thicc editon
update is supposedly dropping in an hour and half.
>stuck at work for risky update
i just want to unlock planto roboto to see if hes good. Why couldnt things have just gone smoothly for a weekend update dammit
1 hour boys.
do we have patch notes yet?
itll be delayed
dont even put it in the atmosphere nigger
Ayo fagets lets play some risky rain meanwhile.
someone host ror2
might not be real risky hours I guess
still a bit early here plus people might just be waiting for the update to drop which is in an hour or so
Do we have a solid idea of what’s in the update besides a new survivor and map? My co-op partner and I already got all the cheevos, I hope it’s worth diving back in for
i also believe i heard a new soundtrack from the little e3 demo they showed
and hopefully theres new enemies that arent just recolored, but idk
Has anyone been able to figure out how the symbol of a dead tree relates to the upcoming update?
well we know for sure were getting a new boss but I cant remember if were getting "new new" enemies. Honestly Im more excited for arti buff and to see the new items than anything else. The plant looks fucking stupid imo.
new area is called ashen forest iirc.
>dead tree
>scorched acres update
truly a mystery
i think the plant looks pretty fucking cool
sure hope nobody lewds it haha
but really it looks fun to play
Risk of acid rain
I'm talking about the content that's in the update, so we can theorize what kind of content the other symbols represent.
honestly I hope Im wrong and plant bro is dope
yeh theres a burnt tree boss that vomits clouds of whisps and he lives in smoldering forest
another flying boss that hopefully is a bit more mobile than vagrants. Maybe a large bird that moves in quick bursts to close distance then hovers to attack. Stage is high Tibetan type cloudy mountains
clam boss at the beach. Shoots water jets at you and has invul stages where you have to get him to open his shell
i dunno
>last one
what even is that
>place is called scorched acres
>acre can reference a forest time place
>scorched means it got SUPER hot, like super DUPER hot
>a super duper hot tree, sometimes called a burnt tree or a scorched tree doesn't have any leaves or branches
hmm... I can't quite figure it out, but hopefully there's someone here with more than a single wrinkle in their brain like you and me user
The last one looks like a planet to me. Maybe the final boss is just going Exterminatus on the whole planet.
>what even is that
Looks like a 'cracked' planet, with a bunch of chunks of its destroyed shell floating off into space. Kinda like a planet that was hit with a meteor. I'm sure it's the final level
go back to vg
My bet on glass is the artifact update since it looks like the glass icon from ror1
Are they adding relics this time?
Relatively new to the game, just did a run on easy to get the 20 stages challenge out of the way and it's pretty ridiculous how much items start snowballing
No doubt. Good catch.
hmm... vg... vg what does vg stand for? V and then a G? Maybe it could be like... Visual Gain, like you're gaining visuals, from some kind of source. Like when you LOOK at it, and you SEE it, then it enters your brain to give you information. Almost like a video game. Sorry user, I'm not really sure what vg means but I'll keep working on it.
when is the update dropping? 30 mins?
It's the fucking moon in the background of Risk of Rain you fucking idiots.
lol nobody played that
Me too, user. I'll be reading patch notes on my phone and shitposting along with you
You jest but it's quite evident those two chucklefucks didn't play Risk of Rain.
Update 1: Contents already known
Update 2: Item / Skills overhaul. Teaser pic is a hopoo feather.
Update 3: Water level, possible aquatic boss?
Update 4: Artifacts and other balancing things
Update 5: Final level + boss added, updated log entries. "Lore" update.
I didn't
>Honestly Im more excited for arti buff
Is this a confirmed thing or just wishful thinking?
If Artificer doesn't get a skirtless mod as soon as the update is out I'll shitpost these threads with
Why are you getting so asshurt? Because I can't remember some minor detail of the background of the menu screen of a game I haven't played in 3 years? Last is whorls, never cared to do it because it's too much out of the way effort. I flat out said it was a 'planet' of some sort, I was pretty much on the money. Sorry I didn't say 'moon' instead. Spergo.
Artificer has a hover now.
> Because I can't remember some minor detail of the background of the menu screen
The moon is in the background of multiple stages.
>34 hours
It just gets worse.
RoR twitter account F5 spam intensifies
It's in the background of the logo for RoR2, dipshit.
Oh no, I couldn't remember a minor detail in the background of a game where your attention must constantly be placed on the enemies in your immediate surroundings. I sure do feel like a dumbo now. Thank god I didn't dedicate my life to game you can beat in under 11 minutes
>I sure do feel like a dumbo now
My work here is done, then. See ya, loser.
Now this is a valid point, it actually is in the logo for RoR2. Granted, I don't think I ever actually looked at it because I was too busy playing the game, but it's still a completely valid point.
please no more bully RoR1chads, I can't take it
That's not thick.
>muh THICC
she's FIT af, not just THICC. get over it
>call thread "thicc" edition
>don't open with thicc
Just correcting OP's mistake.
Waiting for the Rex memes
And one more. Happy hunting.
OPs pic look like shit anyways, every pic posted here is way better regardless of my or your perception of THICCness
I played RoR1 for a bit, are the controls supposed to be awful? Or do you all just play with a controlled?
Have they said what the unlock conditions will be for plant? I've missed a lot of the recent news.
thats just retarded
Bring me art of Huntress with abs
1 is absolutely a controller game.
2 is absolutely a mouse and keyboard game
i played with a controller and always had fun. never had a problem with controlls at all
Some sort of quest, no other information
I played with keyboard for about 60 hours before I plugged in a gamepad. Haven't looked back.
I play with keyboards and it is good for me.
I played 1 on a mouse and keyboard and had 0 problems
git gud
1 with controller, 2 with m+kb. I tried 1 with a keyboard and thought it was shit, tried again with a controller after forgetting it for a few months and had a ton of fun.
>not cute loli huntress
8 minutes
They work nicely on a controller, but I'm curious what you would prefer the controls to be on keyboard. I like the way they align left to right with their corresponding spots on the bottom bar.
>No abs
You are just as bad as the other guys.
You can rebind keys. I've rebound ult to M4 and item to M5.
>275mb update
Cringe pedo
its almost like ppl never drawn any abs on her for you or me to save, i dunno.
what the fuck is that
the artifact part wasnt lost on me, but I have no idea what to predict for boss or map that it says will also come with the update
How does huntress helmet work? Why does she have one big eye in the middle and a smaller one on her mouth/nose
Come on Hopoo
>movement utiltiy buff in hover
>tweaked item proc effects highly favoring harder hitting characters
she'll definitely be in a much better state than she is now
ayy lmao
Can't wait to dab on fire elites with the new shield item.
Snowflake buff would be nice too
restart steam.
109775241059622005 US EAST RAINSTORM
that worked, thanks user
>Update supposedly about to drop
Fucking finally
card link?
you can just barely see huntresses rippling abs
>All Stages
> Can now spawn Legendary Chests post-loop
dunno, it was included with this
By the time you get home the game will be dead again.
>engi got nerfed
>sticky bomb got nerfed
Engi got buffed
But the rest of the nerfs oh god noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
>That artificer buff
To whoever the madlad that just keept commissioning RR lewds, on behalf of the whole community i thank you a lot for holding us all over until the patch hit.
>Add unique boss drop to the guardian of Gilded Coast
how do you even get to it
in what sense? I have people to play with, and i dont dick around on Yea Forums unless im at work so no skin off my back there
>All these months for this small update
>commando sounds better
>Difficulty changes mid level cause the music to change
whats the new characters name in the profile file? cant be arsed to unlock it
Let's get to work bros
gold shrine
Only 5 more hours here buddy. We're in this together
> Add true invincibility during Eviscerate and Blinding Assault.
We made it lads.
> Now comes down in a unique pod!
I think it's a pretty decent update for just three guys working on the game
> Critical Strikes no longer double/triple/quadruple/etc “dip” through the proc chain
> On-hit items have accidentally been benefiting multiple times from critical strikes, resulting in each proc doubling in damage for huge multipliers. While neat, this was ultimately unintentional and not sustainable for the game going forward - so we’re ripping the bandaid now and fixing it. On-hit items have been compensated for the removal of power from this fix.
So the proc changes look like absolute shit, sounds like early and mid game dps is gonna be absolute dogshit now.
>Add true invincibility during Eviscerate and Blinding Assault.
>Add lingering invincibility for 0.6s after Eviscerate ends.
>Blinding Assault deducts 1 from stock when timed out rather than resetting it all to 0.
>Add “Safe Movement” during Eviscerate and Assaulter to reduce the chance of clipping through geometry
This sounds great for Merc at least.
They buffed the most of the proc items to compensate though
>To compensate for the Crit fix, we’ve moved over on-hit effects to deal a percentage of TOTAL damage. That is, if you have a proc that deals 300% damage from an attack that hits for 100, it will hit for 300. Previously it was a complicated additive formula - this change is either neutral or a buff for every character, and GREATLY benefits slow, high-damage attacks like the Artificer’s.
So who is the new character?
Topaz brooch is godly
someone HOST US
>Dagger Number: 3 daggers (+3 per stack) 3 daggers
Fucking gay, i enjoyed being king of the swarm
EU monsoon
>nova proc coefficient for jelly and vagrant increased
should I be scared or am i misunderstanding? What exactly are they proccing with the nova?
Piranha Plant
Flower pot robot spider
My fucking god just remove Chronobubble already.
Fucking waste of an item slot.
Redpill inside.
Providence BTFO
the powerplant challenge gives you a hint
or change it to a time slow so it slows enemy animations down just make it not dogshit ffs
if we didnt have bad items then itd make the good items feel less good to get
you need to take out a fuel panel out of your pod when you spawn and then put it in the robot somewhere, i have no idea where he is though
Corpse of Providence rare boss when
Every kill adds an overshield that gradually ticks down, you can get overshield up to your max health value.
I just walked through the vagrant's explosion and only lost 15 health from full shields
probably in the new stage 3 level
whats the name of it then
>no sticky nerfs
>dear brother
oh shit
>Every class gets balanced
>Except commando which gets to play with its new sound effects in F-tier.
all that mul-t got is a special pod at spawn
His snipe also got a buff from the proc change
They said during the interview that they were looking to overhaul Commando completely since he's just kinda boring.
Maybe next patch?
>New Items, Equipment and More
Hoppo already being a lying nigger and not delivering.
stick this in your files to get the plant with no effort
>Providence has a brother
>Prov wasn't any kind of bulwark of the weak
>The planet was a zoo for literal monsters
>the bug with mercenery pushing enemies away into outer space still isn't fixed
But we got new items, equipment and more
based and dare I say cringepilled
>planned to do nothing but play Grim Dawn today
>forgot completely about ror2 update
welp guess I'm not leaving house today
They mentioned something like that for skills 2.0
Like if you enjoyed a character and are getting tired how they play, skills 2.0 will give you a new look or something. They didnt go into detail since they just started working on that. But I assume there will be skills you can change out for new playstyles.
How does this make you feel user?
post a room
Buy the game faggot
Man, just fix his roll and have his rapid-fire actually scale with attack speed instead of just ending faster. Boom, fixed commando.
Maybe fix how your class choice becomes irrelevant in the lategame.
>fuel cells
I will fucking stab you
>new items
nothing appears for me as new to unlock
That's the best part of Merc though, the real travesty is WHERE THE FUCK IS BANDIT HOTPOOP YOU CUNT
>we weren't the bad guy
>Added 9 new items/equipment to the game
>New Item: Topaz Brooch
>New Item: Old Guillotine
>New Item: Warhorn
>New Item: Aegis
>New Equipment: Eccentric Vase
>New Equipment: Fuel Array
>New Lunar Equipment: Spinel Tonic
>New Boss Item: Little Disciple
>New Boss Item: Halcyon Seed
>first royal capacitor unlock
holy shit
post them fucking rooms LETS GOOOOOOOOOO
still gonna stab you
but you right
so that's it? it took them this long to add 9 items/equipments to the game? holy fucking lol
So the Survivors ship was crashed because Providence thought of us as pets for his giant zoo?
This just raises further questions.
pedophile get out
>the new enemy is some big guy with a minigun
what the fuck
Randy took all the money they made. It's like Hopponigger never learned with Chucklefish.
Based Chadvidence not taking shit from his bother, his mail order bride OR planet killing cancer.
Wait does that mean all the locations are set one one planet?
There's also new boss, new enemies, new stage, new music, new survivor.
Come and get it big boy
Are proc items just glitched out right now or something? I've been playing for half an hour and haven't found ONE
What? ARe you talking about the clay templar? wheres the screen?
>We have landed a few minutes ago and I have no time I must log as quickly as possible I hope the speech-to-text works many died on impact inside hollow cavern chains great chains fire the ground they come from the ground the burning they breathe fire we are hiding beneath the caverns groans they coax metal from the surface with song giant snakes made of fire they collect the security chests the death god we are in hell here chains keeps the ground from splintering they breathe beneath and above and around us punishments it must be forgive me I cannot see too dark deep thunder goodbye
>deep thunder goodbye
>new music
damn i need to fuckin hear it
>Randy took all the money
he only takes the most violent killers as pets though.
Well desu it makes me feel a little better about ripping and tearing my way through the planet
At the same time this still fits in line with providence wanting to stop humans from getting his teleporter technology
Hoppo signed publishing deal with Gearbox.
Because Hoppo is retarded and never learned his lesson.
I beleive there was something about 3 separate crates now for movement, damage, and healing. Did they get rid of vendors and rando blue crates as well?
Gearbox helped with publishing the game.
>use hp to gold shrine
>instant death
>signing a publishing deal with fucking cuckbox
why did they do that? there's not like they did any marketing
nope, these crates spawn along the others
should have had stacks of tougher luck to block it
ask me i will ask you
now randy will buttfuck all the money they made for his borderlands 3 just like he did with BL2.
Yes, they always have been.
This raises so many questions but all of them are cool and interesting
>you harambe’d an entire planet
>all those direct and indirect Merchad buffs
W-wait w-what's that?
>Clay Dunestrider, Increase inner “mulch” radius from 5 to 10
Nononobros what the fuck
>Disable Base Health Regeneration if on fire
>sets all mcniggers on fire
and not a damage item yet huh? Hotfix inbound I guess if this isnt just horrible rng for you
>press play
>screen goes dark for 2 seconds
>game doesn't launch, just goes back to desktop
>pick up the fuel array
>get set on fire
what the fuck bros
My Fuel Array looks like exploded.
restart steam.
So ... where's the new survivor?!
just do a quick reinstall. It isnt like it would take 2 minutes
This but unironically.
You have to take a fuel pod and repair a robot on the new map. If you die you lose it and can't do it.
Risk of TnA
Yep, thats it.
is it really on the new map? because i can't find it there
in the new zone. pick up the fuel thing from your pod and dont get lit on fire. it blocks your use slot basically but if you are on fire it has a chance to explode.
any damage really increases the chance to explode but fire is the big trigger.
EU rainstorm
>take fuel cell
>Offer to shrine of pain
>it explodes
I just assumed it would be because that makes the most sense, but this is hopoo we're talking about I guess
how you get rex??????????????
first game was objectively superior and subjectively more fun to play for anyone with taste
worked, thanks
yeah I don't think it's there, I just checked out every place on that map
>procs are happening faster early game than ever before
But he has a platform now!
So what does it do?
Which character are you though?
You use it to repair a robot to unlock the new character.
>found an orange looking bug
>grants a 1 second shield on kill
>shield duration seems to last longer with chained kills
did they add AA
1 more
Anyone got the new character yet?
I was playing commando. The new SFX is alright I guess.
no one knows where the fuck he is
get in bros
can someone explain to a brainlet the difference in the new versus the old proc stacking?
so the new proc stacking is if you do 100 damage and the pros is +300% you do a total of 100 damage? if you have 2 stack of items it inflates to +600? how does the old proc damage work?
im guessing he's on the mountaintop/island next to spawn in the new stage
otherwise i cant fucking find on the rest of the level
just need to get some wings on merc so i can try
he's not there, I got there as merc, there's just an altar for the blue portal at the end of that island
final lvl in the top of the stones
Seems gimmicky unless you have a feather or you start up high.
get in here if you aren't a shitter
I believe that old damage was calculated off of base damage+additive proc damage=total damage. New shit is the proc directly augments base damage done to directly equal total damage.
Like the chained up amber crystals?
So having the Fuel Array means "Objective: Survive"?
Plant boy on top of Stage 4
>royal capacitor
>nuke mobs with lightning from literally across the map
if only I had gesture of the memed unlocked. I can't imagine how crazy it would be
so you can have the aureloinite if you beat him now when using tele
The new character is in the Abyssal depths on one of those chained platforms
I FUCKING KNEW IT. But what about movement speed items effecting momentum and making it more useful?
I took the jump pad up there, then turned left to see rex, ill post a pic when i loop again
but what do you do with it?
eu rainstorm +3
you need the fuel array i think
you have to repair it with the fuel cell array, but now im kind of confused. It looks like you find the fuel cell array in scorched acres but doesnt it hurt you to hold onto it?
It's infinite and it does keep your momentum, but if you change direction you slow way down.
Wait WHAT?
This ain't some modding or anything right?
Ran around the new map with artificer and it looks nice.
So what does the equipment drone do, just use the equipment is has equipped whenever off CD?
Give him your fuel cell, from your pod
How strong is he as your friend?
I'm guessing he works like the Beetle Guards that the more you you stack the more you get.
>infinite and holds momentum
so you actually hover along a flat horizontal plane? Thats pretty cool. Thanks chief
You can sprint while hovering and charge M2 and shoot M1 with rose buckler shield up
Where's the rooms boys
nope it is a glide
much like the soldier's in tf2
This should be red tier.
You are slowly dropping altitude though, so you cant stay in the air forever.
We real mage hours now nigga
if the game isn't working uninstall your mods you dumbos
Also guys if you go to shrines of blood with merc use eviscerate immediately after interacting with it and you'll take 0 dmg
damn I guess that wouldve been way too good but still pretty good. cant wait to see how much further thisll help feathers carry
Did they change graphics or something? Swamp has awful green piss filter now, so fucking annoying.
Yeah they changed the post processing
>Monster tooth went from 4 to 6
>Monster Tooth still not global and homes onto you when you're extremely far away
Explain this hopoo.
this but unironically
So what you're saying is its still garbage
>that huge bass when colossal titan spawns
it says from the "escape pods' fuel array
it's probably something from mul-t's new custom drop pod.
Feels good to be part of the artificer master race right about now
Invalid for me. Reinstalling my game.
how do i into mul-t?
long shot or short shot?
>blood shrines detonate the fuel array
Go behind your pod after you drop in and it's there the panel on the back. Mul-T literally doesnt have one
>providence's brother is the final boss
Oh shit
rail gun for early game nuisance clear, nail gun for big guys
>game still doesn't save difficulty settings between runs
I think it was because there was one of the planet's teleporters on board. Presumably if it was placed somewhere else, the creatures on the planet could use it to escape.
Shit's crazy
So where the fuck is Rex?
Do I have to go all the run with a bomb strapped to my back untill i find him?
>merc now has true invincibility on skills
>commando on his dodge doesn't
hopoo is a nigger
>new guitar riffs
>the soundtrack is even more orgasmic now
Still invalid
>that new music
oh baby
Yes. He's on the 4th stage
He's on top of the chained pillars in abyssal depths
EU n shiet
Stage 4 on the upper rocks area, yes
So providence wasn't trying to protect the inhabitants of the planet, he was trying to add the survivors to his "zoo"?
I guess providence was trying to save species from dying planets (though it's a bit hard to tell his motives from this, since his brother is very clearly biased against him because of "her death")
Why try to collect humans then? Earth is still around IIRC and what's more they've expanded to other planets, so they don't really fit the "planet killers description"?
>arti main
>tfw cant play because PC motherboard died on me
Oh god I'm so excited
3/4 us east rainstorm, going for unlocks then monsoon time
>All Stages
>Can now spawn Legendary Chests post-loop
Do fuel arrays appear in every level or something? Because going from the beginning of the game to abyss with one sounds ridiculous.
Get gud
2/4 get in
Look at the steam announcement
they are up on steam
Only found the array in the back of the pods so far
Artificer is good now yes?
Me and 3 other players just had him
He's pretty strong
Absolutely hardcounters clay dunestrider
they greatly underestimated interest and potential of ror2, so they signed to have stable income in case the game tanks
>malachite lesser wisp
aint that cute
>wrecks me in .02 seconds
Can I find the new music anywhere?
She was always good, but now retards like you can play her too
Does topaz brooch stacking increase the duration or the amount of shield you get?
it's done bros
She was always good
>pick up the battery from the drop pod
>it says it's unstable
>use a blood shrine
>fucking explode
hello rex
Rex is slow as fuck. Literally can't dodge anything
>mul-t doesn't have to get out of a pod, he just explodes out of it
>he has no escape pod battery
>robot can't save robot
Jump when using his push move. It will push you back
That's good for dodging one thing. 2 golemns spawn in and until one is dead I'm taking damage
Uhh... so I found a broken robot (Rex) in the 4th level, but I didn’t come here on an escape pod so what the fuck am I supposed to do?
is the monster tooth buff actually mean shit?
i'm too brainlet to tell
i had the brilliant idea of playing with a friend and keeping the battery in mul-t's off hand slot, in the hopes that it would prevent me from having to worry about it exploding.
fun fact: it can still explode and kill you in mul-t's off hand
is the m1 like a burst fire or like all 3 projectiles fire simultaneously
Though I wonder, how is her slow fall?
I feel like floating in the air is just a jew way to make her vulnerable to wisps
where the abs be at?
Get the fuel from the pod on the 1st level when you spawn
Did the music change? it seems that tracks became longer
The shield amount. Killing multiple enemies stack the duration.
you pick up the array when you drop 1st stage and dont lose it
He's in abyssal? fuck i thought he was in the new 3rd stage, i've been looking all around there for ages now
>download update
>game now crashes on startup
>continues to do so even after a clean reinstall
Hopoo what the fuck did you do
not simultaneously it's like a burst
but it heals you
Remove your mods
Another US-E
What part of "clean reinstall" did you not understand retard
Blame Gearbox QA.
I was banned from the ror2 discord recently for arguing with a pony fucker moderator about lewds.
I don't really have anyone I can play with now unfortunately but I can at least say I had a positive impact on the game before I was thrown out.
pic related is one of my suggestions that made top feedback in that discord.
I got a lot of shit from a bunch of people there for suggesting it too. Fuck those bitches eat my dick :)
I have to carry it all the way, got it, thanks bros
>I was banned from the ror2 discord recently for arguing with a pony fucker moderator about lewds.
please elaborate i want to get even more mad at that horsefucker
No, because you usually don't go pick them up
All monster tooth needs is for the irbs to home in on players
To be fair, if you were Jopoo would you trust in ror2 sales?
Restart steam
I instant ignore that line, so yeah I was retarded
Don't know how to help you user, it must be program conflicts, try offline mode?
>I don't really have anyone I can play with now unfortunately
I really hope you aren't trying to imply that you played with people from dicksword. If you want people to play with, just fucking post a lobby here, like everyone else does.
>still no "don't slow down mouse while sprinting" option
based but stop using discord
Not him but recently he posted a screenshot and was bragging about mods getting the build early
He then deleted any post bringing it up when the mistake was realized
>I don't really have anyone I can play with now unfortunately
The game matches you with random people, why would you need anybody?
randoms suck dick
I don't like the new music guys. Am I the only one?
We're still a 4 player lobby? (Without mod involvement)
When is hopoo gonna allow us to mess with the player count in game. Want to play with some friends of mine.
Discord trannies are worse to play with than pubfags, your ban was a blessing.
Does anyone know what makes the battery explode?
Aside from blood shrines, learned that the hard way
You can't just name a potplantrobot thingy Rex
>do health totem thing for 75%
ticktickticktick BOOM
>randoms suck dick
so does Yea Forums but I still play with them
Restarting Steam worked, thanks.
No idea why that could cause it.
Getting hurt in general seems to cause the array to explode.
So don't get hurt.
nah i'm here too
this ost is the definition of soulless
lots of dmg generally
>still liking fucking stupid can't see and avoid shit garbage 3d ror over 2d master race ror
What do you even mean by this?
>interacting with the Discord period
Everyone actively posting in there is a fucking dumbass, so nothing of value was lost.
Good on you though.
Because games always have major patches/updates done on Tuesdays, its been that way for a long time now
>massive sticky bomb nerf
Threw cold water all over my excitement for this patch desu
mentioned that I had acquired an arti fanart that was most likely too lewd to post in that channel so if anyone wanted to see it they would need to dm me.
they went on and deleted all my messages from the channel and said I was no different than someone who illegally pirates something and says "hey I have illegally downloaded shit dm me to get it" and I called them out on how dumb of a claim that was and even had a bunch of people back me up calling them an sjw mod and then I got muted from the whole discord.
I messaged them about it and they started accusing me of threatening them when all I said was it was going to be a problem for me if it was permanent (because I wouldn't be able to use the matchmaking there).
a few hours later the mute turned into a perma ban and that's where it ended.
pretty fucked up people running the show over there, I highly discourage people from going there unless you plan on only using matchmaking and not chatting in any of the channels.
pic is a part of what led to the mute
>Scorched Acres
user.....come on dude
Critical Strikes no longer double/triple/quadruple/etc “dip” through the proc chain
The array explodes once you go past a certain treshold of health, I believe around 50%. Just don't get below that percentage and you're fine.
A topaz brooch printer will really help you out on this one.
God damn, its amazing the different levels of stupidity the human brain can achieve
yeah I don't ever plan on going back or trying to appeal.
the only thing that sucks is not having access to the matchmaking anymore.
being forced to use quickplay makes me want to take a shotgun to the noggin.
>getting mad over arti lewds
huh i wonder
Because the gameplay is fun
went from simple yet memorable tunes to better produced generic stuff that's just kinda there
the only decent track in 2 is from the snow level
I want 4v4 pvp
16 player when?
Help a guy out with Artificer
What items should i look out for
What items are garbage on her
Any other things should i know?
>instahit from fucking nowhere because you can't see the cheap projectiles coming from everywhere is somehow "fun" and it doesn't matter how much you're moving and dodging to try to avoid them, you're going to get hit from some direction or the other
It's about the fucking graphics, kids. Admit it. You fell in love with a fucking graphicswhore over a steady, awesome, good game with good gameplay. Fucking figures, the one decent goddamn game in goddamn years and it gets ruined by a whore sequel that appeals to idiots.
Just did it, wasn't that bad. Just don't die, use blood shrines, or fall too much.
All songs now have a second half but they're pretty samey and plain, I wonder how much more they'll expand and/or update the music.
>keep dying with the fuel array before reaching the 4th stage
>engineer run trying out some new items
>get backed into a corner and try to use shield
>shift stops working and I die since it didn't activate
>sticky bomb change
Can someone help a brainlet figure out what this means?
Items proc more often and deal more damage now.
You sound mad cuz bad, and you're strawmanning everyone who disagrees with you as a graphicsfag
So sticky bombs were buffed?
If RoR 2 was released first, you would say the opposite.
that pic should be updated with the cultivator in the middle
you have a great point but the graphics argument is retarded so you better shut the fuck up
>only found 1 new item after playing for 2h
Yeah, the changelog implies they were nerfed, but the changes to the game logic makes stacking better. If you have 1 of an item it's actually useful now, instead of needing a stack of 2 to see it starting to work. The main difference is that the damage scaling doesn't get as crazy late game, but early game is buffed.
buffed for some nerfed for others, anyone who hits hard got buffed by the change
What's the explanation then? It can't be that you actually think it's a good game. You can't in all honestly believe that 2 is better than 1 gameplay-wise. It's impossible because 2 has shit, shallow, garbage gameplay and 1 is fucking fantastic.
What does that leave? Fucking brightly colored 3d insane blinding lighting and particle effects everywhere (again, to the detriment of GAMEPLAY) appealing to modern fucking gamers.
eu lobby where
>item specific chests
Love this change.
Please use a trip so I can filter you.
How do unlock new character?
When Steam stops shitting itself due to sales.
They have different gameplay
I like the first one for being more technical and close ranged
I like the secobd one for being more movement and positioning based
I love both games, but the first one has way better graphics in my opinion. The pixel art is beautiful.
Honestly, this update is extremely solid. No complaints, but a lot of their minor changes makes me feel like this game will be a lot more fun to play over and over again. It feels less repetitive now, though we'll see if that feeling lasts over the next 100 hours.
>Please let me be able to hide people who post the fucking truth because it's making me uncomfortable because in my mind, I know he's fucking right
Boohoo, kid. Boo fucking hoo.
Someone host
what if command replaced all item spawns with those select 3 item closets
is that better balance than just picking lol whatever?
i dont want online to be shit when relics come out
here, eu lobby, vanilla
That means when you crit a hit any extra procs don't calculate their damage off the crit damage. If you normally hit for 1 dmg you crit for 2. If you proc a 100% damage proc it used to also do 2 dmg, but now it does 1. If that proc critted before it'd do 4, now it does 2. If THAT proc also proc'd something else it'd do 4 or 8 if it crit. Now it'll do 1-2. Multi crit on the same hit never was a thing dumb nigger.
I like how they buffed early game. Much easier to get a decent run going now.
how do i unlock him?
Pretty sure it's going to 50% hp.
So, are you gonna post the lewd here?
>they add a drone that can use equipment in the same update they add a fuel cell that just kills you
do I need a specific item? help plz
Honestly I feel like the malachite elites make things interesting, because it's easy to just roll through late game with some insane healing item stacks. Now you still have to play smart even if you're rocking an uncountable number of sticky bombs or syringes.
sure bud
give it to a drone to make it a jihadbot
use it as a free item on merc and use your invuln to survive the 1HKO for FREE AOE DAMAGE
How's the update?
Too busy watching the kung pow stream to try it out at the moment.
thats not even lewd. thats just gay transformation shit
Your pod gives you a fuel array.
But the 1st game looks way better
No wonder you got banned
Fucking scalie
hey I'm not the one who came up with the rules for that place
also, the only reason I brought it up there was because everybody is so fucking thirsty for thicc huntress and arti.
>not giving a link
Man, what absolute shit taste.
I drew this btw
>Hey dm me for nsfw artwork ill get banned for
>This is somehow the same as pirating
Lel MULT crashes in cardboard
hey in a way you saved me from that place
so uh thanks I guess!
wait so there's no way to get him and i have to restart from here
Retard discord mod probably thought he stole it from patreon. Never know what goes through the head of someone who does it for free.
Oh look it's that faggot tranny pony mod. How do these losers always get in charge on discords? aside form that that fucking ROR2 official discord is full of mouth breathing retards.
>They hired a brony
Literally who thought that was a good idea? The gearbox supervisor?
>tfw can’t cheese anymore
Alright, just came back from work.
Join up, fags. EU 1/4
they always find a way to be the mods.
the new boss track is so fucking bad
get your shit together chris dammit
>this fucking patch
It's beautiful.
>4 more hours of work
Early game stickies are buffed, lategame stickies are nerfed.
>6 more hours
yeah patch is actually good.
dog bless
>tfw having a good run but getting stuck on stage 12 due to retarded teleporter spawning resulting in me being unable to find it, not even the particle effects
thicc huntress mod where
just listen for the new sound cue when you get near it
Should I?
>using mercs utl wont get you killed now
and am i crazy or was the lighting changed the game looks a whole lot nicer now
You fucking worthless pieces of shit bought the game today?
How can you be so fucking useless, playing with randoms is less painful
>mfw the new McChaingun Shooty bois
niggas be hurting
Anyone know the XML edit for Rex?
He is on the hell map
game's been out sine march, so anyone that already had it got the new patch two and a half hours ago before the sale crashed the steam servers. no one would have bought it today or yesterday knowing the sale was today.
eu, rainstorm since Yea Forums is shit at video games
If you are doin the battery quest, look for equip chests immediately and just put the battery down for the level and pick it back up before you leave.
Shit's super easy if you do that.
Whats the deal with this?
That's what you get for playing with Yea Forums
Shame about the mods, I still like the content creation channel though. It's nice to have a little group of fanart enthusiasts there.
Of course, I'll always post it all here too.
Don't tell OSHA
Yes and tell me how is this gonna work.
its a new drone that takes your currently equipped item and uses it, but its a drone
The current one still works on this update.
it's a drone that spams the equipment you give it
It's a drone that uses whatever orange item you give it
>playing with Yea Forums
>expecting skill
>My battery just exploded a minute before finding Rex
Just fuck my shit up
I think ror has a very crude look. It looks like someone's first game. Not particularly beautiful but very atmospheric. You can thank the music for a lot of that
Sounds like you could abuse this with royal capacitor
same, im dumb as fuck
summoning aureliolite or however you spell his ass is hilarious
more pets when
Man, rex is gonna be a real motherfucker lategame
The second there's like 5 enemies around you just start shitting damage from the heavens
It’s going to be a pile of sharp glass from when a cup shatters and if you walk on it you get a slight movement debuff and moderate damage.
Kinda wish I had read the thread before playing. I finally got to the new level, and hit a blood shrine within the first 30 seconds.
Artificer's jetpack is a fun. FUN!
I don't think it's anything new, but I found a spot I didn't know about in hidden roost. I managed to climb to the very tippy top of the mountain. I also used her ability to fly out and touch one of those dragonfly looking things in the distance. I floated to the island that there is sometimes a bridge to, but nothing spawned since I didn't have the bridge, and then I tried to fly to one of the islands. I had well more than enough height and momentum to make it, but the invisible barrier warped me back.
When did this change? Seriously, Yea Forums didn't used to be so full of casuals
Rex is real fun. Probably my favorite character now since you need to be constantly be mindful of health management.
How do you do the Blackout achievement? Defeat the Aureolonite before the beacons run out? That sounds impossible.
Is the default guy just straight up bad compared to the unlockable ones?
The new map looks so good holy shit
This is definitely a step in the right direction for the design
I think the past maps even look kinda bland in retrospect now
No. Git gud.
Permanent spinel tonic buff is bretty gud I'd say.
If you can refresh the tonic buff before it runs out you'll never get the stat down.
It's quite nice. Wisps are no more of a threat than before, and it lets you float above most enemy attacks. It can also be staggered out however you like, so you can use it a lot, fall a long distance, and then turn it on again. Basically you should never take fall damage as her ever again unless you straight up fuck up.
I do think it's more than just the music
Commando is almost the joke class of the game
Seems like shit at first but his endgame is so good it makes it hard to want to play other characters once you get a taste of it
Exactly as expected. You still take damage from your skills but receive no healing. So transcendence is a big no-no for Rex.
>How do you do the Blackout achievement?
Preon + 10 or 20 fuel sells?
Jesus I'll just cheat it in when someone posts all the new achievements.
3/4 rex monsoon, us east
>Artificer's jetpack is a fun. FUN!
>tfw playing on gamepad and can't use it properly
>Full already
does that mean helix is op with it?
So who owned the brittle crown?
Does Modanaon still exist or is hoping for thicc mods a lost cause
US East Monsoon 1/4
Imagine being so joyless.
EU 1/4
or just play on drizzle/rainstorm
i didnt even have a great run and i was able to get it first try
did you try git gud? its not hard man
This is the important question here.
The final answer must be found.
there was one but it didn't make her thicc just removed the scarf
First run on new patch
trust no one not even your fuel cell
do not pick up transcendence with rex, it does NOT make your abilities free
what does it means?
How fun is this game if you play alone? It's sitting my shopping cart for a while.
Just as fun as multiplayer honestly.
New bread when
first run on patch lets gooo
i died in the new level to the chain gun guys (theyre op) and scavenger?
Easy game honestly
us host when
forgot pic
Accidentally gave fuel array to equipment bot on lava level. It didn't want to pass it over to Rex.