How do you make this fun?
How do you make this fun?
By not posting on Yea Forums.
By playing better game.
Are there any RPGs that scale correctly? I played on Deathmarch, and it started off pretty tough.
However, I stopped using oils and potions very quickly because they stopped giving enough of a buff to matter.
I feel like so many RPG games are built around being level 0, so when you do get some levels you end up annihilating everything. It's not fun, levels should be removed from games. Zelda games prove levels aren't necessary.
I'm with you.
>That scale
You mean empty with one of 10 swords you can loot at each marker on the map? Most ubisoft games
use signs and igni up everybody
also skip dialogues. Most of them are uninteresting
Id start with not being a cocksucker that wants to hate things because they're popular
why don't you faggots appreciate a bit of atmosphere, narrative and exploration? why should it be CURAYZEE cringe to keep your attention satiated? fucking zoomers man
Use ghost mod or the mod that removes levels entirely.
>posts facebook frog
>j-just turn off your brain bro
death march
>holding W and looking at copied and pasted assets is fun
all me
glad you concede
dont worry most of Yea Forums loves it, thats just contrarian zoomers
Only Chads can enjoy it, sorry you didn’t make the cut
I don't dislike the rest of the game or the game in its entirety but you are a clear reddit nigger tier shill.
Here we go again with the mentally ill samefag
How to identify the reddit and resetera shilling tranny:
>reddit spaces
>uses facebook memes
>blindly shills and defends said piece of media without taking in any criticism or giving criticism of their own
>thinks hollywood and corporations are based
>relies on reverse psychology and mental gymnastics to prove that you are "wrong"
>thinks trannies aren't mentally ill
>tells you to be a part of the mindless collective
>takes out the /pol/ boogieman
>calls you a contrarian even though he's a contrarian shill himself
>massive hypocrite
>its popular so it must be good
>samefag mass replies (You)
>pushes for SJW agendas
>will say he hates trannies just to blend in
>has a large amount of dick in his mouth while shilling and making posts
not really, newfag
Well you roleplay as different characters, that’s how you make RPGs fun. For example, in your first playthrough, you can play as Geralt. Then in your second playthrough, you play as Geralt. And then on your third playthrough, you play as Geralt- wait.... oh.... oooooh......
>anyone who hates dark souls tier combat is a contrarian
It's about who you want to fuck here
>in your first playthrough, you fuck Yennefer
>then in your second, you fuck Yennefer
>and in your third, you fuck Yennefer
holy shinto is this for real? souls combat mod? how is it? have you tried it? i would seriously consider restarting if this is any good. the combat in witcher 3 sucks balls
I used spin moves, cat school armor, and quen through the whole game and had fun. Also don't romance Triss. The game tries to trick you by not having any time with Yenefer until you get to Skellige by which time the Triss questline is already done.
Yennefer isn't canon. Yenfags on suicide watch.
The eternal BTFO continues.
If you turn off all the quest markers, minimap, guidance, etc, is the game still playable? Like will characters give you legitimate directions with landmarks, or do they just assume you'll follow the quest marker GPS?
or as in bethesda games, first playthrough you play as yourself with blond hair wielding a sword, second playthrough you play as yourself with long ears wielding a bow and in third playthrough as yourself with scaly skin wielding a staff
yea I played the main game. It makes the game actually fun. prepare to die tho
Witcher 3 is literally gen z's Ocarina of Time though. In fact, the most fervent, die hard fans of the Witcher 3 were probably all born in the late 90s/early 2000s. I don't even hate the game, but you're lying to yourself if you think most of this game's incredibly vocal fandom are "boomers" in their 30s.
>Zelda games prove levels aren't necessary.
BotW stop being challenging sooner than W3 does.
Complete shit compared to the first game, especially anywhere other than Velen.
Hit and miss.
its ok CP will make both zoomers and boomers come together
the combat looks way better than in the regular game. i'm looking into this mod. is there anything like this for witcher 1 & 2? i'm actually kind of excited to play witcher again
im a zoomer so I have actually not played 1 & 2 because they look like dogshit.
i haven't played 1 & 2 either that's why i'm wondering. i'd install 1 right now if there was a souls combat mod like this one
Get the fuck out of here, holy shit.
>holding W
>not autorunning on road to quest marker
i played TW1 when it came out, get dabbed on zoom zoom fucks
>CP will make both zoomers and boomers come together
this mod removes leveling completely. you instead upgrade your moves by just doing them.
Press the continue/start new game button
how's the combat compared to 3?
i always heard 1 & 2 weren't worth playing. after logging quite a bit into 3 i'd have to wonder after 3's combat system. these combat overhaul mods are making me think twice about 3 though. 3's combat is just too stiff and janky
i'm pretty far in the witcher 3 but i'm thinking about this mod. kinda sucks that you have to start a new game with this mod, but on the other hand i don't think i've touched witcher 3 in 3 years
different lol
top tier immersive scenery tricks people into not realizing that literally all the other elements are meh or weak as shit. Uninteresting plot, poorly made cutscenes (compare them with cutscenes in the last of us and realize how fucking shit witcher cutscenes are), fighting gets easy very quickly on the highest level of difficulty and then it's boring. And if you play on the lower level (my brother does) you kill a boss in 5 seconds. It's fucking retarded Protagonist is a wet dream of fat nerds who like le ironic le cynic and le stoic superbadass character who slays monsters and fucks sexy witches, but other than than is shallow like an aral lake. Even equipment sucks dick. Remember how fun it was when you played diablo 1 or 2 and you found something unique. Now compare it with witcher. Bullshit fucking game. Let's have 500 sidequests. Let's make them all the same. Fucking yikes from me, chief.
keep telling yourself that zoom zoom
They will
t. Zooboomer
>Mod W3
>Start a new game
>Just hangs
>Don't know what to do
Too bad this shit breaks most mod compatibility.
did you run script merger?
better or worse? i'm just hoping maybe it's better than 3's somehow
...ooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh elden ring
>Dumped the compatibility patch into the folder like it told me to
>Installed the rest through mod manager
>Ran script merger with no conflicts
Yes and because it just hangs loading forever it won't give me a crash log or anything
totally agree but this mod has me wondering. what do you think of this? also changes loot entirely
same mod linked elsewhere in this thread
How many mods you got?
i didn't even know there were w3 mods til this thread lol. any ones you'd recommend?
i doubt you can even imagine it
It was fun, at least until the switch version got confirmed
Immersive cam for one. It fixes the dogshit camera the game has. No more 30 FOV on shoulder lock when you enter interiors.
dude the camera angle alone in this mod.. i'm feelin' it. for some reason the camera system in the regular came looks like crap compared to what i'm seeing of this mod
like so:
Why? Now the Nincels can experience a good game too for once
Like 20 or so
By playing it.
You’re out of your damn mind
>Immersive cam for one. It fixes the dogshit camera the game has. No more 30 FOV on shoulder lock when you enter interiors.
i just watched a mod review video that had that on the list. from what i can tell it looks like it's reused in this enhanced edition mod i'm looking at:
yeah the camera is so bad in w3. this immersive cam like.. makes me want to play the game actually. with the regular camera in the game i feel like i want drammamine or some shit lol
Use your imagination. Are you so mentally crippled that you can't have fun unless very specific criteria are met? Must suck being you.
You mod it and hope for the best.
a few
weird, does it run without any?
Install mods, retard.
apparently the joke is on them because this enhanced edition mod is looking way better than the regular game
what does that complete animations one do?
lol what is that?
Are there mods that make the game more open ended and less story focused?
The story wants me to save the god damn world but the game wants me to go on a quest and craft potions and shit.
yeah this mod we're discussing does exactly that
They have better games than a watered down port that shouldn't have come to the fisher price tablet
I swear to god if capcom gives them a mh game too I'll burn their hq down
by radically changing the game such that it no longer resembles the original product in any way shape or form.
it definitely looks better than the original. Quite good actually. Would install it but i have the game on ps4.
Put it on easy mode to make the horrible combat go faster.
Replace a number of words madlib style in your post and you can easily apply your shitty greentext rant to yourself.
Finding builds that broke the game was fun but CDPR themselves rushed to "fix" these "glitches"
You sit and smoke from a pipe.
I'm only fucking 20, that's not the point.
Sounds interesting enough if it removes levels. I actually tried going to Skellige 1st once just out of curiosity and was surprised that Geralt actually had some unique dialog if you do that. However, I stopped that run at the 1st golem boss because it was taking 30+ minutes to kill it. Mechanics wasn't the issue, just the ridiculous HP/Attack number bloat from the added levels.
The game is already broken by the fact you can still activate that food healing lasting 30 minutes perk that just makes the game easy in any mode
oh snap that sucks
Most importantly is there any reason to replay this game? Its basically a VN with filler combat so once you know the story why would you replay it?
ok grandpa
Unironically by reading book.
2 almost looks like 3 in terms of graphical quality and polish.
well like a VN it has alternate endings and some quests have alternate ways of doing them, but unlike TW2 there isn't a completely different route.
by playing bloodborne instead
>playing pajeetborne
>instead of that bad game play this bad game
I hate 201X, just been awful on the whole.
very pretty sky and clouds
Don't try to be a completionist, I almost ruined my own gameplay experience by going out of my way to cross off all the stupid objects on the map like a checklist of chores
d'oh! lol
The person who came up with the vanilla camera should be shot on sight.
This, imagine doing the worst part of the game, which is sailing, and complete all the checkmarks in Skelige. You'd turn insane.
i did all of skellige sailing sea caches in 3 hours while listening to joe rogan podcast with elon musk
Why are all the lightning mods complete shit?
Insane and breaindead.
>you'd turn insane
are you retarded
I did several of them, it's fun gambling every once in a while to see if a cache has valuable stuff or not. I also drop by on ones that happen to be on my way to quests or something.
One time my ship got sunk by edkhinas and I had to swim like 1600 feet to the nearest shore. It was an adventure. Ofcourse you wouldn't relate, you hate video games.
you stop being a contrarian.
Not liking watered down open world trash is contrarian?
yes, because most people idiotically like it you must like it too
people here are so similar to the normie gamers who only like COD or the yearly sports game its not even funny
But I didn't like W3 because it was casual garbage with no substance
The combat is different as fuck though.
I'm enjoying it, but Geralt is a little boring to me. Gruff, grizzled badass who's been through some shit. Reminds me of Tom Hardy characters. Is he more interesting in the books?
I agree with you.
Download slots slots
Leveling Gear
Remove item level reqs
Set skill points per level
And only then you would be able to play through Death March without feeling like you have to hack 30 times to kill a lowly bandit while being one of the most skilled human to ever wield a sword.
The books have 14 year old reading level so you be the judge
Have a brain and be 20+ years old.
So, not you.
hes even more gruff, grizzled badasss, but less boring, dandellion is the most different between books and games
Cringe. And you mostly greentexted yourself, retard.
>Use Decoctions
>Get the perk that increases your toxicity for each alchemy formulae you have
Yeah they did seem a little pulpy. Is it at least above something like Harry Potter?
Sounds a little better. Are the stories interesting? I haven't been swept away by the lore in W3 but then again I'm only in Novigrad. I've just been fucking around doing side quests.
>spam dodge-roll and attack
>any different than souls
You can't. No amount of modding can.
ive only read the short stories and they are amazing
Take the disc out of the console, insert literally any other game.
You are now having fun.
The short stories are nice, but the saga had a lot of parts that made me feel like i was reading a filler.
Give it a try, i think it is something above Harry Potter, but don't expect too much.