ITT post vidya related memes

ITT post vidya related memes

Attached: etika.jpg (960x854, 125K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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Cute :3

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You think someone infiltrated his palace and ended up killing his shadow


>diolauge portrait is different from model
Fucking atlus

>A human being made this and actually thought it was funny

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Imagine being one of those guys who sent hundreds or even thousands of dollars to him

It is, it all depends on your kind of humor
He was a clown anyway, who knows if he's actually dead and not hiding under his bed

It is objectively pretty funny, and this comes from a etika fan

is he going to Jimmy's house?

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It is funny

The fuck is this about?

It is pretty funny.

It is pretty funny.

Who wins in a fist fight? Etika or low tier god?

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Just some youtuber killing himself by jumping off a bridge.

LTG is still alive so he wins by default

Etika (smash youtuber) killed himself by jumping off the Manhattan bridge

wait did he actually kill himself?

I've never seen this before it's actually kinda funny

It is pretty funny.

NYPD said it's not confirmed yet, but the body pulled out of the water matches the description.

They found a male body in the river. That's all everyone knows, everything is bullshit, morbid wishful thinking.

It’s not officially confirmed but it’s basically obvious because
>his bag that included his money, cards and switch was found on the bridge
>a body that fit his description was found today
>his brother and cousins took down posts that said that he was missing and to contact them if he was found

Even worse they keep posting and tweaking it, barely getting yous. It's embarrassing. So desperate.


There's no description of the body and only some cousin removed their post.

why did he do it

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Did anyone check UNDER the bridge? Maybe he is living there now.

Damn, these beats are so fresh. Snap!

Attached: funkyfreshbeats.png (774x588, 485K)

>People leave their documents and personal belongings before jumping into a river
>People found a woman in the same river just recently
>"Oh shit my brother/cousin dead, better remove my post asap so people won't bother us anymore!"

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He’s been “missing” for multiple days. If he faked it he would be arrested for wasting police time and money.

It really is funny, fucking nigger

>Decide to zone out from society for a bit and retreat to some silent corner
>Some retard acquaintance panics and reports me as missing
>Police start searching for me
>I come back
>Get arrested for wasting cop time searching for me

I could get behind him getting fined for public commotion and faking a suicide, but not wasting police time searching for him

you forgot
>leave my valuable shit near a common suicide location

I'm sure he would have also found this funny

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I was considering writing "littering" but was not sure if that implied I though that if you "lose" or "forget" something you should be considered a criminal.
leaving valuable shit near a common suicide location I think is covered by "causing public commotion and faking a suicide"

This one always give me a chuckle

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>After posting a video about killing myself

It's very clearly a joke and humour is subjective.
Plenty of people would deem it funny.
Jog on, tranny.

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I had a small chuckle when I understood it

>Post one panel then vanish

God I love Doom memes.

Found it

Beware sad panda

It is pretty funny.

Maybe you should go back to your knitting club, Marge.

go away blueman282


were handhelds the original mobilefags?

comedy = tragedy + time

So what made him so depressed to go through with this?

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>a etika fan
The fact nobody laughed at you yet surprises me

he found out that steve made it in in a leak

You know nothing

It is pretty funny thought I do hope he is alright. It's ridiculous how mental health still isn't taken seriously in 2019
>inb4 hurr just stop being sad/angry/etc

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Stonetoss is absolute cancer in both the messages and art of his 'comics'

Apparently he was schizophrenic
I thought it was a publicity stunt but I guess not

I think he will be happy now that he can see his brother and father again.

If he's faking it. He will go down as one of the biggest pieces of shit in YouTube history.

So I finally watched his suicide speech video...damn, that was hard to watch. Poor guy. He'll never get to play New Horizons. Hope he's just ran away...but it's seeming more and more unlikely...

Dilate and stop having anal sex

the original mobilefags were in half people who played solitaire on windows 95 and in half kids playing cutesy vidya

Oh my sweet ignorant child, it wouldn't be even close to the most despicable thing commited for cheap clicks.

back to shitter

Why do you drama whores always call the latest thing the biggest thing? Are you addicted to cheap thrills?

>we follow this exact same script in every thread
Fuck off back to literally anywhere else

now that etika is gone who should I watch?


level die podcast

Have you tried actually playing the videogames yourself?


Are his brother and father at the bottom of the Hudson river?

jelly much?

>makes a literal farewell video crying and shit
>'GEE guys i wonder why people thinks he killed himself'


>Its porn

And giving them (you) isn't any better you retard. Stop falling for it

his smash 4 videos are top tier comfy, nothing can convince me otherwise

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Go cry about it on tumblr, tranny.

user, this is Yea Forums. This people barely get sunlight, go out and socialize, take showers regularly and have no sense of whatsoever emotion or compassion towards any race, sexual orientation and religion. You're making a pretty retarded question when you know what goes through here.

What did you expect?
Legitimately asking, how did you think that was going to go?

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have you tried playing vidya instead of browsing Yea Forums?

faggots like you should be banned

OH shit I forgot this game came out
I didn't use my desktop for awhile but when RoR2 launched I booted back up so now I might get it, how is it? Original was fun but kinda sparse when it came to content.

That's not true I have a sense of emotion and compasion for anime characters.

Resetera seething

>Be society
>treat gaming as health problem
>Tranny is perfectly fine

Do you see a sign in front of Jimmy's house that says dead nigger storage?

The little drama queen needs to die already.


Holy shit

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Why the fuck would I ever play a video game?

why does Yea Forums hate him all of a sudden

Hey come on thats not entirely correct.

There are people on Yea Forums that do not fit that descriptions are browsing this website because it offers more honest opinions than other places do, thanks to anonymity.

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Probably Etika because he is a giant while being pretty /fit/

:'( does baby want her(his) binky?

lol is he really dead? Good riddance.

>racist shmorky

>taking issue at the tamest of dark humour
Hello and welcome to, a division of Yea Forums.

oh look incelpanels

>were handhelds the original mobilefags?
mobile fags aren't actually gamers
handhelds you had to go buy a dedicated game machine

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I thought it was hilarious

They found the body but it has to be officially recognized yet

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>makes a literal farewell video crying and shit
Post it nigger

Found him. He just jumped off a bridge, he was a nigger anyway so who cares

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He never cried. He's no bitch nigga.

i want to fuck that rabbit

Why would you come to the place where people almost exclusively pretend to have opinions to try and bait people into pretending to be angry about those opinions if you're searching for honesty?
This is one of the least honest places on the entire internet.
And for more info:

>this people
fuck off, neet

you forgot
>Yea Forums oldfag

Why this make my pp diamonds?

sauce? i know hes posts dick pics on Yea Forums but i never knew about him browsing Yea Forums

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Called dark humor chief

Not that user. But it's far more honest than reddit from my opinion. Anonymity allows people to throw whatever opinions at the wall and challenge other people's opinions. It's true that spam of the same bullshit meme causes garbage to start piling up (you can blame Summerfags and election tourists for that) but the genuine discussions you can find are far more genuine than any shit you can find on Youtube or Reddit. The anonymity means that no one has nothing to lose with being brutally honest or flat out lying, and thus lies can be exposed because there's no one there to censor you (unless it's some ass-blasted Janny).

Amazing taste

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At least it isn't weak-ass "HURR I'M COOL BECAUSE I SAY NIGGER" shit.

Don't have anything right now, but he for certain said in some of his old video's that he used to come here when he was younger.


Is it him? Or did they fish out someone else?
What're your opinions?

He knew just how trash his content was and how manipulative he is, I assume it was guilt.

Stop shouting, nigger. This is a vidya meme thread

>133 replies
>25 images
So no memes, huh?

Such as?
I know there was that shit with the guy going to the suicide forest and filming one of the bodies but that doesn't seem as bad as faking a suicide.


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Hello I am a very old Yea Forums "oldfag" and I miss the old days when we could all be open and accepting with each other. Don't you people have any sympathy for your fellow man? A man has died, and you /pol/ users are laughing. Despicable. This is why white people deserve to be punished.

LTG destroys his dead ass


Idk, the artstyle was cute.

>No tears
>Doesn't look stressed
>talking exactly like he always does
Okay, so he's just a schizo

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Etika has fans?
Do you like how he never finishes anything?

This is the only one I got

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Your talking to the same website that thought it would be funny to make a WHIIIIIIIIRRRRR post on a dead kid because LOL NINTENDO


You could have just said that.

One! Ah ah ah!
Two! Ah ah ah!
Three! Ah ah ah!
Four! Ah ah ah!
Five! Ah ah ah!
Six! Ah ah ah!
Seven! Ah ah ah!
Eight! Ah ah ah!
Nine! Ah ah ah!
Nine N-words! Nine N-words and seven hard R's! Ah! Ah! Ah!

Attached: count.jpg (300x168, 6K)

his content has gotten a lot worse over the years honestly

Fuck off you gyppo scum

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wait I'm confused here, he's a libertarian right? why is he using brave new world as a part of his image of a dystopia when it's a story about ultimate corporatism?

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One! One image of the count in my image folder! Ah! Ah! Ah!

Attached: lanoir.webm (704x798, 926K)

No, he's a contrarian. He solely exists to kick up shit. He craves attention, and negative attention counts.

cringe. Nigger

I laughed.
Therefore it's funny.

He probably is, his streams before that showed clear signs of him not being mentally sound, he kept doing weird occult symbols and singing and then stopping mid-song then acting normal all over again, rinse and repeat. Dude lost his mind.

actually based

He's alt-right, so whatever he is, it's not libertarian

Etika is unfunny and very cringe worthy with his shitty forced fake reactions.
I don’t understand why a site where people hate youtubers out of principle, and hate blacks for being black is so obsessed with him.

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>tfw chad features but autistic af


Being libertarian right does not mean you HATE government oppression but LOVE corporate oppression.
Don't make a strawman or what someone's ideology is.


Holy fucking yikes



We were just kidding about that you fucking fool

>"""""""""""vidya""""""""""""""" spam threads
Yep, you got me. Having ten threads dedicated to smash rosters, people crying over tit size in multiple threads, having blatant console shitposting, and having porn thread stay up for hours is for sure some good genuine video game discussion.

Fuck off faggot. At most, SOME of those topics should be regulated to a couple of threads and not flooding the board. A single thread about a video game related person isn't going to collapse the fucking board.


Weird that he would kill himself, he always seemed so excited for absolutely everything.

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Etika killed himself on the day before Michael Jackson died. What does this mean?

Based /pol/nigger

Yes, actually. Video games are gay and only retards like you could enjoy them

He's the ultimate contrarian. He's the literal embodiment of nu-Yea Forums. His opinions are contradicting and don't actually have any meaning. He goes the retarded pacifist "m-muh violence bad" then changes his opinion halfway through. He's just another Andrew Dobson except people actually like his shit because he's "red pilled". Never mind the fact that the objectively correct alignment is being black pilled or green pilled whilst red pilled and blue pilled its he most normie fucking alignment you can have.

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Including his own death

Look at Robin Williams. The happiest people can be going through some fucked up shit.

He's dead, I'm not. Yes, I'm super jelly.

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Redpill me on non-red or blue pill colors.


It was a joke about how all of his reactions are fake user.

But it’s funny that people gave him money for free as well and he just decided that life was too hard.

I hope you can enjoy my shitty art

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Suicides go straight to hell.

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>Smug Racist.png

I bet he killed himself because he didn't invest in Bitcoin when it was super cheap.

Here you go.

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Was this one fake?

Wait isn't new York like the most crime ridden place in America, surely the police have better things to do than hunt down suicides.

Hell is PC too. Only Whites are dudjed and have a chance to go to hell.

I don't even need to watch it to say yes.

Bros I NEED to impregnate this bunny

You just know it's a nigger who keeps spamming these threads.

Also he is burning in eternal hellfire so there isn’t much to be jealous about

Iron is not a color

And as a bonus. Some literature too.

Attached: How to become Greenpilled.jpg (900x4100, 3.06M)

whitepill seems pretty enlightened to me

No, that would be Chicago, Detroit, or St. Louis.

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Don't be a blue pilled sheep. It is a color, user.

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They don’t call it Chiraq for nothing

cute gardevoir

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There is no hell or heaven you retard, take your christard shit elsewhere, faggot.

Isn't it actually pretty common for people who already made up their mind that they're going to kill themselves to be calm and relaxed?

I have seen far worse don't worry
We all do

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Watch it please.

>caring about a nigger
have sex with a nigger

What a SPLASH screen you got there

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I hope you never find out if there's a Hell. I really do.

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>hating Stonetoss
For what reason other than you're a retarded lefty faggot?

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Hell doesn't exist.

Don't encourage him.

Yes, but they don't post videos about it on the internet to say dumb crap like that. They usually don't have or care about anything. This guy is just an attention-seeking retard

Where's the black pill

Doubles as a reaction image

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>youtube star
That nigga was barely popular

That's funny, I hope you find something better to do with your time then trying to convince people on Yea Forums that christardation isn't fucking moronic.

Carlos...get the fuck off the computer and finish mowing my lawn you damn dirty spic, I didn't pay you 20 fucking dollars for you to waste time making "epik punz" on Yea Forums, you annoying beaner retard.

He made 6 figures streaming on youtube.

>He'S A HYproCriTE Even thoGH ThaT's NoT True!11

What a flying faggot, you're worse than anybody you criticize and you think you're validated because you're "well read" you're a fucking cretin and a loser and exactly the kinda faggot nobody would miss shitting up this board you mental neonate.

>still kills himself
Nice 6 figures you got there

I didn't know Etika was actually deceased. So I agree with you

He probably would've laughed too you big ass.