>it's still there
It's still there
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Who knew Valve was so based?
what this means is that there are Valve employees in the /pol/ circles
I don't get it.
What am I looking at?
God the fucking steam app sucks so bad.
The primary reason I use it is to message people and all that happens is a bunch of dumb buggy shit like messages not sending, chat constantly going offline, double messages, etc.
>app looks that fucking polished on iOS
>it's a fucking piece of shit on android
why the fuck
I see that same avatar in a lot of places. Used as a reaction image often even.
What's so special about it?
shit app for a shit OS
>steam chat mobile sucks so fucking much they abandoned updating it in favour of just making a new fucking steam chat app
>so now we have two fucking steam chat apps
He kills niggers
Who's Matt?
This is what an ex-employee had to say.
>Libertarian to the extreme - unwilling to even agree on matching basic humanitarian charity contributions, lots of “both sides” arguments in debates about online behavior. Being a jerk or worse to your coworkers is largely tolerated because the leadership does not place any value on “being nice”.
Have you played his mod yet, Yea Forums?
cringe, but it is less cringe than MSM shit nowadays and this is the real shame.
Holy fuck. Is there a more based company? I love how these butthurt assholes make it sound like you could get away with rape or murder if a company doesn't burn people at the stake for not forcing their employees into being total ass kissers.
moonman was a popular macdonalds mascot you zoomer goobers
but in all seriousness, he's a mcdonalds, or was, mascot
cope harder
/pol/ icon that raps about killing niggers.
Was so based that YouTube deleted him off several times and even McDonald's has acknowledged him.
>t. zoomer
>And I just love your racist ways
>I guess that's why their mom is black and you're so great
I'm ESL, can someone explain what this is trying to say
Jesus christ, that sounds fucking awesome.
I wish all companies were this hands-off, tired of all this dumbfuck political shitflinging from fucking megaconglomerates as if I give a fuck about PepsiCo's opinion on trans rights.
Let retarded millennial fucktards worry about that shit.
This is what (((epic))) is trying to destroy.
I'm so glad these guys are the leaders of PC games distribution.
No wonder SJWs are all pro-EGS, they hate that Valve isn't full of utter retards like every other major tech company.
Here's hoping they increase their presence in Asian countries like Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand, Japan, and Indonesia.
At least then we won't have to rely on retarded white people not fucking them over and ruining PC gaming with their stupidity.
Why would a major corporation care at all about your retarded /pol/ meme
>Holy fuck. Is there a more based company?
Yeah. A company that actually gets shit done rather than letting their employees do whatever the fuck they want - leaving to new features being released unfinished, tons of features being abandoned, and flops like Artifact and Dota Underlords. Oh yeah, Steam Machines too. At least the Controller and Index has their VERY SMALL niche.
Keep fellating Valve though. The only thing they do right now is keep Steam running.
can someone post the moonman rap i haven't heard it in awhile
>ruins their chat to the point you can't even post links to people
>ruins trading because they're unwilling to rangeban Russians and Gooks
>ruins anything about their platform by laziness and complacency
At least they appeal to our political identities, hmm yes based.
>libertarian company with infinite resources
>doesn't fucking do anything except push out a shitty game once a decade because it seems profitable
>The only thing they do right now is keep Steam running.
In other words they stick to doing what works instead of making new, worse shit that sucks like Microsoft, Google, Amazon, etc. etc.
If only Microsoft would have just kept re-releasing Windows 7 with slight updates instead of turning Windows into a shitty mobile OS.
Companies need to realize that I don't want their new fucking trash, just refine what already works instead of trying to re-invent the wheel and make it worse.
Now if only Valve still made games.
>being this much of a fucking new underage faggot
McDonald's itself started taking down moonman from their restaurants because of the meme.
valve, hire this man
from this post, which will end with the number 7
matt has some shit tier taste
The Steamlink app is actually awesome too. Runs like a beauty on my ipad. Can jusy lay in bed playing Steam games with a surprisingly low latency and clean 60fps.
In fact, I wish they would have kept their friends system the same instead of trying to copy Discord's trashy system.
Existed long before /pol/
This makes me love them even more
Have you heard of something called Steam?
Zoomer, Zoomer cant you see? Moonman looking at thee
How do you it's moonman and not Mac Tonight?
What was the last time they released a significant improvement to Steam, as opposed to doing the bare minimum of maintenance and milking it for cash?
yes, the storefront where they let anyone publish absolute garbage or outright malware?
I mean, it makes sense, PC is an open platform and therefore is libertarian by its very nature.
Let consolecucks deal with all that authoritarian shit.
They're constantly improving it.
I have never gotten garbage or malware.
In other words, an open market.
PC is open because of companies that keep it open, that will end as soon as thought-control political companies like Google and Facebook have their way.
That is such a non-answer. I asked for a concrete example, when was the last time they shipped a significant new feature?
And yet gabe refuses to do anything about the arbitrary porn bans.
>constantly improving it
substantiate anytime
They also called a tranny that worked there an “it” if I can remember
>rapping about killing niggers
Shouldn't he be writing classical compositions or something?
The hardware or app? Or both?
Mmm no, PC is open because anyone can run their own distro or contribute to a currently-available distro.
That's never going to go away because the nature of PC hardware means that there are always going to be people who need an OS that performs a specific task.
PC is not Windows, it is not MacOS, it is not Linux, it is not Android, it's all of them.
The thing is they DON'T just let their employees do whatever, bonuses are tied to weird shit, and the heads of departments aren't allowed to hire people for specific jobs because it doesn't fit "muh ethos"
Which means they had millions of dollars worth of machining equipment and no one that could use it.
you just need the app to stream from PC to phone or iPad
>celebrating actual culture
culture is a thing they try to wave over the heads of others while they indulge in whitoid degeneracy like "rapping about killing niggers" which is funny since "rapping about killing niggers" is what the nigs already do.
in fact im not quite sure what Steam Link even does. You can even stream from your PC to a TV using the app. Guess Steam Link can serve as a relay point?
>every retarded thing I didn't follow because it has fuck-all to do with anything means I'm a zoomer
You know you're allowed to ignore things that are not interesting, don't you? You don't have to soak up literally every piece of "culture" like a sponge
>the nature of PC hardware
PC hardware is not natural, it's manufactured by companies.
We see shilling against PC every single day despite it still being bigger than all consoles combined, you are mistaken if you think it being open is an unmoving constant that no one can change, erosion of freedom and user rights happens every year and it will keep happening until traditional PCs are irrelevant and obscure.
Just the app, which is free.
Incidentally, I also have the hardware which was also damn near free. I find the app is more convenient.
Not really, it’s just nonsense, written that way to fit in with the cadence/tempo of the original song
Fuck I hate all these newniggers.
Moonman is prime /n/ or old-Yea Forums material, it's not some dumb shit about "M-MUH WHITE RACE" or similar shit, it's people having fun laughing at niggers.
Sounds really fucking stupid honestly.
>what is google
Learn to figure out things for yourself.
The app superseded the hardware, they discontinued it a while ago.
Mac Tonight is not your character, virgins.
Ah, interesting, thank you. I guess the hardware is ded now?
Nah don’t be fooled, it’s fucking terrible on iOS
I think it's implying that black girls are secretly attracted to Moonman
It also required people to actually make something, the modern equivalent would be Yea Forums musicals like this:
When was it? 34 here and never heard of it. Froglet if that matters.
Poster here, apparently they discontinued this console and are just working on the apo alone.
Actually, I take that back, that song has way more effort put into it than pretty much any moonman song did.
Mainly because the person who made it can actually sing.
wow imagine getting an erection at work from all the bullying haha wouldn't that be weird? lool....
vale is still the epitome of based.
None of those things are true, fuck off chink
hm. i like your thinking. now can we proceed to kill all the niggers since there are garbage ones?
you can really tell someone's political allignment from whether or not they hate steam nowadays
They probably argue who the best dota 2 waifu is.
I fucking LOVE Valve.
Pretty much.
Anyone who's against an open market is a fucking retard and their opinion doesn't matter.
And their mainly consoleniggers, which is ironic considering they're the same ones whining about the companies they support trying to get rid of ownership by pushing streaming.
Good bye, moonman.
Good bye, moonman.
Good bye, moonman.
You know that you don't have to explain yourself to a random stranger on the internet right? You sound weak
some people mostly underage just can't get over it even when they post anonymously with fucking nobodies