Tifa is in Dissidia NT with the old design, not the new one
Tifa is in Dissidia NT with the old design, not the new one
her bazongas need to be bigger
why would they use her new design?
ok but where's gilgamesh
Did anybody try NT on pc? How is it?
fucking lol this is really good. Just a little bit more oompf in the chest and it'd be perfect.
Busy being in a better game
hahaha wtf why couldn't they add this Tifa to the remake.
No Agrias, no download.
>still flat
>still stick legs
it's shit
Much better
7R Tifa looks better you incels
what the fuck is wrong with her legs? why is she so skinny?
And she can't look like this in the remake... why? I wonder if Nomura is covering his ass with the "ethics department" to justify his shitty overdesigning.
Your point?
Queers dont get an opinion only girls
This is the same exact model as the Tifa in 7R but with the OG outfit, hilarious how retards will this one is better with bigger boobs and nice body when it's the exact same model, top to bottom.
But where's the superior and cuter Monk Prishe?
But guys I thought this was impossible there's no way she can fight without her tits flopping everywhere
When I saw a preview of this ages ago I thought it was the remake Tifa.
Whats the logic of putting canon Tifa in Dissidia and then ruining her in the remake.
Thats just dumb.
in a better game
Man, this is great news. She looks so great, my heart skipped a beat. June should be renamed Tifa month.
One of the controversial design changes was her outfit not just her breasts.
Eh yeah shit seems like just a marketing decisions as to her design in the remake. Since think of all the officially licensed merch out there currently of here. Well with this new look of hers bam got a whole new slew of merch just with the new design instead. Since they are probably spending a stupid ass huge amount in probably a dumb manner fuckers probably desperate for any and all ways for new cash sources to siphon off of them obsessive nerds who just need and want to have anything and everything of their favorite characters and shit.
Seperate devs?
Her breasts here are smaller than the new design. Why didn't people complain?
I guess that's right. Why the hell did they change NT so much?
Pride month on full force I see
Because it’s not about her tits it’s about the stupid fucking undershirt.
She's always been as skinny as she could be. This is a matter of all Nomura's designs.
KT always uses sexy chicks. Just look at Hyrule Warriors and Ultimate Alliance 3 somewhat.
Oh shit. Might finally play the game on pc.
She looks a million times better than in the remake.
Seriously, fuck Square Enix a million times.
>game aimed at normalfags
>game aimed at core fans
>nor censored
Popularity was a mistake
Make games niche again
Fuck popular things
You're such a fag holy shit
Hire team ninja.
Her old design is so fucking better than the new one.
Patrician taste
Fire the ethics department.
She look completely unrealistic here there's no way this design fit in with the other realistic designs in FF7R I mean look at this pic
Realism my ass
Better than official Remake but I bet her upskirt is still a black void.
no idea, when they announced it would be 3v3 I instantly lost hope, absolutely fucking retarded decision
What if the new design gave her yoga pants and had her built like an Instagram fitness thot?
Who cares, retard.
Literally who the fuck would want that?
The Classic and Advent Children outfits are going to be DLC in 7R. I guarantee it.
fuck off faggot
SE should be embarrassed
she'd just be disgusting fuck meat then.
Shut the fuck up when you talk to me faggot, why are you even in here
Soooo it's the same but with her original outfit?
Tasteless Americans
I bought this for 9 bucks. Is the SP any good? I played 012 to death. I hate MP
FF7R is the safest shit ever, it cannot ever anger anyone it must not fail it must sell 200M copies
Of course its going to be heavily censored
No balloon tits no buy
Lol, I love how they end the trailer with 思いを伝えられるのは言葉だけじゃないよ (words aren't the only way to convey feelings).
Maybe this is a sign that they will keep that scene in the remake?
It's not the exact same model. Dissidia is made by Team Ninja, you know, from that other series with big boob ladies. Just look at the face, is total DOA girl.
then you're fucked
You just wasted 9 bucks.
I really hope the backlash gets big enough they change her Remake outfit to this
Seems like a really bad PR move to keep her old outfit in this and cuck the Remake
She has a better looking face too compared to the remake ver
Wasted your money.
Not really. The face is more akin the general design of the Koei Tecmo line of games, predictably; while the face in the remake is more grounded proportionally, I think. I haven't given it much of a look.
>I'm afraid of panties aahh please cover it up Ethic Dept., my virgins eyes can't stand it
Shoo go away
I'm American and I don't want that. I want my midriff Monk.
it's the same face, the same model you blind retard. Team ninja or not it's a SE project, a SE project that uses the UE4 to boot, you know the same exact engine 7R is using.
They gave them the 7R model, it's not the first time something like this happens. FF mobius used 7R's Cloud model.
Unironically best Tifa costume.
Is this the thread were bitter virgins go circlejerk telling themselves they were right all along or some sad shit, when last month everyone was laughing at the absolute shitfest trainwreck NT was?
damn that looks fantastic
Whys classic Tifa so comfy get a warm feeling just looking at her.
>Dissidia NT
People still care about this shit?
Nah, you cry for bigger tits and now, you go for the pantyshot.
You are just fucking ridiculous at this point.
I have my bare legs Tifa with her superior old design and I'm happy with it, I don't care about seeing her fucking panty, retard.
Considering the first thing they confirmed that this was NOT the same model, and this was Team Ninja's own model, thanks for confirming to everyone that you're retarded.
Her tits are LITERALLY the same size, if not smaller, than what 7R has shown. What the fuck is this thread's inane falseflagging even about?
Dissidia was originally one of the best games on the PSP, what happened with this one? Legit curious, I was on the verge of buying it because of Ramza.
Well, I beg to differ, maybe the body model can be the same, but the face is not the same as 7R, it has more animey proportions.
>when last month everyone was laughing at the absolute shitfest trainwreck NT was
People in this thread are still taking shit. Just a few posts above yours has three people telling someone they wasted their money buying it.
You can have a game that is both complete fucking garbage that also has a good looking character.
Yum yum
how did they go from this
Smaller tits but better costume.
Yuffie when
>Considering the first thing they confirmed that this was NOT the same model
post source
The costume is good though I agree little bigger in the boobs is better
I’m still pissed at how gay Ramza looks.
They made the singleplayer worthless so no one fucking cared. It also came to the west pretty much at the same time as Dragonball FighterZ, so I'm not sure that helped.
Found a different angle. Based team Ninja.
That sucks.
It feels like at this point we are just moving the goalpost for the sake of bitching.
It's the Dissidia name slapped on a game type popular in Japanese arcades. Has very little in common with the PSP titles aside from name.
master troll
Oh dear god
Big, warm tiddies
Ramza was always the cutest girl
>red gloves
as god intended
They also changed the format from 1v1 battles to 3v3. If you want to play alone against a friend, well you can go fuck yourself because you're stuck with 2 AI partners.
I really liked the PSP Dissidia games, because they actually put some effort into the single-player, but they evidently didn't bother with it in this one, so I couldn't care less to try it out.
Why is he wearing eyeliner?
you are either blind, retarded or lying because that is OBVIOUSLY not the same face as the 7R model. Not even the same guy you're replying to, you're just a fucking moron for thinking they're the same
Virtual ON is goat though
With the best ass. Look at those fucking hips.
Goalpost is og Tifa, we got half at least in dissidia
Bust size is easier to mod too
Man don't waste your time with retards life is to short for that. You are right.
This pic might be autism, but by now it's clear the OG outfit is still superior and Remake Tifa is a mistake.
How big the boobs are is the least of the issues, there's no reason why a game taking place during the OG events isn't using the OG outfit while a spinoff like Dissidia gets it.
It's not gay if it's Ramza
real fucking good
it is
Literally nothing in this design looks like original Tifa except the outfit. The face looks like a plastic Design You're Waifu steam game, the STICC has been amped to uncanny valley levels, and her whorish girly animations are just a serious copeout.
I just expected a more masculine look from the dude who’s signature move is throwing rocks at people’s heads.
In all fairness it’s a port of the arcade game, I don’t know why anyone would’ve expected anything different.
And shouting kek
>during the OG events isn't using the OG outfit while a spinoff like Dissidia gets it.
Dissidia is a fanservice game while FFVII is a remake, a retelling in Kitase's words. It makes total sense and everybody has been redesigned.
Do not read this as a defense on any of the designs the remake has as a baseline. While I like Tifa's new one, Barret looks like a dickhead, for example.
You can still 1v1 in custom lobbies. The game isn't balanced for it at all though and certain characters completely shit on others because it was built as a team game.
compare with the 7R model has much softer curves on the face than the dissidia model, the earrings are clearly different size along with the 7R model being FAR more detailed.
Sorry pal, they are clearly different models even at just a glance
Cringe, makes you realize just how god awfully basic this is in retrospect
They could have added some new modes or something to justify the 60 dollar pricetag.
It's a decent improvement over Duodecim (and blows the Remake out of the water in all aspects by fulfilling the original strong design, especially the two hair bang on the front), but it still has the same two flaws of Duodecim, the Advent Children like face (but improved) and the small tits. Fix those and it's the best Tifa we've ever had instead of landing around sixth place.
However in the post-AC climate of how Tifa is designed, it's fantastic. Thanks Koei Tecmo.
My bad. Still fucking retarded though, you might as well not be able to 1v1 if it's that useless anyway.
Marie Rose's face slapped on, old design my ass lmao.
They did they just suck.
As it should be. The breast size is not important. This looks like a young adult who could plausibly be a martial artist and run a bar in a diesel-punk ghetto. New design looks like an anime high schooler.
Beautiful simplicity. Before Nomura starting dicking with the Mona Lisa. "She needs a sports bra! And spats! And thigh-highs!"
What is the ethic department doing?
This shit isnt supposed to fly?
Where’s Aerith
>it's not about the TITS and my need for fapping to nostalgia! It's about the FEELING OF THE CHARACTERS! The integrity!
>Barret goes from comedically ridiculous nigger block, to 10/10 half middle eastern supermodel with detailed pecs, tight clothes, sunglasses and visible modeled chest hair
>yeah sure, but let's go back to TIFA! And the sports bra! THE INTEGRITY!
I love this shit because you can tell how absolutely hypocritical the virgin brigade can get.
Haha the absolute state of sony
Ethics department my ass
She was an asssit in 012
It's post coalpunk makopunk actually
If sony didn't let them have it as the main costume it won't be an alt costume either
Hey, if they censored Tifa's chest, they did worse with Barret. I wanna see those.
nooo think of the ethics! I can see the ankles!
I said it since her announcement, the fucking problem with the new design is that EVERYTHING IS FUCKING BLACK.
When you see her OG/Dissidia design, you can see immediately that her colors are way better, you have a good balance of white, red and black, not just some black everywhere.
She looks like fucking Tifa at first sight because of this.
Yeah I don't like how Barret's been prettified. Remember that faggy fishnet vest he had on in AC? And cornrows! "My man gotta have cornrows because he's a nigger"
You could see up her skirt in Dissidia 012. She even had three different panties modeled for her depending on which costume you chose.
This is a game released in the PS4, user.
While I agree 012 was better and do wish there was a classic 1v1 mode, NT is fun if you actually roll with a decent squad and communicate during fights.
looks like the ethics department shrunk her tits a bit here too though
Tifas breast size was never consistent anyway
>literally covers as much as the VII remake and has tits the same size
I would have just said steampunk but I wanted to head off pedants so well-played I guess.
Aaaahhh my puritan eyes save me Sony
Forget Tifa, why doesn't remake Cloud look like the one from Dissidia. Remake ooks like a awkward mix between the original and AC
cowgirl tifa best tifa
You could ask the same about every single design. Except Sephiroth, I think? Did they change anything about him?
I think it's the hair, remake Cloud has the AC hair and looks more realistic
They should just cut out the “”””characters”””” from 1 through 3
They aren’t real characters
Based Team Ninja for not bending the knee.
You're not real. Leave Firion alone.
Imagine Tifa in DoA
you're an absolute retard
Her trackts of land are as they should be. Don't be greedy.
Why must you lie?
I'm tired of the vocal minority controlling the discussion with their idiotic opinions
every character looks great in the Remake, INCLUDING Tifa
Fuck off, I love all six of them and there are actually more good charaters in those games. Except there's a big chance we'll probably get the worst of them, Leon. Even if I don't really like Minh, I hope he saves us from that fate. Zande honestly should be in the game already.
Also the playable characters, villains and major NPCs in II and III are actually characterized with a real personality.
She will be, when FF7R comes out she'll be a DLC character in DoA7.
>I'm tired of the vocal minority controlling the discussion with their idiotic opinions
I'm tired of the vocal minority controlling the industry with their tranny\kike opinions
Be honest Yea Forums, will Tifa make you play Dissida NT?
>Discussing this here.
There's a reason you don't see crybabying on this level anywhere where people have to be accountable for their posts.
They'd get laughed out of any discussion they shat up and pretend it's a global conspiracy
Why do you think Pedotera likes the new Tifa so much?
Barret looks good but I don't like it. It's too much of a contrast with the mental image I had of him. And the sunglasses suck too.
Not really form what I can tell but they circumcised his sword a bit in the remake apparently
>They keep putting effort, developers and resources into a shit game nobody gives a single fuck about.
Why is nobody at Square Enix smart enough to cut their losses?
*cough* boob slider *cough*
No, I can jack off just fine as is.
No, Tifa looks very bad (Cloud and Marlene too to a significantly lesser degree.) The only character thus far improved and not nerfed (sometimes to compensate for something else) is Heidegger.
Wow, that’s genuinely more sad, pathetic and retarded than crying about Tifa’s breast size.
Is this what it feels like to be deluded into thinking people support your ridiculous mindset?
You realize nobody gives a flying fuck about the tits issue unless you are a marginalized inbred, which hasn't been the target audience for videogames for the past fifteen years.
>old game has old design
I'm shocked
I already do, but if I didn't Tifa certainly wouldn't make me.
Nobody with any rational sense of aesthetic thinks this, user.
>There's a reason you don't see crybabying on this level in a controlled circlejerk directed by actual pedos where freespeech isn't a thing
No shit, it's deleted/banned on sight.
>And the sunglasses suck too. Hope he loses them before we meet Rude. Sunglasses are Rude's thing, and it's kinda raciss that the only two dudes wearing shades are nigz
If she looked like this in FF7R, nobody would be complaining.
Where's the ethics department?
Looks too Asian. Lockhart isn't an Asian surname.
You would bitch about her tits without a doubt, hypocritical cunt.
Yes it was. Her size was "very big".
Nice critical assumption, Dr. Assumption-man, your powers are incredible.
Have you autists thought that maybe this is why they choose to change her outfit?
Don't you think they put her original outfit and changed it because it really doesn't fit in the new atmosphere?
In fanart, maybe.
She's perfect there, the remake design sucks.
Holy shit now that's what they should have done for the Remake instead of that shitty redesign .
Have a heart.
She should look like this in the remake. No giant bazoongas either, so not even the ethic department will have any reason to reee.
>What are proportions
Get your hand off your dick, kid.
have sex
She was playable and assist like all the characters, though Aeris was just an assist.
there really needs to be a "retarded vidya drama" board for all these retard zoomers
maybe /vd/ or something
She was assist only, bro
I dont get paid till friday so . . .
Get your thoughts off my dick.
>all these virgins complaining about her sticc legs
Way to out yourself as never playing FF7
The same goes for everyone shit talking Tifa OG design
It's a good thing then that it wasn't her tits that was criticised about the remake redesign, but her outfit?
But of course SJWs, resetera trannies, reddit, and discord trannies have to deflect actual discussion by trying to stage this as an incel outrage exclusively about tits.
I mean, it worked for GamerGate, so why wouldn't it work this time? kys
You're both retarded and narrow minded.
Just because you want it to be about the tits doesn't mean everyone else does. There's already been plenty of people voicing arguments about literally everything but the tits but you'd still choose to hear what you want.
And yet you're talking about hypocrisy ? Look at your fucking self.
Her tits being a few inches bigger or smaller makes no difference when the Remake outfit is ass, and what you see the most from a distance.
A bad outfit will not make even the biggest titted cosplayer a good one. That's the whole point here but you're too retarded to realize that, because MUH TITS is so much easier of a bangwagon to jump on for retards like you.
>I-I-I am not pathetic! Y-y-you are just newfags! Zoomers! Reeee
ara ara~
So this whole "Ethics Department" thing is bullshit
But Superman is recognizable due to his S on his chest not his red underwear. It's like saying Wolverine is recognizable for his sharp teeth
That shit colored outfit is nightmare fuel, Jesus Christ. She literally looks like shit now lmao
Unironically have sex. Seriously, you need that shit.
Well. I kinda like the new one but this is just perfect.
>Resorting to lego models
Desperate attempt.
Why don't you ask for the fucking stumps for hands then.
because it's better
What are you even trying to say here
What are those, B-cups?
This one is from Team Ninja though
I don't care about any of the remake changes but red gloves look better on her
Rude isn't black, he's mexican.
Sure, but the S is only part of a larger design that also includes the trunks. Remove one of the two and the design is incomplete.
You'll also notice the pic says the character is STILL recognizable, so that's not the issue here.
Rinoa has a bigger chest than her. Don’t let the classic outfit fool you, Tifa got ethics department’d once again just as she has been since KH2 and AC
So they can sell the 7R design when that comes out
the autists also seem to think that the devs are telepathic and knows about the new design sooner than we did
well, I suppose if SE did want it to match the new one they'd have communicated but this is obviously not the case here
She may be reduced, by at least the outfit this time is right. I love her bare legs.
But Supes has numerous outfits without the briefs with the S
I think it's sad that this personally affects you so much. Let go of your insecurities. Tifa is a large breastfed woman. Her size is "very big". I appreciate that.
>remake Barret is now final fantasy handsome
>user sees he isn't a exaggerated caricature of a black American
>he not really black guiz!!!!
fuck off you nigger faggot
If the devs advertised the redesign as part of a new costume system where you can change the color of her gloves, add/change underwear and swap socks, fags would be all for it. Instead, they slapped on extra black on her and said it is better now for the Ethics Department.
if sex was all that then you wouldn't be on this board telling people to have sex.
does everything have to look like some nicki minaj negro thot now?
user, I was talking about Aerith. The guy asked about Aerith being playable.
Which is fine in subsequent iterations and spinoffs, but if they remade the first Superman movie and altered the outfit would you be fine with it ?
Most movie outfits for superheroes are already kind of altered. Look at Man of Steel.
Wrong video, it's this one: youtube.com
Yes, she's not playable.
Dissidia is also a conmemorative game, so it's obvious she's gonna be in her original outfit, like she had her Amano outfit too. But it's pretty obvious that her outfit clashes even with the dissidia stages while the new one is more armonious with the setting.
And then you have this autismo here who just want big bazoongas.
>But it's pretty obvious that her outfit clashes even with the dissidia stages while the new one is more armonious with the setting.
Except this bullshit part is all in your head exclusively, and you are treating this as objective truth for god knows what reason.
This. So much this.
This is her original design, stick legs and all.
Hentai doujins are not reference material.
You’re a fucking idiot. Living in the city doesn’t mean you need to put iron skulls hidden in your leather schoolgirl skirt. Entire point of Tifa’s design was that she was just herself and didn’t look like the Midgar slums kept her down.
Because everyone can see it?
I find the original design jarring with the new backgrounds and light.
The socks and black undershirt accentuates her white shirt.
Is this not reference material?
tits too small
Im in tears right now ... Based Team Ninja giving us hope in this gay earth
So, is she wearing a sports bra under there?
All I see is a sad existence desperate for validation from outside.
No, it's still all in your head, literally nobody agrees with you. I'm sorry.
You just want to make Tifa flat chested because you don't like the idea of a woman with large breasts.
Yes, I would literally eat shit if Tifa’s name is attached to it.
I still see her as herself, she just put some socks on.
No. Nomura is the reference.
Even the blocky designs of his are better reference.
I don't care if noone agrees, her desing right now is perfect for the remake.
Redesigned Tifa is not flatchested at all.
She is a proportionate big breasted girl, not a cowtitted hentai rape heroine.
So why does dissidia nt tifa have her original outfit but ff7r tifa doesn't?
They didn't show the ff7r outfit in the dissidia nt trailer but they showed her AC outfit.
So why can they make Barret some into a Bara beefcake but they can't make Tifa sexy herself? If anything, his redesign highlights how deliberately nerfed Tifa is. "epitome of Asian beauty" my ass.
Fuck that overrated hoe
Where is Prishe?
>So why does dissidia nt tifa have her original outfit but ff7r tifa doesn't?
Because it's a fanservice conmemoration game while in the remake everybody is changed. It doesn't take a hit in the thinker to come up with that conclusion.
>her desing right now is perfect for the remake.
Far from it.
Is this more your speed?
>Cutting Garland
Also the problem, if anything, is that we only have the MCs, and in I and III's cases, those MCs were pretty much created/made into actual characters for Dissidia.
Even the mobage only really helped with II.
>"N-n-n--npnonojmnjlowadjlwa TYHEY'RE THE DEVIANTS DON'T YOU SEE"
Get cucked
If that one plebbit leak is true, then she should be coming at some point.
I'm looking at their designs from 7 to the remake and most of them only have slight changes.
Whats the current state of this game? Might check out when she drops.
Give the Free version a try first
Barrett looks like a completely different person
breast are still to small otherwise it´s pretty good
especially the skirt and the gloves
I can agree with Cloud or Aerith (bar the change of her primary colour), but Barret is changed in the same way Tifa is, beyond the general change from metals to belts. Cover-up, belts, bags, the sunglasses and just overall proportions.
Why are you still pushing this narrative when we already she was changed because of input from the ethics department?
Thanks, I just want to have her remade in her magna top outfit
in the trash like most of the character gimmicks that made the psp games fun
It's a discord trannycel
Now that the game has Yuna, Tifa, a FF14 villain representation, I'm pretty satisfied with the cast. If these characters would have been included from the start I would have bought it.
Now? What is even the point when nobody plays this anymore anyway and it would take 10 minutes to find a match that lasts for 1 minute. Oh and 0 single player content.
I wonder what all the "SHE'S WEARING A SPORTS BRA" people's excuse will be, when she takes the thing off, and her tits aren't any larger.
It hurts. Doing Jecht's Brave to HP combos made my dick hard.
That's like your opinion, man.
Glad mine agrees with sqeenix and not yours.
-Team Ninja
the fact that Koei Tecmo knows better about what is Tifa than SE makes me really sad
well, we know nomura actually wanted to do this but that was prevented by SJW in the company :(
>Smaller than sports bra tifa
My nigga
Bootlickers and useful idiots are always welcome for corporations, so at least you found your reason for existence. Good for you.
Do we? Nomura's a hack who fucked with the outfits in Advent Children. Making Tifa look dowdy as fuq and Barret look like a fag. The sports bra might have been executive meddling but I think the spats, hot topic shorts & thigh-highs were all him.
And you should know they can do this because this game is mainly made for Japanese audience, unlike FF7R. As always the one that ruins a good thing is the west.
>spin off has a way better model than square's golden goose
jesus christ dude
They just took the transform tool and went with a more realistic taller and more narrow body type
tell me about it, I played so many matches against my friend's Jecht I know his combos like the back of my hand even though I barely played him
Can't you make a better comparison picture than that?
This is why Tecmo makes some of the best girl designs in the industry. Final Fantasy may belong to Square, but their artistic designs pale in comparison.
It's a shame how much Tecmo makes characters from other games better. Tifa isn't alone, Mai's design in Dead or Alive is much better than what SNK can't ever come up with.
Still flat like an ironing board but she's much prettier, what the fuck.
Is this what you call Red Pill?
It's a fact that there have been changes to every character to adapt to the new context of the game. The process of a game design can be changed from a multitude of factors, from producers to advisors. The notion that the product has been done against the direction's will in some way because the advisors are called "Ethics Department" is ludicrous. This is coming from a person who finds Tifa's new design bland as fuck beyond the face.
Jesus. I've never even been to discord.
The transform tool includes a shirt, multiple bags, sunglasses, a complete change in ethnicity...?
Working on it. While you're waiting, dilate.
You sound mad.
People were bitching about the sports bra and the stockings on the new Tifa model, but the real issue was the pleated skirt. It made her look like a schoolgirl. The regular miniskirt might not seem that different, but at a glance it gives her and entirely different attitude. And, you know, it doesn't make her look like a schoolgirl.
Damn, imagine being this mad over a pair of socks.
nomura said he needed to tighten her boobs accepting a request from "ethic department" in the comapny
maybe tights and skirt is the choice of him but I doubt others are creators' original intention
Shame about the quality of most of their games
What's wrong with thigh highs outside of no skindentation on her model
I already do, but Prishe was my punchfu in duodecim so no, I'd wait for her instead.
He got you, don't be mad because he's absolutely right.
If by "perfect" you meant "it's a demake so of course they'd demake Tifa too" then my apology. Otherwise, you're wrong.
she looks so much better here even though the model quality is way worse
"realism" was a mistake.
garbage design, literal stick figures "fighting", never saw a woman or a girl before?
They gave her an ass shield to stop you from looking at her ass.
If you could male gaze her ass, then maybe we could take the bra bait, but since they blatantly censored her ass, there's no way for them to come out of this.
Nothing. If you're an animu high-school girl.
What are you talking about?
Didn't seem to have worked for you.
I'm fingering her underneath
That's just dlc for the transform tool.
>comparing real life to vidya
Wish dumbasses would stop doing this
Not really, I think Tifa needed a redesign for the remake, she needed to be given more details and a darker collor pallete and they gave her those, so I'm happy.
I dunno, Thigh highs are alright with short shorts as well
Beta as fuck
Is that word all you guys can say?
netcode is too shitty for me to continue playing it, it was fun on single player for a while tho.
Bulma was so hot
>she needed to be given more details and a darker collor pallete
I've never heard this opinion before. Why do you think she needed a darker colour palette? I'm curious, not trying to bait you or something.
Its just so much better guys.
Another of the controversial changes was her breasts
Boobs too small.
Chest is still too small
it's fun but party queue is dead because their matching system is kinda dumb
>solo queue players get matched with solo queue players
>groups of 2 only get matched with groups of 2 and a solo queue player
>groups of 3 only get matched with groups of 3
The idea is that it makes it fair so you don't end up playing against a coordinated group of 3 that are in voice chat when you solo queue, but it makes party queue absolutely dead.
Lobbies are where the real players are at and you should always play in lobbies if you want to play with friends.
>The notion that the product has been done against the direction's will in some way because the advisors are called "Ethics Department" is ludicrous
And yet here we are.
I just wish this game didn't had so many defensive tools, they could've had it fixed on NT but instead they just made it something completely different.
>le stick legs
just once i'd like you underage secondaries to look at the goddamn fucking concept art. tifa has always had chicken legs, in every incarnation, from the start. she is martial artist with a heavy focus on kickboxing that walks/runs constantly. a chunk of cellulite hanging from her thighs doesn't make sense, it never has and it never will, thus the reason it's never been there. furthermore, nomura does not design women with thick thighs, thighs are not one of his concerns. he's a tits guy.
stop thinking with your stubby little pecker or at the very least stop being vocal about it. you're embarrassing the FFVII fanbase more than any cringy anime shit we've suffered in the compilation.
Still is.
I looked at the Steam activity numbers and it seems to be deader Artifact.
Agreed. Game is pretty enjoyable when your teammates actually contribute.
He's retarded, that's the only reason.
How's this?
Yeah, but she did more pervy shit in DB.
KT is incapable of making ugly girls, they've been in the business for a very long while.
Oh wait the complaints about her legs are because they need more fat? I always said that the overall design is bland because while the abdominal area is fine, the limbs are just devoid of muscle.
Also, Nomura is clearly gay, at least in the essential difference in the way he does men and women. Definitely not a "tits guy" in the way he has designed stuff for the last couple decades.
It's not dota levels of active but there's always people in lobbies and solo queue, at least on PS4. Square really missed the opportunity to make the game crossplay when they released the free version.
>darker collor pallete
No she didn't. Why the fuck are you people so afraid of color and what is this obsession with making everything gritty and hyper-realistic?
Its like they weren't even trying, so fucking lazy.
>a complete change in ethnicity.
He’s not Mr. T anymore but he’s still pretty black.
Better, but still far from ideal. You need a good comparison of them both standing in a similar pose. Preferably without cutting off either of their bodies.
Yeah, but she's married with 2 kids now. What can you do.
If by black you're talking about skin color, I guess so.
It's my opinion of course, but the enviroment became way darker than in the original, also more detailed.
Her original design is too simple both in colors and outfit in general, if she was kept as she was, she would have felt out of place and simple.
The only thing I don't like are her suspenders, those were more detailed before and now they are just black strips.
He looks middle eastern instead of african american.
>the enviroment became way darker than in the original
We've only seen Midgar so far, and it's just as dark as the original. What stuff are you smoking?
>making everything gritty and hyper-realistic?
Because the remake is going on that direction?
Beyond no skindentation, they emphasize twig thighs, de-emphasize the length of her legs and hide her skin (and muscles if they existed). This is backwards for Tifa's strengths. She also has no connection to a schoolgirl look. It makes her look too young. For example Serah, who had modified thigh high like things, was a teacher, so there was a thematic reason.
5'11" vs 6'0"
>alt costumes are just palette swaps of her AC outfit
>no cowgirl
>no honey bee inn outfit
>no light blue dress from childhood flashback
Midgar was always dark but overall it's darker.
They'll probably have a FF7R outfit as a premium costume later
I see. I don't really like how they gave her stockings instead of kneepads, which would've made more sense.
>honey bee inn outfit
Don't you mean Corneo's dress?
>We need to make everything more realistic!
>The franchise is called Final FANTASY
Yeah okay.
Well this really shows the difference between wearing a sports bra and not wearing a sports bra. Size is still the same as such.
No. Tifa should have been in at launch.
Why is Cloud of Darkness so hot?
It's not.
Twitter retards are already complaining that they made her "extra horny ugh" and how she doesn't have the remake design
It's totally not about censorship for these SJWs
Is this a real game? Both Cloud and Tifa look exactly as they should!
Oh no, you're already looking at Furry Twitter to be mad at something.
The trailers disagree.
Yes, Cloud also has a purple top alternate colour.
>The notion that the product has been done against the direction's will in some way because the advisors are called "Ethics Department" is ludicrous.
if it is just coming from an advice that is not related at all to political correctness then you can say it is an normal advice in the intention of making the game better, but actually it was done according to an advice that is based on the certain particular ideology. the really pin-point target that that advice aims for and the name that its advice is coming from says a lot about it. they did this not because it was needed in terms of designing a character but political demanding from outside, western political climate. this Koei Tecmo's Tifa design proves it.
With you.
No shit, genius. And why was Squenix so adamant in reducing color in the remake?
This leads into everything meshing into the same grey blob with no personality. Tifa almost looks like a random NPC because her color palette is so boring. Even the music sounds like overproduced shit with tons of unnecessary additions like chanting and over-the-top orchestra.
What's strange to me is how they've completely missed Cloud's somber look from the original and just made them cute. You'd think that with all of this added "detail" it would amount to more subtle emotions, but nope.
My friend you seem to be blind.
>pretentious opinion
NPC par for the course.
C'mon man, why even bother!?
we should call the new tifa "schoolgirl tifa", this is our real favorite hag tifa
The fuck
Cloud was always cute
>this Koei Tecmo's Tifa design proves it.
How? One would think that this ethics department, if truly invested in the western political correctness shifting you are trying to derive from its actions, would have worked in a company-wide approach through all the production, not just the remake. Koei Tecmo does not work in this specific game without the direct approval of S-E, at least as far as I'm aware.
I agree with him, it is. Go look at the Sector 7 slums, how the trains look from the inside or the color palettes of characters for instance. From what we've been shown, it seems to be the case.
I do like that we can still see rusty metal everywhere instead of everything being clean (as though just having clutter is enough). I didn't expect that from Square-Enix after VIII, XIII and the non-BC Compilation titles.
How is original Tifa "extra horny"? I don't speak fag.
Dissidia is primarily a Japanese focused product, with most of their revenue being from the arcade version. NT and the English version are just scraps that we get given.
Meanwhile FF7R is a major project for the entire company that is going to be heavily focused towards the western market.
Boring and shit.
Call me when a good female chara is announced, like Ryda, Krile, Relm or Eiko.
Maybe Yuffie or Serah.
Speaking of tits, these are the same size than in the remake.
I wish I was Cloud.
True, but these have volume and movement to them.
Lol t.hormone tranny
It means "hot", he didn't use that word because he was probably afraid it would offend one of the trannies he's sucking off.
Iv'e seen multiple girls with freakishly skinny legs, skinnier then that, wtf are you on about lol.
The volume is the same because the size is the same.
See, the design is so shit it doesn’t even know if it’s trying to be sporty, schoolgirl, or hot topic. It’s a hot mess.
Midgar areas were dark enough already in FF7, they aren't in any way darker in the remake that would warrant any kind of color palette or design change this idiot is blabbering about.
Built for missionary with hand holding
Fuck off with that shit. There's more to that single portrait than just his surface physical attributes, such as his eyes and facial expression. Modern depictions of Cloud only tried to capture that feeling on the most basic level.
If character sad :( or depressed, then make him look down. That's shallow beyond belief. When I look at pic related, he reminds me of a virgin in his teenage years who lacks confidence and is rebelling against his parents.
The original portrait is the definition of "I've seen some shit" stare, indicating deep trauma of some kind. But at the same time, he looks very confident and capable fighter.
There's nothing about the remake that remotely invokes those feelings. It's way more of a straight product being directed a group of executives and it feels uninspired as fuck. Seems to me people are largely filling in the gaps with their own imagination and nostalgia.
This doesn't make for a compelling argument for the politically biased ethics department towards the "western political climate" if the game is still shown in Europe/USA without a change. If such changes exist for the particular reason you mentioned and not other ones (like overall design of the remake vs overall design of Dissidia (grounded remake vs series fanservice fighting game)), it would make sense to ask "Why does this image of Tifa still exist under S-E and the Ethics Department's eye and why is it still shipped on the west, even in a secondary way to the japanese market?". It's done by the same company with the same overall scrutiny after all, the core people in power and the people in this department haven't changed from day to night, after all.
>It means "hot"
Seriously? How did things end up like this?
while french kissing [/spoilers]
>Koei Tecmo does not work in this specific game without the direct approval of S-E, at least as far as I'm aware.
because Dissidia is a game made mainly for Japanese audience, and a game that will probably not be advertised for mass audiences in the west so they do not need to care about western political shits unlike the case of FF7R.
you cant deny it was done in the intention of addressing political correctness in the west when the part that they have fixed is BOOBS and the division that required that strange request is named with "ETHIC". its clear the advice is not usual one.
Not in the literal sense, my autistic friend.
That's a pretty bad trace of the original art in Dissidia, at least use that.
I'm making shit up. I mean, it's true in this case but people in general do not replace the word "hot" with "horny", that would make no sense, even from these mongoloids.
The reason the chest was mentioned in the first place in relation to the department is because the question was about the specific matter of the chest. As for the other things, I've tried responding to that up there.
The first file I tried too save was too large to be uploaded here. I found another one.
The dude could pass for a girl even in the original.
I don't think they warrant the character design changes he spoke of. That's nonsense. However to me Midgar is presented notably darker than before.
For all things considered they are the same.
May not have jiggly physics but fuck that noise.
Again, you're just focusing on basic physical attributes. If the most striking aspect about Cloud that you can think is that he should look pretty and able to pass as a girl, then whatever. Have at your way. It seems obvious to me that scene was largely played for jokes and not representative of his character arc.
I like the darker but cleaner look they seem to be going with for Shinra HQ. Makes the place look more imposing.
A pussy that does nothing but cry becosue m-uh feelings you wanna be like that ?
>you wanna be like that
If you only knew user... at least he smashed Tifa.
>Her original design is too simple both in colors and outfit in general
that's exactly what many people liked about her so much
i think the new tifa is way too overdesigned
>"Why does this image of Tifa still exist under S-E and the Ethics Department's eye and why is it still shipped on the west, even in a secondary way to the japanese market?"
because it is fucking niche. no one in the west cares about Dissidia. the point is SE itself is not still polluted by SJW dogma, they are doing this just because of worrying if it will hurt their image and reputation in the west. probably they started doing this very recently considering they could Cindy in FF15 and recently revealed they said to reject the idea of allowing FF14 players to use a child model as avatar. in this case, what is most important for them is the balance of profits that you will get from Japanese audience and otakus vs the damage that they will get from SJWs and western media by utilizing sexy character designs, if a game is niche enough not to expose itself to western so they can choose the profits pandering Japanese audience and some western otakus.
>Gematsu locked the comment section for this
the mod being a Resetranny was true all along
>It's my opinion of course, but the enviroment became way darker than in the original, also more detailed.
All the more reason why character designs need to stand out more. This is still a video game, you know. It helps not just to make characters look iconic and memorable, but also in a practical way to better identify objects during gameplay.
I forgot another thing, in the answer about the chest, the request about it has a pretty clear design reason to it: "constrict so it doesn't look awkward in heavy action scenes". Given the general direction of the game, which is pretty grounded, this makes sense, whether it is desirable or not. If Nomura had say "our ethics department told us to constrict the chest so we did that full stop", it would be different and our particular political imagination could fit in nicely with whatever answer as to "why" that is. Giving design reasons that are wholly plausible to the project at large makes it a little bit more complicated, requiring at least various answers from different perspectives.
Their reputation is already bad wtf are you talking about , i mean their last "good game" was FFX how long have been since then
Everyone was given more detailed outfits, even Cloud.
It's better this way.
>The reason the chest was mentioned in the first place in relation to the department is because the question was about the specific matter of the chest.
I am not sure what you meant, but it is just a fact that the name of the department that nomura mentioned is only related to the chest size. no other things are affected by that department as far as we read that article.
The thing is the black undershirt actually makes her white shirt pop out more.
So yeah.
ah wow who could have ever predicted that
>It's better this way.
>Their reputation is already bad wtf are you talking about , i mean their last "good game" was FFX how long have been since then
I am not talking about a reputation of how "bad" a game is. I am talking about a reputation that a company like sony cares about.
lmao, he didn't even give a reason this time.
Even if you don't like it, it is.
It was an interview, first of all, the ethics department is only mentioned there in a question that is only about her chest, you are right. However, it would be naive to assume that the ethics department only exists to advise on chest size (and the answer doesn't mention chest size either, it mentions the state of her clothing around the chest).
They *report* on a studio "censoring" a model and then shutdown the comment section when people start discussing censorship fucking amazing.
I don't mind the 3v3, but yeah I do wish people had more awareness.
Although admittedly the influx of tunnel visioned new players during sales makes for some fun matches.
katyuska moonfox was such a splendid tifa cosplayer before she underwent all of that plastic surgery (no idea why, she must be mentally ill, destroying her perfect body like that)
Cloud's basic design has largely remained the same. Other than reducing the color in his outfit, his color balance and silhouette are still on-point. Not so much with Tifa because of the pleaded skirt and thigh highs. Hers is by far the most drastic change from all the characters we've seen.
Except for the fact she has less color in her boots, and way more black. While her original design was fairly simple, it stuck out. Now she's just monotone.
Westerners should be gagged and kept away from any social media.
I like my pretty men and sexy girls.
>the virgin Archadian
>the CHAD Garlean
That still exists actually
You speak my language, user.
Will they even buy / play the game though ? to be honest if they feel like that i doubt they even knew about FF7 before the remake became news
>Will they even buy / play the game though
Only if Cait Sith is sexy enough.
Furfags are the biggest sexual deviants on the planet, but they will shame normal people relentlessy.
okay but is the game worth playing and has square not abandoned the console/pc ver?
Yes, user, they didn't know what FF7 is. One of the most consistently talked about games since its release with multiple rereleases and expanded material just went right over "their" heads. How convenient.
Non-arcade versions will always be a few months behind arcades, and even then I think there's still stuff that the NT version doesn't or won't have.
As for worth, maybe if you get it cheap as fuck and even then it depends on your tolerance for 3v3 arena fighters and shitty teammates early on.
>He hasn't played the game
Lmao AC Cloud isn't FF7 Cloud.
>If Nomura had say "our ethics department told us to constrict the chest so we did that full stop"
Nomura said they needed to tighten boobs so that Tifa does not appear "unnatural" in a heavy exercise, which is TOLD by the ethic department. Which means the notion that Tifa does not appear natural in an action scene is not from creators. in the first place, if you feel just boobs bouncing in an action scene is so unnatural then fix Cloud's fucking stupid hair which is perfectly nonsense in terms of not swinging at all in an action as if it is fixed by wire or something like that shit.
I am just being surprised by your passion no matter how it is obvious you dont want to admit it was done by political reasons.
Why didn't the ethics department stop this from getting through too? Why is there a double standard?
>We have an open forum, we do our best to be extremely lenient.
Bull fucking shit, you only say that to convince yourself you're doing the right thing. All you have to do is quarantine censorship discussion to one thread if you were bothered about it mucking up other threads, just let people vent their frustrations, that is the only way you would be lenient.
no abandoned, but there's a lot of modding on steam, so ps4 is probably better.
KT is in charge of Dissidia NT.
There's plenty of *popular* titles that i know shit about because i'm not interested , is a peculiarity of mine ? i dont think so .
Fuck realism. Fuck ethic department
I have no passion, but I don't see the "obviousness". Advisor roles are not new in this or any industry.
Game's dead on ps4. There's a free version of the game on PSN and still no one plays it. I tried it a couple of weeks ago and ran into only 1 other person.
Oh, i forgot
doing it all day and try continuing even after you completely emptied your balls inside her
>However, it would be naive to assume that the ethics department only exists to advise on chest size
well, it is "ethic" department, so logically it is the department that offer an advice to a developer from the standpoint of "ethic", not designing, which is perfectly clear. and in gaming industry, "ethic" means political requirements defined by genders, races, religious things, and any other highly sensitive political matters. Well, its a normal political thing that you are used to see in american entertainment worlds.
>it mentions the state of her clothing around the chest
he said he needed to tighten her chest. you are just reading it like nomura mentioned it as the matter of clothes.
>400 replies
>literally none of them are going to play NT for tifa anyway
this is why gaming politics was a mistake
>he said he needed to tighten her chest. you are just reading it like nomura mentioned it as the matter of clothes.
What translation are you using? I'm using this one, which definitely ascertains to clothes. The final result is definitely linked to the clothing and not the actual sillhouette either how, in my opinion.
As for the other response, I can agree to that (pretty broad) scope of politics. But then, wouldn't the ethics department just be another name for a "ratings preparator" (for CERO, ESRB, PEGI and so on)? Isn't this whole controversy just a bit phony?
Making Tifa look like she should doesn't magically make the game good you retard.
even then her tits are still nerfed and her panties are still being eaten by a black hole. It only looks better because the remake one fucked up so hard
i seriously doubt the game will get a B / 12+ rating based on the themes in a more realistic setting than the original.
they'd have to remove tons of stuff if tifa's outfit is already too much.
This is way worse, Yea Forums has shit taste.
It's not really about the outfit but about the movement of the outfit. However, yeah, the game's definitely going to be 16+ at minimum if they keep some things.
>t.Ethics department
contrarian zoomers don't even get a (you) from me
The ethics department would have approved of the Koei Tecmo design, too.
Before saying to cover her legs.
Going to report this to SE for being unethical.
Too much skin showing, needs to be covered up.
Because the Arcade version is one of the most played arcade games in japan
Thus...? If it's there, it's approved by the S-E apparatus, including that department, if it's has that kind of power. It would be silly to think they just have that for a single game. It's not like they gave Dissidia to Koei Tecmo and just dropped it, either.
Thus we we cover it up.
Dissidia is Japan oriented, so they don't have to appease to twitter trannies.
They have not.
It's just another case of Nomura thinking he knows what's best when he fucks up character designs.
Do you main Ramza? He's getting more buffs this time around.
But they have. Unless you're talking about nt. But we're talking about FF7R
Imagine slowly untying her shoes and bathing in the smell of her feet after a long day of beating up people.
We're talking about NT.
I am not sure why they translated them to "we make sure her top wasn't loose so that her chest wouldn't come off as unnatural during heavy action sequences" but it says "激しいアクションでも不自然にならないように胸部を締める必要がありました" so the literal translation is "in order to it does not appear unnatural in heavy action sequences, we needed to tighten her chest". and it translated "指示" to "ask" but "指示" in Japanese normally has a more strong connotation, it can be translated to "direction" rather than "ask".
>But then, wouldn't the ethics department just be another name for a "ratings preparator" (for CERO, ESRB, PEGI and so on)?
I have been hearing this excuse from nu-tifa apologists but I have never seen an actual evidence that 倫理部署 treats with these rating matters as well. Well, SE has explained like that, but even if it is also treating with ratings, you cant deny the fact that SE produced FF15 featuring Cindy as T rating, and the name of the department is named with "ethic".
the fact that we have never seen or heard the existence of this department until now and it is the first time in which they mentioned it says a lot about it.
Because Dissidia is mostly fan service. Dev have enough free pass to do whatever they want
FVII RM is SNOY's golden goose
If only, but I doubt it'll happen.
Nice, shame the games not that good
No we're not. My replies have only been in response to saying NT design is worse than the remake.
Yeah but I haven't played in a while so I haven't been keeping up.
And what I'm trying to tell you is that by necessity, the ethic department would have to approve of the Koei Tecmo design in that specific game also, if it were to have such moderating powers over content.