Battlestation thread bois, post em.
Battlestation thread bois, post em
Did you end up finding any new paintings you were interested in?
do you just sit and wait for these to be posted?
I've seen a few around I like. It was my birthday yesterday so I've got some spare money and might pick one up sometime, I'm not too sure yet. I'd like to get a nice colorful landscape piece at some point.
Nah, I just woke up and took a look at the catalog.
the tiles make the room look kinda shit
Agreed, why not comfy wood flooring?
i have an ms20 mini as well. just curious normal DTM people understand how to patch.
Reject the analog synth patch
Embrace the MIDI-controlled Max algorithm
Literally kill yourself tranny uwu~~
And for what reason are you doing in this shitty shithole?
I am not a tranny, I am a 26 year old man and I am very happy with my life.
>26 year old "man"
To the point
Good morning bros. I have surgery today.
>another user with his taskbar on the left side
>I capture the window instead of my monitor