previous thread hit bump limit
When the fuck do we get Zangetsu?
>Hollow Knight has an exponentially lower budget and is exponentially nicer to look at
I hope Iga is ashamed of himself. He should be.
how do i get to the secret castle
Iga fell for the 2.5D meme. Most likely so he could pocket the money from backers.
Hollow knight looks great
Bloodstained looks absolutely awful
There's absolutely no room for comparaison
How can you even defend this
Valdis Story is also much better than Bloodstained.
We’re still doing the HK false flagging?
Dust: An Elysian Tail too.
HK-fags are just as bad as Steve-fags at this point
This will die in a few weeks or less
Guys i keep coming across these tight spaces, how do I get through them?
It's not false flagging when it's true. Hollow Knight is a better game than Bloodstained, and this is coming from someone who's played and loved Castlevania as their favorite game series since the NES. Bloodstained isn't awful by any means, but there are so many games that have done it better and with far less resources to invest.
Either you slide through them if they're low to the ground or you need to get that teleporting shard later.
Literally two posts in, what the fuck. Also, what is happening in OP's webm?
He drank his milk.
Why do HK posters always come out of the woodwork trying to prove their bug game is superior in every way
Not every way, just visuals. But it's by miles.
About to go pick up my switch version as soon as the local electronics chain opens. I hear they also have the steel box version for free.
Stop replying to it you tards.
He keeps coming back because you keep giving him (You)s.
I unironically think HK looks bad because it's low-effort flash art with no detail. MC looks like a marshmellow.
Because you keep responding.
>most individual passive shard effects look nice on their own
>together they look like a fucking mess
Why didn't they make it so that white shards just don't have constant visual effects attached to them?
You're right, the visuals are hugely disappointing
it's true but hk looks like a drab flash game by itself and winning from bloodstained on graphics isn't really impressive lol
Yes, I'll give you that Bloodstained doesn't look good graphically and doesn't have pretty 2D art. Personally I don't care if a game looks like shit if the gameplay leaves me satisfied.
Recommended level for 8-bit nightmare in normal mode?
Bloodless needs more porn.
It's not just Hollow Knight that's better, though. Valdis Story, Dead Cells, Ori, Dust, Gato Roboto, Touhou Luna Nights, etc. The list of games that have done it better for less investment and with a lower price tag goes on and on. Hell, even some porn games. Eroico, without taking the adult content into consideration, does the same sort of gameplay better than Bloodstained.
Bloodstained simply does not live up to expectations and current standards set by other games of the same gameplay style.
>and winning from bloodstained on graphics isn't really impressive lol
I agree, which only makes it all the more absurd to me that Iga had 100 times the budget and still managed to produce something that looks worse.
Miriam alone looks better than that flash trash
Reposting from previous thread
>tfw backer and changed from PS4 to Switch
Having a hard time coping with how fucking terrible this port is
720p/30fps would be a fair compromise for portability but it stutters like crazy, has frequent crashes, is outright missing a lot of effects, has input lag, and the textures actually look like a fucking 3DS game.
I want a fucking exchange or refund, there's no excuse for it to run this bad
Post your favorite shards
It's still 10x better gameplay-wise than HK.
True Arrow
Give me good luck up items. I need more to really start farming.
>Hollow Knight
filtered your going to be ignored from now on.
yeah they definitely fucked up somewhere consideringthe game was developed by a total of 4 different devs
luckily the gameplay is pretty good, if having the typically obtuse moments igavanias have
>dead cells
That’s barely the same genre, you’re really reaching shitposter-kun
>promise a classic SotN style castlevania
>deliver on it fully
>waaah why isn't it like muh other metroidvania games from noname devs that focus on entirely different things than castlevania games were
The lightning that goes full screen, shit trivialized the whole game, though I'm aware there's plenty of other more broken stuff.
>Dead Cells
>Gato Roboto
Now you're making it too obvious.
Riga dohin won the game for me. I'll have to forbid myself from using it on the next playthrough.
don't feed it
filter there not even here.
Nice bait. The gameplay in that game is fucking garbage, you could've mentioned Kurovadis instead.
How is the Switch version? Waiting to finally buy and play it today.
>this thread
And this is why they keep mentioning HK you absolute fucking retards.
But it's that easy to derail a thread with falseflagging and shitflinging.
Teps Oceus (directional lighting) nukes pretty much everything on the screen, locks onto enemies automatically, has decent damage and cost, so perfect for farming. Range is even better with Eye of Horus.
It's the worst port. Runs like shit
When fighting Valac, I kept having what I assume was a bug where every time he'd do the big chomp at the middle of the arena you're supposed to duck under, he'd slide me way over to the left and I'd bump the left dragon. Because of this I couldn't finish my no damage challenge of him, has anyone else had this issue? I'm on Xbone and I've heard it has way more issues than other platforms.
What is that and why doesn't it cost any mana
It's not reaching, though. Cave Story is a game that was developed on no budget and released for free over a decade ago that did it better than Bloodstained. The list just keeps going.
See I'm having hard buyer's remorse and because I'm a backer I can't even return the game for the PS4 version
It's a great game and that still shines through in the Switch version but the port itself is horrible.
Wait. Is that actually a mother fucking JoJo reference?
Read the filename and he has the no mp cost item.
I love most metroidvanias as the next guy, but this is some intense reaching. I love Hollow Knight, but both Bloodstained and Hollow Knight are so different in playstyle.
You have to find the hidden Ovaltine recipe, and then drink your fucking Ovaltine.
What do I do in the rooms with...
>the background painting with the eye that keeps following you
>clearly interactable hook onto a portcullis underneath the outside area
And here i thought 9/9 headflail was as ridiculous as it gets on the KA-THWACK!ing dept.
I should try that on my next run alongside GUN.
Games like Luna Nights and Gato Roboto are pretty short though. I also dunno how Eroico has better gameplay. Mind explaining?
Yea Forums is such a cancerous fucking shithole i wish people would stop baiting and shitposting
It's right there in the filename you fucking double morte
A Jojo reference on an IGA game? Yes.
A huge step down in quality in almost every possible way. You can get used to it I guess, but it really is a shame that the gap between versions is so wide.
That's not good. Hopefully they'll be able to put out a patch right?
It doesn't and the poster is a reaching faggot - there's the explanation
Is there a lot of weapon variety in this game?
i completed the game without ever doing anything in that room user i don't think there's anything there
Already beat Nightmare mode from a clean file and 100% the game but I still want to play so I tried making a themed or flavored run. If anyone else wants to try it here it is.
Belmont Mode:
Nightmare Difficulty
Weapons: Whips and only whips
No restrictions on other gear
Head Flail (Dullahammer 6)
Throwing Axe (Axe Outsider 60)
Toxic Storm (Macaron 75)
Throw Spear (Zepar 80)
Shuriken (Ninja 86)
Progression related
Sacred Shade (Rul'sha 34)
Progression related
True Arrow (Barbatos 16)
Flying Dagger (Assassin 42)
Chisel Barrage (Master Carpenter 107)
Ruinous Rood (Revenant 108)
Gold Bullet (Valefar 123)
(I don't want to allow Directional Shield but if there is no other way to defeat O.D. I'll allow it for that fight)
All allowed
Whip Expertise (Lamashtu 74) recommended
Not allowed
Swords, whips, greatswords, daggers, katanas, spears, boots, guns with different ammo. Also some weapons have unique kinks to them.
>changed from PS4 to Switch version when it was announced
>it hasn't even shipped yet
Also it doesn't mean it has any meaning, it also doesn't mean that just because you completed it, that there isn't anything hidden. It's an IGA game after all.
>kicking boots
>great swords
Sure, and some of them have unique properties, like that one ranged sword.
cancel quick and revert to ps4 the switch port isn't good
Yes, a lot.
Quite a lot of weapons, but only 8 weapon types
>the background painting with the eye that keeps following you
I'm pretty sure there's nothing to do, there was a similar room in Dawn of Sorrow.
>clearly interactable hook onto a portcullis underneath the outside area
Mind explaining in some more detail?
You can't though, that's the thing
It's there to spice up the scenery
you're right but i never claimed it was definite
i never found any suspicious shards or items that made me think of that room though i do admit that room seems too unique to not have anything happening there
Post Dominique pics, I need something for my folder
Hopefully, but considering this is WITH the "Day 1 patch" I'm not holding my breath.
Considering how personally he took pre-release complaints I'm hoping IGA does what needs to be done to get this shit fixed and my bitching to them on every platform amounts to something. Even then though that's going to be a wait on top of the wait we already had for this trash port.
I wish whips were better, they’re so fucking slow and the hitbox is weird.
Previously, people compare HK with Ori and now HK with Bloodstained. Maybe after the Ori sequel comes out, people will compare again with HK and the Ori sequel. So the cycle will continue of comparing HK with other currently released metroidvania.
Nobody here wants to talk about video games positively. They just complain and shitpost. As someone who loves video games it becomes very tiring. I just want to be happy and share what I love with other anons but I'm not allowed to like things. If I make a thread about how much I love a game the thread dies fast. If I make a bait thread talking about why a game is shit then it stays up but I don't want to engage in the negative discussion.
The hitbox actually makes sense since hitting shit with a whip aint as easy as games make it out to be.
They're bit slow though, yes.
Fuck this sucks. I've been waiting for this for so long and only have the switch version to play.
do the air attack -> landing cancel -> attack -> backdash cancel -> attack for a three hit combo you dumbo
Also the weapon art is great
>that image
I forgot about those. Why did gay-ass wojak and pepe catch on but not the chill sweating guy?
It's hard to explain, but there are a number of things that add up to make other games feel better to play. Bloodstained feels really floaty and sluggish compared to similar games. Part of it is because the game actually is too floaty, but it seems like the 2.5D and the Adventure Quest tier animation might also lend to making the game feel this way. The movement in Bloodstained just doesn't feel quite right, probably because of a combination of things.
I beat this game and i still have metroidvenia high, which NDSvenia should i play now?
just me or OD grab attack hitbox really big ?
I jumped higher than himself, still got grabbed
Both HK and Ori look miles better than Bloodstained. HK is a more pertinent example because it has a considerably lower budget, though, whereas I imagine Ori had something similar to Bloodstained.
>The movement in Bloodstained just doesn't feel quite right
the movement is a carbon copy of the movement in prevous SotN style games
Please respond...
>muh budget
you are really desperate for something to complain about aren't you
Kinda-sorta. You can still evade most of his attacks with little effort by just jumping around.
Bunnymorphosis. Playboy bunny gonna rapidly bounce on your face. Who gives a fuck about gear?
Play all of them
They're all great. DoS is the one most reminiscent of Bloodstained.
It’s in the Garden of Silence, in that long passage underneath the main area. That’s the best way I can think to describe it without a picture. There’s a metal object, which appears to be a hook, attached to a metal gate in the background. You can see on the map there’s a connection to another room beneath it, but I haven’t yet figured out how to interact with the object.
How exactly do I fight my nigga OD?
I pirated this game to test it and it seem you can't customize your keyboard to play. You move with ASD, jump with space and attack with the mouse. It's annyoing.
I might buy the game if they fix this shit.
>newgrounds characters clashing with high detail backgrounds was nice to look at
And yet none of them manage to feel as sluggish or slow as Bloodstained.
That shadow clone shit is OP as fuck, when you have it fully upgrades it essentially 5 times your damage. Fucked up
Get the last ultimate book, go to end game area two screens to the left of the teleport room. HAVE AT YOU!
It doesn't do spells sadly, or at least some of them.
Valdis Story is really underrated, I think it's because the characters are deviant art tier.
It's a really fun game to play though.
Is it possible to take a screenshot? I really can't remember the section you are talking about
>already 5x damage
>expecting to do spell too
nigga, still not enough ?
Bloodstained has some problems with clay-people and some jank animations but it honestly doesn’t look anywhere near as bad as y’all claim
Some stuff like Vepar actually looks good
You mean this thing? I'm pretty sure it's nothing
But you can jump down the well
It's alright, but it's nowhere near better. And also unlike Bloodstained where only the character models look bad, in VS everything looks like trash.
Fuck, that’s it! You can jump down the well? Just like...normally?
Dunno what I'm doing wrong but mine's damage is shit. Yes, there's several of them but each does only a fraction of my damage
Yes. It was the first thing I tried, and I didn't even notice the metal thing on the wall.
just like any other platform by pressing down+jump
Down+jump dude, it's basic vidya knowledge
Jesus I was so distracted with the background I didn’t even think of that
We could have gone further beyond broken!
well good luck user
>there's visible ground surface inside the well
Sloppy. I wonder if the visuals will get more polish down the line
Maybe you have a weapon with a sweet spot to it?
You know that you have a map, right?
>That’s the best way I can think to describe it without a picture.
Nigga you could've just said "THERE'S A FUCKING WELL"
That really doesn’t look like a well
Well, well, well...
What does that have to do with visuals? I'm just saying that this part of the screen looks iffy overall, the ground isn't even shaded by the well. I'm not the guy who didn't realize what to do, if you're talking about that
Just use a controller? I don't think this game was meant to be played on a keyboard.
Clearly looks like a broken well to me.
Well then fair enough
I’d agree if you couldn’t clearly see the ground in the middle, as opposed to a hole.
If you still refuse to play on a gamepad in the year of our lord 2019, the the fault is entirely on you. If you're that adamant about playing on keyboard you should be at least familiar with setting macros and rebinding with external utilities.
>Die to Weeb man like, three times before I figure it out.
>Mirror hand boss is piss easy and I don't even get hit on the first try.
>die to Bloodless nearly a dozen times before figuring out her pattern and vulnerabilities
>steamroll the reflector demon on the first try
Yeah, the difficulty curve needs work
as someone who never plays platformers, I just dropped by to say that hollow knight really does look better
this game looks like a remastered ps2 port
Speaking of stupidity, after getting double jump I scoured the entire castle before realizing where to go next. I thought that the part with a big cogwheel and spikes on the ceiling was a no go because I couldn't get through without taking a hit from the spikes.
I was testing it with a greatsword, my main attack was dealing something like 130 while clones dealt only around 30 each
are you fighting Shin Zangetsu in an honorable 1vs1 katana duel?
doesn't deserve a (you)
Reflector is just bitch-made. Same with the dragon boss. Not all bosses were made equal, it would seem.
I honestly never dug the HK artstyle. The levels are all dark, similar looking and lack the slice detail, and the simplistic doodly characters aren't my cup of tea.