I've been silent on the censorship hate train... but this crosses a fucking line.
I've been silent on the censorship hate train... but this crosses a fucking line
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Blizzardfags deserves all the shit they love so much to eat. I can't wait to see how they will fuck you guys over with the upcoming games.
>a literal rape victim
>white supremacist
Blizzard sure is progressive.
Ahahaha lol that bitch got PANTS, that's fucked up though and censorship is bad.
>Blizzardfags deserves all the shit they love so much to eat.
Blizzardfags want good games just as much as you do, saying they deserve this for holding out the hope that their corner of Blizzard's net never gets touched is retarded.
I could say that your favorite game deserves the same fate, but does that seem fair? No.
The failure of HOTS is being used to push "sex doesn't sell anymore" inside the company by sjws.
If Blizzardfags wanted good games, they would play literally anything else instead of wasting more time and money on Activision/Blizzard and their garbage.
You eat shit once, and they will just give you more shit to eat. That is how it works.
Said no one ever. Play a dozen random games, how many didn't contain Lelming.
It was being pushed before then but I guess its just an excuse.
Was the card changed or is it original? Never played HS
Incredibly cowardly move by the HS team desu.
>If Blizzardfags wanted good games, they would play literally anything else instead of wasting more time and money on Activision/Blizzard and their garbage.
It's called hope, user. They have hope and they hold on to it, they continue to to buy into actibliz because they don't know to turn away, there is no other developer with warcraft's lore.
Pitty them, don't hate them.
>You eat shit once, and they will just give you more shit to eat. That is how it works.
And eventually everyone stops, and then it all crumbles.
Hots literally didnt have any waifus all the in game models looked stupid as fuck
Jaina is the opposite of a white supremacist you dumbfuck. She betrays her dad for her Orc lover.
Well I mean why wouldn't she have pants?
It's newly made art.
She became white supremacist after Garrosh mana bombed Theramore.
This has gotten to the point where the devs themselves just seem cringeworthy for being so scared of any design that is even remotely risque, as if they're afraid of their girlfriend catching them drawing something pretty. This is a straight up downgrade, she look so damn generic and unremarkable now, totally devoid of personality.
Tyrande has looked pretty hot since launch, Li Ming has also been the "sexy" girl to sell skins with and she was added pretty early. Kerrigan basically has a bare ass and she's been in since launch too so I don't know what you're talking about
Wrong she only was mad against some blood elves.
One expac later she's back at sucking Thrall and Baine's cocks.
because she's not showing any leg everything is awful huh
Turns out there is unwatchable amount of actual porn and erotica on the internet. Only pathetic gamer gate rejects would care about this.
>He hasn't seen any alexstrasza porn.
>big corporate company changes a design to pander to larger audience
wow, who would have thought
Bait, but still dilate and go back to resetera faggot.
>pants = no personality
unironically have smex
zero irony or bait in my post, you people are sad and should feel bad about it.
>pander to larger audience
Lmao tits and hot girls sell more than anything. This is one of the reason why LoL was such a success.
It's just censoring because we live in a marxist society.
>larger audience
>whitemane censor
fucking yikes. such an iconic character too
>HotS is the only remaining blizzard game that has a team that cares
>gets killed off by blizz incompetence
It's not fucking fair
Only for WoW incels. She's a literally who who got hyped because she was hot.
>unga bunga muh wc3
>mind blast is out
playing priest is suffering fuck team 5 cant even play vargoth mind blast for a finisher
shut the fuck up you smoothbrained animal
What does wc3 has to do with anything?
>wow characters bad
>wc3 characters good
Where did i say that wow characters were bad? Yes most of them are bad, however characters like Garrosh were fun.
Btw whiteman is barely a character in WoW. Some boss in a dungeon with 0 lore iirc.
HS and HotS were both fun at some point. Worth the time then, and maybe a little hope.
I've always hated WoW as much as the next person.
based and spbp
Sorry about your blindness, must suck
>the mythical wider audience
Why the fuck are they removing cards again? For the past couple of expansions all I've heard is "Hey, that's a good meta." and now they decide to cannibalize it? What the fuck, Blizzard? I'm glad I dropped this shit after the Standard/Wild split.
At least the trolls still have their ample cleavage.
and I'm sorry for your incel delusions. Whitemane barely ever got any fluff or lore, her popularity is tied with the fact Scarlet Monastery was the most popular instance in WoW. There are murlocs with more fluff than her, jesus christ.
The HotS design team was cool, its a shame they are now getting dissolved into other departments and we wont get shit like that ever again from Blizz.
>that one guys desk that had lots of anime titty characters on it
Based and Schloppilled
Reminder that the rest of the Blizzard team are cucks and HoTS developers are the ultimate chads and the only ones left who care.
They're building up some weird sudden philosophies under the constant excuse of 'we made dumb things back then because we didn't know what to do'
So now each class has to do exactly the things that class is supposed to do, regardless of the power level of the 'misfit' cards and any of Blizzard's old rants about not changing basic things unless absolutely necessary because it might confuse and upset some people. Well turns out it upset some people.
I pretty much dropped playing seriously after the split, I just linger in Wild to play random shit and have fun with Adventures.
Truly soul
And the HotS team gave her pretty decent personality, and the hearthstone team, instead of building on it, downgrade her because she'd be too sexy otherwise
>incel delusions
Like Chad Mcpussywrecker would be concerned with the dignity of virtual women lmao, who the fuck are you trying to fool with this shit?
I refuse assertions. It's not about dignity of women, it's about dignity of you pathetic fuckers. Get some of it.
bare thighs are unethical please understand
The HoTS team are (perhaps were?) fucking gods when it came to making characters come to life.
Zul'jin in HoTS is oozing with so much personality and charisma it's unreal. Then in Hearthstone he sounds like a dildo and has nothing memorable about him.
It hits everyone sooner or later.
You're the cocksucker who has to get offended over people disliking a design choice, you can't just pretend to be aloof and detached yet go in every thread and call people losers over it, again, you can't have both, either commit to your garbo opinion or fuck off you coward
I finally get to use this.
>Hots literally didnt have any waifus
This would only be true if they never sold skins. I played in the top ranks with guys like Zuna and everyone had the skins that were sexy. The only skin I ever bought in the game was the Vivian James Nova skin because it was hot. When they added lootboxes and ways for you to get skins for free, the game was already dead.
>It's just censoring because we live in a marxist society.
It's a religiously marxist society actually.
It's where all the remaining Chads and Stacys worked. iirc in a video about their workplace the lead designer had his desk filled with big tiddie anime figures he used as inspiration.
Different user here, I agree with you and the pants dont bother me but the reason they put pants on her does. I think has a point with the girlfriend thing, I personally know a guy with a girl that loves fanfiction but would rip his balls off if she saw his old porn collection, which I'm pretty sure he's deleted. And even ignoring a personal example. You can find many of women online who love to talk about sexuality with others while they have a "man" who constantly virtue signaling.
There's a podcast that I stopped listening too after one of the hosts unironically defended cuckholding after his wife spent months in California "discovering herself"
I think that user was trying to say that Blizz probably internally likes to pretend that HotS is proof that sex doesn't sell even though it failed for other very obvious reasons
>You're the cocksucker who has to get offended over people disliking a design choice
stopped reading there. Stop asserting shit, there is zero offense in my post. I know it's hard for you to imagine, but I'm not offended, I'm more annoyed by sad behavior of you people and stigma I get by being associated with you idiots because we share a hobby.
I was always impressed with the stuff HotS team did. Even bringing back the Vikings, I was worried but besides Baleog's head being a little small it was a perfect revival of their caricature style. Just look at these fucking chads.
I remember that. They were giving out a mountain of free Heroes to everyone, too. It was a fun event but kinda sad to see when they start going to those measures.
Yeah but if they actually looked at the sales data on skins I'm sure they'd be proven wrong is my point. I'm sure no one will bother trying to clap back on a feminist though.
>bitching about the card art and not the actual shit they changed in-game
>larger audience
>stopped reading there.
Ok then stop posting
You're talk like a total numale bitch and your
>I'm more annoyed by sad behavior of you people and stigma I get by being associated with you idiots because we share a hobby.
basically confirms it. All your post is missing is one giant "Ugh!"
you will die from irony poisoning if you keep this up.
no one here plays videogames
>Not Feelsbadmon
You're lucky you're a Zul'jin bro or I'd be really angry.
You could tell that some of the people working on the game cared about it and just wanted to see Thrall fight Diablo.
They kept some of the old WC3 jokes going to, the fucking "Darkness Calls" joke spans over tons of characters in the game, like Gul'dan getting sued over calling himself Darkness Incarnate.
It's a realm shame they announced Diablo Immortal and had to cannibalise the team to recoup losses.
>Love the way he says Taz'Dingo.
>Use Guillotine since I'm not a pussy.
HotS skins are based as fuck, sadly the game itself is a moba which ruins everything
>you will die from irony poisoning if you keep this up.
It's the best MOBA ever made, though.
I seriously think HoTS Zul'jin might have the most Soul in any Blizzard game.
Also you're upset about the wrong thing, they used cards like this one and their first expansion being too strong as an excuse to introduce card rotation and then printed cards that are basically the same effect with slightly different stats.
Their lack of talent, balance, and creativity is the really offensive thing.
>the best MOBA ever made
It's not even in the top three. The skins were alright, though.
>trying to shame someone in such a worn out and unoriginal way
>bring back vikings
>make blizzard "classic" universe
>keep it there for 4 years
>no vikings are considered "nexus"
true but the entire genre is cancer being the best out of a bunch of tumors isn't really that great
>hooo boy I sure love playing the exact same map 4000 times
You're garbage should stay in the garbage bin.
Normalfags begone, Yea Forums is a YuGiOh board. Only card games with actual physical cards are allowed
based, and loapilled
>It's just censoring because we live in a marxist society.
I fucking wish. The whole idea that leftist politics are the mainstream politics is the biggest delusion you can every have. Jesus christ you people are fucking retarded if you actually believe that.
I think HoTS fixes most of my issues with MOBAs, to be honest with you. The main problem is that they are dull, with the exact same map and exact same game playing out over and over, along with having uninspired boring characters. HoTS addresses all of that, but to each their own.
>text text text text text text
HoTS is fucking fantastic to just pick up and play for a few games every now and then. No 40 minute laning phases and with no shop the mechanics are just 'right' enough that you don't really have to get invested.
It's no tactical masterpiece theatre like DoTA or whatever, it's just fun to play as Garrosh and throw overwatch cancer right into the trashbin.
Short attention span ADD kids like you were the audience they targeted.
I'm sorry I don't have the autism necessary to sit through 500 identical DOTA2 matches with it's epic, original characters you sperg.
>exact same game playing out over and over
Confirmed for never having played a good ASSFAGGOT. Play two games of DotA and tell me they were both exactly the same. I dare you.
>Complaining about autism on autism: the website
Fuck off back to plebbit, while people will upvote your shit opinion out of pity.
Text allows cards to do anything while also establishing specific rules and clauses. There's literally nothing bad or complicated about yugioh card text unless you're an actual smoothbrain.
I'm more pissed that most of the new cards are shit.
This, HotS is the perfect game to just play a few rounds with friends, you CAN tryhard but there's no need to.
The devs pushed the esports shit too hard and tried to make it something it isn't, 2.0 was a step in the right direction by turning it into a lootbox mill but they wanted it to be competitive so bad that they ran their joke of an esports-league at a loss and sunk the game with it
>The whole idea that leftist politics are the mainstream politics is the biggest delusion you can every have.
It literally is. The fuck you think gay pride, inclusive, sexist, patriarchy, toxic, etc. came from?
This thread be Troll thread now. All Zul'jin posters are blessed and will meet the loa when they die.
Da Amani de chuuka!
Based and autism pilled. I've never seen a person who collects yu gi oh irl that I would describe as a normal.
Where my Diabros here? Also what other MOBA besides SMITE actually has Skins that are cool?
You really need to read about politics you moron.
I'll give you a head start. Liberalism does not equal leftism. Liberalism is a progressive capitalist ideology. Leftists are progressive (god bless them), but they are by definition anti capitalist.
Let me tell you about censorship.
>same map objectives every single game
>same pubstomp champs at low level, same good champs at high level
>d-dude just play a hundred hours of it, I swear it changes
It's a gag, a gaff, you sensitive bitch. I'm as autistic as it comes, I've got thousand of hours in map painting sims, but I still wouldn't waste a day on DOTA2.
sorry but I don't want to study for a law degree just to correctly understand the card effects
What does capitalism have to do here you fucking retard?
Stop moving the goalpost. I gave you a list of words which are now mainstream in west society which directly came from marxism.
Fuck off, my meganormie friend that plays pokemon GO and works in a casino absolutely ADORES Yu-Gi-Oh. He's even a Jojo memer.
>The fuck you think gay pride, inclusive, sexist, patriarchy, toxic, etc. came from?
from the top
Do you think anyone actually likes half naked middle aged men acting like total freaks in broad daylight? People are just afraid of the consequences of saying anything about it, thats not some grassroots "popular" sentiment, thats consensus being build from the top down
have sex loser
Yeah, my favourite chapter of Das Kapital is the one where he talks about gay pride parades
LMAO, yeah Marx loved talking gay rights and toxic masculinity. Holy shit how brainwashed are you?
Japs believe that western audiences are afraid of tits and clowns.
>Hearthstonefags are literal brainlets
>what does capitalism have to do here
I didn't think you were that dumb. Listen, your assertion was that leftism is the mainstream (completely laughable by anyone into politics). And the point of my post is, how the fuck can leftism be the mainstream when we all live in a capitalist dominated society? Idiot.
Even the assertion that progressive politics are mainstream just means you never traveled outside your rich ass country.
And remember;
Probe is best hero.
>Duel Links
This is the worst comeback, you are just setting g yourself up for brainlets comebacks like There's plenty of card games with complicated mechanics that can convey them without paragraphs and essays, it's just bad design.
Do they give her pants in Classic aswell?
I mean they're not wrong generally but weeb card game audiences aren't the general market
You wan axe?
Play YGOPro if you're too poor for the actual game
Don't fall for the stupid gatcha faggotry with gimped rules
>underboob window
Good riddance
It's not necessarly from the top, it's from everywhere. It's a totalitarist ideology.
Not necessarily marx but his successors. Did you dropped out of school? See Frankfurt School, French Theory which influenced USA later on.
But a lot of this shit is direcly coming from Marx.
The class theory was inspired by the race theory. Something Marx admitted himself for exemple.
Cerb leader is worse.
Then she pays the toll.
I guess I should thank Comrade Marx that I'm allowed to get married to the person I love, then. Based and Commiepilled!
I think the costumes on the right are stupid.
Sometimes a costume tries too hard to be sexy.
>implying I pay a cent
But I will play both
Marxism is a totalist ideology by nature retard. It's not only about economy.
>Do you think anyone actually likes half naked middle aged men acting like total freaks in broad daylight?
yes, because I am one of them while still being straight cis male. I like a show, I like extravagant behavior. Anyone who doesn't enjoy that is either boring or afraid to enjoy it because of his sexual or political insecurities.
>Not necessarily marx but his successors
This is like saying George Washington is for gay rights since the last two presidents are
Yes you should thanks him. Shitting on christians values, cultures, etc. was one of his goals.
Marx would probably want equality for the gays, as long as they are not bougy gays.
Whatever happened to shadowverse anyways? You used to not be able to go a single thread without it popping up by weebs looking to shit on hearthstone but it's been months now without a mention of it.
It's not like all jap devs/publishers are fully aware of weeaboos and their love for 2D tits. Most of the time they just want a worldwide release without dealing with major cultural conflicts and an AO-rating (or without dealing with the localization process at all), that is why sometimes we get wonky translations and cut content to keep it closer to a T-rating on the first review.
Except gender studies are a side effect of marxism. Just like Lysenkoism for exemple.
>Shitting on christians values, cultures, etc. was one of his goals.
What kind of dog is this? I want one.
Still going on somehow
Seems like a positive change in my book. Now people don't have to cower and pretend to revere a big psycho like the Jewish/Christian/Muslim god. I'm sure Christian culture will survive, cultures survive with only a few thousand members.
If gender studies is a side effect of Marxism then the Nation of Islam is a side effect of Capitalism
>Marx never hated religions
Holy fuck why are american schools so bad?
no, I was calling Marx a legend for doing that. I will not laugh at you for looking stupid while trying to call others stupid... this time.
user literally never said he didn't
where the SFM porn at?
>tumblr nose
Shan't be searching this.
real 400IQ response user
not an argument user
>no big huge cock
its not like my normal source filmmaker webms but its okay
>larger audience
Yea, larger
Why do waifufags automatically assume that every single poster on this board wants this aesthetic for their games?
Protip: we don't.
why not?
it's not meant to be, you retard
>we don't
user are you ok? You're taking everything very litterally
yes we do
you're clearly a defect in the hive mind so please get the fuck out
he was talking about me and him, leave him alone. I don't care about waifu shit anime aesthetics either.
>you're clearly a defect in the hive mind
This made me giggle
Perhaps but it's not a logical side effect. Gender studies are in the logical side effect of marixm as they are in the same tone.
Claide Levi-Straus one of the most important man who developed social science and who one of the first source of gender studies was a marxist.
The TCG model kinda stuttered out and autochess and battle arenas cannibalized the casuals.
AFAIK Weebstones doing better than Hearthstone who crashed and burned hard.
Hearthstone doesnt have pack leaders to spend money on.
Cygames is desperate to keep it alive because they are investing in esports $$$ so they need a competitive game to build their brand. It'll do fine as a niche game in Japan although it's not nearly as big as their other IPs and probably never will be due to the multitude of bad balance and design space, but I think even China has moved back to Hearthstone already.
>a move towards enemy with D active
>kill myself and commit
>they don't know what the fuck they are doing and try to kite me only to die because they kept stutter stepping wrong
Hearthstone is missing a lot of really obvious things they could do to improve the game.
Structure decks being the really stand out example to help new players out.
>start hearthstone and finish playing against NPC
>get a few cards
>every enemy I face has field wipes and control out the ass but i'm just sitting here with my 1 frost nova and 2 polymorph that never end up in my hand
good game guys, i'm glad i went and played against these players 10 times, i won twice due to people just leaving immediately, otherwise it was complete shut outs
The fuck is autochess?
>I am one of them while still being straight cis male
Imagine trying this hard to impress homos
you must be pretty impressed then
I stopped playing after I realized the game was the same cancer as hearthstone where every deck played a OTK combo you couldn't counter like bounce beetle,time warp and that statue that instawinned the game
I thought you werent allowed to use homo as an insult
When you meet da Loa, tell em Zul'jin sent ya
>marxist society
Hearthstone still has enough players to find a match in less then a minute any time of day. Maybe the tryhards and dumbasses tricked into competitive left, but still plenty of casuals.
Have you been living under a rock?
Its so huge Valve and Riot actually got off their lazy asses and made their own versions.
it's all about the context and intent.
This is a blue board. Remove that vulgar display of skin this instant.
tell that to your boss tomorrow :)
I don't have one, I freelance.
>thinking that the bandwagon of Twitter warriors cares about context and intent.
>implying anyone cares about what they think
this is the most boring shit I've played in years
how did this ever catch on and become a big thing?
I often find myself thinking about the universe that could've been if they actually bothered to nerf Dr. Boom.
Dr. Boom isn't even good enough to see play anymore. What a world
Its braindead easy i guess.
I find it absurd I actually feel somewhat nostalgic looking at that image.
so many things, so many shifts and damage done, Standard being allowed to throttle its players for years has really been the aftershocks.
Its high RNG but a small about on knowledge and skill so people can pretend to be experts.
Its large amounts of no interaction so streamers can just chat about retarded bullshit and receive money from people watching.
Its simple.
I don't play either kusoge but how is hearthstone crashing and burning? It's still getting huge high profile tournaments and a healthy playerbase at all times of the day.
Meanwhile cygames pays YouTube and twitch for front page of their tournaments yet no one cares.
Guillotine is actually the pussy choice because Taz'Dingo allows you to go fucking hard.
Damn, now I wanna play HotS again. Is it still somewhat alive?
why did military shooters catch on when they were just dumbed down arena shooters
why did mobas catch on when they were just dumbed down rts
It's gotten even worse recently with garbage like Gremory. SV had the potential to be fun, but Devs insist on capping it to 10 turns so the power curve is fucking huge and there's zero counter play once the combo or card is ready.
He probably means Shadowverse makes more money. I wouldn't doubt it either since it uses gambling systems typically seen in scam games like FGO. IIRC before I quit they had rare "exclusive" leaders that can't be earned, but has a 0.01% chance or appearing in each pack you open. Dumbass Whales went mad chasing them even when they had a full deck list lmao
Remember when they censored jaina and you retards not only accepted it but defended it on the basis of muh lore
Cunts deserve all the censorship you get
Looks better
Right one looks uncomfortable as fuck. How she keepin her flaps from poppin out
Don't speak for me you fucktard
I get the appeal of military shooters but yeah moba is the same kind of meme genre as autochess
>I get the appeal of military shooters
I get the appeal of milsim, I mean military shooters like CoD and CS where the military part is just an excuse to make everything really slow.
The new art looks great and all but it still feels like shit whenever they do this (and it's quite often). This is at least one of the more understandable ones, some of them had me fucking pissed (like Vesper).
I told you zoomers that at some point even the casual bullshit you consider "classics" would be replaced by garbage you couldn't even stomach. You reap what you sow.