*tap* *tap*
Clefairy! Clefairy!
*tap* *tap*
Clefairy! Clefairy!
Fairies were a mistake and are fucking garbage that is worse then Dragons ever were!
Stadium had great mini-games though
worse minigame
Fairy! Fairy! Fairy! Fairy! Fairy! Fairy!
Fairy! Fairy! Fairy! Fairy! Fairy! Fairy!
>be me in 2012
>at a private school for the summer because I need to do some classes during the summer to graduate on time
>guy in my dorm block has an N64
>one day, get a bunch of people together to play N64 at the school's student leisure place or whatever the fuck
>start playing Pokemon Stadium minigames
>guy keeps saying not to pick Clefairy Says because he hates that game
>pick it to be a dickhead
>activates his trap card
>he utterly demolishes everyone and it's actually the minigame he's best at
>that animation where the pokemon fuck in rhythm to the teacher's commands
>that realization that you're a brainlet with bad short term memory
>not mashing all the buttons with your eyes closed to see who dies first and fastest
I can usually do the whole thing perfect but it can get nasty.
Why did they give her sexy glasses
Its a 43 year old milf teacher with no less than 3 kids
What an alpha
The minigames in 1 were pure evil.
>Button mashing
>Button mashing but you had to actually time it
>Snore War and Dig Dig Dig
I welcomed 2
the clefairy line has always been my favourite with clefable as my big favourite so this game was always a really nice treat for me.
fuck the drowsee game
The metapod/kakuna harden one was great. I was the best at it. Just tapping R for the split second when the rock was gonna hit.
>Elder God tier
>God tier
Topsy Turvy
Tumbling Togepi
Delibird's Delivery
>Pretty good tier
Clear Cut Challenge
Barrier Ball
Streaming Stampede
Eager Eevee
Run, Rattata, Run!
Snore War
Rock Harden
>Okay tier
Magikarp's Splash
Furret's Frolic
Rampage Rollout
Egg Emergency
Ekans' Hoop Hurl
>Bad tier
Pichu's Power Plant
Thundering Dynamo
Clefairy Says
Dig! Dig! Dig!
>Why tier
Gutsy Golbat
This list is pretty inarguable user, props
>Clefairy Says
>Bad tier
It takes way too fucking long.
The concept isn't awful, but the presentation made it a chore.
I completely forgot about the drowzee game. I don't think I ever understood how it worked.
Swap Sushi with Rock Harden and then it's a decent list.
>tfw can't even memorize the ocarina songs in OoT after they showed me how to do it
The best part is, if you werent a dick it wouldnt have happened
That's the point of my story, unfortunately
I loved Clear Cut Challenge just because I could flex with my Scisor.
I want to have raw, passionate sex with Clefairy.