Summer Games Done Quick 2019 Marathon
No Poyobean in sight
Now: Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
Next: Ape Escape
Later: Crash Bandicoot: N. Sane Trilogy
Full Schedule:
Summer Games Done Quick 2019 Marathon
No Poyobean in sight
Now: Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
Next: Ape Escape
Later: Crash Bandicoot: N. Sane Trilogy
Full Schedule:
Other urls found in this thread:
Reminder that MSF:
>provides medical supplies and treatment to ISIS fighters
>provides food and water to known terrorist cells
>provides food and medical aid to migrants attempting to illegally enter foreign nations
>personally commits illegal human trafficking
>exchanges food, water, and drugs for sex
Let's break 2 million this GDQ!
I mean you can repeat those cherrypicked things it's not like Yea Forums was donating anyway.
Hippocratic Oath doesn't recognize boarders or states. They can't magically check to see if you're a terrorist or not.
Americans are the biggest terrorists anyway.
>Greatest game ever made
>4 years old
>has never once been run at any GDQ
Explain yourselves
go backto /pol/ reatrd fake news spreader
I miss Yoshis Island run.
It was the first speedrun I saw. SM64 doesn't count, everyone saw it.
What was the first speedrun you saw, user?
Does Textorcist need it's own rank? Or is D tier fine?
S/S: Split/Second
SS: Rygar / Titanfall 2
S: Streets of Rage // Alien Soldier // Chasm: The Rift
A: The Hobbit // Tony Hawk // Marble Madness // Ranger-X // Half Minute Hero // Bloodstained: CotM
B: Devil May Cry // Spyro the Dragon // TMNT 3 // Zombies Ate My Neighbors // Metroid // Castlevania: SotN // Metroid Prime // Skylar and Plux // Kirby Air Ride
C: Sonic Generations // DKC2 // LoZ: Minish Cap // Final Doom // Bwaster Master // Solomon's Key // Jackal // Contra 3 // Ninja Spirit // Castlevania // Perfect Dark // Slipstream
D: Portal 2 // Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland // Outland // Contra // Super Time Force Ultra // Timespinner // Castlevania: PoR // Prey // Uncharted: Drakes Fortune // Monster Boy // The Textorcist
F: Super Mario Bros 2 // Ducktales 2
ZZZ: Borderlands 2
Ω: Metroid Prime 2
opinion discarded
64 has the best Kirb OST
this may or may not be an invite link to the split/second discord:
you should really check out their live commentary of the run
>cute chat!
jesus what happened with prime 2? i passed out during 1
It wasn't the first, but Bonesaw's is the first one I remember and what kept me coming back.
haha memes
Super mario sunshine
Let me upload files retard mod. Don't make me log into my router and go without internet for a few seconds
learn to spoken
A martyr.
what is this about?
good if true
Sounds based to me
What was so bad about Metroid Prime 2?
>no work but dentist appointment today
>today is all good runs
We didn't need a reminder about you being a retard
>go on stabbing spree
>trip and break my ankle
>go to doctor
>doctor fixes my ankle
>get back to stabbing people
>doctor didn't directly cause harm so it doesn't count
>nigga with a silly voice
>but also the best kind of bro
He's too good for this garbage boring shitfest anyways.
honest question why do you guys watch this? do you genuinely enjoy speedruns or is it an ironic thing where you watch to cringe and mock the trannies and autists that attend?
>another day watching GDQ and posting with my bros to keep the suicidal thoughts away
>For attendees at #SGDQ2019 there's all sorts of fun events happening as well, such as a Yoshi's Cookie tourney that is going down currently!
I'd say it was B tier
bow gone
I just want to be entertained man
when are they adding dilation breaks?
who is this cutie
>Doctor is supposed to follow you around and make sure you're morally correct otherwise all your crimes are his
That's clever but you still need to kys
>>today is all good runs
thanks Uyama, very jew!
I just got here, any good run so far?
Is this dude starving Kirby because it's his fetish or something?
It deserves its own rank.
I wasn't watching the run, what happened?
Did he just mention PAWGs?
Still a man jaw.
me too man me too
Imagine the smell..
>one chance at life
>not born a cute girl
What did Sakurai mean by this?
BL2 was better than that bottom ass rank just by virtue of being coop and having the devs on (even though they said literally nothing of worth and were just interns). At least you had a chance to see something interesting.
that ass is pretty average tho
>that doe eyed, beaten down look
my dick
Maybe give it an Incomplete since he technically didn't complete all the requirements for the run.
>Americans are the biggest terrorists anyway.
>viceroy reddit posts consist of shitposts and being a fan of sonic the hedgehog
>anti-viceroy split/second run hate reddit posters post frequently in NSFW and RP threads
why are the degenerates the most judgmental people?
I can't tell who's dressed as a girl for a laugh and who's an actual tranny.
Have you had sex with a real girl there yet? I want to go there to lose my virginity and become a real man.
based charlieposter
>lose everytime
rigged bullshit
Hasn't Sakurai not made a Kirby game since like, Dreamland 2 or some shit
>one chance at life
>born white
>born a male
Feels gud to be master race and master sex
Only pic of a girl I have saved lol my b
yeah, fuck our countries, lets destroy them, also islam is great, based
The actual reason he got banned isn't because of anything he said, it's because he brought a cute biological girl there and it was making Claris feel very uncomfortable.
>master sex
my dick
infinitely better. someone send her this pic, tell her to end the multiple personality disorder, and spend her time becoming this. her life will improve. bonus points if she becomes even thinner than this.
Does anyone actually drink the cans of Red Bull inside the product placement cooler?
Just got back. Has there been anything significant since the start of Borderlands 2? Both in terms of awesome runs and in terms of cringe.
AOC is unrironically the best thing to happen to the GOP the last 2 years
This but unironically
finally my wife masturbates to me while I do to her
I love this GDQ thread
Scream Hitler do nothing wrong or you're a puss
that image is not fair
trolling is illegal you know.
Split/Second is a must watch
I don't think this will cure proto's schizophrenia
Goddamn, dude, you missed Split/Second? Also, Textorcist was sad.
Textorcist & Split/Second
Not first one i saw, but a Portal run is the first I remember.
>still need to not be a manlet
>still need to not be an ugly shit
There's too many variables. It's a shit roll
what happened with split/second? what i mis
I dunno who it is but this picture is hot.
Have there been any trannies yet?
>master sex
I bet you wish you could
That's some CRINGE right there
Fucking seriously?
D is fine nigga didn't come prepared
Faggot, you better do something on camera after the run.
Remember to take breaks and stay hydrated!
>Have there been any trannies yet?
I commented "NO FUN ALLOWED" on this post and it got deleted
Imagine being this thin-skinned lmao
I didn't even like the Split/second run but it makes me so happy that Reddit is seething about it.
These people are so pathetic and predictable.
Cinder and Neo from RWBY
overhydration is worse than dehydration
only unsanitized, reddit unapproved run
kinda like how it used to be
I can’t handle teeth like that sorry
he cute
They can shove it up their asses. This is the reason why this event has little to no entertainment value anymore.
A run that was PAID FOR by EPIC and devs who were FORCED to be on the call by RANDY. The runners were asking the devs questions and they weren't even paying attention half the time or their answer was idk lol.
When's Wand of Gamelon?
I didn't watch. What happened?
more than you can count mongo
What's the smell?
look i know its a bit cringy but we are all desperate here. can you just walk by the projector and do the little ok hand sign?
What the fuck is with people on the couch saying "nice" in that lowered tone after the runner does something good? I swear I've heard it about 50 fucking times this marathon, and they all say it the exact same way. Can't they learn some new adjectives?
that splitsecond run bros
how do I make exercise less boring. I don't want to stay the fat.
>and overall created a mockery of a perfectly good racing game.
God forbid if people had FUN
This is from the same artist that does the whole rave werewolf right? The artstyle is the exact same.
Lots of things but he made fun of Red Bull, one of the sponsors
>tfw you gotta take a shit but you're holding it in
Anyone else know this feel?
after Runescape
Air Ride/Amazing Mirror were the last games he had a part in.
However, reamland 2, 3, and 64 were all made by a Shimomura who just dropped off the face of the Earth afterwards.
What is this referring to? I don't get it.
I'm so fucking sad I missed it
even if I watch it now it would be the same without Yea Forums and the chat
That's what phones are for
Based chaotic evil aminu.
When's ESA?
zoomer spouting memes suicide soon
European Space Agency.
Similar to NASA.
gib css
Only I'M allowed to have fun.
Speedrunning is boring and has ruined gaming.
its pressing on your prostate
What happened with borderlands?? It went on for too long?
the deed is done
Is this about the autismo sperg and his gf? I missed the run but seen the Yea Forums thread loving him.
This doesn't prove shit.
Find a hobby or activity you enjoy that requires exercising
the madman:
>brought his qt FEMALE asian gf to the couch
>constantly flirted with her, also put her in her place several times (her panties soaked every time)
>ironically wore a fortnite shirt
>ironically did the fortnite dance
>called out bezzos, "charities", jew bull, drones and trannies
>didnt give a fuck
>unironically called for gamers to rise up
>tfw you take a huge dump and imagine it is a big cock in your ass
Based. He should be proud while he's fucking his qt gf. The people that treat this thing as sacred as the same retards that thought ruining the Metroid Prime run with their epic ironic puns was totally in the spirit of the event. If the Split/Second guy's gf had been a tranny I bet there would be half as much whining about it.
It used to be fun and a good time but then shit like this happens
it feels like im on morphine
Two wrongs don't make a right.
>he added the Default Dance on KYM
user, I...
oh and also:
>triggered eurocucks
need a link to this
also bonesaw
>This guy's life needs to be ruined. Get his twitch banned, phone/write his job/school and relatives and tell them what he did: He made a joke at a speedrun event - a SPEEDRUN EVENT. This offense cannot be forgiven lightly. He will rue the day he tried to make his clever little "joke" when we're done with him.
which one of you is this
Her stupidity actually unifies people in opposition.
"Immediately after, the only thing Mike warned me about was saying I was going to kill my cocommentator, which I get was a bad idea now"
>Kirby eats the food that came out of his own body
I don't know what the fuck I'm doing
It does when I couldn't have possibly edited and posted it so soon after the person saying they were both me. Seethe
split/second starts at 1:50
this is clearly someone from Yea Forums falseflagging tbqh
shit that too
i cant even think of the heinous things chairman uyama would have done to this guy if he knew
Based hatbro gonna be banned for white power
Seconded. It's not on youtube yet
I'm so glad I was able to witness the Split Second run live.
I did this :)
Highly based, let the Redditors quake in their Star Wars underwear while he bangs is gf.
this is boring
post sluts
Are you telling me there are no ugly short men who are successful at life? Because there are quite a lot of them
Lmao yeah the exact second he said that I KNEW he was finished.
>There's a deltarune race incentive.
Is this true?
I like that butt
That's not an opinion, you illiterate baboon.
me too, based vergilposter
he's sitting right next to him, user
don't be dumb
i want honest and loyal waifus who only will do it missionary
>he doesn't lick up his own cummies
0% chance split second run will be on youtube
what a shame
It was the peak of the event by far.
I know that's bait but what was the joke he made? Seen he shouted out Bonesaw but that's all I know.
dae love memes
these threads aren't so good..
Does Peaches still do runs?
REMEMBER, if you don't like what GDQ has become, nothing's forcing you to watch. Nothing's stopping you from running your own event. Say what you want about the event, but hundreds of thousands of other people are enjoying the event as it is. Just quit watching and move on. I prefer the professional setting that has been created.
jesus christ lady put some clothes on
>girl going to a speedrunning event
The only question is how many dozens of dicks will have been inside her by the end of the week.
>another half hour of normal speedruns
I need to stop doing that because I'm developing a scat fetish and I don't like it.
you mean DANCE DAD?
just a attention whore
>mfw watching sor run
god damn
they should allow more runs from these fellas
still not as good as sonic from last gdq but god damn
Why is this guy monitoring every post about the run? It's really weird guys
July 19th to 28. I'm legit hyped.
He asked when, not what you dang dirty boomer.
I found doing active stuff that I enjoyed helped a lot. If you have any mates to walk around the city with, time flies by together. I found playing Pokémon Go helped a lot too. Just mindlessly walking around and listening to music got me into a sort of zone and I’d be out 2 hours walking around before I knew. If you like nature then try hiking or urban exploring. Just being out and active helps a lot along with dieting. Get a bike, check your GPS/Map and set a destination. Bike there, admire the scenery. I found making my own fun and setting goals/missions helped me a lot.
Him and his qt guest on the couch joked about punching each other
No, doing it too much kills it.
these people been yapping for like 30mins straight and the amount of fuck i give is at 0%
Someone give me the quick rundown of the SplitSecond run. What happened?
Based sagume poster
Ikaruga ain't a slut, you homo she's pure
>implying chad is going to let anyone kek him
He put her in her place multiple times, it was truly based
which country shitposted too much this time? still greece?
Post the full image to
yeah i like my food unseasoned too
Runner gave the roman salute, said Hitler did nothing wrong, mentioned 15% of the population.
i dont think he has eyes in the back of his head. the lizard man thing was debunked a long time ago.
>get so excited during my next murder stab kill death blood spree I accidentally cut off my own hands
>covered in blood and holding bloody knife
>inform doctor I'm a violent murderer and I love stabbing people
>let him know I plan on getting right back to disemboweling everyone I can the second he reattaches my hands
>he treats me just like he would anybody else
>thank him
>get back to stabbing, but this time with two knives, effectively doubling my stabbing rate
>the doctor did not cause any harm and cannot be held accountable for anything I do, not even a little bit
>Nothing's stopping you from running your own event
That's literally what gdq is and it got fucked and now you're telling people to create more events for others to co-opt and fuck?
What?? No I do not mean dance dad what the fuck are you talking about?
at least post this artists Minori stuff
can you scroll user
I'm a girl and I went to GDQ in the winter hoping a little bit to get laid but 99% of the men present have zero social skills, even the attractive ones. waste of time
How the fuck do you type T instead of D? They're not even close on the keyboard
He literally said "I'm gonna kill you." Verbatim. I laughed because I knew he just banned himself. She laughed too.
are you that finn? looking at /int/ real quick, it looks like other finns can upload
The run we needed.
I don't get it even more now.
>No reply to this
If it's anything like ESA they'll have loads of the stuff elsewhere? I remember people on camera between runs at ESA would grab scans right from the back of the fridge now and then.
Like I said, you're out of touch with the real world and LITERALLY believe shit like this happens outside vidya/movies.
i heard finland got fucked too
>speedrun is just spamming the same ability over and over
why would you even run this
It was a fun event that got took over by thin-skinned mentally ill people and became a mostly stale, sterile and highly monitored no fun allowed borefest
People definitely have a right to be mad
sure thing, see you there
>Im gonna drop you off a fucking bridge like i did that nigger last week
What did he mean by this?
What happened during the Textorcist run?
Damnit. Why did I just notice the ESA joke now?
Do trannies not know what fucking flirting is?
Are you a girl or are you a "girl"?
>Get a bike, check your GPS/Map and set a destination. Bike there, admire the scenery.
Ok that's a good idea. I do bike around a bit, but I just end up aimlessly going around and it gets boring. I loved Pokemon GO when it first released, but ever since they changed the way Pokemon spawn on the map I haven't played it since.
>go to GDQ of all places looking for dick
>expecting the dick to come to you
Get off your fat ass and work for it
You strike a blow at the heart of speedrunning itself.
What did they mean by this?
Choke, had to skip a boss, suicide ensued
I'd start fasting before exercising if you're fat. Remember you won't starve so long as you have fat on your body. A morbidly obese man weighing over 400lbs went an entire year without eating because his fat sustained him. This is how animals can hibernate.
Dear Euromericans
Why are your people so retarded?
Weirds me out how hovering over these 2 posts cause "girl" to not move at all.
>No couch
One man soldiers on despite overwhelming odds.
was it speedrun kino?
The part where he joked about digging a hole deep enough and then looking at his gf and saying he was gonna "pound all her chink cousins" there was a bit too much. I can kinda understand them banning him after that part.
>A morbidly obese man weighing over 400lbs went an entire year without eating because his fat sustained him
If you are ever going to do this (bad idea) you will have to take vitamins also.
It has no border
It has no gate
This charity
Is really great
hello /gd/ friend
why do you write stuff like that? you can act alpha on Yea Forums but we all know youre a virgin fuck
he did. also insulin while you need it. (good idea btw)
Choked trying to do 4 things at once then his brain exploded
then why give it a female name?
They're too scared to say anything else lest they get banned
wait does that mean velocity doesn't have any parents?
can confirm file upload rangeban on Yea Forums since E3
I've been doing that for the past couple months and I already lost over 50 pounds. But I'm pretty sure I'm at the point now where I need to start exercising more to get the rest of it off.
>dude had to go 3 hours early because gdq is a shit
>begged on twatter for a couch commentator
>no one fucking shows up
>speedruns a bullet hell typing game
>obviously nervous and stressed as fuck
>juggling commentating and typing (in english and LATIN)
>literally lost 10 years of life expectancy after the run
this professorstein fag is the kind of cunt that makes threads on Yea Forums defending EA and lootboxes
More of a /g/entooman but I do have a lot of experience with logos.
Damn, flew too close to the sun. F
Why do they need social skills if you want it??
>mascot has no thematic or aesthetic link to the event itself
Who designed this and why are they stupid
Nothing about this creature says "GamesDoneQuick" or even "speedrunning"
I already fapped to Velocity and there's nothing you can do to stop me.
Does anyone have the full version of this?
>need to exercise to lose more weight
are you some kind of endless energy source? contact nasa or something, dude.
>Americans wake up
>Threads instantly turn into complete shit
where's all the trannies?
Has there ever been a STALKER speedrun at GDQ?
>if we say it doesn't have a gender, furries won't draw porn of it
wrong, dumbasses!
A doctor's ethical obligation is to heal the sick, not to police society.
Doctors do not have the right to refuse to treat someone based on their personal feelings.
dude no one knows what YOU the fuck is talking about
hence the question you retard
This dog whistle faggotry is what every cunt says after they do a good job ruining something. If you go and make another event or hobby or whatever they just flood in eventually and start demanding you do the same shit that alienated you from the first thing in the first place.
I'm jacking off to the thought of you doing that
based :)
hohoho so funny, how about instead of trying to be funny you go amd get some pussy you ugly shit
>notice something new on screen?
no it literally has never been on screen
This guy has the WR for this game, we're seeing high level Kirby 64 here.
Well not really fasting, more like I stopped eating shit and mainly only drink water now.
Makes sense.
Late night and early morning comfy hours are over, bros.
literally the first top post
... it's named "Velocity".
>tfw finnish and using prepaid internet connections because too autist to get a "proper" internet to this commieblock
>tfw cant post pictures because people shitpost too much
there was one at ESA last year(?) and it was comfy because the runner was russian too
me like booby
>hohoho so funny
thanks user
they would have been disappointed and would disown it
>now we need to speak english instead of Arabic
I'm not wrong.
It takes a special kind of stupid to think that the kind of people who SPEEDRUN are going to be socially competent/confident enough to approach you and engage in casual sex at an event
Yeah, the study said he took a multivitamin, but nothing else. Fatsos need to buckle up and go Jesus-in-the-desert mode to atone for their gluttony. Such a journey will change them forever.
Silly nigger. Go jump off a bridge.
lel you guys
It's a velociraptor - a species known for going fast and literally having velocity in its name.
It's name is velocity.
Sounds pretty quick to me.
>A doctor's ethical obligation is to heal the sick, not to police society.
top kek
doctors can do whatever the fuck they want and can refuse service to whoever they want
this includes terrorists and communists
>haha racism hahaha nigger haha
not in MY marathon
How are doctors going to know someone who comes into their tent/building are terrorists?
based furfags
Make sure to stretch your muscles every periodically anons, good night.
Don't worry, the porn artists will give them a gender of their choosing
Interestingly, it's one of the only images that he's deleted from his website. Bad taste desu
This dude is brutal about the double light sword. They tried dude.
oh nonono
Good night darling
>all lefties can do is copy our memes and spit them back at us
getting tired of us posting pictures of yourself? lmao
Goodbye Yea Forums. I just woke up with a bloody nose for no reason. This is probably the end.
What's the next run to look forward to? Also, how much of a shitshow was Metroid Prime 2?
>this is what reddit considers a "raid"
Something to watch out for is your body will go into starvation mode and any food you do eat will become fat far more easily. This can cause a lot of yoyoing if you aren't careful coming out of it.
Fasting means not eating anything with calories.
Oh shit everyone stop shitposting and pretend to be normal redditors.
Not before you will, tranny. Have sex. Wait, YOU CAN’T.
*flosses on your suicide scene*
Hahahahahahahahaa. Fucking cry more
do they not use the term 'brigading' anymore?
>Everyone on Yea Forums is a right winger
Not even that user but kys for being so retarded
imagine actually being a nigger lmao
Oy vey! It really shoah'd me.
How do I stretch my mooscles though?
Why are faggots from Wisconsin the biggest bitches?
meh its nothing, unfortunately you will live
It was actually a Homestuck shirt.
This happened to me and it turned out it was the beginning of a brain hemorrhage, good luck friend and possibly F
What's wrong with the darth maul ability?
>No run of Sakuya's game
Pussy I woke up to bloody noses all the time as a kid and I'm 28 now
t. jewyama
Probably just a dry nose, user. You’ll be okay. Make sure to stay hydrated.
>Dark Souls 2
it was an utter travesty
haha wojak
I have sex with my boyfriend, incel.
you too
reddit can see your post history so shitposting there is useless
most politically minded people on Yea Forums are at least center right
Noggers haha
>People watching a marathon to learn speedrunning
Not watching you oknow, FOR FUCKING ENTERTAINMENT
Just how much GDQ cum does this faggot swallow daily? If he stood up I bet we'd all hear the wet PLOP of his GDQ brand dildo coming out of his asshole.
>Yea Forums - reddit and twitter screenshots
Fuck off Somalisota
Luna Nights?
Is Ape Escape a fuck off and fap run or do I have to wait until Crash starts?
>continue my sweet ass edgelord stabbing montage
>target doctor's family
>actually just stab and kill every single doctor's family, and extended family too, in the country
>catch a disease from all the blood I've been bathing
>no doctor refuses my service because they have to help sick people
>get back to my business, but this time with knives covered in diseased blood
>doctors have no ethical obligation to mitigate the spread of sickness or disease or injury
>the hippopotamus oath is being upheld
Run's almost over. Time to fap
It's 'Niggers' tourist
trannies mad
>it's a velociraptor
I wouldn't have even known if you didn't say so
You can give anything a pair of sneakers and a fast-sounding name and then it's "the fast guy"
Doesn't mean the actual design of the character evokes a sense of speed
Not to mention it's supposed to be the mascot of GDQ, despite not actually looking like anything related to GDQ whatsoever
>niggers lol epic haha
based cameraman not focusing on cringe dad
He said it controls weird.
I hope your daddy didn’t beat you.
it was your average "Claris" run
full of chokes and breakdowns with overestimate
now post more Sabrina please
They dont help whites you know
>1 hour "speed"run of this nint0ddler shit
Redditors be sure to send me a PM when meme boy streams his suicide.
Mate, you're acting like a white pigger.
Nope, that only happens if you eat at a massive calorie deficit. The body isn't able to access its fat stores properly if digestion is ongoing.
>doctors can do whatever the fuck they want and can refuse service to whoever they want
Not if they want to live up to the standards of the profession.
reddit is raiding these threads. pretty funny
what did he do, seriously, someone tell me in detail
They're LITERALLY a tranny.
oof, okay. Play it cool, guys.
Isn't that just pasta? What the fuck
further proof that he is /ourguy/
Are you some kind of retard or something?
I was obviously responding to the posts I linked which had nothing to do with any dance dad what ever the fuck that gay shit is
keep your pants on there are children here
welcome to nu/v/
Give him some cum from me.
Fap to a trap run
He'll probably lose more brain cells when he blows the back of his head out with a shotgun.
one of the worst passing trannies ive seen. couldnt even bother shaving his face.
>insulting someone as a gamer dude at a speedrun event
I really don't understand.
What is it I'm afraid to click it?
A doctor's ethical obligation is to heal the sick. That's all they have to do, and that's what they have to do.
>he posts as tears roll down his face
Hi, I'm from reddit. Stop spamming our threads incels or so help me god I will spam porn
still no one knows what the fuck you are going on about
guess i'm retarded
for conversing with you
Nah I just had weak blood vessels in my nose and had to get that shit cauterized. I still get them every now and then if its really dry outside
I didn't even realize this was by shadman until I saw the people sperging out over shadman
which run?
based sexdragon
good replies
must suck to be cucked out of your own event. try growing a spine maybe. nothing's forcing you to bend over and take it.
the people who ran the original gdq obviously sucked at their job if it was taken over so easily by others. survival of the fittest.
>gamer dude
Is he truly /our guy/?
click it nigga
split/second read the tweet
>standards of the profession.
a meme
Holy shit I need to type sgdq into twitter.
>Kirby game
>skill based
Buddy, this game is for literal toddlers
smooth moves
>neo-nazi from Yea Forums
Why do people call us neo-nazis?
I feel insulted by this, i dont want to be associated with those retarded skinheads
Im just a regular, old-fashioned nazi
Shartanon here, I've eaten so much lollies and chocolate that I can no longer really taste sweet things. I'm having some cheese and crackers now for some variety.
The good news is that I'm becoming used to the smell.
look at this tranny blaming everyone but themself
Do our words really have that much of an effect on them? That's hilarious.
cringe kys
seriously if you aren't happy with your gender and want to cut your dick off why not just kill yourself straight up and maybe try again?
Off-topic shit is what it is.
I'm pretty syre he don't have brain cells from dilating
Didn't Doctors without borders get caught with forcing the people they help to have sex with them and if they didn't they would refuse to aid them?
>survival of the fittest.
*cries and screams about inclusiveness and diversity until I get what I want*
heh, nothin personnel kid
Nintendo helps my embarrassing neet ass feel happy from time to time please don’t take my happiness user.
>huehhe racism loolz xD
i wouldnunderstand if you guys were kids but youre all over 18 living with your parents and gaming all day, grow up stop being childish get a girlfriend
Good news, 40% of FtM trannies do!
Name literally one thing wrong with reddit
>yfw s/s runner was actually Umaru poster this whole time...
its their code word for misogynist
they think they are the most enlightened gamers, god's gift to the industry, everyone else is dumb and a poser, etc
Nah you're just plain old retarded
god I love Sabrina
I can't get enough of her
Fap to ape escape girllll
>I only care about the leaderboards
>no that''s a lie I also care about the sense of community and charity wink wink
kek this split/second run is gold
Yea Forums turning people into trannies since the dawn of time
yo a based user defeated someone in an internet argument so thoroughly they transitioned?
yes. these aid organizations usually end up as orgy rapes with the locals.
My nigger
The community
w/e kiddo
Bro what the fuck? How does it look when he shoots though?
they doing it after surgery, when faced with consequenses of their mental illness
im asking why not before, the moment you got that thought of cutting your dick off
It's like she's inviting my face there.
ofc they are
this tbqh, i'm just a regular vanilla national socialist. i try to avoid using any other silly labels that don't make sense
>It's over
Thank fucking god.
holy fuck
>trannies are mentally ill drug addicts that hate themselves
rly makes u think
dilate sweaty
Rate this run!
Go to a website where people are silenced for saying things you don't personally like, there's plenty of those around.
I,,,,, miss.ssed tHe ..split--/sekondddd, rrrun.. WHERE ccccan I .,wat,,ch it..??
Based "neo-nazi" who was probably really just someone who was politically moderate trying to talk some sense into them.
I missed somebody wearing a homestuck shirt?
Why doesn't Yea Forums like Kirby 64?
hell yeah
How come nuKirby games don't have this much SOUL?
I was doing some really annoying work and the Split/Second speedrun was the only thing that made it bearable.
If nothing else he was entertaining as fuck.
But Im living with my girlfriend. She hates the racist shit I say, but honestly I couldnt care less. She only deals with teaching the minorities when theyre younger, I teach them when theyre teenagers. My racism is founded soundly in my experiences.
Dat kiss
>you can 1-cycle 02
holy shit that's actually pretty cool
Shit and I just read Yea Forums the entire time.
Holy fuck, some based user BTFO this guy so hard he became a tranny
When I was a little kid that Princess with the long braids was super hot to me. Especially when you didn't have all the shards and she gives the camera an evil smirk at the end.
imagine falling for this
Extremely forgettable, C tier for sure, nothing horrible but nothing good.
>gaming all day
you must be new here nobody on Yea Forums plays video games
This person is legitimately insane.
slow. also kirby is loved for its pretty sprites.
Don't you mean male to female?
>yfw NIGGER escape soon
kirby is pure
jesus fucking christ these remixes are awful
who gives a fuck
Reminder that white right wingers have a much higher fertility rate than the general population.
Reminder studies have shown that leftists are all virgins.
Its a great game just not really good for speedrunning.
>some user john fucking numbered this chump
6-7, it was alright but nothing special
i honestly dont know the difference anymore and I know if I tried id let slip a racial slur
Thank god dude. Thought you might have a bad experience.
Shit taste. I can't see you not loving this run if you've touched Kirby 64.
Not every run needs to be a dashy ass glitchfest.
thank fuck Kirby is done
that shit boring
Trannies are statistically more likely to.
I don't fit the body I'm in either. I'm fat and kind of short and my dick isn't very big. On the inside I'm a 6'4" ripped chad with a big jaw and a 12 inch cock. Where's my pity party? wtf
>We're here to provide medical aids!
>Don't you mean aide?
it's ugly as fuck
punchout soon brothers
well that was established from the beginning
Made me laugh, here's the link.
fun game
Trans aren't people.
Comfy, but nothing special. 7/10
I just like Kirby games, so I had fun watching it for that reason.
It's fairly common that the ones who lean left are socially incompetent and have no income of their own, or a working relationship for that matter.
Makes one wonder, are you attracted to the left when you are a human failure or do you become a human failure once you start going left?
new bread
Chapo trap house listening commie faggot
these people are terrible
Nothing amazing, very slow game.
But decent couch/runner, comfy run overall.
>you will never BTFO an user so hard he becomes a cute trap
why live
I like the way it looks but my arthritis doesn’t let me play games like that anymore. It sucks but at least I can watch.
Jesus Christ
>BTFO so hard in an online argument on 4chin of all places he decided to change gender altogether
nigger what the fuck we've all been there
just laugh it off and move on
jesus christ what's with these idiots holy shit