Play Kerbal Space Program.
Play Kerbal Space Program
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Or should I say Kino Space Program.
I tried but I can barely make it into orbit.
Yaes 300 hrs in. It's good.
Just aim up and then turn sideways.
Getting into orbit is 80% of the work.
What are some good graphic mods?
I kinda got burned out the last time i downloaded it, want to give it a try again, did the update bring worthwhile content?
I think I'm uing SVE and Pood's.
I'm a few versions behind so I don't know much about the recent updates.
I always have trouble getting to the outer planets and their moons, cant seem to stage right the exit angle from kerbin and i feel like a retard
There are loads of interplanetary calculators just a google search away.
space is fake and gay
Smash that mf nuclear reactor engine button
Must efficient engine for interplanetary travel
It's fun to explore whether or not it's fake and gay.
Meant for obviously.
Mod Kerbal Space Program.
What mod?
Does black holes exist in Kerbal space progam? I got scared playing space engine
No scary black holes here, just scary atmospheric entry making you ship white hot
Where are the Flankers?
There is a space kraken that could strike at any moment.
Shame they're going a bit jewy with the DLC.
Thats why you pirate it
Thats some scary military shit
Currently in development ;-)
The what now? Are you lying to me?
can someone explain what delta v is and all the other words
No. The corpse is a trick.
Delta V is change in velocity.
Its a meme, the physics engine might have a brain fart and make things randomly explode/implode or generally get insta fucked.
No scary space karken, but scary physics engine shenanigans
What mod for building shit off-world.
I seen the kraken tear a kerbal apart like spaghetti with mine own eyes. You callin' me a liar boy?
Extraplanetary Launchpads or Global Construction.
I haven't tried them so I don't know which is better.
Come to think of it, the kraken does not physically exist, but the effects of its powers sure do.
Its an invisible cosmic force
It's a lovecraftian space program horror.
Fuck, now its more scary
It is too late.
why is it so important?
In space, the ability to change your speed is everything.
Because changing your orbit is just about changing youe velocity, so it's a good measure of how far a rocket can travel.
did they remove the spyware from it?
is the ToS still stating it can collect your private data?
how do i calculate delta v in the ship building phase?
Space is fake news
Holy fuck this is amazing, it helps a lot. thanks saving this righ now
Turn on the game you fucking dipshit, it literally gives it to you now.
New updates added that functionality to the game.
Not in the game tho.
Dont do it all in one launch then. Dump a refueling station in low orbit and then you can launch another ship and fill up the tanks, gives your more elbowroom and you dont have to rely on a perfect launch
>can clearly see his pinky getting in his pocket and his hand following the natural human grab.
yeah that must prove space is fake
Does it still run like shit and crash all the time if you mod it?
What is this from? AC3?
Here's another infographic showing the Hohmann transfer windows.
I haven't touched this game since aerodynamics got redone. What's changed since then?
I think I'm too much of a brainlet for this game
This also helps, I don't have to eyeball 11:32 now.
can't even read a clock. it's 11:57 you dumb cunt.
I'm nowhere near autistic enough to properly get into it, but i enjoy watching the efforts of people who are and do.
what the fuck are you people onm about?
it's 9:24
What's this?
I've got about two dozen mods and it's fine. I'm running 1.3.1 though.
I think these retarded human beings are trying to say it's approx 3:55 for Eeloo and Jool relative to Kerbin.
It's not as hard as it looks.
It's not that hard user, the harder is to build something coherent and useful.
Some people are just ridiculous.
>Detach a tank by colliding it with the fucking planet.
Oh lordy i needed that laugh, thanks user.
DLCs worth it?
They just look like two mods with less content than stuff like intergalactic and near future.
Not at full price, although the robotics system is neat.
I can't figure out how to calculate orbits and it makes me feel dumb so I don't play it anymore
I just fiddle with the node thing until it works.
Do the tutorials on rendezvous. It kind of just clicks in your head at some point.
I don't get it. What's this image trying to say?
gib flag
>TFW only landed on Mun and its one way ticket
>he pulled him closer so he wouldn't float too far away
>somehow this proves something, literally anything at all
i'm so fuckin confused
They died for the greater good user don't worry.
>Get a great idea for a mission
>Install, have fun with the design phase
>Either lose interest after that or feel bad that I'm taking 30 years to do a manned Jool mission without filling in with other launches
I wish I could play this game for any significant amount of time like I used to. I like the new expansion, having stock robotics and stuff for kerbals to do on the surface is neat.
>fast forward until planets are in pictured position
>press X until you see encounter
wow hard
Nah they just sit there
Mby i send them rover
user realistically speaking. they'd be dead of starvation by now.
How do you calculate this shit? Like I get that the planets are always the same so this will always work, but how do they calculate it irl?
Something to do with ladders
Explain the /general/ drama to me.
>Still no coop or multi
>Multiplayer mod is dead
Kerbal Space Program more like Kerbal SPYWARE Program
>only whiteys
Yeah right it's actually afro-americans on the picture. stop trying to white wash history
KSP, duh...
what did he mean by this
That no matter how much technological advancements we make, the world still is full of idiots that can't accept what they never experienced first hand. And yet, faith is still a thing. Humans are idiots, that's the point.
>code for computers that didn't exist yet
>thinking we actually went to the moon
I don't get it
Why is there always one buttblasted retard desperately trying to prove space isn't real?
he's clearly grabbing his pocket you retard
>imagine thinking you know the truth but despite the "evidences" no one believes you
must be pretty tough for them.
It's like knowing the secret of imortality but everyone thinks you're crazy.
Isn't this game just borderline spyware?
Because it started as a joke, but a lot of people took it seriously. Just like the Chad VS Virgin comic.
Wanna bet on their nationality?
>Posted from my Windows PC/Apple OS/Android/Mac/Certain distros of Linux
If you don't want to be spied upon, stop using your computer, smart TV and phone.
This happens in all comunities.
You start acting like an idiots and soon idiots think they found themselves a home. Now you're just surrounded and outnumbered by them. Look at Yea Forums as an obvious example.
>Assumes people here use these things
>Fine with spyware in a paid product
kys retard
4channel is not a secret club of hackers. It's the most popular imageboard in the world full of kids.
There's no device you could be posting this from that is not grabbing your information and storing somewhere else for later processing.
>is not fine with being spied on
>uses internet
surface science and some new parts are great for career mode and the robotics are just fun and useful all around. i've never used mods but robotics has existed as a mod for a while, albeit kinda different
get good at rendesvous in orbit so you can refuel craft rather than try to make a bigger rocket
use the maneuver nodes if you aren't, they're incredibly useful
t. landed on duna once
kraken is what the game's physics engine is referred to when it buggers up and space stations start to shake themselves to bits
it's fairly rare these days and can be prevented by avoiding certain methods of design. people call it the kraken half as a joke and half to forget a bunch of mexicans programmed the game
Is every new feature going to be DLC now?
I'm still waiting for habitation stuff and new planets.
because his finger awkwardly and loosely grabbed the dude's pocket, it looks (to some) like he grabbed a wire attached to the guy's pants
people can't comprehend that things are bigger than them. they want to believe the earth is the centerpoint of some kind of manufactured hoax, rather than a rock in the void that happened to meet the conditions to support sustained life
Recommend me a fun mission to take on in KSP and some good graphics mods so it can look good while I do the mission.
>"stock ksp"
modlist in description
these are the idiots who shit up every forum, board, and chatroom griping about how the new update broke their game and they just cannot possibly understand what the cause could be
>look his isn't moving like i do in gravity
>his arm was in a position for a moment that could suggest he is being supported by a wire
>when he's just an older dude trying not to smash his head against some equipment while rotating
Go plant some flags on Duna and Ike.
trying to ignore the 'wasted' time is my biggest hurdle too
and then a solid decade passes and all those idiots are equally jaded sacks of shit and help us convert even more idiots drawn like moths to a flame
first Yea Forums or Yea Forums or whatever, then the soibois there keep shouting "go back to /pol/", causing people who have never been there to see what it is and get further into the hurtbox rabbithole of despair
man i wish you knew how 'avoiding' the 'bad' technology just puts you on more watchlists than anyone else
Whenever i try it out something goes wrong. I play one session and it goes smooth and then when i close it and come back it never loads. Like i have left it for multiple hours at a time and it just wont load
>stopping her momentum by grabbing the AIR
No, she is free falling very high above earth but also moving forward so fast she always ends up over the horizon.
Any love for combat-KSP?
PSA to the absolute retard that always posts the "muh space is fake" webms, the longest time you can achieve zero g on planes is 30 seconds, longer than that is not possible on earth.
And second of all, magic invisible wires of flotation would be way more advanced tech than a space station
Ship a plane equipped with miners to Laythe and fly around.
>Was about to say "Should just play CHOADE instead"
>actually posted choade
That makes two of us on Yea Forums who play this game.
Surprisingly many people do not understand how movies are made
>see people swimming
>wow wtf they move by grab liquids? call police hoax patrol!
I too would like to know more. Seen it mentioned before, but only on here and on webpages with more fonts than the author's IQ, so I'm not sure
How do their clothes float?
i might just do that soon
>all that effort but you let your 'actors' constantly grab at 'wires'
seems legit
>you can't write code for computers that don't exist
>every piece of hardware has custom made code made the moment it's manufactured
>nothing is ever standardized
>programming languages don't real
The stuff that people do in this game is insane.
More importantly, how does the hair of the chick in float?
Magic wires in every single hair?
based, VR KSp is the best
game used to have redshell, anti-redshell autists dug into came code and found basic unity telemetry and such, constantly fly off the handle about it when KSP can be played totally offline if you want
Yea Forums loves CGI
are you falseflagging here boy
you best not be falseflagging like a big faggot who can only win an argument against themselves
He'll answer something like static electricity. Sounds like complete bullshit? Those are the same people who say that boats don't disappear over the horizon, they just get so small you can't see them cos they're far!
Friendly reminder that if you don't play RP-1 you are a massive crayon eating billie faggot.
I still miss /kspg/.
she's upside down?
why does the microphone wire not float?
what the hell could you possibly miss about that cesspool
Who was moving the camera?
>that one attention seeker who always posts the same webms in the same order with the same filenames
>EXCEPT the one with the principia grid """""""""""""""""green screen""""""""""""""""" because that one shows him up as extra retarded
Back to the forums with you billie.
But user... I like krayons....
It was the moon rover camera, being manned from earth to tilt when the module took off, dont know if manually or being programmed to do so
I stopped after 1.0 because of rampant overheating cascades issues. Apparently, they fixed it, but it still burned me out of it.
I was also a huge fan of RemoteTech and I absolutely hate the way it was integrated.
I would but I mastered it years ago and I get tired of mods breaking every update.
Explain now how the regolite was also rigged
Thats not how upside down hair works
don't need to as you can easily see the wire reflecting. There is even a finger pointing to it even if you didn't want to see it.
>spotted the virgin
what is hairspray?
If shes upside down how is her hair floating in different directions. Look at her hair when she goes sideways. It follows her. If she was upside down it'd be going the same way but it changes.
Hairspray doesnt work miracles
forums are equally garbage
i fucking hate the site but IMO the subreddit is the only place on the internet where you talk about the game and not the shit surrounding it. probably because they delete all that shit because
You stupid nigger that is not how hairspray works nor what her hair would look like. What you think we just have magic hairspray that can both keep your hair rigidly in place and yet feet it light and bouncy and fluffy at the same time LOOK AT HOW HER HAIR MOVES YOU RETARDED APE FUCK
also i should specify i don't have an account and have never posted there myself, just lurk
bamboozled by lens flares
Thanks for keeping my thread alive based webmfag.
explain microphone cord
Explain WHAT?! It's clearly plugged into something and she's holding the other end. If she was upside down like you said the line would either me completely taut OR would have some slake that you could clearly see hanging down but it just kinda floats there. You know you can literally SEE the space station at night right?
Its connected to something and thats why its stays in a more fixed position?
Dont know about you, but having a loose cable on microgravity seems like a bad idea
Okay unironically what is this?
airbubble in space
Don't give it attention.
it's a microphone cord
>Dont know about you, but having a loose cable on microgravity seems like a bad idea
but letting a person float around is a good one.
plugged into what? explain. cable should be floating. it isn't.
Been to mun, minmus, duna and ike. It's a good game, the only realistic space sim I know. Most other space "sims" completely disregard orbital mechanics.
that doesn't react to a non/low gravity environment.
yes it is floating
what the fuck
Obviously the rig and the camera rotate.
NIGGER WHAT DO YOU MEAN PLUGGED INTO WHAT HOLY FUCK YOU NEED TO PLUG MICROPHONES IN FOR THEM TO WORK HOW ARE YOU THIS FUCKING DUMB. Plugged into a computer? Plugged into an amp? Plugged into literally anything that receives audio. Fuck you are stupid
>but letting a person float around is a good one
A trained person that has the ability to move on its own on this enviroment is not the same as a fucking inanimate object that can flail arround you drooling retard
what ar eyou on about fudfkcing cunt what should a fairly rigid cable that is plugged into a camera or laptop be doing if not what it does in the video?
stop wasting my fucking time and fuck off
Based webmposter.
I'll throw my hat in too.
Try harder
Jesus Christ.
what's your problem here?
You have literally never worked with greenscreens in your god damn life if you think that's what it malfunctioning looks like. Thats a video encoding error and it happens all the time when transmitting something from long distances.
she is floating. the cord isn't.
you said it's clearly plugged in.
>1980+ using Mr Microphone in space
>fairly rigid cable
lol good one.
What the fuck.
>"i don't understand how streaming codecs behave during packet loss events"
The large circle in the center shows where the planets should be relative to Kerbin(Earth) for the most efficient transfer. The smaller circles show where your spacecraft should be relative to Kerbin.
You use it to know when to make your ejection burn to leave Kerbin orbit.
If you want to be precise you can use angles, the clock face is just an easy way to eyeball it. For example to go from Kerbin to Duna, you rotate your map looking down on the solar system so that Kerbin is 90 degrees to the sun, or the 3 o'clock position. Then you speed up time until Duna is at 45 degrees or 1:30 on the clock relative to Kerbin.
On the smaller circle you would line up your map view so Kerbin is 270 degrees or 9 o'clock to the sun, and wait until your spacraft is at 150 degrees or 5 o'clock.
>she is floating. the cord isn't.
yes it is
>posts a toy microphone with a very thin cable (string?) equating it to an xlr cable
i wish i could silence attention-seekers through tcp/ip
Okay explain this you tinfoil hat fags.
I love KSP, but it's as realistic to space as Gran Turismo is realistic to cars. The basics are there, but incredibly simplified. Starting from the fact that there's no n-body physics, which means that only one body has influence on your craft at the same time. Which leads to no L-points and perfectly stable orbits every time. Also all bodies are perfectly spherical and have perfectly uniform gravity. Vanilla solar system also only has perfectly circular orbits. Try Orbiter, it's free (but you need to work a bit before you can start enjoying it, as in, downloading custom content and installing it). It has proper physics, gravitational anomalies and stuff. Also try CHOADE if you're willing to sacrifice interaction with planets in favor of super-advanced spaceship/weapons building.
faceblindness being a symptom of autism
so, they are in space and she is using a mic from the high school auditorium.
right. seems legit. Mr Microphone in space.
>i wish i could silence attention-seekers through tcp/ip
what the fuck did you just say to me you little bitch?
>autism won't allow me to play without using real scale solar system
>not autistic enough to get the parts mods working correctly
>not autistic enough to use the premade modpack because that involves fuel autism
Get out
>You said it's clearly plugged in
Yes retard by the fact that it's clearly anchored to something above her. Also it's very clearly not a Mr microphone it's a pretty basic condenser mic with an XLR cable. You wanna know how I can tell you've never worked with audio equipment in your life?
Not to mention what I said before how do you explain the fact that you can LITERALLY WATCH the ISS pass overhead at night. Buy a telescope you fuckin mongoloid
I was playing and it was fun, but I encountered massive lag over Duna, I can't even look at the planet or my game becomes unplayable. Very disappointing, fun game otherwise
Yes, those are cords.
And no, theyre not to fake zero-g.
Theyre to fix a cosmonaut in place in front of the camera
>an astronaut is using something like a shure sm58; therefore, space is fake
>it's a pretty basic condenser mic with an XLR cable
>in space
stop making me laugh.
if you have any doubt the footage is falsified "google" the law that prevents broadcast over 15km (also see space x live footage where they specifically reference this as they cut the stream)
as for the game im not too bad because i also 'played' orbiter, but I cannot get three stage rockets to work correctly most of the time, balance is hard. (also stuck on ps4 for now but idgaf)
oh look it's the fag who thinks that's an airlock
Amazing rebuttal. Why wouldn't any of that be possible on the ISS?
Is this a green screen too, fuckface?
Do you even know what a Mr Microphone is or how it worked?
>1979 studio 54 mic
seems legit
Some days you just want to go go fast in atmo.
Can't seem to break 1400m/s.
explain her thumb dumbass
>the law that prevents broadcast over 15km
don't talk shite
there is a US regulation that prohibits sending cameras over a certain resolution beyond a certain altitude without a licence. the idea is that the US wishes to prevent foreign spy satellites being sent up by US rockets
what are you trying to say
We've been through this, faggot
Thats artifacting, its a data loss from the video, it can happend TO ANY FUCKING VIDEO OUT THERE
>Also all bodies are perfectly spherical and have perfectly uniform gravity.
Gravity yes, body no. Gilly is lumpy as fuck. Asteroids are too, though they are treated by the game as spacecraft and don't have their own gravity well.
>Vanilla solar system also only has perfectly circular orbits.
Not true. Eeloo's orbit is quite eccentric, and asteroids can be highly eccentric.
Mexicans created one of my most favorite games ever
do you know what a codec does you stupid fucking cunt?
YOU HAVENT ANSWERED THE QUESTION YOU STUPID FUCK. WHY IS IT NOT POSSIBLE. You won't answer because I know the second you try and start explaining electronics or anything technical you'll break down and show just how fucking stupid you really are. If you're so fucking smart then WHY CANT IT BE DONE
>mfw user is dumb
Grasping a microphone that isn't even there?
The stupidity in this place has reached new heights.
Quick user explain to me everything you know about packet loss and video codecs. Let's see how stupid you really are.
And another one, (You) after being told
i like how you're not very subtly meandering around the fact that the only interesting thing in the video is the bog standard video artifacts
You're STILL ignoring that user pointed how how you can see the ISS from your backyard. Like he said just buy a telescope.
it's what spacewomen use to say hi.
go you think they still take tang with them?
2000+. they choose to use Mr Microphone for comms.
god lord jesus god i haven't laffed like this sine Yea Forums was funny.
The creator and lead dev for the first few years was a BR. He just worked in Mexico.
do you think they have a discord?
I miss what it was, not what it came to be.
>dumb shit can't explain how she is suddenly grasping invisible microphone
>Mr Microphone
You keep repeating that but it doesnt make it true, doesnt even look like one.
people shooting a video are using a cardioid microphone to have good quality sound as well as to exclude extraneous noise... ergo space is fake? what?
Same, I love zooming low over terrain. Adding heating effects made it pretty much impossible unless you're a hyperautist.
Have sex
what are you on about rofl
those damn compression artifacts pops up everywhere
and this applys to spacex why? fuck off glow.
almost like studio quality sound, amirite?
Yeah, he moved to Mexico because Brazil is a living hellhole and he decided to stay to live in Mexico
Anyway, Squad funded and developed the game
it applies to all launches from the US
yes. what of it?
The Challenger crew died in 1986. The "aged" pictures are just photos of some miscellaneous people that look kinda similar. They don't even have the same teeth.
That's not what I was talking about. READ THE POST. You can SEE THE ISS WITH YOUR OWN EYES.
Lots of stuff in that framed changed positions, so i blame data loss again
But that's literally not true and you have 0 evidence to back it up. It doesn't even look like a Mr microphone nor does it operate like one. Again answer my fucking question. If you are so insistent on this WHY is using a condenser mic on the ISS not possible.
Whats wrong with face? It is reflection of the glass that they film from.
Also 90% of the fuel
have a bump for the greatest game ever
you dont even need a telescope, you can just see it fly by in the night if you know were to look and its really easy to know, because there are services that tell you all the dates and hour of ISS orbit above any place, including how long its going to be visible and were it will show up
wondering, when they are on space station, do they agree which way is the floor and which is the roof?
to postion themself during freetime or when they talk/eat together
only is you answer why hair like that in ANY (heavy)industry is a safety hazard but it's ok in space.
Well yeah I know but I figured retard user here would say the moving dot is just fake or a plane or whatever so with a telescope you can see it very clearly
depends on the module. there's clearly an up direction in some of them. people are probably going to feel more comfortable dining without all the equipment and notices on the walls being upside down.
explain how it's hazardous inside the ISS
Because astronauts are rarely working with heavy dangerous machinery? You know it's a safety hazard in industry because if your hair gets caught in the moving parts of those machines they'll rip off limbs and fucking kill you right? Astronauts on the ISS aren't working with fucking band saws and crazy fuckhuge stuff that'll crush them or grind up their limbs. That's why it's fine. For certain experiments and stuff they tie it back but you have to take into account that they LIVE up there so why wouldn't they be able to let their hair down.
Alright fuckhead now explain to me why it's impossible to use a regular microphone on the ISS.
post things that make attention-seekers seethe
god this is great. thanks. i can barely see screen. eyes watering so bad hahaha
Play Children of Dead Earth
loose hair = contamination, blocked filters.
try making a point any time
maybe people should just respond in kind hahah fucking retard kill yourself
Then rebutt my argument you stupid fuck
that's his antenna retard
good thing the filters are there to filter dust and hair, then
Do people really get confused about gravity on ISS?
Did they never experienced falling from a high altitude? These astronauts are just eternally falling.
These retards don't understand physics just like they don't understand electronics, networking, video streaming, ect
>Did they never experienced falling from a high altitude?
No I'm still alive.
you mean clothes don't fit and stay contoured on a human body in zero gravity like they do on Earth?
gee I wonder why that would be, why would clothes not behave like they do on Earth, maybe its because its in zero fucking gravity and they aren't weighed down by anything so they look odd and bulky
absolute retard
post your degree in electronics, networking, video streaming etc
>mfw you stream on twitch with OBS.
Not jumping from a plane or face into a rock dummy. Waterfall or a pool. Now imagine instead of falling into the water you're just falling around the earth. Congratulations, the mystery is solved.
What I want to know is what is being supposedly faked. You can see the ISS and satellites are clearly a thing. Is it that there's gravity in space? Or that no humans have been to space and it's just a 60 year multinational ruse?
>autism won't allow me to play without x
>not autistic enough to get x because have to do y, z,
>end up not playing at all, unable to come to a mid-point or give up on x
holy shit why does it keep happening, lately I just don't have any effort to get into modding any game, knowing the hours of troubleshooting, installing, error-fixing, organzingrindgsjkbavgui4kwbf
>not having a major in videogame
I'm surrounded by fools.
What are some whacky shit that you can do in this game? Can I build a moonsized space station that I can fly around?
I have 2 degrees one in electrical engineering the other in computer security which is what I have my masters in. Regardless you've still shown yourself to be completely ignorant on any of these topics. You ask people to explain things and yet not once have you answered my question on WHY YOU THINK YOU CANNOT USE A REGULAR MIC ON THE ISS. You make people spoon-feed you basic ass information and yet you have literally NOTHING of your own when pressed on your bullshit. You act so high and mighty like you're some genius whose figured out something NOBODY else has while in reality you're just some stupid fuck with absolutely no idea on how any of the shit you're talking about WORKS.
doesn't this have red shell?
I love KSP despite all the drama with the devs.
Anyone here play Outer Wilds? There's really nothing like it. The cool thing about the game is you can beat it in one go but the challenge is learning the universe and "science" involved. You learn with research and experimenting.
camera is fucked from radiation, being out in space so long
Nothing is being faked man. They try to grab public attention to keep funding flowing while military and big corps put stuff out there to spy on everyone and provide services like GPS, phone transmission and whatever else.
It's all pretty straightforward.
>I have 2 degrees one in electrical engineering the other in computer security
>computer security
just stop imma peepee in mine pants
(pic related)
user, you can't reason someone out of something they didn't reason themselves into.
These people pick a conclusion, and then look for only the things that could support whatever narrative they've chosen, and beat around or ignore anything that contradicts the narrative
True to Kaiser.
gotta love it when ignorant clueless retards talk about the LEM based on its outer appearance made for thermal protection and never even looked into its underlying structure, the whole thing had to be as lightweight as possible anyways so thats why it looks so "flimsy"
doesn't matter how fragile it looks when it had a very basic purpose, meant to be fulfilled in a near vacuum
>conspiratards genuinely believe this was all just for show
if human are idiot
did we get into spa?
Way to out yourself as some 15 year old with no idea on what the outside world contains.
i CAN abnswer that -
Y-You know that cybersecurity degrees have been a thing at most major colleges for years now right? Right?
Viruses are fake news created by antivirus companies to sell you their free antivirus
>using a crane to pick up tinfoil
hahaha wtf i love computer security now
>mfw too stupid to get into a spa
Dont fuck with me user this threads full of enough retards without you acting like one just to b8 me.
damn that wire rig must've been crazy complicated
Thats mylar you moron at least do a TINY bit of research instead of digging yourself further and further into the retard hole. also did you not notice the fucking THRUSTER ON THE BOTTOM.
Encryption is fake news created by hashbrown companies in order to make their name more popular. Everyone knows hackers don't actually exist, like are you really trying to say people walk into offices and just grab hard drives out of computers? Likely story dude.
>2 degrees, one of them a masters degree
If you’re so smart, why are you engaging with a disingenuous shitposter and/or literal mental invalid on fucking Yea Forums of all places?
Because I legitimately just dont understand how these retards can think that the biggest achievements in human history were all just faked for the lulz. Also Im good with computers noone ever said I was smart.
>Assuming the user in question is being evenly remotely genuine
He’s just shitposting
That's bigger than I thought.
>all that to put 2 people on the moon
Gravity is a bitch
it's a big machine, has to fit their spacesuits
whats the appeal
>Almost no mod parts for newest version
Why bother
that's a mountain
>play tinker with obscure fucking parts that you throw together and hope it fucking does anything at all simulator
No fucking thank you.
it's the edge of the film studio/set/wall.
get the fuck out of here with "it's a mountain"
that's a big studio
so what's the goal of the game once you reach orbit
>90 KB, 805x600
flattards are incapable of posting anything other than a shitpic
land on the mun
get back to kerbin
rendezvous two craft around kerbin
land two craft near to each other on the mun
establish a base if desired
go to duna
go wherever
>tfw unironically want to study physics just to try have fun with these kind of games
It's a sandbox game where you "manage" a space program, but more specifically you pilot the rockets (and spaceplanes). And you build the rockets (and spaceplanes). And in sandbox and science gamemodes, you also choose the missions you want to do and plan accordingly. In career mode you're given contracts to fulfill.
This all takes place in a scaled down version of a planetary system not unlike ours. It's scaled down for gameplay purposes, but there are mods that restore it to real scale or replace the kerbol system with our solar system, also at real scale. Modding support is good, and the modding community is alive and well. Mostly anything you could reasonably want is available as a mod, or possible with mods.
Pirate the game if you want to check it out, they still don't deserve anyone's money.
It's a sandbox game user, there's no real goal. Landing a dude on the mun is usually people's #2 goal
b-b-but i want to believe :(
it's amazing to see such detailed images of another planet
it looks like you could just reach out and touch the red sand and feel it
This and Minecraft taught me never to buy alpha shit
not enough people really appreciate how amazing it is we can take and see these pics
I really love the ones where you can see the rover
those cords are floating.
>There are people in this thread who believe that the organization that controls literally all of the world's affairs can't do basic cgi
and what organization is that?
Jew satan loominati I guess
>there are people on this site that can't greentext properly
for some reason I thought it used solar panels to run, it looks pretty bright there but is it pretty much unusable or what?
the previous rovers used solar panels, these use RTG's
i know what an RTG is i've played kerbal, why didn't they use actual solar though? im assuming its probably actually easier to use rtg
how did they come up with the science for this when the earth is flat? what reference point did they use?
Solar panels on Mars are restricted by dust, and they limit rovers to the equator where there's more sunlight.
I'd assume it's a matter of reliability. RTG's can't get fucked by dust or debris or poor conditions or a faulty motor or etc
i mean just look at how clogged with dust it already is, dust fucks up solar panels, better to use RTG, longer lasting too
I love KSP
I have learned so much from it
Man space is so fucking cool. If only there weren't so many logistical problems with costs we could explore so much.
that's an antenna, you can see it clearer in this picture
I heard there's fishing in this game
>the physics engine might have a brain fart and make things randomly explode/implode or generally get insta fucked.
That's something that happened in early version, hasn't happened to me in years.
RSS/RO/RP-1 is top comfy, old screenshot of my spin stabilised unguided lunar impactor.
this guy can't even get a good orbit angle what makes you think he can rendezvous and dock?
Is the game good again yet?
I bought it before it was even on steam, and it was good but then they fucked it all up. Is it better now?
>The antenna reaches 2m above the astronaut
How stupid are you?
crash into the mun
my duna base is a very large quadrotor
no shit, nobody's going to want to play a game where you literally have to be a rocket scientist to enjoy it
Depending which planet you want to encounter, you either burn on the sunny side or on the night side of Kerbin
>Planet outside of Kerbin's orbit = night side, and vic versa
These days it doesn't really appear unless you really force it, like that Danny guy on youtube.
>think I want to make a satellite relay network
>just 3 satellites evenly spaced
>shouldn't be too hard
>check youtube for a quick guide
are there any good graphics overhaul mods that don't require a monster pc? got 1070
>bought the game back in the very early stages of development
>never been further than the mun
>constantly build space stations and keep docking new parts onto them
Read Lem.
>that last paragraph
kinda makes me wish they're still up there
I'm a brainlet and here is how I do this:
I eyeball an orbit that is somewhat eccentric
I release one satellite at the apoapse
I burn prograde (to raise the periapse on the other side and make the orbit more circular) until the orbital period is 33% longer than the one I currently am.
e.g. if the orbital period is 10 hours, I make it 13 hours
Then I wait a full orbit later on the main vehicle (10 hours) and repeat
If the orbital periods of the satellites you released are exactly the same they will never meet and always stay at the same distance
If you do it like this then each satelite is spaced like 33% of the orbital period away from each other, so about one third of the way
>download a porn game
>literally spend 40 hours modding it just right
>get bored after playing it for a few hours
eyeballing orbital period times is a good suggestion
don't know if my autism will allow it