Any games about colonization?

Any games about colonization?

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Europa Universalis

There was that civ 4 thing

I really want to make an erotic colonisation game where you have sex with natives.

Expeditions: Conquistador.

You can even claim a native wife before you burn down their towns and steal all their gold.

rape is not a good thing but I regret we'll never have rape chronicled of in prose like that ever again, what an insight

Expeditions: Conquistador

Turn-based HoMM or King's Bounty style game. Good game. Only graphics succ.

based spaniards

When they say colonialism is bad they are saying they are frightened of your ultra masculine sexual prowess as a White man to take coloured natuve women.
Mhmm thats right the White man is a sexual beast of unsurpassed vigor and they fear that.

>rape is not a good thing
christ your're a smart one

>ultra masculine sexual prowess as a White man

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That’s just people who speak English only


That legit made me moist.

Columbus was based as fuck

Pretty much any game where you build a city is colonization. RTS, survival games, city builders. I was just playing They Are Billions and that's colonization.

Colonization gets demonized the liberal media but it's actually pretty cool and fun.

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>rape is not a good thing
yes it is
women love rape
rape is the only reason we exist right now
rape is the law of the strong which makes strong children and strong societies
Such things cannot be left to the whims of woman

White men have a +45 racial bonus against native women, like how blacks have a +20 racial bonus against the wives of basedboys.

is there even any action colonization game? seems like there are only strategy games


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Only male humans can be masculine. Not animals, or niggers as I like to call them.

Theres that game that is being made in Amazons engine that got a whole lot of sjw butthurt.
It's like conan exiles/witcher but with colonists.

imagine wasting your seed on garbage and all of your descendants being retards


Better than having cuck, gay and trans descendants

Imagine how your parents feel.

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t. conquistador rapebaby

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>not garbage
>not retards

Spaniards are the niggers of europe tho'


Where is the source for this brown fluid druid.

The only bad thing the Europeans brought over was the mistake of cooked food and grains


American education, everyone.

Blackflag, Age of Empires 2 have some campaign in new world.

let's compare spain to brazil

Imagine being white and thinking that you're better than an animal


aren't you late for holocaust class

Brasil are the niggers of South America.

Can I see your green card Hernandez?

to be fair, even the Spanish accept him as one of their own.
I have never seen an Italian praising Columbus, but I have seen plenty of Spanish people.

Yeah the Spanish were retards but you gotta thank them for making spics look somewhat human, without them the sudacas would look like that indio maid in Roma.

so, who are the niggers of Africa?


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She's just some caricature of a native. However, if you haven't watched The Road to El Dorado yet, I suggest you do so.

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You can but it's all written from the perspective of the female victim for females.

You know seeing threads like these make me realize that white skin being a recessive gene and the influx of refugees and immigrants flooding white dominate areas is just cosmic karmic justice in action, you guys deserve to cease to exist eventually.

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Liberians are worse though, no?

West africans are the dumbest people on the planet

>anti-white racist posts white looking anime characters
Fucking retard.

White people survived worse
This is not the first black plague

Librarians are sexy as fuck, dude


I dunno user, West Africans aren't the ones supporting israel.

>not spreading your endless amount of seed everywhere you go and upgrading the natives' genepool as a result
With your mentality, you won't even have descendants in the first place.

the preserved indigenous barbarians in brazil are a snapshot of history, you don't need to attribute their country to the african mud people

Do you even know what a recessive gene is, or did you go to the same school as Kojima?

I'd force a retort out but I realized you're actually right, we really are the niggers of SA, just take a gander at rekt threads on /gif/ and see what favela monkeys do to each other.

God I love my tupi kuruminhas

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tits or GTFO

why can't south americans stay the fuck off english sites lol?

braindead yeast

To be fair it's a bit fucked we celebrate Columbus that much. He didn't even find America proper.

obsessed as american would say

You guys dont realize how much countries without modern sanitation systems smell permanently like shit and how the women there also have a lingering odor that gets on everything

You better keep posting indias or Franco will use the Santa Teresa infinity gauntlet on you.

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Women almost always love to be held down and used as a sex toy for men. It’s only rape when they regret it

We now live in english speaking countries. Keep paying your taxes, please.

West africans can't even support themselves. The strongest nation is the one that sold the most amount of slaves. It's no small wonder that africas being raped for it's resources when they're just so dumb

Am I the only one on this website that genuinely wonders if these kind of posters are shitposting, or seriously fucked people?

>what is the sun
look at blacks in US, they are already lighter than African blacks.

>tfw southerner
>no niggers
Feels breddy gud

Yes, I’m sure the guys sailing across the world on wooden ships really hated the smell of those natives living on land with free water access everywhere.

he just reads a lot of chick lit

just go read any erotic literature written for women

>how much countries without modern sanitation systems smell permanently like
I don't live in America.

you sound like someone who will never fuck without paying upfront
nice life user :)

How about hafus, Franco-dono?

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No I'm sure there are plenty of other redditors

You'd be kissing america's ass if you'd been some of the places I've been. You really dont understand how bad some countries are.

Have sex.

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>South America
Its all trash

White people are savages, I will never forget what they did to my people

>Blacks are getting lighter

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>us blacks
The mutt thing isn’t a meme to trigger “white” burgers, it’s the state of the country’s gene pool across all races.

>West africans can't even support themselves
False, aid toward africa is pure scam
>africas being raped for it's resources when they're just so dumb
Going by your logic, it's totally fine that Europe and USA will be demographically replaced.

Imperialism II
Natives are considered such a savages great powers don't need to declare war on them to grab their land. Capturing their capital brings you a lot of money in the early game.

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It's actually false. All studies admit to only choosing obviously race mixed people.

But that's a direct result of

Friendly reminder that this is a leftist who larp as a alt righter.
The alt right oppose colonialism, respect Africa's wish to remain pure from foreign intervention and want for every country inluding ours to remain homogenous.

Drag you kicking and screaming into the modern world?

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Why are 2D brown girls so fucking good, when the 3D ones are shit?

You ain't getting any gold back, fuck you, scum from earth

Africa is a biological disaster

Yeah that's the stuff... mae' mía....

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>All studies admit to only choosing obviously race mixed people.

Light skin came about as a matter of darker-skinned individuals being unable to survive outside of the range of the Equator. The farther away you go, the less Vitamin D is available from sunlight, and so darker skinned individuals, even to this day, will wither without heavy supplementation. Light skin evolved multiple times from totally separate migratory groups.

What the fuck are those?
>nips mixing with brazilian mutts result in asians with actually hot bodies and not flat washboards

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based conquistadors

I'd hesitate to call white people civilized before the 20th century.

usually I dont like brown girls but this jungle anime girl does things to my dick

whats her name?

It's called reading the papers Reddit cites as a source. Now go back

>Environmental disaster

This also means that if a meteor hits us or a volcano pops with enough force to obscure sunlight from reaching the Earth that certain groups will have a genuine and undeniable biological advantage.

>converting to judaism 2.0 as a good thing

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Fuck off larper.

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>Going by your logic, it's totally fine that Europe and USA will be demographically replaced.
Not him, but yes it is. If a population purposefully and knowingly refuses to reproduce while inviting, enabling and supporting being replaced by other populations, there is literally nothing morally wrong with it.
You can be but hurt about it, but it’s o different than being a butthurt virgin who never actually puts effort into getting laid and just sits around fantasizing about girls throwing themselves on him like in the Korean cartoons he uses to escape reality.

perfection has to be carefully crafted. nature is more 'creative' in her approach
2D > 3DPD

Good point. Still it's defiantly one of those "nervous laugh" posts.

>moving to Brazil suddenly rewrites your DNA
They’re clearly just asian

>implying he won’t just rape someone

They knew how to read and write and had better sanitation that old Europe.

No I'm pretty sure Africa is a shithole because of black people

I wonder who's behind this post


This desu ne, they should have at least fucked their daughters to get rid of some of the niggery.

>let me teach you about this desert god that has nothing to do with you

>This is what natives actually believe

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just the development of mathematics alone in western europe must really make you insecure

You asked for it

Its just some timid, incel basement dwellers having a power fantasy

I love when shitskins from /lat/ love to larp as indios and aztecs despite having at least 80% yuropor genes

names? image search is not helping me

they created mexico and all the spics and they are a third world shithole in the butt of europe no one cares about

>Let me post my hard left social theories
I'm not reading that shit you faggot

They didn't almost die for living surrounded by shit and animals

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get a load of tis incredible faggot

>recessive gene
Dumb MGS fag

You mean Ancient Greece and then Abassid Caliphate.

He's just discovering Evola for the first time. Give it a few months he'll be embarrassed about ever having entertaining his ideas.

>facts hurt my feelings

Weak bait

>tfw you're the result of native american cultures getting raped and murdered out of existence
>still enjoy being culturally white
>but have no ancestral history or memory to lean back on that doesn't come through my whiteness
>poor, European dirt farmer whiteness, so no real history there either
>the only culture I have is to consume plastic and eat processed foods while being a 5'9" brownish whitish person with no racial identity

What game explores these themes, bros?

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no they were too stupid to into animal husbandry

neo Marxism isn't even worth a peek turbocuck.

>rape is not a good thing

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why are you replying to yourself?

To the basement-dwelling incels and /pol/ people, what this amounts to is: Get out of your basement and you'll have a competitive edge. If you're Asian or Euro it takes you less time outside to fully power up. Just don't run outside naked if you have any Irish blood. Get some light weave clothing to diffract.

>conquer native empire
>convert the natives and send them to death in the mines now that they are saved from Hell by your grace
>don't teach them to read and write, you don't have any books for them other than the Holy Bible
>be amazed at their sanitation but pretend you didn't want to wash anyways

>tfw no Lord Admiral to give you a brown tomboy as a slave
It's not fair, bros, it's not fair.

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no i mean western europe

King of Dragon Pass

I give mad kudos to this game because it actually lets you deal with other cultures, races and societies with more options than just 'GRUG SMASH', I read somewhere that David Dunham spent a very long time researching Iron Age cultures before designing the game and it really shows.

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Weak bait

Committing suicide.

>stole all the south america gold so condemned us to be poor forever
>exterminated their culture and people
>destroyed their race breeding with them

And this is a good thing...?

And we will never remember.

The only reason you can post this is because europe was smart enough to begin documenting their plagues and illnesses as modern medicine and sanitation practices were developed.

We may never know how many south american "civilizations" were wiped off the face of the earth by such things because no one was smart enough to record it in written history. We just find the ruins buried deep beneath the jungle.

Yeah thier proper hygiene made them immune to all European diseases...o wait

>or did you go to the same school as Kojima?

Countless millions - if not billions - of people alive today owe their existence to the Mongols, who raped their way to create the largest empire in history.

That isn't how it works you retard

You're all poor because youre about as smart as niggers

Stop they’re an average around 50-60% white but that varies per country

>picks the rapper who's so ugly he wears a ski mask half the time


How exactly is giving gibs to dumb niggers who can’t work bad, but saving dumb mutts who can’t not have abortions weekly good?
You are human refuse so clinically retarded and devoid of common sense or sense of real national identity beyond what Hollywood sells you that you actually work so you can pay niggers and Mexicans to have children and replace you.
What possible reason does anyone have to want to keep you dumb fucking faggots around?
>muh jews
You are the fucking Jews. Keep supporting greatest ally.

>Rapper success isn't in direct relating to how light their skin is

Where do you think those hieroglyphs came from? Of course they had a writing system.

>everything I hate is marxism

fuck off

But it is. Native hygiene was much worse then European. They didn't even have soap

>Countless millions - if not billions - of people alive today owe their existence to the Mongols
Only Asians,especially the Chinese.

He is right. How comes Spanish colonies are all shitholes? Could it be because Spanish are niggers?

yeah slavery from 500 years ago is totally the reason africa is a shithole
other places have had much worse things happen much more recently and have managed to become successful

Did you rape anyone yet?

It’s literally top 2 tourist destination in the world, 1st world and whiter than your Swedish shithole

As a brown boy I think we should all be the property/slaves of cute and superior white girls

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But gold is still one of South America's biggest exports and there is a shitton more buried underground. It's been 200 years m8, at this point it's all cronyism and corruption's fault.

attaching yourself to an ethnicity or culture is pointless honestly
letting your personality be dictated by that isnt healthy
its like when some rando celebrates being of itallian heritage their whole life, takes a test and learns theyre actually french.
be happy with what you got
t. also an indian mutt

lmao at the genetic dead ends itt in the videogame section of an anime imageboard telling which people are inferior to them

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>stole all the south america gold so condemned us to be poor forever

Not our fault you idiots cant figure out mineral or technological wealth and instead resort to selling bananas and cutting down the amazon for paper mills. You really think you'd be a superpower if spain didnt take home like 3 boxes of gold necklaces that are pretty much just displayed in museums for the novelty of it now?

>It's white people's fault that africans tear down transformers to use the coolant as cooking oil

What the fuck is wrong with you

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Why hasn't Japan made one of their colonization of Nanking?

Western Europe was not relevant in mathematics until the Renaissance. Before that mathematician scholars seeked the Arabic texts.

But the plague came from China, through Africa to Europe...

They had dogs and the Andes had llamas, what they could tame they did tame. It's not like animal husbandry is any more complex than agriculture.

Zoomers didn't play The Seven Cities of Gold

it's just a coincidence that africans are shit everywhere on earth

Damn, I just deleted this webm yesterday. What does it mean?

>tfw born too early to colonize
We still have hope for space, right?

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Sorry, at work. Here's another.

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If waifubots become a thing in the next 20 years, you can have all the white girls you want. It'll be a good change of pace to actually interact with (simulated) femininity and not men with ovaries.

>>Sid Meier's Colonization

jewish domination endgame simulator

Kuruminha. She's the mascot of some Brazilian imageboard (or was, not sure if it still exists).

Natives are ugly

have rape

Here is one shitposting.

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Anyone remember the name of that island tribe that went around naked and fucked in the open?

Pretty sure all kids got hands-on sex ed too.

>How comes Spanish colonies are all shitholes?
>Could it be because Spanish are niggers?

Oh I'm sorry
Maybe you should log off Yea Forums and throw your computer away to go live in the woods without a toilet so you can experience what life would be like if we didnt M A T A D O R your IQ several points higher than it would be naturally

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Because that never happed chinaman

Yet it's the "white supremacists" who heap scorn on me while worshipping a dead Jew.

Funny how that all works out.

They cleaned themselves in rives daily and used plants as deodorant. Even the spaniards wrote about this.

even your understanding of what mathematics is is a western european construction, because it was the most prolific region in all of history
it eats at you

Last one, probably fake, but there are model competitions for Indians and I believe playboy even had some issues with them.

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Says the 75% nigger

T. L' escargot terrible

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I am undoubtedly superior to you physically and mentally.

the only true redpill

European didn't even like the idea of taking a bath

Maybe if you werent a nigger

>tfw I have the inquisition's hairline and the indigenous stature
thanks to my llama fucking spanish relatives

It's top two because
-hot weather
-extremely cheap for most of Europe to get to

It's a shithole, that's why it's cheap. Spain and Portugal are full of absolute retards. Their sunshine is the only valuable thing they have. You're better off just staying at the hotel if you want food because none of the moors can cook for shit, and the booze is also cheap shit.

They are popular holiday destinations for the peasants of the world.

I'm not Mexican. Of all European countries I traveled Spain had the worst and most annoying people. It doesn't seem like a mere coincidence and neither your manner of speech.

You can't even use the correct slurs for the correct sub-groups. Discarded.

very smart reply fellow user I tip my fedora to you

It was banned, because it was believed that water literally makes you ill.

I'm not the Europe-hating user you were arguing with, retard. I'm here correcting your severe historical misunderstanding.
As a fun note: 1 2 3 ... 9 are arabic numbers.
If you were talking about modern math like Calculus, Number theory or Abstract algebra; now that was all developed in Germany.

>You're better off just staying at the hotel if you want food because none of the moors can cook for shit
That's just Spain, and no they don't.

Yeah. Thats why spain has been extremely poor for years. Like greece and Venezuela levels of a shithole. There are still Spaniard livings in denial like this guy . Is pretty funny to watch.

Pity it's a generic hack n slash

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Are you a virgin? This is important.

Not in a million years, FTL traveling can't exist because accelerating a particle with mass requires energy and the closer you get to the speed of light the more energy you need, and the faster you go the heavier you get, ergo, you will achieve a ridiculous amount of mass before even getting close to light speed and no engine has that power. Everything is simply too far away. And I'd be afraid of the void space if I were you.

That's fucking bullshit you stupid whiteoid, to this day the Europeans are still stealing our resources and keeping us down, because the only way to keep Europe stable is through imperialism and the exploitation of others, without that, you will be nothing

>single-handedly alter the genetics of an entire fucking continent through a vicious campaign of rape and murder
>no one gives you shit for it
>remembered mostly as sexy pirates and feather hats

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have sneed

>W..were not black
Didn't the natives practically go extinct? So that means there were 20,000,000 black slaves and just a few Spaniards?

even animals don't reproduce through rape.
Christ, look at yourself, look at that level of low test betadom, you're so depraved of females that you think if rape was okay you'd be drowning in pussy when even your onahole would beat the shit out of you if it came to live. Nothing can save a beta from being a beta.

>shitting on Southern European food
keep seething white boi

user, I just fapped. Why would you post this?


>Calculus was developed in Germany
I didn't know Isaac Newton was German.

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>pagans are so dumb you literally just need to tell them something is divine and they'll believe it
really makes me think

I accept your admission of defeat.


I need a white goddess to own me, use me as her sex toy while she calls me a disgusting shitskin, and when she gets pregnant aborts my baby calling it genetic trash.


Not a argument:
Keep seething at facts

bend over

Because they brought a shit ton of African slaves. So africans fucked indigenous americans, it's hindsight now but shouldn't be a surprise how that would turn out.


Fucking kek

There's that greedfall game coming out at some point. It's fantasy and shit but you can still dab on dumb natives with your superior technology.

>surstromming ice-whitoid thinks his food is better than south european
oh wew, even basque food is fucking better than anything in scandinavian cuisine

>even animals don't reproduce through rape.
are you retarded?

lmao enjoy your overfried fish and chips in butter

Oh no what are we going to do without your....avacados

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>yeah slavery from 500 years ago is totally the reason africa is a shithole
other places have had much worse things happen much more recently and have managed to become successful
Totally false, slavery wasn't the same everywhere, the article use plenty research to prove you wrong, more proof that you didn't read it, keep seething.

Samefagging and lying at the same are still not arguments



you still have basic survival instincts
it's a waste of your time in the end

Friendly reminder that most people in South American are just nigger mutts. That's why they seethe so hard in these threads

>Researchs and historical evidences aren't facts

the fuck are you doing

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You sound pretty scared, why?

Is there actually a mount and blade mod for this kind of thing?
I tried looking up about that but all I find is about the viking game they made, can I get a quick rundown on it?

Leibniz formalized calculus and invented the notation still used by mathematicians. Both him and Newton are credited as the ones discovering it.

That's not a game and never will be

Imagine not knowing the "Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc" fallacy.
The Roman Empire fell because of it's size, because of slavery and especially because of Usury.

That Voxeu retard, not the "Vox".
And the article use a shitton of sources

This is basically Conan Exiles. I advise trying out one of the sex mod ERP servers if you want to dominate some brown skinned native women.

>even animals don't reproduce through rape.
Ducks do. They have peculiar evolutionary race between males getting longer and more twisted penis (they have penis btw unlike many bids who have cloacas) to rape better and females getting more labyrinthine tracts to keep it away.

Just like all weg shit. Is just patreon bait.


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>blacks, mexicans, or muslims rape
>see, they're animals
>historical Italians rape
>why aren't men this manly anymore?

She's a ho and doesn't live inna jungle but she's got evident Amazon ancestry. Not sure if the big bunda sterns from Western diet or dindu genes though.

Not him but why should I trust /pol/tards over a harvard professor to explain the state of Africa?

>rape is bad when brown people do it
>rape is good when white people do it
That's why the rest of the world hates you, because you justify your savagery and genocide of others and feel fine about it, just like a barbaric beast would do

>vox (european union) isn't vox

Are they the first recorded weebs?

showering 10 times a day and sitting in a tub of cholerine won't save you from bodies and viruses that are completely alien to your immune system you fucking mongoloid.
>actually failing basic biology

The further you go South in South America the whiter it gets, but yes, the majority are mutts, and very bizarrely self loathing. In Brazil they are known as Pardos which is the mix of the indigenous with blacks and they have a very distinct mixed look. A known example would be Ricardo Milos, he has a very typical Pardo face and skin color.


>creates armies of peasants, tribesmen, and mercenaries
>burns down the spanish masonic temples
>drives out the conquistadors
>single-handedly unites all of south america

where can I get this feel?

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Lmao stfu 70sub IQ monkey

Didn't you trade in cacao beans?

The game in itself is tolerable, but the storytelling is absolute shit. It also makes fun of catholicism for some reason.

>there is only one Vox
Since when Vox is about economy you braidead fuck?

Nope, it's not.
But hey, you still have our chicharrones recipe.

You sound sacred, that's good

>[citation needed]

>dresses up like a european while doing this proving the spaniards were right the whole time

Well they were literally fucked by arabs so...

Then they complain about white genocide kek. God I love being black in the current year.

>"if you think that rape feels good why don't you get raped too, incel?"
Men don't have organs developed for raping, why don't these whiteknights understand that?

>black plague bypassed Poland
explain yourselves, kurvas

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objectively, you're stupid

This, Americans and spaniards deserve to be demographically replaced, reap what you sow.

I've been to both places and Portuguese food is terrible. It's a fucking mess. Over salted fish and meats, soggy potatoes. Eggs slapped on top of meals for no good reason. None of the fish tasted fresh like British, Dutch or Norwegian fish did.

All in all, I don't think I'll be going back to either countries. I'll go somewhere nice like Italy instead

He was a criollo, basically a Spaniard.

What's her name?

You've already acknowledged being wrong, but I'll humor you with details. The fact is the strong Pagan principles of self determination and ambition that turned Ancient Rome into the global superpower were ruined by Judean philosophies of submission and deference to absolute authority, as a result the Empire stagnated and fell apart.

>regreted his actions after
>flew to europe after

Fate/Grand Order

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T. angry panchito

Nobody wants to read your hitpiece on the west Karl

I am sure you do love being an inferior race

Objectively, you're a brainlet. is the policy portal set up by CEPR in conjunction with a consortium of other European sites

Could you imagine how different the world would be today if the Spaniards had managed to keep their dicks in their pants and just pushed the natives off the lands like North American colonists did?

Rats aren't stupid enough to live in Poland.

Get that wannabe king out of here. Every single country he touched has troubles to this day.

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Pls respond for warband mod question

T. Moor mutt

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pretty much all the """evidence""" of trading jap slaves comes from a jesuit whose name i forgot so it can be safely disregarded

Countries in Asia like South Korea were poorer than some African countries. Also Thailand a country that has never been colonized.

They're not natives. All the natives died. South America is literally run by African slaves

Except brown monkeys don't create anything of value when they rape...

According to the thread it would be the same because they didn't fuck the natives.

You have nothing to debunk the article from the harvard professor?

these threads are so fucking cringe. Nothing makes me cringe harder than incels fawning over their rape fantasies and when you call them out for it they go fetal and start calling you a tranny and a lefty. it doesn't take a rocket science to call out retardation, you're a bunch of desperate and disgusting mongoloids.
The funny thing is that these same people, when presented with recorded rape of western white females by berber pirates, moors and ottoman turks they recoil and wince like the vermin they are. This is what hypocrisy and patheticness looks like.

Have sex, incels. And I truly mean it this time. Actually don't, you should be kept in a pen in some far off island away from human females.

Oh, and be reminded, if you timetravelled to whatever your fantasy is, you'll be at the bottom of the chain of society. Do not by any means think being a noodle armed Yea Forumsirgin incel means you're gonna be accepted by chads from past societies.

>trusting european dogs
whatever, pea-brain

They Implemented trade embargo.

It's opinion. It's very obvious.

No it doesn't, stop telling lies you fucking faggot

Italy and Greece =/= Spain and Portugal. You two are a pox on Europe.

Basque food is better than Spanish and Portuguese cuisine, mutt.

Is that a stab at the British? I found plenty of proper seafood restaurants there and they are all superb quality. They also don't sell fish out of season so it's always fresh. I can't believe the moors sold me out of season oysters when I went. Taught me to do my research

Their sole focus isn't economy you brainlet fuck, see >be btfo
>resort to be in denial
Just admit that you were wrong


To be honest i agree the natives were fucking savages and barbarians, but the spanish weren't any better, they are the scum of the civilized world. I wish the french or the british had colonized us first.

Real sources please, sweetie.


This but unironically

What's a criollo? Is that like a mestizo and a spaniard?

t. tranny

>Research and historical evidences are just "opinions"
debunk it if it's just a "opinion" then

>Traumatic insemination, also known as hypodermic insemination, is the mating practice in some species of invertebrates in which the male pierces the female's abdomen with his aedeagus and injects his sperm through the wound into her abdominal cavity (hemocoel).[1] The sperm diffuse through the female's hemolymph, reaching the ovaries and resulting in fertilization.

This. This is why this board is the laughing stock of this site. I linked this thread to /his/ and everyone is laughing at you.

cope, seething, cringe, yikes, dilate and cope again.
don't forget to book an HRT appointment to become the female because all females rejected you.

You do know that most "moors" were just native Iberian muslims right?
>calling anyone "mutt"

>Being this retarded
Just admit you were wrong, Voxeu has nothing to do with the "Vox"

It's opinion. Get over it, stop worshipping pseudoscience

chinamen would fap to it without a second thought

Nova Aetus does have colonisation of a pseudo Mesoamerica, if he's referring to that one.

>the board when gets proven wrong begins to spam pics if dead nazi soldiers out of pure butthurt

Lmao you guys are reverse poltards

Yes they were. Depending which country we are talking about. But you can say roughly about 50 years ago in general.

Usually the answer is that they just keep the skin colour without retaining the facial features, but Chel actually has slanted eyes, a flat nose, and huge lips, so I don't get it either.

Again. Vox (European Union) is the EU branch of Vox. It says so in the name. Are you illiterate?

Pure bred Spaniards who were born from Spanish colonies.

>white = good
>not white = fill in the blank
there, solved your social justice. if you disagree you either not white, or not (fill in the blank)

Attached: smug dva.png (253x293, 120K)

I thought this thread was gonna be about video games


>Using incel that much
>That spacing
Yep im thinking he needs to go back

Go away poltard, nobody likes you on any board.

imagine being this dumb laughing my lmao ass off

White people only did those things through colonialism and extermination of others, just like every empire on history, you're not special, you're not smarter, you just got lucky at colonizing the world

>the sheer amount of nigger apologists in this thread

as opposed to wh*tes, the biggest cucks on this planet.

>dying out

>Nearly 20% of slaves were sold into slavery by their friends or family.
Lmao, and they have the gall to call white people evil

you aren't correcting anything, and you don't know what you are talking about
your entire understanding of what mathematics is as a field is a western european contruction.
also those symbols (modern western arabic numerals) are from western europe, adapted from the indian numerals by way of the arabs through spain


What's wrong with you?

Source: my ass

Bolivar looks definitely mixed in almost all of his representations.

Her eyes are inhumanly large and placed wider than normal. The nose is completely obscured and only suggested like anime does, if she had a visible bridge and dorsum things would be different

He's a nigger apologist

The British and French massacred all natives of North America retard.

>tfw no more comfy german philosophers thread because antipol niggers cant see the diffetence between normal german and nazis

It's obviously not vidya.

the calculus as you know it is the product of many mathematicians and put on firm footing by cauchy

>label any facts as "opinions"
whatever help you sleep at night.

The name mean nothing you retard;
" is the policy portal set up by CEPR in conjunction with a consortium of other European sites"
Nowhere "the vox" is quoted or tied to it.

keep seething

Yes and? That only prove that the article is purely about facts, 80% other weren't tricked by their families btw

>claim to be superior
>get dominated by sand noses
>live with a victim complex your whole life
>fap to cuck porn to cope
Pffft hahahahaha

Attached: pol logic.jpg (460x696, 49K)

You don't have blonde hair and blue eyes, you're not even white yourself.

>dying out
why?what happened?

Esta merda não é VIDEO GAMES. Caralho, vocês não se cansam de passar a vida nisto? É literalmente e lavagem cerebral.

Attached: I'VE HAD IT.jpg (1152x720, 95K)

Welcome to /his/

>rape is not a good thing

Takes coming in hot

Yeah and ducks are fucking retarded, checkmate.

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Are all /pol/tards this stupid?

I said a REAL source. Come on sweetie, you can do it!

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Bolivar had some indigenous blood from the Amazon iirc.

>robs store

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