"toxic" is such a fucking zoomer term. Back in my day you weren't being toxic, you were mad. Mad that you got fucking destroyed. So suck it up, respawn, and try again, kid.
"toxic" is such a fucking zoomer term. Back in my day you weren't being toxic, you were mad...
Other urls found in this thread:
I remember when toxic was just being an asshole nobody wanted around.
based Fozzy guy
>mfw pol is toxic
>mfw google deplatforming rightists
we have to stop toxicity AKA right wingers
Zoomers are in a generation that are obsessed with sensitivity and sportsmanship. I can't remember one time growing up when someone used the word toxic. We were too busy shit talking and having fun.
Dumb question from a zoomer (18) here
Does that white Monster Energy drink actually taste good?
zoomers were a mistake. Hopefully they are the last one as nobody is making kids anymore
zoomer is also a fucking zoomer term you god damn normalfaggot
toxic is different from being mad
toxic is cancerous racism
>obsessed with sportsmanship
>can't even type gg anymore without it being construed as passive aggressive
I remember when only women used that term to talk about drama they had with other women.
I don't know when the average guy became such a fag that they adopted women's mannerisms and language.
It's actually one of the best energy drinks I've had. I had to slow down when I had like 5 in two hours cause my heart was beating out of my fuckin' chest.
>I remember when only women used that term to talk about drama they had with other women.
Oh yeah. That was a whole Brittney Spears song too wasn't it.
>30 years on TV and not single dime draw
How he does it?
this retarded "war" on toxicity and forced positivity is killing me
if people don't care enough to get mad or happy when you play competitive games what's even the point anymore
fuck i'd rather deal with a raging lunatic than some insincere faggot who tries be """wholesome""" and inclusive all the time
Lmao get fucking smoked you shitter, embrace the change of die in a pit GGEZ
Meaning join AEW?
it wasn't needed until boomer was invented, nigger
Just play valve mutiplayer games, they tend to not give a shit.
*lawnmowing intensifies*
I hope you fucking meme faggots realize the irony that lies in the term "zoomer", right?
>being a faggot pedophile tranny like me is cool
is this is true why did she lose
Some dude got mad we were winning a CSGO match, turned on spinbot proceeded to call us dumb sandkikes and posted on our steam profiles to download his cheat from the shady long nose merchat niggatoro. I'm exaggerating of course but goddamn do i love valve approach.
back in my day toxic was just a song by britney spears
unironically based
it has a surprisingly good taste for a drink without any sugar
just be nice and you would have not to deal with the anti toxicity shit
I want this man to fill me with his douche seed.
jericho is a happily married man
>every other company banning you for trivial shit like voiceline spam
>valve encourages it
Sad that they're the only ones.
>I remember when only women used that term to talk about drama they had with other women.
The fuck did you even live where that was even a fucking thing. Since nowhere did i ever hear it around used by anyone fucking ever. You sure you aint just being a punk ass bitch making up shit simply to pretend to have point or whatever to whine about like a little fucking bitch?
You retards do know that this whole toxic bullshit was started by riot right? Of course everyone was quick to adopt it since it meant they could get money from the thinnest of skins but it was them and that one faggot employee.
>a song by britney spears
That's nice, zoomer.
It's ironic how labeling someone as "toxic" implies you're actually offended by some retard spewing shit on the internet which by definition makes you even more of a retard for getting offended by some faggot.
Fucking based
Anyone who uses the term "toxic" unironically instantly proves that their opinion is not worth listening to,
I've had plenty of those do it, I don't judge.
I like it.
The citrus one(also without sugar) is pretty good too.
Blessed thread
you're not to be taken seriously
>BOMBED as Super Liger that NJPW had to bin gimmick after 1 show
>quit WCW bc he wasn't big enough, over enough, or good enough to be a top guy
>put lifts in his boots when he met Vince McMahon
>had to be taught how to work by X-Pac
>first Undisputed Champ (to break strap with his gut)
>FLOPPED as Undisputed Champ bc he was exposed as sloppy junior hw out of his depth hence why he was booted back to midcard ranks for next 3 yrs after HHH ended his reign
>worst WM main event of ALL TIME
>threw hissy fit on his website after his match with RVD at KOTR 2002 when he saw negative feedback about his match
>never THE GUY
>only main event guy when he works with main event guy
>B+ player
>tried to rip off Larry Zbyszko's gimmick
>Zbyszko on Jericho: "It's not my fault he's short." He said sarcastically "certainly not" when asked if Jericho is gay bc he was on "Dancing with the Stars." Zbyszko said: "Jericho is a fuckin' idiot. Anytime this fucking' five-foot-two-inch fuckin' punk wants to get in the ring with me, I'll show him exactly what it's like to Dance with the Stars." He said Y2GAY "never drew shit" & only got a push bc the son-in-law of the boss blew out a quad
>first person eliminated on a bullshit sing show
>failed game show host
>ripped off Nick Bockwinkle's gimmick
>"Daniel. I've seen guys like you come & go a million times. Guys like Jericho, Edge, RVD. All guys that are talented, don't get me wrong. Very popular! But not 'the one.' And maybe nobody wants to say this, but it needs to be said: It's a fact. If any of those guys had been the face of the WWE back in the day, we'd all be working for Ted Turner right now" - HHH
>middle-aged sagging physique dad bod manlet trying to relive his glory days & failing
>the Man of 1,004 lbs
>from 1999-2015 only legit headlined 7 PPV's (6 really bc we all know what the real main event of WM X8 was)
>always too short to be a super-duper star
>his children have diabetes
Based Jericho
Still would.
Banned by admin: Talking shit to my gf
It's honestly the best
I hate current-age zoomers. I miss when I was a zoomer. Things were nicer back then.
The term "toxic masculinity" and how it is most often utilized is comparable to that of "feminine wiles", only uttered by the insecure that project and blame others for their problems in interacting with other people.
"That she-devil bewitched me with her feminine wiles and strung me along like a sucker", outdated terminology to be sure, but a reminder that the sort of people that use terms like "toxic masculinity" are stuck or have regressed to the 50s, while most of us aren't even old enough to have "moved on".
Pic related, what is to blame.
It is, tastes a lot better than the other Monster drinks imo
energy drink never tastes good
toxic is mostly used by redditors and faggots