Why haven't you joined the winning side yet?
>A Hat in Time raises awareness for trans rights in a thoughtful and respectful way to the mainstream gamer population
>Apex Legends is one of the most successful games of 2019 despite /pol/ screeching
>Atlus censored away the transphobic content from Catherine Full Body
>CDPR Twitter guy that made disrespectful jokes got fired
>Creative Assembly continues raking in cash despite "backlash" over forced woman soldier inclusivity in their games
>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli and rape now
>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
>Great writers like Brian Mitsoda and Chris Avellone would rather write with progressive developers like us than with shitlords that "want politics out of video games"
>Klei takes out character based on white colonizers because it's culturally problematic
>Microsoft and Ubisoft ban people for using toxic language in their chat (Including the n-word)
>NetherRealm Studios alters the female character's designs to be classier and more sensible for the new era
>Nintendo censoring Game&Watch offensive native American mimicry
>RDR 2 sold 17+ million and makes fun of racists
>Speedrunners that are too "redpilled" got taken out of the speedrunning charity shtick
>Square Enix's ethical department refuses to increase Tifa's bust size in Final Fantasy VII Remake or add lolis and shotas to Final Fantasy XIV
>The Witcher Netflix series has African American and Indian women in major roles
>THQ Nordic apologized after hosting an AMA on 8ch
>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (The Last of Us 2)
based as always
They went with the realism + censorship route. Japan has been cucked too.
Normalfags only care about one of those games
>mfw I'm reminded that Yea Forums was claiming we would never be able to influence the East, at least
We always fucking win, bay bay.
>Let's make her look better than she ever has
KT is very good at 3d characters especially asians cause they. the former Koei devs, have made a bunch of nobunaga/three kingdom/ninja/samurai games. partly better than SE.
Nioh 2 seems to also have a great character creator.
Imagine if people somehow collectively decided not to buy the game because of the redesign.
How fast would SquareEnix shitcan the “ethics” department?
How do small tits make a game bad? Seen these threads posted daily and i don't get the outrage.
>Imagine if people somehow collectively decided not to buy the game because of the redesign.
You mean something that literally isn't going to happen
Considering there are 12 IPs in this post, and you always instantly reply few seconds after that, do you actually have a discord group to post this?
Is this really what millennials consider activism?
I can never get over how ugly Tifa looks in the remake. I'm still getting it though because it has cute boys.
They just want to rage because they heard about "ethics department" and it gets (You)s. Nobody really cares about this
/pol/tardetties on eternal suicide watch
Who gives a fuck about her boobs?
The issue with NuTifa are her stupid thigh-highs, her pointless sports bra, her face, and the excessive amount of black.
she looks like a man
It's what happens when you let a generation of spoiled, rich kids live on without any challenges.
This is why the draft needs to come back, a bit of war always kills the personality of these "happy go lucky" retards who think you can save the world with the power of friendship.
Or it just kills them.
>they will buy Boob DLC
This isn’t about tits.
>/pol/nigger incapable of believing multiple people would make fun of him without it being a concerted effort
I like her long skinny legs but get rid of the tights, the spandex shorts which are not called spats, and the black shirt
But it's always the same posts with the same pics replying to the same post.
looking at the embarrassing outrage people are having over it I'd say they succesfully did it for the lulz
This. These incels need to go watch porn if they want big tits.
What is ethically wrong with having big boobs?
Why are they discriminating against girls with big boobs?
They shouldn't be buying this game because it's going to cost 200+ dollars for the full game, or more like 900+ if you get every special edition
What is this, 2009?
You have to go back.
>if we do this, cuck will buy our game!
It's because Americans are very ugly people who get offended by beauty, which is everywhere outside of America.
This is why the inevitable collapse of the US is an excellent thing.
left 100% superior
how is it worse if she has thigh highs now bros???
It's funny how people are accepting this design despite the fact that her tits are smaller here (and screeching list autists before)
I honestly couldn't care less, but basically it's either the sports bra or smaller tits, face it guys. Otherwise there'd be ridiculous jiggle physics involved.
Videogames are not real life.
It not about her having big boobs, it's about the way she moves and how much they'd either move around too much or be an indrance to her movement. She still has huge knockers in the new design, she just wears a bra that keeps them in place.
Her thigh-highs:
a) add too much black to her design
b) doesn’t fit her character
c) looks stupid
she looks like a wo-man
Of course not, but with all the physics effects on hair and such, it'd be even more ridiculous and fucking obvious if she had huge warheads that didn't move at all for no apparent reason.
And suddenly, no more replies.
Millennials are a joke.
Why do they need to make them jiggle, would normalfags really be outraged if they only moved as much as they do now without compromising?
Not as ridiculous as the guy going around with a sword as big as his entire body.
Because the idiots who work on videogames nowadays think they need to apply realism to everything, when realism always results in terrible videogames.
>both skinnier and with less tits
You lost
Oh, yes, "realism". Leftards are amusing.
>Why are they discriminating against girls with big boobs?
The Team Ninja model doesn't have huge boobs either you nitwit
Its just the resolution you dumbass
shut the fuck up americunt
literally only amerimutts are obsessed with the word "ethic" it doenst mean some sjw shit in japan you autistic fatfuck. it at most only means "un-normie".
"ethic" and "progressive" have become garbage buzz words in the us. youd even criticise the genre "progressive rock".
Because when you make a character sexy, you forget to make her fun to play as. You focus the entire game on sex appeal, and the gameplay remains putrid trash. This happens with every single game in existence, and there isn't one exception.
Pic related goes indepth.
Is there a comparison with Cloud in Smash, Dissidia, and FF7R?
By that logic, Mass Effect Andromeda should be one of the best games ever.
The sword is part of the internal logic of the world, it's lighter than it should be but moves realistically otherwise. It's also a static object, separated from the rest. Unlike a specific part of a person's body that's otherwise affected by physics.
Realism has no place in videogames despite the whines of obese Americans, even less in a game called Final FANTASY.
Any game that applies realism ends up in garbage, which is why simulators are, by far, the worst videogames on the market.
She is literally a blank slate. Whoever made this chart is autistic.
And the man with a literal gatling gun grafted to his body?
We should just encourage school shootings. Much cheaper than the draft and equally effective.
>this part is not realistic, but it doesn't count
Pro Tip: both sides post both sides stuff, user. So if you posted that big gay about resetera up there unironically? It means you've been baited into being a fucking idiot by these people.
good job.
ZR > no ZR
And the tits are around the same size
No, because Andromeda has terrible gameplay.
Blank slates are good user. They mean better gameplay.
>So if you posted that big gay about resetera up there unironically?
Try english next time.
Are you a Mexican?
>Realism has no place in videogames
>hyper realistic flight simulators are one of the oldest videogame genres out there
Tifa's tits continue to be weaksauce
I really hope you didn't make this and just saved it for bait
School shootings are very punctual things, it doesn't compare to a warzone.
Besides, the military industry is one of the biggest industries in the world, they'll contribute to the economy.
It's literally not fair.
What were they thinking?
And unless you are autistic, you'll be bored after 5 minutes.
>discriminating against girls
>only fat white neckbeards are outraged
I can't tell if this is super racist or kind of hot
Both get people killed and give the survivors PTSD. Close enough.
true. yet it has its right to exist. nobody sane would ever question that.
is that model actually ingame? type-0 right? is it worth a pirate?
Why isn't emotion of even sex appeal allowed ?
A game can be good and have those too.
You're basically asking for nothing but character skins or erasure.
It shouldn't.
If the aim of a videogame isn't being fun then it has no reason to exist.
One of the many reasons why devs like Naughty Dog should be forcefully shut down.
People are still fuck-ups in the army. Officer, NCO, enlisted, you can always spot a fuck-up the moment they open their mouths.
Plus our national defense bill is already mind-blowing massive. I don't want to pay these fucktards for doing the same job, but worse, and with more of them.
Side point, holy shit that's a waste of almost half a magazine on one guy that was dead in three.
what's racist about niggers?
Isn't it UNREALISTIC for a fighter to have thigh highs? Just let her have her big tits and panties too. Our are you too incompetent to add jiggle physics?
Millennials are manchildren though, they have the mentality of little kids, while also begging for civil war.
A bit of actual war will do them some good, and they'll stop thinking they are heroes for shitposting on the internet.
I personally made the image, and I will argue against it being bait.
>Why isn't emotion of even sex appeal allowed Because it leads to walking simulators like Uncharted and emotional "artpieces" like TLOU, that or the dumpster fire that is the JRPG genre.
Read books.
unironically based, Yea Forums losing always makes me laugh
That's retard. Of course not every aspect of everything has to be realistic, but you can't act as if there isn't some realism needed to some extent in most things, otherwise games wouldn't stick with us.
Bayonetta and 2B are none of those things faggot
99% chance you're a millenial as well.
When will we have a persona run
They actually are honoring big-breasted women by making her wear proper bras.
My only complaint is why she has tights on?
different people can find fun in very different things, user.
Why are there multiple of these? What is wrong with people? At least the first one was kind of sexy in a furry-adjacent kind of way. That one is just fucked.
jesus christ that mole at her chin
This didn't faze me at first but the Dissida render is so damn perfect and makes the "redesign" look like shit in comparison
>better face
>better outfit
>better muscles
>better legs
why does dissidia look better than the fucking remake?
>5 hour walking simulators with cutscenes everywhere
You never watched a Disney cartoon where people were replaced with animals? Lighten up
I'm 20.
Dilate and have sex.
Play games
Why would multiple different artists choose that animal though? Seems pretty hmm to me.
I'd be glad to, but I don't consider movies to be games.
They were thinking that they had to get Tifa past Sony censors.
Now she looks like a retard who can't hide her bra behind her clothes.
Jesus christ, the discord screenshots have leaked ages ago. You guys unironically think people are falling for your coordinating shitposting?
This is just pathetic and shitting up the board at this point. Just stop embarrassing yourselves and bothering everyone. Your parents should keep you on a leash, jesus.
The best games are always the ones who strive the furthest from realism.
Realism is only limiting fiction.
If I had to take a guess it's because she's dark-skinned and African people, African-Americans especially, are often associated with apes.
It only makes sense to portray a person as an animal from his/her native lands, right?
They could have used the original concept arts, and have the models rendered like this.
telling a story doesn't invalidate the gameplay
oh no no no no
>the worst metroids have the most story
I think you just contradicted yourself.
What does being dark skinned have to do with being African? The game takes place in an England-based country. She's clearly not African. And before you say "her ancestors are african", so are everyone else's.
No it's not, it can ground it. You can have good games with both, it's the execution and how much of it you use that determines the quality of the game.
It stings because it's true.
Not sugoi at all aniki
They could have easily skipped the whole episodic bullshit by using a stylized art style.
Nier lasts like 30 hours though, Bayonetta is a 7 hour long game.
A successful society must not exclude anyone from ridicule. To laugh at oneself is a sign of confidence and strength. Stop putting mentally ill people on a pedestal, or they will believe they are better than everyone else.
Better than the realistic anatomies in the remake.
That's not what I'm talking about you moron lool
when will jannies finally start doing their job
>it can ground it
Grounding is a meaningless buzzword like immersion.
>The game takes place in an England-based country. She's clearly not African.
Well, she's clearly not English either. Since we're talking about UK, I would've assumed she's either Indian or Pakistani, but I doubt that Americans care enough to research this question in depth.
"Out of Africa" theory is not proved yet, by the way, and there was some recent development too, that provided evidence against it.
>thigh highs
fucking kys, newfags dont know about ZR
A normal person:
The remastered graphics looks amazing and the gameplay has been improved! I am not upset that they change the physical appearance of the characters. I dont focus on trivial matters like this. What matters is how the story goes. Will the story be the same or will it be a reimagining? Hopefully the game isnt buggy at launch
>37 hours of walking and quick time events
That's gonna be a hard pass from me.
Is there any hope that we will get classic outfits for everyone? Sick of Nomura's belts & zippers redesigns.
yep, this post is pretty based
>The remastered graphics looks amazing
But they aren't.
> the gameplay has been improved!
Fucking how, they replaced the turn based combat with the garbage combat system from FFXV.
Imagine caring about the story while saying you don't care about the characters. No better way to out yourself as a moron.
Yes, it's a stupid fucking meme that millennials made up 10 years ago.
Why do you, ironic weebs, keep namedropping zr? You want a cookie for knowing the term?
Proper zr needs meat spillage, panties, preferably twintails and the zr itself should be as small as possible.
These sickly sticks painted black is barely zr, definitely the worst example you can find out there.
Dumb zoomer
>ZR on Tifa
You are the newfag here.
If you was born at the time, you will know that her bare legs was one of her sex appeal.
someone who actually played the original game:
her new outfit looks bad, i dont even give a fuck about the tits
Says the generation that, in their 30s, when you should have a stable job and building families, you are working at your local McDonalds, playing videogames and watching shitty superhero movies.
Being a grown up kid goes from "cute" to disgusting the moment you are an old hag, like you millennials are now.
Seeing men and women with the face starting to show wrinkles, all while having a blue hair dye will always be hilarious.
Her boobs are the same size, she has LESS skin covered on her top half, and her legs are the same size, just improved with thigh highs.
>Preferably twintails
Shit taste. Also, most 3D games with thigh highs don't have any form of "meat spillage."
>not BAY BEE
cringe, but also basedpilled
I like the highlights and the new skirt. But they should have kept her big boobs and her face is a little wack too.
Literally looks like the same character but in a different pose with leggings.
Hang yourselves PLEASE
The funny part is that you will be the one to hang yourself, 41%.
lmao, guarantee that you never served in the military
>just improved with thigh highs.
Not yet, i'm just in the reserve.
based mods
what country?
>left SOUL
>Fans want the original design. It is a waste of our limited resources trying to reinvent it. We can ignore anyone complaining about it because they are obviously retarded.
>Snoy is breathing down our necks. If we just slap a sports bra and spats on her like they want, no one will defend her. Let's add some texture-less knee socks to get some fetish fags on our side. Who cares if she looks even more like a stick now? The game is fucked anyway.
Cloud, Aerith, and Barret all got redesigned, why wouldn't Tifa as well?
boobs are literally the same size in both of these.
A better question is why bother with a redesign in a remake that the fan base didn't ask for?
M-m-maybe Resetlads will get sick of winning, bros.
Not for long, everyone with talent leaves the country and what remains are drug addicted high school dropouts, so the country will collapse one day.
The government has so little money to give that not even refugees stay.
At least the girls are pretty horny and easy.
Because everyone else got redesigned. Just like they have in other FF shit. The characters looked different in Crisis Core, Advent Children, Kingdom Hearts, but suddenly people get mad because ONE character looks different in ONE game.
More like Resetera bye bye.
What the fuck does what you just said mean?
Aerith looks different in CC because she's younger there. If they're making a remake they must stick to the source material.
And yet somehow Team Ninja's version looks much more appealing. It's the outfit, stupid, which is designed to look much sexier even with the same engine under the hood. The tight skirt alone makes it much better.
>Gawker is down, lads, based Hulk Hogan, SJWs are totally gone
>Neogaf is down, lads, it's fucking over, SJWs are totally gone
>They'll never affect Japan, bros, only the West suffers because of them
>ResetEra is down, lads, it's fucking over, SJWs are totally gone
I'm sensing a pattern
No, remakes are called remakes because they remake things, not because they stick 100% to the source material.
It's the dumb Dead or Alive Team Ninja face, don't deny that's what you're thinking.
Remember when NeoGaf went down and you faggots made daily threads cheering the death of muh ess jay dabyus? A few years later and you're still crying about them and they just moved to a different website. What makes you think this will be any different?
Tifa in the remake is easily a D cup, gamespot girl says possibly even an F
>I'm sensing a pattern
That all leftists turn out to be pedophiles?
Damage control.
Resetera, bye bye.
she looks way too much like a chink
People on Yea Forums don't know how boobs work, and they have no taste in anything other than "THE BIGGER THE BOOB THE BETTER"
>kallie plagge
stop reading trash website user
that woman constantly complains how there's not enough PoCs and trannies in video games. she doesn't actually care about games, she's only blogging about her personal politics.
Nothing wrong with that if it works for the character. Their Yuna was underwhelming, but Tifa doesn't look so bad.
You don't need to remake perfectly good character designs. Nomura even admits that some faggots are responisble for nu-designs.
No, SJWs will be gone when millennials are put down like the dogs they all are.
And the right-wing millennials too, all you activist scum have spent the past 10 years doing nothing but prove why giving civilians the right to vote is a mistake, the vast majority of you are way too dumb to be given liberties, you only use freedom to do stupidity.
I never liked how the original gun looked like it was slapped onto his hand. I like that the new gun design occupies a lot more of his arm.
Seriously, any woman with tits like that in real life would be considered having huge tits, especially if they stretch a sports bra that far. Boobs are mostly fat anyway, so it's unrealistic for an athletic girl to have huge milkers, but Tifa's are very big already in the remake given how fit and toned she is.
Like, you will never find one MMA girl with tits that big.
>Dead or Alive Team Ninja face
not really
I bought Dissidia a while back and thought it was trash. Why does anyone even want to play this game in the first place? Gameplay is so bad it should be avoided, you'd be better off just youtubing the cutscenes.
Worst 20 dollars i ever spent.
>gigantic undershirt under tank top
>Spats underneath miniskirt
>thigh highs on sticc legs
I still can't get over how bad nuTifa looks.
>gamespot girl
I don't give a fuck what some dumb cunt that works at gamespot says.
You cut a head off, two more grow. You can't take us down, bay bay.
>it's unrealistic
Who the fuck cares, it's Final Fantasy
The main character literally swings a 100 pound sharpened slab of steel while the bad guy wields a 10 foot long katana
Literally Soul vs Soulles
Why doesn't Square just allow gamers to use their own skins and mod the game.
>two more grow
No you don't, you are a bunch of losers who think they are fighting for the world with internet shitposting.
The only people who care about Yea Forums and Resetera are Yea Forums and Restera, normal people are already getting tired of all this millennial autism which, after 10 years, still hasn't resulted in anything.
Ideally, people would realize that civilians are just not fit to have a say in how nations should be ruled, and voting rights would be severely restricted to only other politicians and military personel.
Ummm sweetie please, have sex. With adults, preferably.
Ideally, you would go back to plebbiit™.
Regarding the whole boobs issue, both look relatively the same to me in size. The original outfit only looks better because of the tight shirt, not that's there's anything wrong with that
Imagine being such an anti-consumer pro-corporation faggot you think people shouldn't be allowed to complain about redesigns they don't like in video game remakes.
>normal people are already getting tired of all this millennial autism which, after 10 years, still hasn't resulted in anything
we got Trump elected and made peace in north korea, we're about to secure the border and dig up all the pedophile networks and send hillary to prison
>No you don't, you are a bunch of losers who think they are fighting for the world with internet shitposting.
>The only people who care about Yea Forums and Resetera are Yea Forums and Restera
based and redpi-
>Ideally, people would realize that civilians are just not fit to have a say in how nations should be ruled, and voting rights would be severely restricted to only other politicians and military personel.
Oh, it's you again, 20 year old self-hating millennial from the reserve. Can you start tripfagging so I can filter you?
Scholarly post. All the faggots just saying ZR or thigh highs in regards to remake Tifa are outting themselves as the fakest lovers of those things.
t. democracy shill
You'll stand one day in the pile of rubble that was once the White House, half dead, but at least you'll be able to see "a-at least I could vote".
Your kind are the enemy of humanity.
that dumb cunt has tits and knows how bras work. Do you have tits?
Congratulations on making peace with a country you were only at odds with, call me when you clean the country of activist scum.
>we're about to secure the border and dig up all the pedophile networks and send hillary to prison
>A Hat in Time raises awareness for trans rights in a thoughtful and respectful way to the mainstream gamer population
There is a mod.
Literal homosex
Her NT model is perfect but the 7R design has a lot left to be desired.
>Needs to mod out shit that triggers them
/pol/niggers are losing so badly lol
Same shit exists for the opposite group.
The right isn't even finished yet. She was supposed to appear at TGS.
That anorexic stick is not toned or fit or athletic.
I know how bras work too but you don't see me writing articles about it on a fucking video game website you stupid fucking inbred nigger.
>muh band size, cup size etc.
It's not difficult if you spend 20 minutes doing a tiny bit of research.
Also, Tifa's sports bra is fucking stupid bullshit that's not needed in the slightest just like her gay thigh highs.
The remake is gonna be trash and if you unironically plan on giving squeenix money for what is basically gonna be an episodic game you are retarded.
Her breasts are still non existent
>not athletic
Tifa's body is toned and perfect for a female boxer.
>Aeris will have her Kingdom Hearts "innocence personified" personality
>Tifa won't call Barret a retard
>Cid won't be abusive to Shera
>Barret won't dress up like a Popeye sailor
>Red XIII won't dress up like a Shinra soldier
>Yuffie won't have unbuttoned short shorts
>No marching or squatting minigames
>Since the entire game is just Midgar and you'd only have four party members until Red XIII joins at the end, Jessie and Biggs will get added as temp party members
>More focus on the Turks
>Rufus won't die
>Palmer won't randomly get hit by a truck when you beat him
>Scarlet won't name the world's most powerful weapon the Sister Ray
>Don Corneo won't try to rape a 16 year-old
>Crisis Core people will show up in Cloud's flashbacks
>Hojo won't try to breed Red XIII and Aeris
>Dio won't be a muscular guy in a speedo
>No Barret date, probably no Yuffie date
>No Tifa/Scarlet girly slapfight
>No gay sauna scene
>Fewer wacky enemies
>Increased emphasis on Zack, his parents are no longer missable
>Probably more about Cloud's past during Midgar since you can't have an entire game where you don't go into the protagonist's history
>Final boss of Midgar will no longer be a random tankk
>They'll somehow work in "dilly-dally-shilly-shally"
>Sticc arms
>Sticc arms
>Slight definition on her stomach
God this design is such a mess.
>not overtly talkative
Yeah women need to shut the fuck up especially irl I hate when I hear their shrill voices or chatting with their friends gamers rise up
It's about ethics in games journalism.
>Aeris will have her Kingdom Hearts "innocence personified" personality
By the look of it, she will still be a bit of a tease.
To be honest, most of your list doesn't bother me.
Rumor has it she wasn't meant to be shown yet, so maybe that's part of it?
Fucking hell.
actually, its about ensuring the future for white children and honorary aryans.
but mostly about genociding the chinese and jews.
If true I believe it.
>shit game has good Tifa model
>good game has shit Tifa model
why is this allowed
>A woman starts doing math and eyeballing measurements
Stopped right there. Nope. Nope. Nope. Into the trash
Anti-SJWs harassed someone I loved until they committed suicide and then laughed about it, but I’m sorry this video game character has slightly smaller breasts than before. That sounds really hard.
>Tifa gets 2 different models in 2 different ps4 games
So was it snoy or not
>committed suicide
>because of being harassed on social media
Just change your fucking pseudo or shut down your internet and move on, retard.
>suicide because of online bullying
hahaha dumb nigga just walk away from the screen
just KYS and you'll be with him again
they're literally proportionally larger in the right photo. dumb as shit autism princes
>SE said that they have an intern ethics department now
>muh snoy
Why would they have their own fucking ethics department in the first place?
Why are you so dumb?
Have you tried asking him where this alleged ethics department is?
Hint: you don't wanna know, so don't actually ask.
but somehow dissidia got scott free
>Kallie Plagge
Yeah, no. Don't take anything she says seriously.
>good game
You don't know that.
this shit is so pathetic. just fucking kill yourself tranny. It's gonna happen sooner or later anyway.
Nobody actually cares about the boobs. Her face and her outfit look like complete shit in FF7R. Her face doesn't even look like Tifa. I'm dumbfounded that they got Aerith so right but fucked up Tifa so tremendously
Well you can notice some of the stuff in the trailer, like how her hair texture looks was shittier compared to Cloud and Aerith for example in most of the scenes.
Based TN showing how it is done
Dissidia NT has the best designs
I really wanted to like NT but I just couldn't get into it. I'll be praying that a new Dissidia game like 012 is announced in the next five years
>doesn't fit character
What the fuck do stockings have to do with character?
left look so much better is not even funny. Better body proportions, doesn't look anorexic, prettier... Everything is just better. But man the new skirt is so fucking ugly.
Dont mind me just attempting reverse image search
>5 years later
>fat americans still seething
I wish more people killed themselves over internet shitposting.
The world would improve so much if all millennial scum died overnight.
This reminds me of the old white guy that got off on being diapered when I was a CNA
This story isn't real, but it should be. And I wish it was you who suicided.
>From thick to stick
This does not happy that fat acceptance humans.
The boobs are the same size tho
you should kill yourself, holy shit you're so pathetic
You don't think the world would improve if a generation of jobless leeches who make a living out of pretending to be saving the world by shitposting about politics on the internet would disappear overnight?
What benefits do these "people" provide?
>You don't think the world would improve if a generation of jobless leeches who make a living out of pretending to be saving the world by shitposting about politics on the internet would disappear overnight?
That would literally include 90% of the entirety of Yea Forums and 100% of /r9k/
Left has smaller tits but at least she isn't a sticc
Sounds great, Yea Forums was much better when it was less popular and this place wasn't crawling with stupid activist autismos fighting over shit and then acting as if they are saving the world.
because it's fun
>we need the deus ex: white guilt, wolfenstein: the new colossus, watch_dogs 2, mafia 3, uncharted: the lost legacy, battlefield v, mass effect: andromeda -"whines on twitter but never plays or purchases video games" audience
Boomer weebs will defend this.
>socks too high should be just above or just below knee
>boots look way too loose
>black undershirt with white over shirt and white skin really stands out in a bad way. should just extend the white shirt to black's lengths
>legs and arms too olive oyl skinny. dangerously close to lightning level of thigh gap
>hair too short
no problem with the butt flap or gloves though. So what if the gloves aren't red they'll change with equips. Buttflap to protect butt/skirt when sitting very important in these dirty underplate areas
That one you're replying to was the first one, retard.
>we need the deus ex: white guilt,
What does this even mean?
user there are more blacks in the UK than Pajeets did you do any research?
>try as hard as you can to make left Tifa look better than right
>still prefer right
cute navel but the face looks off just like rinoa
The purple haired cunts and s o i b o i s working on it tried to show solidarity with black lives matter but that group was run by idiot dindus who were new to the grievance industry and ended up attacking the white libs about appropriating their slogan. Also forced diversity in the game cast with everyone that was liked in the first game being unceremoniously replaced by generic dindus.
British Indian population in the UK (2011) Census
>2.3% of the UK's population
Black British population in the UK (2011)
> 3.0% of the UK's population
So in other words, the black population in Britainstan is 5.3% if you exclude the muslims and Irish.
So what i see from this is that they had blacks in the game and used the BLM slogan? Wasn't Bethesda called sjw for using Make America Great Again though?
No they include Northern Ireland which about only 3,000 blacks live there from what the census says
Every interview had the obnoxious devs talking about "the evils of augmented apartheid." This franchise used to be about getting normies woke to the tribalism baiting of the global elites who control government and media; it's now been co-opted by the global elites like Soros who funded BLM to brainwash normies into tribalism baiting. Where are you, Warren?
>This franchise used to be about getting normies woke to the tribalism baiting of the global elites who control government and media
But isn't that sjw itself since those people would be white in-game?
Huh. Actually comparing two halfway decent renditions, the boobs on Remake just seem smaller bc their more constrained (by the undergarments). Just as Nomura said.
They also made a deeper cut in the neck of her shirt and shortened the length of it. Her top only gets a long as NT's when you add the sports bra.
The skirt/thigh high change looks cool, but they're not sexy like NT. Tifa should be sexy.
Remake has weird floppy boots? The boots and socks on NT look way better and suited for combat, but maybe they don't look good combined with the thigh highs?
Lastly, minor fuck ups all over the place. Missing the red. Her suspenders were changed and don't look as stylish compared to the double brown straps. She's skinnier. Her face, while attractive, doesn't look like Tifa. It looks realisitc and kinda like Anri Okita cosplaying as Tifa. But this is Final FANTASY. She needs to look unbelievable pretty. They should've gone for the NT look. It would be perfect with some cleaning up.
Nomura: I want to ruin one of them. Let me ruin one of them.
Kitase: No.
Nomura: If you don't let me ruin one of them, I'll take my name off the title screen. You know the kids dig that. I'm fucking royalty to them, rememember?
Kitase: Well...
Nomura: Cloud. Let me fuck up Cloud again like in Kingdom Hearts.
Kitase: Are you out of your mind? He's the main character.
Nomura: Aeris then. Picture it- 103 bracelets on one arm, fishing waders, hair that makes Nooj look like Henry Normal...
Kitase: Waifu is off-limits.
Nomura: Tifa?
Kitase: OK, but none of that Dog Street shit.
Nomura: (fingers crossed behind back) Promise.
What is that about Catherine censored?
We need to believe guys !!!
>ff7 remake teaser trailer at e3
>/pol/ predicts tifa's tits will be nerfed for feminism
>tifa's tits nerfed due to feminist "ethics committee" in s o i - e n i x
/pol/ is always right.
What about the time they said MK11 would bomb?
This is unironically hilarious. What the fucking fuck are these hacks at squarespace doing?
>actually, its about ensuring the future for white children and honorary aryans.
So it's about making incels and cucks comfortable?
The sales on MK11 were something like 40% down from their predecessors and they were quickly topped by Days Gone...another "generic white guy survives zombies" game.
Imagine what we could have had given the advances in graphics and physics...Thanks, jews, and jewish social justice stooges.
Some transsexual on twitter is on the altus localization team and was gloating about removing tranny jokes.
>we're not trying to censor your games, stop being paranoid
It was closer to 50% below But those are Physical copies we are talking about
I know that, but Indians and Pakis are the unofficial face of British multiculturalism.
I want a good SFM about the Tifa on the righ removing that ethical sports bra and her gigantic tits pop right out.
>nomura said they wanted to add abs on the remake
>its barely noticeable
>kt variant has a more toned tummy
I hate suqeenix so damn much
The KT Tifa looks too Asian.
Only vocal minorities, aka the yellow-fever-contaminated weebcels appreciate that design.
Bro Tifa is supposed to be pure and innocent your IMG is clearly a turbo slut
the trannies from resetera have a discord to constant raid this place. this has been known for a while. the way they reply is also the same. not even that the retards can do right
Her chest is still too small in the left, but she does look better.
>lives with a black man and raises another man's child instead of having her own
Tifa a slut.
I don't mind the clothing redesign all too much but she looks more thin than normal. Maybe it's just a bad shot or whatever but just slightly bulking her up would work wonders I feel. Nothing crazy like full on muscle girl but some slightly more clear muscle definition.
OG Tifa will always be best Tifa though.
lmao as a boomer I adore this zoomer who is BTFO millennials
>when you should have a stable job
Got that
>building families
Don't want kids and women are kind of a pain in the ass. I'm in pretty decent shape, but every relationship I've been in has been more trouble than it's worth
>playing videogames and watching shitty superhero movies.
Hobbies are healthy, particularly if you live alone (which I do).
based and bluepilled
wtf are those man legs
The tit size looks pretty similar to me.
they sit higher up they're clearly smaller
Just call it "absolute territory" you stupid weeb
This list is so retarded I may need to go to the ER to ensure I didn't catch the retardation.
God, left is so objectively superior it hurts.
While I prefer the old skirt, I like the new design as well.
Absolutely nobody:
Not a single soul:
Nomura: Tifa should wear thigh-highs
It's almost like the SE shills were falseflagging any criticism of the redesign as >MUH TITS
You know what to do Yea Forums. Spam that shit on twitter. Let them know what they've ruined.
What if this is also her new 7 model?
>Team Ninja has no ethics department
Not your personal army newfag
Why's her face like that
Also earrings are really out of place
Her boobs look smaller than remake Tifa though.
>Dissidia NT ledditors actually saying the Remake cenaored version looks better
Top kek I'm glad these faggots always get btfo.
>He thinks it's about the breast size.
her nose looks pretty shit
Spats are universally sexy as fuck you absolute mongoloids. I cannot believe I am sharing a board with men of this unrefined taste.
>basic bitch abs
How FAT are you?
I told everyone this remake would be shit, and not just for this reason alone
The only two things wrong with her redesign are that the suspenders don't have split ends anymore and the fact that her gloves aren't red.
Everything else is fine.
>the fact that her gloves aren't red
Gloves change depending on equipment though.
james never played ffvii
Yeah, but in her initial equipment they were red.
Give me beef or give me death
You people have twitters right? At least ones for lurking?
You need to be retweeting the NT Tifa and tagging the right Squareenix accounts. You need to use google-translate to translate simple phrases like “original tifa #1” and “first outfit tifa please” and tweet. Find whatever tranding tag is pleading for the orignal costume and go with it.
C’mon Yea Forums. You’ve fallen behind the times in your own domain. You don’t even have to leave your computer to get the change you want nowadays
Do it yourself.
Fuck off.
Whoever thinks that the japanese will renounce to Tifa's new Absolute Territory is retarded.
>sports bra
Classic incel not knowing how breasts work
They already have.
>It's funny how people are accepting this design despite the fact that her tits are smaller
Ever occured to you it might not be about the tits, but just the new outfit being shitty ?
Get the fuck out, Remake Tifa's bust size is the least of her problems.
As you can see, the trannies don’t want you to know their secret.
It’s all about social media Yea Forums. And twitter is the (trigger warning) President’s platform. Just make an account and start telling video game companies you don’t want censorship! It’s gona make the trannies seethe. They don’t want you to know this secret
Do it yourself.
Censorship is not a developer changing a character's design
Censorship is telling a developer they're not allowed to change a character's design
Seethe, incel
You're trying too hard.
>highres vs 480p screenshot
how do you know right's extra folds on the skirt isn't removable? That said, I think the stockings should go or be optional.
she looks so fucking bad with thigh highs, it's the biggest issue by far
Trash taste
Never ever
They seem pretty happy with the old design.
nothing to do with taste, her original design didn't have thighs, stop thinking with your penis for a second
speaking of it, does anyone know how is Japan reacting to the Tifa changes? People kept shitposting in here about japan's reaction to aerith's changes but nothing about tifa
Left's legs are still too thin but at least they don't have thighhighs exacerbating it.
Right: Soul
Left: Soulless
left's legs are completely fine stop being obese america
Reminder that this entire post is a guy saying that ResetEra is full of paedophiles and the moderation condones it because the poster saw one guy on discord who said a 17 year old anime character is attractive and the moderators refused to ban them for it.
>stop thinking with your penis for a second
>Then proceeds to post a photoshopped image of fat thighs/big boobs Tifa when she never had them.
The irony.
Pretty much the same thing some people like it, some people don't. Although the scale seems to skew towards the latter in their case
>tfw when tons of other repeat threads and other shit is taken down by mods every day but the daily fucking threads centered on people bawling over tifa's boobs are allowed to stay up
>Yea Forums has been so infected by /pol/ that miniskirt + spats and thigh-high stockings are seen as a downgrade
what the fuck happened to you guys
Put socks on whoever
Believe it or not, not everybody is fucking retarded. You're basically mixing normalfag's fetish of liking stuff like fishnet stockings and guepiere on sexy legs and thick ass with the fetish of "le small naked space to peek at le tsundere skoolgirl's legs YAMETETTEBA KONO HENTAI SHUJINKO >_
Oh FUCK yes
>miniskirt + spats and thigh-high
That doesnt work it gotta be M.skirt + spats or M.Skirt+thighs .
Go back to your e-celeb sticky
Yes, I'm so infected by /pol/ that I'm unable to like thigh highs and spats when I fucking love thigh highs and spats, but NOT ON TIFA.
>ZR or no ZR
i don't give a shit about etika threads they're just as annoying.
I just see it as hypocritical that they take those threads down because everyone keeps posting them yet there are threads about incels complaining about Tifa's tits ON THE DAILY and the mods are silent.
Fuckin' sad what Yea Forums has become.
So when did Final Fantasy turn into Dragon Ball Z?
90% of Yea Forums is trash, but you won't see me in them complaining about it. You want change? Well too bad. You can either deal with it or keep crying like a bitch.
FF7 fans just want her original outfit
with bigger boobs, and a better face.
>Shit Tier ZR or no Shit Tier ZR
ftfy. thank me later.
Isn't she supposed to be Asian? Cloud and Aerith are the white people of the party.
Nobody but Yuffie is supposed to be asian.
>ZR or no ZR
go back to /pol/
have sex
>nothing about legs/thighs
kill yourself
>remake old game for nostalgiafags
>redesign most popular character so she looks worse
fuck off
It's the same in both
This is the kind of samefagging autism i like
gtfo troll
>mentioning /pol/ for absolutely no reason
This is how you know this post isn't worth reading.
>FF7 fans
Most fans seem happy with how the game's looking. This and other cesspools are the only place where people keep talking about tits and legs day after day. Please don't speak for all of us.
Jesus Christ, what has become of the human race, is this it? Is our peak complaining about some decades old fictional character getting a design change? who actually FUCKING CARES, THIS SHIT IS MORE CANCER THAN SMASH THREADS, HOW PATHETIC DO YOU HAVE TO BE TO COMPLAIN ABOUT THIS SHIT YOU FUCKING INCEL TURBOVIRGINS
>i'm a badass because i watch combat footage
Join the PMC of stay in the reserve you fucking pussy.
enough with the posts whining over tifa's tits literally it's annoying and nobody important cares
fuck off I can whine about whatever the fuck I want
do it into the pillow in your crib you fucking asinine incel.
I'm sick and fucking tired seeing posts daily about boomers crying over tifa's tits like it's the worst thing any human could ever do. You all sound like fucking spoiled horny incel children.
You're asking a bunch of bubble-boy safe spaced incels about why these two pics are racist garbage?
right actually looks sexier
anyone who complains about digital breast size has probably never even touched a woman to know the truth.
small and natural > fake cow tits
just leave the thread, fucking autist no one is forcing you here
>you are not being forced so you have no right to complain about it
fuck off everyone bitches about constant e-celeb threads and threads on certain subjects/games all the time and they rightfully get taken down but I bitch about the repeat threads of incels throwing a tantrum over the tits of a video game character and I'm the evil guy? lol ok.
eat shit for life, bitch
I come here and say what I want, only fags try to stop me.
just jack off to porn if you're that up in arms over the tit size of a video game character.
fucking boomer incel
It still looks bad.
>too skinny legs
>strip below her chest
But it's an improvement for sure.
Keep crying, tranny.
>fag culture represntative from the ethics deparment steps in and asks of they could make the Tifa more realistic
>they zero in on the chest
>they add a sports bra to make em smaller and to"stop them from jiggling"
>the ingore the thigh highs, which would slip off realistically if Tifa were in a fight
>They ingore the hair, which would swing around wildly and the tied knot in the end would hit her in the face
Realism fags that hate big titties are fucking dumb. They are stupid as fuck and don't deserve to ever touch video games. They don't do it for fun, they want it to be an educational experience, except there is not good education to be had because they fill it with stupid shit.
If we're physically accurate, I don't think that Cloud could swing a sword that big.
eat shit for life, bitch
Cloud is genetically modified with super cancer, Tifa has learned a couple kicks from Bo Rai Cho. At least Sabin was built like a fucking beast.
Right makes her seem like an autistic retard in a self made superhero costume.
And you should die if you get hit by a giant robot but well that's fantasy for you my tranny friend
Nah it doesn't fit on FF's aesthetic
now we are talking
classic reddit non-argument
Fuckin' A. If it ain't broke don't fix it.
lol autism
Japan has always been cucked. The censorship in hentai has always always been around (which irritates me to no end). If anything, its the western world that is taking a que from japan with censorship.
>what's gravity
user, boobs ain't pair of ballons, it's more like drop of water.
Lower height /angle a little. New bobs look plastic af
>Pointing out obvious flaws on his logic
No arguments needed .
Better than having non tranny.
If her top is tight, there's no reason why her boobs shouldn't be able to look like that.
Whatever you have to tell yourself to cope, seething incel
I'll take Plastic Surgery for 500, Alex.
>Getting this triggered .
I bet you're dying over the fact that you can't downvote me here LMAO
Some women have big, firm tits user. If you don't believe me, google "firm natural boobs".
yes. but no. boobs don't fly
Reminder that only ResetEra hate the OG design and love nuTifa
you're the one absolutely SEETHING and crying about a video game character's model being changed lmao
Epic argument. Here your gold, random stranger
But, fujo-kun... only Cloud is cute and even he was cucked.
And here you are, whining about whiners.
Is dissidia nt actually any good
Meanwhile the people who just want OG tifa and dont care about culture war shit is caught right in the middle . fuck this gay earth.
You can even see the bra, retard brah
I can't believe sjw's have ruined things to this extent. Sony moving to california was the biggest mistake.
a-at least we have each other
this drawing is actually kinda cute desu
>Left: Some K-pop faggot posing for the camera trying to make "intimidating" face.
>Right: Can kill you with his stare by default.
Try again, reddit.
what are you even saying
t. not-Cloud looks pretty good, that's how I imagine Cloud to look like as opposed to that faggot to the right.
call me a cuck or whatever, but I prefer the new version
probably because thighhighs
And here you are, whining about getting called out for seething about pixels
Cope harder
Not even close. Fact that portrait Cloud looks intimidating by default, while nu-Cloud is trying to make that face and he still fails... says a lot.
Sony moved to California. video is what could have been if California wasn't censoring all games. Boobs are banned in 2019.
hahahahaha you guys are a fucking riot you know that
Everyone in this thread should follow in Etika's footsteps
Ngl, hated XV, hated Prompto, hut appearance-wise he looks more like Cloud than Cloud we've got. I honestly thought that remake Cloud will basically just be Prompto re-skin at worst. Roberto should've just copied his own work and made Cloud look more like said Fagmpto.
Laugh at me if you will, but Final Fantasy VII should have a western cast as opposed to making everyone but Barret a Jap. It makes all of the characters look awful, and turns males into K-Pop idols because that's the idea Japanese people have about men.
>KT did better Sephiroth and Tifa than SE themselves
>Smash did better job at staying loyal to Cloud's design than said SE
>even fucking XV, SE game, did better job at creating Cloud for not Cloud character
Anyone got any good Tifa porn? Other than the usual one? I prefer 3d but 2d is okay too.
>is that model actually ingame?
>type-0 right?
>is it worth a pirate?
It's really night and day. The original outfit is so vastly superior to the redesign it's almost hard to imagine how they managed to fuck it up so much, but then you remember that Square-Enix has been fucking up every single thing that they do for over a decade.
Where is left from?
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT
Oh shit she's in? Finally.
after you
on July 3rd yeah she will be in
hello acfag
If you weren't going to buy a game just because a character in it had big tits, you were never going to buy the game in the first place.
hey, you guys think the people in the ethics department will buy the game?
>Why cant you guys just accept shit? I mean I dont think its so bad, so why shouldn't you. Everyone should think exactly like me all the time
5 dollars has been added to your onions account
>Nintendo did a better job of making Cloud for their under-powered consoles than SE is doing for Snoy
>Maybe if I type only in Caps Lock, people will see passed my shitty opinion
>sports bra
Pick one
Original Cloud had that thousand yard stare.
Nu-Cloud looks like a 13 year old girl after you say Hannah Montana sucks
when does she come to NT?
when do we get porn with that model?
Can we stop talking about Tifa's tits for like 1 minute?
Hard to say its not "any" good. There are plenty of cool things about it.
Its just that the previous games for a weaker handheld console were so incredibly better its hard to ignore how much they screwed the pooch
Stop trying to play cop and telling us what to do bitch
Pompto looks like a massive faggot.
I honestly dont mind the reduction(its stupid but whatever) I just generally think the new design is garbage
The only thing they should keep from the new design are the thigh highs. The gloves, shoes, skirt, top, and suspenders are all better on the old outfit.
Forgot to make her gloves nearly all black
The exist at the same time, retard.
Big tiddies don't stop flopping due to a piece of fabric, you'd know this if you had ever worked out a day in your life.
The thigh highs are just as stupid.
Only fetishists want them
They aren't. Thigh highs are godlike.
t. fetishist
Bare legs are superior.
>I personally made the image
It makes me happy that you are statistically more likely to kill yourself.
Holy shit first Etika now snoy insults us with this shit? Why couldn't they give us the Tifa on the left for fucking sake, what a terrible day.
Thighs on the left are immaculate and what should have been.
notice how you have to compare noodle legs with thigh highs to thicc thighs without
thicc with thigh highs pinching the fat is the best
Imagine if Square Enix actually added a minigame like GTA San Andreas where you have to work out as Tifa to get gains? Imagine
Imagine if Square-Enix manages to deliver the whole game in less then 10 years imagine
the fact of the matter is that they could have done everything right and people would have still found a way to bash on this. i mean, the fact that everyone's complaining about tifa's character design because she........... uhhhhhhhhhhhh.......... got thigh highs???????????? really speaks a lot about you guys' ability to shit on absolutely everything
ZR isn't just about the legs or the little bit of skin that's showing. It's also very much about how your eyes are drawn to that skin. This is why Tifa's redesign is so unappealing and the ZR impact is so low. The entire outfit should be working together to draw your eye to the exposed thigh but it fails to do that because there's several similar stretches of bare skin a nearly equal distance apart from each other. It doesn't make the ZR stand out in the slightest. It may as well not be there at all.
Or theres people who jsut wanted the OG design without any changes , i know is crazy right ?
I seriously don't get how Nomura can live with himself making this abomination.
I feel bad from just shooping it.
Left Tifa looks anime, which is what she should be. Remake Tifa looks asian because they try to pander to realismfags.
No, that’s a very specific and autistic fetish
This thread isn’t about her tits. They are roughly the same size. It’s about her shitty new outfit.
isn't that in the middle her original concept art?
Her outfit was always fucking stupid...
It was about her boobs until suddenly Dissidia's Tifa got revealed with the same size boobs.
It was only about her boobs for as long as E3 summerfag shitposting tourists were bored enough to flood the board with their faggotry from both sides of the argument.
This. Sports bras don't stop jiggling. They just reduce it. Remake needs jiggle physics
None of those are bait.
Dissidia always does it better
but the dissidia outfit has the same size as the remake one
Can't wait to see Tifa SFM when this comes out.
No it wasn’t it was simple and straight forward.
It's still simple and straightforward.
Yes they are. You're not fooling anybody faggot
yeah? and those "improvements" i quoted don't
Not simple enough. Her thigh highs were unnecessary. Her sports bra was unnecessary.
evil never wins friend. they just an hero and become a 40 percent statistic.
seriously though, why does the left one look so much better? right looks embarrassing in comparison
Left is a promotional render, right is a screenshot from a trailer.
right should look better since left has a fraction of the budget
Left is dissidia
Blame Nomura. He likes adding things, like the goblin/chocobo in her gloves, and the skulls on her skirt now. He is totally on his The Bouncer kick again and I love it. Dominique is still best girl, fuck the haters.
"Now let's take up the minorities in our civilization, shall we? Bigger the population, the more minorities. Don't step on the toes of the dog-lovers, the cat-lovers, doctors, lawyers, merchants, chiefs, Mormons, Baptists, Unitarians, second-generation Chinese, Swedes, Italians, Germans, Texans, Brooklynites, Irishmen, people from Oregon or Mexico. The people in this book, this play, this TV serial are not meant to represent any actual painters, cartographers, mechanics anywhere. The bigger your market, Montag, the less you handle controversy, remember that! All the minor minor minorities with their navels to be kept clean. Authors, full of evil thoughts, lock up your typewriters. They did. Magazines became a nice blend of vanilla tapioca. Books, so the damned snobbish critics said, were dishwater. No wonder books stopped selling, the critics said. But the public, knowing what it wanted, spinning happily, let the comic books survive. And the three-dimensional sex magazines, of course. There you have it, Montag. It didn't come from the Government down. There was no dictum, no declaration, no censorship, to start with, no! Technology, mass exploitation, and minority pressure carried the trick, thank God. Today, thanks to them, you can stay happy all the time, you are allowed to read comics, the good old confessions, or trade journals."
>Ingame model
"Yes, but what about the firemen, then?" asked Montag. "Ah." Beatty leaned forward in the faint mist of smoke from his pipe. "What more easily explained and natural? With school turning out more runners, jumpers, racers, tinkerers, grabbers, snatchers, fliers, and swimmers instead of examiners, critics, knowers, and imaginative creators, the word 'intellectual,' of course, became the swear word it deserved to be. You always dread the unfamiliar. Surely you remember the boy in your own school class who was exceptionally 'bright,' did most of the reciting and answering while the others sat like so many leaden idols, hating him. And wasn't it this bright boy you selected for beatings and tortures after hours? Of course it was. We must all be alike. Not everyone born free and equal, as the Constitution says, but everyone made equal. Each man the image of every other; then all are happy, for there are no mountains to make them cower, to judge themselves against. So! A book is a loaded gun in the house next door. Burn it. Take the shot from the weapon. Breach man's mind. Who knows who might be the target of the well-read man? Me? I won't stomach them for a minute. And so when houses were finally fireproofed completely, all over the world (you were correct in your assumption the other night) there was no longer need of firemen for the old purposes. They were given the new job, as custodians of our peace of mind, the focus of our understandable and rightful dread of being inferior; official censors, judges, and executors. That's you, Montag, and that's me."
how will my peepe get hard now?
The truth is that Tifa is supposed to be extra stacked. And her legs are way too thin, so I made them thicker. I see no issues.
"Coloured people don't like Little Black Sambo. Burn it. White people don't feel good about Uncle Tom's Cabin. Burn it. Someone's written a book on tobacco and cancer of the lungs? The cigarette people are weeping? Burn the book. Serenity, Montag. Peace, Montag. Take your fight outside. Better yet, into the incinerator. Funerals are unhappy and pagan? Eliminate them, too. Five minutes after a person is dead he's on his way to the Big Flue, the Incinerators serviced by helicopters all over the country. Ten minutes after death a man's a speck of black dust. Let's not quibble over individuals with memoriams. Forget them. Burn them all, burn everything. Fire is bright and fire is clean."
>Fahrenheit 451
The hair is static brown, while the Remake has better hair filters. The suspenders are better quality on the remake, and the shirt looks like something someone would wear, rather than the eternally shiny shirt she has for NT. Tifa is of course still cute because she always looks cute in NT, but this is typical Team Ninja "skin looks oiled as hell" models.
So what I am guessing is we'll have crossover in DOA6, the ethical department spiel is them covering for Nomura's redesign fetish, and the whole bloody thing has been a ruse on everyone.
But why quote a book that was required reading for middle school?
makes sense when you saw nomuras get up in new york. what an unprofessional slob.
>Tifa joining Zack's Harem
I dont know if i wanna see that
There is absolutely no way they'll give Tifa to DoA, because you know what means: Honey Select port (we already got one from Mobius but it was fucking horrible), SFM porn all over the fucking internet, they will scorch the earth to make sure it doesn't happen.
These proportions and design with the poly count of 7R, the dream.
Depth of field is cancer. Let me look at shit. Can't see shit on his right arm.=
>Nomura made up a lie about the ethics department so he wouldn't have to admit to a redesign
Jeez and I thought the anti-SJWs came to crazy conclusions
Because it's relevant to this thread.
Crazy how much better left looks
Bro, her legs were originally really skinny, with oversized looking boots. If anything, we should NOW be asking them to thicken her thighs/calves because they were edging the side of toothpicks with an overly trim waist and no abs. AC's shorts made her legs look even smaller. The coat just hid it well.
Because you clearly didn't actually learn anything in middle school.
>they didn't censor her breasts you incels
I can't imagine what it's like to be so stupid.
Well this isn't a cherry picked design at all. The thigh highs put on the left design would be superior.
>Tecmo does character way more justice than the actual companies
Why does this keep happening. It even happened for Zelda
If KT wasn't such terrible cancer I'd buy dissidia right now.
Not really. 451 was about a world where books were not preserved because they were inflammatory, and therefore emflamed by officals. In the world you inhabit, books are rarely read despite being encouraged to do so and ones considered culturally signifigant have been preserved even if they are controversial. The only real overlap could be in claiming that video games are an extension of the popular entertainment from the book, being interactive visual, but the situation is very different.
NT is f2p though