>say word
>money stolen
Why is this allowed?
Say word
Other urls found in this thread:
>verbally abuse teammates while playing soccer and scream the word nigger repeatedly
>red card
wtf bros???
stop playing on shitty totalitarian game servers.
>act like a fucking piece of shit
>I get banned
How does this work?
i purposely get people banned, take a time out child LMAO
>Be an obese retard no one likes
> Daddy Steam gives you a timeout so you stop being a retard and do something with your smelly life.
Wtf bros?!?!!
lmao fucking zoomers
>Hello welcome to our game, we have some simple community standards we'd like you to follow, like not screaming nigger like a complete autist
>I'm sorry, you've had your chat privileges revoked
should have permabanned you
my 14 day ban is almost over for league. this is what happened;
>playing aram, the casual fun mode where noone cares
>game starts, i'm a support, i built a mana item
>teammate goes 'ugh he's going damage'
>i say no retard this item is op for all mana users
>he say calm down
>i say you started it
>nobody talks again until game over we all say gg
some faggot reports me after the game and i get 14 day ban, like instantly after that game, i couldn't even queue up again, the automated system just sees the word retard and says yep banned. i want to go back to when adults were allowed to play video games
>be better than my team
>money stolen for "smurfing"
>Be a faggy rager
>Get banned like a faggy rager
That's what you get fag
looks like your chat privileges were just disabled how is that money stolen?
Online games have been ruined by the funpolice
You should've known this would happen
>Chat privilages have been suspended
wow its fucking nothing
It wasn't even a perma though
Because you are playing games made by public companies.
Shit like that doesn't happen in Dota.
Are you on Yea Forums?
No? Gotta turn that 'filter' back on, buddy.
we should start larping as concerned gamers and suggest that 'bad language users' are given their own badboy server where if you get banned for using naughty boy speech, you get put on the badboy server and can only play with other naughty boys. that way the children can have their server, and the adults can have our own server
>order McDonalds
>start telling the people waiting that they're fucking niggers and should kill themselves
>get escorted off the property
>mfw they stole my nuggets
>act like a retard
>get treated like a retard
and every time they come crying to Yea Forums to be treated like a retard some more
like clockwork
>Shit like that doesn't happen in Dota.
Because Valve are lazy fucks.
Know what I did when I got annoyed while playing DotA for WC3? I'd pick KotL every time.
Oh we need a carry? Let me pick KotL lolol.
While I don't like the ban system in league, it won't do that unless you were being a spastic prior. Take your medication.
Assuming you have already paid, you are entitled to a refund.
imagine being this retarded
>Right to Censor trannies absolutely COPING after their 6+ year astroturfing campaign is resulting in google getting antitrusted and nationalized
>Only a day ban
You have no idea how lucky you are
>I'm pro banning people from games they paid money to play for saying things instead of just muting them
>I still go to Yea Forums, because thanks to anonymity I can't be punished for saying things some people find offensive
>while I'm on Yea Forums, I'll talk down on people that think that every place should have the freedom of expression that Yea Forums has
now here's a thread i haven't seen in a while
i guess you can post sojak next to a report box for only so long
>Agree to terms and condition where it is stated that you can get banned if you break rules (e.g. by insulting other players)
>Break rules
>Get banned as expected since you agreed to the terms and conditions
>"wtf why did you steal my money by doing something that I agreed upon?!"
>mfw pushing trannies and liberals into literal crying, screaming mental breakdowns by saying naughty words
>mfw recording said autistic fits and posting them online, spreading them to as many people as possible
Don't elebrate too early user. Nothing's through yet.
Google and Facebook need to be broken up before we party.
>buy game
>dont agree to terms and conditions
>cant play
>money stolen
(And that's a good thing)
Why do all the replies saying the ban is deserved read the same way?
>waaaaaah! don't say bad words! I can't take it, my neovagina is burning!!!
>*retarded babbling*
>*sucks lots of nigger dick*
that's just not true, i was on like honor level 4, i'd been a very good boy.
it's a tranny IRC paid by google called "Right to Censor". they astroturf these threads to push the "it's ok to censor bad speech" narrative hoping to turn Yea Forums over to their side
they've been doing this for 6+ years
>chat privileges
>money stolen
how did a retard like you have money in the first place?
>"Your game chat privileges have been suspended (for 24 hours)"
>No actual mention of a ban that prevents you from playing the game
What? What happened?
Yea Forums is a hivemind
the sooner you get used to it, the sooner you assimilate
you imgur filename posting faggot
No one gets banned for a single game in league, that game that was just a last drop in the bucket of report you got before. Pretty sure you forgot mention 10 games where you called your teammates niggers prior.
Because they're all dumb, likeminded, snowflake idiots who press for censorship and law-enforced regulation of speech, not knowing what kind of dystopian nightmare society they would bring about.
I'll take "things you have literally never done" for 500
Pretty sure every TOC in the world can easily be ruled legally nonbinding, it happens in court cases all the time.
fucking BASED
Excellent reply, wise words my friend
also they started this thread with a flaw so they can repeatedly point out that "it was only your chat privileges, your money wasnt stolen" to look like the narrative is shifting
cope you faggot traitor trannies, get hanged
I don't think you have any room to talk, sweetie'
Considering how thin skinned those folks are and how they act, including suffering public breakdowns from Trump's election, his claims are actually very believable.
no one likes a retard
>if you don't agree with me that me being banned for screaming 'Nigger' like a retard is totalitarianism you're the tranny discord
completely obsessed
>say word; money stolen from consumer
>pirate game; no money stolen from company
Just try and reconcile this
untrue, and even if it were true, i should be allowed to call my teammates niggers. if they can't handle it they can mute me, that's what the button exists for.
Based and bugchaserpilled
But I saved the image from here? I just use the download button from 4chanX.
kill yourself you motherfucking NIGGER
>oh shit he caught us out, meet me at the dilation station in 10, call him "obsessed" and "shizo" in the meantime
why you ignore my reply
and then everyone clapped
If you did so, it would have a Unix filename, you fucking NEWFAG
Does it frustrate you being this dumb? I bet remembering to brush your teeth is so difficult it drives you to tears, tranny.
Fuck, my sides are in orbit
Then don’t say racist stuff, dummy.
>using anything but the quickchat on rocket league
For what purpose?
>, i should be allowed to call my teammates niggers
Imagine being so entitled in a free game.
I love reporting stupid faggots because they always get so mad when the ban hammer falls
>keep calling people apes game after game
well good riddance.
Every time, people justify it because of vague 5000 world EULAs, or they use big brother tier justification like "we were doing it to save the children from evil racists".
These bootlickers unironically support Microsoft banning people for criticizing Windows 10, or Comcast throttling anyone who says they don't like their service. And why? "HAHA LE FREE MARKET, FIRST AMENDMENT BAD, PEOPLE SHOULD SUFFER FOR THEIR WORDS"
Yeah no one gets a 14 day ban for saying retard once
>I should be able to censor words I dont like
you are the entitled one, leftist infantile brat. cant wait to see you finally and permanently peeled off the boot of humanity
If you took this like a champ knowing full well what would happen, you're a chad. If you're literally trying to believe you're not at fault whatsoever, you are literally the definition of an egotistical manchild with stunted development. Stop this bait.
Everything can be sexist, racist, homophobic (hue, "phobic" - you wish faggots). Self-censoring cunts are the worst type of people.
Oh you can't say NIGGER, you can't say RETARD, you can't say TRANNY.
Fuck you, nigger retarded trannies.
fuck entitled, i want people stop acting like little fucking bitches. grown ass men reporting people for bad words, imagine if we could see irl pics of everyone who reports for language, they'd all look like fucking cucks
Should be at least a month or what's the point.
Why do gamers hate a bit of light hearted banter like in OP. It's just words
I'm not american and i'm not left, neck yourself, nigger.
>freedom of speech means freedom from consequence
the first amendment is so the government can't touch you
it has nothing to do with a private company
>retard can't control itself
>get's punished
>wtf bros!!!
but you said nigger though, so we've got your back. Yea Forums!!
sure thing pedophile cunt
Shit i should start naming my files after I download them. Two of those post are me, the one saying that "it could take less time than that" and the latest one.
That's not steam
get raped idiot, every time I report someone as fucking stupid as you I get a small rush because I know just how mad it makes you
Holy fuck, you are obsessed.
Silly user! Consequences are for other people, not me!
>u mad
People who get mad enough to sperg out in chat/voip deserve to be permabanned regardless of the language they use. Nobody wants to be around your pathetic ass in real life they shouldn't be forced to in the game either.
good thing google is getting nationalized then
next up, game chat servers
if you killed yourself right now, who would honestly care? nobody, left wing insect
those recordings would be all over this board if that story was real
Conservatives deserve to be censored.
This is the most annoying shit
>they're a private company they can do whatever they want
>including stealing your money, spying on your private information and sell it for additional non-disclosed profit, violate laws both in your and their countries
According to retards on the internet being a private company is the ultimate get out of jail for free card, some people want companies to be able to do literally anything they feel like because they like being fucked in the ass by big corporations I guess
or you can use the 4chanx option to randomize your filenames
and then you still have to be wary of the MD5 hashes.
Every time, you people show that you don't understand the First Amendment. Your position ought to be advocating for a new constitutional amendment but you've probably never ever been to a single political rally.
you have schizophrenia
>defending this shit
Dilate and join 40%, bootlicking faggot.
>22 hours
That's not so bad, and you deserved a lot worse.
>he doesnt want to be friends with ltg
bro you are a pansy
I think I'm actually too old for this site. Garbage like this is common place now and I don't feel like I belong here anymore.
The video is getting deleted all over youtube and reuploaded again but some top woman at Google and other leaks show that Google is actively trying to prevent Trump from getting reelected, regulating fairness and other stuff, it's pretty crazy.
>Elizabeth Warren is saying we should break up Google. And like, I love her but she’s very misguided, like that will not make it better it will make it worse, because all these smaller companies who don’t have the same resources that we do will be charged with preventing the next Trump situation, it’s like a small company cannot do that.
You have retardation and severe case of autism.
Just use linux and play singleplayer games on console, never stream from it either or reveal your account name online. Problem with people taking away your money solved.
Reminder that people defending corporate censorship and even corpos themselves are not libertarians, just bootlickers. You have the liberty to do whatever you want to as long as you're not committing aggression towards other people. Calling someone a nigger IS NOT AN ACT OF AGGRESSION OR VIOLATION OF LIBERTY, CENSORSHIP IS.
In League I always report anyone saying e-word (ez) this gives me pleasure on par with winning the game.
One time a retarded nigga said someting amont the lines of 'i'll fucking rape you irl nigger' and I forgot to report him after the game. I went to rito support and submitted a ticket about it pretending to be 'terrified and offended'.
Got pic related, with a doggo gif, felt good. Nigger got banned.
>little fucking bitches.
Chimping out in chat is a lireral children behaviour. Maybe you'll outgrew it in 5 more years.
A good reason people intentionally spam in these games servers is because they utterly hate the company, and how stuff are handled. And a good portion are probably farming Karma and (You)s as well.
Really, they can have community hosted servers, like pretty much any multiplayer game in the mid 2000s on PC. But that extra in R&D that even indies and smaller studios decades ago bothered doing is too spicy for them. Nu-uh. No reason why getting banned from the Blizzard mega server would get you banned from playing entirely. Imagine the sheer rage people would give Valve if getting VAC banned means you got banned from every server.
It's flat out stupid, even if you have 12 year olds that want to spam nigger 50 times.
see you tomorrow, cocksucker
>Hating on Quentin
Now they've pushed it too far
>sperg out
define this. is using the word retard "sperging out"? jesus imagine being friends with a wet blanket like you irl. no guys please stop making these jokes they're very offensive i can't handle them please stop no
>implying there's a difference which president sits in US chair
no u
>and you deserved a lot worse.
Community hosted servers are haram.
>shitty food analogy
In this case though the game is the nuggies and the "restaurant" the servers, you get your food but you have to eat at the curb where your box-home is.
Imagine thinking anyone on the left wouldn't want to break up and nationalize Google
I'm glad quentin got doxxed.
There' I said it. I was so sick of his shitty bait threads.
/pol/ was the worst mistake Yea Forums ever made
>sperg out
You are ironically sperged out yourself, so go dilate, autist.
>actively attempting to stop a corrupt politician who runs concentration camps and is accelerating the destruction of the environment
Why is this bad?
Just a reminder to all the resetera pedophile trannies that have been in these threads for over 6 years now: in that timeframe you have seen Gamergate's victory resulting in Trump's first election, Brexit cucking world socialism even further and now you're facing the prospect of Google's imminent indictment and nationalization, with all the dirt that will uncover in court.
Trump will win a second term and it will be extended by 2+ years due to your side's seditious behavior.
You have lost EVERYTHING you worked for. Your little ragtag group of marxist rabbinic bolshevists have been absolutely SLAUGHTERED by Yea Forums and /pol/ in a matter of years. Your cute little attempt at babylon is the last. You won't be missed.
You may as well just do it now and get it over with.
>years ago
>play CS1.6
>tell people they're faggots when they're being faggots
>they respond by telling me I'm a retard and should uninstall
>we all have a good time despite our mean words
>this year
>play online game
>say a bad word that's on a naughty list once
>either nobody responds or someone starts crying about toxicity
>in either case get reported
>temporary ban between a day or a couple months depending on game
>can't banter with anyone
>only allowed to have fun in the way the developers intended
jesus christ if real.. i mean maybe this is the new meta and i'm behind the times. maybe the game is now just about baiting other people into saying the naughty word then getting their account banned. is that just what a lot of people do?
you fucking know we can post /r/t_d being even more embarrassing
when will you wake up to how much of a hypocritical retard you are?
>muh good old days
haha get fucked nigger
I swear this sort of shit is so dumb it HAS to be a false flag to make libertarians look like retards
go dilate, falseflag tranny
>2 games 3 retards
Pretty easy for a non-retard/autist to infer that he's getting mad that the game isn't going his way due to incompetent teammates so he's raging in chat. Sorry you're an idiot who can't understand this stuff easily.
Little tip, only newfags call others newfags.
So maybe you should go back or stop being such faggot.
Zoomers are touchy. Stressless upbringing does that to a person.
God, fuck americans and their disgusting european ancestors. Thank god you degenerates are stupid enough to have a sexual revolution at the same time as your anti-vaccer movement, your super smallpox and AIDs will do the job for the rest of the world
Well fuck, was not aware of this.
People have the liberty to choose who they want.
ya, sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. used to say that when we were kids when people insulted us or called us names. now you go cry to the teacher and get the other kid detention
they were good days
There's a mute button sure but what makes it more "natural" than the report button next to it?
Yes, I can mute you. I will probably mute you while I also report you because you deserve both the scolding and the opportunity to learn to be better, just as my fellow excellent gamers deserve to be spared from your future outbursts if possible.
Classical left sure, modern american left is totally fine with google as long as it puts rainbow flag in youtube's twitter account avatar and censor right-wingers.
I don't know about the retards responding but I really believe this kind of attitude and the response it gets is what really fuels the faggoty passive aggressive behavior you see everywhere.
You can't be up front about calling someone an idiot, so you do little things to get at them like not support them or set them up for a bad time.
I mean, I play lol with my friends and the moment a retard types in those two letters is the sweetest shiti in whole lol. Cause he'll fucking get banned.
Why do all the replies to my post read the same way?
Big tip, only post-2016 HS faggots use modern meme terms like dilate, seethe, and cope.
I'd say if you act like OP in the span of one game you are sperging out. It's not that big meanie words hurt little man but you're just being the equivlant of a chihuahua gnarling in game.
>modern american left
Oh you mean liberals
Liberals aren't left
It's perfectly okay to be a newfriend, but over-committing to the fotm channer words gives you an unattractive air of desperation.
What high profile multiplayer games are left that lets their players get away with saying dumbest shit?
Hard mode: No CSGO or Dota 2 because those have always been unregulated shitholes courtesy of gaben being lazy
>post-2016 HS
>He thinks the Diamond Dogs won't come back.
Gang Weeders will fall to the Diamond Dogs.
and they're gone get over it bitch
>watch mlp the movie opening day as a 25 year old man
>theater is mostly girls and their parents, weird looks abound as I'm alone
>whatever, I'm hyped af for this
>loudly share my hilarious insights, and can't help but humorously riff on boring sections, only swearing sparingly
>get a few chuckles, but mostly "shh"s- I guess some of them can't take a joke
>some kids actually start crying when I call Twilight a "dumb fucking nigger whore"
>suddenly lifted out of my seat by two large men, they look pissed for some reason
>dragged out of the theater, hear a few cheers as I'm pulled out, what the fuck
>the guys take me outside and kick my ass, and tell me to "act like a fucking adult"- oh the irony from these brutes
>want to go back in and get my money back, but I'm bleeding back, and they kicked my ass good, so I couldn't help but cry a little
>end up just going home and trying to sleep
It's not fair bros, I need to get a gun to defend myself next time.
>>say word
>>freedom taken
welcome to the world of responsibility
is this in NA? i play on EUW and i play like an autist and call people the most obscene shit i can think of all day and i've never had so much as a warning
No the fuck you are not
Honkposting is based though, so redemption arc?
I'm glad those faggots finally stopped too.
>agree to TOS
>break TOS
>get banned
I even still have the 'evidence' kek
no fuck you
or, you know - don't be a useless cunt and stop shitposting so that autistic people wouldn't bother looking up the history
Mordhau as a recent example.
And I think some EU servers that League has more lee way as well.
Bullshit, there hundreds of "Christian" servers that auto-kicked or banned for using certain words. The only difference between then and now is that there aren't any 3rd party servers for pretty much any game anymore, which on its own is a bigger crime than filtering words.
We got called in front of Congress multiple times, so we’ve not shown up because we know that they’re just going to attack us. We’re not going to change our, we’re not going to change our mind. There’s no use sitting there being attacked over something we know we’re not going to change. They can pressure us but we’re not changing. But we also have to be aware of what they’re doing and what they’re accusing us of.
fucking kek what an insane bitch, how is this not illegal
I mean, yeah, but I can't expect that user to change.
If you say 'retard', 'faggot', or god forbid 'nigger' in any online game and expect to not be banned/muted you are a retarded faggot nigger
>Play Holdfast
>meet some Czech dude.
>the first thing he does, is call me a nigger.
>he spends most of his time playing nazi march songs and Hitler speeches.
>Admins tell him to cool it.
>He doesn't give a fuck, because at this point he has drunk about one and a half bottle of vodka.
>they ban him
>the absolute lad family shares his account and is straight back in playing more nazi march music.
>he ends up family sharing 16 times before the admins IP ban him.
>He gets a VPN and is back at it again.
This dude is pretty fucking funny, and when he gets drunk he starts taking requests for music. 10/10 guy. pic somewhat related.
>Honkposting is based
It's cancer but at least it's not as cancer as MAGA hat edits.
If you choose someone who runs concentration camps, you clearly don’t mind having your liberty violated.
Honkposting and clownworld posting is now normalfag tier.
can i say r-word f-word n-word
Because retarded.
High school kiddo.
>dislike resetera
>"you must be a donald trump supporting r*ddit user!"
mordhau was fucking wild for the first couple of weeks. i havent really played since then though.
That does seem to be the case, yes.
'a trump official tried to argue..'
i'm sure that's exactly what happened. i sure do trust blue checkmarks not to lie
It won't be allowed for long, the government is introducing legislation that makes platforms including game chat liable for libel of their users if they ban players for speech.
Since they're curating and filtering posts, that does not make them a "platform" it makes them a "publisher" and therefore they should be liable for what is "published".
>trump is worse than niggers
i mean, i knew he was a jew but jesus christ
>ignore rules
>break rules
I wasn't shitposting though, I was serious when asking why so many replies read the same way and followed the same format. I guess posting in this pseudo off topic could be considered shitposting but I wasn't trying to.
>buy game
>dont agree to TOS
>cant play and money stolen
>there hundreds of "Christian" servers
Not only have I never seen one but why would you ever even enter such a server?
Are they an american thing? I've never seen one in any online game in the EU
Dilate resetrefugee
yeah i hope that goes far and at least makes some kind of change in the right direction. generally i'm against government regulation but in this case the extreme left has overstepped their bounds and needs to be put in their place
meanwhile IRL your pussy ass wouldn't take so much shit to someone's face in an actual pick up soccer game with strangers. you think it's a matter of people being sensitive bitches online but the reality is you haven't matured out of your chimp out in chat phase.
>illegally cross border breaking the law
>take your 15 kids with you
>get detained
Beaners should be grateful they aren't shot on sight by the border patrol. But honestly they should be shot
take your pick of news outlets
Will there be a multiplayer game that tops Dota's SEA servers?
Worse yet, Dota's SEA LPQ servers? I think not.
i say this all the time in rainbow six and was never banned
What about muslim servers?
>pick up soccer game
who the fuck am i talking to right now lmao what is that, you play sports with strangers?
soccer is a sport for faggots
God that image is for faggots
>speech policing and violating the first amendment
>by letting people say what they want
What the fuck is wrong with american logic? Maybe there really is something in your water supplies
WTF bros why don't private companies respect the 1st amendment and let me call everyone nigger faggot tranny kikes?
>Are they an american thing?
Maybe, all I know is that ~2005 if I joined a random server in 1.6 I had greater odds of being auto-muted/kicked/banned for saying the bad words than getting a server that didn't give a shit.
I'm sorry dude, but you deserve it..... like... a lot....
She's a woman, that means she's right. Little (male) beaners should be made girl (male) qt traps if they want to get in US
I hate jews, why on earth would I like trump?
It seems like /pol/ is losing its grip on Yea Forums
I say all of those and expect to not be banned, don't care about muted
If a game does ban me for using these words it doesn't deserve my patronage anyway and I will not by any future games from said developer or give their existing games any money through microtransactions, DLC, etc.
>spend money to attend concert
>venue clearly states no outside food or drink
>bring in a cooler full of beer and hot dogs, proceed to grill in the middle of the concert
>get kicked out
just because you spend money doesn't mean you get to violate the terms of service you agree upon in order to use the online service
don't like it, find another game to spout bullshit on
Based valve for tricking cheaters and children to be contained in their own server and play with each other
I understand it user. You don't want the first amendment PERIOD. That means you literally want to jail someone for wrongthink, even in public property not owned by a corporation.
some people have real hobbies like being a part of rec leagues
Same reason anyone else on Yea Forums does: a misguided attempt to spite da libs.
Yes you are. They can throw you out but they can't take away the food you already paid for
In your retarded head.
I also hate Resetera, but you can't pretend that the guy I was replying to isn't at least a /pol/ crossboarder
That shit was normalfag from the very start by virtue of being posted on Yea Forums. The first few days that retarded clown hair was out my normalfag friends were sending it to me
GTAV did that, and all the arseholes started complaining that they only ever got put in servers with arseholes.
People like OP don't even enjoy their own company, screaming "nigger" over and over in chat is only worth it to them if they think it's making someone else's day worse in the process.
Its by far the biggest board on this site retard
You cannot mute irl, retard.
>muh terms of service
Go to be bootlicker somewhere else.
Never seen one of those either but there is one thing does plague the EU online games
Russians, they are the BRs of EU except they're not limited to f2p MMOs
just using OP's example. sub soccer for any competitive activity that isn't digital
>Buy a car, have license
>Be drunk/tired and start swerving into and out of different lanes
>Get caught doing this multiple times and they take my car
WTF guys it's my car, how are they able to do this???! I should be able to do whatever I want with it and in it!
>shoot girl
>whines to admin
>immediate "who who's doing it!??"
yeah private servers are so much better
I got banned for saying that klepto was for faggots, not even a chat ban.
Do you think everyone who disagrees with you is a trump supporter?
Every MP game in the world should have a Low-Priority Queue.
Prove me wrong.
Actually, Yea Forums is, by a decent margin.
I literally had to google what aram was because I thought it was the name of a hero and nothing made sense.
a poof like you would never box so you dont know what masculine engagement is about
Nope. But I can always tell (even if it drives you crazy).
>censoring yourself
are people really like this? it sounds so beta-male-y
Still the better route.
I can go conspiracy route and say Blizzard doesn't add community servers because they like the control. But I think it's more that they're straight up lazy and don't care.
>buy a game from a company that you hate just to scream ‘nigger’
>a good reason
Say it with me now: cognitive dissonance
you can refund games, retard
>Low-Priority Queue
someone explain what this means
>muh /pol/
You confusing /pol/ with Yea Forums shitposters and trolls, dumb redditor.
Yea Forums is /pol/ (and that's a good thing)
For you
that's false, gta put cheaters and red-dot players on their own servers. it had zero to do with online chat
Cesspool for toxic lowskill faggots.
Yea Forums is Yea Forums
/pol/ is /pol/
no matter how hard you scream this is the truth
>"if you don't follow the rules, the server has every right to ban you, especially if you do it in an obnoxious fashion"
you must be a BRBRBRBRdrone, given the broken english
go beg for money on counterstrike and leave the actual gaming to people who can play without having to scream like an autist every five seconds
Hopping a border and requesting asylum isn't against the law m8, either in U.S. or international code.
ToS are meaningless marketing materials that companies point at to make their arbitrary decisions look "official"
Sorry tranny, I hate trump too. You're not as good as you think.
Because people enjoy trying to take the moral high ground. The reality is that no ban is justified u less its cheating and hacking. Ironically cheating and hackins is common and allowed. For example Rank 1 in League of Legends cheats the system by win trading on certain accounts and lobby manipulating. This is how he maintains rank 1 for the past 3 seasons. But nope, no bans for that.
where's the autistic_frog image when you need it
why are far right opinions so predominant here then? seems like every thread Yea Forums hates the forced leftism in Western games. why is that? hmm
Either you actually get mad so you start spouting these words out or you lack any kind of social intelligence on understanding why being an obnoxious retard is not accepted.
Either way you're a whiny faggot.
come on now, let's not pretend you're an amateur boxer who also loves to talk shit online. do u even lift bro?
Holy fucking schizophrenia, do you actually think people believe this?
Like, more than the one sociopath you saw saying that kind of shit?
Please just spend a minute visiting the places where rational people have discussions instead of the radicalized places.
Your view of humanity is not healthy.
If you suck at the game while being an annoying screamer you'll end up having to win X games in a special queue for people like yourself. However, since people like being carried you can still be toxic and be fine as long as you win.
Adults would not call others retarded, since you can't even manage to do that, it means you are not an adult and 14 days are perfectly adequate time to reflect on your actions.
Will you be calling others retarded once the 14 days run out? No, you will not, unless you don't want to play.
It's kinda sad that it is up to a video game to educate children about common decency, because apparently your parents were incapable of doing that :/
You confuse your own delusions with reality.
Why/how is ballchaser an insult?
>do u even lift bro?
do i fit in yet Yea Forums just got here from pedoera
>sperg like you've got more chromosomes than manners
>get put in timeout for a day
Moderation doing it's job properly
>ASYLUM:The right of asylum (sometimes called right of political asylum, from the Ancient Greek word ἄσυλον) is an ancient juridical concept, under which a person PERSECUTE BY ONE'S OWN COUNTRY, may be protected by another sovereign authority
fuck off
maybe because people are constantly spamming shit here?
A lot of those threads are oneangrygame trying to advertise his shitty news site.
That's like insinuating Yea Forums is chinese because of all the epic threads.
>buy a game from a company that you hate just to scream ‘nigger’
Never said that. I said that they hate the company. Probably don't play the game anymore and want to have a funny.
>cognitive dissonance
Here that's just a straight up buzzword with nothing to back it up, but hey it looks threatening. Okay, good arguments.
Yea Forums hates the forced politics in games. Don't forget 56%er, 10 years ago conservitards were the major enemy. Neither american political party is good for video games
They got asylum. They're in america away from their dangerous country.
Except no, because all that says is that you have been suspended from the in-game chat. Got any proof that you can't play the game anymore?
money wasn't stolen, you were fucking muted. Temporarily at that.
Abide by the rules. Or charge back your purchase.
Hey I forgot the name of the song this picture came from. Help a bro out?
>dude words are not part of behaviour
>dude I can behave like an asshole all I want
>what do you mean there’s repercussions? That’s not fair!
Ahhh to be an idealistic retarded child again...
>Adults would not call others retarded
post irl pic of you and your friends so i know who to avoid
It is possible to call someone out without resorting to namecalling and other childish crap, you know.
But you are bootlicker.
>having this huge ego
You are not human, you are subhuman.
isn't sperging about chromosomes exactly what trannies do?
copes out of this world
Yea Forums is /pol/ and /pol/ is Yea Forums
back in the day Yea Forums considered /pol/ its "crazy uncle", not that you would know being newshit pedoera transplants
>ToS are meaningless and arbitrary
clearly not, if they're being enforced on faggots like the op
I don't care if someone says a no-no word in chat, but if they're spamming autistic /pol/shit every 10 seconds, then they deserve to be banned, they're obviously looking for it
Ballchasers really deserve it though.
>spawned in the front and go for the ball like normal
>look behind me and see the guys who were supposed to defend the goal and midfield are both using all their fuel to try and get to the ball like they will beat us
Reminds me of elementary school where nobody wants to be goalie when it's the most important position. They're literally dumber than 8 year olds.
>implying you can’t cut tongues off
Found the sheltered princess
I'm not at that level but maybe I should be since it seems extremely fun and I love retards getting punished for their autism
Because in a private space the owner's rights take precedent, so you're literally restricting his rights by allowing someone else to speak/act over him.
Yeah good luck with that champ, his own party thinks he's fucking batshit.
This post is just extremely sad. You are at the point where you can't imagine grown up people not calling each other retards. How sad is that?
Think about where your life went so wrong.
every game has TOS retard
>crazy uncle
You mean the one you laugh at as soon as they leave? The one you egg on to say more batshit stuff? The one you tell your friends about and they laugh?
How very convenient! Almost as if you could just decide to say you do to build your dumb case. Give it up user, I know that you know that I know and what's the harm in showing who you are?
Because they are a private company. You can make your own game
Post yours, with timestamp. But you wouldn't since you are not even 18.
B-but muh freedom of speech!
>I like to alienate and disrespect my elder family members
liberal urbanite subhuman detected
Wouldn't be the first case of falseflag, and not everybody can bother to learn what they're criticizing.
You keep the food in that scenario you dribbling retard
They dont take your fucking nuggets away, they just dont let you stay in the mcdonalds
>adults would not call each other retarded
This fucking board is being subverted by Reddit.
>express my right to hack
>VAC banned
How the fuck are they still in business?
Google, Facebook and Twitter need to be broken up.
i just can't imagine a bunch of grown men hanging out and then if one guy says retarded the other guys go all 'gilleteblackdude.jpeg' like nah bro you can't use that kind of language. fucking funny
And opinion was discarded.
Already proven to be fake news over on /g/, the "evidence" is half of a powerpoint slide and a photoshopped image, the witness is a literal nobody and the story was "broken" by a website that has a proven record of making shit up whole cloth just for clicks.
You don't know what you're talking about newfag. Just stick to saying libtards are the enemy while you formulate plans to remove all violence and anti-christian symbolism from video games.
most recent pic, sry no timestamp, me on the left
Reddit is that way, buddy.
>breaking the law (even in a way that’s not inherently harmful like crossing an imaginary line in the ground) means any sort of inhumane treatment against you is completely fair
This is what Lawful Evil looks like.
Well summed up.
Act like trash, finish in the bin.
Just take the L dude
Literally file name user, Galo sengen.
dont forget the estrogen pills tranny trash
Well, for starters grown men wouldn't be calling each other retarded in the first place. This seems to be the basic concept you are incapable of grasping.
Who says /g/ didn't forge false evidence?
Wont solve anything unless you gas the kikes
google was created by 2 jews, seregi brin and larry page
Page is currently ceo of alphabet
jews also use right wingers for their evil globohomo scheme, the left will get less crazy without their jewish handlers
with jews everyone loses
Explain why saying nigger is grounds for being banned, or why it’s more important than any other swear.
>requesting asylum
>Hopping a border
pretty much illegal
Second term Trump will give border patrol the right to shoot fucking beaners. And it's gonna be MAGNIFICENT,
whatever you say my man
While I'm inclined to agree, the Chinese would eat that missing monopoly. Mega companies directly competing with each other just barely keeping each other in check is probably the most desirable stalemate we can get.
Also, why don't Blizzard games have community servers. Fricking frick.
Fascism has failed every single time it’s been tried.
Thanks for doing me the favor of posting the average american, I forgot to attach my 56%er image.
>because you deserve both the scolding and the opportunity to learn to be better,
nobody takes a temporary ban as an "opportunity to learn to be better", they just wait and play another game.
Read the laws you illiterate.
Why does Trump keep winning trannybro?
Cope sloppy
>that tone
You are still child, soÿboy.
Black fragility
Yea Forums HATED /new/ and /pol/ because they raided the shit out of Yea Forums for a week when Moot tried to delete their board
Now why does that sound so fucking familiar...
>haha wojack
>le reddit boogeyman
r/Yea Forums sure is popular, huh
You cant even read the terms and conditions until you have paid for the game, and unless its steam you cant get a refund
>buy game
>disagree with ToS
>Money stolen no refunds goy
China needs to be broken up too. Good thing Hongkong is working on that.
>didn't want to play the game anyway!!!
You will be cured even if while kicking and screaming.
>if you break the law it’s OK to immediately execute you without due process
Hope you’ve never broken a law in your life.
>a week
more like a year
Responsibilty is for faggots.
Mute and move on, you dumb yank.
is it really that difficult not to act like a sperg
>playing LoL
>cries about getting banned
based Riot
you should be banned from life
>pedogaf HATED /new/ and /pol/ because they normally posted on Yea Forums for a week when Moot tried to delete their board
fixed and cope
One brings in money and the other one doesn't. If you ban children and they stay in their containment server then you are not getting more money.
foreign invaders on our soil get the bullet that's been pretty much the standard of most societies going back to early hominid tribal behaviour
so don't buy games
Trump isn’t a fascist. He’s a liberal.
Unless you think he’s a fascist.
You confusing fascism with leftism.
Fascism existed in one way or another though all history.
For me it's not different, since i'm not american and don't give a single shit about your muh white guilt. It's considered more offensive by game management which is the only thing that matters, justified it is in anyone opinion or not.
But he is going to nationalize Google which is fascism right trannybto?
>Twitch chat spams black emote
>some autistic mod goes through and manually times out a dozen+ people
What I'm getting at is that it fuels passive aggressive attitudes like what you're doing right now. Seems like it's true to me, you know.
>no u
>pretty much illegal
It isn't if the context is them requesting asylum. Contrary to what people seem to think it doesn't have to work by them showing up at a port of entry and requesting it before being granted entry.
By that logic every single American soldier in the Middle East deserves to die.
And so did Otto Warmbier.
>Spam (lenny face) bind
>Get perma-muted
>some faggot reports me after the game
>and i get 14 day ban
>like instantly after that game
Yeah definitely not your first offense user. Stop crying for pity points on a Taiwanese reef restoration forum. You're probably constantly toxic as fuck, and got banned for something stupid like that because of it.
>Hanging out with a bunch of friends you've known for years and are comfortable with
>day one of new job, don't know shit about anything or anyone there, immediately unleash chanspeak full blast
Using extremes in both cases. You know when you're supposed to do something or not. Unless you're literally autistic.
>ctrl+f "retard"
>49 matches
Never change, Yea Forums.
You can refund any game thanks to aussies.
>asmongold bans TriHard
>chat switches to CmonBruh
every time kek censorship doesn't work
Fascism is leftism.
Fascists want the government to control everything and for people to not have free speech, just like Democrats.
Citizen of another country is illegally crossing the border of my country= invading my country
Shot on sight, no exceptions
You seem to be too dumb even for this place.
And which part of my comment did you manage to interpret as passive agressive, snowlfake?
I knew trannies were delusional, but holy shit
>bro not caring about your schizo uncle means you're a pinko!
I don't hate /pol/ because of their ideology, I hate them because of the way they express it. They see themselves as the ubermencsh yet post on anonymous image boards with kekistani flags in their rooms. They think they are superior because they believe in some meme ideology instead of following it. They have the same fallacy as those pinkos that if their beliefs were instated they wouldn't be the first ones to hang. No, of course not, you wouldn't be sent to a gulag or be some whipping boy, you'd be a member of the elite! The one making big boy decisions. Commies think they'd be part of the elite as well, not shoveling shit in some field.
You are a promoter for free speech yet anytime you oppose them you call for their death. You promote having white babies and pure families despite being ugly 56%ers yourself. I'll start listening to /pol/ when they actually exercise their rights and do something about it instead of jerking off to anime online and debating about who's white or not. I hate the left as much as any sensible person would, but you at least have to give them credit for getting as far as they have.
Do something about your problems, faggot.
>Implying Yea Forums and /pol/ aren't communist tranny Redditors
You contradict yourself, are you retarded?
i don't think americans should be in the middle east, i don't begrudge the locals for shooting at the americans, even though i support america. and a tourist is not an invader by my reckoning. coming in via the proper channels, temporarily, to experience the country legally then leave, is not the same as jumping the fence to try to live there
>taking bait that cheap
At least have some semblance of standards, you two.
>kicking and screaming
I'm telling you that simply isn't what happens. Most players shrug it off and do something else, or in the case of free games they just login to a different account.
Trump supporters really live rent free inside your head
Containment queue where kids and shitters who can't refrain from yelling nigger is kept. They only get to play with each other and sperg out on each other. They are also aware that they are low prio and they add that anger to fuel the fire. They will egg each other on and blame each other for being down there, further cementing their foothold in the low prio pit. I absolutely adore the idea and valve is based as fuck for having it.
>dude I trespassed on this guy’s property and he shot me. Wtf where’s my due process >:(
Keep crying you worthless parasite.
>why don't Blizzard games have community servers
Actiblizz wants to top-down regulate literally everything that goes on in their games and engineer the demographics of their playerbase like a deranged eugenicist.
"Yeah I raped and killed that kid, Im a private company I can do what I want" - Yea Forums incorporated
how can one dog have THAT much shit in it
A fighting game did that (was it SF4 or MK? Can't remember) : ragequit enough and you get into the ragequitter realm.
Smart & fair punishment...
>mass replies
Go back.
Where do these legitimate schizos come from?
Yup, that's why you never see people crying about being banned am I right? Yes, you will manage without your game for a day or two, but you were playing it so that kinda betrays that you do in fact want to play it. And to the extent what you say is true, because it's not entirely without merit, we just have to get better. Stricter moderation and longer bans in all games so that toxic gamers don't have anywhere to hide. We'll get there.
>anytime you oppose them
*anytime someone opposes your beliefs
i aint readin all that cope shit bro
Trump is 2 terms and nationalizing google, cope tranny
>literally can't go anywhere online or anywhere without some red hatter screaming at you
>"r-rent free"
You sure are on my mind, but you also work hard for it.
just cause you don't care doesn't mean he's not right or a schizo
lmao you're just proving him right
>Getting red carded for swears and insults
Literally never happens.
What's wrong user, are those posts not up to the quality you were expecting?
Well, it seems you are le seethe. le cope some more, maybe le dilate.
From your head.
why shouldnt "people" that want to erode our long fought for God given rights be killed?
>women and their pet orbiters get into gaming
>suddenly nobody is allowed to banter anymore
Because you fleeflabs left and right force everything to be inherently political, that way you can say "everything is political, sweety". Not wanting to be banned off of playing Overwatch because I said a stinky or don't play meta enough isn't political.. It's just that Blizzard should've had community servers forever ago on PC, since the master Blizzard server's terms isn't too hot and are actually pretty limiting (still can't play mods or vanilla, btw).
But of course it's political. You absolute flee flab.
I still think it's more like they don't want to bother. Once they add community servers, people will ask for decent server hosting tools. Modding support. People will raid them because someone made a Yea Forums server, and that'll be a stinky.
Wasn't 'Right to Censor' a wrestling group? I'm pretty sure it was.
>playing lul
first mistake right there
>We'll get there
Nothing is going to change no matter what you people do. Every year a new generation of kids start playing online games and no amount of moderation is going to do anything to fix "toxic gamers"
God I hope you're baiting cause this is a 10/10
Money isn't stolen if it's only a 22 hour ban, which you deserve for being an edgy Lil Zoom.
Literally happens. Don't comment on a sport you know nothing of, retard.
>spam shitpost on Yea Forums
>get 400 replies
Why is this allowed?
Okay, show me proof of this group existing.
And you've lost. What a great argument we had
Can't be- the posts from my head are crazy, but at least they make sense.
I hope I encounter you in another thread, you're so openly delusional it's legitimately entertaining
Then you should react the same as if they banned the word “ass” or “damn.” Obviously they made the rules for their game, but you still have the right to criticize it. When a game is poorly designed in any other aspect, I don’t throw my hands in the air and say “well it’s their game.”
you have a Y chromosome yet you can't show me proof of your penis existing, pretty weird
This guy gets it. Really tired of the politisperging fad.
Don't bullshit when you yourself know nothing. You cannot be red carded for fucking hearsay unless it's aimed at the ref directly. Insulting another player happens all the fucking time.
>frogincels getting btfo by feels police
Because it goes against your ideology. You promote christian theology yet can't follow the basic principles of it.
>Love thy neighbor
>Thou shalt not kill
A bunch of fucking larpers is ALL that /pol/ is.
I miss when you can banter back but I'm always scared of getting reported back so I just take the shittalking like a bitch.
>sperg out
okay so you cant insult women, you cant insult minorities, you cant insult the disabled (unless they're autistic then its fair game to call them horrible names, make fun of them for being a virgin and generally be a toxic asshole but its okay because the person I was being mean to has an incurable mental problem so they deserve it)
Why is it okay to be a bigot against the autistic? its literally ableist
What faggot sport do you watch? Because in ice hockey it's tradition to talk shit.
a feral dog (leftists) is not a neighbor
Nothing changing? Please. Just look how far we've gotten in the last decade. The internet used to be a literal wild west but now that unhinged "freedom" is increasingly being reduced to smaller pockets of fading relevance. Not just in gaming but people are starting to accept that the internet isn't a world outside society, but merely another aspect of it.
We are fucking winning even if I agree that I wish victory could be faster and more absolute. But we will indeed get there.
How about you just don't behave like a shitter? You get to converse on their terms, it's not an open space.
>you have a Y chromosome
I don't.
you sound like a complete retard
it has nothing to do with saying nigger
you should be banned from real life too
I've never seen a single little bitch like OP who DIDN'T have a victim complex.
Every single one of them flock to whatever internet shithole they use primarily and try desperately to earn sympathy by crying THEY'RE the ones being abused by the system and outright lying, even if it contradicts the "proof" posted
It's understandable if this comes from some shitty brat with a mother that dotes on him like he's a prosthetic leg and a father that would rather be his friend than his parent, but full grown adults like this need to be gassed and sent to a landfill. absolutely worthless lives that just stir shit up wherever they go
We need to enforce the 1st amendment on corporations. You should be ale to sue them for violating your rights.
>a mother that dotes on him like he's a prosthetic leg and a father that would rather be his friend than his parent
this is way too specific, did you wanna talk about something, user
autistics are literally subhuman, you're an evolutionary dead end.
If the rev hears you yell shit like nigger to an opponent, you're fucking done. Red carded within a heartbeat.
>Law 12, Section 3, which lists the offenses for which a player should be send off (red-carded), includes:
“Using offensive, insulting or abusive language and/or gestures.”
We were talking about soccer specifically. Do you even have red cards in hockey?
>bro I can still call myself a man of god if I just call everyone who opposes me unworthy
I think it's stupid too. But it's you and me for being stupid and check the "I agree the terms of use or condition" or whatever it's called case.
How can americans go through school thinking their epic amendment has anything to do with their right to say the n-word in polite company? What do they teach all day if not this? It's the first one too.
from what little i know of australian football having not been a sports fan ever, is that when you're guarding another guys spot or whatever the fuck they call it, it's standard for them to shit talk you constantly to put you off your game
you dont deserve to live if you seek to take another man's freedom, let alone ethnically replace him in his own country by way of subversion
>in the last decade
>The internet used to be a literal wild west
I have a feeling you didn't use the internet much in 2009. Anyway, thanks for entertaining me and reminding me that real people exist that say the things that you do in an unironic totally-not-baiting way.
How can one person use words like "unhinged freedom" and cut his dick off ,not realizing that he lost his mind somewhere along his activist bullshit way?
Yeah obviously people will try to antagonize you, so they make the mistake of pushing you so you can pretend you're injured and cry on the ground for a free kick. But if the rev hears you, you're fucking done. Obviously they won't act on any claims like;
>he said mean stuff!
Doesn't change the rules though. Get caught talking shit and you're off. Most revs are a bit lenient with it, but not all.
God I actually hate soccer/football, but you can't escape it where I'm from.
if that's the case then Americans should just move back to Europe, hell, the colonization of the entire western continents should be undone.
>b-but the natives had no concept of land ownership!
>b-but those japs could've been spies!
>b-but those were REAL commies back then!
I hate the memes of today. Why would you make this crap. As a proficient memetics connoisseur, I can say you guys sucked all the fun from memes.
american colonisation was anything but subversive
Pretty ironic what you're saying, isn't it?
Why do people who dont like mean words come to Yea Forums which has been knows as the asshole of the internet and the internet hate machine, you would think sensitive people who dont like hearing naughty words like nigger and faggot would avoid this place, seems like they must instead be activists trying for social change aka a bunch of cunts
The diseased blankets was subversive, fucker.
>you hate that kind of person huh? hehe, you must be the person you're referring to.
It's specific because those are the conditions that breed these kinds of shitstains. They're liking physical manifestations of Eric Cartman.
Thankfully my parents were just kind enough to equip me with the tools needed to interact with other human beings without chimping out.
The fact you felt the need to try to eke something out of me based on that statement tells me you're not wholly untouched by the description.
>buying SJW dev games
>buying games
Buycucks gonna buycuck
Why are these threads not deleted on sight already?
Why do people who still don't know what trolling is post on Yea Forums instead of lurking?
If I can fucking get you banned, because you were retarded enough to not realise you're not on Yea Forums anymore, then I absolutely will. Not because I'm offended by anything what you said, literally just because I can.
That's the essence of Yea Forums, not saying 'mean stuff'. Fucking retard.
I come to Yea Forums because everywhere else has shit taste in games
of course Yea Forums has also had shit taste in games for the last 4 years but surely that'll turn back around some day
true you got me i forgot about that, but there was a lot of direct killing too
Are you a 12 year old playing halo 3 in 2008? Because everyone has been very much tired of you since then.
>i'll give you some meat for this land
>whatever that means brudduh
the natives were basically retarded at that point (still are.) Anything was subversive.
they're not liberals either
They are gender communists, unlike real communists they dont care about economics, they care about making "races equal" or in other words they are jewish puppets trying to usher in global homogenity, one world government with an elightened race of jews to rule over the horde
>lose war
nice jew lie
that's a really funny one actually, sorry it hit a nerve
not at all, you seek to undermine the first amendment, you should be put to death
Be more subtle next time and don't post Kong that maybe your bait won't be called out on.
>game chat privileges have been removed
>guise, why didn't they just mute him?
>You cant even read the terms and conditions until you have paid for the game
Yes you can, retard. It's called a website.
I'm not even American. Why do you mutts always assume everyone lives in your shithole?
Incitement to genocide is illegal under international criminal law
“Publicly inciting to violence or hatred” or “publicly condoning, denying or grossly trivializing” genocide, crimes against humanity or war crimes are offenses under European law.
Most developed countries have some criminal regulation against “crimes of honor”, such as defamation, calumny, slander and libel, all of which may have slightly different meanings in different legislation.
Tobacco ads are illegal in most developed countries
Alcohol advertisement is highly regulated
Child targeted advertisement is regulated and even illegal in some countries (Remember the weird looking cards in Yugioh? Thank US laws)
In the U.S., “explicit sexual acts that are publicly accessible […] by the general public” and are labeled as obscene by the Miller Test are considered illegal and are not protected by the First Amendment 7. Similarly, in Europe, the article 2 of the Consolidated ICC Code of Advertising and Marketing Communication states that “Marketing communications should not contain statements or audio or visual treatments which offend standards of decency currently prevailing in the country and culture concerned”.
Pornography depicting minors is considered child pornography and is therefore illegal in most countries even if the production didn’t involve real children
Revenge porn has been made illegal in many countries in recent years.
Harassment laws criminalize several behaviors around the world.
Threats of violence are usually illegal.
Personality rights protect people from having identifiable images of them exposed in public against their consent.
Public-order laws make it illegal to run around naked shouting obscenities in most countries.
As much as I may like street art, protecting property is often considered a priority and vandalism laws in many cases criminalize graffiti and other forms of unauthorized street art.
>completely forgetting that I also said the entirety of western continents
yeah, those Spaniards were real nice to those natives, weren't they.
>the sky is green
No, it's not
>the sky is yellow
No, it's not
>lol, why are the answers all the same :-DDD?
Nice opinion
>while I'm on Yea Forums, I'll talk down on people that think that every place should have the freedom of expression that Yea Forums has
I don't want every place to have the same freedom of expression as Yea Forums. I don't play games only to have my teammates get sidetracked in a senseless discussion. I play games to play games. If people try to 'derail' that by being edgy fuckers, then I don't give a fuck they get banned. I'm not offended, but I don't want them in my game because they generally cause the team to lose focus.
>american colonisation was anything but subversive
mutt """"education""""" everyone
talking to a literal grade schooler here
you're lucky it's summer vacation or else you'd be running late right now
It is disturbing how the world has changed to the point where people believe that hate speech is an act of violence.
>being gommunist to blow out the SJWs
>People have the liberty to choose who they want
Apparently not, since the people chose cliton and we got (((drumpfstein)))
Because I'm not a one-dimensional caricature, mayhaps? I come to Yea Forums because we joke around and people, including me, can say what they want and that's all in good fun. But that doesn't mean I call my mom an n-word around the dinner table or that I think I have a right to scream in online games. Wearing different masks in different settings is a very human thing, you know.
Plus, no one should come to Yea Forums thinking they have to act out the role of the "channer" to fit in. Use this environment in a way that benefits you, not to be whatever the current newfags think you should.
What are you gonna do, call me before the hague for saying you're a super duper turbo pooper scooper?
this for me but Dota 2 (before they ruined him) + I would sing "Blinded By The Light" on voicechat when things went well
I dont understand why foreign invaders arent shot on sight, if it isnt your country you have no right to cross the border without explicit permission
the europeans were tame compared to what all native abo niggers do to each other daily
you are ignorant. savages are called savages for a reason
i'm australian, my education regarding the colonisation comes from tv, i never once cared to look into it frankly, and it's not part of our curriculum, instead we learn about the evil white devil coming over and oppressing the aboriginal australians instead of aboriginal americans. just saying, don't assume everyone is murican
Was he banned on his game for the things he said here on Yea Forums? Did the people who reported him come here, magically identify him and link him with his posting here?
People really just need to harden the fuck up.
imagine playing fucking league in the year 2019 of our lord and saviour Satan
It's almost like people don't want to associate with assholes. So companies want to try and keep assholes out of their games, so that others can and will enjoy their product.
you jest but facebook has said recently in internal documents that they have a 'hatelist' which is made up of people they track on and off the platform of facebook, and so their off-site actions affect whether or not their facebook account is censored/deleted/shadowbanned. the leftists would LOVE the internet to be all one big account for every person that they can track
>community standards
except it is retard. your garbage standards are subjective as fuck and your personal preferences and ideology doesn't mean jack shit. all "community standards" and "codes of conduct" are complete horseshit and you're a normie moron or a retarded bootlicker if you think otherwise.
>I speak for what others want
low IQ/leftist behavior
Just be nice bro haha.
>foreign invaders on our soil get the bullet that's been pretty much the standard of most societies
That would be white genocide :^)
violence as a word has been redefined in the eyes of the leftists, they speak a different language, that's the core thing you need to understand before engaging them in dialogue. racism isn't what you think racism is. hatred isn't what you think hatred is, etc
By assuming that it is childish, it carries a very passive aggressive vibe to it, nigger.
Again with the whole
>b-but they weren't real people
buddy, you have enough genetic variation in you to make it harder to pinpoint what continent you're from. Your family tree probably has had more baboon cum in it's ass than the guy who first contracted aids did. You don't even have a race.
White Americans are much purer than even European "whites"
seethe sloppy
>i'm australian
well there you have it folks
>don't assume everyone is murican
believe me that was being generous. if I knew I was trying to convince an aussie what a retard he was being, I wouldn't have even tried
I have something on your abos though. naturally the denizens of designated prisoner island are not so innocent
>22hr ban
This is child's play
You'd be perm'd or 14 day'd in league of legends for your transgressions.
>being able to oversee your own property is totalitarian
This is commie cringe.
>order McDonalds
No user, you are the niggers.
Retards aren't people. And what did change is your average normalfag on Yea Forums that thinks that just because he was here since 2012 he's somehow lost his newfag cancer status. For example, take 4AM threads, it's Yea Forums at it's best, weird autistic fags discussing fucked up stuff, like that user that couldn't get it up with a girl because he got duped into taking estrogen and trying to be a trap, saying whatever they want and having fun. Now look at this thread, filled to the fucking brim with moralfags and crossposters thinking they're in the right and that they're "being a normal rational human being", see the difference? Normalfags kill fun, ruin communities and post shit. Vidya turned mainstream fast, the result? No fun allowed multiplayer and corporate bootlicking. Remove normalniggers.
Why do threads about (supposed) free speech typically devolve into unironic master race shit? I though this was about some exalted principle not because you were actual nazis who. At least that's what you always say.
>bro I'm 57% white than the 55% white
at least north american natives are 100% native.
natives are low IQ
find some evidence of that so I can ask if it's been faked
>talk shit
>get hit
>whine about getting hit
>Paying money for a multiplayer game that doesn't allow you to host your own server
Nobody's fault but your own.
good deflection friend
>muh purity
>you're wrong
>m-muh IQ
The pilgrims would've starved to death if it wasn't for the natives. What's next on your checklist of /pol/ deflections?
>not just reporting the whole enemy team for any slight
It's like you guys don't wanna flood a shitty system with shitty reports.
someone from that team was a rioter or had a rioter friend
>moralfags are hypocritical sacks of horsecunts
Wake me up when this stops being true.
for a progressive you're sure obsessed with living in the far past of "muh teepee spirit, muh buffalo migration seasons"
what you're about to learn is that White people have been more than generous to you over the years and you've abused that. you will now find out what happens when you bite the hand that feeds.
China needs to be broken up, FREE TIBET
That's funny, coming from the people crying about a 22 hour CHAT ban. Guess what? Business have rights, and aren't obligated to protect your feefees. Don't like it? Move to a communist nation. Oh wait, they don't exist anymore because it's a failed system
>he opposes my worldview!
>he must be who he's defending
I'm a 56%er mutt just like you friend. You're really bad at arguing with anything but strawmans about stuff you should've learned in grade school. Let me guess, you think proper public education is communism though, right?
Not him but if you ask me it seemed pretty passive aggressive.
>It is possible to call someone out without resorting to name calling.
This is where the sentence should have ended, your point was made.
>and other childish crap, you know
Implying both he also engages in more than just name calling and that he actually does not know that he can get his message accross a different way, thus being passive aggressive.
due process is to determine guilt or innocence
if you hop the boarder the fact that you are on the our side of the boarder inherently proves your guilty, so no court needed
its impossible for you to be innocent in that situation
if you think anti-leftists or anti-sjw's are communists, you need to lurk more
Pirate the game then, you paid for it already
it's like a fun game that doubles as a general iq filter for the community. just don't say the word and you're good. no one who calls the people he plays with niggers is going to be any fun to play with anyway, especially if they think they're "justified" in doing so
Flay yourself, and before bleeding out fashion your skin into a lampshade you disgusting kike
what does that beat
Stop role playing as a libertarian, this is just licking the boot that kicks you. If you like corporate censorship so much fuck off back to facebook or reddit where you can socialize with trash like you, otherwise you're a fucking hypocritical nigger that at the same time is for banning no no words and posts on Yea Forums because he'll get banned from other platforms.
>b-but I can like free speech here but hate it in online vidya
Eat a truck of cocks if you think this is reasonable you cuck, either make a decision or stop yapping about whatever your normalfag hivemind tells you to and suck it up.
>tfw not leftist but still report cussing retards on the internet
How mad does that make you?
you're a nigger and niggers have a place.
>Swear once.
>Fined 10,000 pounds.
Fucking tennis man.
and based
You know that same argument is being used to censor conservative voices.
>Banned for 22 hours
>Money stolen
>Implying both he also engages in more than just name calling and that he actually does not know that he can get his message accross a different way
True, that is exactly what I was implying.
>thus being passive aggressive
That does not follow at all.
Pretty much. I love when people come in and announce they're pieces of shit right off the bat, lets me know to leave. There's zero fun to be had being around idiots like that.
>shoot a black guy
>constitutional law to freedom stolen
A temp ban... WOW
Like... take a nap you fucking nigger
point proven
you're disgusting and guilty of everything you accuse the other side of
Is that all /pol/ can retort?
wow, amazing how you can say a word so many times and not have it mean a single fucking thing every time you do so.
hopefully your mom didn't see you post that when she came down to give you your tendies.
I got a 14 day ban for saying the only thing wrong with the Nanking massacre was that they didn't finish the job.
>is literally agaisnt freedom
>im not a facist guys see my black uniform says anti-facist