Don't call it a grave. It's the future you chose.
Don't call it a grave. It's the future you chose
Other urls found in this thread:
Why haven't you joined the winning side yet?
>A Hat in Time raises awareness for trans rights in a thoughtful and respectful way to the mainstream gamer population
>Apex Legends is one of the most successful games of 2019 despite /pol/ screeching
>Atlus censored away the transphobic content from Catherine Full Body
>CDPR Twitter guy that made disrespectful jokes got fired
>Creative Assembly continues raking in cash despite "backlash" over forced woman soldier inclusivity in their games
>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli and rape now
>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
>Great writers like Brian Mitsoda and Chris Avellone would rather write with progressive developers like us than with shitlords that "want politics out of video games"
>Klei takes out character based on white colonizers because it's culturally problematic
>Microsoft and Ubisoft ban people for using toxic language in their chat (Including the n-word)
>NetherRealm Studios alters the female character's designs to be classier and more sensible for the new era
>Nintendo censoring Game&Watch offensive native American mimicry
>RDR 2 sold 17+ million and makes fun of racists
>Speedrunners that are too "redpilled" got taken out of the speedrunning charity shtick
>Square Enix's ethical department refuses to increase Tifa's bust size in Final Fantasy VII Remake or add lolis and shotas to Final Fantasy XIV
>The Witcher Netflix series has African American and Indian women in major roles
>THQ Nordic apologized after hosting an AMA on 8ch
>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (The Last of Us 2)
Zamasu truely did nothing wrong
How do you manage to be so obnoxious that even ChristCenteredGamer hates you?
Mortal Kombat (2024) wont have fatalities and will play like a janky over-the-shoulder beat'em up
Gurantee the shit he likes has lefties behind it as well.
We won’t have a new mk game in 2024 because the 2nd American civil war will have been in full swing for 4 years
gamergate was the worst thing for this site
Believing the same idiot crying over censorship in CTR.
>That post number
Who cares this game is dead already . Now behold perfection
who is this oneangryincel guy?
These same shitty threads over and over again. "Oh wow, this game that came out when no competition was around sold well" herp derp. By the way, this game? It's going to sell less then MK10. Sales projections have been changed to take this into account, so yeah fuck you socjus faggots.
based Yea Forumschad falseflagger working the /pol/tardetties into a simp shoot once again
>The Witcher Netflix series has African American and Indian women in major roles
This wouldn't be a problem if they weren't playing fucking characters described to be white.
THEY'LL ____!
trying way too hard to fit in
What does this title even mean? Is this english?
This has to be clickbait
>oneangrygamer followed by
Oh it is, sage,report and carry on.
>Why yes, I'm a proud ResetEra culture warrior, bay bay. How did you know?
I too enjoy LARPing
Have some of you fags played the game? Is actually fun. Also in pic related you can see there are tits in this game
I’m excited but also nervous about how they’ll handle Sindel...I want those milf tits
Stop shilling your trash game you retarded phoneposting monkey.
Imagine being mad
>A Hat in Time raises awareness for trans rights in a thoughtful and respectful way to the mainstream gamer population
I missed this one
go back
based and dimespilled
New hat in time DLC put a trans flag in one of the levels
I'm the one who made the point. I wrote that as a joke but it's now a staple of the copypasta now, kek
>not realizing its a /pol/ troll
>mk 11 good
Tinfoilhat theory time. Dunno, has anyone ever thought that these SJW controversies are fabricated by the companies so to misdirect the public of actual issues of the games like microtransactions out of the ass or projects like the FFVIIR possibly being divided into more games? Like those are things that worry me more than burkas or Tifa's tits now being supported by a sports bra and being seemingly smaller.
Why would THQ apologize for hosting an event on that website? If it's about the content, then they're either incredibly naive not to realize that people say bad words there, or they're just doing it after the fact to score points with the people that treat these websites as evil self-aware entities that run on blood.
I like how the pasta keeps evolving with each new drama /pol/tards cry about.
If that's their plan, then it's succeeding enormously. /pol/tards focus all on bitching about stupid shit no one cares about so the actual disadvantages of the game get completely lost in the shuffle.
>alphabetized list
Every goddamned time.
>literally getting BTFO for being a bunch of pedos right now
Yeah I bet you are winning
>transgendered children
No such thing desu
Go and dilate you fucking disgusting transbian
/pol/ as fuck, but this "one angry gamer" faggot should go drown in a lagoon of dick
Why yes, I totally support LGBTQP
Imagine being over 12 and unironically posting wrestling crap.
>It is, in fact, the third biggest launch week for a game in the UK this year, behind Sony’s Days Gone, and Capcom’s Resident Evil 2.
where's mk11?
How the fuck is this place complaining about more games being sjw than the supposed sjws are crying about nudity or something?
if you kill them, they'll die?
Did he really think a MK game wasn't going to sell well? Especially since it got big with normalfags? Usually he's not far off, but that's just silly.
Fighting games should die.
They are the most creatively bankrupt genre in videogames.
If you are not trying to make a living out of esports, these games are pointless.
>only responds to trannyjaks
I'm convinced OAG is just a Honeypot for hateclicks Billie D is a fake name obvs
He legitimately believes in "Get woke, go broke". In fact, he believes the only reason why this game sold well is because he didn't do enough anti-SJW propaganda against it
>Sadly, most people weren’t made aware of the game’s SJW elements because the media worked hard to bury the lede, along with fanboys and shills. The de-sexualized females was only covered by a couple of outlets and a few YouTubers, while Jax’s woke ending was downplayed or passed over save for some anti-SJW content creators making people aware of it. For the most part a lot of people bought into the SJWism because not many people were willing to talk about it, which is exactly what propagandists want. The best way to brainwash people is with as little opposition as possible.
It's weird that despite its apparently huge sales numbers I hear nothing about the game beyond said sales numbers. No one at my work talks about playing it, I don't see gameplay discussions here... not even shitty Facebook meme pages bring it up.
I am so glad the right is winning the culture war
Because fighting games have no staying power.
They die in the matter of weeks.
Hopefully, one day, we'll see the death of this entire genre that lives on on microtransactions and esports.
That much is obvious to anyone who isn't missing a chunk of their brain. The problem is that a culture within the general populous has formed of bored people rapidly consuming and regurgitating biased information solely for the sake of pretending to be angry about it and convincing other people who don't actually care to be angry about it in order to be artificially diametrically opposed to each other.
The entire culture war was orchestrated by the upper classes to prevent the poor from noticing that the ones at fault for the world going to shit are rich people.
The middle class has disappeared because of their greed, and now instead of people pointing fingers at them, point fingers at people who have no power whatsoever.
It's the perfect distraction.
>For now
Lmao @ the cope on this lad. SJW shit doesn't negatively or positively impact the sales of a game. Most people don't give a shit they just care if it's fun
Texas is literally going blue 2024/2028.
SJW losing to a site like one angry gamer is like the cops getting rid of crime, if there are no sjw they have no headlines.
the ameimutt industry is irrelevant. enjoy your sjw hellscape and western aaa trash.
Hbomb posted a video a while ago about woke brands on Twitter and how easy it is to trigger the right into giving them free publicity. Microtransactions still get a lot of flak (see Battlefront II) but the FFVIIR "controversy" seems made up/only isolated to Yea Forums
Game being released before E3 i basically the fuck you its January month of video games. High sales for a month when no other game was released means nothing.
>normalfag nostalgia-bait franchise sold well during the april release drought
>OAG frames it as some kind of devastating loss that requires mucho cope
Imagine being retarded enough to fall for the "get woke, go broke" meme.
When will incels understand that "sjws" are the vast majority of society and are simply people who aren't mentally ill from loneliness?
in belarus maybe, not in any country that matters lol
>gets away with it anyway while 8gag doesn't
Well no shit, its easy to get low IQ virgins and racists distracted and enraged enough to take over the public discourse. Its fucking annoying and we should've never let the south rejoin the union
No, we simply got the bad ending during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
America and the soviets should have nuked each other.
The world would be much better without the US and Russia.
Seems like the vast majority of society wasn't enough to win the US elections.
I don't know why redditourists think everything they don't like is /pol/, and that /pol/ is some massive titan of influence. It's not even a blip on the radar for 95% of people.
You having a schizo break there?
Neckbeard shut-ins who think idpol spats are worse than literal nuclear war have never seen actual warfare or violence and should thank God that SJWs are their biggest problem
Sounds like you might be projecting a bit, oh mighty culture warrior.
You're right.
>we won we won we won
only thing the US won in 2016 was the privilege to never have a republican president ever again
Your acting retarded but you are right. It's the corporations and their censorship and with the SJW's being the enablers and usefull idiots.
imagine being over 12 and unironically posting wojak edits.
Oh no, i'm talking about my country, italy, I don't care about your worthless nation, Americans.
In fact, I firmly believe the world will be better off when you collapse, you are nothing but a hellhole of propaganda, crime and consumerism.
there won't be a 2nd Civil War, it's the legalization of pedophilia was is going to happen first.
Someone explain? I stopped playing MK a long time ago
A culture war is FAR less violent than actual war.
From what I've seen SJWs are more likely to be anti-capitalist than far-right reactionaries.
SJWs are whatever they need to be in the moment. They're barely human. They'll suck off Facebook and Twitter for banning wrongthink, and say companies can do whatever they want, then turn around and say "bake that cake, bigot."
>From what I've seen SJWs are more likely to be anti-capitalist
They praise communism all while considering Marvel movies to be their bible.
Im not saying mk11 didnt sell well but why did they discount their game within a week?
>Reddit is still seething this hard
A woman lost. Face it, you need a minority women to win, and none of them have the personality of name recognition for it.
More like they're whatever bothers you at the time, in that troubled little head of yours. Constantly morphing to fit your misconstrued view of the world.
Sounds like I hit a nerve. No need to hide it, dude. No one believes your normalperson.jpeg shit for even a second.
Mm, not really. Only Black Panther and Captain Marvel, but that's really an attitude of "taking representation where you can get it" more than anything.
So, they aren't communist at all and just say it to be edgy, because millennials are permanently stuck in their rebellious emo phase.
That's just pathetic. Even your damage control is sad sounding.
You mean the biggest meeting point for magalards with diabetes? Stop covering your tracks, useless, you never saw this website before 2016.
I'm not the same guy as But social media platforms are something that isn't going away and it's pretty obvious to see how Nazis and other far-right types are exploiting those platforms' reluctance to regulate their site as a vehicle to radicalize disaffected young white men into their extremist movements.
Jax Arcade ending has him go on an out of character rant about the unjust treatment of his people while unironically using the phrase "Get Woke" and using kronika's power of reversing time to make it so that the whole world is essentially Wakanda from Black Panther.
It only takes a few seconds to click over to Reddit and see it's a huge pile of people seething about Trump. Maybe redditors like you obsess over the tiny contingent of Trump supporters there, but that means nothing outside of your hugbox.
>everyone I don't like is a Nazi
Okay, reddit. But you don't take issue with Democrat leaders themselves calling for violence at actual podiums? Are you retarded or just daft?
What damage am I trying to control
I mean millennials started their professional careers in the midst of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. It's pretty easy to see why millennials are skeptical about capitalism
Ding ding ding!
That's what I don't understand so I call them insane. They are Bernie 2020 fuck capitalism but then they go buy apple products and defend big corporations doing shitty stuff cause at that moment those corporations pander to them and they are too stupid to realize its just marketing.
I didn't mean everyone I disagree with is a Nazi. I mean actual self-identified Nazis use these websites to recruit people.
>Physical North America
>I swear they don't like capeshit!
Dude, SJWs are some of the biggest NPCs out there, totally incapable of independent thought. They worship capeshit.
Lol I thought the NPC meme was over. Sure there are probably some SJWs that like Marvel I guess but I think like everyone else they're mostly just tired of them dominating American cinema
I mean smartphones are a necessity in modern life and people don't really have the option to opt out of capitalism and still live in American society. That doesn't mean that you shouldn't ever say anything bad about capitalism and point out its flaws
>Fighting game
>Success being gauged by sales numbers
No, retard, a fighting game is only successful when it has high tournament entry numbers.
UNIST is an example of a successful fighting game, its sales pales in comparison with bigger tittles, and yet its tournament entrants numbers and twitch views keep spiking up. Meanwhile not many people care about MK11 at all other than casuals.
A fighting game is only worth it when it has longevity.
You are just baiting now. You don't need an Apple smartphone when other brands exist and I never said you shouldn't criticize capitalism but that these so called commies support some of the most greedy corporations in history cause they put a fag flag on their adverts. Fuck this, I'm out.
Oh I thought you didn't mean that literally every SJW ONLY owns iPhones and none of them use android because that would be a dumb thing to claim
Still pretty good. Especially since it's dollar sale value, which means it made the most money in general instead of just selling the most copies.
Republicans deserves to lose honestly. No one is fighting back against clearly evil insane retards
I'm pretty sure the developers raking in the cash disagree with your laughable assessment.
ChristCenteredGamer was triggered by jewjokes.
>NRS calls it quits on schlocky stripper outfits because """realism"""
>this treatment is very conspicuously not also applied to the male character designs
>anti-SJW schizos cry nonstop about double-standards, benevolent sexism and disingenuous pozzfaggotry
>MK11 still sells like hot cakes because normalfags are all 90s kids and fuck you, it's april
>schizos somehow find this shocking
It was supposed to go broke. That's what they may may said.
The "SJWs" may have won for now, but the battle isn't over my hillbilly, Neo Nazis!
>NRS ships a billion units because the game is expected to sell
>Retailers start giving 40% discounts on it during the first few weeks
>NPD only counts shipped numbers as data
This game won't have any legs, mark my words.
>>NPD only counts shipped numbers as data
Literally wrong. That's the opposite of what "dollar sale" means.
jesus that entire image
You're basically getting mad at yourself for your own retarded generalization. The fuck are you doing son?
imagine getting involved in one internet flamewar and turning into this
no, the sjw controversies are fabricated here and on other platforms like twitter. people need to spend their time somehow. the companies see that and maybe in some cases exploit it for more attention for their game.
The downspiral in all its glory
People from Montana should never have a say of what should happen in a real state. As if the Bush/Gore election wasn't enough to show that the electoral vote is outdated.
nice shill tactic my dude
I didn't buy it therefore I win.
No civilians should have a say in what happens in a govermnent.
What right do you have?
Have you studied enough to know what a country needs?
Do you have any political experience?
Do you know about what's really happening overseas?
You don't, most of you don't, which is why letting the government be chosen specifically by people who have no idea about politics beyond insulting each other as if they were fans of different football clubs is complete retardation.
>normalfags all buy into the fanservice-y marketing hype and pick it up
>they give story mode exactly one playthrough and do a few fatalities
>they quickly realize that fighting games are fucking lame and jump straight back onto NBA 2K19 or Madden
Happens every time an MK title is released desu