Does anyone know If the day 1 patch fixed the switch version?
Bloodstained:Ritual of the night
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You mean that you don't know or that it didn't fix jack shit
They absolutely half assed the Switch port in every single way
Fuck them. Awful, awful port
the latter
Really, that sucks, I thought they choose to release it one week later because they had to work more on it
The game is rough as shit on Switch, I have a friend who's playing it on his Toaster Laptop (Family Intel Processer) from 2007 can at least get better textures
Who developed the Switch version? Because they did a pretty shitty job.
The input lag is the worst of all problems on switch, i really hope with all the dosh they're making, they'll at least work on a massive performance patch.
DICO was the dev behind the Switch port, but the real reason why the game look like shit is because the Unreal Engine 4 is a fucking CPU hog for decryption and the Switch's Tegra GPU handles the game's scripts while the CPU decrypts it, it's the reason why we will never see a native 720p60 FPS UE4 game on the Switch.
The CPU needs to be at least 1.5 GHz to hit this so there could be GPU overhead for asset streaming
When the fuck is the Switch pro coming out so I can finally buy one
Travis Strikes Again is also a UE4 game, looks just as good (if not better) and runs at pretty much at 60fps.
That bad huh?
Yes it does, 720p60 docked, 480p60 handheld
Drops below 60 more often in Docked, but holds 60FPS mostly in handheld
And it's a very barren game
Damn, i hope it doesn't have any cut content
difference is that games sucks
No one said that the Switch Pro is:
1. Actually a "pro".
2. That it will offer (much) more power.
The only thing butchered is the textures and resolution.
And the frame rate and the special effects.
Using Gebel's Glasses and ZA WARUDO is so much fun even if it trivializes everything
It’s crystal, dumbass
The only thing rumored a is a handheld only Switch and a new dock going as a Supplement Power Unit which will only 1.5x the resolution of unsupported games while supported games like Fortnite will see a no visual boost but a 60 FPS target. Currently the Mini is set to come out this year, while the SPU is only in testing stages now.
And input lag, loading times, and sub-30 fps
It's fucking awful.
I really wanted to play this on the switch but it looks like I'm just gonna buy the PC version
Same. Fuck. I really wanted that portability.
This is the reason I only buy pixel games or other 2D shit on switch.
when the fuck is the digital version gonna be playable
I’m a Ninty fanboy but even I knew better to buy this on Switch. Even the PS4 version has slowdown on some stupid shit, i.e. literally every time you use rhe spinning blade shard
it's honestly unacceptable considering how it looks, smells of laziness imo
Kinda sucks it looks like shit, but i'll end up buying both ps4 and switch.
Im a backer and plan on trading this copy in to get the PS4 version. I'll sacrifice all my bonus content and sleeve just to get a copy that's not crashing every 2 hours and stuttering out the ass. It's just not worth playing in this condition.
The worst part is the eshop uses PS4 screenshots (even showing dualshock buttons lol) so you know this delay was to hide how bad this port is from the media. I know Bloodstained is an amazing game, I loved the Steam demos, but for any Switch backer the Kickstarter was a scam.
This shit was locked in 2 years ago too and can't be refunded.
Is there any hope of a patch? The bad press is spreading hard and surely it'll reach IGA's ears?
Having just finished it on Switch and seen the ridiculous number of companies in the credits, surely Iga would have no problem getting one of the more Switch-specialized porting studios to help out with further fixes? If they want to keep the reputation they want to have according to that "new versus old" promo video from a few months back, that is.
Technically, in the US the Switch version has not been released (on eShop). Until that 1.02 patch goes live, I wouldn’t expect any response to any concerns.
Oh, heads ups switch folks, PS4 version was unstable dogshit before this patch. It genuinely might get better.
r e d d i t
o n
s u i c i d e
w a t c h
Yeah I think IGA has too big an ego to let all these complaints about the switch a mere few hours into its release day go unheard. Hopefully he'll patch it and send out another video. "I'LL SHOW THEM"
I believe in IGA.
I can accept the lowered graphics and resolution but the input lag, freezing, and crashing is concerning
was this written by a dog
Isn't the 1.01 switch equivalent to the 1.02 ps4?
Unreal 4 takes an insane amount of skill to get working well on Switch, to the point that even Nintendo themselves dislike using it, looks to me like they just outsourced a port and dropped visual effects and lowered the resolution until they first level was running at 30fps.
>Switchfags get fucked
I warned you idiots
Why would anyone play multiplats on Switch?
No, the email we received actually says to wait for 1.02 before playing to avoid the chest glitch
1.02 not being up is probably why its not out digitally yet
Look at their twitter blowing up right now from angry switch owners/backers. Surely they can't ignore that?
Who is "they" ?
Who is (((they))) ???
I like to replay older games on Switch
They said not to play it until patch
They should have sent patch out sooner though
>Here's the thing, though. When it comes to Bloodstained on Switch, Version 1.02 doesn't even exist. The Switch version can be updated to Version 1.01, which is the same thing as the Version 1.02 update on other platforms. As of right now, we have no explanation as to why the version numbers are different.
>Long story short, don't worry when you can't find a version 1.02 update for the Switch version on launch day. As long as you're at Version 1.01, you're good to go.
What's the problem with playing game at home on big screen and good audio system?
505 Games
If I liked shovel knight will I enjoy this?
Quite so. You'll even be pleasantly surprised by a certain easter egg.
who jelly ?
Can do both with the switch. Sometimes I have to travel for work, being able to bring games with me on long trips and then playing it on a big screen at home is great.
I wasn’t dumb enough to buy this on Switch though. But less demanding games, sure.
Personally I always liked portable consoles better
Also it's amazing how easy piracy often is on portables
>Switch version
>jealous of a shit port and bestbuy steelbook case
They’re not similar
>Can do both with the switch
At horrible visuals and performance. 1080p and 60fps is better.
The problem with the Switch version is that the backer survey deciding your platformer was held before it was really clear how bad the Switch was at handling UE4
Backers got screwed over really bad
All user wasked was whats the problem with playing on a big screen and audio system, stop trying to move goal posts.
Read the reply chain
It was actually more stable BEFORE the patch on PS4. Now there's stalling whenever enemies drop an item or when getting a shard for the first time, crashes when reading bookcases are not unheard of, and god forbid you try to fight Valefor when he kills the framerate.
A friend got his code earlier today. Haven't asked how the game is on Switch but just by reading the thread, I'm already disappointed.
What does this mean then?
If v1.1 (which went live on Friday) is supposed to be the day one patch then fuck no.
>still 30fps
>still 720p both docked and undocked
>load times longer than they should be
As a Switch backer I say avoid this version at all cost. At least the PC version was piss easy to pirate.
Hell no I got multiple crashes in 2-hours of play pre-patch
I got my copy yesterday and I didn’t notice anything that bothered me. There was one small sound error but that was it. Do people seriously count frames when playing games because I don’t even notice this shit.
What about input lag or freezing and crashing?
Completely different games, but I like both for what that's worth.
Before I say any more I only played a bit over an hour. I didn’t notice any input lag and had no crashes. I doubt all these people noticing are wrong- I am just saying I didn’t see a broken game.
I thought it was version 1.1?
And I still haven't got answer, he just said you can play Switch at home too. This isn't excuse for playing game at horrible fidelity.
I won't redeem my switch backer codes until 505 responds.
>At least the PC version was piss easy to pirate.
only base version tho
Is the Codex version that came out on release day fine?
Yeah sure, that’s super nice, but doesn’t do any fucking good when I’m 800 miles away from it
That's probably the best idea. If 505 responds, then I'll go out and buy it otherwise I'll keep waiting. I have Faith in them though. IGA has been good about all other criticisms thus far and they've been revelling in good press from how good the game is that surely they can't let this blemish that.
You’re kinda stupid, huh?
IGA has too much pride to let this blunder of a port persist. He's probably fuming right now at all the feedback
>Finally got Rank 9 Grade 9 Yellow shards
My Miriam looks like a demon with all these visual effects.
I already backed and have the switch one on the way. I guess if it's really as bad as people are saying and there's no patch, I'll just pirate the PC one.
i played undocked for 4 hours now and it's mostly fine despite the very noticable input lag and obnoxious loading times, it's really hard to pull off special moves on the switch.
I played it on PC before and yes it's a better version but the luxury of playing in my bed means some sacrifice have to be made.
I'd say if you only have access to a switch and play handeld mode you can get it, no worry.
That's a bit more reassuring but I really hope 505 addresses this.
>paying full price for an inferior version of a game and for a piece of plastic weaker than consoles from the previous gen, all so you can walk 3 steps and play on the bed
Switch users deserve all the shit they get
It kicks ass, actually
i also backed the game at $60 for pc version, how does that make you feel?
careful it's hot out there, doesn't want you to have an aneurysm.
>popcorn ready
It was until 1 year ago that refunds and version changes were open. Everyone had three whole years to react. And the switch is basically two years old.
It's been beginning. It's even trending on tweeter.
Iga's probably already whipping an intern in rage.
Good for you? I don't get why you think buying two versions of the same game is something to flaunt.
flaunt it if you got it
It's better than being a consolewarring gigafaggot.
>looks like
She technically already is, considering how many shards you crammed inside her.
fighting game inputs are generally hard on the switch controllers anyway.
>Yea Forums wants everything to be tortanic or mmn9
>bloodstained comes out but is actually good
>Yea Forums sets aside its hate and genuinely enjoys video games for this
>now switch port is out and horrible
>Yea Forums gets to enjoy a good game and still tortanic one of its ports
It's like having your cake and eating it too!
The only way to fix the switch version is to make the game 2D
Should have done so days ago, m8. Here:
This is the GOG 1.04 version of the game. On MEGA once you exceed your free download limit you can just turn off you PC, come back in about five hours and continue downloading right where you left off, it's piss easy to do.
I got it but I won't flaunt it because it's embarrassingly shitty.
Can't do while lying on your bed or lounging on your couch. Anyone that buys ports for the Switch expects a drop in graphics quality from the start but this goes beyond mere bad graphics but affects the gameplay itself. This shit is unoptimized as fuck.
Fuck me
My version is already on the way and I rescheduled some meetings so I could get out early to play.
Be honest with me, Yea Forums, is there hope for a patch to fix all this?
download more RAM
They need to hire a proven company that has successfully ported games to the Switch. Any game can be salvageable but it's a matter of knowing who to turn to.
Who are some of those companies?
Have you opened the steelbook? Yeah.
Is this the only time a kickstarter game that’s backed by a classic developer and intended to be a spiritual successor to an old franchise actually came out pretty well? It’s very specific, I know but I can think of a few off the top of my head that didn’t do very well.
It's definitely possible, but the real question is if they give enough of a shit to actually do it? Especially when they though releasing this version in its current state is in any way acceptable.
Yes. switch port issues aside, very very yes.
Hang on strong user, I believe in IGA's perfectionism to get up and fix this, he already proved he takes criticism to heart so I can only hope he does the same for this
The guys who ported DOOM, Rocket League, Wolfenstein. I think that’s all the same team? They should be able to port this.
Panic Button and Iron Galaxy seems to have good results with their Switch ports so far. Not the greatest but they do know what needs to be done to get it to work.
>people called out the initial builds looking like shit
>instead of cry or whine he just fucking FIXED IT
>then put out a trailer deliberately and detailly showing how he fixed it while literally showing the criticisms
How can one man be so based?
Man, Switchfags are fucking insufferable. They buy objectively worse ports every time to justify their purchase of a fancy brick and wonder why they're getting a lesser product. I own one but fuck me if I'm gonna play multiplat games on that thing. If a game is launching on any other platform, you pick that platform. Never the Switch.
Lost Odysse—
Oh. Then yes.
You’re far more insifferable
t. idort
Did anyone ask for your opinion?
switch owners torture themselves
You're on Yea Forums
PS4 backer here.
I am putting down some more cash to get this steelbook from bestbuy with the switch version. Reviews say it has slots for a disc + switch card and they dont know why its only on the switch. I was hoping to keep it as a portable version, but i might switch it out for the 4k xbox version
inside the SWITCH steelbook
Idort master race
It still has the stupid looping rumble bug that sometimes happen if you defeat a big enemy, its fucking annoying since the only fix is going back to a safe room and save the game.
>it's the reason why we will never see a native 720p60 FPS UE4 game on the Switch.
Yeah, that's the reason and not the fact that the switch literally uses mobile hardware.
thin plastic insert to hold the switch cart in best buy steel book
Super embarassing. Should I just go to a target instead?
I'm really confused as to whether the case can be bought separately. Best Buy doesn't seem clear on it either.
Oh don't give me this shit, faggot. Are you seriously saying it was unreasonable to expect the Switch version to not run like shit a year ago when they were locking your console choice? Mind you that was long before the graphics improvements done earlier this year (which still don't look too demanding for the system btw).
Looking all over the internet the articles and tweets and other posts are pouring in on what a disaster the switch version is.
Boys I think we have our Tortanic time.
>releases the Switch version that's worse than the shitty version he made a trailer roasting
I guess he didn't really give much of a shit after all
>Super embarassing. Should I just go to a target instead?
Best Buy and Target are both Minnesota based companies and the decision to spend your money is yours alone
far as i know you have to bite the bullet and get the switch version.
In an ideal world this game would be better than it is. But if something is multiplat, why go for Switch? It's always resigning yourself to the worst version.
No, because unlike you I don't defend shitty graphics and performance. You are so dumb.
Oh God they really didn't give a single shit did they?
>Can't do while lying on your bed or lounging on your couch
I'm playing and writing this post from my couch.
There's not custom plastic inside for a switch steel book?
Has there never been a steelbook switch game release before?
Good, maybe they'll actually do something to fix it. Not holding my breath though.
I didn't really pay attention, is this what MMN9 was like?
I just tried searching for Bloodstained and unlike last week I'm no longer seeing people talk about how good it is I just see people saying bad the switch port is.
I believe smash had a steel box didn't it?
and the inside looks like?
inside has a switch slot on the right side, no reverse art, just silver metalic paper and no manual clips
>eShop screenshots are literally from the PS4 version
>one of them is a fucking menu screen with button prompts
After they did such a good job with the game itself how the hell did they fuck this up so bad?
That Yoshi game on Switch is UE4, isn’t it? And it’s 30 fps on some insanely aggressive dynamic resolution. So not even Nintendo can get good performance out of UE4 on Switch.
Switch version is just about unplayable during mosy boss fights. Got up too bloodless and quit its sub 20fps most of that fight. Add on top it looks like a fucking vita game and its not worth it. Back to the pc version for me
Don't worry switch bros.
There is a solution for us available.
Wonder if they'll offer refunds if this shit doesn't somehow unfuck itself.
That was fast?
>for a GOG game
I already posted a link in this very thread (including several previous ones for multiple days now), you dumbos.
What about physical buyers?
>Switch version shit port
Haha get fucked switchfags. Just take the PCPill already
Hopefully it gets fixed for the Switch. This game was meant to be played portable.
Is this the most recent version of the game?
After finishing all IGAvanias on handheld even SotN on my vita, it just doesn't seem right.
Thought you were joking, how is this even allowed
Literally false advertising, with shit like this I get the feeling that they'll just keep it like this and leave it to die. What a fucking disappointment.
>that user score
Definitely deserved, hopefully the professional critic average will be significantly lower than other versions as well.
I didn't want to give Snoy money, but I guess a Switch version is no use either. Anyone playing this on a dual booted Mac?
Thanks, gonna download it an play it, if the Switch version gets fixed then buy it.
>Nintendo gave Castlevania a slot in Smash
>Iga gave back a shitty port
wtf Nintenbros
The artwork is so gorgeous, but the ingame models are so bland. I'm mad
This shit fucking sucks. The whole point of the game is to be aesthetic.
Not Iga's fault nintendo shit boxes are a nightmare for porting
Even more mad since the levels look mostly fine
Iga hasn’t worked at Konami for how long now?
Wait the switch version is broke? I could have pirated a different game!
>The whole point of the game is to be aesthetic
Bloodstained on eshop at #30 even below Just Dance 2019!
PS4 still needs another patch. The day one trash made it actually run worse and introduced micro freezing because the drop computation got fucked and causes mini freezes when trying to calculate drops. Also the loading got worse. Sucks going back to base and having fucking loads after every other screen. This shit is poorly optimized. Can't even imagine how dog shit the switch version is.
And god forbid you fight Valefor. His poker chip attack completely kills the framerate.
user, I'm scared to farm everything to max, as the game pointed a few times already that shards might have an effect on the protagonist. I don't want to lock myself from a good ending. Unless it's just a red herring
So Dullahammer Head seems to be the only one worth it, as shards multiply the number of attacking heads floating around you. Got it.
Yeah forgot about that joy of a fight. Literal slideshow.
I pirated the Switch version and I'm still mad as fuck. I just feel bad for the people that donated to this trash and was expecting the Switch version LMAO.
Hair physics are glitchy as fuck as well.
Isn't there supposed to be a patch or something today?
it's complete bullshit, farm away
Shit port for a shit tablet.
For XBox1 owners, bringing them up to 1.02.
No, that patch already went live last Friday and doesn't fix shit.
I'm on orobas, level 30 and still using ravia burel which has 14 damage. WHat should I upgrade to?
Oracle Blade
Real zinger there, champ
god fucking damnit, I waited for the switch version when I could have pirated it from the beginning.
Fuck this shit.
Blame the company who released a console barely more powerful than the fucking PS3 in 2017
>complaining because a handheld console is less powerful than the PS4
mental retardation?
cheer up switch owners with kawaii images
how do you get it, is it a lot of work? i'm pretty sure I can get by as I just beat dopple ganger without much trouble it just takes too long
We knew about the Switch version being total dog shit since May.
Nah, I'll blame the devs for putting zero effort into the port. More demanding games than this run better on Switch.
Please more
I'm devastated here
I literally still have my GBA and DS where I played and 100%ed CotM, HoD, AoS, DoS, PoR, and OoE. Feels so bad man.
Get Flying Edge from the Two Towers and upgrade it.
No, top of the line iPads easily beat a PS4 in terms of raw CPU/GPU power. It's not like it's some big feat and that's not a ding on the PS4 per se, but it's static 2013 tech and AMD wasn't at the top of its game at that point anyway so it wasn't even the best 2013 tech at the time. Yeah an actual handheld form factor like a small smartphone is still going to have trouble beating it due to TDP limits, but once you get up to thicker tablet size you can absolutely make something more powerful then a PS4 in a portable form factor with 2017/2018/2019 tech.
All that said, I don't actually think it's reasonable to blame Nintendo, they aren't a hardcore silicon design house. And they cared more about sinking extra BOM budget into custom stuff like the special sticks, rather then into raw silicon or a higher quality screen or things like that. Everyone has to make zero-sum decisions in portable and work within their company limits, that's the reality of vidya and isn't wrong.
dunno where this crazy pairing came out of but it's pretty damn heart warming in dark times thanks user
>Bloodstained: Ritual of the Vulgar Plagurism
>No, top of the line iPads
can you please remind me of the price of a top of the line Ipad?
>post launch patch actually adds brand new stutter and freezing and load times that weren't there in the 1.0
Yes, that really fucking grates. I hate to say that "we're used to launch games being shit and needing patches" but that kind of does happen a lot nowadays. But having it actually not be too bad, THEN get fucked? Come the fuck on. How does that even happen? Did they literally just like forget a compiler optimization flag or something then rush submit it?
i can't find it, where is this screenshot?
>Mfw it's a great game, I've 100% the map on PC and wanted to get it for a friend for his birthday on switch since he doesn't have a PC
The price isn't relevant because that includes Apple's margins and a bunch of other tech the switch doesn't have, like Face ID. Tear downs that examine the bill of materials is more of a direct comparison, and the A-series SoCs are "very expensive for SoCs" but what that means is around $72 estimated for the current top of the line one. Previous ones were more like $50. For context a lot of typical android SoCs were more like $10-30. But this isn't Intel pricing either. The actual single most expensive components in both iPads and iPhones are the screens, particularly any of the OLED models.
But obviously that also comes out of a lot of R&D backed by one of the richest companies in the world who can also lock in very favorable fabrication contracts because they can guarantee hundreds of millions in sales sight unseen. Which is why again, I don't blame Nintendo here. The PS4 SoC though isn't impressive, nor should it be expected to be.
They got rid of it now.
>Dullahammer Head seems to be the only one worth it
Did you read? Familiar grade makes their experience gain faster up to x9, I'd say that's pretty substantial
I can still see it on the UK eShop page.
>not being perma lv1
Fucking nintenkids
>The final boss fight talk
>"Oh the twist is all the shards I sold to her is how she gained power"
>I literally didn't sell a single shard to her in my whole playthrough
>She still casts spells
Would have been cool if she only used spells that you sold to her.
>he got Bloodstained for Switch
I hope the game gets fixed. I want Switch friends to enjoy this fun game.
yeah that was legit waste of cool potential. would be a fun equalizer for more playthroughs, where the harder you made it on yourself the main game the easier the final boss would be and vice versa. oh well.
If you are truly his friend, you know what you must do: Gift him your PC.
DXC looked good though so I dunno what he's trying to say
She still fights through the castle, no doubt to pick up shards on her own while stringing everybody else along.
I love this game but it chugs on PS4 pro. You can tell it’s barely held together under the hood. I can’t imagine how the switch version plays or looks.
Wait, whats the issue with the switch version? I just bought it off amazon.
It's like being monkey pawed. Finally after 10 long years from OoE we get another IGAvania but then this shit happens.
Hallow knight had the same issues and they fixed them within 2 weeks
Watch these faggots take forever just to fix a spelling error
Literally everything
That's not user's screen, m8. Look at the button prompts.
Be more specific. I dont give a shit about resolution or graphic fidelity as long as the game plays fine.
30fps max.
The issue is that UE4 is way too big and would need to be totally re-written. The game is super inefficient and poorly optimized.
720p resolution with dynamic res drops
blurry textures
30 fps cap drops up to 10
up to 50 second loading times
>Kickstarter game
>Barely any budget
>Programming was probably outsourced to India
>Surprised it runs like shit
Not him but apparently the game feels awful, and framerate dips around 15fps and lower in areas.
>Why would you buy it on switch
Gee I dunno, because every single vania game sans Rondo and symph were pretty much exclusive to NINTENDO platforms?
That And I already have LRG curse of the moon on switch. I dont like mix and matchinbg franchises between consoles if it can be avoided.
See: You fucked up, hard.
The Autism in this post is palpable
So no issue other then fluff? None of that bothers me in the slightest. It just sounds to me you guys are far too spoiled and impatient.
and Bloodlines and LoI and CoD? and what do previous games' platforms have with this one?
There's input lag and significant framerate drops to 15 or less. It does not play well.
Get it on anything else. PC has been the platform with the best performance and fewest issues so far.
>because every single vania game sans Rondo and symph were pretty much exclusive to NINTENDO platforms?
That's very, very wrong, user.
Blame kingdom hearts.
Castlevania is a Sony property because the best game was on PS1
>thought Bloodstained wouldn't turn out to be Mighty No. 10
>game gets good reviews and people are having fun with it on Yea Forums
>subsequent patches break the game, switch port is unplayable
I was an idiot to get my hopes up. Though in this case it seems like IGA tried harder than inafune, it's just that the people he hired. starting with inti, were simply incompetent and not up to the task at all. Even wayforward couldn't salvage this game. Let that be a lesson to us: it takes more than a quality creator to make a quality game, you need a quality team, especially quality programmers, and Bloodstained sure as hell didn't have that. Fuck kickstarter, and fuck whoever came up with the god damn campaign in the first place.
>the sheer autism in this post
I hope this is bait
I'm not counting the god awful PS2 games and LoS user. I'm talking tried and true 2D side scroller vanias. 3D doesnt count.
Give him a slack, Judgement was a wii exclusive, that's gotta count for something :^)
It feels like absolute shit to play because of the low frame rate and input lag, how the ever living fuck is that fluff when you claim to care that the game plays fine?
The thing Iga had influence over, gameplay design, is actually the best part of the game.
Blame the programmers and art director for the bad parts tbqh
>Switch literally can't handle a 2.5d platformer
Jesus fucking christ
Well yeah, but sword still can't hit shit, and fairy is trash. The book has terrible drop rate so I can't be assed to spend 2 hours at the library at farming it.
PC version has next to no issues. GOTY for me.
Nice job scuffing your steelbook on a tile floor.
The patch issues are largely resolved on non-Switch platforms and only affected PS4 owners who got the game before release day. Not really the Devs' fault.
The Xbox One and Switch issues are on them.
>he doesn't have maxed luck
Eh. I didn't think it was too bad. There's one room with three of them right next to each other. Run in, run a little to the left, TEPS OCEUS, and run out.
Autism? Perhaps. Don't see how that makes me wrong. Every decent vania game has been on a nintendo platformer. OoE and Aria being the tops.
I'm sorry what? If you consider these "fluff" then what would you consider an issue? A cart bricking your console and setting your house on fire?
>all the underage white niggers in here blaming the Switch hardware
Yeah, let's just ignore that Unreal Engine has NEVER been good.
Let's ignore that this is a kickstarter game that went through several developers.
If the Switch can run NuDoom at a crispy 29.9FPS this PS3 looking game should have no problem.
Again: blame Unreal Engine for being absolute garbage.
>that steel book
>The Witcher 3 is literally coming to Switch
>Blaming the hardware
>Unreal Engine has NEVER been good
that's a very audacious thing to say about one of industry's leading series of engines
>I'm talking tried and true 2D side scroller vanias.
Then you're still forgetting MSX, Bloodlines, X68000 and Haunted Castle.
I also want to forget that last one.
>>thought Bloodstained wouldn't turn out to be Mighty No. 10
Well, it didn't? MN9 was just shit. It wasn't a matter of it being unoptimized (though it wasn't that either) or hilariously awful technical execution (though it did, on a completely different scale then Bloodstained), it was simply fundamentally bad. Art design was bad. Gameplay was bad. Stages were bland. Every character a bit of dialog was lazy, cringe, or both. It was a shit game, done like shit. But if it had run at a perfect 120fps everywhere, it'd still have been shit.
Bloodstained is a pretty fun game, and the basic vision is mostly bretty gud too. It legit sucks the technical execution has been lacking and that outside of the PC where raw power can be thrown at it the situation is extra bad. But there is something there worth salvaging which is why people hope they do. It's definitely not MN10 one bit.
Too be fair I'm not expecting that to run above 30fps either. Though its still probably gonna be a way better port than this shit heap.
>PS2 games were god awful
I had suspicions you had shit taste, but now I have a confirmation.
>Every decent vania game has been on a nintendo platformer
user claiming SotN wasn't even "decent", totally ignoring any arguments about stuff like "best", marks you as a fucking sperg retard. You are in fact wrong. Now fuck off.
>Implying patches dont exist
Once again Yea Forums whining for the sake of whining.
And Crash Bandicoot was Sony's mascot but I've got the Crash collection on PC and CTR on Bone. Performance is all that matters, not some retarded loyalty to a company who don't give a shit about you.
>been on a nintendo platformer
you're losing your cool
Devs and publishers only use it because the licensing fees are much MUCH cheaper than using other engines and the tools are easily available.
They don't use the engine because it has some superior quality over others.
LoI is literally god of war with a slower pace. ITs shit user. no amount of your nostalgia will change that. Whips dont work in 3D unbless you spin which is all God of war is.
>Implying a patch will fix the issues of shit coding and engine being Unreal
What? I dont give a shit about the company, I give a shit about the uniformity.
Dont lump me in with thouse mouthbreathing wojack war posters. Theres nothing wrong with wanting all of your titles to be uniform and match.
Give me source that says they'll fix this atrocious port. They were okay releasing it in this state, so why should I expect to fix it now? Especially considering the fact that the only reason why they delayed the Switch version by a week is to avoid negative press because they knew the port was dog shit, and that's on top of falsely advertising the game on the Switch eShop by using screenshots form the PS4 version.
Any cheat codes or special modes unlocked with name input? Thought that was pretty cool in past games.
Does X-X31& or whatever the fuck do anything?
Also is there a dash/speed up thing like the black panther soul in Aria of Sorrow? I want to speed weed
I first played it on PS3 not that long ago.
>literally god of war
It plays nothing like it. Any 3d hack and slash is now god of war to you?
>all these spelling errors
I picked up my copy of ROTN earlier and got the free metal case. The case looks gorgeous but its actually a disc case with a loose piece of plastic to put on the manual side that holds the cartridge. Considering returning the game if switch port doesnt get patched soon.
>>all the underage white niggers in here blaming the Switch hardware
They're right though, and the very opposite of underage. Sorry, you are in fact the one displaying underage behavior here by failing to recognize that hardware power isn't merely about maximum capabilities or pushing things farther for good devs, it's about making it easier for devs who aren't that good at technical stuff but are ok at other aspects. Of which there are many. Not everyone can be a wizard, and for that very reason true wizards tend to be in high demand and are out of budget for an indie game anyway. But more raw power and higher level abstractions means that non-wizards can still get stuff done. If you're a newb or kid it's easy to complain about "bad optimization" and shit, but as you get experience in actual project execution and deadlines and such, you'll start to appreciate the advantages that come from NOT having to worry as much about tuning to one specific bit of hardware.
Nintendo made a specific set of tradeoffs for the Switch, both in terms of actual raw power and in terms of using a different instruction set then the rest of the industry is using. They got some benefits from that too! That's why they did it. But that approach also came with weaknesses and more difficulty for multiplats is a direct result. The Switch is just plain more expensive to target well.
SPONGYVINE all caps you get a glitch sword at the start. Its a reference to vinesauce Vinny I think.
I'd hardly call that false advertising user. you're reading into it waaaaaaay too much. Its likely just laziness. they already had the screenshots, so they uploaded them. Why go through all the borign work to retake the same screenshots in a different version, just to appease the autism of the select few who would be irritable enough to notice? Thats more a you issue then the company.
I have it on Switch and am enjoying it very much despite the downgrades. It still has all the content so thats' good, and it's nice playing it in bed in handheld mode.
>LoI is literally god of war and also shit ooga booga me mad asfjkdhfsaf
Compelling arguments bro. All I can gather from your post is that not only you have trash taste, but you're also pretty mad.
There's a bunch that I don't what they do, look em up. The only one I know is NIGHTMARE, which unlocks every difficulty from the get go. And yes there is a speed boost ability. Also make sure to not play this on Switch.
They are compelling. Thank you for agreeing that I'm right and you're wrong.
Settle on less, choose to regress.
>Theres nothing wrong with wanting all of your titles to be uniform and match
But even in your autism filled world they don't. A switch game dosn't magically match up to a DS title in any way shape or form. You should want your games to perform as well as they possibly could and you're not getting that on a title that's mutliplat, that's just being stubborn and cheating yourself out of a superior experience due to complete and total retardation. This is your last (you)
>They were okay releasing it in this state, so why should I expect to fix it now?
By your logic here no developer would release any patches for any game ever. After all they "were okay releasing it in that state" right? In reality though when people are screaming at you to release the port already and get something out and you've got external deadlines in terms of publicity and such bad 1.0s get pushed a lot, we've all seen it. Everyone complains about needing to wait for patches, and it's fair. But patches do often come.
Actually that Yoshi game hits 60FPS flawlessly, at 540p or less
>being so mad you just start attaching random pictures to your post
autism and cringe.
he could have chosen a hat and instead went with a weaksauce sword. cringe.
>I dont give a shit about the company, I give a shit about the uniformity.
That makes even less sense. In what way are DS, GBA, and Switch games "uniform"?
But you just admitted you were wrong and he was right.
Tell me more about this hat
>A switch game doesn't match up to a DS game
They're both nintendo. Same way a PS4 game and a PS1 game are both Sony. Uniformity. It is that hard for your tiny brain to piece together? Honestly. I'm starting to think you're purposely acting stupid. The majority of castlevania games just so happen to be on nintendo. It'd be the same song and dance if they majority were say, microsoft. I don't care who the majority is, I just side with it out of convinience for organization.
t. 505 shill
Go fix the shitty Switch version instead of doing this weak damage control. "Man doing their job is so boring, better to mislead the consumer by deliberately hiding how shit the visuals look on that platform" lmao fuck off with that shit.
>at 540p or less
Those are the facts as I understand them
You were only misled because you looked at the PS4 screenshots in the first place. You're the only one to blame for raising your expectations too high.
Again, where's your source that they give enough of a shit to fix this version? Everything else surrounding it has been extremely shaddy.
What I'm clearly getting from Nintendo fans in this thread is that it'd be a lot better if developers didn't release for the Switch. A lot of drama and rage would be averted for essentially zero lost sales.
Lament of Innocence: 2003
God of War: 2005
let us all point fingers at this man and laugh into his face
I agree, that guy is wrong for trying to say it isnt a god of war clone HAHAHAHAHA
Thanks anons. I debated refunded it on PC on launch day but I saw the switch was a week away so I kept it. Glad I did. Got like 15 hours in it now.
Don't tell me how, but from what I've seen of the map mine is mostly complete, yet all my percentages of stuff show I've only seen like 40%-50% of the game. Love it; haven't played a Castlevania in so long.
What's the best load out and location for farming money, and who drops gold?
>because you looked at the PS4 screenshots
Which were on the game's Switch eShop page. Did you miss that part somehow, you brainlet?
>playing an objectively inferior version out of brand fidelity
Dude, the creator isn't even with Konami anymore, he has no ties to Nintendo and neither should you. The brands and corporate heads give 0 shits about you, always buy and play games in whatever the best available system is.
>a "god of war clone" that came two years before god of war
>which also plays nothing like god of war apart from being a 3d hack and slash
Fuck, I obviously meant to quote Well at least i'm not "autistic? perhaps"
Thats all well and good for you digital-agers. Unlike you those of us who own and take pride in our collections, want them to stay uniform. Its not rocket science.
>spic can't even get the name of the game right
i fucking hate my kind
This kinda pisses me off since I pirated the PC version and was going to grab it on Switch to support IGA's work. I think I'll just buy it on Steam and transfer my save over at this point.
>Again, where's your source that they give enough of a shit to fix this version?
Where's your source they won't? So far all you've stated is
>"well any dev that releases a poor 1.0 will never ever patch again or else they wouldn't have released a poor 1.0"
but that's clearly wrong. Normally a big part of indie sales in a long tale, and modern gaymers are kind of resigned to 1.0s often being bad. As long as the core game is decent, if it's patched up within a few months it tends to blow over long term. They have financial and reputational motivation to at least make it not be memeworthy bad, having even gotten it as far as they did. Or else why bother releasing it for the Switch at all? It makes sense to amortize the effort and money spent so far by trying to make sure it might get a few sales over the next few years.
You're the one claiming no patches when that's not the norm at all.
>1 psx game, 3 gba games, 3 ds games, and 1 more game that absolutely has to be switch and can't be PC or PS4
Literally what the fuck
How the fuck did Travis Strikes Again manage to run at 60fps with UE4 and this game didn't?
What, aren't you following his obvious train of thought? It wouldn't be UnIfOrM
GMG has it for 30% already while Steam's summer sale is just 10%.
As someone who wanted it on the Switch over everything else, I agree that if they weren't going to make a serviceable product, they should never have released a Switch version at all.
>forgetting the 3 NES that started it all
>those textures
>the frame drops on the first boss
>console’s getting a little hot in my lap
Sweet baby Jesus, this is bad. I usually don’t let graphics bug me too much, but this is some fuck, and I doubt a patch can fix it at this point.
I just ended up going full cuck and grabbing the PS4 version as well so I didn’t have a totally sour experience with the game. I wouldn’t call this a Mighty No. 9 situation, but it’s clear to me that the Switch version is going to fuck the game’s reputation hard. I’m really hoping Igarashi’s pride gets his ass on a fix for Switch owners as well, because if memory serves me correct, Nintendo got the “poop vs. new” trailer on their channel as well, and this completely undermines the trailer’s purpose.
I like the steelbook, the art looks nice, but that Switch card case is a total joke. Probably I’ll just use this as a fancy-ass CD case for some of my computer software.
>the Alfred boss fight
I have no idea why, but I really liked that boss fight. They should've done more shit like that. So far the highlight boss fights seem to be from the playable characters in Curse of the Moon.
They clearly don't give a shit and have been outright ignoring fan complaints since the shit performance was confirmed back in May. They still refuse to comment on this current issue.
Said above, they didn't give a single shit about the Switch version or the backers.
What does being "2.5d" have to do with the framerate? It's still rendering in fully 3d, the framerate is gonna be tied to overall scene complexity, not to whether the gameplay is tied to a plane or not. You can make a static scene run at single digit fps if you put enough shit into it
He's already said that SotN isn't even "decent" in his book so "doesn't count".
What the hell am I supposed to do after getting that red umbrella girls ability and going down the fountain of blood?
I even found a ''hidden desert'' area but no other bosses or abilities or shit at all beneath that said area
I also got a water travel ability from a squid/jellyfish thing but I can't open underwater chests, how am I supposed to do that?
Hidden Desert has the Alfred boss fight, which allows you to properly swim and open those chests.
>As someone who wanted it on the Switch over everything else, I agree that if they weren't going to make a serviceable product, they should never have released a Switch version at all.
People were screaming demands for a switch port though. It seemed like quite a bit of pressure. Genuine non-meme question: do you think if a dev just came right out and said
>"We're very very sorry, but we simply lack the development bandwidth and in-house expertise to properly do a Switch port because it needs custom optimization, it's not an easy recompile like PC/PS4/Xbone, and we'd rather not give you anything subpar."
that fans would all accept that? I'd like to say yes but I'm not sure, people seem to get very defensive about it.
Personally I do genuinely think that'd be the best strategy, that if you can't release something good better to not bother. But I know for a fact others disagree, I just don't know how many.
Excuse me? I never once said SOTN isnt decent. its the best of them all. I said LoS and LoI are trash. You need to read better.
Fug it says I have no unexplored areas in the hidden desert, must've missed some shit
Back to the fray then
>Dont lump me in with thouse mouthbreathing wojack war posters
I agree, user. You're even more autistic than them. These bizarre categories you think up in your head and then defend with posts that are as tenacious as they are incomprehensible
>LoI is shit because ooooooh aaaaaah mnnneeehhhggg
Why would you even post something with so little substance? At this point you could've just said "you hurt my feelings so I'm mad now"
>They clearly don't give a shit and have been outright ignoring fan complaints since the shit performance was confirmed back in May. They still refuse to comment on this current issue.
So... like the vast majority of vidya? I can think of lots of EA stuff that got shoved out when everyone knew there were still bugs. Lots of buggy 1.0s even from major studios, let alone indies.
The level of support after though doesn't really seem to have any connection to how bad it was on launch, again not even a big/little thing, there have been kickstarter games that have been really really well supported after horrendous launches (debates about the quality of the games themselves aside), and some dropped quick. Dunno. I lean towards them launching anything on any platform means they'll probably put at least a few months of patching effort towards it, even if it's dropped by the end of the year.
>have Japanese voices set
>let fairy sing at piano
>absolutely beautiful vocals
>curious about the English version
>mfw I hear it
Why is the west so bad at this?
Except the shots on the eshop are of the PS4 version, dingus
That's not uniform at all. You need to toss that SotN disc into the garbage as soon as possible.
When will 2.5D die. I pray everyday
The problem is you're a weeb so you're naturally predisposed to your shit opinion.
Alfred is more to the right end of that area, right near where the teleport mirror is for that area.
You replied to the same post with the wrong context twice. Good job user
>pat pat
Its perfectly uniform. PSX is its own catagory. How are you not understanding this?
>Excuse me? I never once said SOTN isnt decent
>Don't see how that makes me wrong. Every decent vania game has been on a nintendo platformer.
What platform was SotN on again? REALLY NIGGLES THE NOGGIN
I haven't pirated a game since I was a kid with no job. But I'm going to pirate this game. If they fix it later, I'll gladly buy it and play it on my Switch. If they don't fix it, then fuck em, they don't deserve my money.
Does anyone else have screen tearing/vsync issues? I reinstalled win7 recently and i can't exactly pinpoint the problem. Set vsync to adaptive and pre-rendered frames to 1 in nvidia control panel and it doesn't seem to help. Could fucking aero really affect this shit so much? I really enjoy my XP theme
>Decent synonymously means the best now
It's not. There are times when I prefer English but its a rare occasion. I just want to be proud of our versions so when a nip takes a look they are in amazement. But I just don't see it.
>I have to have Bloodstained on Switch because Castlevania was all Nintendo
>oh but that one on PSone is it's own thing
>so is the turbografix
>and the Saturn
>and the PS3/360 Castlevania HD
Full retard
set it either on or fast since adaptive can be pretty fucky in my experience
Where do I go after I kill the moon? Is it something obvious?
>Why is the west so bad at this?
Because the West just doesn't have as big a VA market due to historical reasons. Anime and complex VA'd vidya/VNs/etc are far bigger and more diverse in Japan and have been for decades now. The result is natural market economics at work, a bigger demand has created a bigger supply of VAs, who have more dedicated training and wider experience. Voice acting is its own skillset distinct from regular acting and the like, so if you have a wider talent pool even for cheap it's easier to get just what you want. Nothing complex about it.
English VA can certainly be solid, but it's more hit and miss and it's harder to do on a budget, though that's changed a lot since even 10 years ago for the same reason it did in Japan, there is more demand now. It's like, I dunno, Silicon Valley. It's not like there is any inherent magical field there which makes tech startups easier, but a virtuous spiral has developed.
See, thats what you're not getting here. Good Games user. GOOD. Saturn rondo doesnt count. TG16 rondo doesnt count. And heaven almighty thank the lrod nand abby jesus that LoS DOESNT COUNT.
>desperately trying to shift to "best" when the word was "decent"
Did the moon remind you of anything you'd seen before?
He’s baiting you fucking idiots
Drown yourselves
OK so not SotN isn't good either? Holy shit.
Are you a native japanese speaker, or not? It's harder to detect poor voice acting in a non-native language.
No SoTN is a great game. Theres a clear difference between good and great. Merrriam Webster might be able to help you.
I just popped in the game and it won't start unless I link a Nintendo Account.
Is this unplayable offline or something?
>TG16 rondo doesnt count
>thinks Castlevania HD is LoS
Oh so you're a casual. That's all you had to say.
Nigga its singing. Go listen to both and tell me which one makes you cringe and which one gives you goosebumps.
>keep trying to do Richter's slide kick
HoD spoiled me
Drink in that sweet DRM
>lowest res and framerate as well as every other technically issue imaginanle are "no issue"
>LoI and CoD are "god awful"
>he is "autistic, perhaps"
>claims that SotN (as well as Bloodline, Rondo, and the rest) aren't even "decent"
>LoI is "literally god of war"
>claims to not have a brand fidelity, but to have something called "uniformity", fails to establish what that is
I'm genuinely intrigued by you, user. Do you happen to be on the spectrum? Have you got any blog or something where I can follow you? You seem like a great potential lolcow.
Yes, I do think they should have been honest about it if it was something they couldn't do. Even if customers were mad, there's the ethics of attempting to sell a product you KNOW is bad. While I do believe most corporations are actually evil and will try to get away with whatever they can, there ARE some people out there that genuinely care about ethical standards. Apparently 505 isn't one of those companies.
>Not red wine
Plebian of the highest callibur
"Every decent one" means "every decent one and better". Is English you first languageg?
I don't talk to ice cream men
No, but it's clearly yours.
It also says version "0.1"
WTF? I thought Nintendo put warnings on games that need to be downloaded. I drove pretty far for this damn thing and I can't play it
>how are you not understanding this convoluted hierarchy I've constructed in my head
Please enlighten me, not even kidding now.
The Jap VA cast is made up of a lot of A-listers while the English cast is mostly literally whos, it doesn't take a genius to see that the English voice acting is inferior.
That's my first post in this chain, thank you. How exactly is the context wrong?
>pat pat
The meme arrow is out of place.
The english song didn't really bother me. It didn't move me either though. Listening to lyrics in a language you don't understand makes them just another form of instrumentation, so it's natural that even poor quality singing can move you if you don't understand the language. I can't play guitar, and I can't tell the difference between an average guitar player and an extremely skilled guitar player. Same with a language I can't speak.
Yeah I'm waiting for a sale.
Its a sad day when I have to explain the cosnole hiearchy to the videogames board.
red wine is and has always been low-tier as far as booze goes
i don't know how people drink that shit without wanting to puke immediately after
Adaptive doesn't work half the time. Why not use the in-game vsync option?
Also Bloodlines on Genesis
You're playing a gothic victorian era inspired draconic videogame. Wine is the only option.
Also the Rondo remake + SotN on PSP
Not that user but I speak moon, non-native granted. If you do you'd feel the same, moon VA is generally better. People get mad because they think that's somehow "insulting English" but that's fucking stupid, no there is nothing inherently bad about English VA one bit. It's just:
1. Whatever language is the "original", WHATEVER it is, will usually be at a distinct advantage. It's what the original creative team and director care the most about. They directly work with the VAs and give them feedback. Native quirks of the language which can be hard/impossible to fully localize to another one get used. This is not a Jap thing, it's anything. English dubs of French stuff or Chinese dubs of English stuff or whatever else you choose, it's always an issue. For big budget stuff sometimes there is real effort devoted to that and it's fine, it certainly can be solved if everyone cares enough and has the money. But often dubs are an outsourced thing done well after the original release when the creator team has moved on. And hell, there have been Jap works where English was the actual original language and it came out great. The second Vampire Hunter D for example.
2. Japan has a bigger, better trained diverse-fiction-focused VA pool then nearly any other country. Again, that's the same as any "hub" for anything anywhere in the world, at any time, there were "guild cities" known for being particularly good at certain metal work or stone crafting or such going back millennia probably. Some regions organically end up specializing.
None of these are absolutes obviously, there are dubs that beat the originals. It's an influence though.
>digital agers
Faggot I have entire boxes and shelves of phisical copies of games and prefer buying physical when I can, but what you're doing is still just autism. I still have the Aria cartridge yet that didn't stop me from buying Dracula X chronicles on psp.
Can't care less about your stuff.
fuck me, fair enough
>SotN isn't good
>Rondo isn't good
That's a hot take if I ever saw one
Drop that little shtick and get over your denial its fucking pathetic.
>having to play this game on Switch
Probably no one.
Sometimes English songs can be pretty good. I really liked "I am the wind" from SotN. You know, that reminds me, it would be absolutely awesome if they got the lady who sang that to come back for Bloodstained 2 or something. Assuming there is a sequel, I imagine this shit is absolutely murdering sales for the game.
>reading comprehension
Not better acting, better singing. Can you tell the difference between an average and a good singing voice?
>looking forward to playing Bloodstained on release while sipping red wine
>a month before release start taking meds which are incompatible with alcohol
oh well
Fair enough. At the same time though I'm sympathetic to practical issues that get worked out eventually. I mean, imagine that in a month or two or three they do get out some patches that do fix up the game totally, that after that it's rock solid framerate and everyone can enjoy it fine. Would it have been better to not have at all? I mean, obviously it'd be better to wait, but what if that was impossible due to some other contractual pressure or something? I've seen a lot of behind the scenes shit go down at this point.
Dunno. I honestly don't want to disagree with you. Yet I've also seen games that launched pretty mediocre and ended up very well supported and were a lot better then originally, and I can't say that they could have ended up where they did without the 1.0 launch. Not sure if that circle can be squared.
these devs should have been executed a long time ago.
a fucking cardridge version of this shit game literally requires a linked nintendo account aka online connection at least once.
how bad of a dev can you be?
Not sure if it's just the Switch version but when I'm low on health the controller vibrates like crazy. Has this happened to anyone else?
Has anyone else tried to play it offline without downloading anything? The case didn't say anything about it needing internet but it won't start unless I link some Nintendo account thing.
>No, but it's clearly yours.
I can't tell if it's an attempt at sarcasm or if you just generally misspoke being as mad as you were several posts ago. So English is NOT your first language?
I'm not saying that japanese voice acting isn't better than western in general. It's a much bigger industry over there. But there is still some pretty atrocious japanese voice acting, and most westerners can't differentiate the good from the bad, it all sounds fine to them.
Is there any way to prevent the models in cut-scenes to be rendered at 1080p?
I want to render them at 720, the resolution scale in the Engine.ini doesn't work for the UI and for those specific models.
OK, glad to see I'm not the only one. I also can't play it online. I drove pretty far for this LITERALLY unplayable piece of shit. I thought switch boxes HAD to warn players if they needed a download?
Do I have to sell this stupid thing?
I know what consoles are. What does that have to do with Castlevania games? Why is SotN allowed, but not Bloodstained?
Doesn't change anything, maybe it has to do with it being borderless, but i cba playing in full screen.
>Sometimes English songs can be pretty good.
Oh for sure. Although amusingly often English songs are in fact original and done with the original team, Japs LIKE to mix in English into lyrics or have full on English songs in some contexts, it's exotic and cool (at least historically in some anime/vidya contexts).
Also to my point, there is no shortage of fantastic English singers available. Not worldwide even. So you'd expect it to be easier to find talent there. VA is somewhat different from singing, though there is a lot of overlap as long as somebody practices it and plenty of VAs sing well too or got their start there (although some are also pretty bad at it, which can be cute on occasion when they're compelled to sing anyway).
Doesn't she work specifically for Konami? I know she also sung Snake Eater.
SamFlam woo
That's extremely subjective. I'd argue that someone like Kurt Cobain had an objectively awful singing voice, it was a common joke that his songs were practically unintelligible. Didn't stop him from being incredibly fucking famous and people still love it today.
>But there is still some pretty atrocious japanese voice acting, and most westerners can't differentiate the good from the bad, it all sounds fine to them.
Sure, that's reasonable. You can absolutely find examples of awful moon voice work, and I guess it wouldn't be surprising if some westerners missed it. By that same reasoning though it makes more sense, not less, to listen to western complaints about bad dub work doesn't it? I mean, we're native English speakers, so if it sounds really bad to our ears then that's that even if the original was bad too.
Yeah it is annoying if someone claims the original was naturally brilliant when it wasn't. Now that I think about it though, is that sort of not even wrong exactly? I mean, from the perspective of the English-only person it does sound better? Is that a case where those of us who end up hating both since we can understand both are actually kind of at an enjoyment-disadvantage? Shit I dunno.
that's what you get for buying a console that only exists for ports and remakes
English is not my first language, but I'm proficient in it. I prefer Japanese VAs for Japanese games, unless it has a distinct high quality voice cast (like MGS) or is reliant on recognition by ear without having to divert attention to subtitles (like Automata). In Bloodstained, though, I went with English for the sake of Hayter's and Alucard's voices.
The last game where I noticed a solid sink in quality in English VAs opposed to japanese ones was Persona 5. The scene where Ann was supposed to act awkwardly on purpose in-game was pretty painful to listen to in English, her intonations weren't that much different from her usual overacting "lel anime" voice. In Japanese, tho, that scene sounded hilarious just judging by the shift in her intonation alone.
Went on a total tangent there, thanks for reading my blog post
also same fag here, fwiw Bloodstained is imo both rolled into one package. Some of the Jap VA stuff is clearly superior, but some is also bad, and often the opposite is the case in the English. Kind of a weird situation where it's like, which voices do you care to have sound better/which is more grating? There isn't even a right choice arguably.
Oh shit, it's sang by donna burke? Nice
>switch backer
>gpu is fried
>won't be here for another couple days
It's a testament to the great game design that I'm plowing through regardless of this absolutely terrible port. I'd play it another way if I could right now. I can even live with the lesser visual fidelity and "supposed" 30fps. I just want the fucking game to be stable and not run like it's going to fall apart every time I do fucking anything that isn't walking through a room with less than a couple enemies.
also, how the fuck do I beat bloodless
user, fucking please, everyone can tell you're acting demickey on purpose.
will my mom like this game
What makes you think (((they))) are going to patch it?
Cynthia Harrel did Snake Eater and I Am the Wind.
>also, how the fuck do I beat bloodless
equip silver knight so he can deflect all of her attacks for you and use heretical grinder to WHIRRRRRRR all of her health away when she tries to heal
The English version of Growing Wings in Drakengard was on par with the original, I'd say. What else?
Fuck, got it mixed up with MGSV songs. My bad
Because i use my PS4 only to watch my DVDs and Blu-rays.
Quite possibly. What other games she likes?
Ah, okay. I keep trying to get in close and I'm getting punshied bad. True Arrow is also my standby and it's not been very effective. Thanks, user.
>English is not my first language, but I'm proficient in it. I prefer Japanese VAs for Japanese games, unless it has a distinct high quality voice cast (like MGS) or is reliant on recognition by ear without having to divert attention to subtitles (like Automata). In Bloodstained, though, I went with English for the sake of Hayter's and Alucard's voices.
That sounds basically the same as me. I like your point about "having to divert attention to subtitles" being an issue for vidya too, I just last week had that in a different context. I read super fast and normally have no trouble with subs no matter how fast the action, and can take the time to focus on the Japanese and get most of that anyway if I focus, but I was playing Ace Combat 7 at last and ended up doing my first campaign in English because I just couldn't multitask well enough to both listen/read and fly/fight. I played a second run with the JP voices, and I think the English ones did a decent job overall and fit the setting anyway, but it was a real practical issue too. Radio chatter while you're in the midst of a dogfight just didn't work to go read a sub flashing by above. Cutscenes were fine either way, but in-game was harder, particularly when I was still getting comfy with it.
>The last game where I noticed a solid sink in quality in English VAs opposed to japanese ones was Persona 5. The scene where Ann was supposed to act awkwardly on purpose in-game was pretty painful to listen to in English, her intonations weren't that much different from her usual overacting "lel anime" voice. In Japanese, tho, that scene sounded hilarious just judging by the shift in her intonation alone.
I think that type of game leans a lot more heavily on VA quality too.
>Went on a total tangent there, thanks for reading my blog post
Nah, interesting to here other perspectives and not like I didn't do a big fat tl;dr myself.
Nah, i got the Special Edition of Curse of the Moon with the awesome Tom Dubois cover and poster.
She's reasonably weak to poison, I blasted her with Acid Splash or what's that shard called that drops from the dog things in the catherdral
protip: you can actually duck to evade both scarlet cyclone and scarlet thrust by ducking if you space yourself properly
if you want to make the fight even easier, equip a poison weapon and it will go by pretty quick
>keep trying to get in close and I'm getting punshied bad
Being in melee constantly and jumping over her is how I beat her
I remember some of the PS1 era Final Fantasies having good English songs? Been awhile.
>Eyes on Me
Please no. It's not Real Emotion from X2, but it's still not "good"
Why is it 7 gigs?
>you can duck by ducking
fuck i need some more coffee, but you get the idea
>haven't bought the Switch version yet
I really hope they patch this shit efficiently enough. I've been dying for some fresh castlekino.
Was that the only one? Maybe I'm getting it mixed up within something else then. It's been a long, long time since I played stuff from that era.
All of Emi Evans stuff, while we’re on Drakengard
Yep, Ace Combat is also better in English, both because the VA work is quite decent compared to JP, and because it's reliant on emotional delivery instead of conveying information.
>inb4 dance with the angels
The general rule of thumb is, if you care about what is said keep subtitles on, if you care about how it's said, keep them off. I more or less stick by the same rule when deciding between English and Japanese
I don't remember 7 or 9 having any songs in english
guess it's a rock thing that's all practically unintelligible anyway so you could call it cheating but loved some of the songs in gg
The positioning is pretty strict, and you don't get a clear tell on where the safe spots are until the attack is already begun. I prefer to stick close
Hold out because right now it's not worth it at all.
I've been playing the 1.00 version this whole time, where does the game store my savefiles so that I can transfer to this patch?
Sorry, got a brain fart halfway through.
I prefer to stick close and jump over her to avoid the tornado, and when she summons the vertical pillars, that's when it's safe to camp near the doors, since she doesn't do the tornado anymore (at least on normal)
in system32
Real Emotion is also good
>Nintentards are so fucking defensive and delusional that they assume anything negative related to their console is just people trolling.
if all else fails just keep jumping and try to stay behind her as much as possible since she usually only attacks in the direction she's facing
Sorry, by "mixed up with something else" I meant something else entirely from that era, not one of the other FFs. Actually I just realized one of my favorite songs from then wasn't English or Japanese even but Latin which I also studied for a while in school back in the 90s. Anu Orta Veniya, from Panzer Dragoon Orta god I wish that would get a remaster and release on every modern platform
>multiplat comes out on switch
>runs like shit
>people are actually surprised that it's a shittier port
You bought a game for a fucking tablet what the fuck did you expect, if you want portability buy a half decent laptop
I just showed one of the devs that I haven't yet generated my Switch cd-key from Fangamer's portal yet and asked if I could switch my code to be a Steam key, and they responded with "a blog update regarding the Switch port will be going up soon, hang in there."
SOMETHING is gonna happen, who knows what.
I'd be happy to just get a Steam key dammit.
I mean stuff like DQB is 100% fine, this is just a bad port
Nintendo's the only one who knows how to properly optimize for their console, it's been this way since like the fucking N64
Wait does the game look and feel better on other consoles? Nintendo I’m seething
Are Rhava Bural sword and Welcome Company shard supposed to be so much stronger than everything else? Feels like they trivialize the game and it's like why the fuck would you use anything else since nothing comes even close to how strong they are?
god DAMMIT I really wanted that, it had to go up for preorder when I was broke as shit
It’s also shit
Oh come on. I'm not a switch guy but I can understand some people's confusion if they don't dev software themselves. A Switch, or for that matter any decent "tablet" made in like the last 4 years, would utterly slaughter a gaming PC from the mid 00s or a PS3 or 360 say, and Bloodstained isn't that technically demanding looking. So people see it and think
>"geez I've seen side scrollers that look about as good or the same that ran at 720p rock solid on ancient stuff, what's the issue?"
Hell, they've seen UE games even directly do better on the Switch itself.
The real issue is that those games were done by better, higher budget, and more skilled teams and got a lot more hardware specific work. The extra power is being spent not on graphics/physics/whatever but basically on ease of development. Which is a real thing but not immediately obvious, and it's not wrong for them to have hoped it might have launched more strongly.
Well I mean Bloodstained RotN DOES look like a shitty mobile game.
To be fair you could have looked up videos and clearly see for yourself that it was fucked up
Just play the superior game on switch homies
>game that was intended to play on a Vita and Wii U
>Switch is clearly stronger than those
>blaming anyone for expecting it to not be at least competent or have clear textures
people paid $1000 to get their faces drawn in this game and then won't even be able to see those portraits cause the textures are so muddy
There's hope I guess?
Again, don't buy the Switch version until all these updates are out.
if you had $1k for that you have enough for a pc too.
God, you guys are killing my wood. I really wanted to play this game. I want to be able to play it at work, but if I get it on ps4, I won't be able to do that. Fuck the game can't run that bad.
feels gud to faceroll bosses
bruh its legit terrible
Trust me, it's an absolute slog on the Switch. But they did just post this: BUT AGAIN, wait for these patches to come out first.
I mean, for all the doom and gloom it's genuinely hard to imagine they wouldn't offer any relief to backers at least. Even if it was the most minimum "we'll let you generate an additional key on any platform you want", something. It seems like they'd want to do a sequel or another game learning from this one down the road, and genuinely did care about this one even with the normal development problems. They have reason to want people not to feel totally burned.
But yeah, if not gotten already hold off until it's fixed don't buy on a promise.
>switch version is a fucking mess
>there was a VITA version in development at some point
I'm starting to think they cancelled that because it was a nightmare and not because sony cut off support, since there's still vita games coming out.
Sincerely hoping they start with working on the textures
It's one of the roughest Switch games I've ever played. I've not had any of the bugs I've been hearing people talk about, but it fucking chugs and I had one or two crashes very early into the castle.
"We have been listening to the feedback regarding Switch performance."
I asked because he literally just said nope, i got my answer and now I can only hope the game gets fixed, go make your console wars thread and fuck off
Well, to their credit they did listen to the feedback at least once before, so there's hope I guess?
>I'm starting to think they cancelled that because it was a nightmare
Seems like a reasonable guess. Vita would be even harder then the Switch, the resolution of 960x544 isn't even that much lower despite far less power. They probably figured that was one they could afford to drop and had to, but the Switch version had to ship no matter what.
Hey niggers where do I find/make Dainslefs? I need that sword mastery.
>Sincerely hoping they start with working on the textures
Not FPS? I feel like they should get that rock solid, not just on the Switch but also fix whatever they fucking broke on the PS4. Hell, maybe those are related, but it just is even worse breakage on the Switch? Once they eliminate stutter/lag THEN yeah, see about boosting the textures.
Craft, and there's also one of the quests that gives you one, I don't remember which one but it's probably one from that obaa-chan.
Probably not happening, the character model textures are shit even on the PC version, so there's no hope.
I can't see it on the craft list, is it a recipe item? Or do you just deconstruct - reconstruct to make more?
Also FUCK grandma the hungry bitch. But I need it for when I craft that valmanway.
>Probably not happening, the character model textures are shit even on the PC version, so there's no hope.
Eh, if it does OK wouldn't be the first kickstarter vidya to do a "Director's Cut" or something like that a year later with a decent engine boost and bumps all around. I wouldn't say there is no hope just little hope and no hope in the next 6 months
>the character model textures are shit even on the PC version
I thought they were alright. Not winning any awards but it's not offensive like Skyrim for example.
Is it really that bad?
They are already listening to all the flood of asinine comments and working on patches:
There are tablets that are more powerful than Switch is
Dude no, the input delay should absolutely be the first thing they fix, frame rate second, graphics last.
Just like Crissaegrim
This. Optimize to a solid 30 FPS, even if that means dropping the resolution handheld then worry on visual improvements if it doesn't negatively impact their work on framerate.
Yeah, we know you are fatty.
the input delay is noticeable on pretty much every platform
Except you get Crissaegrim late into the second half of the game. Even the Vorpal Blade isn't available until the Inverted Cathedral. At least the upgraded sword requires late game materials.
Don't get me wrong, I appreciated having it as an option early on but there's the question of balance. Both that and Welcome Company are available after the second boss.
Several in fact. Xenoblade 2 and Smash come to mind.
i guess you dont get thet joke...
Yep, I'd like to see a boost to character textures on the pc. And something about that online shader and hair/scarf physics, they're all over the place
I don't notice any on PC. I know there's a toggle to reduce latency but I haven't messed with it. Does it do anything noticeable?
It's to give the player options. Want to be overpowered? here's some abilities. Want to work for it? don't use them. There's nothing wrong with them or their power they can be simply ignored or abused as much as the player wants.
They're alright during gameplay, but in the menu or on dialogue screens, you can see all the faults
Steam has a discounted price and every single physical version on Amazon is on sale.
>Says he needs his collection to be uniform and then posts a Greatest Hits version of SotN
Ah, my mistake. The upgraded version of Ruva Bural is like Crissaegrim, the base version is going to become obsolete quite soon
>This. Optimize to a solid 30 FPS, even if that means dropping the resolution handheld then worry on visual improvements if it doesn't negatively impact their work on framerate.
Yeah that is the right baseline. Get that done as quickly as possible at any cost. Then iterate from there, add each new visual quality jump and make sure it keeps the same framerate, optimizing as necessary. But for a game like this some muddy textures or res is much easier to work around then lag/stutter.