Other urls found in this thread:
>Starcraft 2 is dead
Lol no
I can tell something is bullshit by how hard Yea Forums tries to peddle it.
>larp thread
>posting a screenshot
At least take one more step and post the fucking pasta you mong
Why do i have Classic in my launcher when i never EVER had a sub?
>tfw it turns out to be real
>tfw you are so much a boomer that you only got into first diablo and some warcraft 2
Boy do i love not being dissapointed by not having my hopes up
Not even any reforged info.
Fuck your gay Blizzard thread, I'm dumping chinman
>Worse RTS than Red Alert
>Worse MMO than FF
>Worse shooter than TF2
Never knew what people saw in this shit company in the first place
>that user posting his shit thread again
mods, range this nigger please
>Hearthstone - Userdrop off is staggering. No Blizzard game in history has fallen off this fast or this far
Look how bad this trailer is and tell me this isn't accurate
>Tracer romancing Widowmaker
I don't habeeb it
>that overwatch shit
you tried too hard. Too, too hard.
If you had just posted the first part about the studio being in disaster mode, it would be totally believable. But absolutely nothing about the specific games is believable at all.
This isn't even a good fake, why are people even replying to this stupid thread?
Honestly can't wait for it turn out true so we can screencap all the retards in that thread who didn't believe this guy
The only thing I could think of the entire time
>Tracer starts fucking Widowmaker
This is the only reason I want this to be real
>higher-ups view consumers as a necessary evil and don't really care what they think
This sounds like it was written by a high school student.
This is really well done fanfiction and all but I'm not sure why we all have to pretend it's real.
Honestly its half believable because THERE IS STILL NO MENTION OF OMNIC LORE.
Surely you can at least appreciate the effort. That user clearly spent a good few hours putting it together, the least we can do is spread it so more people can see his hard work.
>Consumers opinions mean nothing
>Yet they can influence shareholders, which directly influence game publishers
So business as usual? Keep bitching about bad concepts in games.
Saying that WoW has less than a million subscribers ruined the LARP. I get that it's fun to pretend it's dead and all but that's ridiculously low.
I could buy three million maybe but he took it too far. If it could keep six million throughout WoD then it's not gonna fall to less than one million because of BfA, especially not when the success of Legion brought a decent amount of players back.
Also lol at him saying mentioning XIV is banned in the office because of this. That's just straight up fanfiction writing there.
The same reason I have WC3 and I haven't bought it
All the games available show up, whether you own them or not
>D4 is Borderlands with a Diablo skin
Oh god I wash this were true just to see the absolute shit-cyclone this would cause.
>All the fag shills from /vg/ and /wowg/ doing damage control in the thread
Corporations aren't your friends, imagine giving Actiblizzard your money in 2019
>Diablo was a good guy all along
RL Illuminati endgame confirmed.
why does this fake leak keep being posted?
>blizz sending out e-mails for free game time and a BFA trial to people that starts when Shadowbringers releases
They're really shitting their pants, aren't they?
>he doesn't know
This is so stupid it can't be anything but 100% true.
>"Technomancer" that brings the dead to life using nanites
>Her Ult brings back dead players as bots to attack their own team
That sounds kinda cool, desu
WTF blizzbros how could this happen? i thought get woke go broke wasnt real. dont you have mobile phones!?
>believing stories posted on Yea Forums
I thought you schmucks learned after the Grinch. Then again, I guess Yea Forums has always been full of naive underage retards.
I believe it.
im 29
Based chinman poster.
Oh yeah I forgot some random addon maker said some ridiculous number and then admitted it was bullshit the next day. He also said it WAY too early in the expansion for it to even be believable that any real number of players would have quit yet because of it.
We're really supposed to believe like 90% of the playerbase, which mostly continued to stay subbed through all of Cata and Wod, quit in the first two months of BfA. That sure does sound believable.
This shit is fake as fuck
>screencapping a larp and actually believing it
Sorry, I should have said naive underage bans and retards (you).
Dark version for my eyes
>pokemon leak ON Yea Forums was confirmed
yeah keep dreaming blizzcuck
It was already unbelievable but the "Classic devs look like the happiest devs" was when any semblance of illusion broke.
Is it true? Probably but in context of everything else, it is the perfect "Yea Forums approved" scenario.
It was deliberately crafted because Yea Forums likes classic and such would play to their taste.
Ion Hazzikostas called me into his office yesterday and then proceeded to beat the shit out of me because I installed the free trial of XIV to try it out. He screamed "HOW DARE YOU TRY PLAYING THE SUPERIOR, AMAZING GAME THAT IS XIV INSTEAD OF THE GARBAGE THAT WE, ACTIVISION BLIZZARD, SHIT OUT! YOU'RE LUCKY I DON'T MURDER YOUR WHOLE FAMILY!!!" and then he shit on the floor, picked it up with his hands and smeared "I love watching black men fuck my wife" on the wall with his own excrement.
This is modern Blizzard.
Impeccable logic.
>head WoD and legion retail wow dev plays wow on a FUCKING TABLET
You know this shit is true
Are you kidding? Classic is gonna be a shitstorm.
>axe entire starcraft project because a starcraft warchest skins dlc sells poorly
lmao this is complete bs i swear Yea Forums gets dumber
He used it as a mouse. Still dumb but mouse controls are generally not what people complain about when it comes to WoW.
WoW had 1.7M last fall and I doubt people have subscribed since then. Considering last fall I and my guild were still playing and now all of us are unsubbed, anecdotal evidence suggests fewer people are playing.
Did it now? Are you sure about that?
Bros, this can't be happening. I hate to say it but will Classic bulls save us?
You forgot to include the part where that same person admitted it was inaccurate a day or two later. They THOUGHT that it was revealing sub numbers but it wasn't.
>Starcraft RTS is dead
>Blizzard North-esque Diablo is definitively gone forever
>World of warcraft classic is the last hope (Of which they are fucking up excessively with layering alone)
I don't think there is anything left really. The remasters are nice and all but all new content is mobile game tier.
I used to fantasize about going to Blizzcon as a kid and now that I am 28 all I think about is how much of a parasite Activision is.
The demise of Blizzard started in 2007 and slowly ate away all talent in the company throughout the years. They used to be my favourite developers in the world (and arguably their old games are still the best of all time) but now I only think about them in a negative light.
this is embarrassing
The XIV thing is true. WoW staff members were talking too much about FFXIV and it brought toxicity within the workplace so they banned discussion of it.
>eight hour maintenance for a fucking raid patch
>right in the middle of the day
>aren't even getting the raid
kill yourselves blizzard shills
It's almost certainly fake but I'm saving it anyways because if it's true I'll be hilarious
All according to keikaku.
Did you idiots learn nothing from the Grinch 'leak'?
>no talk about warcraft 3 reforged
We don't even get the raid???
Just be aware that it makes multiple predictions that are either already known or thought to be incredibly likely. They did their research and included quite a few things that people will point to as "proof" that it's legit in future.
A Blizzard attorney will make a man say anything.
what is going on at blizzard
nope, that's a second patch later
>that cosplayer on the right with the big fat tits
Fuck. Moar
That's not the actual cinematic though. You're posting some random side-trailer for a specific part of the expansion.
Kind of like the guy who was raped by George Takei who later said it was a joke after being paid under the table right? Yeah...
>that rating
holy shit, is the only blizzard game not shitting the bed overwatch?
>implying it isn’t true tho
Customers are just cows that you milk for money and not much else. Their happiness and even shit like safety are only concerns because of legal or PR reasons.
What the hell? Previous expansion cinematics looked great.
>it took just one man to cause this
Why isn't WoW on consoles yet? Don't you have less buttons to press than FFXIV?
That starcraft game sounded interesting asides from the whole pay-to-win overload part
>saving anything
I'm sorry to have to tell you this bro but...
You misleading motherfucker. You can literally click on the channel and see the actual cinematic for the expansion.
this one had cinematic too. Look at older videos.
Its just a quick peek at what heroes you can play as.
for three more days, then ffxiv is getting its pruning
thats pretty sad
There was a frontier leak about jurassic world evolution, planet coaster and elite dangerous (idk the name) dlc + planet zoo and jurassic world evo 2.
Leak was made in mid april and hasn’t been wrong since with up to the jurassic dlc last week.
no no no you see that once he had a nice chat with blizzard's lawyers and all the raging fans threatening to find and kick his shit in he just suddenly had the realization that it was fake!
>Tracer romancing Widowmaker
I actually like these kind of reads but to make them work you have to try hard making them believable, things like Tracer and Widow romance made me stopped reading instantly, you gotta refine your work.
but that still makes FFXIV have more buttons and higher APM requirements.
Blizzard is in leagues with those other kikes like at google
Why the fuck would you believe they would change?
>reaper is gay
Why the fuck do companies keep doing this shit?
>all of these actiblizzard apologists
what the hell
Most specs in WoW have less than five abilities now(including passives) so I doubt the XIV situation will be anywhere near as bad.
>Screencapping your own posts
/p/ is the one to the left nowadays, grandpa
What do you mean? The trailer for the latest expansion has an extremely positive like/dislike ratio.
Thats the one change I'd be doubtful of. Since Reaper has been shown to have a family already.
>Diablo 4
>It's a first person game
Stop posting your mentally ill fanfiction you worthless degenerate tranny faggot. go beg attention from someone else
It's not that unbelievable considering how OW just turns people gay and shit at random
She's cosplaying literal Boob Plate, so that may be a case of false advertising.
Im glad Bungie was able to make a clean break away. Actually looking forward to playing Destiny 2 this year on Steam
they have a literal addiction
it's just a meme, the classes get pruned every expansion because we get new abilities every expansion.
free advertising
>76’s play rate dropped by over 50% after his gayness was announced
Irrelevant to diversity quota whales that demand this shit.
Shame too, Reaper was my fav character in the short time I played. The teleporting felt nice.
imagine believing anything on Yea Forums
That's probably one of the more believable comments on the whole thing. Most gaming companies now days make their money on shit like lootboxes, frivolous cosmetics, ect. So I can easily see a company owned by Activision completely getting rid of a game because the loot boxes didn't bring in money.
I would agree with you but they turned soldier 76 gay out of nowhere.
Wait, hasn't Blizzard been firing an absolute ton of the Esports people and cancelling most of the Esports shit in general? Those posts make it sound like they're still going full steam ahead.
Did he start writing it before the news broke and forgot to update it?
People hate Blizzard so much that they will vehemently believe this is real so they can bitch about it, and then bitch at Blizzard when this ISN'T real
We also get layers for the expansion but unlike classic ours actually get removed a few weeks after launch
Enjoy all the microtransactions and loot boxes I guess. What, did you know those were entirely Bungie's idea?
Why is everyone ignoring this leak that happened in this very thread? Working for Blizzard sounds like hell...
I mean there is 90% chance this is real. The API leak was also real.
Channels, not layers, you can pick one and stay in it.
not for another 3 weeks
>jurassic world evo 2
Please no. I enjoyed that game immensely. But the DLC's are apparently kinda worthless and people just want more dinosaurs. I want Planet Zoo so much since there is no Zoo Tycoon 3.
holy fucking shit
no no no, you just have to re-repay for re-recycled content. Actiblizzcucks are your friends user
>People still post this bullshit leak full of baby's first political triggers and vague well known shit like "t-this game isn't doing so well guise so the team is sad"
>The API leak was also real
what's funny is that it was during an especially bad content drought with little to no communication with blizz. They were just flat out ignoring the entire playerbase. They could have ignored the API and patched it but instead they flipped their shit. Like actual lawyers reaching out to him demanding he delete his tweets and threatening him.
It doesn't matter if it's real or not, Blizzard should be shat on at all costs. They are our enemy.
you dont understand. old blizz would never allow something like that to be published. they were all about quality and polish.
this video is absolutely embarrassing
>They were just flat out ignoring the entire playerbase.
>people saying they'd kill devs because of lore
I don't blame them
You don't have to give a serious response to bait posts
didn't the ticket for blizzcon monitor their activity on their phone and sell it and those faggots STILL fucking bought it?
playing bad games > playing no games
t. larper that never even played warcraft 3
maybe they shouldn't hire panies for their community managers?
>Blizzard is in leagues with those other kikes like at google
and here we have a natural retard in the wild, careful they spook and get offended very easily!
Lol look at this faggots trying to cope with reality
Playing good games > playing bad games > playing no games > playing anything from activision blizzard
Oh shit, source me on that. Hilarious if true.
>It's not believable because it's got obvious things we know about in it
First post best post
All of this reads like something anybody with a minor knowledge of video games could put up.
>Ah well, what do I know? Oh, I know, pointless sequels to games that don't need it. Good one. Okay, what doesn't Yea Forums like? Okay, gays. We know Tracer is gay, so lets fanfic it with Widowmaker. And some other character is gay lol.
>What else? Well Diablo 4 is probably being made. Should I say it's gonna be an MMO like all the East Asian MMO's that are Diablo clones? Nah, I'll go full retard and say it's the first 'fantasy schlooter' despite the fact Vermintide and Vermintide 2 exist which cover that and Borderlands is schlooter as well.
I still want someone to break that Sylvana's fanboy's legs as well as Christie Golden with her plot armor Anduin 'son'
retards on Yea Forums actually shilled for battlefield v, mvc infinite, andromeda, hzd, anthem, gow, dmcdmc and a host of other kusoge over the years
What about classic?
Why would layering even matter for FFXIV? Outdoor zones outside of Fate trains and hunt are completely dead, there's a loading screen every 10 meter, and outside of main storyline you can sit in capital city 24/7 and queue for everything, do 90%+ of the content without ever befriending a single person just through automated matchmaker. And now they've even added the ability to move between servers completely freely, with the only exception not being able to sell stuff on other servers' marketplaces.
t. mad blizz shill
sounds like the only info about the classic team was that their shareholders are going to give the reins to whoever makes more money
retail vs classic
Oh shut the fuck up, its so obvious this was made to farm (you)s on fucking Yea Forums.
Blizzard is absolutely in the shitter right now, and this Blizzcon is gonna be a pivotal one for if the company sinks or swims, but you cant tell me reading shit like "We get in trouble if we talk about Final Fantasy, wahhhh people are mad the Classic team is happy" isnt made for (You) farming. This shit is strict confirmation bias for retards who want something to point at and validate their doomsaying and shitposting.
Again, if this Blizzcon goes poorly, Blizzard might very well go tits up, but buying into random pandering leaks is just braindead
>implying this is better
Dude it looks like a shitty Saturday morning cartoon
The phone this message was typed on has FGO installed.
I only believe it because of how hard Overwatch has single-handedly tried to cater to the SJW crowd. Even games made by SJWs don't pander this hard.
Now is the time to try Warcraft 3
Why would layering even matter for classic? Nobody is going to play that garbage anyway
Oh no, a few homos play a game.
I guess I literally cannot enjoy it now.
OK thanks I missed that the first time
Just like WoW!
>All that stuff wowhead say a month ago
>That but with Yea Forums triggers.
>A bunch of villains coming together for a heist looks and sounds like a Saturday morning cartoon
Six months from now, after the initial hype dies out and Classic loses 90% of the playerbase, the game will still have more players than every single other MMO on the market (BfA included) put together. Can't wait for all the tears.
It's really not that much better though in retrospect.
I actually want for WOW to get scrapped because it has character I am ttached to and who I don't want to get killed so I would rather prefer the whole world of warcraft gets to put down instead.
That would be better than witness current story anyway.
I know Christie Golden or other writers don't read Yea Forums as it has too many negativity but in any case I want them to know that their stprytelling as well as how they approach character development sucks.
Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence?
Was that supposed to be better?
>Game involves siding with the demons as, after a millennia of peace, the angels are now an authoritarian, all controlling regime who once again want to purge sanctuary.
>They tagline being workshopped is “Let out your inner demons” as the ‘ult’ mechanic from overwatch is basically a demonic themed power up for each character
>The final boss is a holy/light infused angel Diablo called Diabael Primus. I hope to god the name changes
>Ending cutscene shows all 4 games have been a set up, Diablo was a good guy all along finding the strongest nephelim to prepare for an invasion from “The Void”.
I HOPE TO GOD THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENS. Diablo was dead to me anyway after they eliminated Blizz North and released the garbage that was D3, but this would just be the absolute most hilarious frosting on the shit cake. So bad it'd actually at least provide real entertainment.
I'm glad to have that whole thread saved, because it mixed near future and multi-year stuff so we'll get to see whether it was all made up fairly soon. If a bunch checks out it'll be a wild ride until 2021.
Which is funny considering how much homofurry and futa porn WoW has.
LMAO seething anti-XIVers what else you got in your XIV is gay folder?
Their storytelling used to be fine but Golden was a fanfiction writer who got put on the dev team. Who the fuck lets that happen?
When you beat the baddie angel at the end of Reaper of Souls you're so powerful that Tyrael starts shitting his pants just by looking at the raw power emanating from you. If anyone except demons ends up being the baddie of Diablo 4, it will be the Diablo 3 protagonist.
IF this is an unofficial float for Pride that's fine, whatever. If this is an official float for Square-Enix, however, they can go fuck themselves.
Bombs and Mogs are not meant to mate.
it's part of the reason they throw the tranny thing around so much. Literally haven't seen a single fucking tranny in game. They are like 0.01% of the population which means MAYBE there's one on your server.
You are right. The 2016 newfags are the most recent ones and there is always backlash against the board newfags use first
>We get in trouble if we talk about Final Fantasy
The same thing happened with Bioware when they developed Anthem, they couldn't mention Destiny
>wahhhh people are mad the Classic team is happy
Resentment towards people that are the only ones not working on a sinking ship doesn't sound that weird. Atleast the classic devs can have some hope.
And you even say yourself that the company is in the shitter and it all hangs on the next Blizzcon thus giving some validation to the doomposting
Christie Golden was always shit even Knaak is better.
ha ha
There was one in my elysium guild and they just didn't use a mic so there was no drama or erp at all.
>Bombs and Mogs are not meant to mate.
The lore is being rewritten
Stop hurting yourself
Diablo is dead and rotting, Blizzard just won't bury it
what did this fucking retard mean by this
Golden is fine, it's the subversive writing team making an expansion meant to piss the players off (Sylvanas is meant to be untouchable and aggravating until the end so that people want her to be gone for example)
A very nice larp. Saving for later just in case it isn't though
Bro if Classic loses 90% of the 1500 players they're starting with you're going to be left with basically nothing. Do you even math?
there's nothing in wc3 that's even remotely this bad.
>Bombs and Mogs are not meant to mate.
>he doesn't know
Moogles touch eachothers poms all the time
wow i had missed that. pretty bad. didn't wanna pay for little green bag song so they make a shitty ripoff of it.
You lost me at D4 is first person. Blizzard is getting ran into the ground by retards right now, but they aren't even that stupid as to make D4 into a first person game. Especially after the backlash of Immortal. In b4 "yes they are." No, I have no faith in humanity and yet I can safely say there is no way they are that retarded.
>posting wc3 - phone graphics edition
Wow I can actually see some blizzact manager thinking this was the most clever thing ever
>Well guys we've done lots of CORRUPTION story lines how can we freshen things up?
>Wait I've got it.
>Diablo gets REVERSE CORRUPTED by the angels into THE MAN
>I'm like william shookspar
I believe it. mfw
>10 grand
What did he do, misgender someone?
>The lore is being rewritten
If history must be unwritten let it be unwritten
Dude, you're supposed to wait until September to start raging incoherently about not being able to raid because half of your static quit and there's not enough people on your server to play with, it's not healthy to cry about a game killing your game before it even kills it, you still have two months to enjoy it before it dies, so at least look forward to that.
it's the same? models floating around on screen with little animation. idc either way but don't pretend that's any better
Go read the Arthas novel if yout think Golden is fine, she sucks.
Wow the overwatch lore sounds cringe as shit.
I think he's the OK sign dude, might be wrong though
It'll happen due to Blizzard wanting to ride on Borderlands 3's coattails
Did you play it?
Considering that if this were real it would negatively affect stock prices I'm going to go ahead and believe it.
What the fuck man I didn't want to believe OP, but it's hard not to believe him either
Only first mission of the bonus orc campaign was available at launch because they didn't have time to finish it before the launch and patched it in later on. Arthas vs. Illidan """cinematic""".
The Overwatch 2 section is so blatantly obviously fake if you’ve ever listened to even one of Jeff Kaplan’s interviews about the development and intention of Overwatch.
No one except people who never played Overwatch cares why teams can mix and match heroes and villains, the team openly states the actual in game matches aren’t canon and game balance does not reflect lore at all, and as for character designs and age difference it’s all just rule of cool. McCree is designed almost 1 to 1 off a piece of concept art for Starcraft 2 they had laying around, Soldier 76 is from a crayon drawing Metzen made when he was 10 years old. They don’t need to panic to try and explain why McCree’s age is all over the place because no one except actual autism spectrum disorder people on Yea Forums give a shit
This isn’t me defending blizzard or Overwatch, mind you, just calling out blatant complaining disguised as ‘source: dude trust me’ for what it is
>after a milennia of peace
Niggas you mean to tell me that after 1000 years the world of Diablo, a world of magic and wonders, is still going to look like a fantasy world?
Get the fuck outta here
Holy man bad.
We won't be even able to kill Sylvanas for good. That is what the worst.
Even if we kill her in the raid she still has one more resurrection so she will just get back to lifewill say something mean and fuck off to somewhere where we can't get her.
I hate this about modern Blizzard.
Also Golden is not fine. Her fucking Anudin who is a Messiah behing Plot armor levels that have not bees seen before.
Have you saw that image from their office with the blackboard on which there is a signature -
Christie Golden's to Kill list.
That list had every major character of current expansion including Anduin but his name was circled and added 'sparred' to it.
Fuck Blizzard, Fuck Golden and Fuck that fat piece of shit Nathanos self insert.
I am mad as fuck yes. Because I grew up on Warcraft and I am not fine with how they change it because some female writer wants to push agenda she likes though stroty.
Keep this shit away from a fantasy game for fucks sake.
Do you think farmers have a high opinion of livestock?
meant for
It's a common fantasy trope that no technological progress happens despite hundreds or thousands of years passing
You’re actually 12-15 years old aren’t you
wowbabs are attacking shadowbringers theads full force crying because they already know they're not finding 40 people to raid molten core with once classic rolls around since most people are too busy enjoying being a warrior of darkness. wowfugee is not a meme, it's reality
Wouldn't suprise me that much honestly
If they weren't putting any effort into making D4 outside of concept art when they showed Immortal then they might have started rushing the development to please players and shareholders. So to rush the game they use the engine and mechanics of their other games so they can shit out the game after a year or so
But before Immortal we'd have said they weren't THAT stupid to do a mobile phone game and then launch it with the most god awful mishype and presentation ever too right? I mean even seeing blizzavision going down the shitter would anyone really have predicted
like really? I mean on the one hand yeah it seems retards but on the other hand we seem to be dealing with legit out of touch suits who are completely insulated and in fact disdainful of the fanbase. And that has happened before, if a company culture gets bad enough then everyone stops bringing the boss news they don't want to hear, and the boss can then go driving right off a cliff and genuinely for real be surprised, because nobody wanted to be the messenger who'd be shot for being the messenger. Bubbles amongst the powerful happen, the Emperor's New Clothes wasn't just a joke it was commentary.
And I can really see some exec thinking "we're going to pioneer a new genre this is just what people will be excited by fresh and new."
I mean shit, in the hands of a genuinely competent company I can even see a First Person ARPG possibly being interesting. I don't want it done to diablo, and I don't think modern Blizzavision is at all competent so it'd be a cluster fuck. But I wouldn't mind seeing others experiment with it necessarily.
i swear to god if they fuck up Diablo 4 even more than 3 i'm going home!
Uh yes actually. You fucking literal baboon. Livestock is often treated better than the farmers who tend to them because it's their INCOME. Factory farms sure, nobody gives a fuck. But actual farmers? They care for their livestock better than their own children. You are an actual retard.
When is Diablo Immortal coming out?
Not gonna lie from a distance she looks like this one blonde woman I used to know from college. She was 6 feet and had a damn fine body.
If I found out she cosplays and I didn't have the cash to get out and visit her home state every week I may just lose a part of my soul.
i want ff trannies to leave
This is hilarious because trannybringers on average make five threads an hour crying about wowfags, while the average wowfag hasn't even heard of FFXIV, as wowfags don't play games other than WoW in general.
>my general thread got deleted/moved to /vg/? It must be the work of a Blizzard employee jannie! Time to raid WoW threads!
Literally rent free.
I know its not hip to like western games or Blizz especially but between them stopping their esports garbage and working on fixing Overwatch and Diablo im interested in them again
>It's a common fantasy trope that no technological progress happens despite hundreds or thousands of years passing
Eh, isn't that genuinely justified? We went thousands of years with no particular technological progress, and when it did happen it was often extremely isolated and didn't spread or start to self accelerate. Also appeared unevenly around the world.
And that's IRL. If you can just lean on magic I can see that really inhibiting tech, because the elites won't feel the same drive. Everyone will be focused on magic stuff instead, why try to invent a lightbulb vs inventing a more effective glow spell? If, IF tech managed to get going, then the combo of magic and tech could be incredible, but I could see it being less likely to hit that critical mass.
>crunch on Diablo 4
Fucking how?
das not rael?
Activision, EA, Ubi, etc. and their property are the factory farms in this situation. Indie studios would be the traditional farms.
What's sad is that while what he wrote may be false, it's entirely fucking plausible given the state of blizzard
Yes I know user. I was just calling out the retard for thinking farmers don't give a shit about their primary source of income.
>2 to 1 IP to poster ratio
Wew, Blizz defense force is real.
fake and gay
>there are retards gullible enough to believe this low effort fake
>look ma I posted it again XD
People actually want to talk about XIV. Why don't WoW threads that never get deleted get so much attention?
How do you guys like the new design of muslim Night elves from reforged now?
Me? I think it looks powerful.
Down with the patriarchy!
>you're only allowed to make one post in a thread or you are a shill
Do you just not understand how conversation works or are you some retard election tourist cherrypicking whatever you can to try to satiate your tinfoil hat conspiracy?
>If this is an official float for Square-Enix, however, they can go fuck themselves.
It is. Yaaaasss!
>someone watched this trailer and thought "yes perfect, we will release that!"
Hearthstone has always been animated like that, though yeah there is for sure less action in that one.
Thing is I would place the world of Diablo probably around the 1200 AD or somewhere close to that due to the type of buildings and what looks to be a caste system of Government. Given that they were that technologically advanced already I would assume that they would reach the industrial age a lot quicker with the help of magic.
The only thing I could think of that would stunt technological growth would be constant war and fighting supernatural creatures. After 1000 years of peace though? Fuck. We went through an enlightenment in this world with just 200 years of "peace" or whatever.
fukken masterpiece
the absolute fucking state of blizzard
speedonvhs adamantium jimmy and monika will defend this
Imagine being a company which cant even recreate its 15yo game properly. Blizzard is trully finished.
>someone got paid to make this
At least they are keeping it within the species I suppose.
>make pvp so bad to the point where healers literally control the outcome of every game
>game dies
every time
I can no longer tell if shit like this is real or not, to be fair.
Probably not actually, it was probably made by one of those people they fired on their way out of the door.
I don't care if that's not "the real trailer" or not it's so fucking bad its mere existence as something actually released by fucking Blizzard is an utter embarrassment.
The fact you used the term static in proves this false. You need some knowledge about ffxiv otherwise you would call it a raid group not static. Classic is dead on arrival, you thought you wanted it but you didn't
The ult seems kind of crap though, I mean if you already killed 2-3 players to revive them as bots you pretty much already beat them. It only seems okayish if you trade kills with each other. Situational as all hell.
This is what happens when your studio gets chronic brain drain.
Also bear in mind that the competitor has made a full fledged expansion in less time that it has taken WoW to remake a 15 year old game that already exists.
>my dad works for nintendo
>Superdata Releases Digital Games Report for February, 2019: Hearthstone Revenue down 52% Year over Year
It only takes one person to say the emperor has no clothes.
Regardless if this is true or not, it is probably true that Blizzard thinks of RTS as a dead genre, which is really sad to think about. When they made the first Warcraft there almost was no RTS genre, they just made a game they wanted to make and that's it. Nu-Blizzard is all about investors, this industry got too big
It feels like people are generally playing videogames less
So why can't you talk about it in /vg/?
cope shill
starcraft 2 was a decent base
when the second expansion went wrong, the third was the last chance
the community went absolutely crazy to figure out every little intricate detail that made broodwar such a long lived game and served it to blizzard in a professional manner
the response was essentially a simple, nah our way is best
thats when sc2 died
Budget cuts, cuts everywhere they do not care.
Because people can't accept that people who want attention will (shock) attempt to get attention and to ignore those who try to get attention over on /vg/.
So basically no reason, because that shit happens on Yea Forums too.
source:dude trust me
how about YOU go to /vg/ if you love it so much
I'll give Blizzard credit for fixing the abomination that was Diablo 3's launch, and some parts of WoW have been enjoyable since Cata. Starcraft 2 was sort of fun in 2011.
But holy shit is it a company running around with its head cut off. They can't decide if they want to make fun/casual games, esports games, or mobile games. They can't decide if they want to make games that generate revenue from retail sales, games that generate revenue from subscriptions, or games that generate revenue from lootboxes. They can't decide if it's a good idea to expand to new audiences by making games that reinvent existing IPs into new genres or to remaster games that already released that were beloved by their core fanbase.
In 2015 they were the market leader in MMOs, RTS, ARPGs, and Online TCGs. Overwatch would have an extremely well-received launch, and HotS was a pretty good ASSFAGGOTS.
Today, they are hemorrhaging players from WoW and Hearthstone, the RTS genre is dead, they've admitted to defunding development of HotS, the Diablo IP is a smartphone app, and Overwatch has about the same esports viewership as Splatoon 2.
I remember last year a poster predicting the future of video games would be a stadium with 600,000 people sitting at stations, playing a lottery. The winner has to begrudgingly play the game while the other watch.
Same reason classic threads aren't on /vg/
they even managed to make Diablo 3 like that, quite a feat honestly
>believing anything posted here
>diablo was the good guy all along
>the void is coming
It sounds incredibly retarded but it fits blizzard.
The Overwatch esports bubble bursting is going to be glorious, it's the most ambitious and most invested league (afaik) in esports and all that money is going to disappear in a flash
It's already gone user, they're shutting it down already
There's been many instances where a leak on Yea Forums was true. I recall a Sony conference getting leaked in a drive-by post just about a half hour before it started.
Looks like something an intern made with Premiere Pro in 10 minutes.
You do know he is kidding in that tweet right?
Oh look its the image I made then lost then made then lost and then made again.
oh really? that was quick
It's incredible, I've never watched or heard of anyone watching it yet all the investors think it's massive. How the fuck does that work?
Remember that car companies cut as many safety features as they can to save money. They have actuaries crunch the number on how many people can die before cutting features starts having diminishing returns.
>vermintide is a loot shooter
good job user, you just went full on retard there. not bad
Go to fireden, look up deleted OP posts, and check out keywords "classic" or "home". You're going to see literally hundreds of deleted Classic WoW threads. Probably the same mod you're calling a Blizzard employee mad about FFXIV for deleting/moving your threads is doing the same to Classic WoW threads, except they're not obsessed with your game and blaming it for your general threads being forced to stay on /vg/.
Startcraft grand strategy W H E N??
I saw Fight Club too
There is no mod for it?
Investors don't know gaming reality beyond what people tell them, Overwatch being huge was a scam
This game was A grade esport material. Tell me how well it does currently
I kind of wish Vermintide would go this route. I do enjoy the first two a lot and I realize it's less about "loot" and more about the challenge but damn if they didn't have some great feeling weapons in the game.
Though I'd take a Borderlands inspired D&D first person game from any developer honestly.
I just want to play a story focused solo Warcraft game where we would play as some significant character from the Franchise like Anduin or somebody else where we could do all sorts of things and go wherever we want and have choices to make like in Mass Effect 1.
I don't want to be a nobody that is somewhat important but not really.
>still enjoy WoW
>absolutely hate OW
a small price to pay
So they can bait you into actually buying it
It was bouncing around top 4 this weekend, even during a Dota Majo. Someone is watching it, though how is anyone's guess.
This is literally fake news.
Magic could also get in the way, because of the role of "scientific paradigms." In short (though you should really read the book if you're interested in this sorta stuff) what's already believed about the world also dictates the kinds of experiments that can be conceived, and the kinds of explanations for experimental results that will be offered or accepted. Since magic is very overt, it's going to really drive the natural philosophy, probably toward further and further refinement of magical technique.
The reason the book is called The Structure of Scientific Revolutions is, people get upset about paradigms that have too many dangling parts. The iconic example is the Ptolemaic/geocentric model of the solar system, which became unpopular because they needed to keep making "ad hoc" changes to the epicycles to keep them in line with increasingly precise measurements. It was only because of general discontent among astronomers that Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo were able to forge ahead with heliocentrism. (Ironically, Galileo's work on relativity demonstrates that neither geocentrism nor heliocentrism are reasonable, but it's understandable that he didn't figure that out.)
Point being, it's only the capacity for the world to be surprising that opens the door for real natural-philosophical change, and this is also going to be tricky in a world that was created by anthropic beings (that is, angels and demons). Scientific revolution is possible because we'll never be right about the world, but the thing that would stagnate us forever would be a world that actually is comprehensible. Since magic is always an expression of people's ontological beliefs (particularly the "elements"), to wonder about natural philosophy in a fictional setting, you have to ask the uncomfortable question--are the authors wrong about the nature of their fictional world? If yes, then all bets are off about "what's possible," and if no, then the stagnation is real.
Yea Forums has received tons of true leaks over the years, especially pre-E3, its just that you idiots only pay attention to the obvious fake ones like the Grinch thing.
this is youtube poop material
Because I'm not the average WoW player, your nitwit. I actually paid more in monthly sub to FFXIV than to WoW since WotLK made me stop caring about WoW. The average WoW player is a fucking stay at home mom collecting pets or some guy in his late 20s who doesn't even play video games anymore, only WoW and LoL with some of his friends (also in late 20s) once a week. These people don't play or care about other video games, and will keep playing WoW no matter what. Do you think some average forty year old woman with five hundred different pets is going to quit WoW over titanforging and lose all her """progress""" over the years to try out a different MMO?
I remember they were so hyped to do that shit last year and then fucking no one but Polaris (aka Disney) was willing to buy up the rights for the league. And now i'm pretty sure Disney just regurgitates old footage to pretend it's relevant on their channel.
Wasn't there some shady stuff with the client (or whatever it's called now) that it autoplayed the stream for everyone who had it open, or something like that? I know CS:GO and Dota 2 (maybe?) does it too but you have to open the game to actually get the stream on your screen, big difference
Thanks capitalism yet again.
This shit reminds of the terrible ingame cut scenes WoW now has. R34 patreon artists are doing better animation.
even blizzard isn't retarded enough to turn diablo into a first person lootnshoot game
>the obvious fake ones like the Grinch thing
I wanted to believe user!
I didn't believe OP until I saw this holy fuck
you're a literal brainlet if you believe classic will spur renewed success for blizzard.
Are we talking about the same Blizzard? Because I can totally see them trying to cash in and compete with Borderlands 3 and Destiny and act like their prior pedigree with Diablo means they can be kings of the looter FPS market.
All of this could be fixed if they Unionized, imo
>even blizzard isn't retarded enough to turn diablo into a first person lootnshoot game
They were retarded enough to let a chinese company give one of their Diablo clones a Diablo 3 makeover and release it on mobile.
Them taking OW assets to make D4 wouldn't suprise me in the slightest
>literally the same static characters and voiceovers
>this is somehow better
No they'll quit the game and never come back. That is what has happened to wow over the last few years. The (lapsed) people you're talking about won't play classic again since it's too time consuming or lacks the things they enjoy (pet/tmog/mount collecting, pet battles etc) so you're not going to see a big resubscribe boom. Classic is just going to slowly fizzle out together with retail as more and more people stop caring
That's not a safety issue.
it was heavily implied you retard. and i'm not a fucking retard that still plays world of warcraft in the current year. classic will be dead in less than a year once the normies realize how "hard" it is.
Blizzard no longer have the talent, Unionzed or not they are still fucked.
Very concise user
quick delete this before a feral druid sees it and starts posting all his videos from his private server about how good he is
Hearthstone trailers didn't even look much better at its peak
He said he was korean on a twitch stream and did the slant eyes gesture for a few seconds.
The soccer moms etc. won't play Classic, but a shitton of people who quit ages ago and have nostalgia over Classic will. WoW used to be a tremendously popular game. Peaked with over 12 million active subscribers at one point, during a Blizzcon during I believe Catalcysm, they said that over one hundred million WoW accounts (many of them trial, obviously) have been made up to that point. It's literally a game that defined a generation of gamers, and shaped the way MMOs have been made since. Many of these people will come back to try it out again, and a lot of zoomers and others who never played it will come to try it out. Even if 90% of them quit, there will still be a huge numbers of people playing. WoW Classic still has pretty decent chances of dying, because it's made by Blizzard, and Blizzard is an awful company these days, but if they don't fuck it somehow and go OSRS route post-Naxx, it has a fairly decent chance of reinvigorating the MMO genre.
okay buddy retard. enjoy your dead game in less than a year while actual chads who stopped playing wow get laid.
Every aspect of this image sounds too much like Yea Forums wish-fulfillment but I can't call it bullshit. Not after the obviously delusional "GRRM and From Software" leak turned out TO BE FUCKING TRUE.
Some say cat dps?
Interesting take. I can see the point about magic getting in the way and also how it's all left up to interpretation in a fictional world through the author's eyes but I still cannot shake the idea that the only way for a fantasy world to not "evolve" quicker into a technological age is for those who are imbued with magic to rule with a tyrannical fist. Now if that was the idea behind the "millenia" of peace that would be an interesting take as I haven't run into too many storylines where magic users were the oppressors.
That being said I suppose Final Fantasy VI through VIII tackled the whole evolution of magic and technology pretty well but outside of a few main industrial cities everything was po-dunk country side. I may have to replay VIII now as that seemed like a more modern take on magic/technology.
Its simple. Activision execs told them to do looter shooter to sell live servises and lootboxes. Blizzard had to comply.
I guess we have to wait until 9.0 announcement to see if its true.
I think what angers me the most is its very believable. Everything I've seen about Blizzard employees over the past 20 years I've been following them is that they are universally arrogant, unwilling to take critical outside feedback, and wildly self unaware.
>they think they can replace us?
hahah super fake. super gay. written like the shittiest fanfics
Blizzard has done such a pathetic job of reading the tea leaves in the gaming industry that I've lost all hope for them. Luckily, they are just competent enough to, after years of begging, give in to the demands of their playerbase and give us vanilla.
Hopefully, HOPEFULLY, this will turn heads internally and the company gives us the MMO set in the Overwatch universe that they were originally planning. More realistically, Valve uses the DOTA IP to create an MMO set in that universe, and takes gameplay hints from what WoW has done correctly and incorrectly over the years
he uses meme text laughinggirls.jpeg
In hindsight you reminded me, "Oh right, Activision-Blizzard". They would totally maul Diablo to fill in the gap that Destiny left in their lineup.
holy shit what the fuck is this lmao.
Dota setting is trash. I'd much rather Valve creates an actual, internally consistent fantasy setting and gives us a brand new IP MMO, than go with that godawful mishmash that is Dota setting.
With "leaks" like these you can easily see who has never worked in a big office company. Even if this leak is fake, a lot of what that user wrote is descriptions of the status quo and plausible scenarios related to office culture in listed companies.
The evolution of Blizzards teams is not unique. Small teams rely on people taking on multiple roles and having a lot of overlapping roles as well as authority being distributed between more individuals. Once the teams get bigger, people begin perform less roles and establish more traditional hierarchies. Team members and leads curating the hiring process themselves gets replaces by a dedicated HR department. Team leads arent former programmers, artists or designers on the same team but get hired horizontally from other companies and the people who had just a dedicated management education end up being the majority. Ultimately it always leads to the company starting to prep all the structures and hierarchies to attract a buyer or shareholders.
Now imagine the difference in work ethic, morale and output between the following two people: Some nerd they picked up from playing another game, who is allowed to do everything as he sees fit and can easily hop into any sub-team at any point. Some hired clerk that got snagged from art school, is underpaid and isn't even invited to the design meetings, because why would an art monkey have any input on game systems.
Sure I am only guessing how the internal systems at Blizzard work, but judging from what is publicly available information on hiring practices and compay structure, stories of verified former workers and applying experience in working in such companies, I'd say the leak and what I wrote is closer to the truth than Blizzard would ever like to admit.
All this comes before even talking about the status quo. Do your own research about player estimates. From what I can see people who pretend everything is fine are delusional.
And let this be a lesson to other game devs. When you invite too many basedboys, zoomzooms, and SJW women into your company it will eventually collapse under its own oppression. Then the quality dips on all your shit and the top gets more greedy and here we have it. Wiggling JPEGs.
I think companies worry that an MMO needs an already established IP to attract new players and to kickstart the storylines. While I agree with your point, I think it's more likely they stick to their guns
>hurr durr Yea Forums is wrong
Get BTFO stupid faggot
Does dota even have 'lore'?
I know it it has small bits of text for items and champions but is almost any of it connected?
Is any of it available outside of the game itself and maybe artifact?
no, but there are valvefriends who pretend it does
Worse than before but not too bad.
Just because lilzoom who has never played vanilla feels secondhand nostalgia when asmongold (who hasn't played vanilla either) talks about how great it was doesn't mean the people who did play it back then do. There's just no time in their life for all the bugs, farming of materials and hour and a half long dungeons. Nostalgia is great when you don't have to put effort in like with a tv show, but classic is far too big of a commitment for many and they know it. Don't be too sad when reality comes crashing down on you friend
there are some loosely connected heroes and some overarching background lore that doesn't matter that much
the comics they made for Dota where ok
>There's just no time in their life for all the bugs
hey you fucking retard this is blizzard making it not some random russians. they will patch the bugs
that's one dedicated shitpost
Just having the established characters standing around giving quests is a boost, in my opinion. I'm not a lorefag and never gave two shits about the quest text in wow, but I think it's pretty safe to say the game would not have gotten the fast start it did if it weren't for the already established orcs vs humans dynamic
>implying blizzard knows what they're doing
>implying it's not real and blizzard headquarters isn't seething as we speak
>overwatch is garbage wannabe tf2 with homosexuality.
ironically TF2's cast of characters is probably the straightest despite being composed entirely of men hanging around other men
if BFA has been losing subscribers they could very well be near 1million or below for sub numbers
The problem is that Blizzard wants the game to fail. They never wanted to fan base to have it in the first place
I'm still in touch with ~15 different people I met playing vanilla WoW. Out of those, ~5 have literally zero interest in it whatsoever (most of them play FFXIV now and one plays ESO, coincidentally), ~5 are somewhat hyped for it, but I can see them all giving up by level 40, and ~5 are not only hyped for Classic, but have also reached level 60 on 1x private servers. As I said, I fully expect vast majority of people coming back to WoW out of nostalgia to quit, but it's such a large volume of players, that even if 10% remains, it's going to be a massively popular game.
>Kerrigan was a good guy chosen one who had to stop evil Xel'Naga from The Void
>Sargeras was a good guy who tried to stop evil Void Lords from The Void
Jesus Christ Almighty how can somebody lack even a shred of decency to write hacky shit like that
the girl scout wants to fuck is canonically a lesbian
Everything is Dead. We Calling in Bankruptcy next month.
it's literally the same thing every single time
Wow got a good start because Azeroth and warcraft as a world where already fleshed out, not just that Thrall gave you a quest.
Dota has,
>Okay so the world started when the super consciousness split
>But before that elder titan split it
>And that split made the fundamentals, which are the basic forces of the universe
>And somewhere in there the first star gave birth to the Pheonix
There are like 4 loosely connected creation myths in dota for ten different characters.
It's all connected, all their games take place in the same universe, overwatch 2 will be about how the robots were actually good guys trying to stop the void.
Yes let's hide the truth fellow blizzard employee
And how many creation myths does planet Earth have?
Okay lets "analyse" this thing you call a "leak"
>"Overwatch 2"
Already known,
you are just adding some bullshit "everyone who works on Overwatch 2" are niggers, everything else was already known beforehand
>mcree plot
he completly looks different to soldier and has knwon ashe since a kid, so couldnt be a clone at all, fake
>Reaper is gay
in the Christmas comic it is releaved that reaper has kids and grandkids, so he either bi or straight, not gay, fake
>leader is a techromancer that brings the dead to life using nanites
bullshit, thats basically already the plot of Junkerstein revenge, which is a halloween themed event where you fight of Junkrat and his zombie robots
the only thing that it could be possible
>dont expect a massiv engine upgrade
Jeff confirmed that if they make a PvE mode for Overwatch, they need to update the engine since the Overwatch 1 engine cant hold mane PvE mobs, fake
>Diablo 4
>sudden production
could be possible, but you will never see the truth or not, so it could also be bullshit and never would known, so i call bullshit
>First Person
they arent that retarded, if they would do that, they would rename it to a different game like "Diablo:subtitles"
>replacement of destiny
bungie just only recently brought up with Activison, are you expecting that they made an nearly entire game as soon as the destiny thing happened which was some months ago? you clearly dont know how game programming works, fake
>cant get loot to drop properly
>in the 4th installment of diablo? are you retarded, and even if it would be the overwatch engine, theres already workshop modes with working loot, so fake
>3 classes at launch
could be possible, but sounds to similar to destiny to be true desu
could be possible, in the end nobody cares because nobody has ever played Diablo because of the story
part 1/2
Dota Lore (the few bits of it at least) are super interesting.
Its a shame Valve never even bothered to expand on that with a single player experience and just add shit on top of it pretending its lore.
>ffxiv is releasing new player housing
>having a big event where the crafters will be able to rebuild and literally create the zone they are going to be living in
Holy mother of false equivalency for consistency in a game batman.
i think you might literally be retarded
part 2
>end story with void thing
absolutely fucking bullshit, thats 1:1 the sc2 plot and it had huge backlash, so i doubt they would do that shit again
we will probably never know if its true or not, could be possible
>level squish 9.0
already stated by blizzard that they consider it and there are some questions about it to wow players, so no real leak
thats not even a leak, its literally just reading the cancer the wow forum is
could be possible, but honestly thats not really a leak but more common knowledge that if wow classic is gonne be succesfull they gonna take alot of things from it for 10.0
>RTS dead
yeah thats why they make reforged version when its considered dead, 10/10 move, are you retarded?
>shooter was planned
yes, not a leak, already well known and said by jason schreier
sounds like the tychus commander reveal trailer, so i doubt they would do it again
>everything else
you are an retard, it was already known how the cancelled starcraft shooter would play like, your version sounds nothing like the version of jason schreier mentioning it
>new project lead
could be possible, we dont know, and will never know
its already confirmed that it has 52% player drop, thats not a leak at all
>no blizzard game in history has fallen of this fast or this far
Diablo 3, hello? are you completly retarded? do you even remember the fiasco of the launch? the people not knowing what to do 2 weeks after its launch? everyone quitting ? it even sold 10 million on its launch, and i doubt they forgot about that disaster
tldr: half of the leaks you said are already well known, the other half are completly bullshit with other rumors from creditable sources saying completly different things and some of the leaks are things we will probably never know
0/10 leak
apply yourself
the best part of this thread is seeing all of the incel manbabies crying "It's not real! It's not real!"
No, it's the straightest because in 2007 when the game launched, game developers weren't yet catering to the vocal minority who demand that in a group of 9 people, 4 of them be gay, 3 of them be trans, 7 of them be women, and all 9 of them agree that Donald Trump is a fascist, despite the fact that gays make up about 2% of the population, trans make up about .01%, women in combat make up about .001%, and half the country voted for trump
The Grinch leak was OBVIOUS because of the movie remake Ad
Who gives a fuck about dota lore. Anyone asking for that or cinematics or comics or whatever are the exact people who need to play a different game.
the point of these threads is to circlejerk about how much we hate blizzard you retard you're not supposed to take it seriously
you might be one of the few people in thisthread willing to use their common sense, but you should know that the amount of (You)s is inversely proportional to the effort put into your post. I doubt anyone wants a meaningful conversation and instead they just want to shitpost and falseflag
I actually believe the "don't talk about FFXIV" part.
People who like the characters?
In all fairness we don't even know if Pyro is a girl and according to MatPat's game theory Pyro is actually a homosexual male because his ring finger is closer in length to his middle finger
nice sample size man. You can expect all you want but reality doesn't align with expectations a lot of the time. If you think that it was actually 12 million active subscribers and not 8 million random chinese players and 4 million europeans/americans you're in for a rough surprise. 90% of that is 400k which sounds like a more believable number. With current sub numbers probably hovering around a million or so the classic bump could put wow at maybe 2 million at best before going down to 1.3-1.5 million a few months in. Anything above that is wishful thinking
>Talks exactly like a retard from Yea Forums going on a sperg rant
If you believe this is real you're a retard. And no I'm not a Blizzard fan I've never even played a real MMO.
>i-it's fake!
Cope harder, blizzdrone.
>when the guy literally looks like Young Lo Wang
>the LARP
Illiterate moron.
buy the fucking pig you piece of shit
Do blizzdrones actually exist? These have to be PR people calling this leak fake
I am the classic wow audience but after hundereds of hours on private servers I am not paying a single dollar for that shit.
I doubt they would even touch Yea Forums with a 3.048 meter pole
>I actually believe the "don't talk about FFXIV" part.
I do also. A majority of my now dead raiding guild moved over to it, along with a bunch of others from other guilds.
yeah its fake because half the things it mentioned isnt even possible
i dont even play wow, i just hate when theres people spouting bullshit an dhalf the retards here are believing it because they cant even see that half of it is just bullshit
Regardless I am still hyped for 8.2 bros
>OW2 is 60$ Mann vs Machine
>Diablo 4 is first person
I hope and don't hope at the same time for it to be true.
repeat after me: T-I-M-E-G-A-T-I-N-G
Have to work on that Player Engagement statistic for our quarterly financial report.
This had me laughing my ass off
>Its not the esport they wanted it to be
Of course it's not. It never could be.
>Hey guys let's make the most reliant on RNG CCG in the history of CCGs!
>Sounds perfect for esports!
It was honestly pathetic to see them try to foster a competitive Hearthstone scene.
>i-its fake because i say so!
lmao cope harder blizzdrone.
>nice sample size man
he says as he pulls numbers out of his ass two posts in a row
When you get back from lunch break can you tell Jeff Kaplan that I think his tf2 ripoff had a lot of potential but was misguided and doesn't follow the masterful gameplay philosophy that made tf2 so successful?
Seems dumb enough to be legit to me. In fact, I would bet it is. And I know personally that the shareholder opinions are accurate.
>FPS diablo
If this turns out to be true, fuck blizzard forever.
Yeah, see how useless random numbers are? I can do it too
> he must be an blizzard employee because stating facts against "leaks" is not Yea Forums
how much of an retard do you actually need to be? Is it because of the Summer? Summerfags already invading again?
>somebody typed all this to trick people into believing
Blizzard and VALVE were never the pristine cakes of company organization.
in Fact BOTH companies uses Socialism as its mold, which brings to TERRIBLE developing consequences bad descisions and more, the difference is that blizzard is bitch to South californian Socialism since its inception, and Valve follows the Seattle Model.
who lived or worked in both areas knows what am i talking about, and how fucking bad this model is.
>Source is some user free thinking goobergater posing as a fired, salty, Blizzard imp
I mean
It's plausible
But come on
You are all idiots if you believe any of this.
You think they are catering to SJWs then the biggest red flag is that they killed Tracers girlfriend. That’s a fucking tripe land mine that they know not to touch “kill your gays” or something.
That makes this entire list bullshit. Fucking incels.
You're a retard for even responding to the "leaks" with your huge posts. Everyone knows it's fucking fake retard.
I remember like twenty years ago when they killed the lesbian's girlfriend in Buffy and the LGBT fanbase freaked the fuck out because apparently it's a common trope to kill off lesbians? You'd think supposedly superSJW Blizzard would avoid stepping on that landmine.
>Been playing PoE since D3 was a fucking disaster of a launch, and I had enough of their bullshit since WoW went mainstream
>years later and I get to look forward to 4.0 while the diablo franchise slowly fades out of existence as a Chinese mobile game port
Delicious shadenfreude.
the thing is thta Pyro is a Female with an thermal suit to keep her alive, but the suit is so big that it makes it look that she's a guy
Will Blizzard ever recover from this humiliation?
>In one of the strangest sights I've seen a person of colour I wont place the race of gender to for their
Fucking dropped, learn English you retarded gun violence statistic
look at all the posts in this thread and tell me again that everyone knows its fake
Pyro is a robot(agender, binary)
i didn't by Sekiro because of blizzard. fuck blizzard.
>The second line under OW2.
Do people actually believe that people will believe this
>hello I'm here for the lead game design and lead visual artists job application
then remember he'll win again in 2020 and 40% yourself
the common trope was that all gay romance ends in tragedy. if you look at lgbt media stuff from the 90s until just a few years ago it's completely true.
thanks Op for reposting
>Diablo 4 is a shooter
Nah, gotta be fake. Even modern Blizzard cannot possibly be this retarded
you mean this thing?
it's only slightly better and it's a month old
Never was into Starcraft and Overwatch.
Gave up on WoW.
Barely touched Hearthstone and HotS.
Diablo 3, despite many problems, still was more fun to play for me than PoE, even tho I wish many elements from PoE made its way to Diablo to make it a bigger game.
If they even hint that Diablo 4 is FPS, not to mention the retarded plot, I'm not buying it. It's like the last Blizzard game I'm somewhat interested in, maybe even to the point where I would pre-order, but the moment they show a single screenshot/video where it's FPS - fuck you, no money, you get nothing from me, fuck you.
This is the same company that completely gave up on Starcraft thinking that Heroes of the Storm would be the next biggest esport.
Count on blizzard to fuck up even IPs that literally print money.
>finally make a game with no white men in it
Such obvious SJW boogeyman fanfiction, jesus christ
People who cater to those type of people don't *get* those type of people. Especially people like Blizzard, who use the the most played-out storytypes they can. The death of the loved on is up there.
It's a trap, you see. They pander with a gay main character, and are too shit at writing to make an interesting plot, so they kill the main character's significant other. Which would ordinarily be fine, but they pandered, so their main character is gay.
Downloaded the GoG release of Diablo+Hellfire. Shit is cash. And now I really want to run down to the gas station and unironically buy a Monster.
Fucking terrible what the hell
If shareholders say they want a shooter, Blizzard will make a shooter.
too assanine not to be a real leak. im glad the companys destroying itself and everyone saw this all comming. i sad blizzard games will die cause i loved diablo starcraft and warcraft as a young adult. but someone new will take their place.
i bet 2022 is the year of the crash.
this makes me happy desu
>too assanine not to be a real leak
you noticed that too huh. i'll bet every single bit of it is true.
time will tell
What a shame, to see a company go from such heights to this. At least I have so much more time to clear my backlog since I uninstalled Wow months ago. Deus Ex is amazing.
>not peach red bull
How does the GOG Diablo and Warcraft I+II run? Any finagling required or does it work straight out the box?
God damn I love GOG.
>This is how Hearthstone dies
I knew things were bad when Brode left, but this is just awful.
I miss his laugh, guys.
>the song is actually an original one and not licensed
holy shit how did you make a trailer on par with the absolute low effort of the starbound trailer
A king has his reign, and then he dies.
Classic is going to assrape retail WoW into the grave.
I hope retail devs ragequit over that.
You said the same thing in Banjo threads didn't you user?
Doing it in Diablo and then calling it "Diablo 4" is beyond retarded and complete suicide. They just pissed off every Diablo fan they had left with Immortal, if they now make a dumbed down looter-shooter and even dare number it as part of the main series then Blizzard will burn. How do you even make a "shooter" out of Diablo anyway? It'd have to be more of a 1st person melee game for some classes. A lot of builds aren't ranged in the traditional shooter sense, or at all.
It would also sound very retarded to not only have an existing shooter IP (Overwatch) but supposedly a Starcraft FPS in the works only to not use the former, then cancel the latter in order to make Diablo into another shooter.
>Reaper is gay
He has a wife and kid for fucks sake, and he fucking misses being able to spend time with them. Now he's gay?
all we get this week are new zones + daily quests to unlock flying
When you finish, play VTM:Bloodlines, if you haven't already.
user can you help me to get Diablo 1 working on Windows 10? It's just kicking me out back to the desktop. I did get in-game once, but then it crashed soon after.
what the fuck is with that frame rate when their falling holy shit that's awful
Classic is DOA. I know you don't want to believe it, but it's true. That of course doesn't mean retail isn't on a highway to its grave as well.
PC gaming is dying in general
Whoever made this needs to be in charge of Blizzard.
Makes my dick hard and makes me want to play.
Basically Hellgate: London
This time actually officially Diablo.
Hellgate failed, though.
You are right, the problem lies within my own conclusion. Most people have never seen an office from the inside and any talk about these kind of things is just static noise for them. They focus entirely on bullshit like how the lore is supposed to unravel and what furry race gets added next.
Meanwhile I think that everything boils down to the office structure when you compare the initial success and style of Blizzard games with the current state. It is funny that mentions Seattle as WotC faces the same issues.
I escaped that particular hell of getting orders via email and having every minute of my productive time being tracked. Pointing this shit out is kind of a coping mechanism for me.
This is bullshit but I believe it
Specifically the big gaming companies like Bethesda, Blizzard, CDPR, Steam is being threatened by Epic, etc.
Sadly. It was ahead of the market more than anything Blizzard has done in the last 10 years.
No, plenty of people believe it. Relax btw, you're kind of an asshole
Meanwhile the latest gwent trailer
Those first two deserve death but the other two are doing fine
I was going alphabetically through the backlog, but I'll consider playing VTM next then especially with the sequel coming, thanks for the rec.
Sorry sweetie, but his wife is trans and kids are cyborgs. Previous lore was common misconception.
>No mention of hots
Suffering intensifies
What ticked me off was the description of the new hero’s ult. It takes half a brain cell to tell that’s total bullshit
Blizzard is dead, confirmed. Thanks user
>diablo was a good guy all along and he was trying to prepare us for THE VOID
That's the same plot they pulled for Starcraft and WoW.
the only thing i miss about leaving classic wow threads is Dru-Chad
More video game are becoming games as services and inject the game with shit loads of incentives to increase weekly play time and player retention month by month.
Alongside with each game being fucking huge and taking up close to a 3rd or a little over a 10th of hard drive space for consoles at least. Publishers are at war with each other trying to lock down a players time and the games they play to a specific handful of game's by making it harder to have multiple games installed at once to split your attention, and the incentives to increase the time you will sink into a game and hopefully spend on dlc/mtx.
Not to mention twitch being enough for some people to experience game will end up having a negative effect on game sales spread out across several titles
>pretend to be ex-employee
>write whatever Yea Forums wants to hear
>provide no proof whatsoever
>get hundreds of (you)s
lol are you people trying to be this retarded or does it come naturally?
yikes no wonder that game failed
>bc and wrath servers are in the works
Kek. Blizzard never learns
>Happy that no white men are in it
>Reaper is gay
>Mccree is a clone
>Widowmaker is also a dyke
You can't make this shit up
>reaper is gay
>when there's a comic in which he stalks his ex-wife and continues to watch her and his son having a good christmas
why do people larp this hard
The first step is uninstalling windows 10
the same company who made:
it literally looks the fucking same you dense cunt bahaha
I love how everyone conveniently ignores this post
Yes you literally can
>waah mommy nobody gives me (You)s
Here you go buddy, enjoy
>cant make this up
Yes he can
Because it doesn't matter if this is real or not, Blizzard deserves the bad press
They fucked up when they decided the qt girls were fags and not waifus.
Most don't beieve it outright, but any excuse to talk shit about Blizzard is good.
That's nice, where are your arguments?
So the latter?
based larper
Here's another one for you, I'm really spoiling you but I think you're worth it pumpkin
When did you realize this was bullshit? The widow tracer thing did it for me. Funny, very funny. But bullshit. Funny guy though.
It's real, and anyone who says otherwise is a shill
Thanks. But you forgot your arguments again.
the only way to save blizzard now is by making World of Wacraft go mobile