What if From Software made a Star Wars game?
What if From Software made a Star Wars game?
Can't be worse than anything EA shits out.
Not with modern Disney/EA.
Could be cool.
I still wouldn't play it.
I suppose it would be like Jedi Fallen Order but with Sekiro gameplay instead and perhaps a darker story.
It'd have slow ass trash gameplay full of bugs.
>Don't touch me you fucking nigger.
Jesus did Respawn get Raimi to write this?
it would be sick
Fromsoft's contempt for magic would likely ruin the Force Powers, so can't say I'd be excited.
Well I guess we’ll see when Sekiro 2 by Respawn comes out.
Would be kino.
>Set somewhere very early from Ep IV-VI SW.
>Probably even before the Sith/Jedi schism.
>MC is a nameless person that discovers in the first 5 minutes that he/she has the force.
>Force mystics guide you around random shitty planet with lots of bosses/wildlife to hone your skills.
>Ending is either rejecting one master and leaving the planet for a great space adventure, making you the precursor to the Sith and shows you and your friends landing on Korriban.
>If you accept your masters teaching, some people will go away while you are the first Grand Master of the Jedi Order and basically kickstart the light side.
>Your choices throughout the game don't affect the ending, only who will join you at the end.
>Good natured players will attract good natured NPCs and vice versa.
I still wouldn't care.
>Star Wars
>From Software
It would involve a lot of rolling and circle strafing.
I dont think it would be very good, just from the way fromsoft does their mechanics, it wouldn't feel right in a starwars game.
Give their track record I don't think they would be able to get the campy atmosphere of the Star Wars universe right. The combat mechanics could be interesting tho.
lightsabers are lighter than swords, y’know
rather they not. their original settings are preferable than Disney shit.
Large crystal chunks for leveling light saber? Midichlorians instead souls? Based.
Will it be on Tatoine or Dagobah? I can imagine Firelink shrine with Yoda.