Enter this state of mind to enjoy games again
Redpill for vidya fatigue
Other urls found in this thread:
>be a selfish prick who gets a sick thrill from having what others don't
No thanks
this is more of a bluepill
It's impossible to enjoy anything in a depressed state of mind like that.
what a horrible way of living
Just play the fucking games you are actually interested in. Don't force yourself to play some dogshit simulation game just because you got it for 99p in a humble bundle 5 years ago.
this is really retarded
just play what you like
This is literally how Jews think.
Gas yourself Shlomo.
t. libcuck tranny
As I grow older and change, so does my taste in everything, including video games.
I was suprised I could enjoy games from the 90s a lot now since I don't care about graphics anymore
>Games are genuinely worse with all the Microbullshit, always online and near non-existant mod support
>AI has barely improved over the past 15 years
>"nah dude you are just jaded bro"
op is a tranny faggot
post actual redpills
>go watch a whatever movie for any reason
>cool, dude
>have you seen Avatar? Everybody saw it!
>yeah no thanks
OP, you know that videogames are for fun?
Sounds like you need some better taste in games if all you know is disappointment.
What did Portal ruin?
Nothing, Portal 1 and 2 are great games
t. retarded american who's been taught to despise his inferiors
Fucking useful idiots like you are why the oligarchs are winning.
girrrl game, like Zelda
That's more of a blue or even blackpill.
>enjoy it because other people have shitty lives
What good does that do to me?
If you have nothing else to aspire to in life other than playing vidya you are literally like a child who only gets to play games on weekends
>People consider video games as a hobby but don't enjoy them
I genuinely feel sad for you people. I just bought Stardew Valley last week and I'm loving it. But I'll bet Yea Forums collectively hates it because others like it.
The cake meme made normalfaggots pretend to be nerds. Portal was the first normalfag friendly game that was considered "cool"
This is fucking dumb
What about COD? What about Zelda? Mario?
What does my personal enjoyment of games has to do with the absolute state of this industry?
>third world wagecuck who watches youtube instead of playing games
but that's me
all in or after 2007. Before 2007 nerds were bullied by even mentioning these.
>not having a life instead
sorry but "vidya motivation" is pathetic
Just start doing both.
...Though honestly lately I've been playing RPGs while watching Let's Plays of people playing RPGs. I guess I might have an issue
Coincidentally Portal is the only good game on that list. If popular culture today was like Portal 1 (not 2), it would be better.
>play game
>enjoyed ut, but don't feel like playing it anymore before beating it and want to play something else.
>autism won't let me play anything else untill I finish game I don't feel like playing anymore.
Anyone else know this feel?
I'm really tired of people trying to push others into having fun with videogames.
Yeah, I was waiting for that bullshit answer.
You don't seem to be remembering everything that was before Portal, how everyone said "I don't play games, but I've played Mario", how a crowbar was le epic meme, how Sims literally was considered an entry point of gaming (mostly girls).
"Cake is a lie" did nothing to actually made people to play this game, it was the same shit as "YOU ARE DEAD" meme.
Fuck off with your stupid theories.
Imagine trying this hard to somehow make your wageslave existence seem less pathetic, at least to yourself if to no one else
Pong? Pac-Man?
The game just had a meme in it, in an Era when memes were first getting bigger
>likes a game
Super cringe
kys moralfag tranny
This. Why do people like that even hang out here on Yea Forums? When I occasionally need to take a break from vidya I just ignore Yea Forums for a while and go to Yea Forums or whatever
The disgusting thing about Portal though is that it was designed meme first, game later.
Neets are worse than niggers
That is one of the scummiest/evil reasons to do anything. If someone is having problems playing multiple videogames, especially newer games, go back and replay an old favorite. The passion and interest in gaming will instantly return.
You are literally my little workslave
You are literally a nigger only without the manliness and ability to have sex or stand up for yourself
They’re literally addicted. Yea Forums provides constant stimulus since it’s such a fast board, easy to get hooked.
NEETs have much higher suicide rates for a reason user, just try to stay positive even though you're a disappointment to your family
Vidya fatigue has happened to me because nothing is good anymore. Last game I had hope for was complete shit and now I don't even want to bother with vidya
You are a disappointment despite working so how is that going for you kek
What I need to enjoy video games is
>More time
>More willpower
T. Nigger but without the big dick
Less typing more slaving. I never told you to speak up bitch
seethe harder tranny
>Mfw I was the OP in this thread
Fuck summer
No you idiot I don't work
>I don’t care about graphics anymore
Only zoomers care about that shit.
I just talked to a dude today that has a better job than me with more hours and yet his living expenses are so high he can't even afford a PS4 and apparently only has a laptop.
Meanwhile I can buy any game I want for any console I want, feels good man
>NEET pretending that he has power and is capable of lording over anyone else
Good joke.
What game was that? There are still lots of great games on Switch
>too dumb to understand basic concepts
Im a libcuck, and even I think you're being an insufferable faggot posting this.
Back to work, orc
3rd worlders just pirate everything; yes, high entry cost (tax for pc and console, plus the hack for console), but then we can have any and every game.
Kingdom Hearts 3.
Denuvo says halo
Every time I hack something and download a bunch of games I never beat any of them and lose interest entirely
T. Insufferable underage retard
>Not pirating everything
Dumb wagie.
>Im a libcuck
No you aren't
>expecting a new game from modern Square Enix to be good
That's just your poor judgement in action
But user there's like, thousands of games that it isn't even hard to pirate
>be a selfish prick who gets a sick thrill from having what others don't
>He disliked KH3
Sorry you had your expectations too high
Yep, and that's the worst thing. I used to play vidya when back then, now I have 700+ steam games (because 75% off and they used to be even cheaper in reais) and all the other 200+ games I downloaded for the psp, ds, and all the emulators I could get. What do I play? Some game/genre I see Yea Forums sucking the dick of, but for a couple of hours or a bit more. Then I just come back here.
Why don't you just think of what genre you like, the find a game you downloaded with good reviews and play it
This isn't rocket surgery
I wanted it to play the bare minimum slightly better than KH2FM and have a satisfying conclusion to the series. I got neither
I thought the combat was incredibly fun, I dunno what to say
Also they never said it would be a conclusion to the series, so you're just a dumbass for expecting that
If thats what makes you feel better, you can keep telling yourself that, user.
liberals don't get off on the idea of have-nots.
>tfw haven't enjoyed a single game in the past 3 years
I just want to enjoy vidya again
Its literally just vary your shit. Doing the same thing over and over again gets boring no matter who you are.
>Bros... I've played 600 hours of DOTA 2... and I don't want to play anymore... I've officially grown out of video games.
Play something you don't usually indulge in. I stay away from "walking sims" but What Remains of Edith Finch was great, I highly recommend it. You know arcade games are still being made right? Grab 3 friends and co op Fireteam Raven.
>But user those games are shit!
And you might be right! So play the games you enjoy!
Really? What's your platform of choice?
Seriously, why do you hang out here then? You realize that Yea Forums legitimately isn't helping in that regard, right?
The games Yea Forums sucks the dick of are usually pretty good. It's just that everything is so overwhelming a part of it is because we became adults, but having movie-games and "press x to win" won't cut it too. Anyway, I managed to finish steam world dig in 8 hours last weekend, even got pretty much everything. Now I'm playing Antharion ( top down rpg fad of a coupe weeks ago, 6+ hours) and I already clocked 6+ hours too in Digital Devil Saga (Weekly Nocturne dick sucking) It's way better to start here instead of Nocturne. /blog/
Just play more genres
For a while I thought something was wrong with me in barely enjoying games as I got older. But my 200 IQ made me realize my taste has narrowed and the video game I dustry just tries to appeal to larger audiences. I don't like many games because they are now a byproduct of a mainstream industry. I find an occasional game I just love and play the living shit out. I realize there was nothing wrong with me, it's the industry itself. That is also maybe the dumbest fucking 50 IQ advice I ever heard. Don't give yourself this primitive mindset of superiority in your head forcing you to try and enjoy a fucking hobby. You are as retarded as people thinking they have to play golf because they are rich not because they enjoy it.
Instead think about your enjoy and stop WANTING to like every fucking mainstream garbage that gets shit out these days. You shouldn't want to enjoy something you should just enjoy it. Fucking 18 yr old in high school school brain power. The bigger faggot is the one that screen shot it. Probably just the OP thinking he's a smart kid in his own stupid head.
30 yr old boomer been here since 2006. If you agree with the above statement fucking kill yourself or grow up.
PC but I own every system. I have 30 games on backlog but no drive to play then as they all seem to be shit
I just play Nintendo games and not mainstream garbage. Hyped for Super Mario Maker 2 later this week.
Why are you buying games you have no interest in?
The best way to rekindle the fire is to play good, but short, a bit older games.
I do have interest in them but when I play them I am met with disappointment. I had interest in Hollow Knight because I like metroidvanias and it was praised. Other than nice animations it's complete shit
I don't know why people jack off over Hollow Knight, it's nothing special. I bought it for Switch and that shit put me to sleep.
I'm starting to take a page out of Ross's book and have been waiting for games to come out on sale. I'm not even poor, got a decent programming gig. I can put money towards games I'll actually play, hardware, and for trips and shit. It's nice. Spend less money on games, you'll enjoy them way more.
I dunno why you dislike Hollow Knight, I thought it was great. I also liked Timespinner, Rabi-Ribi and Iconoclasts if you want more Metroidvanias
>used to fucking love fighting games back in the day, SF, Tekken, SC, Battle Arena Toshinden, Bloody Roar
>now the genre is just mobile shit with mobile currency, and if you're not trying to make it big as an esports faggot, there is literally no point, because developers no longer make fighting games for people at home
>barely any content, Day 1 DLC, superfluous Guest characters, microtransactions
>can't enjoy the entire fucking genre now because all the series have been hit with kikery and retardation
I used to enjoy shooters to, until all three platform makers introduced paid online. I don't think I've played a shooter in at least 7 years. I'd play on PC but I suck with mouse and keyboard and I have no motivation to learn because it won't be worth it
I don't think I've enjoyed a new game in at least 5 years.
Get a Switch and Splatoon 2
I think all game fatigue stems from not owning a Nintendo Switch
I've never liked fighting games but I've enjoyed myself playing Smash these past few months with my roommate
Smash is a party game, not a fighting game
Me on the left.
Thanks for the suggestion. I already own a Switch and tried out Xenoblade 2 and BotW. I beat both of them and thought they were decent enough, but BotW had no replay value because no post game or new game + and I was pretty much done with both games forever after beating them initially.
I disagree, plus you don't even like games anyhow who cares about your opinion
Imagine still not understanding Yea Forums and letting anything posted here influence your actual opinion. I come here to shitpost and save cool pics.
Unironically this
>do something not because you enjoy it but just to spite others
if you don't enjoy vidya anymore, just do something else. I change my sport clubs every 2-3 years because I get bored of them and then the new ones are fun again
how did you come to that conclusion? the second ones humor is a lot more wacky haha, but the first one is just typical dark humor with puzzles, how is that considered going for meme first when it was actually level design then the story?
I especially hate the last point, where enemies just turn into bullet sponges with inflated stats.
Always leads to you just cheesing it in some way so there's no sense of achievement.
>stoping anything at all
>how did you come to that conclusion?
If a game appeals to normies then obviously it was cynically designed to do so. Clearly people cannot enjoy products they find good.
I'm being sarcastic and I'm on your side
>hey Yea Forums, self-indulgent time wasting isn't doing it for me any more. wat do?
>I know, it's not that endless entertainment is inherently unfulfilling - I just need to convince myself that it's fulfilling by thinking of people out there who can't discover for themselves whether or not it is.
lost another one to hedonism. I'm not going to advocate wage labor or anything, but you should do yourself a favor and come to grips with the fact that no amount of indulgence and entertainment will make you happy sooner, rather than later
for me it's the complexity. I grew up with the Gameboy and so on, you'd just put the game in and then play the game right away. there's only two buttons, the game explains itself.
now I often don't even start a game because it most likely has a 10-30 minutes tutorial where I just get bombarded with shit that I'm expected to remember instantly and it feels more like work.
whenever I do get past the first 30 minutes it's alright but I barely have the motivation to do so.
that's a problem with me generally just being lazy as fuck though
This. Makes me wonder why NEETdom is so sought after. It's really only good for the first couple months at most.
Imagine needing to feel the illusion of being superior to others in order to enjoy something.
I'd tell you to kill yourself, but I'd be just preaching to the choir.
That's fucking weird dude. This is why so many of you are lonely, cause have retarded ideas like that.
well now i feel dumb, but thanks i guess
neetdom is a choice that i've made because i'm mentally ill, which is also an excuse but i've accepted that i can't control my emotions like other people so i'm just living my life with savings and shit till i kill myself
I was... agreeing with you though
That's a shame user, I do think that you probably have people who love you and don't wanna see you die though. Maybe consider seeing a therapist
I understand you were agreeing with me, i feel dumb for not seeing the sarcasm but it's hard to notice in text.
>go see a therapist
Yeah, I'm in one of those places where there are no therapists available, either because full up or just not enough of them. I have my pyschiatrist who gives me pills but he can only do so much. That and I am fairly certain I have autism but this town doesn't have the facilities to test adults, I also have no money/buddies to help me get to another place with more.
tldr; i'm stuck and it's mostly my fault but nothing around me is helping either
hate to break it to you, but nintendo games are the epitome of "mainstream garbage." it doesn't get more mainstream than mario, pokemon and zelda.
I'm the exact opposite, I wish I could spend more time on an individual game. I usually want to move on and experience each game as fast as possible so I rush through everything.
it really depends on whether the game has good combat and the enemies are fun, i dont mind strong tanky enemies if fighting them is enjoyable and the combat is satisfying
its that way for a lot of people but its never been this way for me, games are still as enjoyable as its ever been and i got a fuckton of time to do whatever i want/go to the gym and work on other hobbies
>casuals paying to play online
I hate this. It's so fucking retarded. It's not about pc being the masterrace, but about console casuals simply being cucks. Microsoft/Sony came up with the idea of paying for online, and instead of protesting and refusing to play online games, and not buying them, all the new play-pretend gamer shitters just went in like "ah, whatever, I'll pay for it", like ”it's not a big deal, I'll pay if I have to". Literal cuck mentality. This same thinking got us all the day-one DLCs and microtransactions and all of the other shit.
They could literally double the subscription fee and retarded casuals would just take it in the ass like it's nothing. Hell, with all the corporate bootlicking that exists nowadays, there would probably be idiots even defending it.
Most people who are happy and healthy don't need to convince others that they are user.
choosing what games to play is always a bit of a dilemma for me because I always play 1 game at a time and have to stay committed to it until completion.
IF I have a home I don't have to pay rent for, how do I become a neet? Autismbux are a no go as I live in a third world shithole, I would need a basic trickle of income to perhaps pay the bills/food
sounds like bullshit bro philosophy to me but even if it were true it wouldnt really apply to this case since im responding to a negative :
>hey its impossible to be happy this way
>works for me
And I'm just saying that I don't necessarily believe it. Either that or you haven't been a NEET long. But I suppose that's academic.
It's not something you can just "enter". Even if you cucked yourself and LARPed as a wageslave who can't afford vidya, you'd play for two weeks after a break at be back at square one. Why? Because you're still current you and the games are still terrible.
>I don't necessarily believe it.
thats fine, but im 13 years in and i did have a pretty depressed period, but getting older and expanding my hobbies really helped turn it around
Become a porn artist or youtuber and work from home. It will take years to gather the following you would need to have a sustainable income, though.
My penis is average and I can't last long. Is there anything I could do with writing? I love writing and I feel I could do well if I applied myself.
Jesus Christ dude I guess your parents have just given up on you entirely
im not american so the stigma isnt as bad, i help with the rent and have to care of things since people are getting old
>you need a GF to enjoy video games
>tfw can't get a GF
I kinda unironically think this is true
I don't get it
Why would others misery give me happiness?
Im still trying to complete Xenoblade chronicles 2 + torna dlc since it launched
thats the only fucking game that i played except of some hentai rpg maker games
the highest difficulty is just too much and im stuck at the challege arena(not in ng+)
im also a wagecuck that only has a few hours a day to do shit and im honestly just sick of playing vidya
still a good game though
I'm not fucking autistic so I don't think "vidya fatigue" is a thing.
The problem is shit vidya. Give me something fun, like Bloodstained, and I'll happily play for hours.
lol this is just adopting a toxic competitive mindset instead. The real trick is to recognize how shitty being cynical is and just stop that. Stop going to places like /pol/ especially if you're one of those because they blast you with a bunch of one-sided bullshit most of the time that won't make you happy in life.
Once you do that it'll become easier to enjoy things again
Haha youre right OP! I also enjoy my food because the nigglets in aftica can't eat anything. FUCK poor people, this is epic
>The real trick is to recognize how shitty being cynical is and just stop that.
This. I honestly believe that some people think that acting cynical is the same as being "woke" in a way. Or that hating games makes them more of a gamer
this is actually pretty cringe and bluepilled and a major cope
never take life advice from Yea Forums
Videogames are like TV. If you watch TV all day, you will hate TV and think it's all retarded bullshit. If you game all day, you will hate videogames and think they are all retarded bullshit.
I play moderately, and I'm having as much fun with games as I ever have.
Same even goes for music or movies. If I listen to music too much, I start to hate music altogether like ISIS does. You've got to have a balance of interests and activities in your life.
This is the ultimate bluepill. How does that guy have so little self-awareness. Its somehow even worse then smashrosterfaggotry.
Thanks, I have multiple of these, presenting multiple sides. You can't understand anything if you don't try understanding everything, I say.
I don't discredit cynics or anything, I just think cynicism in general is inability to cope or move on from something. It's not really a surprise that people who have surrounded themselves with video games all of their lives are stuck in a situation where both their experiences with video games and video games themselves have changed for the worse. Perhaps Yea Forums compounds this issue by acting as a support group of sorts which emboldens shitposting since it's a mostly negative space in general.
>Perhaps Yea Forums compounds this issue by acting as a support group of sorts which emboldens shitposting since it's a mostly negative space in general.
I think this is definitely the case. Even if much of the negativity is just falseflagging, the fact is that it permeates the whole board. Nearly every thread is half-full of people complaining about it.
First post almost best post.
it's like the definition of a bluepill
>be content
>think about how much worse it could be
That is some straight up faggy pussy bitch shit right there my man
>Stardew Valley
Or just enjoy games?
LE TIRED GAMER faggots just aren't trying hard enough.
>haha fucking pussies, I'll continue blowing my money on shit food and rent and watching streamers if I want to
You have fun taking my less-than-pocketchange to fund the entirety of your life and opportunities while I get to enjoy making 27$ an hour 6 hours a day 5 days a week from finding something I enjoy doing. I'm sure we spend money on the same things of the same quality to pursue our hobbies and that effect our quality of life. How's your office chair and frame rates? Is your back going to be destroyed in 12 years leaving you unable to NEET it up quite the same after despite a carpenter or other hard labor having a body that lasts longer under more strain? Wither away, it's good you're a genetic dead end to your line.
I just take a break from vidya for a couple of days-months and come back refreshed
Usually half a day or less but sometimes alot more.
Me in the middle
I did it too, in 2012, and then 2 months became 100.
If I'm jaded why would I give a fuck if random strangers don't have access to the same things I do? Literally millions don't. What am I, a 14 year old showing up his gamerscore for GameFAQs or something?
Based I remember I took a 3 year break and rebuilt my pc many times then sold it.
Currently have a 2080ti sucking dust watching Netflix rips until new games come out
Doom eternal can't come soon enough
>Yea Forums provides constant stimulus since it’s such a fast board, easy to get hooked
>brain craves novelty
>high ppm count
>135 new threads per hour
>its almost as fast as a chatroom
>(Yea Forums)- 140ppm
>2nd most is 80ppm (/pol/)
>Yea Forums now:
>685.72 posts/min.
>Yea Forums alone accounts for 140ppm