you think you'll still be playing video games when you're 25?
You think you'll still be playing video games when you're 25?
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Can you repeat that son, when I'm 65? Yeah I am.
As long as I'm lonely and bored so pretty much for the rest of my life
But I'm 30?
Yes because I have passed that point some time ago
I'm gonna look like that at 25? Shit
>mfw 32
just make her smile
nah dud when you are like 25 you like get married and kidz and work and never gaym or muvis or anything!! yu just laik work and stuff you know
das rite you behave like a normie so nobody won't bat an eye
so you just be going to the movies, cause movies are the only mature media in the world, are we in accord wyboy?
i remember when i was 18 and 25 seemed so old and far off. now i'll be 25 in september and it feels like no time has passed at all
I'm 28 and my life hasn't changed since I was 16. I got my own apartment and that's it.
I was playing games when i was 25 and i still am.
t: 28 year old elder litch.
What videogames do graybeards play?
>live with parents
>don't really feel any guilt about it
>home alone for a few days while they're off on some trip
>instantly feel crushingly alone and want to die
I don't have any friends so being alone is an absolutely horrible experience yet I fucking hate people
november 25 here. its all a slow decline after that
animal crossing, mario, zelda
something that doesn't require reflexes or thinking fast
Im 24, gonna join the club of anons 25+ years old in 10 months, I hardly doubt something will change by then. Maybe if I die or lose my arms.
So old men turn into mental females?
I don't want to get as dumb as an XX subhuman
I just turned 26 yesterday. I'm going to play games with a friend in a bit and I'm going to play Shadowbringers on Friday. I love video games.
>turned 37 a few months ago
time just keeps moving faster and faster
35 here.
thought i’d be married with kids at this point 10 years ago but the bitch cheated on me.
i just don’t give a shit anymore and play vidya when i get free time.
I'm nearly 27, I only play 1 game
What game is that
happy late birthday, friend
world of warcraft
based nakoposter
I'm 29 I don't really play games I'm waiting for classic WoW.
I'm still going but only because it stops me from ending myself.
36 and yeah. I dont watch tv at all though.
>I don't want to get as dumb as an XX subhuman
fortunately our bodies and mind were made to keep up as long as we are under constant training
so just exercise, practice sports, avoid stress and put yourself in situations where you have to do mental effort and you won't wear out like the average boomer who just spends his days in front of a computer, sleeping during the day, eating junk, jacking off 3 times a day or wagieing himself out and thinking only about getting home to relax
I am a year younger than you and I have a similar situation. The only thing that keeps me from going insane is the fact that I am not a NEET and have a job so I am forced to have social interaction even though I hate it 90% of people I meet/met.
Same here but with a decent job and a new house.
Yeah i turned 25 last month and have been enjoying CTR nf lately
Same. I'm a fucking language teacher of all things. God I'm an idiot.
How can i make her smile is she never was there to begin with?
I’m 28 tho user
Similar here. I can deal with my parent being out for a week but after that I start to get anxious. The only thing i look forward to is talking to my hs buddies i still play vidya with.
she's there, you just have to look better than that
meanwhile keep practicing your jokes to really make her smile when the moment comes
>play counterstrike
>used to be a 16 old high on energy drinks running laps around people
>sometimes bought bad weapons just to troll people killing them with it
>whenever i logged onto my favorite server people knew they had to lube up
>played 16 hours per day every day for the entire summer holiday
>now play CS
>constantly miss headshots
>get stuck on level geometry when moving aorund
>react a bit late when someone turns a corner
>sometimes jump when something sudden happens
>be exhausted after a few hours and need sometimes lighter to relax
I want to believe you but i cannot
I'm 30 years old. I'll still be playing games in ten years time.
then fuck off and die alone pussy
I'm 23 and have a wife and a son. I didn't play much of anything from like 18-22 but now I work from home and play games all day.
Life is kino and meaningful. My wife is fat, and she likes it when I munch on her dirty anus.
>26 this year
>Life is shit
>No sign of improvement
The end can't come soon enough.
>live with parents
>don't really feel any guilt about it
>home alone for a few days while they're off on some trip
>start exploring culinary skills now that parents are not around to comment
>make pancakes for breakfast
>have a good time
>I'm 23 and have a wife and a son
god I wish this was me
If Miyazaki keeps making classics then I'll have no regrets
>tfw 23 and have accomplished nothing
good for you dude
Thanks user.
32 here. I also thought I would be married with kids, and whatnot by now. Not because I really wanted to do that or anything, but because everybody said it would happen anyway.
Well it didn't, but weirdly I don't give a fuck, I can't imagine I would be happier with kids tanking my already pretty tight finances and already very little free time for vidya.
So at this point I think I'll stay like this, at the very least definitely not making any effort to change it.
you guys have time, everyone else who has a kid and is my age lives with their mom and shares local news stories about Taco Bells opening on Facebook
Does she let you put it up her butt though?
Imagine being 30+ and still posting here.
I'm 32 and I enjoy video games more now than when I was a teenager.
I'm a 28 year old homeowner with a girlfriend and good job, and I play video games still.
boomers can't figure out how to give meaning to their lives since their late fathers fucked them up so much
No but I've never pushed for that outside of a joke. Usually though, I can get her to cum pretty hard by rolling her over on her side, and circling her butthole with my thumb while I use my other hand on her clit.
Nice, yeah I think most girls aren't huge into butt stuff really but porn has made me want to try it.
25 year old boomer that still loves games here
25 was five years ago, fren.
Still playing.
Suicide is the answer.
Been playing vidya since I was 4, won't stop anytime soon.
t. 34 year old methusellah
I'm about to turn 35, still enjoy videogames. I don't have as much time for them, but they'll always be part of my life.
It only accelerates from now on, user. I still find myself thinking it's 2013 or something but now it's nearly 2020.
I get bored at work during conference calls.
23 and already stopped. I come here every month or so to check how the industry is going.
27 yo fag reporting in. Still play some games, but I'm more selective.
Imagine being a teenager and thinking that you'll ever stop posting here.
Can you imagine being a 30+ year old boomer virgin with no money?
Honestly feel bad for most of you now. It isn't even amusing anymore.
>No family (only mother who got separated years ago)
>No friends since school
>Never had a GF and never will since I haven't fall in love since 2006 and if I get horny i just watch porn etc.
>Actually one of the best jobs that I could wish for and get pay extremely well plus have my own office with no networking restrictions and I cannot get fired because I'm in charge of two big projects until 2026.
I have money/apartment/car/perfect job but everything else is a fucking disgrace but I don't feel nothing, I'm dead inside because I got used to be like this after more than 6-7 years.
the delusion is losers in their late teens/early 20s for some reason assume that by the time their in their late 20s to 30s they'll have matured and moved on with their lives, completely ignoring the fact that if they're a loser now they'll remain a loser then and still post here.
many people do only come here for a few years or even months before growing out of it and moving on with their lives.
I'm 26, married with a 6 month old
We find gaming to be a good alternative to watching TV. I also play my switch when the kid is sleeping on me. I can't see myself stopping any time soon.
What's wrong with playing video games? As long as you have a healthy social life there isn't a problem.
ohio joazimasu
Turning 26 on the 21st and was always wondering why people in their 20s are depressed as shit and then once you hit 30 you become this beacon of hapiness
I'm 26 and still play them
Damn bro, nice cunny wife.
>all this rp
>married with a 6 month old
>tfw 28
>last 4 years are basically a blur because i have done the same shit
>still playing the same vidya only now i also watch anime, and i never used to
My wife makes pornography. I'm 29. Still play games.
Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww no one here is really that old, right?
I'm 29 and married with kids. I don't know why I still come to this degrading, downward spiral shithole desu.
That would be 'to', ESLs
31 here. Get out while you still can. Vidya lets you waste away without feeling bad for it. There's more to life than this shit and i realized it a bit late.
I come here to save funny images and shitpost.
Ain't no place like home, eh, user?
I don't stay here all day every day like I used to
but yeah, I still stay in touch.
Just turned 24, been playing vidya for 20 years I still get enjoyment out of it and doesn’t look like I’ll stop soon.
I live at home with mom and i pay rent, utilities and phone bill to help around the house. It beats moving out and trying to find a place in south florida.
My grandpa is 70+ years old and he plays a lot of Warthunder, he likes the Russian tanks a lot
The alternatives:
>work more
good goy
>pathetically attempt dating again
haha look at loser user
>get married to an ugly/fat chick
>have kids
lol what would you need money or time for, your life's accounted for now, also you're contributing to the death of the planet in a far more significant way now
No, thanks, I think I'll just waste away with video games.
32 here on a downward spiral leading to certain death
Video games are alright
fuck niggers
imagine posting your woman's picture on Yea Forums tho
Based af.
wtf your problem
I started to play less at 26. I got back into them this year at 31. I think most people will come and go as they get older with games. Too much was happening and a lot of hard stuff needed to be done and when I played games I just ignored all my responsibilities. Now that I'm older and bought a house and have a lot of saved up money and steady income, I find a lot more time for games if I want to.
Not even gonna lie, but Yea Forums destroyed my love for games for a few years. Meanwhile, everyone else around me (friends, work colleagues) were playing video games I was interested in, but I didn't try them because I read on Yea Forums that it sucked for one reason or another.
I stopped coming here as frequently as I did (been posting here for more than a decade) once all the extremely low-quality shit came to fruition. The awful wojak edits, especially. I come here once in a while and can easily discern mature posters, which is refreshing.
Honestly, just play video games. On whatever system you like. That's all there is to it. Just play video games. That's why we're all here. Who cares about some random person saying "durr but that sux!" You ever meet someone that was Yea Forums IRL? Most annoying person ever. "That game sucks haha Yea Forums said this meme about it xd let me just parrot it". I still come here to check out what's the latest news because I personally like the imageboard format. I used to post in forums in the early days of the net, but I much prefer imageboards (and I hate reddit's layout so I'll never post there).
This is true except unattractive girls are desperate for sex are make very low maintenance girlfriends.
Imagine taking larping seriously
I dunno, I used to be a BioDrone before I came here. I don't want to be that person again. There is a lot of useless shitposting on this site but you also learn to think more critically and raise your standards if you didn't before especially when all you knew before coming here were echo chambers
Desperate individuals have fucked up relationships.
I'm 28 and probably play more vidya than when I was in school. I also have my own place and have enough money to splurge on dumb bullshit. I'm also a lot better at games now than I was, and i have a sub-180ms reaction time
I dunno, so far age doesnt seem like a big deal
Heres the deal. Whatever you are running from fren is still there. Vidya a decade more and you'll just a be a sadder version of yourself. Regardless i do hope you find happiness in life.
I don’t get how people think you’re old in your 30s and 40s. I’m only 23 now but I fully expect to still feel young as fuck even when I’m 45. And I’ll still probably play vidya when I’m in my 50s.
Yes, but if I do ANYTHING for a decade from now I'll just be a sadder version of myself. There isn't anything worth doing.
People thinking everything will be magically different at 25+ are kids.
Are you American? It's hard for a 20 something to have that level of financial independence in most countries.
> I’m only 23 now but I fully expect to still feel young as fuck even when I’m 45.
Oh, don't get me wrong. The criticisms have been well warranted and accurate. Even eye-opening, at points, though my standards were high in comparison to the typical zoomer "gaaaamuurrrrr" who uses Twitch and shit.
I'm talking more about the " sucks oh no no no check out this glitch wow the devs suck why do you play on play on this instead get this buy this one instead no dont play that omg you're playing X omg why that sucks etc etc play Y instead". Now, I'm just buying games (with proper research) and playing them. That's it. Been quite nice.
I'm 30 my wife died a year ago and I have to take care of my daughter so I have less time for myself. She likes Zelda though, so I'm going through those with her.
Go greek and find boipussi. Its sex plus a bro you can hang out with. Women are inferior.
When did Yea Forums become so old, you are not the cool kids anymore uwu
I for one play games, even enjoy some, then come here and act like it was the worst thing I ever played and shit on it all day.
Succ me off you dengenerate sissy.
Yes. But in also live in the south east US where cost of living is low, and I live on my own so no wife/children to support. Means I have more money than I know what to do with and that's after investments
I couldn't support myself like that in any other situation though
Because you realize that it doesn't matter, you were never supposed to have this special life, or be a special someone, and that's OK. You make peace with that fact and move on . Just do what makes you happy, be with/around people that make you feel good.
sorry for your loss user
You are the only member of your ten million year long lineage to not reproduce, and the best excuse you can come up with to justify it is pure hedonism. Might as well kys right now, you embarrassing biological failure.
This. Because nothing matters you can stop giving fucks and live truer to yourself.
Im 24 now, and I'm not going to stop. Why would I?
>truer to yourself
What does that even mean? In practical terms, it translates to being a huge resource/financial parasite on society for 70ish years and dying with no legacy or positive remembrance of your existence at all.
If that’s “truer to yourself” then maybe you aren’t such a good person.
>mom and dad are are getting older by the day
The mean, pointless and disrespectful shit I've done or said to them back in my teenage years fucking haunts me.
I'm pretty sure a fairly significant chunk of playerbases are over 25.
Can't relate my parents are genuine subhumans are the world is better off without them.
I've had my life together for a while now and I still post here. Nowhere else compares for a very specific kind of humor and freedom of opinion, even if the opinions are fucking retarded.
24 here. Played my first game to completion, since stopping 3 years ago. Didn't feel anything, wasn't fulfilled. Nowadays, I watch gameplays of my favorite games, seems to be more rewarding.
Same. Yea Forums still gets me to giggle too. same with /fit/. /vg/ generals are nice.
32 (why is this exact age so common here?) and I know for a fact that I will never have a normal life with a family so even though I have a shit tier job the money I save just by being by myself is enough to afford all the gayms I could ever want to play.
My based cat is the only irl company I need
It means getting a job you dumb shit. The NEETs here are too bothered with false preceptions of reality to go outside.
Nice job user, I hope you continue to explore cooking and have a good time
you're in a considerable minority. though i will admit, if i got my shit together i'd probably still come here. though that'll never happen lmao
You find out that even when you have a stable place in life, browsing here shaped what you find entertaining to some degree so few things will feel quite the same. It also lets you give significantly less of a shit about the more bottom of the barrel shitposts here too (like our current have sex/dilate era).
will be 35 in august
dislike this place now but still lurk
Don't listen to this user, it just hurts more when your bro inevitably betrays you too
>that feel when I became the fucking hermit teacher
I turned 32 this month, I was hoping to be married and with children at this point and it breaks my heart.
Fuck this gay earth.
I'm 33 and vidya are the only thing I've ever been dedicated too. There's no age when you're supposed to stop enjoying beer, films or music, I don't understand why it ought to be for bidiuh. They might stop being a lifestyle but they'll still be my go-to entertainment
>tfw have been apathetic about relationships since I was a teenager
I can't find a will to care about it. Though it does bother me sometimes that my brain thinks that way.
You're in for a wild ride, next 6 years will feel like maybe 2 at the most.
experience of abandonment as a child?
>mfw i'm turning 25 soon
Literally me but I'm going on 26.
I buy food and give my parents money sometimes from my job so I don't feel bad about it. All of my faggot friends are borderline suicidal and on meds and I'm always in an ok mood despite us being in similar situations, I don't get it.
Nope, my parents are very tight knit and I have a close relationship with them.
not him but this got to me so i think imma go donate sperm now thx user
I know that feel too well
>had a girl actually like me in high school, she tried talking to me whenever we saw each other and waved at me during class
>thought “na I just want to hang out with my bros” as a teen
>now 5 years later I’m a 22 yr old KHV
I don’t blame anyone but myself
>Having children in 2k19 when society is expected to collapse ~2050
The average semi-successful adult can fit games into their lives. I game, gym, work 45 hours a week, and until recently had a gf (I dumped her). Just don't let it take over your life or keep you from seizing opportunities
I felt this way too then I found it's because my brain is too autistically god damn picky because I've felt genuine love for a fictional fucking character but have never been able to feel anything similar for a real person.
I unironically just want to live to see it all end because I live in a time period where this is possible
All the time, I won't fall for marriage so I have the freedom to do what I want.
It always has been and will be for what this user says. I believe people who come to a site for funny pictures and edgy humor banned off the face of other sites will keep coming here alongside other people who arent into making a shitpost account on invasive as shit Facebook. I'm coming up on 40 and you'll figure out most adults you knew as kids arent very different short of their values and problems if you have more than a mirror to look in.
doesn't sound like you're apathetic at all
ok, just curious. any reason you can think of why youre apathetic about relationships?
What's the alternative? Facebook? Twitter? Fuck off, kid. if you want to be a normalfag go to reddit and stay there.
Only other reason I can think is what another user has mentioned, maybe my brain is autistically specific and I just haven't discovered it yet.
>18 years old and still playing video games
During my high school years I was, not anymore though (although I wish I was).
I'm similar too, if I had to self-diagnose based on mental disorders I found on >wikipedia then I would be a schizoid but the type that still dreams about intimacy even though the real thing could never be as good as the fantasy for me, uncomfortable even. I'm the type of guy waifus exist for
44 here.
Fucking kids these days, i tell you.
These people saying that they are over 25 years old...
yeah too bad you have to dig through piles of shit for that bit of humor. after 10 years browsing i hate the hyper-cynicism and weak ass trolls trolling trolls overkill
yeah. im almost 21 right now i dont see why not.
Fuck off Yea Forums tranny
Well I'm 29 and still do so...uh yeah.
>Be mildly into idea of traps
>Offhandedly mention them in a pun/joke to friend
>"What's trap?"
>the next day they seem obsessed with traps to a clear fetish level
>every meeting involves traps traps traps
>mention curiosity about meeting one
>weeks pass
>dude comes over to our one on one hangouts with a GF i immediately knew was a dude
>somehow even bigger of an attentionwhore but with no enjoyable traits
>makes everything about him and focused on his faggot ads
>no chill
>cant shut the fuck up for longer than a minute
>hits on me subtly
>tell bro/friend and be forward with "Look man you know how I feel about most people on my space"
>bro betrays me for trap
>tries to get a hold of me months later
>readd him
>begins sending me gay shit
Unfriended and never looked back. Attentionwhores who make sex the core of how they whore for it are irredeemable and always hearing about trannies being attentionwhores never braced my naive optimism for how bad it actually could be.
Yea Forums convinced me the last of us was bad, and then I played it.
Rarely listen to Yea Forums.
No god or life after death, thought.
Religious freaks all lied to you.
I want to continue my lifestyle while having a loving wife
Where do i get one
Damn guys.... same here. sigh. Storytime.
In high school, I dated this beautiful girl for almost 2 years. We were the best couple. She was so cute, pretty, beautiful -- I never saw someone like her, and let alone think I'd have her. She always wanted to do stuff. But, this was when WotLK came out, and all I wanted to do was play WoW and Xbox360 with my bros. Truthfully, if I analyze it a lot, her and I would've never been a lifelong thing because we had some differences, but it might've been once we both matured a bit. Oh fuck, and I just remembered this too, you'll like this. At our Senior Prom, I was hanging out with my bros and browsing Yea Forums on my iPod Touch. Had no idea where she was. Later, her friends found me and were upset at me as she was crying because we weren't dancing the slow songs. I felt like such a dumbass. In hindsight, what a retard I was for BROWSING Yea Forums, but this was when I was full-on with Yea Forums and loved checking in. That night, once we returned home, she said she loved me. And I said it back too, of course. Now that I think about it, almost 10 years later... fuck. What was I doing? I had a girl who loved me for who I was, and I didn't want much of it. I just wanted to chill. I guess that's just me though. Be alone with my friends playing vidya. I'm OK with it, actually. Also, she was very high maintenance and I had just a few hundreds in my bank (savings) and I was entering college. But yeah, I don't think we'd be lifelong compatibility though.
I have another story but screw it, this is already a long ass post.
you cant enjoy it if you dont exist
This is me minus the gf. How do I achieve this?
eh could be. i work in mental disability, its less likely an explenation then it just being your personality type or rooted in childhood upbringing.
Diagnosed schizoid here. I always loved the idea of love then I have the obligation to share the same space more often and rapidly grow to hate and eventually deliberately drive away what I once loved. I've figured out the closest thing to true love I can have is chilling with the boys but not for too long/days.
My point exactly.
I ain't reading this shitwall of text, format it you lazy homo
we are closer to 2030 than to 2000
>20 and basically accomplished nothing
This thread make me depressed mainly because it's where my future is heading towards
We are closer to 2040 than 1932
What if I told you the two go hand in hand?
I'm 32. I am independent, own an apartament and have a decent job. When I was I kid, I was dreaming about living alone away from the parents and playing vidya till 4AM all day every day.
Now I barely play videogames, I am lonely and all I want is a waifu. Life sucks.
same here, all I’ve done is get a drivers license/car. I’ve been applying for jobs for about a year now but nothing has ever come out of the interviews I’ve done.
i'd answer sure, that's true in general
>we are closer to the end of the month than to the start of the month
this kills me every time I think about it
Unless your brain is removed during autopsy and, instead of placing it back, the coroner decides to formaldehyde it in a jar and fill the corpse with sawdust instead. Brains goes to university, get´s plastinated and forgot in a shelve for 50 years, when is then thrown in a box and forgot in some underground medical depot for 300 years, after that it is rediscover by some crazy gynoid who likes to ressussitate anons for laughs and she places you in a Matriz of eternal videogames were you two you have sex now and then while battling CG zombies or some shit. There, you eternal afterlife WILL be an eternal videogame.
Sluts hitting the wall will be all over you very soon
>own my own house
>still no gf
Woohoo closer to my paycheck
20 is nothing, there will be a number of decision making situations in your future so the outcome can be this or that
I'm 27, good job, great pay, and the girls who are interested in me are either still in college, or don't have well-paying jobs, etc. etc. I don't know man. I don't want to date someone who isn't at my level, you know? One chick is studying medicine, but she's 21. I'm sure down the line she'll make bank but, I don't know. Another girl likes me but she works dead-end jobs, doesn't have much $, and is in college with no idea what to major in. She's cool, but fuck man, I don't want to be pulling all the weight I guess.
I feel like dating over 30 would be easy. I read about how shit it is, but, I feel that at least for me, I'd be able to find someone who is already a professional and what not and has a good grasp and flow of life. Easier to find a suitable partner.
Where do you find those young girls?
my 25th birthday is in two days
maybe I'll just give up now
Imagine caring
Friend of friends, family friends
That's something. I still haven't gotten my licence. And I'm 30. It's not that I can't drive, it's just that driving exams in my country are fucking retarded.
And as for the job - be persistent. And sometimes you have to be at the right time in the right place. I was unemployed for 2 years and felt like shit for it. I was literally making rounds from workplace to workplace begging people to hire me, until I wound up on my old University - turns out they needed a graphic designer pronto and hired me without a question. I've been working there for 5 years now. So, sometimes you just have to be lucky.
>Pride month is ending
How is that bad
interns, bars and hangouts.
If you don't look like a soft-boy like their peers, they'd be all up ons.
Its hard to tell them to fuck off.
Girls at that age are usually taken. Unless there is something wrong with them.
Girls younger than you usually prefer younger partners. I've been through that.
It would be nice if some of them told me they are engaged BEFORE I ask them out for a coffee.
I don't have normie social website accs nor am I delved enough into w*stern culture to care about this, so having more time to do stuff seems a better deal to me
>mfw prefer younger girls
>mfw they always ask me why am i not married at this age
>tried to shave it but head shape is too ugly and skinny to boot, making me look like a cancer patient instead
>grandma won't stop pointing out about my receding hairline (still love her though)
I don't know where my life is heading and having a gf is totally out of the question for me. At least I get extra pity points from my colleagues for balding at such a young age.
Thanks for the insight user, i did manage to get lucky once and managed to land a contract job, but it only lasted 2 months so I’ve been a NEET ever since.
>Not particularly ugly or fat
>Can't get laid because i'm too autistic, oblivious and dense to hold a romantic relationship with someone
I had like 2 girls attached to my dick back at school and i didn't noticed until much later
Guess i'll die virgin
I started my first job at the age of 25. The things I would do to be 20 again, user. I'm not saying you should be a NEET for 5 years before starting your first job, but 20 is a very young age I think many anons would kill to go back.
My point is to label yourself as a failure so early is absolutely silly.
Threads like these always give me the urge to blow my brain out.
We have to find a way to defeat time, Yea Forumsros
>having the time of my life
Laughing at all you defeatist, learn how to enjoy yourself. Pro tip: it's fucking different for everyone so don't listen to anyone giving you advice on what you should do. Just b urself.
>time is the final boss of Yea Forums
Not him but I have, now what?
im 34 and balding since about 18, really unlucky in the gene rng there. Protip: dont need to shave it but buzz it very short at least. you look like a weak bitch when you grow it. ive been compared to jason statham by my cute 22 year old girl coworker and I look NOTHING like the guy except the hair and the 3-day stubble.
Secondly, pants. if you still wear your unfitting baggies you got at 16, get yourself some nice fitting pants, jeans or cloth, not ultra tight like the hipster tryhards. good pants and clothing in general can easily balance out balding.
Online computer games. That's where I got my 17 yo virgin gf.
Does IDDQD work on it?
I hope you did meet her IRL.
Otherwise, it might turn out she's 45 and her name is Steven.
nice larp faggot imagine if they knew u took their fb pic and posted here pretending u were married to them haha
Nigga, I am banging her.
nice job user. what game? and is she fat?
Eternal downward spiral bros
>Not fat or ugly
>Just don't know how to talk with girls
This sucks
It should be easy but i either get to embarrased or start talking nonsense and end up driving them away
Wait till you hit 30. Afterwards you really start questioning your life choices.
you hate everyone because you hate yourself.
Unlucky Fucko
I hope I stop playing video games before next year
Based and redpilled Yamazaki
Im 25 and already have health problems that only 70 years old can have
>have 0 (zero) friends
I don't care about getting laid or shit like that, having no friends is what is really killing me.
Is it too late to make friends?
Do +25 years old women with no kids exists?
it's never too late user
I have a similar problem, I refuse to date a girl that doesn't want to work/study or has 0 goals
I can't stand clingy girls, they are the worst shit ever.
I don't care much about money as long as she does more than spend all day on social networks.
It is too late to make friends
Surprisingly, yes. They are mostly already engaged, though.
No. I changed jobs/city, got new friends. Don't get too attached to idealistic notions of friends.
Fuck friends, waste of time. Learn to be alone.
>6'4", /fit/
>Autistic tho, literally
>Actually relatively successful with women
>All the intimate shit they want to do is terrible
>It is upsetting to my core every time they play with my hair or some shit
>Their schedules are also very disorganized
>Just spend my money on vidya, figs, and trips instead
It's a good life
yeh, but they're bottom of the barrel trash just like the men
Yea Forums is your friends. For better or for worse.
Nah, pretty much every age is good for making friends. Try going out sometime - go to a library, some concert, things like that.
>dating over 30 would be easy
Yeah if you want a used up roastie with a kid, real easy. If you want a qtpie, almost impossible, just give up at that point. Who the fuck wants to date a 30 year old female.
She fat in belly, thighs and ass, but barely in the face. Made her workout, need to make sure the ass and thighs stay big. And maybe the belly at least a little too because I like groping it.
Hence, you don't date 30 year olds. You look for younger girls. It usually still don't work, but there is a better chance of finding someone cute than with a 30 year old single mother of five.
>it's nearly 2020
What the fuck, man
Who else aims for at least 100 years old?
>Remember messing around on Yea Forums back when I was 19, back around the time of stuff like SOPA, Megaupload's shutdown and /vg/'s creation
>I recently turned 27
>tfw I'll be a wizard soon
The moment I can't walk and can't take care of myself, is the moment I'll die.
>its been 12 years since Gurren Lagann
>was in college back then
>younger girls
Yeah the same power dynamic applies with them as it did when you were 25. You being slightly balder doesn't give you an advantage. As you age you only get an advantage with women your age, but that's only because nobody fucking wants women past a certain age
I'm on episode 11, when does the kino starts?
This thread is more proof that Yea Forums is mostly populated by 15 year olds.
I just broke up with my gf yesterday and I'm not even sure why I did that. She loves me and honestly I love her too, but I'm a fucking failure and don't want her to be frustrated and eventually resent me in the long run when we get old and and still haven't accomplished nothing. I don't know if that's a good reason, really, and I'm already feeling regretful of my decision. I told her we should break up because I'm somewhat mentally unstable and my delusions are getting worse everyday, so I needed to face the demons alone because I don't want her to get hurt in the process. I also exposed her to my suicidal thoughts. She didn't want to break up and offered help, but she obviously can't help me.
>Just another 8 years until we're in the time that Deus Ex Human Revolution takes place in
Report back when you turn into a tranny
what a great game. I really gotta start up Mankind
You were a huge faggot, ask her back and accept whatever help she offers.
Im 32z and i still play
I'm 44 and still playing vidya, mostly on PC now.
I still haven't gotten around to playing it myself, but I remember being on Yea Forums when everyone here was hyped up about Deus Ex, like how people were hyped up about DMC5 recently. I did get Deus Ex 1 back in 2011, though.
Imagine being 25 and still going on Yea Forums
we play the same shit you do
I was here before I was even 20, I just never left.
Imagine thinking you will ever leave this place. I came here at 17, I'm 30 now. I know now I will never be able to leave, it's fine, I've accepted my fate.
Correct. Now I go to 4channel.
>tfw 18 now
>been here since 2014
Whats wrong with that? I just want to talk about video games
I'm kinda stop play when i turn 25. The same year i build my pc, I just rarely play till now. I'm doing another hobbies now.
>27 now
>Been here since around 2011
>Feel out of place now that Yea Forums is mostly just Twitter and political bickering
I miss the "Yea Forums - The Vidya" version of this board.
My mom is less mature than me by a small margin and we're both losers
Not like I feel good, but at least she won't leave me with the same regrets you have
It's never too late to make amends.
Same except i'm 32 and live with my mom
i would have killed to be on Yea Forums in 2011. sounds like a lot of fun
Wasn't any different, just a bunch of retards bickering about retarded shit. The retarded shit was different, but the general mood was the same
From what I remember, there were way more off-topic threads on Yea Forums back then, due to low moderator activity back then, but there was way less political stuff on Yea Forums back then, and less buzzwords like "cuck" or "soi". I also remember Yea Forums playing games and stuff more back then, like Ace of Spades.
>My parents are now at the middle of a human's lifespan
27 yo here
all you fags need to keep doing new shit. years pass quickly if you just keep shitposting. but for me, i'm in a job that constantly has me learning new things and the weekend never comes fast enough. my past few weekends have felt like a week in themselves.
but video games do take forever to finish now. it's taking me more than 3 months to get through rdr2.
26. Married no, kids. My wife plays some WoW private server all day when she's not on call at the hospital so I doubt she really wants kids any time soon.
I don't either desu, it's nice to go home after work and have no responsibilities besides the dog.
Yup. We used to say this board sucks, etc etc. But I feel like it's at its worst right now with all the political garbage, twitter screenshots, and non-funny memes. We actually used to play video games too, yup. Steam Groups for different games. I still remember Serious Sam 2 was a ton of fun. Posting old comics I still have saved. The only reason I continue coming here is because I like the imageboard format/anonymity. So tired of Pepe and new wojak edits and shit.
Soul. Pure soul.
I really miss it.
>thinking about starting to learn how to skate
talk me out of this
>when you're 25
I'm almost twice that age and I still play vidya. Just not all this modern fucking storyshit shit gameplay garbage you fucking morons play. Play old games and you'll have no problem playing games way past 25, kids.
>Sexual frustration keeps getting bigger
If I ever have money to travel, I'm going to some country with legal whores assuming I don't get wizard apathy first.
>But I feel like it's at its worst right now with all the political garbage
yea nah. nothing will ever surpass the cancerific shitposting right before and several years after /vg/ had to be made. that was when i started to explore other boards because talking about video games was literally impossible at that time. i dont miss that time at all, and while things are shit it will hopefully never be that shit again.
Accurate and related to this thread.
Angry Dog General WW@
I'm gonna cry. Hold me. G'damn. I wish I could m eet some of you guys from back in the day. I bet you're all cool bros.
I wonder what the user who made this is up to today.
You mean the "Yea Forums 2.0" stuff that used to be on Yea Forums? I feel like I would take that stuff back over the political stuff.
Will do, user. But now I fucking fragmented my relationship with her, she told her mother and she already hated me before. It'll never be the same again.
>tfw 25 but feel like 20
The classic.
I'm 24 and I turn 25 sometime this year. It sucks. I just got 2 jobs but they both are 9.50 and probably shit hours. I start the temp job at 3. The worst regret I ever did was I didn't save. I literally have 1 dollar in my bank and nothing on me. I should definitely write a list to keep track of my expenses soon. I'm going to save the rest of this year. Next year, I am going to school. I'm not sure if I should go to college or trade school though.
I really hope not.
Oh goodness me, remember the doubles crap? Ugh. I hated that. Still, I'd take it I think.
>Be 27
>Feel like I'm still on Yea Forums just because I'm still a shut-in NEET with too much free time
>general mood was the same
Nah people are way too unironically hostile these days. It was always a hostile environment, but I distinctly remember it being playful dumb shit that isn't serious.
Shit like:
>mfw britfags call peanut butter and jelly "nutty gum and fruit spleggings"
responded with
>mfw Amerifats actually go to sleep with their socks on
Is now
>shitty drawn /pol/ comic "56% GOBLINAS WHATS IT FEEL LIKE TO NOT BE WHITE?"
political shit and the inability of people to calm the fuck down and not be autistic zoomers ruined the vibe
One of my favorite Yea Forums (or /vp/, if you want, though this was made before /vp/) comics of all time.
>tfw 26
>people still think I'm 14
Still applicable to this day, eh?
>27 friendless virgin
>still think about the girl from elemantary school that i've been in love with for 15 years
this is suffering.
>Turning 29 in a week
>Put 18+ hours into Knights of the Old Republic II in the last 2 days
I'll play video games until I die. But I haven't paid for a triple A title since I was 21. A friend gave me the Division 2 on release day, I played it for 3 days and dropped it. I can't believe morons paid over $100 for that piece of shit. Basically, you young kids (21 and under) have all been literally brainwashed and psychologically manipulated into funding shittier and shittier games. Bethesda, Ubisoft- these corporations strip out game features, reduce repeatability of the game, stifle community development, and attempt to monetize every square inch of their community long after they've already paid full price, often multiple times, for their product.
>I should definitely write a list to keep track of my expenses soon. I'm going to save the rest of this year.
i always overestimate how much i spend
>spend $78 on groceries
>round expenses to $100 in my head
>check account balance at end of month, scared that i wont have as much
>usually see more than i was expecting
feels good everytime.
Yeah, I remember when Patrick Bateman was all over Yea Forums. These days I see people get posts with "000" or even "0000", and not even get replied to.
doubles were the only thing keeping Yea Forums in line desu
all downhill from their removal
but we are still here, in the game threads. old rpgs, racing, grand strategy threads, city builders, older shooters etc. those are pretty relaxed
Read oyasumi punpun. Relatable stuff.
>Be same age
>Memory is completely fucked
>Barely remember what things were even like 15 years ago
>he thinks 25 is old
It's old relative to the average age on Yea Forums.
Last one I have. Damn man. Memories.
I still live with my parents so I don't do groceries or anything. But I pay for insurance and have to continue paying my phone. I just buy sips every once in a while.
its a shame i have no where else to go
The power dynamic does change drastically. Men in their 30s make significantly more than men in their 20s, and dating experience works a lot in your favor. Also, daddy issues are rampant these days.
I really should get into GS games. They seem really cool. Wasn't really into City Builders, but I should try it just to mess around. What general(s) do you go on, bro?
>liking that god awful song
>celebrating that god awful song
>making comics about the god awful song
>tfw can't wait to go back to school so I'll finally be able to cook again
i don't have the attention span to read anymore. think Yea Forums ruined me. movies/series are impossible, too. only thing that works is youtube and Yea Forums, sometimes streams but not often.
>tfw came here in 2004 for the porn
>tfw seeing all the zoomers pretending like they're hot shit
>tfw I know they'll be here forever
go away and take your blog with you
on /vg/? depends on what I play at the time, lately Im in monster hunter and fighting game generals but those are kinda shitty so right now I just enter the occasional baldurs gate or other old fuckers thread on Yea Forums
good luck to you both
Creature of habit. Try reading some short stories or one-shot mangas. The same mangaka has written manga with 20 or less chapters, so go with that first.
Go for it, a friend of mine did that and he's enjoying himself. You're never going to be Yuzuru starting at that age obviously, but you'll still have fun and get some exercise.
>26 yo, live alone in apartment
>work corporate job, doing well
>Hang out with best friend every weekend
>No relationship, but working on self right now
>Play videogames when relaxing/alone
I could see myself getting out there more, but I'm pretty content right now.
>tfw parents marriage is basically nonexistent thanks to my sister and dad just goes through the motions
so apologize you idiot do it now dont wait just call them and apologize
What did your sister do?
The push for everything to be extremely serious and political got very tiresome.
Decided life was hard, moved back in with them, became a full time neet and put on 50lbs. Refuses to do any self improvement or basic personal care and just hops around pill to pill even though they keep leaving her worse off. Mom is full "muh poor baby :((" and doesn't seem to give much of a fuck both her and my dad's future plans have been obliterated.
I know why he won't just walk out but I wish he would some times. He doesn't deserve to deal with any of this bullshit.
you type cute. wanna edate?
fuck the same nigger as mom
I like this post, it's quite cheeky. Well done OP.
Not with that mindset, it won't. Just be honest and open about the situation man, normies couples split and get back all the time keep in mind this is relationship advice from a 22 year old virgin
>tfw complete outcast, typical virgin user
>but too young so didnt live throught the golden imageboard era
>when I started coming here in 2014 I had no idea what gaymergate was, I just liked vidya and autistic people
>all those oldfags calling you a zoomer because you dont know oldfag memes
It's a weird feel
This. I do a lot of mundane shit when nobody is home simply because I don't want to hear their snark or commentary on it
Gay but okay
Same. I get so triggered when parents have to comment on stuff. I swear living with parents in your twenties holds you back so hard cuz you don't wanna fucking do anything that makes them question you.
It's not even serious stuff, like if I want to get some new furniture, they'll ask why. Because I fucking want some, that's why. If I want to try cooking something like a home-made pizza or fish, why? Because I want to, damnit.
25 is a great time to be into vidya. Steady income to buy games and the tech you need. Not burdened by family stuff yet. Career isn’t serious enough to take chunks of your time. Feeling pretty good desu.
my brother is almost the same, except he never moved out and my father passed away long becore he could see my brother at rock bottom. what's even worse is that my brother used to have good taste in vidya and actually had skill, now all he does is waste money he shouldnt spend on gacha and play ffxiv. and he's 31 yo. thank god i got the fuck.out
whats your job?
Yeah unless my hands get ran over or something
>tfw living the NEET life i only dreamed about while going through the schooling system
lifes.. good
exfuckingactly. I don't know why they can't just shut up.
Yeah, although i am not having fun no more.
Yea Forums's opinions on games are generally complete shit. Best to just come here for bantz than take anything anyone says here seriously.
I wanna fuck a night elf
>tfw i used to like older girls but as i grew older i’m starting like younger one
I need to kill myself someday
7 years ago? Yeah
what else even is there for autistic people?
>tfw you like older women but either their bio-clock stopped ticking or they dont want to go through child birth again
My life during 2010 - 2014 good times
Millennials are entering theboomer phase soon gen zoomers will be young adults and will deal with a new kind of underage shitposter
>deal with a new kind of underage shitposter
global warming cant kill humans off fast enough tee bee ech
My mom is now in her 60s. My grandmother died when she was 62. I am getting really nervous. I guess I'll hug her and tell her I love her.
you think you do but you don't
31 years old, no kids, no wife, low paying job, health issues but no pain. Living the dream, I have time. My advice to all you wee lads is don't chase women not worth it. I play fighting games for my arcade fix.
>I'm gonna look like that at 25? Shit
Yeah zoomers don't age well. Lack of sunlight, exorcise, and always looking down on their phones and tablets will being stressed out about political issues they don't understand will fuck their bodies and rapidly age them.
>will being
>So old men turn into mental females?
only if they're white
who else afk?
Guys, how do I get over my fear of traveling to far places? I always think of the worst. Sucks. I always think "what if I feel ill?", "what if I get injured?" "How quickly can I get back home?". For example I would love to go to Japan but I'm scared about being 18 hours, flying, away from home. This stupid ass fear started when I got food poisoning. I felt the worst I ever felt and I was alone as my parents were away and I think it caused this worry of mine of getting sick while on a trip or something.
I do you don’t think i do but i do
Don't worry about it, Japan wouldn't want you over there anyways.
turn 20 in 2 months, NEET for almost 3 years now. Time goes by so FAST, I already feel old and can feel 30 is not far off.
I was born in 1992, and it still feels surreal that people my age are now considered "old" on Yea Forums, because I got here right after I stopped being underage.
Admittedly I am starting to slow down with game playing, but that is mostly because I have next to no time with my IT career starting to pay off and having more responsibilities. I am having to prioritize stuff more.
Welcome. We're all going downhill together. 25 is when your sense of mortality really starts to kick in as you notice subtle signs you're beginning to degrade and know it will only get worse.
>tfw 29 yo kissless, handholdless virgin gamer
wizard powers soon lads, which school of magic should I specialize in?
Well thats a given.
I'm only 4 soon to be 3 years away from 25 and still haven't accomplished much outside of 33 college credits and 49 flight hours
I'm 26.
male prostitute.
I still play video games almost every day at 28
You're going to Japan, you'll be fine. It's one of the cleanest countries on Earth.
Christ it's not like you're going to Brazil or South Africa
>not hooking up with actual 14 year olds
Don't waste your god given gift
im going to shoot next generation as they come out of their mother wombs
I'm playing more games now at 25 than I was 22-24.
Ow the edge
The fuck are you talking about? I like myself, people just suck, don't project your inferiority on me.
Hire me, everyone I cared about is dead and I've got not much to live for.
Nigger I AM 25
Guess you know from experience, huh loser.
25 this year
I'll still be playing
I'll just hate them even more than I do now
But I can't stop
no they aren't. This is the age of entitlement, and thanks to social media every retarded chick from a 1 on the scale to a thirty thinks they deserve the apex chad because they fucked him once at a party, they also don't need you now because women get supported by your tax dollars for their awful decisions. You cannot hope to get a girlfriend until you master yourself and game, otherwise you're playing with dynamite.
I'm like you only I like being alone
>Owner of the place I worked at mentioned once that he'd disown his son if he continued to play video games past 18.
>Mention at the end of the meeting I'm taking off on Friday to go play some video games.
>I'm 38.
Will you still be reading by the time you turn 16?
>If that’s “truer to yourself” then maybe you aren’t such a good person.
who gives a shit if you think I'ma good person? that's what shit eating "liberals" do, they're so obsessed with being viewed as a good person tehy stay in their idot box echo chambers until they hit middle age with a wife that's cheating on them and kids who don't give a shit about them and they fucking lose it.
25 is when my life ended
now I'm just another soulless wagie with no dreams
Call me ungrateful but whenever my parents are gone I really do feel like I can have a taste of what it's like to be a independent adult again.
>t. 21 year old
Get married to someone you can play vidya with. Have kids you can play vidya with. Do things other than vidya to keep yourself able to play vidya till you're old. When you're old, play vidya. Die happy, or at least content with the choices you've made and the effort you took to live a long time doing what you wanted to do. It's pretty much that easy.
Nigga you didn't find anybody special, every girl is the same, nobody loves you for who you are except maybe men or your kids. You gotta listen to patrice o neil or seomthing. You're beating yourself up over a girl that in teh long run aint' special and ain't shit. Improve yourself, ditch the idea of "the one". Cause lemme tell ya, your'e the one, and don't you ever forget it.
30's are the new 20's anons, its never too late. Cougars are high in numbers at that age and is when most people got their shit together and realize how embarrassing their 20's was.
>turn 25 in august
h e l p
>tfw got to the point you don't even fantasize about sex, just about being close to someone
Tap that shit you goober, just be smart so you don't get metoo'd ro a surprise baby from a desperate bitch. You are in your prime and will continue to be as long as you keep killin it killer.
I'm 35. I'll likely play for some years. I have a backlog to attend. I stopped following anything past the 7th generation. 8th gen looks like a trainwreck and 9th gen is looking to be catastrophic.
>32 (why is this exact age so common here?)
Probably because a large of us grew up along side Yea Forums and Yea Forums.
tell Steven I said hi, and ask if we're still on for tcg tomorrow night
Yeah I am
But not nearly as much.... Wonder if classic will change that.
>tfw past that point
women prefer older men, older hags try to curb this by shaming men into dating women their own age with depreciable assets like kids, but don't fall for teh shame meme, go young, just not too young you fucking pedo.
27 here, still playing
Same except /fit/ and /toy/ were my home boards, they're shitholes now, even though /fit/ mostly held out till late 2016.
What makes videogames different from any other entertainment that people use to relax?
You know Rueben Langdon had that problem and he's currently fucking japanese lady.
>used to feel good about being nothing like this dude and felt confident I would never be anything like him
>became him
I'm 35. I'll likely play for some years. I have a backlog to attend. I stopped following anything past the 7th generation. 8th gen looks like a trainwreck and 9th gen is looking to be catastrophic.
>32 (why is this exact age so common here?)
Probably because a large amount of us grew up along side Yea Forums and Yea Forums.
do you live in utah
hey minecraft actually still has some fun in it. i'm rebuilding towns. still lot they could do
as someone who almost died twice from food poisoning and who has gone to japan, jsut fucking do it. Also go first class the plane triip was awful even with pokemon pearl. I had some fat guy taking up all of my right hand side the whole 19 hours.
You know it's weird. You know for most of your life you have your own space and sleep in your own bed and stuff. Than suddenly you're suppose to give it all up and share everything with some chick and spend all your time raising some kids. I'm 24 and I can't imagine enjoying something like that.
You know a lack of sleep actual floods your brains with toxins and causes brain damage energy drinks don't help. Not to mention that playing for 16 hours straight isn't good for your blood flow or eyes.
>Remember being 16
>I'm 24 now
>I've spent nearly a decade as a NEET, playing games all day
No thank you user. I am too old for that kind of thing these days.
this except i'm 26
But she's gone
It all make sense now
yes. They study till they are 24-25. Then they start a career, around 30 they realize they have to pop out a kid right then or remain childless. Hell any 30 year old dude can tell you all about child rabies. Women that hear their ovaries scream out and fuck any man that looks like he can support her somewhat.
this except i have a shitty job now and i dont play video games, not because im too good for them, but because they don't make me happy anymore
No its not too late but its kinda difficult. I tried to make friends but I dont like most social acitivies so you drift apart because you dont share a lot of experiences. In the end you give up the charade and go back to jacking off and playing vidya.
at least you start young
so get over her
I still feel its like 2008. Mostly because I use games as a reference and I cannot think of a single game after the PS360 generation. I know knack came out, but nothing console exclusive after that (persona 5 i guess?)
Nah I'm a 20 year old gril and I shame it because 1) I can't fathom the appeal of older men, young men are 100x cuter and 2) it's weird and uncomfortable and just goes to show how much a loser a guy is if he just snatches the easy opportunities presented to him by naive teens instead of putting in the effort to form a relationship with somebody at his own level. And I mean, look at your post, look at all these posts encouraging dating young, it's entirely motivated by soulless sexual appetite and not by any desire to have a friend and equal in your lover. You guys are just confirming why I found it so creepy when a girl in high school would have a boyfriend in his 20's.
>tfw you want to go back to 2011 Yea Forums even though that was pretty terrible as well compared to 2007 Yea Forums.
>Tfw 26 but still get ID'd everywhere I'm not a regular
I feel best when I haven't slept for about 24 hours, everybody loves me more and I'm unhinged as fuck. It feels good. I need to mainline those toxins.
Those faggots are dead. They aren't thinking about anything becuase they're dust in the wind and soon I will be too. So who gives a shit.
>somebody at his own level
bitch i'm basically 14 years old mentally still, if anything you're the cradle robber
while this is true, they don't need men anymore because men via the state support them, so make sure you do em smart or you'll wind up shackled to some cunt for 2 decades.
>tfw still holding on to my studies but feel it slipping and I know that as soon as I go NEET im fucked.
>tfw now a guy that after studying for 5 years went home, left a letter saying he only pretended to be studying for 5 years and did nothing and then left.
You were a teen user, teens are naive and stupid, you can easily makeup with them now, share a bear and talk about life or something
Bitch, nobody is listening to the shit you spew, women and men pretending to be women misdirect about what they want all the time. Statistically speaking women prefer men 5-10 years older than them, you are wrong.
Nigga I got enough sleep. I liked the taste of energy drinks. thats why I drank them, also I got addicted to the energy rush. Kinda like coffee, after a while you need it to function, rather than improving your functioning. Also I still got up to piss.
>having the chance in the first place
Fuck off normie
Goddamn """"lonely & horny"""" posters, every time. Hadn't had sex in 3 months again you poor thing?
I thought I'd never stop playing vidya when I was in my teens.
Now I'm nearly 30 and I barely play vidya anymore. Just don't care anymore.
>they don't need men anymore because men via the state support them
No woman wants to end up a single mom if she can help it. Sure they got the state to bounce back on if it falls apart, but they rather have a man that can provide. Especially since they are used to a higher standard since they worked hard for a couple of years, going to a tiny room with a kid living of gibmedats isnt exactly ideal
Still better than Yea Forums these days.
They don't always but if it comes to that they will either sucker in a rube beta provider, have more kids so they can be a welfarequeen, or scam some poor schlub into paying alimoney forever.
I barely play vidya anymore, too busy fapping to sex stories about underaged kids
>No woman wants to end up a single mom if she can help it.
The Welfare office would like to have a word with you
25 and I find it hard to imagine living without my wife indefinitely. I've spent time away working but I look forward to living with her again the whole time.
Old married people don't live exciting lives either. Instead of playing games most of them watch tv and/or drink in their downtime. I don't see why playing games instead of those activities is any 'worse'. Most of you are holding yourselves to impossible standards of the 1% of the population who does meaningful exciting shit on a day to basis and feeling guilty for no reason.
they keep statistics about how many of those women wanted to end up like that?
I just turned 20 a month ago and now I'm extremely scared I'm gonna waste my early 20s sitting inside and playing vidya like I did with my teens
More like I used to work register on a super market and I could tell which women were single moms just by seeing the EBT/WIC card
that has absolutely nothing to do with what we're discussing
fuck off if you're too stupid to read
the low class goes for the welfare queen strategy. But higher educated women. The type that get a good diploma, work on their carreer in some big company, arent looking for a beta. They want someone to be proud off and that supports them. The problem is that they dont have time left which makes them desperate. They are the type that want everything, settling for cletus isnt first on their list.
>be 30
>realize your womb is rotting away
>turns out men dont think about approaching a 30 year old successful woman since they are either taken or they think shes out of their reach.
>they throw themselves into the soulless online dating scene
>find a halfdecent man after half a year
>bang him, fuck using anticonceptives, dont want to upset whats left of their reproductive system
>get a kid
>turns out the guy isnt that great, vetting a guy in a short span of time turns out to not work
>end up as single mom
and the court will try to get the guy to pay, not the state.
I remember when I turned 20 (feels like a year ago, its 4 years ago). I thought the 20s would be when I caught up. After trying hard for a little while the comfort of living behind my computer pulled me back in.
>t. single mom
im 39 now and still game
Trust me it doesn't get better, just try the hardest you can to get your shit together as early as possible
Also you better start learning what your favorite type of alcohol is going to be
If thats how you think then its true. If you work on something you want to, set a goal, then you might find meaning beyond a quick dopamine rush.
I just want to fuck and suck a trap before kysing myself
Im about two be 28 I have two kids and wife and i play video games daily.
My wife hates it. She is always saying how i spend all day playing games and mot pay attention to her. The she bitches at my for two hours about it.
My kids are babies but they Love holding my controller and they pretending they are playing. Makes me feel good
I think she's lovely, I like a girl that can drink
Sir sir, that sounds like rational thinking. Have sex
but can you understand them?
I was in Czechia last summer and met a woman there. Im a big drinker but damn that woman could drink. Even casually drinking beer with dinner she was outpacing me hard.
I just wish i could have like 200€ per month without having to work so I could get by. Wageslaving is hell.
Was it with BBC?
She's speaking Gaelic dude, I think at one point anyway
>My kids are babies but they Love holding my controller
>I was in Czechia last summer and met a woman there
fuck off normalfag
>She's speaking Gaelic dude
no she isnt. ive posted the video before and some people said they could follow. Hell in the comments of the video a guy says he can follow, and he doesnt remark its gaelic.
she was the wife of a friend of a friend i was visiting there.
Fuck off newfag.
I turn 25 in like 2 weeks so yeah probably
Fucking everyone spends time consuming information on their internet feed. Boomers fuck around on facebook after work, women fuck around on snapchat/instagram during work, zoomies fuck around on Tiktok/Twitter during school, we fuck around on Yea Forums. No one can go a day without some way to feed and relay information unless you're some backwards hick living off the grid. When you grow up you just browse a little bit less, maybe to other boards, but no one ever quits cold turkey.
Your friend has a good wife user
Did I get the right address to the /tiredgamergeneral/? I thought it should've been on /vg/.
>me and my brother went for a dual interview
>"so you're both 18?"
>i'm 24
friends friend*
It doesn't matter which word you use, they mean the same thing. Only difference is that retarded normies like you always wax philosophical about failed normalfags and whatnot
Also, congratulations on being here since 2015
shit taste
There used to be a time when Yea Forums wasn't completely hopeless on it's consensus on vidya, even if it came off as cynical.
Lurk for two years before posting again.
Yeah you're the one here with shit taste
Been here since 2008, faggot
>used to be like this
>started trying games Yea Forums said were shit because surely not every game coming out is hitler tier
>they were pretty fucking good most of the itme
>now i just embrace the shitposting for what it is and play whatever the fuck i feel like
I rather drink horsepiss than heineken. Only braindamaged americans that only know bud light think its any good.
jesus you guys are fucking idiots.
If anything, Yea Forums needs to be more cynical
Pisses me off how many underaged retards here suck the dick of every goddamn empty open world AAA game or the latest copypasted FPSes
>here he goes again with the anti american bullshit
What is craft beer dipshit? Also no one actually like piss beer
>What is craft beer dipshit
how do i get a cute alcoholic asian gf
hertog jan
>alcoholic asian
get your shit together ASAP bro. you have no idea how fast it will go. complacency and faith in "yeah, i have plenty of time, i dont need to stop being an autist just yet" is what will be your downfall should you follow that path
Not everything is pedo incel have sex already
I remember in 2013 watching Welcome to the nhk, telling me the horrors of neetdom, and how horrible for me to be if I would fall in that situation, funny thing I ended up slightly similar like satou.
I do think that the cuplrit was because in my first days of highschool I never had any plans for me being an adult, so instead I dropped years of my life thinking in a way to commit suicide when I hit 18.
thanks sans undertale
now you get to waste all your time working
Is life worth living if you have to work every day?
>The type that get a good diploma, work on their carreer in some big company, arent looking for a beta. They want someone to be proud off and that supports them. The problem is that they dont have time left which makes them desperate. They are the type that want everything, settling for cletus isnt first on their list.
your'e talking about tiger women, they suck and wind up alone normally.
>go to college
>don't study some retarded art shit
>get well-paying job that is fun
>more money than I know what to do with
where the fuck did you go and for what, most degrees are worthless nowadays
>most degrees are worthless nowadays
t. artfag
software engineering, nigger