Why do you hate this game? It was fun.
Why do you hate this game? It was fun
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It was bad.
It's kino
i don't play first person games in general
Yeah that ghost boss fight was really fun
I thoroughly enjoy it. It's one of my top games of all time, so comfy, fun and has lots of room for experimental gameplay. I especially liked clash in the clouds DLC.
It is in my top 3 most played games on steam, I have played and completed it on 360, ps3 and ps4.
Also the ending always gets me in the feeels, mainly because I'm a sucker for self sacrifice for the greater good.
The story and dialogue is insulting. The game treats you like an idiot whenever it presents a “puzzle” and even those are limited compared to previous entries. It’s “fun” if you have low standards but the gunplay and abilities are worse than bioshock 1. It’s only saving grace is the art direction and setting but even that gets old because of the extremely basic level design.
I dont hate it but its a huge step down from previous shock games. I enjoyed it, but it could have been ALOT better.
Gameplay was worse than 2's
The story was a convoluted mess
The story was trash, but I'm just going to gloss over that because it's already what most people focus on. I just want to talk about the game itself.
...Which was insultingly awful. It's just a braindead CoD-tier shooting gallery game. Run down hall to large area, bunch of enemies rush out and try to kill you, shoot them, move on through the next hall to the next large area with another shooting gallery as of enemies rushing you again, rinse and repeat.
Columbia could've been a really compelling location as well, but they pissed that away by making it nothing more than a backdrop for this linear shooting gallery fuckfest. It wasn't like Bioshock or System Shock where the areas actually felt like they could be real places in the setting, and you were lurking around with enemies roaming the locations as well. It was all just incredibly generic.
the gameplay was very mediocre but I stayed for the story which was above average to quite good. Still better than most games in the past 10 years imo.
I did not find it fun at all, though.
it's a guilty pleasure game for me. I really like the art style and the gunplay for some reason. The story gets 2deep4u at the end and I think thats why people hate it so much. There are some weird design choices though like the "puzzles"
You motherfucker that fight was a pain in the ass, i can only inflict serious damage using the shotgun but it didn't had much ammo.
It's boring. I did a playthrough ages ago but I can't replay it.
The story treats the player like a dunce because, guess what, it was written by a dunce.
Classic example of "It's a good game, but not a good [X] game"
>bulletsponge enemies
>only 2 guns
>no shock+hack its now 1 plasmid
>you cant damage possesed/hacked enemies until it runs out
>less enemy types
worst ending in all vidya
>CoD gameplay
>Superior beta
>Shit bosses
Great setting, but revoltingly dumbed down gamplay. I'd gladly take another game in Columbia if they made the stages similar to the old games, where you can explore the areas at your heart's desire instead of having a single way to do it.
Guns and vigors were mostly cool, but Songbird is the definition of wasted potential. Elizabeth makes the game a little more enjoyable though.
>2010 E3 demo
What happened?
>only 2 guns allowed
>special enemies featured prominently in advertising don’t show up very often so it’s almost always just regular soldiers you’re fighting
>Plasmids/Vigors that weren’t Undertow somehow don’t feel as fun to use
>those upgrade bottle things that were found in scavenger hunts felt inferior to just scrounging up the money and ADAM needed for an upgrade and shopping on your own time in previous games
those are my reasons anyways. also Elizabeth was annoying
Boring. Gunplay is bland and basically comes down to blasting people with shotguns or revolvers up close or plinking from afar, abilities sucked since like half of them are some sort of “stun” ability, 2 weapon limit was too restrictive for no reason, and the equipment system was laughably bad and unbalanced.
The Dude you were the bad guy the whole time twist was so fucking stupidly done. I swear they ruined the first bioshock game with the stupid theres always a lighthouse shit
the jump scare scared the shit out of me, but it wasnt a good game
Adding to that, I’m pretty sure I’d like the game more if they nerfed the health of Firemen and those Krow Klux Klan guys but made them more common to up the flow of combat, I remember how just hanging back and taking cover was one of the optimal ways to play because you didn’t have things like Houdini, Spider and Nitro Splicers to keep you on alert and ready to dodge. You kind of had Nitro-like enemies with the soldiers holding grenade launchers in heavy armor, but they were laughably easy because you can just Possess them, let them blow some people up, and them watch them commit suicide, this removing any ammo or effort on your part
I wouldn’t touch the Handymen and Patriots though, they were bullet sponges that were better off a side mini bosses than enemies in every second room
damn that looks good
It also had horror elelments but next trailer looked completly diffrent