(B) I'll be right fucking there you nigger.
I saw a mudcrab the other day..
If you never go near this place the game is 10x better
How were they holding off the raiders inside when the only guy with a gun was out on the balcony?
Game fucking sucks
You're right but 10 times 0 is still 0
sorry I don't talk to niggers
None of the raiders want to join the minute men and get radial quests.
I know that you're a lawyer, don't know shit about combat and haven't lived in a post apocalyptic wasteland, but take that power armor without any training and please kill an army of raiders and an angry fucking deathclaw for us, pls. Also, there's this fucking complex with hundreds of bloodthirsty raiders bothering this little settlement, so why don't you go in there alone and annihilate them for us, pls? Thx. You general now of an organization that you don't know shit about.
The SS is an army dude.
>playing as the wife
>wake up in future apocalyptic nightmare
>first person you meet is a larping nigger
What do Yea Forumsros?
stopped playing 4 forever after talking to this annoying nigger and fighting that deathclaw. gods, what a stupid game
Not if you choose the female character! BRAVO BETHESDA
Buuuut everyone comments she has training
bethesda games are only good for making cute girls and playing dressup.
Just keep walking till you get to hubris comics then larp as conan.
it isn't a massive stretch that her husband might have at least taught her to fire a gun
>Apocalyptic nuclear wasteland
>Try to kill that nigger cause he's annoying
>He's actually immortal and has magical powers to never die
Nice immersion you got there
>that FoV
Whats that? There's a settlement that needs our help?
>but take that power armor without any training
The player character is a pre war veteran tho.
>It might seem like you have options here, but you really need to press down to continue the fucking game because nothing you say matters.
Firing a gun maybe, explain the power armor.
>play game on toaster laptop
>runs like ass
>play it on a RX580
>runs like ass
So just like FNV
The only NPC you can't kill in FNV, besides children, is Yes Man. Faggot.
nah op, this will never become a thing like nv quotes, or f3 quotes
f4 is not memorable
you say that but the whole another settlement needs our help ill mark it on your map is commonly spread around the internet
Imagine F4 on doom engine
i imagine in they ever make a new engine for TES/fallout it wont be nearly as moddable and people will flip their shit until they go back to the busted old garbage
As if husband will not share info about stuff he did in the army with his wife. As if she has no interest whatsoever in what husband did in the army.
>not playing as a mighty angry mommy who wants her kid back
Her lines with Kellog were top notch.
Power Armor training got introduced by Beth in 3, you didn't need it in 1 or 2
They realized it was retarded and removed it again
Jesus Christ, at least play the game before criticizing
I just assumed everyone got compulsory military training.
>i imagine in they ever make a new engine for TES/fallout...
They wouldn't change the workflow too much because it's how everyone at Bethesda is sued to work. The toolset for Starfield is similar to the one from FO4 and the one for TES6 will be as well.
There is that too, Nora mentions "dusting off that diploma".
It's not though, it's 10 because you start with 10.
>t. never played new vegas
>ignore these guys
>come back 20 years later
>they're not dead. almost in fucking stasis
>can't kill them
>can't refuse and fail
>they just wait, perpetually, ready to start the whole settlement bullshit
I imagine Bethesda being too incompetent to touch any idtech engine
D44M runs like butter on RX580, needless to say
I played it 1440p on 1050 ti
Can you imagine
*gives you power armor 10 minutes into the game*
except now with their whole paid mod bullshit the only mods that exist are purely cosmetic ones
that... doesn't mean she's trained, user.
Machines can't love
Die you dirty Institute sympathizer
On the one hand I like that they're collectable and it gives me a goal to work towards initially.
On the other hand, they gave me a full untouched suit while all the other suits are patchwork, and I don't think there's a way to craft the missing parts without mods.
It's the same as a chatbot
It can only respond to commands made by the developers
FUCK this game for having creation club forcing me to re-download f4se for the 30th time and re installing half of my load order after waiting 3 days for the mods to get updated, only to get bored after 30 mins.
I have auto updates disabled and it still fucks me.
I've already played NV 50 times over and sometimes I'd like to jump into 3 as well, but I can't do that because Fallout 3 is one of the worst pieces of software ever created in the world.
hate balcony
>10 autists spam shitty nv threads
>1 autist does for Fo4
>hurr it's not a thing
You people are pathetic
Don't even bother responding
Quit trying to fuck robots.
are you launching exclusively through the f4se exe? i don't know what else you could be fucking up to still get screwed by updates. you can always just rollback the exe too
Degenerate scum
>The SS is an army dude.
yeah it really was, Sieg Heil!
Try playing Fallout 3 with NV through TTW, it's pretty cool.
1. okay I'll help
2. I'd love to help you
3. ugh fine okay I'll help
4. tell me more
you can kill Yes Man as well. It's just that he's a program that can be uploaded to any robot, so when you destroy the body Yes Man inhabits, it just uploads to another.
get fucked bethesda shill
just install like 4 mods that edit textures and remove insignificant objects and whatnot and maybe you'll get a bit better fps.
the optimization is horse shit
>install frost
>getting killed by mudcrub after 2 minutes of plyaing
I don't know why retards pray on that mod so much
Yeah, Frost is a bit shit.
It's doable, but it isn't fun and the difficulty is artificial and bullshit. It doesn't work nice with Fallout 4's floaty combat.
I thought nv's DUST was better, I managed to get to the end, but it still takes it too far in some areas. The lore for both mods is a bit gay desu lad.
couldnt keep going after I hit the baseball stadium. I just started noticing how soulless the town was and how halfassed the environment was made. It felt like some cheap hollywood lot.
I want a game where you play as a protectron.
>Made pre-war
>Built for several mundane jobs
>Introductory sequence where you're working on a building site/checking tickets in a station/putting out a fire/delivering goods/etc etc
>Introductory sequence ends with a nuke going off in the distance, the EMP blast shutting you down
>Something causes you to reboot in the wastes
>Fire few "quests" are you sadly trying to continue your job
>Eventual failure to // combined with EMP damage causes some sort of recovery command to activate which compels you to go to the nearest robco service depot for repair but upon arrival you find it ruined
>You begin your quest to find purpose in a world that has gone crazy, with no human safety net to protect you
Do you do your best to stick to your programming and try to get functional again? Do you embrace your newfound lack of laws and go rogue? Do you try desperately to fit in with people who may well only consider you a tool? A settlement would surely be happy to have a robot guarding them but are they just using you?
Despite having a lack of emotion it could be the saddest fallout yet, with a perspective from just outside the human experience.
the best looking part of the map is no doubt the wetlands
And in after the war world they wouldn't be any people. Only creatures and some robots. Perfect.
In Far Harbor, I wish you could've saved the Mariner and romanced her. All the female companion romance options are retarded.
preston was shooting outside shooting at them to keep them, but a few (as in, 5) still got in. they're the cut off from the larger group and aren't sure what to do. one of them sticks around to cover their escape, two debate fleeing, and two more try to regroup and break into preston's safe room.
I wonder what the world was like only 14 years after the war? Surely it must have been 10x worse than how things were in Fallout 1, which were already pretty bad.
Protectrons are one of the few good things beth brought to fallout
Protectrons are too pure for this awful world.
I honestly loved the Laser Musket.
Later on in the story you discover that this isn't the first time you've rebooted...
If you're playing lawful you learn that your previous bootup decided to go rogue and was considered a terror of the wastes that destroyed several settlements
If you're playing rogue you learn that your previous bootup stayed within the rules and lived up to its name as a protector of sorts
Either realisation shakes your understanding of what "you" is.
I liked her voice actress. I'm also kind of sexist in that I feel women are weak pieces of shit, and I like playing as characters that are stuck in hellholes where the odds are against them. Call that a Souls/Gothic complex, I suppose. My main gripe is that I never feel weak in Fallout 4, and survival difficulty does jackshit when there's an abundance of pre-war supplies everywhere 200 years after the war. Frost overhaul is the only way I can bear to play the game. Immersive Overhaul is cool too.
It's OP as fuck is probably why.
>Laser Musket
Wut? The reloading wait can be a bitch depending on how many times you can crank it and it’s basically useless in short-range fights.
Do you think people will begin to realize that Fallout 76 is good now? What about when the new wastlanders DLC drops? At this point it's just people refusing to try it because it's bethesda.
that game is fucked
user we both know it isn't good yet
Wastelanders might help change that but it's still way off from being good
and it's not just that it's a bethesda game
The game is an unwanted mess that launched in a frankly pathetic state, ripped off players and had a new controversy every week for about 2 months after launch
until they add an offline mode and full mod support it will never be good
when that old lady started talking about prophecies and shit, i kid you not, i uninstalled the game and never played it again
You are better for it.
I have sank a significant amount of time into this game and after 800 hours and most of the 15 actually good mods on the nexus, I can conclude that you can not make this game fun in any way.
You know what they say about assuming
robowaifus and gun mods like the as val keep bringing me back
>tfw know fo4 is shit but still have the urge to play it at least once
I blame these stupid sexy things.
you're just like me? based
is that in the base game? can you fuck it? with mods if need be
Why were laser muskets so fucking bad?
no, the closest you can get is kl-e-0 practically hitting on you. fucking devs
Are you me? The base game is a bit stupid but the modding community makes the game incredibly entertaining.
But in 1 and 2 you get to use the power armor at endgame, and in 3 they implemented the training so you couldn't use the power armor until late in the game, in 4 they just give it to you.
>cute robot
>hitting on you
>what mods
Because regular muskets are fucking awful
Another settlement needs our...
nah, they edited the model too much. the full on robot of the normal assaultron is perfect.
> at endgame
You can get the armor in early stage if you want and know how to get it
Damn this game is perfect
>not installing several standalone weapon mods
>the moment you realise this game is going to be shit
kellogg = wasted potential
Low IQ game
Real question here, Yea Forumsros
What is the reason behind the institute? Why do they kidnap people or make synths?
you wouldn't understand...............
.......... :c ................
i had a quick idea that they'd eventually try to find out how to transfer human consciousnesses into synth bodies, thus essentially giving people infinite lives in stronger bodies that are also immune to radiation.
and by infinite lives i mean that if the synth body your consciousness is in gets destroyed, it just inhabits another body.
Science for science's sake. In so many words, they're like the Think Tank but boring.
Heavy modded FO4 > New Vegas
Why would you reward them for producing garbage?
Too bad you can't do anything to keep Boston from running like ass
>hey, nora, i know you're a lawyer and there's no way you'll ever need this information since we'll grow old and die in this perfect suburb, definitely won't be waking up to a post apocalyptic wasteland, but i'll share with you how to use a power armor. just the description how it felt and all the nerdy infodump about buttons and valves though, you need actual physical contact training to use it, but me telling about it to you should be enough for you to be a more effective housewife and a lawyer i guess.
>Obsidian want to add a bunch of things Gamebryo doesn't really want to do, without the time to force it to work
>give up on most of them but go the extra mile to add looping reload animations so shotguns can be reloaded one shell at a time and fired between reloads
>Bethesda, with all the time in the world and already having Obsidian's work around, produces this
That's not even incompetence, that's just sheer laziness
the shadows are cpu bound. reduce their resolution to like 1024 or 512 and decrease quality degradation distance and it should get better.
>*gives you power armor during the tutorial*
right then I knew this was gonna be trash
>start their quest
>get the power armor and minigun
>see ya suckers!
>run away
worst part is that with you getting a full t45 set from the get go you have no reason at all to use any raider power armor other than maybe aesthetics, since it's inferior across the board.
so they're not much different from actual women who will mirror what they think you want to hear.
Wow that is horseshit
Bethesda can't optimize to save their lives
Was this proof that baby needs shiny toy to keep playing?
>NV: 60% through the game in order to get power armor and able to kill deathclaws
>FO4: 10 minutes into the game and you get power armor and kill a deathclaw
The fact that you can find 10 cores early game means you can use it for the whole game without the scientist perk
Obsidian never got it working. Reloading is bugged as fuck in NV. It's not like Bethesda could use what they did because what they did doesn't work.
The suit you get in 4 is missing most of its pieces and those pieces are the weakest tier, plus unless you already know where to find cores you aren't going to be getting far out of Concord with it anyway.
>power armor is now a vehicle
Fuck you Bethesda I am still mad
I originally loved the idea and thought it was the best thing about the game, but now I prefer the smaller, more knight-style power armor as seen in fallout 3 and new vegas.
hey speaking of power armor, why the hell is the power core thing exposed and not covered up in any way?
t. repurchased no man's sky
I hate this game because now they've already filled in the generic retard super mutant companion with Strong, and he'll never be in another game
Female character is a chinese spy.
It was always kind of bulky. Hell, I'm sure one NPC in 2 mistakes you for a mecha when wearing Enclave APA.
>why the hell is the power core thing exposed
Balance for stealth characters. Mechanically speaking it serves no function
Serve... and protect.
I wish you could have a protectron follower that wasn't slow as fucking balls.
who drew this?
stop being a poorfag and you won't have any problem
absolute fags, the only thing wrong with it is uses too much fusion core.
I thought this too, given the whole "transfer Curie into a synth body" quest
>The institute wants to live underground until the surface stabilizes
>they create Synths to be as human-like as possible so they can transfer their minds into them and become functionally immortal
but no, they apparently just want to use them as slave labor
slave labor that is no better than the Gen 2 robot-looking synths, in fact they are worse because they can go rogue and develop free will
why not just stick with Gen 2 synth slaves, they're literally better
if you side with the Institute, there's a part where you meet Father on the roof of the old CIT ruins. He tells you this is the first time he has ever seen the surface. In 60+ years he never once physically went outside himself. The Institute is retards.
They had a small time frame and had to deal with the old gamebryo engine. Reloading actually worked.
goddamn that's some cool ass PA
i wish the games let you add cool details to your armor like pouches, capes, weird side-cape things, could even get inventive like essentially nailing the front half of a skull onto the helmet for raider characters
PA customization is a consistent letdown otherwise, let me look cool goddamnit
Bros the lore in this game is so deeep
Its plausible she was a military lawyer before leaving, and she may still get training. Its possible that basic PA training is in Basic. Alternatively she could have been disqualified for any number of reasons. Or was in a volunteer womens corps like the ww2 pilots and nurses; i could see t45s being used to move cargo or injured people
>That's one of the things Bethesda's toolset makes very easy. It's super easy to make areas, super easy to modify, super easy to track assets, and it's pretty darn powerful. Look at this way: there's no way in hell that our team could have made Fallout New Vegas without that tool. It was just impossible.
Gamebryo was a help, not a hindrance.
the player character experiences about 7 life changing super-traumas all within the space of 15 minutes
nuclear war announcement
actual bomb goes off
frozen against his will
death of spouse
kidnapping of child
awakes to skeletons
rises into wasteland
gets shot at by crazy people
and bethesda somehow thinks its tonally reasonable for this person to say 'Hey yeah Ill place myself in additional danger to help a bunch of weak idiots begging me, so some diversity can go live in my house'
and it only exists so that they could have a big set piece to advertise the game and its animations
its so bad that I just have to pretend it doesnt exist to enjoy the game
That's metro exodus you kek.
it was a prototype of a prototype of a prototype dummy!
I'm voting with my wallet, you massive faggot.
I honestly was expecting raider suits to be way more common, like maybe there had been a big cargo ship of them
loli synths of course, just imagine
because old gamebryo (& and new sorta) is stable as fuck, right?
>touring the institute
>some notes on computers about how people think the child synth program is weird
>head of advanced systems has some line like "I'm just not sure what Father is thinking with this line of development"
only Father could IMAGINE
Dont do it Etika!
I replaying it in past few days a bit and it's still not THAT great but it does have its qualities and has improved with for example the addition of player vending machines finally. but besides that I got disconnected every day at least once, and the public events I was a part of were pretty boring, and there were other bugs such as enemies isntantly teleporting back to their spawn on death and not allowing me to loot them. Also the VATS system is janky as fuuck.
If you think that's bad, you should see 76
They stopped giving a fuck
Vanilla versions of these games are pretty stable. They don't crash nearly as often as people make out. They only tend to be crash happy when you start shitting them up with lots of mods or poorly made mods. NV wasn't great when it was first released but it got something like a dozen patches that fixed most of the major problems. And NV wasn't made by Bethesda, it was made by a studio notorious for producing buggy as fuck games but it's okay when Obsidian does it.
The Gunners
>arguably the best armed group in the commonwealth until the Brotherhood arrives
>morally neutral in the sense they'll take any job if the caps are good
>heavily based in Pre-war military aesthetic and equipment
This is the group that makes the most sense for the Sole Survivor to join. Military motif makes it familiar to him, they offer the most security, there's no reason they would reject him as a member. Give them enough caps and hire them to help you find your son/break into the institute/etc.
but you can't join them
you can't interact with them at all except shooting them
it's not bad but it's not fallout. I played the free week and there is nothing to do but collect crap to craft better crap. I don't care. You can't tell a story that I'll care about through fucking holotapes. It's not bad but it's something else wearing fallout's skin
The worst part is that to your character it feels like the bombs fell like 10 minutes before this. You woke up in your bed in 2077 and then a couple hours later you're supposed to be some bloodthirsty killer gunning down people in the street in the town you live in? How do you know the guys in the museum are the good guys? What if you kill the raiders and then the guys in the museum start fucking and eating the dead bodies? Or why risk your neck for these fucks when you're trying to find your infant son?
Why does the SS accept that he/she was frozen so readily? It's not tech that they had in 2077 and now he/she just believes it without questioning it? It's just very lazy altogether.
Double Deck is an absolute hero.
Objectively untrue but whatever you say
With a couple years of reflection, I no longer think F4 is a bad game. The combat is top notch. It's often very nice to look at. The crafting is good, especially robots- very cool. I like the direction they went with power armor, where it feels incredibly powerful and cool.
The dialogue situation is hot garbage- with mods, you can change how dialogue works, and its much better but your four options still suck. The RPG system sucks. The main story sucks.
Overall I think it's better than F3. Not as good as NV of course, but better combat than NV.
Not really worth comparing it to F1 or F2
so you can stealth shoot the brotherhood in the back and the suit blows up
Only correct answer, I'm tired of this fo4 shill samefagging out of his ass.
>tfw we're as far away from Fallout 4's release as Fallout 4's release was from Skyrim.
>Already Skyrim childhood nostalgia threads almost daily.
You said it would never come to this Yea Forums.
>Synths are just like people!
>Except they're not!
>Only they really are!
>Not really...
make up your mind game
>synths are robots!
>wait no they're clones but some people that know better still call them robots
Internal consistency? I hardly knew her!
>Everybody on the surface hates synths and kills them
>Even if you feel bad for them it's hard to justify it because they really are replacing humans on the surface
>Get to the institute
>Every human down there seems to hate synths as well and treats them like shit
>Only faction that likes them is the SJW railroad
that's bethesda baby woo woo
It could've been passed off as characters simply being misinformed by other people telling tall tales of ghouls, or simply not understanding them, since there's still a sizable amount of ghoul psuedo-racism.
But Bethesda can't think that far ahead because they can't fucking think at all.
The complete inability to realistically roleplay as an evil/neutral Raider is a big detriment to the game
yes I'm aware Nuka World exists but it should have been a core part of the base game. I'm struggling to even think of any times you can actively be evil.
>But Bethesda can't think that far ahead because they can't fucking think at all.
Yeah, it's not like they've been doing that exact thing with the TES franchise for decades now already or anything. It's not like they've specifically said many times this design philosophy is something they consider to be critically important in building an organic world.
They call him Father, but in private he makes them call him daddy.
I do love turning on the free camera and hiding and then watching the BoS vertibirds wreck the gunners or super muties from a distance. Unironically super comfy.
>get PC version
>download mods
>sell them into slavery after rescuing them
much better.
voting with wallet is meaningless. your vote means nothing when a whale votes with his for himself, for you and for ten thousand other people who didn't vote. the end result is the same as if you did vote. at best you can just pirate the thing and not play in multiplayer if it has one, so the whales are left all to themselves, get bored and leave.
why did they fuck up the dialogue from 3?
you now get 4 of the same options instead of 4 actual choices.
hey dude how's it going
How fun is a kill everything run in NV? That's about the only playthrough I haven't tried yet.
what planet are you from?
True. As an example "Vote with your wallet" was used as an argument by people that wanted everyone to stop complaining when battlefront 2 was released, as if just not buying the game was enough. In the end it was because everyone continuously complained that news spread even to the whales, and EA was forced to change things, things that didn't make that much difference after all, but they still changed those things and at the very least public opinion shifted.
>The complete inability to realistically roleplay AT ALL is a big detriment to the game
But you can roleplay as a worried parent trying to find your son. Then later you can roleplay as a BoA knight, or some guy that builds settlements, or some guy that does whatever the institute does.
>railroad base password is railroad
>do an Institute playthrough
>assaulting the Brotherhood base at the airport, throwing synth relay grenades all over the place teleporting my own robot army inside their defenses
>hijacking liberty prime
>Elder Maxson finally makes his appearance
>he is cornered and mauled by Synth Gorillas
>they actually sent the Synth Gorillas to the battlefield
this was legitimately fun
but I still cannot defend the actual Institute, as even after doing everything in my power to discover some deeper motivation - or ANY motivation - there simply is none
If anything their goals are completely contradictory
>we just want to live below the surface without any interference from the surface retards
>BUT we continually extend our activity to the surface, making enemies who could (and do in other routes) infiltrate and destroy all our work
>why yes, my password is "password." how did you know?
>Password is railroad
>The top part is full of ghouls which could and probably have killed synths who were trying to find them
>They have like 5 members
>Somehow the institute can't put the underground railroad metaphor together, nor can they follow the dozens of clues to find the railroad and just stomp their shit in
At least you get to massacre them
E-celeb Niggers jumping off of bridges is not vidya take it to
>synths are mind wiped when they escape the institute
>except all the synths that eacape arent mind wiped
wrong thread faggot
Settlement defense and combat mods make this game fun
>defending settlement against dozens of supermutants with explosions going off and chain gun fire ripping through people and settlers exploding in to gore
The most fun I had in this game was playing the Grognak the Barbarian holotape RPG - a different game
Yeah Im going to totally enter in your building for a non-ambush you stealing nigger
that would have been better
on second thought why hasn't anyone modded raider preston yet?
I got FO4 for free but don't like how they fucked it up. Is there a modlist for modded vanilla? (better weapons, sounds, animations, armor variety etc.)
if not, just post your modlist that isn't sex slave load order
that engine cant handle more than 6 enemies how you imagine it running openworld assets + enemies?
here's the CSV exported from Mod Organizer, which I *highly* recommend, as an old boomer who just changed from Wrye Bash
it's not missing any of its pieces, it's a full set of t45
i've played through the game multiple times and i've never done more than getting them to sanctuary. once preston gave me a quest that was obviously just a radiant, go here talk to settler npc kill thing, quest i lost all interest.
>MO on FO4
wait what? I thought it doesn't work well with FO4?
Shit faction. Though I wanted to fuck the bitch out of the hispanic lady in front of her whiny gook husband.
Can't speak for others experiences, I've been using it and having a great time. What I can't figure out how to do is use SkyProc patchers with MO2. If you know how to do that, I'd really appreciate it.
worst game ever made
Why can't you fuck the shota synth of your son?
Because it's an awful role playing game. The amount of essential npcs is ridiculous. I remember replaying it with tons of mods and cabbot I think his name was some random side quest npc is invincible. Terrible
76 exists
That's actually good bait.
still kills me how they managed to make the railroad the objectively dumbest faction to join
it literally makes no sense to side with them from a story perspective. how could they have done better? COULD they have done better, or was the faction intrinsically fucking stupid?
They could have made them less like apocalyptic social justice warriors.
based. ib4 Caitfag comes in here acting like she has actual character development.
>this doujihin
HGNNNHHHHHHH my body wasnt ready based and kleopoundpilled
unironically this. the parts that make it an mmo are why it sucks lmao.
>imagine the hubris of bethesda thinking they could successfully make a game that can't be modded
Are there any modern LED monitors I this ratio?
gun mods and Insane Ivy keep me playing. she has an update coming out relatively soon to ensure i'll never leave this hell.
Why the fuck is it harder to mod FO4 than FNV? most of the weapon packs in FO4 requires like hundreds of other mods to make it work
>how could they have done better?
I envisioned a scenario where the Railroad turned out to be controlled opposition, originally set up by the Institute for some sort of social experiment. Their hierarchy is comprised entirely of proxies and take orders from a rogue AI.
Bethesda thought they were really fuck smart with these faction choices
play with my 2080 run like ass.
never worked.
not had the stupid mind wipe bullshit plot point, make more members synths, go full terrorist organization and have them care about all marginalized "peoples." they have no teeth as written and are laughable.
>a fucking toaster
is FO4 worth it for the gameplay alone? might just mod out all the NPCs and story and just play Fallout: Stalker edition
kind off, they is nothing similar anywhere.
yes, fallout 4 is a decent game if you plan on modding it. Vanilla is dogshit tho
Remember seeing that bit of foreshadowing with Kellogg and Nick and being interested in seeing where it would go? Remember realizing a few hours after you beat the MQ that it never went anywhere? Good times.
remember that time Bethesda was a piece of shit company and couldn't even figure out how to code the combat zone so some no name modder fixed it for them?
FROST Survival might work for you if you liked DUST from NV, but honestly I spent a few hundred hours modding and you simply can't fix the abysmal storytelling and worldbuilding
you can make the gunplay as good as you like but the game is flawed on a level too deep to fix with tinkering
Can you actually mod out NPCs and essentially make it sandbox completely?
No shit the toolset is similar, they already admitted Starfield and TES6 is built on the same engine. But a new engine would be a whole new ballgame. Not Frankenstein-esque stapling of effects to the corpse they've been doing for the last decade and half, an actual new engine is what he's talking about.
I like the institute but my god bethesda did a shit job writing them because the institute/minute men peace treaty could work out since you get made the director. It's not like the Railraod are gonna do anything other than their specific niche of smuggling synths out of the commonwealth and the brotherhood are technically invaders.
that Brotherhood rush into their base was a fun thing to let do.
just pirate it dude. not worth your money in the slightest
duknow for the npc swipe, but you can sandbox pretty much yes.
im pretty sure you can disable NPCS and AI with console commands?
sorta. you can alllmost kill the entire faction with just 2 grenades.
if the railroad werent pushovers itd have been great.
>tfw FO4 is actually one of the best looking games at the moment in existence
It's a weird feel. I wanted better, but this is also the best. It sure as hell looks better than anything 3 years ago.
the buildengine thing is pretty powerfull with mods.
get frost, it does just that. all the npcs are turned into enemies like ferals or survivors, all the quests are removed. you can then pretend you're playing fallout 76 offline.
can I slap weapon packs on top of that?
Welp, you sold me. Hope this isn't a waste of 15 bucks
unironically, the best environments are in Far Harbor though lmao
The SS was an infantryman as implied by the b&w trailer. Power armor units were heavily trained in their use as implied by every single other game in the series