Play The Hunt: Showdown
Play The Hunt: Showdown
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Not enough hunting, too many showdowns
I would love to. But It looks like there is no mutch player left.
Love the aesthetic they got, but while I looked at gameplay it looked very focused on the BR aspect. Is it?
>don't include toddlershit or ragebait in OP
>page 9
>shuts down servers
I never had to wait more than a minute for a match. Might depend on where you live. I'm in central Europe and played until 2 in the morning yesterday.
It's not strictly BR since you equip your hunter before the match but can still pick up stuff in the mission. In the mission you can go after bosses for money or hunt other players. Also, if you make it to an extraction point before the mission ends you can save your hunter and his equipment.
it's a really fun game with an interesting concept. i'll be getting it once it leaves early access, whenever that is. don't want to get burned out on early access and have the majority of my time spent on the inferior version of the game.
So it's sort of like a monster killing Tarkov?
might get it if it goes on sale
I haven't played Tarkov but yes, it's PvPvE
I'd play it if the fucking spider wasn't a thing. Fuck that
I wish they made the game with more focus on the PvE and had more content in that direction. I'm not sure where they would have to take it or how far they'd have to go to justify the price, though.
I'm just not a PvP oriented person, so I'd be super down for a co-op hunting game like this. Removing the PvP unfortunately means having to change a lot of the mechanics, since it removes all forms of competition. Just not a game for me.
they did and they cancelled it because its less fun desu. They took the remains of the PvE game and turned it into this god tier gotyay and single player plebs need to get out.
I already said I recognize that removing the PvP would be detrimental to the game, which is why I'm not playing the game. The PvP combined with equipment loss is why I don't play games like it or Tarkov, because I'm just not much of a competitive person or one to get hyped on the adrenaline rush, since losing your shit sucks.
Played the free weekend and I really loved the way the game looks and feels and a lot of shit. I don't have the pvp aspect, I just wish it had some sort of single player mode, even if that might degrade the danger aspect of other players, as I find it sketchy as far as how long until I can't find players anymore. If they made a campaign based on this game it would be fucking great.
>I don't have the pvp aspect
I don't hate I mean
It was pretty good. It provided a good sense of tension, knowing there were other teams out there, and it forced me to actually be careful stalking through the swamp so as not to give away my position. Closing on the target was when it was the most tense, because obviously if another team got there first they may lay an ambush to make sure they aren't interrupted during the boss fight. I really liked the aesthetics of the game too, it had a really unique set of weapons that you don't see often in vidya.
I still feel like I got everything I could have out of it though. It's hard to go back when I feel like barely anything has been added and the player base has died.
Loved everything but the pvp. It actually has the opposite effect of creating tension and plays more like a fucking deathmatch when the hunt is completed, which is boring since it just plays like any other shooter when it gets to this point in a game. Goddamn this wouldve been a great coop hunting game.
>It actually has the opposite effect of creating tension
That wasn't true for me as you're always on the lookout for players, they could shoot you at any point, you don't want to alert them etc.
Without the pvp it would just be a stroll in the park. I'm btw
I am
I tried it on the free weekend (had it on my sights but was reluctant because I thought it's a BR) and bought it immediately after
Game is pretty great
It's very cool how much decision making affects each match, you can focus on pve or completely ignore it, it's not hard to traverse the map without aggroing the mobs
You can hunt other players or just avoid them
Going solo and outsmarting teams, especially more experienced, gives you great satisfaction
>Servers are so shit that it gets you killed
>Lose all progress
>Stonewall you into multiplayer
>Don’t like co-op? Go fuck your self
It just felt like a standard shoot shoot after that where its less about tension and thinking more about rushing around and having other people blindly run right into gunfire like its a deathmatch.
If they changed some mechanics and didnt keep it completely as is and removed the pvp element I think they would have something here. The truth of it is that this game is dead, it is going to be at a point where you cannot even play it because its multiplayer dependent and noone is playing. All the neat stuff it does will fall to the wayside because it means nothing if you cant even play the game anymore.
Yeah that's true they should at least have a singleplayer/coop mode.
>Had some bad luck and got held up in a shootout with some other players
>Come out victorious but notice trophies have already been picked up
>Head back to an escape point and wait there
>Some poor shmuck had the same idea and stood still next to the escape point, popped 'm in the head
>Two minutes later the fellas who picked up the trophies arrive, I open up with a molotov and getting to shooting
>Heavily injured but alive and with a trophy in tow, I make my escape
This game can be really good at times, but marketing it as a BR might've been the wrong thing to do.
Won't be much longer until they release 1.0, they've talked about it in their last dev stream
>playing multiplayer games
When was the last time you played? They just added a bunch of weapons and a new boss.
Why are they releasing a broken, unbalanced game when they haven’t even fixed their god damned servers yet?
It's a multiplayer game, zoomie
Rather play tarkov
What's unbalanced in your opinion? Servers haven't been an issue in Europistan.
>Forcing your progression into the hands of a complete stranger
Sounds like a good way to lose all your hard work
Servers are complete shit. They acknowledged this a couple weeks ago in a pinned post. They said they know servers are pretty bad and they’re “looking into it”.
Ie the games unplayable due to lag, rubber banding, disconnects, etc.
>inb4 “b-b-but MY anecdotal experience about none of those issues!”
Are you the singleplayer cvck in the thread? Sounds like you need to unironically git gud.
Just let me have the crosshair/sights in the center of my fucking screen like every other god damn game.
>make game where headshots are king
>fuck with the aim of everyone who doesn't play your shooter exclusively
Fucking bullshit
I did and it was shit. PvP is AIDS and boss enemies can't leave their houses, allowing them to be cheesed trivially (which also seems required since they're much faster than you).
I'll play this game immediately when it's available for PS4
>List all the problems with the game
>”g-g-git gud”
Grow up, kiddo.
Won’t happen. Epic is buying the game rights in a month at release. Steam users can still play, but not buy it on steam anymore. This means it’s an epic exclusive from now on.
Its honestly a fun game.
I wish the game had more funding so it could be even bigger.
Everything is fairly balanced as long as you keep good positioning.
A Crown and king will demolish you if you try and CQB him, but outside of that you can tap him in the head pretty easily.
The only thing that bothers me is the fall off range for damage on landing shots. Anything past 200m if you land it does practically no damage.
I did like how they said that they cleaned up the cracked dirty scopes on weapons in the new patch, but if you kill a player and take his gun, it will be dirty and cracked.
They make a lot of updates and they are good. They added a map, a new boss, and a new enemy and a bunch of guns in the last month or two.
>PvP is mean BAWWWWW
>muh progress
Lerne zu spielen
[citation needed]
>Ignores the server issues
>”learn to deal with it!”
I’m not your personal developer news guide. Look it up for yourself.
Yeah okay. Nice bullshit, user.
>Sounds like a good way to lose all your hard work
Its literally like 5 wins in a row to max a hunter, maybe less if you spent time and killed like 200 zombies on the map.
You can now kill players and take their better guns.
Honestly I usually grab a shotgun/mosin + mollys thats all I ever use.
yeah thats a weird and annoying thing
pvp is easy?
my partner and I usually 2v6-8 the server ourselves and then do the bosses or raid the first boss and kill the rest outside the second.
If the bosses left the houses, you could just kite them endlessly and youd get shot and killed from every single possible direction since there would be no cover.
I think youre just bad to be honest.
Bosses are done slow and silent with traps/melee.
Fast with high explosives and rapid fire spam.
Used as bait to lure players inside to ambush them into fighting the boss and half healthing it to mag dump and get ganked from one of the side locations or through the walls.
>>Forcing your progression into the hands of a complete stranger
>Sounds like a good way to lose all your hard work
You are a soicvck of the highest caliber.
oh I also forgot that most of the bosses(not sure about the new boss havent fought him yet) have a fairly basic attack rotation or interrupt sequence based on either interrupt damage timing/distance to initiate a ranged attack, total damage threshhold reached.
>use zoomer sight to instantly find clues
>spring to them
>press E or whatever button it was
>repeat 3 times
>sprint to bounty
>engage in a stupidly easy "boss" battle
>defend bounty from players
>likely fight a group or two in this very enclosed space
>take bounty
>run to exit
>rinse, repeat
Gamemode is shit, that's the main problem with it. You never explore the very detailed environments, enemies are more a annoyance than anything else, and the only place you're almost guaranteed to fight enemy players is the tiny cramped shithole of a boss arena. When you do end up fighting other players in one of the locations it's great, atmospheric as fuck, and guns feel good (damage is a bit too low but whatever), unless they decide to bail the moment it turns bad for them, which can happen since there's no real incentive to risking a firefight with another group. All immersion is ruined as you just sprint from A to B to C to D and finally to E.
Unironically the solo BR mode is a hundred times better because you have to scavenge for weapons so you need to actually explore the areas. Reminds me of Tarkov really, that also has great everything except the core gamemode, which brings it all down.
>lying on the internet
>Uses soicvck unironically
>Expects anyone to take him seriously
Have sex, Incel
You're the zoomer here considering you enjoy mp games more than sp
lmao at you faggot
play some real games
Coming into this thread to see what the game's about only to see one clearly underage retard defending it to death is not a good sign.
Imagine being afraid of getting BTFO in multiplayer. Literal omega
Go play some fortnite zoom zoom
>one guy is in any way a reflection of the game itself
Don't be a moron.
>30 bucks for an unfinished multiplayer game with server issues
The playerbase is important in a multiplayer game. I do not want to interact with this garbage.
The less of you "toxicity" sensitive zoomers in the game the better.
go back to your console 3rd person experience
I'm redownloading it now because a friend and I need something to do for a couple of days but if the playerbase is still dead (as an Australian) then I'm probably done with the game. Some months ago when I last played we consistently got disconnected from matches or only 1 or 2 other players actually matched with us, if any.
>toxicity sensitive
I just hate literal children like yourself faggot. You do not pass for an adult by calling everyone a zoomer by the way.
kys zoomer
t. 35
I tried it during the free weekend and there were very few players, and noticeably there were only any players in the BR mode, none in the hunt mode.
Nope, gonna play Stalker now, bye zoomzoom.
35 year olds don't type exclusively in memespeak, get off the family computer already
>there won't be fanboys in literally any fanbase
If you're gonna comment about underage retards, at least have better reasoning abilities than them.
Did you just turn 20? Faggot zoomer kid lmao
then don't interact with them if you're this much of a faggot
this is Yea Forums
yes, it's exactly like that but the goal is hunting monster and not players, that doesn't stop you for just hunting players instead
I do have better reasoning abilities. Will you please stop replying to me like a hurt little bitch about how I commented that this one particular retard doesn't reflect well on the tiny community that this game has?
When your playerbase is 5 people and one of them is as much of a faggot as this it's safe to assume that it's not a decent community.
Plenty of smaller game communities on Yea Forums, usually fun people to be around, not the case here clearly. Do you understand now?
Cringe, zoom zoom. Go play some fortnite and buy some v-bux, while you're at it don't forget to donate and subscribe to your favourite streamer
Did you get lost on your way to plebbit?
is that you?
I want to play it, but I kinda wanna wait for a sale because I hear servers are kinda dead and I kinda wanna get my money's worth if the servers are so empty. Especially if the game will die soon. It's a shame because this game of bounty hunting monsters is exactly what I was looking for years