FFXIV Shadowbringers
How does ERP look in this game? Post screens
Like text?
kys furfag
What did they mean by this?
So there aren't any quality posters left, got it
>EU hours
Tasteful Mentaiko bara
>US hours
Furfags, trannies and parses, i'm OUT!
you tell me
Less than 3 days, FSHbros...
I want to start raiding this summer now that I wasn't able to secure a job for this summer.
Any tips of not getting blisted for being a shitter or handling trashtalk?
Hrothgar are quality posts.
Just 69 hours until we become the Shadownigger
>still no tacklebox
FSH in the shed
Don't join a group of absolute retards or drama queens.
just watch guides from Mr. Happy and youll be fine
>Aurora is just clemency/equilibrium
>PLDs don't even use clemency because healers can take care of them with no issues anyway
>Equilibrium was used as a pulling tool (not needed with enmity changes) or to recover from a buster (impossible since aurora is a hot)
GNBros is one of our cooldowns just shit?
That's an odd way to spell Mizzteq.
>Want to change to hroth or chadlander
>But all my glamours and such probably dont look good on male
Is there a way to see how my shit looks on a male character?
Fuck off to /vg/. They like your type there.
Fags. Watch based Xeno's guides. He actually clears the content before making a video.
>one of our cooldowns
If only it were only one.
Camouflage is pretty terrible too. It seems like it's intended to mitigate autoattack damage more than busters because of its randomness, but AA damage is almost never high enough to warrant the use of a CD.
A whole planet is getting fucked up the ass by an overwhelming flood of Light. Gotta break that shit.
PLDs have to give up DPS to use Clemency. We don't. Equilibrium can only be used on yourself, Aurora can be used on others. Aurora is an amazing skill and you are retarded.
>can’t give the fairy commands while casting
So the game has zero pet micro management now? Wow yoship is a genius. I can’t believe people actually defend that hack
user read his image again.
Pet classes are shit anyways
It is the only healing skill that can be used on the main tank at no cost as an offtank.
is GNB going to be the new most hated job?
>Soken asks Koji if maybe they can do another song in Japanese
>Koji looks him directly in the eyes in starts gobirapping
>Yoshi walks in after hearing SONIC BOOM
>Koji removes his fedora revealing a moogle cap then places moogle caps on Yoshi and Soken and says they are doing Ultimate Moggle Mog or else
You guys ready?
Aurora is free and has no opportunity cost attached. Also I think Camo is getting buffed, even then not all tanks get a personal cooldown at that point.
Gotta slaugther pet management to get people to praise him when they readd it for Limited Beastmaster/Puppetmaster.
WoW Classic and BfA 8.2 are going to kill this game. XIV has no way to compete against any of the two.
Unfortunately, DNC will take that crown
Damn it.
>can't read
>calls others retarded
sounds about right for a GNB main
At best it gives your healer one extra broil every minute, I can't see the value in it to be honest
I'm not watching some fucking white boy wigger for 50+ minutes.
This is your Zenos tonight
GNB, DRK and DNC will be filled with shit players.
BLM is so comfy what the fuck. How did I not think of trying it before?
it's not so comfy anymore once people start walking past you with an aoe
By your logic Clemency and Equilibrium are also useless, so what is your point?
>sch gets a ton of powerful ogcd spells to the point that they trivialize a ton of content
>surprised when they nerf all of them
>catboi DNC
>manroe DNC
>hrothgar DNC
Are you ready for pure cancer?
Why is he so autistic? You dont need a giant blender for your swords when you only use one, and 3 scabbards would be smaller and lighter anyway.
Now try it again in a raid.
But its ironic so that means I'm super funny for playing a mroe dancer, right?
DNC is what you glam it to be. Its not supposed to be some frilly girl job you only wear slutglams on.
its over bro we got too cocky
Don't worry bro, I got you.
I thought they were magitek shit that charged his weapons
Are you kidding yourself?
Have you SEEN the animations?
(good) PLDs don't use clemency so yeah it's pretty bad. Equilibrium can be used to save yourself from an auto after a buster unlike aurora so it has some value. Aurora however? Can't see it make or break a run ever, no matter how well timed it is
It's just the beta, of course people stop playing it.
....for fuck sakes I just want to do raiding without watching a workboard and safety video every time I want to play.
>memeRoe DNC
BLM is the most well-designed class in the game.
Incredibly simple to learn, but has one of the highest skill ceilings in the game, with tons of room for optimization. You actually feel yourself improve every time you do a pull, learning where you can play chicken with mechanics, and you are rewarded for doing well with insane DPS. Also, the aesthetic and the satisfaction of landing crit fire IVs and fouls is great.
Listen healerfags you better queue for leveling and alliance roulettes the first hour of early access and then for Stormblood dungeons the rest of the day, us GNB chads need to level fast.
>double weave + fairy skill
It’s such a nice sensation, and now it’s gone, pet skills besides the basic attacks/Embrace are regular oGCDs, and Scholars won’t be hammering Energy Drain between spells either
then you have to do it day one and preferably before the parser becomes functional again
>Its not supposed to be some frilly girl job you only wear slutglams on
The official ShB trailer and af gear belies the veracity of your statement. It's canonically a whore job.
is this real
its a rocket holster that shoots the sword out because nippon fastest draw wins the duel trope
all faggots must hang
So what are you all hoping your level 80 job quest will be about?
I'm hoping we get something about Dragoon's adapting to civilian life now that the war is over. Just a bunch of PTSD ridden asshole ruining a home economics class or something like that. Realistically though, we're probably just gonna fuck around with Heustienne again.
Watch this instead.
upgrade to digital collector's edition y/n?
You toss a free regen on the tank and the healer gets to dps more. It's a great skill.
I hope we help Curious Gorge through his midlife crisis.
Try raiding with people you know or read a guide and watch a PoV (It's better than watching some rushed guide), if you want to raid savage and aren't going for some day 1, 2, 3 clear you should inform yourself a little bit about the fight.
wait, when did they add this to nt
can't wait to watch mr happy on friday morning talking quietly so he doesn't wake mel up
>being the healer's bitch
>Its not supposed to be some frilly girl job you only wear slutglams on.
Don't know anyone, but honestly I really don't want to watch a guide. Feels like it cheapens the experience.
I know I'm being selfish but damn it.
Well the jobs likely take place in The First. So anything is possible. Maybe the DRG questline has to do with dragons on The First, or maybe light infected dragons.
Is it true that weaponskills will no longer cost resources in ShB?
If so, how is that fair to casters?
Why are TP classes allowed to spam AoE abilities in dungeon?
>The epic quest to cure Curious Gorge's erectile dysfunction
>20 minutes
Yeah i'm not gonna waste my time, gimme a tl;dr desu.
because casters have infinite resources in the first place
What buy with GC seals for gil? I've got all the stupid anima stuff I need and I'm still capping.
MNK - a fucking tournament arc
Caster DPS mana expenditure is trivial, retard.
It's an advanced version of MGR Sam's scabbard that literally shoots the swords out of it.
>no way to compete
Thank fuck wowfags think this and will leave. I might be able to get through some content without hearing them constantly fucking bitch about their dying game and struggle to hit more than three buttons.
Run on day 1 then, at least then you have an excuse because no material is available. Try to clear the first fight which will be easy most likely and the second one.
Gotta make sure to know your job well then though.
Glamour prisms and ventures.
Currently I am able to spam AoE as a caster far longer than as physical. I dont know what game you're playing but you should prob get that victim complex looked at cause it's effecting your perspective of reality.
Ok I'm purple or orange in every fight as BLM. What now?
>"You have a robotic rooster with a wizard hat on, that's animation"
Jesus Christ
I really don't feel it for this mount. Not a Squalfag or a big Viera enthusiast either so there's really no point for me.
I want to marry a Hrothgar and be with him for the rest of my life in a monogamous relationship.
Not gonna lie, i ordered this just for the gunblade.
Aside from BLM, MP management has never really been an issue for the casters even in AoE situations. Besides, Lucid got buffed.
>those fucking graphics
Damn XIV is losing to a nintendo 64 game?!
Maybe Scholar quests will finally approach finding a cure for the Tonberry curse, or at least move forward in some way. 30-50 was interesting but it feels like the two expansion stories were just stalling in the face of any real developments.
Widargelt starts his MNK school and appoints you as head teacher so you have to train a bunch of newbies.
You don't have to if you play with a group of friends
I hope BRD gets to help someone overcome their loss. I feel like, with HW and SB, the writers kind of forgot that Bards become Bards as a way of dealing with trauma and loss incurred from battle, and see them more as 'those music guys, have them track down a song or something.' I don't want to sound like a purist or anything, but I'd like Bard to go back to its roots a little, when our songs were discovered by confronting tragedy.
I'm really new to PLD tanking and have use Clemency when I dip too low in a big pull. Is that bad? Mind you, I also use it to activate Divine Veil in AoE boss moves.
something about the fucking 4th mudra or something STOP TEASING IT YOSHI
Lucid didn't get buffed. The mana changes make it worse than it is right now overall.
>I hope BRD gets to help someone overcome their loss.
>ShB BRD helping someone else
Disgusting, BRD is all about himself now.
Never watch guides for fights ever.
Half the fucking fun with these one off fights is actually learning them without that this game is worse than wow.
The mount is sufficiently edgy, but it alone is not worth paying extra money and I’m not interested in the other things included either
MP is only used to manage revives for casters. In BLM's case they have infinite mana and ridiculous AoE anyways.
ERP isn't worth it. You should trade goods in buttpats.
I laugh at anyone who stays in these threads once SHB releases. Yea Forums is complete douchebag shitshow central during expac time.
Having you find a cure for the tonberry curse in the first and then bringing it back and applying it for the 90 quest in 6.0 could be pretty cool if a bit lengthy for a payoff to a quest
refer to
Even for BLM it's not even so much having to worry about MP, it going rapidly up and down is part of the class, it might as well be like RDMs mana bar.
is that from dissidia?
You should have trusted the light and then I wouldn't have had to do anything to Alisaie's or Alphinaud's bodies while you were gone
PLD using clemency is okay in dungeons, it lets the healer dps more. They have better aoe than you do anyway. If you need to use it in raids however you should probably find new people to play with
I can't tell if everyone is pushing this game as a meme or not.
Should I actually try ffxiv?
inb4 they unintentionally spoiled his new SHB look
Yeah. He just got his alternate costume.
More like Zenos GAY Galvus.
Also does anyone have that picture where there is the obese person overlayed over his giant skirtcape thing?
There's a free trial. Do whatever you want.
try it its got free trail up to like level 30-35 no harm in trying
dont like it then can move on
God no. This game makes you an asshole or completely bitter when you reach endgame.
It's free to level 35, you decide if you want to try it out or not
How so?
SMN explaining how the fuck they got Phoenix because I did coils unsync'd with friends but skipped every cutscene to be polite
For SAM I want some motherfucker to challenge us to a duel. And I want the cutscenes and the instance to be in black and white to emulate the old samurai films.
Would Greg get along with Zenos?
unless you wanna spend $15k on surgery no
It also teaches you. When you look for mechanics on your own and try to learn fights without a guide, you pick up on the mechanics that repeat across fights letting you foresee shit you run into later. Plus it helps your reaction time if you're going off learning the fights blind rather than going off a checklist of things to expect
Not that user but i kinda have to when i play a tank, people expect me to already know what to do desu.
What if Zenos was a Hrothgar and a woman?
He's on Yea Forums, hes already like that probably.
If Square Enix want more people to play this game try to not be so gay, everyone I know sees ffxiv as the lgbt mmo.
That's not a good thing if you want to attract more players.
>Y'shtola and Zenos are XIV's representative characters
Literally why
Autists have mathed it out based on footage. It's something like -2k mp overall compared to what we've got now.
I legit get off to erp text and I don't know why, I need help I know.
>SMN explaining how the fuck they got Phoenix
Same way they got Bahamut. By being at Carteneau during the Calamity.
Not thicc enough
>Equilibrium can be used to save yourself from an auto after a buster
Not to mention that it just might be the best aoe pull tool in the entire war kit.
Toss a tomahawk and hit equilibrium when the pack aggroes, that pack is now very much stuck on you while you run to the aoe spot.
>not liking /ourgirl/ Y'shtola
Yoshi also approved of Alphinaud and Nael so they will probably show up eventually.
No the servers can't handle anymore people
You'll just get a
>here's your new spell bro
and you'll like it. Don't need to think much deeper for fan service.
ffxiv has a few hundred thousand subscribers, that's never going to change.
the art style isn't friendly to normies and they are just pushing further and further to the left, wow and eso are the normie mmorpgs.
You mind if I save this? I find this picture to be really funny.
>do coils unsync'd
>but skip every cutscene anyway
Literally what was the fucking point then?
BLm has no issues at all with MP and it's pretty much their main mechanic in combat to squeeze out as many Fire IV's as they can before they need to spend a couple of seconds instarecharging it all. As a RDM it can actually be a struggle with MP in long fights.
Lmfao, youre right. People who watch videos dont even know what a stack marker is.
is that taking into consideration you can use it twice as often?
Wasn't it both Alphinaud and Alisae plus Nael?
>in Carteneau during the Calamity
I remember them saying he didn't have an alt costume at launch because it would be spoilers for Shadowbringers but this doesn't spoil anything besides "some fancy imperial-looking coat". Autist Jap designers.
Stola is a cute cat girl and Zenos has an amazing overall design.
Does the lag ever let up? I’m level 8 and the half a second delay when casting is annoying. I’m in the US and playing on US servers.
do you think they will ever fix MCH
The wait is killing me bros.. I need to know the new FSH abilities..
>tfw no female hrothgar
>no male Viera to make a race nobody wanted
I'm watching it for the lulz, it's funny.
I mean, Asmon doesn't even acknowledge wow community as toxic AT ALL and at the same time you see in the chat people just saying that the wow community is still toxic as fuck.
But tl:dr would be :
wow gud
ff bad and anime shit
That is the explanation they already pulled for Bahamut.
>Zenos with Susano'o katana
Well time to glam that until we get Ame no Habakiri.
MORE pls
I dont know, maybe that the drops sells like water on Arrakis?
Me too! Save it, it's all yours my friend :)
Fuck you. Yshtola is /our/girl you little shit.
>literally numbers out recently that show over 1 million active subscribers, the most it's ever had
>servers permanently congested all month
wowfags begone
get better internet
After the MP changes, that's 12 casts out of 10,000 MP. This is not including mana spent on other spells.
I don't live in your bubble where "caster" only refers to caster DPS. There are terms in the MMO genre that have been standard for a long time. But I suppose next time I'll say "healer" & "caster dps" if you guys want to be pedantic about it. I'll call it "hate" or "emnity" too instead of "threat" just for you guys
autoattacks are no joke, what the hell. i legitimately couldn't care less about busters, they're all scripted and you generally plan swaps around them, if not outright forced to swap due to the way the fight is designed
not going to defend camo, but autoattacks are the real killers
wows ddosing the server they usually do it when the expansions round the corner
new garbage for spearfishing to make it even more tedious methinks; either that or they will fuck up normal fishing somehow
growing facial hair like a 16 year old
>hurr durrrrrrrrr why are these classes designed to handle aoe in dungeons (dps) allowed to do [thing]
>duuuuuuuurp not those ranged magic dps i meant healers as well haha
kill yourself retard
Gotcha. I will keep that in mind for future tanking. Thank you, user.
It's not pedantic if people don't actually understand what the fuck you're talking about.
It's actually just to randomize the swords because he's such a fight autismo and wants to be surprised with which one he uses.
You know they're pretty much completely overhauling the class and you can find how the new version will work already, right?
Just sleep
I need some suggestions on WHM canes, they all look like fucking shit jesus.
what, autos hit like wet noodles unless they crit several times in a row
Nirvana Zeta.
Get the shire cane.
1.0 > shit > really watery shit > shit that burns when it comes out > 2.0 > 3.0 > 4.0 > 5.0
The more we move away from the original vision of 1.0, the worse the game gets.
Why did Yoshi deny us lionladies?
I want to cum on the chest opening
yes it's still broken I'm afraid
Do keep in mind that once ShB drops PLD will have big dick aoe dps and healers will be castrated gimps in comparison so using clemency is a bad idea even in dungeons
t. nobody
fujo and bara fag pandering maintenance
Just go for classic Maple Cane.
you have a whole fucking general, go use it
>that's 12 casts out of 10,000 MP
It is 12 casts only if you do not factor in LD, Piety, base MP regen and Aetherflow.
They better not fuck DRK
not in ultimate, in savage maybe but in ultimate a single crit auto is spook territory for healers
But feminine dicks are the way to go. Why remove the only good part?
>still no naming conventions
Last minute again with no time to change name before maintenance.
Why/how? The overall playstyle of newMCH seems fairly similar to some other DPS.
Because fuck you and your shit taste
I'm guessing you started in stormblood?
Based Tanakanon
You can't tell us what to do you aren't our dad!
Auto attacks hit too slow to be a threat. They're only really painful during scripted "use fairy tether here" moments.
Autos really need to hit less but be more frequent so healers can react to them and they'll be expected to do more than keep up regen.
Tfw you never help your FC in airship stuff when they need a crafter or gatherer because there's no point since you get none of the rewards.
if only the same could be done about smashfags and wowfags
He doesn't even play XIV.
I don't do ultimate so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt
why does every mmo hate male characters
Good Paladins use clemency if they have a bad healer.
>not having your own FC with no other members and a fleet of airships to yourself
must suck
Wut gaem???
Also I hope the warrior of light isn't breaking rocks, gardening, and taking out trash for people in the first. I wanna come in blazing as a big damn hero, not some schmuck that gets spit on by peasants and ignored by the villains for the first half of the expansion.
Seriously we better get it. Assuming we get the climactic fight he wants I want him to pass it to us before dying, and to say something along the lines of it being a trophy befitting the one who hunted him.
Its not about being pedantic. Healers shouldn't have infinite resources.
How much does blizzard pay you for this?
Still gotta make a party finder to find crafters to progress. Unless you have 4 subscriptions.
A good paladin has friends to play with and doesn't have to suffer through bad healing
>watch a guide that has a 30% chance of being made
>when everyone competent is now gearing up their third alt job from the raids
Why does RDM seem so interesting to me? I really like the idea of it and all the attacks but is it a scrubby job? I normally play DRG.
That is the sexiest outfit I've seen in my life. LORD ZENOS I'M COMING
Exactly $00:00¢
Don't hold your breath, we never get the weapons of major NPCs.
what the hell do you mean by scrubby job
it's easy but nobody gives a shit what job you're playing as long as you're not total ass at it
>Zenos already got alternate costume
>meanwhile Gaius "Mysterynigga killer" Van Baelsar is still not in
Why would anyone know who the WoL is besides maybe the big baddies who can see the WoLs connection. You're going to another world, the release trailer even points it out at the start where some random fuck mocks the idea of a dark knight. You're gonna be a nobody.for a while before you start dropping angels.
RDM is incredibly complex. When three dps are dead and the healers have raised two of them you need to spend a good 30 to 45 seconds tactically thinking about how you can fit in a raise to get that third guy up.
Ser Aymeric's sword would be nice
>The more we move away from the original vision of 1.0, the worse the game gets.
Strange that it has become more popular the further we get from 1.0. Hmmmmm...
RDM is probably the easiest job in the game since you get all the perks of casters (good range) but still get great mobility unlike BLM that roots itself in place. And the rotation is really straight forward and easy to understand, but imo it has a really good flow to it so it feels good. I just wish it charged the balance gauge faster so you could pop off verholy/verflare more often.
Daily reminder Zenos cannot be killed at this rate. They immortalized him like Yshtola.
Even a decent RDM can outdps bad players. Doesn't matter if other people think you're a scrub if you're doing better than them. Unless you want to do cutting edge ultimate prog any job is fine to play
RDM is as scrubby as DRG is. If you like DRG and are ok with casters you'll like RDM.
It's a love it or hate it playstyle. Stop basing your choice of what you play on what other people think. Play what you think is fun. RDM isn't top tier dps but has a lot of utility (spot heals, insta-raise, raid melee buff, etc).
literally just cast any spell then dualcast raise on the one dead person?
Maybe it'll be a total succession of you blasting skeptical assholes tha fuck out at every turn before they even entertain the thought of giving you fetch quests. Want the WoL to put some boots to people, medium style.
LD is gone. SCH is going to have mana problems just spamming broil now.
ZENOS is literally what we all aspire to be. What the WoL aspires to be.
Can we not just do that concentrated aether thing to him like the ascians and whatnot
>where some random fuck mocks the idea of a dark knight
It's fucking dark NIGHT.
Next Kingdom Hearts game, Zenos is the secret boss.
>you need to spend a good 30 to 45 seconds tactically thinking about how you can fit in a raise
Are you retarded?
He's being sarcastic. But yes that is how insta raise works.
2 days and 20 hours GNBro
>LD is gone.
No it is not.
He's not an ascian so killing him normally should work, that is of course if no ascians step into to toss his soul into another body
So is this Ascian Zenos or is Zenos going to take his body back in Shadowbringers?
They didn't have a reason to spare his spirit so maybe Zenos has gone full ascian echo separation?
>RDM is probably the easiest job in the game
Forgot to say easiest _DPS_ job. Tanks are just braindead DPS at this point and healers are a joke. I see scholars in end game stuff who basically just idle half of the time while their pet auto heals.
>KH x FFXIV crossover of any kind
Never speak of this again.
>"I deny you"
Thank God I bought this game and lord Zenos.
>the only gunblade weve seen is super small on your back and extends after you unsheathe it
>it looks fucking retarded when its not unsheathed because of this
they better not all have that stupid mechanic
I blame Koji Fox for that shit. I watched the Japanese trailer and he clearly says night not knight
Remember to support the Twin Udders!
Or force some garlean lackeys to clone a new body for him.
Zenos said at the end of SB that he will reclaim what is his. I highly doubt he didn't mean his body.
NOOOOOO healers are the most complex job! And now they took away the complexity that spamming a nuke and keeping a 20 second dot up adds! Only 400 IQ gigachads like myself can play healer!
Well yeah, there are only so many ways you can interpret 暗い夜 after all.
Fucking Koji.
I was calling it life drain in my head for some reason.
I'm hoping it is, but you actually should have the ability to think fast if you're an RDM and a bunch of people are dead and you need to figure out which of them is worth wasting the DPS loss on. Weaving in a raise in your rotation in a trial/raid isn't always easy if you don't want to literally stop up to res.
>We fuck around in a different world
>Garlemald uses mustard gas and conquers everything
>LD is gone
SCHfags have resorted to actual lying in order to victimize themselves even further.
I've got 200+ pvp wins with them. Is that enough support?
Why didn't we take Zenos' katana again?
praise our milky goddess
Shut up dps bully, we don't even have infinite mana..................................
>says he's going to reclaim what is his
>thinking he's going to pussy out and wait for a fake
This is Zenos we're talking about. If you're not stronger than him you can't stay in his body. It's not like Zenos is a renegade, Varus will easily bend, the Ascian will be forced
>mfw Ascian is just Asian with a C
user they literally did fuck DRK.
>Abyssal Drain ruined
>Blood Weapon ruined
>Dark Arts removed
>Only rotation is Souleater
>Delirium turned into a shitty IR
Enjoy your diet WAR. DRK is now the easiest tank to play by far.
How do you mean? Is it not just the camera angles/positioning making you think that it's getting longer?
>come back to the source
>all major cities are auschwitzed
I was watching my sister do an Orbonne run the other day as a scholar and it pissed me off seeing how often she just stood there doing nothing.
>some random fuck mocks the idea of a dark knight
Based retard
How the fuck do you mix up a HP healing DPS exclusive role action, and a MP restoring DPS/Healer role action?
Time works differently on the first. The entire expansion is only going to take like 1 day on the source.
What makes 5.0 WAR harder to play than DRK? Have you look at Shadowbringers' WAR kit?
>rising 2020
>8 man party vs yoshida
>on a giant circular stage with a crowd beneath them with light sticks
>primals are there performing a concert
>music is synced to the song
Make it happen yoshi-p
DPS has always been the hardest role to play, simply because it has the most competition. You can very, very quickly and easily replace a bad DPS, simply becasue 80+% of the playerbase plays DPS.
At least every player can now have housing
You're going to start the First by fucking up some elite guards and having everyone immediately wonder who/what the fuck you are
Just like an isekai
She's the only one I want milkies from
When's Chemist?
>Not wanting Keyblade and Organization weapon glams
>Not wanting DARKNESS WITHIN DARKNESS for the DRK expansion
X-blade DRK glam soon
the amount of players a job category has has nothing to do with the complexity of the jobs? why are you even mentioning this. I wasn't talking hard as in how hard it is to queue as a DPS
>Wanting Disney trademarks plastered on everything
Never ever, sadly. It was butchered and split into MCH and AST.
Managing gauge for high crit buff upkeep was the only thing that made WAR not completely braindead and now that's gone so...yeah
reminder minifilia has thighs as thick as her torso
Ah, didn't notice that before. I think that's just that Gunblade specifically since a lot of the new AF weapons have moving parts this time.
How do people fuck up the quick time event in Shinryu? You literally mash any button to solve the mechanic.
B-but we can't spam our aoes like the damage dealers can
Mixing it up with energy drain, which is gone.
Just making a general statement. And I didn't mean "hard to play" as "mechanically difficult", but rather "valuable within the MMO's given ecosystem".
the ideal female form
>sprinting animation is just samurai
Worst thing (or best i guess depending on your tastes) is that Nomura's autism would force him to somehow make that crossover canon to the KH plot. It's not like Disney would allow this anyway.
It's probably their first time seeing it since they weren't around for Cruise Chaser.
My keyboard doesn't have an any button.
>that is of course if no ascians step into to toss his soul into another body
It's pretty much a given that he managed to put himself in the Elezenos with his sharingan without any outside help given how he cares more about how to reach his old body than how to get back inside of it which implies that he already knows how to.
But if Solus was the original emperor of Garlemald and the rule has passed down through the family then doesn't that mean Zenos is part Ascian? Maybe the reason he didn't just die is because he unwillingly ejected himself when he attempted suicide.
Shinryu EX's QTE actually got me once because I underestimated how much I'd have to button mash to get past it.
Exactly, also now you just spam Upheaval when it comes off cd (also ironically only WAR oGCD attack, not counting Onslaught which is straight DPS loss now) while spamming meme cleave to get Infuriate CD down as fast as possible.
I honestly don't understand how can someone call 5.0 DRK easiest when 5.0 WAR exists.
is paladin a good for a beginner
I heard they changed a lot of shit from other threads
Are you prepped?
>got all my played jobs to 70
>got all my glams set up
>logged out in gridania
>still 2 days left
asmongold is a manchild who will never play anything other than wow
he tried playing other shit like dark souls and had mental breakdowns
Is AST still the most fun healer? I'm planning on leveling a healer and I remember enjoying it on another char.
It's Squall's charge from the FF VIII intro FMV though. Technically it's SAM that stoll both their sprint and base combat stance from Squall.
Isn't the FATE shit going away in 5.0?
>he wants to go back to when the only "content" was guildleves and there was an EXP cap that kept you from leveling too fast
easiest tank imo
>is part Ascian
Not sure that is a thing.
The only thing making Ascians special is their aether, which is probably not something that can be genetically transmitted.
Can't do the FATE ones because they're getting removed.
>cat girl MNK NPC asks about the applications of Tornado Kick in 80 quest
How much of a difference does all this actually make? This seems like hours of prep to get like maybe an hour of exp on the bar.
pld is a super fun class and only gets mega buffed in the upcoming expansion
The only problem with paladin is that they have a hard time holding threat at low levels. That will no longer be a problem on Friday.
It's to give the new jobs a quick boost in EXP.
I want to fanta to a bunny day 1, but I also want to know if we're going to be able to change ear styles with the Aesthetician, having to stick with 1 ear style will fucking suck if that's the case.
Anyone know anything?
What about beast tribe quests? Can those be prepped or are they locked to the job you do them on?
>yfw there's Allagan shit on the first outside the crystal tower
The strangest thing about post like these is they act like Tanaka really had any input on XIV. He's stated in interviews that he tried to stay out of the way of the XIV team during production, and he spent most of his time still working on XI. This remained true all the way until the day he stepped down, and Matsui took over (Even though Matsui was supposed to be in charge of ARR combat, which is another mystery altogether).
At least it's accurate about Iwata. Funny how people forget he also left shortly after the disaster of 1.0. He was the most probable cause of the early, unfinished release; Tanaka was just following in the footsteps of Sakaguchi/Matsuno against SE's horrid management of their talent.
What do you need them for when males exist
They did ask about application of One Ilm Punch in one of HW monk quest didn't they?
I wonder how will they rewrite that section.
It was a revolutionary system. youtube.com
I wish they would make leves more worthwhile to do, it would be fun to party up with people and do more stuff in the actual world rather than it mostly just being scenery to enjoy while going through the story.
I leveled a DoL job to 50 just to enjoy the areas a bit more, but doing that made me want to kill myself. Fucking dreadful boring jobs.
The problem is HoH doesn't unlock until 61, and dungeon queues will be fucked, so this prep greatly helps getting over the 60-61 dead zone.
They press more than 4 buttons for starters.
You'll do 5 dungeons next week regardless, the difference is getting the exp on Friday or on Saturday
Heustienne being welcome back into Ishgard is most likely what will happen
From HW onwards they're job locked. Also they have massive exp penalties if you're 10+ levels above them.
Ever since they gave Fortnite fucking Thanos I honestly believe it wouldn't be that much of a stretch. You've got enough OC non Disney enemies and weapons in KH to collab with no issues.
We already have Alchemist you autist.
Guess it's WAR/GNB mains' way to cope with being in the shed
DRK unironically presses more buttons than WAR in 5.0, what's your point?
So are all the job changes hitting on the 28th or the 2nd?
Some race of people could have learned from the materials held within the crystal tower and recreated some of their technology. There's plenty of people on the Source that have already done the same so it's not as if it's particularly hard to do.
Level 69 miner out of leves anyone know any item I can just power farm for the last level?
>Tfw didn't play during Stormblood so still at 60 on everything
At least I won't get stuck on week 1 broken story quests I guess
28th regardless of whether you own the expansion or not.
28th you mad man, why would you ever think otherwise
28th. Players without EA can test their abilities on dummies while those with EA can learn as they go.
Here's a tip
You can tap center button AND mash another button on a PS4 controller and it fills up 5x faster as if you were pressing one button but press 2
They are locked to the job you do them on, but if you get on before the daily reset, you could do 12 of the kojin/anata instead of just 6
Collectibles, just rotate around and scoop them up, turn in for chunks of XP.
Just look up whatever sells the best and farm a few hundred.
Ahaha yeah you will
If instance servers crash they crash for everyone
Do you think they'll finish the maintenance on time? I'm expecting some delay.
>OC non Disney
Every OC is Disney's afaik. Not gonna lie though, getting some of the Orgy members' weapon skins would be nice.
>try playing with controller
>can't do it
How do people do it
They will, expect emergency maintenance soon later.
Some of us aren't into dudes.
imagine a virgin, ESL poster writing a story about """girls""" with dicks
thats what 90% of it is like
How many layers do you guys expect they will have for this launch? Did we have 3 or 4 for SB? I can't remember
The exp from the weeklies isn't much at all though.
muscle memory
the game is literally designed to be played on a controller
TO THE BUTTHOLE (butthole)
the 24 hour maintenance always finish on time.
Are there any company’s in this game that aren’t full of LGBT people and furries? I’ve tried to play before.
>Hrothgar are quality posts.
>struggle to hit buttons
>2.5 second GCD on EVERYTHING
What data center are you on? I'm still looking too.
>implying i know what work is
lmaoing @ ur life
>Summoners are never lonely because they can just create friends out of thin air
True, I suppose I should have said distinct to KH only. But you're right. I mean hell, it would be an easy way to put both Save the King and Queen in for PLD and BLM.
fuck I'm going to have to buy 390 ranged gear just in case my autism takes over on friday and I decide to go DNC first
>he thinks Ultimate fights will do anything interesting besides being a boss rush cranked up to 11
Hope you're excited for the Manipulator, Cruise Chaser, Brute Justice, and Alexander 30 minute headache
Man I have issues hitting mudras on a keyboard without clipping I wonder how the fuck controller players do it
Yes actually I am
at least it'll have some rockin music
>you can only talk about a car accident if you've been in one
lmaoing @ ur life
I am because Ultimate Alex means I will get an Alexandrian Metal Gunblade. I don't need your dumb tranny minigame.
>halfway through a Frontline match, we're winning
>>linkshell: "foxy lady fate in Yanxia "
>>party: "fall back, we're gonna lose"
So hey, I finally got my tamamo headband.
Is that supposed to sound like a bad thing?
Sorry to hear that.
Bros /ourguy/ Marco is getting trolled for daring to speak up against the tranny speedrunners and their filthy healer dps habit. We can't let this stand
Dissidia villains who died in their original game:
>Garland, The Emperor (twice), Cloud of Darkness, Golbez, Exdeath, Kefka, Sephiroth (three times), Ultimecia, Kuja, Jecht (twice), probably Kam'lanaut but I haven't done FFXI story, Vayne, Snow
wow immortal
I can't wait
>faggot furry
Yea yikes.
It's funny, a KH crossover should be relatively easy with all that DARKNESS and LIGHT going around in both games.
I'm going to be disappointed if the first part of that ultimate isn't Alex prime who then sends you back in time to Manipulator once you drop his hp to 1%.
Fuck off
>Standing in the middle
He was dead anyway.
It's pretty good.
Isn't that why they're doing a Nier crossover event to begin with? Because it's always daytime in Nier world just like in the first?
What if we get Thordan, Nidhogg and SUPER ILBERD SHINRYU ft. Papaluigi Pizza Cameo ala Phoenix in UCOB
That would be really good
>OK guys, here's your Alexander Ultimate
>Yeah sorry we only had time to make one boss this time, but we made him pretty challenging to compensate
>sends you back and you run the gauntlet only to return to Alexander with the ultimate glow
But now I am already disappointed because I know it wont happen
Titties are nice so I'm happy.
everyone does user it's impossible to not clip anything that isn't fuma
And I'll afk in limsa with my glowing weapon and make all the trannies seethe with jealousy as people look at my character instead of yours.
I meant raid. Story could be interesting and maybe tie in to the next nier game because lord knows Yoko Taro loves putting his lore in weird out of reach places
>doing ultimates
>not already a tranny
>Why is this Samurai standing in the middle like a dipshit
Not that you've ever touched one. And they're attached to garbage. Also chubby guys have tits too.
They're pretty spooky if they crit for like 28k like in final.
So I don't even have a single crafter or gatherer at lvl 1 and I am starting to look into it. Which of the classes are most worth it?
>NIN finally gets actual upgraded ninjutsu, aoe and single target
>aoe is upgraded Katon, as expected
>but single target is upgraded Hyoton and not Raiton
LULW my Eurobros. Any bajs XD?
Oh god, he's retarded.
No one tell him about OGCD abilities.
>Story for the next Nier is tucked away in a several hundred hour long MMO
That fits Taro so perfectly.
For the same reason as to why Kam’lanaut was chosen as FFXI’s villain despite being a literal mini boss
you need literally all of them to different degrees for the cross class skills
You either do all of them or you don't bother.
Well, maybe gatherers still but not crafters.
That's how you run with a drawn katana (the regular animation, sprint is anime flair). I don't think hundreds of years of martial arts copied from FF8.
Kinda wholesome bro
Gotta give Hyoton an actual use.
Do you have the webm where he's playing Samurai and dies to the boss in... The Burn or Frenulum Continues, the race car robot guy?
guys are ugly tbf
>Take unused skill
>Force it to be used
The shitty part is we're back to using Raiton 100% of the time over shuriken.
Can I cum on your Roe's face?
>3rd Nier raid releases
>To see the true ending you have to delete your char
Would you do it?
*Rescues you away from your couch* Get moving cuckmage.
Can I feasibly play this as a single-player game, and still get a satisfying experience out of it?
That way, every ninjutsu is useful.
Artificial complexity
Now all the NIN shitters have to remember another mudra combination
>guys are ugly
That's just you.
I have exactly one consensual titty touch under my belt, thank you.
And either way I'm happy with my 2D titties.
Do not try to argue with this games playerbase they are full of low iq brainlets that defend Yoship making the game brain dead to play
Gotta make people use hyoton somehow
Outside of forced duties the MSQ makes you do I'd say yes you can easily play XIV as a single player game
you can treat it like a JRPG with co-op but you'll be forced to party up to complete certain things
Your posts reek of greylet.
It would probably be illegal for them to do that so it would never happen
Suit yourself.
>2.5 second GCD on EVERYTHING
Thank fuck I don't have to play with wowbabbies anymore
You'll hate yourself less leveling Miner and Botanist first. But as someone said above you need all crafters leveled eventually for cross-class skills.
You're purple and orange compared to other BLMs. Youre still worthless lol
They're just salty Blizzard removed their OGCDs for making the game too complex
Who is in the right here?
>catboi/catgirl/lizardgirl DNC
Leave instantly. Waiting 30 minutes and trying again will still be faster I won't have to deal with their passive aggressive faggotry.
>manroe dnc
>hrothgar dnc
Probably based. Either chill and comfy or really good at the game. Will be a good time doing content with them and they probably have good taste in memes.
mine are full of autistic elitist raiders (and I literally sit silently there for years), not shure if it's better
It's reddit. No one is right.
either you go balls deep or you shouldn't even bother
players should respect the content, clearly those WoWfags don't.
For some reason Foxy Lady is the one I've managed to do a bunch of times and there's nothing else to spend the tokens on but additional fox plushies for housing.
>robotic rooster
Gets me every fucking time.
Based warchiefgarrosh
Bottom guy
>spent days getting every craft/gathering account to level 50 before ARR comes out
>do it
>never actually play ARR
I shoulda sold my account.
How does Yea Forums feel about WHMs doing DPS?
it really depends, in leveling dungeons gear can be so scattershot that big pulls are often a bad idea cos it turns out the healer is an undergeared nublet who just cannot produce the raw numbers to keep a big pulling tank alive, or worse the tank is still wearing level 60 gear in bardams and wandering why he gets dunked so hard by giant weasels, but if we're talking expert roulette shit with everyone gear sync'd wall to wall pulls are piss easy.
it also means they can't make macros that presses almost their entire kit all at once.
Considering every dungeon is 2 pulls, boss, repeat until done he pulls one pack at a time and should therefore be taken out back and shot for even attempting tanking with no balls like that
as long as they don't stand in the middle of combat like a dipshit, if they do I'll report them
>"Ah man look at that catgirl, this game is looking pretty weeb"
>Idles in bootleg asia with Panda characters running around him
>"Look at that robot chicken, that looks stupid in a fantasy game"
>Lil zoom riding in the background on a mechastrider shouting "ASMON!!!!!"
>"Oh look at the bunny girl, we're entering into furry territory"
>Worgen female runs around next to him on all fours*
If I see them use Cure over Holy, kick
I will, then all the worlds titties will be mine
Top guy. Bottom guy has a wowfag name so he's immediately wrong no matter what.
Using Holy is literalyl cheating and should be reported
LF static members for 5.x need pic related roles PST
>finally got more budget
>all of them went into marketing
Of course.
Ironworks Magitek Cane is somehow the best looking one, haven’t seen anything better since getting that while leveling
Can't hire people if there's nobody willing to be hired.
Those postings have been on their website for quite a while now.
paying tom holland to pretend he plays FFXIV was likely the best decision to get more normies to fill up the servers
Why are WARs always the best?
Because he's based, looks cool and has potential to be fun to play.
le catte xD normalfags love her. probably the same story in japan. I hate Y'sthola. People rag on minfilia for being generic in ARR (despite her flaws) while Y'sthola is the biggest mary sue of the game. i hope she dies permanently.
Shadowbringers will be done by now. These adverts would be for the next expansion as they give Shadowbringers to the patch team.
Maybe they should start paying their hires in something else that's not chicken tendies.
Could a full WHM party deal with any dungeon/trial?
Aren't all dungeons leveling dungeons?
>60 gear in bardam meme
shisui and augmented shire gear are literally same ilvl, stop that crap
clearly because they have the worst invuln :^)
Reparations for 2.0 WAR.
>You, a plebe: forming a static before launch
>Me, a patrician: Waiting until the game releases to join or created a static because I know people will change their opinions on their jobs once they actually get to try out the changes and people WOILL want to switch
Basically this iirc they've already got an entire road map up to version 10.0 or something planned out
Will WAR mains cry if they actually remove counter attack from Vengeance?
dryad cane, lvl 41
user, you don't understand. Soken DEMANDS to be paid in tendies.
>all the ebay rmt chinks have fucking doubled their prices
iirc some dudes did a full SCH run of Orbonne. It could work for dungeons but not probably not all raids
>Spam fire 4 and occasionally react when ding ding sounds and use big shiny aoe.
fucking kek.
Good game. Slow start and hard to get into but also stupidly hard to leave and it just keeps growing on you. Think the opposite of blizzard which has gone on the extreme scale of "horrible" and "amazing" ffxiv safely and steadily climbed upwards in quality. Not many huge golden leaps generally speaking but steadily getting better and better in most regards. As far as mmos go it's a decent investment as long as Yoshida's autism is in charge. Try it out if you want. Free trial is around and doesn't end until you subscribe and actually buy the game and is honestly pretty solid as far as trials go. Gameplay is vastly faster and more complex later on since it's a proper mmo and you get stronger/get more abilities as you level.
Six minutes for 3mil+ exp
What’s with the names in this game?
mimisport still has good prices
It's 2 year road map and then maybe they have vaguer idea about the further future.
>holy shit, this mad lad wants to be paid in chicken tendies
>clearly if we pay our other employees in chicken tendies they will produce godlike results like him too
And that's how no one wants to work at XIV department anymore.
>using up all leves before expansion
Wow players don't care about that. As long as something is from Japan, it's automatically weeb for them even though it's basically the same.
Reminder to AFK in game during early access so you don't get stuck in queue
>worst invuln
It's genius, really. The other employees will get tired of their tendies, and Soken will get more tendies for himself.
you'll be forced in a queue anyways once you get disconnected or they do maintenance.
I know written sarcasm isn't easy to pick up but jesus christ
They're names
People in these threads constantly feel under attack.
>implying they won't turn on the AFK kick
I hate that DRK has to wait a milion years for their short cooldown, even though its my favorite.
They log you out if you afk for more than 5 minutes in early access, they've done this for every expansion
But that's exactly who I'm talking about. I bought 20M from them like 2 weeks ago for 30$ and now that exact same amount is $60.
user, there are legitimate retards here that think hallowed ground is OP and more broken than homlgang. Your "sarcasm" is a shitpost that blends with shitter's opinions.
They usually bring AFK kicks for EA and the first month of official launch.
Usually afk more than 2 hours = kicked from game.
>they don't know the way to bypass the system
redditfags need that /s at the end of a post otherwise they get lost
Does anyone have that picture of Sadu with dirty stained short shorts?
Having actual cultural naming conventions for each race?
I dunno, you tell me.
you need to write /s otherwise the redditor summerfags won't understand it
mmoga has good prices still
Holmgang is getting 'fixed' in 5.0 anyway, don't worry.
>implying people don't report everyone who autoruns into walls or stands still jumping
t. paladin main
I want to fuck her.
I calls it like I sees it, he was doing wall to wall pulls and dying immediately,, and then in typical bad tank fashoin blaming the healer.
Yes, they will be able to move now.
It's something even easier than that
they will restart servers once every few hours like they did in stormblood, so everyone who hugs retainers/stables/crafting gets kicked
Like clockwork.
The menu setting? I thought they changed that
it's literally every guy tho
prove me wrong
dunno why you would buy gil from ebay, they never have the best prices. you only go for ebay for the mogstation items, mimisport is the cheapest.
dungeons at the various caps, 50, 60, and 70, and soon to be 80 are not leveling dungeons, and in general people running them will have their gear up to snuff compared to the absolute nightmare that a dungeon in the leveling grind is, where if your lucky it'll merely be their accessories that are subpar.
Can't report me if I'm in my house bro
The real r/lifeprotip is in the comments
No but now I want it. Sadu's crazy ass does things to me.
Where does one purchase gil from, then? I just use ebay because I don't like directly giving some chink my info.
20M gil is only $20 but that's assuming you play on a JP server
>Sephiroth (three times)
Retard. Those were pieces of Jenova.
>implying people aren't autistic enough to player search people to report them
SE bootlickers are insane, they actually believe in respecting the content and its creators
those are not the only ways to bypass the auto kick dude, theyre infact the worst ways to do it.
golbez never dies
playerauctions. they got a escrow system so the only way you get scammed is if you FE like a dumbass.
Just look at any guy who isnt you.
You just want her to mock your "little sun".
cmon user she aint even the one who came up with the little sun thing, though it does amuse her greatly.
they are all ugly
No, I just want to beat her ass until she's near orgasm again.
You're projecting your own ugliness onto others.
What's the source? Reverse searching doesn't give shit.
>ywn assert dominance over sadu after defeating her
There are like 3 Sadu doujins out there at best, I believe in you.
>Me a fool who had an on and off stactic during 4.x anyway but they straight up told me I'll be last on non-weapon loot since I'm healer.
based non-combo souleater with the report window open for the rest of the pull chad
If I have to take an example, NIN has 8 skills out of 28 (and I'm not counting the 3 mudras in it) that are part of the GCD and out of those 8 there's 2 you'll pretty much never use against bosses.
Found it! Shame there's seemingly no translation, though.
look harder
Who's outta here when this starts.
No reason until it become downloadable.
if i could change the way they look with my mind id make them look good, but i cant so they're ugly
I'm outta here the moment preload's up.
Me. Fuck dataminer trannies.
It's not my fault you come from an ugly family with ugly parents.
I looked too hard and found Khloe smut
It will probably be available for download around the same time.
I still have a couple other threads I like coming back to, but I'll be done with xiv threads after this. Now I know why they're being babysat in /vg/ and why everybody wants this shit to stay there.
Me. I'll see you all whenever I finish 5.0. Hope you all have fun, by the way.
you dont need to wait to experience the cuckshed
I'll welcome the datamine of Viera and Hortgar voices just to not screw this choice.
The rest of the mine may as well stay in it for me
We came here to get AWAY from those ERPers, prison gays, and tranny avatarfags on /vg/.
it's not your fault that every man is ugly either, but it's still true
your pic related, it's ugly
but muh reddit karma!
i need to be the first to make the datamining post!
Ok, I get it already neckbeard. Nobody loves you
I'll maybe stay for a thread or two but I won't risk it after that.
Now you know, even though other people complain why XIV gets threads here.
literally just download the benchmark
And the threads are still terrible because that shit leaks, on top of everybody being sensitive as fuck about everything regarding this game.
sorry about your horrible taste
Sorry about your appearance.
Merge here when this 404s, dont make a new one
Yeah, I've already had plenty of experience shoving you in there.
You have to go back
That's very Amano like.
sorry about yours too
Honest GNBros just care about having fun.