Can someone explain Ulysses to me? Why they hell did he care about the divide so much?
Can someone explain Ulysses to me? Why they hell did he care about the divide so much?
Fallout 4 and Lonesome Road both have stupid stories for polar opposite reasons.
Because it represented community and what one man can accomplish even in the apocalypse. A free state popping up in a time and place where factions control everything and it's extremely difficult to survive on your own. That's basically like asking George Washington why he cared about America so much. It's a free community born of it's own ideals without interaction from outside forces.
>It is the 31st century.
>Ulysses killed the giant Cyclops when he rescued the children and his son Telemachus.
>But the ancient gods of Olympus are angry and threaten a terrible revenge.
It was just another random trading town.
Based. Despite the praise Lonsome Road gets, I rate it alongside Dead Money. It sucks.
I found it stupid that as a new character, you could visit the divide and pick up enough shit to sell and buy ranger armour at the commissary.
Hes a pinata you beat for loot
The only good thing about LR is the loot. It is just an excuse to be showered in endgame loot.
The legion heavy armour is particularly cool.
I blew up both the NCR and Legion despite being allied to the NCR just for the loot
it was HIS random trading town
>Can someone explain Ulysses to me?
He went completely insane form seeing the community go to hell by the whim of Fate.
>I rate it alongside Dead Money
Yeah, I rate it alongside Dead Money as well. Two of the best addon's Fallout series ever had.
Dude's a bit bonkers but damn, the way he speaks puts him in the same category as the Darkest Dungeon's Narrator IMO
Being a Frumentarii, he saw how shit both Caesar's Legion was, as well as every tribe and the NCR. He also swallowed Caesar's Dialectics bullshit and believed that through the conflict between powers, both would be destroyed, but something better born from the ashes.
The divide was a small community that didn't follow the old tribal way, it wasn't large enough to get corrupt like the NCR, and it wasn't a slave state like the Legion. It had old world values and he saw it as the best hope for the world. Then it got blown up, and in his grief saw the Marked men and other horrors as Caesar's dialectical progress.
He came up with a twisted rationalisation that because both the Legion and NCR would be destroyed in their battle with each other anyway, why not speed it along the same way as happened with the divide by nuking them. It may not have been the most sensible action, but he was angry and grief stricken, and he needed the catharsis of making the Courier personally understand what he has been through.
And if you nuke the legion and NCR before getitng the platinum chip they can forgive you for absolutely fucking their entire supply lines
this is a great post, thank you.
Always found it funny that your idolised reputation with both only goes down to around neutral for nuking them.
Also strange you took no karma hit. Nuking presumably innocents seems pretty black and white (for a fallout game).
How the fuck would they even know you nuked them anyways? The reputation system can be absolutely retarded sometimes
The rep thing is just because of the target audience of brain-dead Bethesda games being lootwhores who want everything. The lack of karma hit is probably an oversight but karma is just a shitty holdover from Fallout 3 after Fallout 2 already all but did away with it in favour of reputations.
Lonesome Road was a load of overhyped hot air, but Dead Money was genuinely good.
Was Chris Avellone's mouthpiece right?
Ulysses saw the divide as the last gasp of what America was. Not in terms of the corrupt government that ended the world. It wasn't the NCR, who could only ever shadow-play at being America's legacy, and it wasn't the Legion, who was antithetical to what America was. The Divide was the last gasp of American frontier spirit, liberty, freedom, and community, something "More than the bear, more than the bull", an echo of what the country had once been.
And then by the random whim of fate, it was destroyed. What America once was died its final death. Ulysses is a mourner obsessed with his grief, and what he mourns is the final nail in America's coffin. Whatever comes now, no matter what it calls itself, will never truly be America as it could have been. At least that's how he sees it.
it could have been become something more if left alone to grow or, thats what he thought. then you had to nuke it up.
nice nma fag.
It's not as if loot runs haven't been a staple of the series.
it wasn't my fault, geeze!
good job user, you just destroyed another trade route and made it harder for people to get into vegas.
The House always wins.
For some reason I can never bring myself to play the DLC, I've played the main game a ton but always immediately get bored when it ports me to a new zone and I end up just reloading into the mojave
Better question is; Why is this dlc so polarizing? Some absolutely love it while others have so much disdain for it. Why do you guys think it is so?
Killed him, bombed Caesar's salads and traded with NCR at the very last.
The House wins.
what dlc?
mothership zeta
Because the main villain of the dlc is Chris Avellone's avatar and they introduce creatures that will kill the Mojave anyway regardless of the war according to him.
>the year of our Lord 2019
>people still are not able to appreciate the meta characterization Lonesome Road gives the Courier by using common characteristics of the player base
Fucking zoomers, all of you.
Play better Fallout games, zoomer.
I think Lonesome road would have been better if the consequences with the nukes were greater. Like nuking The Fort, or nuking Camp McCarren or Camp Golf. Instead of adding in two areas for loot and high level enemies. It would've been more interesting if you absolutely crushed the enemy before the end of the game.
Obviously you would have to rewrite the whole ending, which is why it probably wasn't even discussed. Seeing how NV was forced to release so early.
For me, its Arcade.
>Muh bear & bull!
I haven't played new vegas in many years but Im definitely going to go kill him again at some point
I wish you could nuke the main map
> America
> It's a free community born of it's own ideals without interaction from outside forces.
You're clearly not talking about the same america that exists on planet earth
>best story in HH is a set of logs
Randall Clarke and Joshua Graham were the only good parts of HH.
Also you get best guns from HH, a light shining in darkness and survivalists rifle. Josuha's armor is also god tier.
>pleb wants us to spoonfeed Ulysses to him
Ha, I bet you can’t even understand a word of Finnegan’s Wake
His ingame model does NOT do him justice
He's talking about early America, dumbass. He even mentioned George Washington. Or do you not know who that is, Jorge?
>deese methaphorz are too complex for mee
>abloobloobloo a town I liked blew up and I'm gonna blame you
>"We warned you at Syracuse, and you persisted. You took advantage of us at New Canaan to drive us out, and like the dogs of Caesar you are, you followed us to Zion. And now you stand on holy ground, a temple to God's glory on Earth. But the only use for an animal in our temple is sacrifice!"
Why is Joshua the best fucking fallout companion but only available for honest hearts?
ulysses is sawyer's gary stu. lonesome road in general is shitty.
>war never changes but it will if we murder everyone lmao
>even if you don't want to glass what's left of the planet i wrote in the tunnelers to take care of that :^)
>let me take this blank slate player character who has no relevant history before the game and write an elaborate backstory where they indirectly killed a shitload of people
Get the Joshua Graham companion mod. Hella worth.
Early America was entirely outside forces coming to America.
Ulysses murdered a shit ton of innocent people because Caesar told him to, so when he quit the Legion and found a place he hadn't raped to death yet, he decided to watch over it.
And yet he is also aware of the fact that the location is ground zero for the tunnelers and that they would have killed everyone anyway.
Survivalists Rifle + level 3 riot armor= kino aesthetics
>tfw clearing out vault 22 with the survialists rifle after reading all the terminal entries
but the clean survivors were already dead, you are just killing the mutants
>early America
so the place before the colonists came to steal land?
Because he would make an already easy game even easier if you could take him with you.
Indian Americans never had a concept of property ownship. They took and lost land to each other through wars. The "muh land" thing was something they only started saying after the colonialists claimed the land through the very same process the Indians themselves used. By right of conquest, it wasn't stealing.
Ulysses is just an autist and wrong about everything.
Uly didn't make any real damned sense other than his vague desire to destroy both the NCR and the Legion.
But there's advanced riot gear on a dead guy on the 2nd level of the highway bridge.
I liked Dead Money
>all Amerindian cultures had the exact same concept and notion of "property" until Europeans taught them about it
Well done, that's the stupidest thing I've heard all month
That's in some ways a good thing. The game gives you the option to basically act like you aren't even the guy he is talking about. You can tell him to fuck off repeatedly and then just blow him up with a Fatman before he even turns around. You don't have to learn a single lesson from him.
You're telling yourself that because you don't want to accept it.
>Can someone explain Ulysses to me?
Butthurt about the mailman unknowingly delivering a bomb, throws tantrum with nukes.
>Why they hell did he care about the divide so much?
He found its original state idyllic admidst the Wasteland and projected his ideal future on it. But some retard in it ordered a Bomb, rather then blame the retard he blames the Mailman.
Honestly he is not worth acknowledging in spite of how much the DLC all shill him cause in the end all he is doing is PROJECTING and causing issues that the perosn he is butthurt about actually bothers to fix (or not, depends on how you play) and is pretty blatantly just being Contrarian to what the Courier wants with the BEAR AND BULL shit he spouts.
Once upon a time and a very good time it was there was a moocow coming down along the road and this moocow that was coming down along the road met a nicens little boy named baby tuckoo
le deep voice man
>army of securitrons + Big MT technology can’t defeat a bunch of shitty tunnelers that get killed in one headshot
Meant for