What went wrong Yea Forums?

What went wrong Yea Forums?

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Rich is too old to want to play modern games and Moby is a casual console fag

Jack got fired

Idiots on the chat kept asking movie questions

They both have shit opinions.

I'm bad = Game bad

Red Letter Media is nothing without Mike.

basically this

You're not wrong.

When Jay was on Previously Recorded was brilliant. Mike was rather boring, the only fun thing I remember is when he play Don't Shit Your Pants.

Tried to be like Half in the Bag except without any of the chemistry, wit, or insight of Mike and Jay

Jack said something so they had to shut down.

Unironically the only good part of Pre-Rec was with Jay.

You could tell their hearts weren't in it.
Rich and Jack both seemed so bored every episode.

It ruined Rich for me

Streams got boring after Jay stopped coming.
Their reviews were bad cos they're idiots who don't read tutorials.
Remember their fucking Bayonetta review where they complained about how bosses took too long to kill? They also complained that longer combos weren't worth using because you never got time to do them, despite the fact that perfect dodge then continue your combo where you left off. This is why they did no damage to bosses.

just really bad takes on videogames

dude foreskin lmao

Every game was bad for them besides X-Com. And every game was bad for reasons they either made up, TOO MUCH STORY THIS IS A GAME NOT A MOVIE or they were just absolute shit at the game.

They are absolutely dogshit at video games and their opinions are terrible.
Just look at their Dragon's Dogma """"review""""

Their best review was The Order 1886 because they reviewed it like a movie. But god damn was that a good review.

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Pre-Rec was generally good when it didn't involve games, like when they discuss behind-the-scenes stuff or have a guest like Jay.

They have bad taste. Rich like x-com and bloodborne but ignore all other games.

I like the Friday the 13th streams, and that's about it.

That's what I've been thinking. The order is most memorable thing to come out of that shitpile.

Let's be fair though, even as a movie The Order was a big pile of doodoo.


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shouldve done retro games
finding old gems or turds

That was why they did it, the devs went on the typical bullshit ITS NOT A GAME YOU DUMB NERDS WE'RE TELLING A STORY, so they tore it apart on the merits of telling a story.

It's a shame that nothing else they did came anywhere near that close, otherwise it'd be up there with Best of the Worst and Nerd Crew.

They both arer bad at playing games and did not have a profound understanding of the subject matter.

This. Showed what a hat tipping neckbeard he truly is.

I liked when Mike said Rec stands for rectum

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not enough mike talking about star trek for 3 hours

They had such a smug and what they believed was observantly critical way of attempting to tear into a game that was so fucking stupid. Basically, they were the complete form of "2D Sonic games are just hold right to win." shitposters. This was even a huge talking point in one of their videos on why they thought 2D Sonic was shit. And that's the kind of arguments they had with every single game. These guys can talk in circles about soulless Marvel movie #53234234 and why the movie is just ok while joking about the shit fanbase but critical thinking skills and making good arguments or really saying anything interesting about vidya they seemed to never be able to do. They refused to acknowledge and at least try to and moved on solely to what made them which is shitting on capeshit.

>t. seething Sonicfan

The only good videos they made were the ones with Jay in them. I liked watching Jay play Friday the 13th.
>when Jay turns on "Evil Dead vision" and just lets out a genuine "WHOOOOOA" in joy

>Friday the 13th
What games did jay play ? all I see is him in the voice chat not even in the same room

whenever youtubers try to branch into other subjects, because those subjects are also popular on youtube, they always do a really half-assed migration into them that is transparent to the viewer
there is also a huge disparity in charisma among every X and friends group, and you can't just stuff one of your charisma vacuums into a project without offsetting him

they were correct about sonic. decades and decade and all sonic fans have are a few games that people can even argue are good. The core of sonic was BAD. 2D Mario are still top sellers. Give up, sonic was not good.

Rich actually always wanted to do some series about video games but they all flopped because he sucks at them

Friday the 13th
Duck Tales
NES Nightmare on Elm Street
Lolipop Chainsaw

I'm sure there are others, but that's all I can remember.

Their opinions are dogshit, their humour is garbage, they are terrible at video games and got no understanding of them, the history and the industry at large.

The two are also awful talking about movies but Mike and Jay have enough skill and knowledge to somehow make these shitters work.

Meh pretty shitty

Exposed themselves as just being some normie tier schlubs
Also skin thinner than paper, I remember on there final stream they where still banning people anyway, fucking kek

why didnt they play movie games like mgs?

jack thinks kojimbo is sexist

No Mike

Rich Evans and his tranny husband

>shitting on Alien Isolation
The first and last episode I've watched of this tripe.

ok but jack shouldn't have been involved in the first place

>shitting on Alien Isolation
Sounds pretty based to me

sounds like Yea Forums personified

fuck off aidsfaggots

They played it at a snails pace and their gameplay was them constantly walking into enemies and losing all their rings or dieing in easily avoidable ways. In less than an hour of playing I'd expect most people to understand how to play them game better with the exception of retards. If it's not Sonic, there's countless instances people throw out on how they did not understand how to play the game so their criticisms were mechanically wrong. Oh, and in the same criticism of Sonic they stated that it was at least it's better than Crash Bandicoot. So Crash must be a really shit game.

I don't know how anyone can defend their Sonic shit, the entire video I was thinking "FUCKING ROLL FAGGOTS"

>normie tier schlubs
I realized that watching best of the worst, Rich is a failed normalfag, Mike is the only reason why people like Rich, also, I kind hate that chinless fat fuck.

Take your Yea Forums eceleb shit to

piggybacking off the work and success of mike and jay. these guys have no interesting insight in to video games nor are they any good at them.

Yeah Karen was pretty obnoxious. He was often eating laudly and talking about unrelated boring stuff that distracted Rich.

They lacked the time and energy to produce enough quality content. RLM is already a full time job.

They're insanely fucking retarded with horrible opinions. I was pretty sure it was parody and that they were doing it on purpose, but that would be giving them to much credit.
I mainly think about their steam controller review where they mapped aiming to the gyro and a bunch of other dumb shit and then complained about how hard it was to control.