Why did people start caring so much about graphics recently? It used to be that gameplay was what was important but these days a majority of stupid people seem to have it in their heads that bad graphics = bad games.
Why did people start caring so much about graphics recently...
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We don't. We do, however, care about A E S T H E T I C S
bad graphics = bad games!!!!!!
>posts OoT
Way to kill your thread. OoT's graphics were actually quite good by 5th gen, console game standards.
I find it ironic.
>game doesn't spend money on graphics
>"haha look at this gay pixelshit"
>game does spend money on graphics
>"wow look at these retarded mature gaymers who only care about graphics"
Can't win with console war fanboys.
You do know that OoT looks like that because it came 21 years ago right? If OoT came today and looked like that we would think that's unacceptable.
>quite good
Mario 64 and OoT were the best looking 3D games ever made at that point in time.
That's actually not OoT.
>Fine Majora's Mask then-
Nope, try again.
This, zoomers don't remember the graphics circle jerking of 90's
>oh sweet Jesus guys please stop making fun of my beloved Pokémon, just shut up and consume product already
What if the gameplay is equally worse as the graphics?
Also seePokemon S/S have shitty graphics but at the same time they have awful mechanics.
Lol, I didn't actually enlarge it. That's Pokemon Sword and Shield, isn't it?
>that guy who complains about bad graphics, and then complains about AAA casualization in the same breath
>Gameplay being important
People care about graphics when they start being greatly below current baseline standards.
bro it depends on the context of the game.
Some games sell themselves on the gameplay based from their graphics. Some sell themselves on gameplay and the style of their graphics.
I tell you what, I fucking love Rimworld.
It started in the original playstation era when sony started shoving cinematics down everybody's throats in order to market games. Same moment the E3 presentations started being "Whoa look at this prerendered cinematic that looks SO GOOD" instead of actually showing any gameplay.
Back then it was Nintendo, Sega and Sony and it was Sony who was pushing the whole realistic/cinematic stuff, Sega went away, Microsoft came in and started playing their game, leaving Nintendo as the only one doing their thing, that's until now.
If you want graphics build a fucking PC honestly. Attempts at photorealism are cancer anyway.
>It used to be that gameplay was what was important
Don't worry, nu-Pokemon has shit braindead gameplay too.
People shit on Sword & Shield's graphics because that was the given reason for culling half the pokemon. Otherwise most of the complainers would be relegated to /vp/ autists.
People have cared about graphics since the SNES
Why is the rival thing important? Are you a masochist? Besides, there hasn't been a mean rival since G/S/C, it's not like it's new to LGP.
You must be an underage newfag.
Graphicwhores were always existing, and was basically one of the big nonsense arguments in the early console wars.
>have one of the most successful IPs in the history of mankind and IP law
>shit out something uglier than a 10 man indie on a shoestring budget for the first full console release of a mainline Pokemon game ever
We don't even know the actual number of Pokemon that SwSh will have.
>Besides, there hasn't been a mean rival since G/S/C
B2W2, you stupid genwunner.
Top-notch graphics do impress me, but it's not a total deal breaker if a game is a little lacking in that department. Graphics are just a bonus to me.
Hugh is pretty hotblooded but he's never mean.
He actually acts like a rival, unlike Hau or the shitter from LGPE
*gives you a max revive*
Switch is a handheld so we still have yet to see a console Pokemon game. Gamefreak is afraid to develop on console because they'd probably be expected to have console tier graphics, whereas on Switch you can do handheld graphics and people won't complain because it's a handheld game.
He physically assaults Team Plasma members, though.
At least that was about getting to 3D instead of everything being 2D sprites, at this point we're just trying to make movies with omgsoreal actors instead
>promote your software and hardware as "OMG WTF SUPER HIGH FIDELITY 120FPS MAGIC"
>wonder why people shit on the graphics
Major studios abandoned gameplay for fidelity a decade ago, user.
you can't market gameplay to the mainstream audience, but you can market muh visuals
that's why every single year there's bullshots on E3
I usually don't but there's a line and some games cross it. For example Xenoblade 2 being sub 480p in handheld is absolutely unacceptable, and Pokemon Sword and Shield looking like an upressed 3DS game is also laughable
Graphicwhoring isn't anything new. It was hella bad and a driving push during the transition to 3D.
It didn't calm down until about the PS3/360 era when people started to realize there smaller gains than before.
Not to say graphic whores don't exist now- they sure as hell do, but it was far worse previously, and it certainly isn't anything new.
mega man legends looked way better
yes lmao
OoT/MM existed because of graphicsfags
the N64/PS1 were NOT ready for 3D graphics but they pushed them out anyways, even if it meant games looked like vomit and ran at 12fps
or watch basically any console/game commercial from the 80's, graphics was a huge selling point
You're being willfully fucking stupid op. With the case of Sword and Shield, people expect the game that's leaving the fucking DS to at the very least look decent if they're gonna be forced to enjoy a Pokemon game's shit fucking gameplay. This is especially when the game comes from a company that is fucking rolling in money and can afford to put in some fucking effort.
I don't even fucking like Pokemon and I understand this you underage fucking retard. At the same time though anyone who didn't see this coming and supported any Pokemon game from the past 10 years is an idiot and I'm glad they're finally feeling the sting of having shit taste in franchises
Have you been in a coma the last, uhh, entire lifespan of video games?
No, graphics are not everything, but there is a threshold of just not even trying. That clip of the birds essentially T-posing around the field screams laziness.
Because going by the previous Pokemon games, the gameplay isn't going to be good either. Also I never understood "graphics don't matter." Why don't they?
20 years ago was the same story user.
>Why did people start caring so much about graphics recently?
because the gameplay became shit
>game does spend money on graphics
But GF doesn't even do that.
Its really the only way to insult nintendo games
>rival tells you how to beat him
>actually defending laziness and jewery
let's be honest, game freak are lazy as fuck and the Switch is a severely underpowered tablet for the price. Both are inexcusable
>a majority of stupid people seem to have it in their heads that bad graphics = bad games.
People have been thinking this since the PS3 at least
And in Pokemon's case it's because the graphics have not changed at ALL but we're never getting a better product
Not when the devs explicity said
>muh limitation
And then end up doing something 10 time worse that they previously did
You don’t win with these faggots.
It’s not like the PS2 days where you can have a niche game with 3D graphics that only needs to sell say 50,000 copies to be a success.
Graphic whores are literally running gaming into the ground.
Niche companies can’t afford 4K graphics
I wish graphics whores would fuck off back to regular movies.
Photo realism is cancer and lacking creativity
The fuck it did. Boring grey corridors were not remotely impressive at the time.
Balanced as all things should be
so he's not even your rival he's team plasma's rival, he barely ever fights you and he heals you repeatedly
>so he's not even your rival he's team plasma's rival,
What's life like with a single-digit IQ?
play the game tranny, he is never even remotely antagonistic towards the player only team plasma
Bad graphics = bad production quality = signs of a bad game.
People always cared about graphics you subhuman zoomer.
See, the problem in the case of Pokemon SnS is that it has quite literally nothing else backing it up whatsoever, nothing to justify the newer product having strictly inferior values across the board than its predecessors. Making fun of it is fair game because the developers are full of shit. It may not be the point of your thread, but you did choose the image to start with.
Otherwise yes, I find it funny whenever you get those who make fun of Nintendo graphics go onto defending PS/Xbox graphics when PC gets brought up.
He's not an antagonist but he actually does try to beat you, unlike the new rivals.
Because even for the switch gamefreak pulled a really big lazy shit this time
But Gamefreak have been ripping out features of the game since B/W, not adding them
>the gameplay became shit
>same turnbased monster catching rpg since 96
Yeah no
Because graphics are all modern AAA games have to rely on these days. Gameplay innovation, music, art style, these are all gone in favor of minimalism and realism. "Good graphics" are all they have left, the only thing people can praise a game for.
Rival doesn't mean enemy
A rival is one that wants to be better than you, this is Hugh's case
A "friendly rival" can't be even considered a rival since he doesn't fucking care about winning, Hau's case
I wonder what would have happened if Sword and Shield had been made with the same models/textures and cut Pokemon, but all the animations were actually really good (like the excuse claimed.) Would there be the same level of anger?
>Realism isn't an art style
>Implying RDR 2 didn't have godlike music and gameplay
Fuck I'm glad I'm not a braindead contrarian. Inb4
>B-But RDR 2 is shit!
Nobody gives a shit about your opinion.
Yeah, because actually it‘s just faggots crying that they can‘t use their shitmons. So basically they could announce bf is back, they put 150 new pokemon in it, added tons of shit e.g. no one would care because of their shitmons.
Nobody would mind if it had a charming art style.
Oh user
He's right though, Hugh is your ally and Team Plasma members deserve a good punch in the face.
>Why did people start caring so much about graphics recently?
They don't matter because if the gameplay is good enough to carry the game without the need for graphics then graphics are pointless.
user, I...
You're illiterate dude.
He's not hostile to you like GSC rival but he doesn't suck your dick like Hau and the LGPE rival do
I don't get it, why shouldn't you want good graphics?
We're all adults with disposable income and access to any game we want. There's no longer any reason to delude yourself into enjoying subpar graphics just because that's all your "team" can put out.
The point is that mean rivals have not been a thing since Blue (Gary) and Silver (Giovanni's son). Everyone else has been pretty nice.
Because Game Freak used said graphics as an excuse for cutting Pokemon, and an N64 tree just isn't defendable.
No, the point is that Hau, the XY kids, and LGPE guy suck the players dick for some reason. Barry, Cheren and Hugh didn't do that.
Pretty sure youre pretending to miss the point on purpose because you're a shill
Nobody doesn't want good graphics. It's just drones coping with
>heh.. so what if the game looks like shit? It doesn't matter anyway..
You could make an argument for Mario 64. But by the time OoT came out Unreal was already on PC.
>good looking
Well it certainly looks better than OoT
>Implying Ocarina of Time has good gameplay
Ah, so you're retarded.
Muh graphics isn't new. Back in the 90's and Noughties, it was all about 2^n bits Mode 7 FX, console wars about jagged edges on PS1, PS2 not having AA and made-up stuff like Blast Processing, PC getting the highest-res textures and so on and so forth.
Bianca and May are also nice to the player so it's still not a new thing.
Bianca appears in the same game as Cheren, the actual rival.
That's like saying "b-but Dawn!!!" while completely ignoring Barry. Not an argument
All of those games had multiple rivals just like X/Y had multiple rivals.
>made-up stuff like Blast Processing
>just like X/Y had multiple rivals.
And all of them immediately fellate the player for no reason. Shit's worse than a Persona game.
What's the point of a game if it doesn't make you feel good? Are you a masochist?
Go fuck yourself Masuda.
>everything should just be happy sunshine and rainbows with zero conflict or bad feelings ever
I guarantee you're an instant gratification zoomer.
Because they're supposed to be your rival, it makes no sense for your rival to suck your dick constantly. It's like if Bowser helped Mario get to his castle.
the thing is user, all the rivals prior to gen 6:
>gen 5
Bianca( easygoing friend)
Cheren (friend/rival/stuck know it all)
N (testing your strength to see your worth, and test of character with relation to loving your pokemon)
Hugh (friend/semi-rival/justs wants revenge on Team Plasma)
>Gen 4
Barry (impatient/ determined/ wants to rival you at pokemon battling)
>Gen 3
Wally (sickly child at first, new to being a trainer/ see his character grow throughout the story/ is encouraged to get stronger/ and recovering from his illness he challenges you at the end of Victory Road with a better team than before)
May/Brendan (just the alt gender you decide to not choose/ child of that gen's professor/ similar objective to fulfilling pokemon research/ battles you on occasion)
>Gen 2
Silver (literal thug/ son of Giovanni/ has relevance to plot/ makes you his rival just cause you got in his way and lost to you the first time/ tough guy act)
>Gen 1
Gary/ Blue/ Green (The embodiment of "the rival"/ stuck up/ perfects his team/ jealous cause his grandpa favors you more/ is actually better than you/ always a step ahead/ became champion before you/ understood what it meant to be strong/ always cool)
after that all the rivals in gen 6 and up, are just friends, i guess they wanted to sell you games where you can fill the void of not having friends, and with these it can make you feel good, cause they are always happy to see you, except edge lord Gladion.
Yeah, that pic looks pretty good for a 5th gen game, right?
I've been spending this whole discussion demonstrating my knowledge of who every single Pokemon rival is. Give the memes a rest.
Bowser actually is nice in most games.
Pokemon has always had shit gameplay that has been stale since gen 4
I can't even so much begrudge the concept of being interested in Pokémon since the premise is captivating. The problem, however, arises when fans begin to actively screen out criticism, which they largely have since the 3DS games.
This happens for other games but I've rarely seen other game fanbases be so unified in deliberately and snottily defending/downplaying/denying issues. They can hide behind all the ironic "haha gamers rise up amirite" memes to dismiss criticism and a "fuck the haters look at my new meme sheep uwu so cute" attitudes all they want, shit's going to keep getting worse if they keep saying "yes" to it. Fans just lost hundreds of Pokémon in SwSh's very code. Expect shit to get worse next game if SwSh continues to be unchallenged by fans.
I know it's a bit lofty for me to hope for a major Pokémon release to flop or underperform, but after seeing Star Wars of all franchises actually finally begin to nosedive in the past couple years, I dare to dream still. I wonder where Pokémon would be now if Iwata didn't bail out Game Freak's asses on GS' coding...
I dont know but its about time people got on gamefreaks ass for being fucking lazy about something.
Don't even normally care about graphics but that shit is fucking stupid.
Literally one of the biggest franchises in the damn world and they cant even get decent looking shit together.
This is the real reason
>but after seeing Star Wars of all franchises actually finally begin to nosedive in the past couple years
One spinoff movie that nobody cared about in the first place flopped and then Disney followed it up by building a whole Star Wars world in Disneyland. Don't get your hopes up.
>People won't complain
Do you understand what this thread is
its the same fucking game though
I don't have an issue with that as much if they put more effort into everything else, but they don't, at all.
What other franchise do people speculate more about what features are going to be removed than about what is going to be added? Seriously, fuck gamefreak.
>What other franchise do people speculate more about what features are going to be removed than about what is going to be added?
Smash? Smash 6 is 10 years away and people are already discussing who will be cut.
Zoomers are cancer. Everything is graphics and "muh frames"
You should at least expect a minimum level of graphics, within the scope of the hardware.
There's quite a range of that due to independent games. I would take the budget of the developer into consideration. If it's Pokemon? Yeah I might question why the graphics are a little low end. If it's something made by literally one guy, like Undertale? I can understand it not looking the best.
Thread seems to be dying so I’ll post my game, tell me what you think of the graphics
I’m a one man dev team
Undertale had a paid artist: Temmie. That's why the game didn't look half-bad. While the graphics are rough, they also have a certain style to them.
TLJ also underperformed to Disney's expectations (to be fair it IS humiliating for a mainline SW movie to lose in the box office to a fucking Dwayne Johnson comedy movie), but here's what's really hurting it: merchandising. The new movies have fucking crippled merchandising, because the new characters except BB-8 and maybe Finn are all too boring or outright awful to sell, and old characters have been assassinated to be unlikable shits (Luke is a total inversion of his character arc, and Solo absolutely fucking destroyed the mystique and rogueish aspect of Han Solo that people loved for decades).
Plus there's the assassination of the old extended universe and what a failure most of the new extended universe stuff is, the cancelation of the further spinoff movies, and what a catastrophe of PR and sales the recent Star Wars games have been (you know, the ones that actually got to see the light of day and didn't shitbin millions of dollars each of effort).
Zoomers and drones are the only people defending a billion dollar company lazily shitting out a game that looks worse than games from 2 generations ago.
Why shouldn't we expect both good deep gameplay and good graphics? Especially from the most profitable media franchise on Earth?
Character looks stupid, but I guess that's the point. It might appeal to people who like retarded things. I can see some Let's Players screaming on top of this WwWwWacky indie game.
Well whatever. I just hope the guy has a move where he slides on his belly.
Graphics are pretty shit though. I can't really expect much though, can I? It looks like it's still in early development. But the lighting is flat. There's no detail to break up the repeating patterns. There are no shadows cast by the architecture on the ground. For a game where you fly high, there's nothing interesting in the sky. The dude would probably look better if he bent his knees when he landed. You know, a bit of a flop. So it actually looks like he's landing.
Ice needs some kind of texture, or transparency or reflection, or something that makes it look like ice.
Also, it would be cool if the ice melted away, instead of just disappearing instantly.
The difference between Pokemon and Smash is that Smash had its redemption arc (at least in the character department) while Pokemon is just going down faster than ever
This and the fact I just wanted pokemon stadium/xd/revolution quality animations as part of a mainline game since forever. For fucks sake, the animations are worse than an n64 game.
Holy fuck, I love that OP's pic still tricks people.
>graphics look like shit
>animations are practically non-existent
>"oh we can't let you transfer any pokemon because it would be too much work"
Gamefreak are just fucking lazy and anyone who supports them is a stone cold retard
The artstyle is also absolute garbage.
Because the gameplay in SS is the exact sa- oh wait no, it's actually a diluted version of the same old Pokémon formula because Game Freak just doesn't care anymore.
Also video games are a visual medium, graphics are important and if your 2019 game looks like a 1999 game, you're lazy as shit... ...especially when you're a fucking multi-billion dollar company like Game Freak.
no way i am buying this garbage game, i dont even own a N64 anymore
Thanks for the feedback, yeah I am still early in development, I was focused on getting a playable game made with placeholder art assets since I have no talent in that area
The problem is that Pokemon's gameplay is dogshit.
Well, we know that it will be only the regional dex ones, and you'd think that if the regional dex were bigger than usual they'd have said that too.
With ice powers like that, I would start thinking of more vertical level designs. Build skyward. And make it so you can slide up steeply.
annoying how new platforms are always straight and break momentum after jumping. Make it angled to match the player fallspeed.
>Bowser actually is nice in most games.
Only the RPGs.
Graphics whores have always been around idiot
People are pissing on Pokemon's graphics since Masuda said the graphics are why they had to cut Pokemon.
Alright I’ll build up the levels today
Yeah I’ve been working to get that right
Graphics aren't everything but I do expect more from one of the highest grossing video franchises.
>No Animations in battle
>No pokemon walking besides you
>Graphics look N64 tier
>Can't transfer your favorite to the new region despite all the other games allowing you to do that
>Story is probably going to be a mess
Seriously why can't they pull a breath of the wild and have a big open world with a bunch of different locations to catch pokemon with towns and gyms sprinkled in? I know it's possible even on the switch and it could be a fun experience. You could choose which town you spawn in, wake up, head to that town's professor, get a starter pokemon with your rival or start the game with the pokemon your father gave you (the one you transferred over) and just set out on your adventure? There could be some survival elements like setting up a camp, gathering ingredients for food, going through a blizzard, going over a mountain with the pokemon you have, the possibilities are endless.
Instead we're going to get a dumb story nobody cares about.
when they start gutting features and claim that it was necessary to focus on things like graphics, animations, etc., then those things should not be N64 quality