
The director never wanted Iroha in to begin with
Damn I want Andrew Jackson in this game so bad. Hope he is in season 2.
Would be cool if he made it in
also Gaira
>$5 less than the second season pass
>4 characters less, and the second character was Noctis
No amount of cosmetics could ever justify this this to me.
Are you seething this much to repeat the same posts here and on /vg/?
It's also on skeb
just run up to your opponent, brainlet.
God Japs have such shit taste.
I thought these games were more slow than others but this is my first one.
are you fucking retarded or something?
Haas anyone been able to play online so far? I'm not getting any matches.
>adding fire guy without the water guy
Be patient. He has serious brain problems
>ricky skin for kazuki
make it happen
>what are some jap devs who don't care about profits
Heh, really boils the ol' noodle, huh...
Fuck vidya. Im going outside
Thank you, based man.
i was playing with someone from EU yesterday from all the way in east coast US and it was flawless
Thank you so much, based user.
Woah! Season 2 just leaked! Based SNK!
Should HAVE*
Gedo and Sieger are well requested characters
I think it's time we accept, SamSho bros: game is dead on arrival, netcode sucks and the graphics aren't pretty enough to catch the normal fag attention, plus SNK has no bucks to promote it.
Go online with me now, I want to play and I don't know what I'm doing so you don't have to be afraid of losing.
because the rage gauge is full fucking scrub.
Pretty red pilled if you ask me. Good for you.
she's kinda hard to play right
I'm on Xbone though
>No Iroha
This game is fucking dead. It's just a brainless cash grab for South Americans now. I'm happy that it won't live for longer than 1 month.
What did she do to him?
Iroha can fuck off, I'll only pay for season 2 if it has my man Mr. 20$ as the VI rep.
But user, kowtowing to liberals is okay if it makes Yea Forums mad!
Is the season pass up for Xbox yet? I can't find it in the marketplace
make a lobby and post it here user, someone will eventually join
What you are talking about, mouthbreather, the boss is a naked woman.
Fed him her trademark cousine.
i'll play some matches im not good either
she rode him for 3 days and 3 nights?
I have a lobby that's just called EU open right now, I don't think lobbies have codes or anything in this though, unless I've missed it. If anyone wants to join I'd be glad to see it.
I've been looking, too. I want to buy to snag the pass before I get the game, but I don't even have my xbox on hand.
be there in a sec
>Smashfags in this thread
Season pass is up on American PSN. Completely free, no need to own the game.
>Li Mei fag
I feel bad for Eyebrow Man at times
At least he's not Sakurai
>no need to own the game.
You can say that again! Do-ho-ho-ho-hoh!
God I wish that were me.
this, he looks bored instead of crazy.
I've been checking the website and xbox, and neither place have it. Major Nelson usually says tweets about a new game getting released, but he hasn't yet, so I think that its just isn't up yet.
twice now in story mode ive been hit by a super and got glitched out. after getting hit, my character model starts popping in and out of existence, my controls fuck up, and i cant wake up off the ground after a kd. wtf is this?
I told you guys about the dick. I told you.
> no Iroha
as expected of SNOY, maybe she'll be in the PC version later.
>E-Honda, El Fuerte,
That would be pretty good though
have any of the people asking about iroha even played samsho 6 before let alone any samsho game
no, they're the Jurifags, Baikenfags, Angelfags and Tirafags of SamSho
>not wanting this fucker
>no iroha
Damn son this game's a sausagefest
Still gonna get it on PC though
>Iroha is exclusive to the Switch version along with a Nintendo guest character
Definitive version confirmed. Just watch.
why does this matter, does she not play well?
90% of them no, they just fap to her.
feet pics of shizuka when?
I play Juri. Leave me alone.
Yes, I've played it in the arcade and I've bought the game three times across PSP, PS2, and PS4.
i've never played samsho 6 so i have no opinion on her i know that a lot of people buy games because their waifu is in it but don't even have the drive to be able to properly learn how to use her,im all for using your waifu but im not going to listen to some secondary faggots whine about her not even being in the game when they wont bother trying to learn in the first place
Those characters are in their most recent instalments, Darlifags or Shikifags would be the Baikenfags/Angelfags/other waifufags. Irohafags are more like A.B.A.fags and Bridgetfags with Xrd who have barely played anything prior to Xrd and probably don't even play much of Xrd either but are adamant that those characters return because they get their dick hard.
Basaras my waifu
playing Juri is not the same of being a Jurifag
Waifufags don't play any videogames
You have to prove you're a Real SNK Fan (tm) to enjoy these games, that's why they sell like dog shit.
I've played Samsho 1-4, 5 was shit, I've played a bit of 6 and found it almost as bad as 5
Don't worry, S2 is Gen-An, Amakusa, Sogetsu and Iroha
I will probably get a Switch around the winter holidays, I had enough of SNOY's censorship.
i don't even think it's that i think people are saying why make such a big deal over a character if you aren't even actually going to bother to try, i think anyone would respect a waifu fag who actually knew how to play there game over one who just jerks off to pictures
There's a big difference between playing the game and being good at it. If a waifufag has 900 hours in a game, but is still bad, you're just gonna sperg out about him being a non-player waifufag anyway. That's just how the FGC is like.
>Nier automata selling millions because 2B's ass
>SNK: *looks at Iroha* Here Wan-fu!
You've definitely never played a fighting game before in your life. Elpheltfags and Lilifags constantly get shitted on by faggots who lose to them.
>supposedly played all samsho
>5 was shit
Yeah sure.
Only cowards play Elphelt to be fair.
top kek
Also SNK:
maybe I've played an incomplete rom?
I remember the music sounded like shit and most of the assets were from SamshoIV.
I'm closing this lobby now if anybody cares.
Nobody came.
2 > 5 > 4 > 1 > 3
is this game ps4 only?
more like
>SNK: here's a character for futa fetishists and a girl with big breasts and glasses
Sure, let's move the goalposts. Fact is "waifufags" are constantly shitted on no matter how good they are. And yet despite that they are a constant source of revenue. They "don't actually play games" and yet there is a multi BILLION dollar industry based around pandering to otaku with figures, gachashit, idolshit and body pillows.
I can't imagine someone thinking 5 is shit unless they just don't like all the funky mechanics. I love them, personally.
>loading are horrible l
>shitty lobby system
>story mode is just an arcade mode
>only 4 colors for each character
Those are my only complain right now, I won't judge the netcode until I play more but GBVS beta was far better
PS4/Xbone for now. It will get a Switch and PC port later.
they should've used Iroha as the covergirl and it would've sell better. I guess the devs really are afraid of the Ethics Department.
I wasn't defending them or trying to move the goalposts, I'm just saying I wouldn't describe them as the Baikenfags/Angelfags/etc. of this game.
>Switch and PC port later.
Fucking gross
Maybe you played regular SamSho 5. SamSho 5 Special is the best SamSho, period.
Besides, we all know none of these "hurr durr you don't even play" faggots were in the Fightcade lobbies all these years. They jumped onto Samsho when the new game got announced and they'll jump off when their character gets nerfed.
I want to use her tits as a pillow
I'm new to the game, played 2 when I was a kid so I don't think this counts. Is this a good franchise to practice footsies in? Or is it sort of it's own thing?
The game is literally all about footsies and neutral
>character for futa fetishists
Which character were you even thinking of?
Ukyo's normals might not have the longest range but they're faster than average. Whiff punish and learn how to tk tsubame
I just love playing her in +R, user
>tfw Genan isn't in the season 1 pass nor the waifu bias fan poll
Rip main
That's not you playing her, and I doubt you could even do any of that. Piece of shit waifunigger.
If anything you should be more hopeful, because he's the last character on the SS1 base roster not in the game, and Yasuyuki "based boomer king" Oda is in charge, and he's a MASSIVE Genanfag.
I'm sure this is you playing
>Wan-Fu actually got in over Gen-an
>Kazuki but no Sogetsu
>Amakusa teased in Story mode but no appearance
The three of them better be in the second round of DLC. I don’t even care about the fourth one. It can be big titty maid for all I care but I’d honestly prefer based President Andrew
Darli, see
Well that's good to hear. I hope he makes it a big deal when and if he's revealed and piss off or annoy everyone except the few genuine fans of him.
Kinda like Rock in Soulcalibur now that I think about.
Hey, i don't know anything about this game, but i really like the main theme. Should i give a try or is it too hard for new players?
Just play it if you think it looks cool. You'll get better the more time you put into it.
It's one of the easiest fighting games ever, no combos or hard execution
Why does the trailer play DMX music?
I'm pretty sure this does not imply that she has a futa cock
Japs are dumb, it's like when they believed that doing westernshit will make more money, they will understand later that sex still sell more than anything else.
>Huge time gaps for shitty DLC
>Barebones arcade mode, only 1 "rival" battle.
>Shitty final boss
>Neo_G (Capcom dev) left SNK before SamSho's release making future DLC and SNK fighters as a whole bleak.
>Graphics are PS3 tier at best
>Cutscenes look and animate worse than SFIV.
>Mediocre online
>Heavily reliant on EVO. The game will drop in activity after EVO is over and done with
>Lazy work on Yoshitora
>Looks like a SF spin-off with the stubby models and huge hands and feet.
>Charlotte's garbage redesign
>Pissing off the Japanese playerbase by not throwing in waifu characters thus effecting the overall sales
>Haohmaru is Ryu with a sword
>Pandering to the west.
>Shitty new characters who look like they belong in The King of Fighters
is Yea Forums's love for this some kind of joke? i mean you guys hate actually great games (like Doom 2016) and love terrible shit like this stiff and ugly SamSho reboot. why do you have to be so contrarian? it's not synonymous with good taste
>i mean you guys hate actually great games (like Doom 2016)
Outside of the few fags complaining about glory kill, I rarely ever see anyone talk bad about it
I never implied that I'm a japanese god, which isn't the case of anyone in the west.
Thanks for the reply, i'll try it.
>Baikenfags bitch about how she's "ruined" in Xrd
>Top players like Kizzie Kay and Doren consider her a top 10 character
What did they mean by this?
You don't need to be a japanese god to do some baiken combos in +R and play her at a mid level. Holy shit, you really don't play the game and this just goes to show that the "MY FAVORITE BADASS SAMURAI THAT I PLAYED IN +R" meme is real
this complain was probably before the patch
How do you get that last screen? Only beaten story with Hoahmaru so far but I just got a generic ending
Is that TamTam?
You are projecting yourself way too hard on me.
Maybe you want to play some matches with me so you can see if I can really land some of those combo on you my dude?
Give your tag.
Went through some practice with everybody. The music and sound is just fantastic in this game.
Don't worry, when the game tanks they'll try and salvage it by putting Iroha and Cham Cham in season 2. And then they'll go bankrupt and get bought out by based Namco.
Pretty sure it's not. Darli's rival fight is with Tam Tam, and he insists it's not him.
Still no futa evidence. There's a thing as aphrodisiacs to cause long term boners.
how do I kill shizuka? her second for always kills me
Mind you, just last thread people were arguing she was a dyke based on those same scenes.
Isn't that her ending?
And then?
Waifufags sometimes support games, but they do nothing for longevity or keeping them alive.
Keep you super and issen for the last round.
Learn her attacks and hit her hard between them, don't be greedy.
No. it's me.
Ruixiang is cute but fuck do I suck with her.
>with pillar
I can never play zoners. I'm a pokefag. Forever Charlotte. Gonna try to git gud with Tam Tam and Darli, though.
Community Managers are notorious faggots and the director wants this series to be taken atleast semi-seriously again.
The only one coping is the waifufag who cant just be happy with his lolis, titty ninja, bipirate, and loveulongtime bang-a-gong.
I normally play rushdown with some zoners on the side. I do like Earthquake's fat ass though.
>Keep you super and issen for the last round.
>Learn her attacks and hit her hard between them, don't be greedy.
Finally beat her, thanks! Issen saved me at the last second.
>Top players like Kizzie Kay and Doren consider her a top 10 character
Really? Hasn't she still gotten jack shit for tournament results
>Four unique characters to appeal to all tastes instead of packing the DLC with waifushit
Seems pretty based to me desu
Nobody in America is good enough to play her except Lost Soul and he only plays Elphelt anymore.
Heavy Attack destroys her shit. I think when I tested it with Haoh he could break her ass in like 3 really committed swings.
>hard as fuck character
>anime NA scene
there's your answer
How about japan? Last I heard sharon stil wasn't playing her
I'm from 2020.
Here's your season 2 dlc.
>Ruff Riders Anthem remix
Seriously, who is the guy behind those songs, he is a fucking madmen.
>get all the cool guys first
>get a bunch of babes later
I'm perfectly fine with this.
Get the fuck out of here, you uncultured swine.
Let's see 'em, Yea Forums.
It takes longer to load a match than to play it
Not counting the unskippable end of round shit
I also beat story doing nothing but fierce fireballs with ukyo
What a piece of garbage game
>Waifufag hates based 'quake and Hanzo
Absolute PLEB tier taste. You better pray I don't see you online or I will fart on you.
Reminder that one of SNK's staff is on RE with a noticeable SJW streak.
The problem with Xrd Baiken is that she is completely differet in term of gameplay design than her old version. It's like if your SF main is Dhalsim and his new version is a rushdown character.
SNK hires Americans now?
>don't feel comfortable using them means I hate them
>Samurai Kusodown
LMAO dead on arrival trash
I'd make one but I've literally only used Ruixiang and Earthquake so far.
They've been hiring Americans for decades. Even since the Neogeo days.
Yeah, there's at least three burgers with them:
-Their Community Manager
-One guy in charge of shaders
-That RestEra fucker
Reminder that the biggest Irohafag at SNK is American and he was talking about Shizuka feet porn.
It isn't free for Asia.
Damn, I played Umbrella Kid the most, and wanted Iroha. Guess they don't want my money.
That's true for damn near every returning character. Johnnyfags and Dizzyfags got gud and accepted their characters were different while Baikenfags and Jamfags bitched and moaned for buffs they still don't use.
I think your stick/controller is broke bro
stop jerking off with it or clean the balls once in a while
I'm mostly interested in Yoshitora and Shiki. I usually like ninja characters, but Galford and Hanzo aren't really clicking with me, maybe I'll change my mind though. I would have liked to play Yashamaru but he feels really limited. I wish they would have at least given him some command normals or something if they were only going to give him three special moves.
>Doesn't even know the name of his "main"
>Feels entitled to have him back
Embrace Dick
To be fair, his advancing Hard Slash might as well be a fourth special move. I couldn't believe it goes full screen. Galford's is nearly full screen too, but Yashamaru's goes all the way.
Just started playing SamSho V a few weeks ago. I'm not being "entitled", I'm just not a big fan of the series. I was thinking of picking this up and getting into the series more, but I'll just stick to emulating the other games instead of paying 60 bucks to have devs shun the fans with picks I don't care about. V is fun.
Dead kid n play lookin ass gay nigger lmaooo fuck white suburban kids
>currently learning
Tam Tam, Yashamaru and Yoshitora
I might try earthquake as well. Kyroshiro just lost so much what made him good and Tam Tam seems to have gained it for the most part.
>Just started playing the game
>Tries to speak for "the fans"
Basara and Rimururu were both top 5 in that Dengeki poll (which ran after the DLC was already decided) and Kazuki is the literal main character of SS4.
I'm playing kyoshiro because he's so expressive.
Fun game.
Fuck off
Wan-Fu is based
So this is like the SCV of Samurai Shodown? Decent gameplay, but with all the characters people like not included.
Are you implying Wan-fu doesn't have a phenomenal and toned ass?
What follows ups have people been able to get off of Haoh's throw?
I got f.B, B/C DP, or WFT
source on that Iroha pic?
I'm probably gonna try him tomorrow. Kinda reminds me of SC Yoshimitsu.
See Don't be stupid on purpose, user.
That's Warriors Rage back in 1999. Minus the decent gameplay.
The whole point of loving the old Baiken was her guard cancel moves and bakushit, fighting against Baiken is completely different in the old games than in Xrd because she is a different character unlike most of the old characters in Xrd.
>but with all the characters people secondaries loved
All the characters people like are in the base game.
Wan-Fu is only added for Chink pandering to appease their Chink overlords
Basara was in the top 5 before getting knocked off and Rimururu was fifth. Point is those characters aren't literal whos and they have plenty of people that like them. Wan Fu is the only literal who and that's probably exactly why they chose him.
No Iroha, no buy.
No because the majority of popular characters are back and no one has been replaced by a lesser kid. Waifushitters always moan but characters like Iroha, Cham Cham and Mina were bad in their respective games and never played much. They'd be nice to have but I prefer they focus on characters that actually got play
There are only a few notable missing characters like Shizu, Amakusa and Sogetsu. Another season and everyone I want would be back.
all the classic characters are in the base game
>but with all the characters people like not included
All the loved characters are in it.
We even have the stars of the other games with Yoshitora, Kazuki and Shiki.
Only waifubait like Mina, Iroha and ChamCham are not in it which is fucking great because it filter the waifufags.
HQ soundtrack where?
I'd love to have Gen-an and Amakusa as DLC so that the entire SS1 roster can be reunited.
Sure, just like only """waifufags""" wanted Sophitia, Cassandra, and Taki in SCV, right? Come on nigga.
It's so fucking good.
don't cry for me, i'm already dead
but I accept way more played characters should be in first
Taki is a franchise mainstay, Iroha is not. The Samsho equivalent to Taki would be Nakoruru or Charlotte, and they're both in the game.
>that post credit ending
Amakusa is on his way
Enjoy your $60 dead censored game, Snoyboy.
No because people played those characters and their replacements didn't please people. Taki and the sisters were the worst example you could have brought up
Sogetsu is garbage, dude. Fucking shit tier character. Bringing back only Kazuki is the right move.
I will. What are you gonna do about it, cry about the lack of tits on Yea Forums?
And what are your excuses for Mina and Shizumaru?
keep crying waifutard
Nah, just ignore the game and save money. I can just keep playing VSP.
He has been usable in the past, and would likely be reunited with Suija in some way.
Mina isn't a series mainstay either. Shizumaru got robbed though.
Reminder that the one shitposting the thread the most is a homo that hates Kula, post Kula that he will go berserk
>Only one of the characters mentioned is in VSP
Way to expose yourself as a secondary.
Kula a cute though
What went wrong?
>no amakusa
Fuck that then. He was the only reason I played.
>Waifufags bitching about "classic characters" like Wan-fu wasn't one of the OG cast from the first two games
Fuck out of here zoomers. You don't know shit.
You've got to get good at blocks and mixing up your approaches
Best thing is to walk your opponent into the corner and keep them there so you can bully them
Mina and Shizumaru are both in VSP you dumb fucking poser.
>Cham Cham
Shizumaru was not part of the conversation. Try again secondary.
>3 male dlc
Damn, were they hoping to sell this to fujos? They should have gone 2/2 at least, this is a disappointment no matter how you slice it.
He literally has been the entire time you stupid ass faggot. See .
The game takes place mostly in 18th-century Japan, so they consciously decided on no dual audio.
Man Basara looks cool, shame you have to be a cuck to play him. Not like us honourable Tam Tam mains
>Only waifubait like Mina, Iroha and ChamCham are not in it which is fucking great because it filter the waifufags.
That was the post you responded to. Shizumaru's name is nowhere to be found.
Stop trying to move the goalposts. You don't play Samsho and you never have. Fuck off to the DoA thread.
People who like edgy revenant man, explody knees naruto, and flying pillarman
Post your face when you're not a secondary waifufag
>mfw I got my main back and Minacucks didn't.
The game takes place before SamSho 1, so Amakusa isn't actually a thing yet.
SNK's biggest fanbase are the fujos
how the fuck do you deal with ruixiang
It's amazing how we haven't had any negative discussion about the game in this general for months but as soon as it's launch day we start getting retards from Yea Forums trying to start shit.
Amakusa's orb is in the post credit scene
>this is a disappointment no matter how you slice it.
Nah, I got my character back. I could give less of a fuck about your gay waifu shit. Dilate.
the one crying about snk hiring americans is a retard from /vg/
>street fighter fags
/fgg/ fags
>fags who need to try to instigate everything
take your pick
block and close the range against her, that's the universal rule vs zoners/trappers
That's how it always goes user. Just give it a few weeks and the rosterfags and waifushitters will find another game to throw a tantrum over and pretend they cared about.
SNK never does dubs, but yeah I would have liked one for this. At least Galford’s Engrish is great
After playing all morning, I think I like Yoshitora the most.
Oh yeah, this pass is free if you got the game early right? LOL, people got scammed by SNK putting the characters they wanted to make in the season pass instead of the obvious choice, which made waifufags buy the thing early expecting their iroha, SPECIALLY when they put ice loli as the 1st choice to BAIT them into a false sense of
>we are listening to you
Cant trust anyone these days i suppose
If you say so.
Enjoy your lad nigger, im waiting for the pc version anyway, but its still clearly an early adoption scam.
>Retards from Yea Forums
Did you get your tabs mixed up user?
No they were hoping to sell the game to fans, not people who just want to fap to new art.
There was an attempt to dub KOFXII, but it sounded weird as fuck.
No you fucking poser prick, I responded to , and have been pushing for Iroha, Mina, and Shizumaru all thread, no mentiom of Cham Cham from me. You are so fucking fake it hurts.
How is it a scam when you don't even need to own the game to download the season pass?
>4 of my most wanted including Wan-Fu who I didn’t think had a chance at all
Get fucked waifufaggot
>season pass is now free in burgerland too
>Waifufags trying to pass off SamSho's validity to waifubait as if it's fucking DoA
Season Pass Basara and Wan Fu which is exactly what the roster fucking needed. Keep seething.
Kazuki is my favorite character and I got him for free.
You can kys while waiting your Iroha now, faggot.
How long do we have to wait for more costumes. I really want either Earthquake in a stereotypical ninja costume with his gut hanging out or a Texan cowboy-type get up. Surfer Galford would also be cool. I’d also be cool with more retro costumes. They’re kinda fun
>Waifufags trying to push bullshit *******political******* stances because they were denied their waifubait character
I don't even think it's waifufags at this point, this stinks of /pol/shit if anything else considering the buzzwords and generic bland predictable DID YOU KNOW THEY HIRED *AMERICANS* attacks.
don't expect much, they didn't added many costumes in KoF XIV, only colors
We'll mod it in
That kinda sucks. I hope they realize there’s some money to be made there. I wish KoF had gotten more costumes but I guess it’s hard with so many characters. With a smaller roster maybe they could do some more fun stuff
>Classic Kyo
>Classic Iori
>98 Athena
>School Shun'ei
>Pajamas Meitenkun
>Uniform Nakoruru
>Dress Kula
>Slut Angel
>Red Riding Hood Sylvie
>Nightmare Geese
>implying those groups dont interconnect
I dont blame you for hating waifufags, but dont lie to yourself.
Maybe its my misconception but didnt you need to buy the game until today or something to get the season pass for free?
>implying you guys are any different from the waifufags
My character>your character
He's cool>She's hot
I was going to buy this game on the pc late anyway, i like snk and want to support them but dont have ps4, but this is, no matter what your bias is, a scam.
No. You can literally open up the store and download it without needing to own the game at all. It's that way until the end of the month.
compare that to the 50+ characters now
10 costumes is still not many when there’s like 50 something characters or whatever. So not even a quarter of the roster got a costume
>crying about the waifus not in game instead of enjoying the new ones
Is there a rip from the game at least?
>this is, no matter what your bias is, a scam
>season pass is free
are you brain damaged?
>was hoping the boss would be unlockable and playable like Amakusa or Gaoh
>finally fight Shizuka
>realize there’s no fucking way she would be playable without a major overhaul to her entire playstyle
Shit sucks because I really love her look and weapon with the magic fans.
Oh, then i dont see any issue with it at all, well outside of Irohafags having to hope for a season 2 to pay for their waifu lol.
Sorry for the misunderstanding.
I seem to have made a mistake, im sorry, it is in fact, not a scam at all.
Shizuka's no Mizuki, that's for sure. I loved getting my ass kicked by Mizuki in SS2, but Shizuka's just kind of a pain. Don't like enemies that don't react to getting hit.
in other news, Is it me or does hanzo's running hard slash cross up? Seems a bit "unfair".
Yeah theoretically you could grab the pass now and hold onto it until you get the game later.
They like it despite the graphics, not because of it.
Yes, Hanzo's running HS is a cross-up. He's the ninja, so of course he gets tricky moves like that.
Mizuki's laugh was in SSIV. They do that to connect the games together newfag
Speaking of Mizuki, she had a cameo in XIV as one of the souls inside Verse. Wonder if anything will come of that. Maybe next game?
Restart the console. This happens with some games on PS4.
lmao he never looked like that in game.
>Thinking this is the case when Shiki, the proto-Taimanin, is in the game
Iroha is a stupid and outlandish character that is seriously out of place in SamSho.
There's literally proof you stupid faggot
They are gonna add best boy in eventually, right?
This "proof" guy is a falseflagger right? I mean he's here for 3 hours, in a thread for a game he doesn't like
Have the devs said anything about fixing Nakoruru genuinely not working properly? If she disarms she literally breaks.
He keeps pulling a snippet from an interview Kuroki did saying Iroha isn't in the base game because she kinda clashes with the tone the game is going for, and that they might redesign her if she does come back because she has a LOT of fanservice.
I highly doubt that is an accurate translation and if it is it's incredibly stupid given the presence of characters like Shiki and Darli. I don't want Iroha in the game anyway. I love attractive female characters but not boring trash like Iroha. I'm actually elated to have Rimururu and Kazuki returning instead. Basara is obnoxious but at least he's unique.
Is it really the evil ethics committee on the prowl when they redesigned Charlotte to that?
It's basically a total admission that Western sensibilities have infiltrated SNK but for some reason Yea Forums is okay with it. Spineless.
Yoshi is fucking insane with how many options he has, plus his stupid fucking seventh sword.
That was fixed straight away. Just have to restart the game
And yet Iroha isn't even DLC. Plus, Charlotte shows some leg now, Shiki is back, and Darli and Wu are now a thing.
7th sword looks like a legit tool in this game and that scares me. Landing his 6 moves is much easier
Darli is the most obvious SJW pandering ever and you know it, come on.
I respect Shizumaru, that dude is the king of robbery. I like Mina but her gameplay is kind of hard to balance abd I can't see her coming back without an overhaul.
Reminder that Shiki almost didn't happen because Kuroki was going to add Caffeine Nicotine to the game and was only stopped because Oda said "we need another girl."
Yeah, I've heard a Team Spooky stream saying the seventh sword is easier to get now, though it's still not free.
Has anyone been playing online? I've been getting absolutely zero games so far and I don't think it's my internet that's the problem because I just checked to see if I could still get a match in Guilty Gear and I could. Is there really nobody playing on launch day, or is there just something up with the game's online right now?
>No Iroha
This game is honestly a waste.
What's pandering about a swarthy Caribbean woman in a bikini chugging booze by the barrel?
So every SS game that isn't 6 is a waste too because they don't have Iroha?
Man Daril seems like unga bunga
Do people just forget that 7 already has waifubait characters or is it just not waifubait enough?
Pirates are cool fagit
>it's a everyone dies in one combo or even one hit episode
You should leave this place and get some fresh air, it'll do you good user
She's not a pirate. She's a shipwright. She says as much herself.
I tried too but didn't get anybody while I was in Training.
My favorite kind of episode. Fuck Marvel and fuck anime.
Sailors are cool then
That's weird. I waited until the patch downloaded before I started the game.
>SJW pandering
You know that they where all mad at her clothes, right?
She's pretty naked, I don't think the type of people you're talking about would like that.
I'm pretty conservative and I like her a lot, for whatever that counts.
More like everyone is poking and crouching
>E-Honda, El Fuerte, and Decapre.
Unironically a based line up.
Wan-Fu as DLC?
Wasnt he only in the first 2 games? Even one of the fanservice waifus from V would be a better choice
I'm a Minafag but I'm not really upset by this season pass because I wasn't expecting her. She's a weird character and also fucking dead. There's probably no hope of her coming back but I'll make do with what I have.
>One of
You mean the one.
>Wasn't he only in the first 2 games?
No, he was in Tenka and Sen.
No one, especially competitive fags want her back
I'm not playing online, because I refuse to pay to play online anymore. Local multiplayer all the way.
Especially since Wu-Ruixiang is a much more accomplished hardcone zoner.
I am a competitivefag and I want her back. Having unique playstyles makes rosters more exciting. I don't care if they bring her back as a function in the form of some ugly old motherfucker either. I just wanna shoot arrows and die in one hit.
they people complaining dont play samurai shodown if they do nothing about jack off over a character from one of the worst games
>no Yunfei
I'm sad. I want my badass wuxia old man.
this too
Ruixiang plays nothing like Mina. Mina isn't a pure zoning character, she's more of a lockdown/trap character. Wu is neat, but I think I'll probably play Basara or Nakoruru to suit my glass cannon needs.
V literally only had Mina. SamSho historically is a male dominated series snd the few females it has had were super modest outside of Mina and Iroha. Even Mina is pretty tepid honestly.
>three projectile heights, and a ground trap
Samurai shodown? Pffft. More like ronin/rouge shodown. amirite?
Shiki is the glasscanon
Also Rera but she's just the same entity as bust Nakoruru, so not really a new character.
I mean, depending on when the poll was held it wouldn't be realistic to think the results would affect immediate S1 DLC if it was close to release. You wouldn't get the characters for a while and people would bitch like crazy.
I will call you katanafag
Why yes I do disconnect before every lose. How could you tell?
>And an anti-air pillar
>And a reflect/counter 2-in-1
I'd hardly call Rera waifu fanservice as she isn't very tittilating.
character design of the game and kof 14
>Not liking the Ainu
Do you hate fun
it's about time companies stopped sucking up to waifufags. you faggots don't even play the damn games and just want to jerk off.
Oh I thought you just meant female characters.
Who OW WOW WOW here?
if they dubbed the game galford would be saying shit like "SUGOI" and "SUBARASHII"
lmao dead game can't even beat Mortal Kombat 11's score even with day 1 hype.
Is this the first time he has been seriously good?
Warriors Rage was crap but had some decent characters like loli with big sword and Shiki's daughter
>Gave away the season pass for free even if you don't own the game
>Fixed the input delay to be the most responsive game on the market before it even came out
>Releasing the game on all platforms
>Makes a season pass with variety instead of bending the knee to waifushitters that won't play
>Also revealed the season pass contents day 1 so you know what you're buying
Absolutely FUCKING based
DBFz was funny because of this too.
Keflafags are still butthurt about the recent season pass.
Surely she'll be added in season pass 2.
I like SamSho more, but in all fairness MK11 is a better package and I wish we had the same netcode. I just really hate playing MK11
Anyone EU want to play
Days of Memories
Unironically this
>Still no crossplay
Blame Sony for refusing to allow crossplay on anything except Fortnite.
Where in EU?
Las Vegas
>Keflafags are still butthurt
Could you really blame them? How many Gokus is that game on? It's a damn sausage fest.
The most based in the fgc (at this particular point). Bar none. If they ever get their graphics into the top tier while keeping this up, they'll have a lot of success. 2020's gonna be interesting.
Adding her wouldn't really have much in terms of unique gameplay. Still waiting for Jellybean Demon.
Kefla is just Vegeto with a vagina
please spam their twitter to put ggpo in the game, if they fixed the input lag they can fix this too, capcom probably has the documentation in japanese
>can't even beat MK11
>83 vs 82
Also go back to /fgg/
just got my physical copy, there's no DLC code or anything in the case.
>No Iroha
>No Mina
>The first thing the artist for SamSho started working on was Nicotine Caffeine
>The Director told EPIC to fuck off
This game and team is based as fuck holy shit
The DLC is on the PSN/XBL store.
It's not that simple user.
Cute! CUTE!
Who knows, but he's definitely the scrub killer right now.
Read the OP
they'll be sorry later that they didn't took the waifubucks.
>designed Darli and Wu
>did a Galford and Nakoruru print
Holy fucking based
>Implying season 2 won't be all waifus
>Implying the retards throwing a fit now won't pony up
You really thought they'd give them away for free? Like he said. Based. As. Fuck.
You guys weren't going to play it anyways. I'm so glad they didn't listen to you people. DoA6 was a total trashfire and still is.
I'm sorry that you're gay user.
>DoA6 has less players on Steam than the asset dump waifu gacha game
Embarrassing. Do you really need more proof that waifushitters are fickle and don't play fighters? Just make a titty simulator game with Iroha so they can be pacified.
>Liking SNK games
>Not being gay or a fujo
Pick one
So I'm a giant newfag that just picked up Samsho 5 special recently and I like Sogetsu and Tam Tam so far. Should I try to play Kazuki or should I try Basara?
Well you won't get them until later this year but there's no harm in trying them. They're fun characters in their own right. Tam Tam is stupid good in 7 so far so I'd stick with him if you like him.
I'm gonna have to wait for 7 anyway since I don't have a ps4, so I'll just be playing 5 for now. It's a fun game though so I don't really mind.
Oh in that case sure, play with them. Who knows how they're going to change when they come to 7, but that's part of the excitement IMO.