Can mods even fix Skyrim?
Can mods even fix Skyrim?
Skyrim with mods is the greatest game of all time
can't fix perfection
They can't even fix this board.
Fix what? The game is amazing in its vanilla state
very funny
Not really. So many of Skyrim's problem boils down to the fundamentals of the game that can't be changed by mods. Things like the engine, AI, how combat/movement/animations work, etc. People can do a fuckton of stuff to improve a lot of these aspects, but they can't ever be truly fixed. You can't just change numbers and replace one stiff prefab animation with another and solve the issues like this.
And then there's the problem of the subpar quest design where everything boils down to "go here and loot this draugr dungeon". Mods cannot fix the shitty vanilla quests, the bland NPCs, the lack of decisions and roleplaying opportunities in quests, and so on.
Of course, after so many years there are now a good number of quality quest mods that are pretty good. So in a sense that kinda makes up for the lack of quality in the base game's quests, but it doesn't solve the problem.
Lastly, there's the issue of the leveling system in Skyrim. I've never seen a mod that actually fixes skyrim to make it feel like your build choices matter. Even with all the character creation and class and perk overhauls, it still has the problem where after the early-game, you end up becoming a master-of-all-trades just because there's never any downside to leveling up all your skills, even the ones that shouldn't be central to your build. This is also why so many people end up quitting playthroughs halfway, because once you've maxed your main skills, there's just no point anymore.
the answer to this is gimping yourself and roleplaying autistically. for example just try to play as a farmer who can't use weapons and has to somehow learn. to learn you join the army or the companions and then go from there
You'll never fix the shitty NPCs and most of the quest design being fucking terrible but you can at least make it look visually more appealing and have some fun with spell mods/perk overhauls that make stuff a bit more interesting
Also gimp yourself/headcanon and just roleplay, ignore questlines entirely, etc.
I literally just went around being a shitter and adventuring in the east side of the map for like 30 levels before I even went to whiterun or discovered the dragons
>play the RPG like a braindead action game and it's shit
>play it like an RPG and it's good
Sex mod.
have sex... mods
What's le this?
Eh, I used to believe the levelling thing until I saw my best friend's character. Of course there is no downside to leveling skills, but you can totally screw yourself if you pick the wrong perks. I have over a thousand hours in the game and love to play it, he has not been playing very long and never played TES before.
He was level 25, was way behind on the perks that boost damage, no perks that boost sneak, no perks to reduce healing costs, no levels in magic to offset that. He was wearing both heavy and light armor at the same time, and had perks in both, I'm hard pressed to remember what he actually had perks focused in, I think Speech was one of the main ones and then he did have a few in archery, but one handed was his main damage dealer and he had shit for that. his build just wasn't focused in any direction at all and killing anything without dying was a chore for his character. He gave up on the dungeon he was trying to do and I had to take over for him, Took me a while to get through it with his gimped character.
I just beat this fucking game after not finishing it when it originally released. My God the PC version seems way more buggy than I remember the original console one in terms of not being able to complete the fucking game. Really breaks any immersion in the game when you have to use the console to advance the quest because NPCs, items, etc aren't where they're supposed to be. The weapons and items you get throughout the story and for rewards basically all suck dick the moment you get any decent level in smithing and enchanting, and with a fully leveled character even without necromage abuse you can still make weapons that one shot and can let you just ungabunga anything on legendary without even using glitches either. The quests are really underwhelming outside the main storyline, game physics tied to frame rate, random crashing, etc. Still enjoyed playing through it, but my God, I see the same complaints on even new bethesda games. I'm genuinely surprised they're still even alive as a company, I guess there's too many whipped fanboys hoping the mistaken "glory days" return.
Idk, I played Skyrim on the 360 for years and enjoyed the hell out of it. Now I'm going to buy it for PC and add mods. I wonder how much better it'll be.
Not even that works though, because of how Skyrim levels your shit no matter what. Like how I easily end up with a high speech skill despite being a repulsive argonian dickass thief, simply because selling a bunch of shit to vendors is going to raise your speech skill and level you up.
What are some good mods to expand minor hold capitals like falkreath into actual towns? Preferably something that doesn't absolutely kill the game's performance.
No. The writing and quests in that game are beyond saving.
Mods can distract you from all that tho.
>seven vaganyas
does anyone know if a modpack exists for skyrim SE? i would love to play again, but vanilla sucks and i cant spare the 10 hours of headache modding would cost me just to uninstall 3 days later
Not unless someone like on /vg/ made their own custom pack. Skyrim modders are fucking autistic faggots when it comes to their "intellectual property" and abhor the idea of making things convenient for the player by packing mods together as a collective effort.
That's why you still have to download a billion texture packs and play mix-and-match trying to figure out which ones look decent with which others, rather than just being able to download everything together like in other games.
The Great Cities
Thanks. I'll give it a shot. You're saying it won't tank performance? That's the main concern I have. I already get relatively shit performance in Falkreath because it's in the open worldspace and because of all the flora.
you can just set it to novice and ignore everything
>force serana onto you for the whole dawnguard questline
>gives you lots of dialogue with her about her backstory and opening up to you
>can straight up say shit like "I trust you completely" or "Serana is too important to me"
>can't marry her
Based Bethesda dabbing on the incels.
If they bring back relationships/marriage for VI hopefully they aren't retarded enough to make the two major female characters you're forced to interact with more than generic fetch quest/wood chopping shit marriageable
>join vampire hunting guild to hunt vampires
>can't hunt a vampire
Just download amorous adventures
They can fix everything except combat. If there was a way to actually fix the combat in the game it can be 100 the greatest game ever with mods.
>find her
>cant kill her
>wants me to take her to her vampire castle
>fuck that bitch im taking you to my boss
>boss goes why the fuck did you take her here
>tells him about the castle
>ok play along then
>vampires take their shit but keep me alive
>return to boss
>why the fuck did you let them go
>why did you let them have the scroll
this storyline is a fucking mess
It's bad in a different way if you side with the vampires as well. Sure, you skip the retarded plot point of the Dawnguard telling you to play along rather than just killing Serana, but it's also shitty how the vampire-aligned path just completely forgets that the dawnguard even exist. You go the dawnguard to receive your mission, and then promptly forget about them, and they never really come up again except for random encounters of hostile vampire hunters.
Allegedly there is a mission to actually take on the dawnguard and destroy them, but I've never done it. It's not part of the main storyline, instead being relegate to some small sidequest. And apparently you only get access to that side quest after doing a fuckton of those shitty radiant quests from Volkihar Castle NPCs. And fuck that noise.
If Skyrim is so bad, how come no other WRPG released between 2011-2020 is as fun to play as it is, hmmm?
Because it's a dead genre.
I wouldn't call skyrim fun, just a really good timesink.
Can't fix what isn't broken.
>spend hours getting proper body and skin mods
>Still can't get the perfect anime face some screenshots have
Gave up and used a pretty orc preset someone else had.
>force serana onto you for the whole dawnguard questline
>try to learn things about the interesting cultures and histories you come across
This entire character was a fucking mistake
what face textures were you using?
oh and don't try and bother using sliders when you can just use Racemenu to alter the mesh directly