>ps4 virgins trying to piggybacking off PChads
pc niggers begging for my sloppy seconds are not my bros
>CensorshipStation4 thinking they have the right to sake hands with PC master race.
Don't touch me you filthy animal.
All you consolewarring poorfags. Just get more money, it solves all your problems. I have all of the current relevant games.
20fps Station can fuck off. #PCMasterRace4Ever
Pc is merging with xbots, the rest need not apply.
>pcniggers shaking hands with PS4bros
No thanks.
why the fuck would I need inferior PC
I haven't touched my PS4 since Detroit and even that is now coming to PC.
I have all consoles (- xbox ofc) and I still wage console war for fun
>It solves all your problems
I’m in it to spam oh no no no and cope
The correct master race has always and will always be PC+Nintendo.
Based, this is exactly how it is. We always loved you sonybros, nincels tried to claim us and falseflagged as pc gamers but they only fooled themselves.
>SA2 fags thinking they have the right to sake hands with S3K master race
Don't touch me you filthy animal.
nigga what
>click magnet link
>start torrent
boy that was hard
Why were people so against Epic Store anyways? I thought getting more options other than Steam was good
alright it seems like PCfags think they are too good for us, so i fixed it
PC and Xbox are one now.
XPC+Nintendies is the way to go
>Censorshipfags thinking they are better than anyone else.
thats better
enjoy your shitty music installers, your virus ridden crack copies, double unpacks and installs.
Because Epic is substantially worse than Steam in every way.
only ever had the music installers, here is the solution
Solid kek
>liking any sonic games
that image is a little bit too problematic for ps4 users
Pretty much, yep.
Xbox has precisely pic related games and Switch is for kids and mentally ill people.
>there's only 2 Adventure games, yet SA2 clowns still don't know SA1 is better.
I have owned pretty much every Sony console except PSP at one point or another but I'll get the new Xbox instead of PS5 if it comes with backwards compability to X1, X360 and OG Xbox to go with my outdated computer.
Sony hasn't put out anything of value since the start of 8th gen and they just dug their grave deeper with everything they do.
>The actual launcher and store was shit and lacking features
>Rumors of your information being sold to the chinese
>Epic using its fortnite money to make games exclusive removing player choice of platform
>Epic doing this to games already confirmed to come to steam
>Epic doing this to games people kickstarted under pretense of getting it on steam
>Some of these games refused refunds if you don't want a copy on epic
>developers being entitled and saying epic is the future because they get payed more than they do onsteam
>every epic exclusive dev has been outed as greedy scumbags that don't give a fuck about consumers
PC and Switch are bros. PS4 is used for exclusives and that's it.
And Microsoft did?
At least Sony has some games.
Sorry PS4keks you can't play with the big boys.
>friends all get PCs
>Play rimworld and browse youtube
Is there anything more pathetic than PCfags?
>PS4 is used for exclusives
And their flagship exclusives aren't even good. They have to rely on shit like Yakuza or Persona.
Based as fuck
Can you be any more obvious, nincel?
>Sony has some games.
And censorship.
Having more options to decide where you want to buy games and who you want to support by buying them is a good thing.
Good platforms will be supported because they're good, not because they have games nobody else does. The only draw to the Epic Store is the games that they've made exclusive to themselves. As long as they can keep good games exclusive to their store, they have no reason to actually provide a quality service - people will be forced to use it to play the games they want to. It's complete shit for consumers.
>he downloads his pirates off of cnet
because their store is shit. instead of buying exclusives to force people to use their shit, they should make it attractive for people to use
Epic never actually did anything good, all it did was rock the boat for no reason.
It was literally a bad steam knockoff that couldn't do anything right, while throwing chinamoney at developers to bribe them into exclusivity entirely at the consumer's expense.
Because it's not "more options", epic bribing the devs means that you can only get some games from them. And it still would be acceptable if not for the fact that despite their infinite fortnite cash epic's service somehow manages to be worse than steam, and that is REALLY fucking low
he's right, pis4 has 1 good game, and literally is censoring games and pushes your gay pride
low graphics >censoring games
>pis4 has 1 good game
That's not true. They have a bunch of them. Gravity Rush 2, Persona 5 and Yakuza/spinoffs
And Switch has 0
>Doesn't have an emulator of gaming consoles
Fuck off aids faggot shill
Phil confirmed at E3 that Scarlet will be backcompat with all 3 previous generations
Seething Xtranny
whoops fellow snoyfriend, you accidentally got one of your comrads in your crosshair
>PShitters competing with PChads
kek, never gonna make it
>xniggies pushing their ratfuck emulation that based phil just got killed off
fucking jej
>like I would even touch a console player
But they're both available on PC...
close but no cigar, better try harder to get them (you)'s
all ps4cucks do is shitpost since their shitty console hasnt had a decent game in 4 years. they're to stay relevant that way, but fail miserably
Okay grandma, now take your pills and sleep for a bit. The doctor says the internet is hurting your eyes.
Glad there are still non-retard like you on Yea Forums user.
xniggie in hardcore denial kek
state controlled by a fucking totalitarian regime.
is this fucking souljaboy?