
Attached: 4611006d394e1429702f16f2ce5a347eb9771bc9.png (1280x720, 1.21M)

Other urls found in this thread:

timeanddate.com/countdown/launch?iso=20190625T19&p0=69&msg=HITMAN 2 - The Bank on Steam (Downloads Start)&font=sanserif&csz=1

>countdown is set to cyberpunk 2077's release date

Attached: 1541724950515.gif (350x235, 2.2M)

Hell, why not?

Thanks, IOI.

>expansion pass is still 40€
>10€ on g2a but they're gay

worry not, they're releasing the dlcs seperately

Attached: 11111.png (553x116, 16K)

>reload HUD
why would we need that?
we're not braindead

Attached: update.png (1274x1152, 137K)

Like all of the new HUD features it's completely optional. But yeah idk who'd want a distracting thing flashing in the middle of your screen during a gunfight.

Summer Sale starts today so maybe it will be discounted.

>it will be discounted
doubt it

You could also just change your Steam to Russian with a VPN, I did so like 4 years ago and it stayed permanently as Russian, even without VPN so now I have super cheap prices.

It doesn't come out until the afternoon I'm pretty sure, can we have a new thread then? I'm hyped as fucked and going to sleep now.

Btw I'm a scrub and failed for an hour straight at level 3 unpalatable termination. Fuck the guy in the control tower.

>Fuck the guy in the control tower.
hey fuck you too

>Fuck the guy in the control tower
That guy wasn't the problem for me. the security guy next to it, I'm not sure where to hide his body

no it's exclusive expansion pass or gold edition

is this game still online only?

>it will now take 7 hours for fish to swim in the air rather than 7 minutes
I love how they're cracking jokes in the patch notes

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You fucked up waiting for today's release lad
It was $8 for months

It's not that of a big deal

Attached: 20190605151414_1.jpg (2560x1440, 763K)

it is for a piratefag like me, you cant unlock stuff, no rankings, etc.

how about wait for the summer sale today and support the devs. I don't think they're doing that well. idk.

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maybe, they could've got some of my money already if they left in CreamAPI support, but they patched that out.

Why the 47 in the picture looks like it's ripped from a PlayStation 2 game?

>17:00 UTC PC release
Fuck sake.

The update size is getting out of hand
This new expansion+the new contracts is like 20gigs alone
The game is like 120gigs to install with the expansion pass and the legacy stuff and you need to allocate prior to unchecking the dlc to avoid downloading everything
I don't have data caps more size restrictions but this is overkill no matter the game

You think this is bad? Just imagine when Season 3 comes out.

I probably won't be able to install in my system SSD, and use old storage
And even with all that I get stuttering from time to time
I still enjoy the game a fucking lot, probably the best game I've played in the last 4 years, but it seems the engine is falling apart more than improving

>This new expansion+the new contracts is like 20gigs alone
but it says 2.5GB

That does not include the extra content
Keep reading

Isn’t the game built In Absolution’s engine? I’m wondering if the scope of the game is exceeding the boundaries of what the engine is actually capable of.

>“HITMAN 2 – New York” is the Bank and will clock in at 2.5 GB on PC and 3GB on consoles.
>“HITMAN 2 – Special Assignments Pack 1” contains both of the Special Assignments and will clock in at 8.6 GB on PC and 10 GB on consoles.
That AND the update on the side, so about 12 gigs

or just upgrade your outdated shitbox of a PC?

I don't know
They have added the destructible environments now
Thank you, Captain obvious
I still find 120 gigs too much for a game alone
The same happened with Doom 2016 because they bundled the shit multiplayer with it

that's actually insane. I need to delete some of legacy maps from my SSD


get with the time gramps, get a bigger SSD, 2TB SSD is like 200 dollars.

I know but honestly I don't want to waste that money to install 2 gigantic games
Now I play on GeForce Now so I don't care that much
I played the entire season 2 there

Thoughts on unlockables?

Attached: bank_mastery1-455x1024.png (455x1024, 507K)

>ANOTHER non-lethal melee weapon
>ANOTHER explosive
>ANOTHER shotgun

They could have been more creative.

I'm not at home so I won't be able to play the bank for at least two weeks, but I'm hyped as fuck
The first time in a new location is the best by far
Hope there's a thread up for some impression sharing when the hour hits
It looks to notch from the trailer alone

Gay tbf, but I'll enjoy that gold bar at least.

Kinda disappointing, honestly.

>A fucking brick
>Another mine
>A shotgun, because that's something you are gonna use in a Hitman game
I'm so mad about Hitman's unlockables. They could make some really crazy and fun shit, and instead they keep creating reskins and 10000 more bombs

I was so tired of this THREE TARGETS shit. so glad that this level has only a single target

Let me get this straight, if I buy the gold edition, that gives me all currently released content, and future content.

Alongside the legacy content which includes the entirety of Hitman 1?

Making sure, so I don't end up buying Hitman 1 tonight as well

Are you sure there's not 2 and one skipable in this one?

One target+ one non target objective that can be skipped on subsequent playthroughs.

if you own hitman 2016 its a free update
if not its a extra dlc thats not included in any of the other editions

send his buddy away with an emetic syringe, then just blast him and drag him all the way to the container next to the break box
I was able to do it before anyone arrived on the scene

They made it so fucking confusing but yeah, gold edition gives you everything

I don't own it, so Gold Edition it is.


Yes. Although Season 1 has to be downloaded separately, even though you get it for free.

I suspect that the reason they do that is because they’re afraid of giving you tools that make SA more difficult. The fact they removed some massacre challenges from Sgail suggests that they don’t like to encourage combat or lethal play.

I would.

Attached: 20190612103447_1.jpg (2560x1440, 518K)

I wonder if IOI have the capacity to check when players see panties because I've taken that exact screenshot before.

And here we go youtube.com/watch?v=cwiX4X61gNE

Attached: All according to plan.webm (1280x720, 2.82M)

>Full fledged location with Contracts mode & Escalations support weighs only 2,5 GB
>Meanwhile 2 shitty missions that dont even have contracts mode and that they explicitely stated will be Patient Zero tier quality (so mediocre at best) will weigh 10 gb together
This doesnt sound good desu. IO should just get their shit together for christs sake.


Attached: Master Assassin.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

Right here coach.

Hitbros teaching you something new each time.

I think their idea is basically adding new shit so that the bank will end up being equally beefy down the road
I hope we get an Xmas themed bank heist 2bh

Is it just me or Season 2 levels are vastly superior than season 1's? after finishing season 2, replaying legacy levels feels kind of a chore. Paris didn't age well, even Sapienza, the best level of S1 feels like it's inferior to Miami or even Santa Fortuna.

holy shit

that's terrific attention to detail

>Bank mission is all about killing a Providence operative and getting info on the Providence partners
>Which means that we wont get to kill people for money (you know, like an actual Hitman) and instead its yet another fucking mission where 47 and Diana go all vigilante for whatever reason
>Also Lucas "Donut steel" Grey will probably be in the mission
Fucking Nu-IO. They really dropped the ball with the plot of the new game, I didnt like how the Whittleton and Sgail missions were 47 and Diana acting on their own instead of getting paid by the agency to kill someone. Same bullshit was in Absolution and we all know how that shitty game turned out.

but 47's targets were always higher-up criminals.

bought the gold edition (including the pass) for 36€ off g2a.
The same thing would have cost 85€ on steam.
Literally only e-celebs and normalfags give a fuck about g2a being greymarket

>Big brain hitman players

Attached: 2000IQ brain.gif (500x441, 2.93M)

heh this is why I bought the silver edition on a key shop for 22€, so many people are cucked by buying from steam store directly

>implying Grey isn’t great as a handler

It’d be cool if he chimed in every now and then.


Attached: That feel when no 47.png (666x648, 66K)

I want him to be an antagonist look how cool this trailer was when he was an antanonist


I'm interested in this series. Where do I start and are there any games I should skip? I hear Absolution wasn't that great.

if it turns out to be like that I'll probably skip the cutscenes and story hints ingame and just play it
I still shiver when I remember the last cutscenes of le evil twins capuring le constant shit
2011 tier meme shit

greymarket isn't the problem. i just don't want to send my money to chinks and/or jews

>joylessly lives entirely for assignments
Wrong, he lives to make really bad hitman dad jokes and see how much goofy nonsense he can get away with when taking a target out. youtube.com/watch?v=rcrcDxS7XeQ

Play them in order
If you are sort on time I would say maybe skip the first one and Absolution and read their plot, but Hitman 2, Contracts, Blood Money, HITMAN and HITMAN 2 are worth a playthrough

one of the best trailers ever made

it didn't have that james bond feel to it, plus like some anons have said, while 47 wasn't ever unnecessarily cruel and he always did prey on criminals, he never felt like a good guy either

now there are morals and feelings involved ugh


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guys im retarded but how the fuck does this new hitman 2 shit work? Hitman 2 is free but then you have to buy all levels seperately? What the actual fuck.

How much does it cost to have the full Hitman 2 experience? Not with golden goodies and what not, just basic levels and fun shit? You need a pass or something? wtf

Reminder that they made some songs for The Class and they are all fucking great

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That has nothing to do with waht I said. What i said is that I didnt like how the Whittleton and Sgail missions were 47 and Diana acting on their own instead of working for the ICA. They just trusted Lucas Grey way too quickly, and the series is more interesting when you kill people for money and not when Diana and 47 suddenly develop a sense of justice and want to take the illuminati down.
>'ll probably skip the cutscenes and story hints ingame and just play it
Yeah i try to do the same but it doesnt always work. The story in H2 was so bad that it just makes me not want to play the game ever again. Not only did they add a shitton of unnecesary retcons but the 47 killing diana's parents plot twist just felt so forced. And they got Diana and 47's characters so wrong, like in pic related where Diana is nagging on Grey for allying with murderers. As if she didnt work for a contract agency herself. Its embarassing how much they fucked up hitman in only 1 game.

Attached: nudiana.png (1366x768, 354K)

You literally just buy the game, they dumped the episodic stuff because mouth breathers like you couldn't understand it.

Buy the vanilla edition for $10-12 on keysites
Silver edition gets expansion 1, that includes everything including the bank
Gold edition includes expansion 2 too, that will include the content incoming in September and onwards
You can also buy vanilla and the season pass later

I want her assistant to peg me.

The combination of all the ideas captured in the pic gives me feels
>proficient in almost everything
>vast knowledge and skills
>master in psychology and emotions
>if only he could use all that to make friends and be fun at parties
>but he's a loner
>sits in his chair all alone, motionless, until the assignment phone wakes him up again

Attached: Hitman 2 Screenshot 2019.03.08 - (1920x1080, 3.13M)

free version of Hitman 2 contains the tutorial level.
regular edition contains all base levels and 1 sniper mission.
gold edition contains 2 expansions, which amounts to 2 full maps (1 which is coming out today), 2 additional sniper maps, and 2 bonus missions (changed standard maps with new targets)
GOTY legacy pack contains all Hitman 2016 maps ported to hitman 2 with its new mechanics

This isn't fucking ubishit with how they handle siege. Forcing IOI to come up with 'whacky&cuhrazy' shit for a game like this would be a horrid mistake. Do I care for the mine and shotgun? No, but I'd rather the items be mundane reskins than stupid.

Attached: the other ICA operators.jpg (1843x1034, 636K)

>N-Names are for friends ... and that means I don't need one.

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I keep thinking of buying hitman but always hesitate because of how fractured the whole package seems.
If they release a Hitman complete pack physical release with everything included, I'll get that.

I already own Hitman 1

but Hitman 2 sounds like it is fucking expensive to have all functionality

Do you think 47 would feel awkward around them, with all their tattoos, their fashion choice and HAIR?

They should have made the black guy not use a WA2K variant. That model should have been left exclusively for 47 to use.

I like how you can hear one of these on the radio in Hokkaido.

The in game background details are great. You can hear the son of a dictator talk to Jordan Cross in Paris over the phone as another example.

Another one would be all of the drug vials 47 uses are produced by the Ether Corporation.

If the girl didnt have an undercut and if they both had no tattoos it would be fine.

With a vanilla edition key you will get full season 1 and 2 with what you have now
Pay then the season pass to get this extra shit
The vanilla version is literally the whole game
All this new stuff is cool but totally an expansion
Ie: there's no paywalls on the whole game

I'm talking about items that would fit with the context of the game and expand the options for creativity, not wacky shit.

so I pay 60 bucks for the game + 40 bucks for the pass so 100 bucks even if i own hitman1?

Attached: 20190607135732_1.jpg (2560x1440, 619K)

>now there are morals and feelings involved ugh
>Entire plot of SA revolves around 47 rescuing a priest

$10-15 vanilla + $10 season pass
Btw steam sales start this very day

Reminder that you can't just put on another man's tattoos as a piece of clothing.

only because the priest let him live there? it's not like 47 has a heart, he will still quite easily kill a guy after inviting him in to take a tip. He just has some personal code that he follows, which a certain ex-cia now interpol agent has taken great advantage of.

This game needs a photo mode

it was explained ingame that it was a sleeve

It had one with the Nvidia shit, afaik

You can if you're a genetically engineered master assassin.

>to add to 47's skills he can also recreate tattoo sleeves to wear just in case he would need one

it has ansel support

Attached: Hitman 2 Silent Assassin Screenshot 2018.11.15 - (2560x1440, 3.69M)

>47, this is Diana from the agency
>we might have intel to help you with your personal friend
>but we aren't your moral high ground, but a professional assassination business
>so if you want something from us, you gotta do us a favour first and get back into business
>we are sending you to St. Petersburg, eliminate some russians, then we might talk

Is nothing like

>47, he is your...broother!1!1!
>now we are united!1!1!
>let's throw over board everything we did before, unite and kill le evil wrongdoers that have caused SO MUCH PAION on the two of us in our childhood!1!

>girl has a spades tattoo

Hitman's really handy with a marker.

unrealistic elements, in MY videogames??

okay it seems some of you are brainlets so I'll quickly explain what you'll need to have the full game with all the stuff

>I have nothing
then buy Hitman 2 Gold Edition + GOTY Legacy Pack
>I have Hitman 1 First Season
then buy Hitman 2 Gold Edition + GOTY Legacy Pack Upgrade
>I have Hitman 1 GOTY
then buy Hitman 2 Gold Edition

also, Gold Edtion is Hitman 2 + Expansion Pass so you can buy these separately

No heister mission story?

>servers down for maintenance
>bank for pc is utc 17:00

Attached: 1372306914622.jpg (250x219, 9K)

they do that every month before a new update, and the update is the bank

10 hrs from now on?

>No actual crossover with PAYDAY

Attached: 1542354123646.jpg (320x287, 15K)

timeanddate.com/countdown/launch?iso=20190625T19&p0=69&msg=HITMAN 2 - The Bank on Steam (Downloads Start)&font=sanserif&csz=1

favourite target?
>nothing like killing a target that is most likely a few years away from dying naturally anyway

Attached: IMG_20181215_104235.jpg (350x460, 75K)

we need more hitman memes t b h senpai

stay mad non-aussies

Attached: 1539431318572.jpg (1148x746, 185K)

Sierra because you can do drinking game with her

What maps are the special assignments on? I haven't looked at anything for this update because I wanna go into the bank 100% blind.

Enjoy your 0.1mb/s download faggot

It's 11,5 gigs so I'm pretty sure it has the bank
I'll post some screenshots for ya to make you angry

I-Is that stubble?

One for Mumbai and one for Santa fortuna

I'm downloading at 20mb/s speed
I'll have it in 5 minutes

>gonna miss the release of this and the RoR2 update

Just fuck my shit up

>server maintence

>I'm talking about items that would fit with the context of the game and expand the options for creativity, not wacky shit.

>They could make some really crazy and fun shit, and instead they keep creating reskins and 10000 more bombs

Like what? Litterly give 5 suggestions of specific items they should have added? Huh?`Cant do it? Shut up retard

which means you can play without unlocks, right?

Post screenies, cheeky cunt, pls

not him but i'm aussie getting it now, idk if i can actually play once it's done but i'll try

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Seven new cheevos

Attached: cheev.jpg (930x563, 103K)

yes, it's online but it seems I can play

Attached: 0.png (1920x1080, 2.1M)

How much longer is maint supposed to last?

Attached: 20190625052135_1.jpg (2560x1080, 522K)

More Lucas Grey then

idk man a major selling point for me is to replay these missions or tackle contracts with self-imposed limitations, such as mugging every security guard in the Bank with a gold bar dressed as an Orthodox jew all the while avoiding raising an alarm or anyone spotting me

If I get more varied shit to fuck around with I can get more playthroughs out of the game as I can mix things up to make the game challenging/fun for myself. This was exactly what I did in Hitman BM and I guess Im used to not having an online system holding my hand telling me how and what I should do.

I'm here bois

Attached: 1.png (1920x1080, 3.6M)

Queens of spades tattoo

>Defenestration achievement
Yes! Can't wait to throw that woman through the window

Attached: 1.png (1920x1080, 2.38M)

>holding a pump action shotgun on the cartridges tube and the barrel.

>bank guards
>armed with a fucking machine gun
why are americans like this?

heist mission confirmed
I'll not spoil anything else and I probably won't play until servers are up

Attached: 1.png (1367x697, 852K)

i'm glad i don't know anything about guns so i don't get triggered by every movie/game ever cause they all seem to fuck it up

>machine gun
That's clearly a submachine gun, probably 9mm or at most 45.

fuck yeah

Attached: Planning_the_heist.jpg (1200x800, 216K)

it's not a common bank and they're not in the teller area

this guard doesn't have a big boy gun

Just think, how would he pump it if his hand is on here and not on the wood part, he would also probably burn the tip of his finger cause when a shot is fired, barrel gets real hot.


>get off at Zurich airport for a connecting flight to Amsterdam
>take underground metro by accident
>get off
>get stared down by some buff blonde cunt in uniform and a full-auto submachine gun
>read sign
>"mutt flights only"

aw shit did they add in environmental destruction?

I hope you know you could be banned for that so thread carefully. I'd do the same but I just pirate games now so I don't really care

It looks like a million bucks

Attached: Hitman 2 Screenshot 2019.06.25 - (2560x1080, 442K)


You’re already doing that, might as well get it cheaper while you’re at it.

>Dying in a fire at a seaparks, or "I can smell the river from here," it's all gibberish to me.
I get the IT Crowd reference, what's the other one?

Attached: Hitman 2 2019.06.25 - (1280x540, 2.42M)

Lerddit says they fucked up and it's downloading for everybody on PC worldwide

Are they still releasing new maps? I thought season 2 was completed.

we're already playing it dumbo, scroll up
redditors are late to the party as always

I just hope they won't notice for another 14 minutes.

Attached: Someone is out there.png (1920x1080, 3.62M)

It's out early

Attached: 8cr0CrI.jpg (2560x1440, 421K)

I've read that those were only ausfags

>aussies didn't have to wait until 26th


Attached: 1538223257174.jpg (396x385, 78K)

truly we are the masterrace

you can unscrew the vents and travel down through them from what I saw
I didn't notice any SASO route leading up to the target tho yet

fuck me that looks great

see you tomorrow.

Hitman forums down and crashed

it's dead since yesterday

So is it out yet or what?

nobody cares at this point in time because we have the fucking BANK but daytime Mumbai looks beautiful
I'll scree

Attached: 0.png (1920x1080, 3.1M)

I'll screenshot Colombia in a sec aswell*

Until 14:00 UTC

Attached: qy7gdczx3d021.png (1920x1080, 1.64M)

Is this an extra story mission?

nothing too special, a bit foggy but looks meh

Attached: 0.png (1920x1080, 2.79M)

You can download and play but the servers are on maintenance until launch hour so no unlocks no challenges

i can play it offline

you can play it offline
servers still down

Untick special assignments 1 so it just downloads the bank.

Attached: 20190625060625_1.jpg (2560x1080, 476K)

>I'm in the retirement business
he can't keep getting away with it!

Attached: 47 laughing.jpg (480x480, 42K)

OK cheers lads.

blade runner reference in my favourite bald guy killing rich guys game? neat
this looks nice

so wtf I downloaded it and at 11.5/11.5 gb it slowed to 0 mb/s and now the time remaining runs up into eternity
mfw got jewed by the bank

Attached: thankyouforyourservice.png (1630x802, 297K)

Restart steam

maybe stop being german

thanks m8

maybe IOI somehow shut down the download until the launch
because letting us play offline now is a fuckup

So what's the scenario?
Why are they there and why are they targets?


Attached: IMG_20190624_201337.jpg (1080x1350, 180K)

remove the wet floor sign for a fun time

Attached: wetfloor.jpg (2560x1440, 546K)

Attached: Hitman 2 2019.06.25 - (1440x606, 1.99M)

Attached: 1552114345777.jpg (569x802, 81K)

Fantastic visuals

she didnt fly so good

fuck it doesn't work
I retried with only the bank part and it does the same. Fire up remaining time to days when all data is downloaded

IO, I hope you get puked on by a shredder

Attached: 3.png (1536x864, 2.89M)

I dunno, I skipped throught all the videos, same for the bank
I won't do a serious run until servers are up

fully animated cinematics are back

Maybe we got busted
1 and a half hours left for official launch though

Very nice

Attached: bqunu2ld0uwz.jpg (1322x1080, 79K)

Their server were down for "maintenance" today earlier when I was playing pretty annoying if you ask me.


The bank is looking really good in terms of visuals
I get some Arkham vibes for some reason

it's ingame, but it works
hope they will replace the shitty slideshow versions in the main campaign too

Attached: IMG_20190625_153215.jpg (2048x1024, 258K)

I guess so. I tried starting with steam and Hitman in offline mode, and it showed the Bank/New York available on campaign/destinations, but told me to finish the download when I tried to start the level.

More puking on IO. I sure hope this gets fixed and I don't have to redownload all the shit at 17:00 UTC

Attached: Hitman 2 Screenshot 2019.01.04 - (1728x972, 3.38M)

Still waiting for the airport level before I reinstall.

Well who cares about you guys. You get the scraps.

Why do I have to be online to get simple statistics and a mission rating?

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>it's all Jesper Kyd
makes me think on future soundtracks

Attached: 5.png (1383x778, 2.31M)

Wew, they are fucking great.

There's already an airport level in Hitman

Attached: HG.jpg (1920x1440, 203K)

Freedom fighters?

Pretty shit. A Tommy Gun would have been nice. Also, I really wish they'd focus on more suits instead of silly melee items that will never be used. Every mission should have like 5 suits to unlock.

Thanks man

So how is it Yea Forums? Is it worth buying the season pass?

Being an AMDrone must be suffering.

Attached: Hitman_2_Silent_Assassin_SuperResolution_2018.11.10_14.17.58.31.jpg (5120x2880, 1.22M)

Hmmm.... Wouldnt it be easier for ICA and Agent 47 to have pre-made disguises before doing the missions? Can't be hard for a billion dollar assassin organization to make some NYPD uniforms?

So there is still another expansion planned right? Just give me
>Halloween-themed Whittleton Creek
and I'll be happy.

>can't connect
So all you guys are playing offline?

it's confirmed to be a resort map

it will be a beach

Attached: hitman-2-roadmap.jpg (789x444, 125K)

Some Sniper Mode maps and a new map at a resort.

yes, servers still are down

>Prison is a sniper map
What a waste. It would make a kino location.

Do people even like the Sniper maps?


Are there any special unlocks for playing on master or is it purely just for an extra challenge? Do you get more xp or anything

I played them a few times, they're okay but the fact that accident kills trigger an evacuation is too annoying

Gold edition for £20, goty legacy pack for £6. Thank you based G2A


you get unlocks for doing SASO and Sniper Assasin on master on every map, a coin, lockpick, suit and briefcase but that's it

The cutscenes in S1 were absolute fucking kino, so I was kind of devastated to see the adobe storyboards in S2, even more so because they look just as kino. Glad they're back.

4/10, I checked

Servers really are up

Special assignment briefings

Briefing is up!

That’s probably what happens when 47 uses a starting location with a disguise in place.

There's more cameras and if you get busted by one, security goes to check the zone

World interaction is so limited when you are glued to one spot in the distance that it's a disgrace to the level of freedom Hitman wants to offer.
I'd rather see the levels released as proper Hitman levels. The foundation surely is set in Himmelstein and the Hantu port level.

Also at least have the rifles and upgrades you unlock in sniper mode be useable in the real maps. That would be an incentive for me to play them maybe.

>awkwardly hiding bodies by shooting them so they fall into a bush
That was fun once for the Colorado Patient Zero map, but not for those relatively large sniper mode maps. Also having the same targets all the time is bullshit boring for these maps.

Patient Zero: Colorado basically did everything better for a sniper map.

The H2 plot feels convoluted as fuck and I can't bring myself to care about it, I don't even remember what all this providence shit is about.

Attached: 1554639792430.jpg (276x183, 7K)

I did a experiment run, mostly looking for good opportunities, map is great so far

Attached: Hitman 2 Super-Resolution 2019.06.25 - (2666x1500, 408K)

Its literally just the illuminati

oh shit THEY ARE
time to play the game for real this time

fuck me this looks amazing ingame

the number of challenges is a bit disappointing tho
the map is small but it's not THAT small, they coulda come up with more

Who the fuck plays the sniper maps?
I'd rather have another larger level than 2 sniper maps.


Attached: Untitled.png (1896x1020, 2.03M)

I roleplay working at bank, also roleplay Heistman (Reload if caught)

Hitman bank would be cool if reinforcement of swat or police happens if alarm goes

that should happen for a lot more places

paris, miami, even hokkaido, they could've sent in npcs via the lift, which 47 could have shot down

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The "Special Assignments" are super low effort
No where near the quality of, say, Landslide
They're pretty much permanent Elusive targets

>5 min

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Thanks. Is it just the 6 maps from hitman 2? Seems easy enough if you just follow the mission stories

There are no SASO mission stories, some maps can get very tricky but finding out how to do it is 90% of the fun.

Is that the new outfit that comes with the level?
It looks off, I don't know what is it but that coat doesn't look good.

>disguise as janny
>obtain file from one of the safes
>gib to journalist
>stock market crash
>garrotte target in the corner with closet on 2nd floor
>disguise as banking cunt's security guy
>obtain keycard to vault
>destroy evidence
>unlock vault
>get data/briefcase
>proceed to exit
>get spotted with case
>instant buttrape
I barely made it to the exit. Will attempt a clean run when servers are up. Map seems pretty cool so far.

to be more precise, you get seperate unlock for all the classics (basically SASO and Sniper Assasin) in all maps from season one on Professional, separate for Master and same thing for season 2, 4 unlocks total
and it's not that easy, you can't really use mission stories to do SASO
tho you can exploit some of them, like for example stealing golf instructor's phone and ringing Francesca to come to her room and killing her without meeting her as golf instructor

It's not appearing for me in the PS4 Store, what gives?

Sounds really cool

servers are up, mate

>can literally just Auschwitz the entire security room and walk into the vault
that was easier than expected

>Disguise as janny
>No longer receive money for the contract

>be mundane reskins than stupid.
Did you forget completely stupid shit like the muffins or the flamingo suit?
At least if they gave us something that doesn't work like 5 items we already have that do the same thing it would help change how one plays, but no, have the same shit you already have with a new skin.

getting real Blood Money vibes from this map, I definetly missed interior only ones
tho I hope resort will be a lot bigger

same, after downloading all there is, this fucker comes up
what gives?

>Finally a winter location to use comfy winter equipment
>Sniper map
Oh you sons of bitches. At least season 3 is confirmed to have at least one winter location now, no way they're making new assets just to waste them on a sniper map.

fucking download faster you piece of shit

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>not just using the winter gear in the beach map

I just want them to disable that stupid fucking headshot sound effect.

47's day is just going to his numerous lessons, with his phone always turned on to any assignment is going to be thrown at him. Sometimes he goes home and sits by the phone, feeds some of his birds perhaps. On Sundays he goes to church and gives a good tithe before moving on quickly.

>not exclusively wearing the Santa outfit everywhere

>not using Blood Money suit on every single map

It’ll be Russia, guaranteed. No way they’d miss that opportunity to give a nod to the St.Petersburg missions from SA.

So the fact they are adding animated cutscenes, does this mean HITMAN 2 did well in sales?

>Nobody wants elusive targets or sniper maps
>IO keeps pumping them out like there's no tomorrow
What's their fucking problem?

>turn off the wifi router
>Director slams her keyboard

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Expectation: Russia
Reality: Finland

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elusives are alright
I like that you don't get any indicator on where the target is and you have to find it yourself basing on the info they give you

The job interview personality test is great. Just like the Real Estate opportunity.


Attached: Hitman 2 Screenshot 2019.06.25 - (2560x1080, 425K)

After Hantu Port, they realised that in-engine cutscenes look better than slideshow cutscene.

I'd be more keen to agree if it wasn't timed content that keeps their time and effort away from making shit that isn't going to disappear forever after a week.

They are fun like once or twice, but thats it. Sniper mode should be mode for reworked standard maps, not its own thing.

Not a bad life

You want permanent elusives???
Then go play the 'special assignments'

Exactly. Patient Zero is how sniper maps should be. Just redo an existing map for sniper mode. All Himmelstein makes me do is wish it were a real map

Is the summer sale starting soon?
I remember passing this game up because I thought it was going to be bite-sized episodic bullshit like the previous one but apparently it isn't?
There's still a shit ton of expensive DLC and I don't know how I feel about that.

Fuck I'm so glad IO didn't sell out like Xcucks wanted them to.

That sweater is comfy!

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No. I just think it's a waste to spend all that effort on shit loads of timed mediocre maps. I hope it doesn't soak up too much of their time.

Like a good banker

Any steam friends need/are willing to help me get the multiplayer sniper achievements?

probably just gonna wait for the resort level to come out since I don't wanna pay $20 for a level I'm not getting for 6 months

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I wish they’d stop NPCs from vomiting in bins outright. They should only vomit in toilets.

the DLC is expensive because it's not out yet, you're buying a season pass that's supposed to last until the end of this year.
Gold edition is the game + season pass, then the Legacy Pack is Hitman 1 added into Hitman 2's engine.

I just bought Gold off G2A, fuck paying $140 for not even all the content.

What is your top 5 maps now. I can see the bank slotting spot 4.

1. A New Life
2. Sapienza
3. Sgail
4. Bank
5. House of Cards

>Shit ton of expensive dlc
There are only 2 things right now. The bank and the legacy pack. And the legacy pack is the full HITMAN 2016 game ported into HITMAN 2. More than worth the price if you skipped it

New Zealand or Colorado

Is the Bank really that good? I’m on vacation rn, so I won’t get to play it until I get back.

>Colorado in the top 5 of anything

When you're just try'na rob a bank n shiet but there's also a high profile assassination going on at the same time

Attached: Hitman 2 Screenshot 2019.06.25 - (1920x1080, 3.16M)

I love the last section
It's really cool

>very fast Hitman assassinating at incredible speed


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So, is this a fully fledged map on the same scale as the 5 main maps from Hitman 2?

Anyone please post an image of 47 holding the new gold bar
i want to know how big is it. Gold is extremely dense. I want to know if 47 is chucking a 4kg gold bar or a 40kg gold bar at people

how do you trigger him to snort?

it's like Whittleton more or less, 15 mastery levels

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How do I get this if I own the regular version of the game? Or do I need to own the silver/gold edition to have access to this? Sorry for asking to be spoon fed but the Steam page isn't being very helpful.

There's a bank dlc up
You can also get it buying silver edition
Gold is the season pass

It says N/A for me, so that's why I was asking. I guess I'll need to wait some more

That room is pretty neat.

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He didn't recreate the sleeves, P-Power is just a pussy ass fraud who wears sleeves and doesn't actually have any tattoos on his arms


Is there a challenge to swipe every valuable item in the vault/safe deposit boxes? I keep jacking all the gold bars even though they're of no real use.


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Hitman is the James Bond of video games.

>managed to SA it first time around without reloading

Getting into the vault was easier than I thought it would be. Guess I'll try to go for a SASO run later today.

I crashed the stock market, AMA.

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>an 1 added into Hitman 2's engine.
It's not available as a regular DLC. You need the Expansion Pass or Gold/Silver edition.

They surely knew this by themselves. Didn't have the money for animated cutscenes I guess.

>opportunity makes it so you follow the whistleblower
>tfw accidentally completed it without even starting it because I was really autistic and wanted to see what was in each deposit box and stumbled into it by accident

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Yet they were somehow able to afford the cutscenes come the release of Hantu Port, despite the game selling poorly initially.

Do you think the game’s actually sold enough for them to turn a profit now?

Defend this.

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Surely since they even opened a new studio in Malmö

Whats your steam Id? I’ll add you when I’m home soon.

I don't know. It's a niche game but Hitman has a dedicated fanbase so I guess they are calculating on that. If you look at the leaderboards you can see for yourself how many people are playing it.

>despite the game selling poorly initially.
People keep saying this but I have yet to see any proof.

I both respect and hate gaming youtubers for giving Hitman some exposure

I don’t know why mainstream audiences don’t get the Hitman formula. You’d think with how popular sandbox “dick around and do whatever” games like GTA and Minecraft are that Hitman would be more popular too.

I rather think they had not much budget because they were buying themselves out of Square Enix.

>In May 2017, Square Enix ceased funding for IO Interactive and started seeking a buyer for the studio. IO Interactive performed a management buyout in June 2017, becoming independent and regaining the rights to their Hitman and Freedom Fighters franchises.

>It's a niche game
Everyone says this, and maybe it's true now, but the Hitman games were big releases back in the day. All of my PS2 owning friends had copies of Blood Money.

And this too. It’s actually baffling how bad the average Hitman player is at the game.

>On release
>A lot of the big streamers are playing Hitman
>Physically painful to watch them

Funhaus were pretty funny at least youtu.be/gg1hlRgeTz0?list=PLbIc1971kgPDFapWLC8rnggVAu5NY5Dyz

The game is based on trial and error and constantly replaying to optimize your assassinations. You need a lot of patience for Hitman.
The mainstream player only wants instant gratification and you basically can shoot your way through each mission within a few minutes.


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I couldn't find the key to that van in the garage and I had to escape the location dodging bullets, did anybody find them?
Also I pushed the target out of the clock window but I had to distract her during the termination opportunity so I can unscrew the panel and then distract her again so she comes back

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I found it and it's how I escaped the first time around, if you go down to the deposit boxes area, there's a sleeping guard and he has keys to the armored van.

Forgot to mention, you don't have to KO him or anything, the keys are placed next to him so you can just swipe it without any issue.

also, I discovered that you can use on of the vents to disable cameras: just drop a rubber duck and activate, the rubber duck lands next to the recording device
thanks, next time I'll try breaking into the vault with suit only


They already said before that Square Enix did the cutscenes for them in S1.

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Is the bank officially online now? Aka not Offline Mode only?

At least on PC it is.

what ?

The banks a pretty cool location, I've only ran around shooting it up as a bank robber while exploring it though.
Anyone know where the things you drop down the vent go I checked all of them but couldn't find my silverballer again.

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She is black herself. Might simply be the ace of spades.

Somebody in IO interactive enjoy black men and white women, and signals it with a queen of spade tattoo.

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they get picked up by npcs and dropped in the weapon storage, it's also in the basement

>gross tattoos
>gross haircut
>weird lip gap
>bony and tomboyish
God she looks like such a good grime-fuck.

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It's a big game with high resolution textures.
Buy a bigger hard drive/SSD games over 100GB in size are slowing becoming the norm.

that's not a white girl and she simply might be a Motörhead fan.

I don’t know what went wrong with this character design. The other co-op character looks fine, but this doesn’t fit the Hitman aesthetic at all.

Both of them are a reference to Kane & Lynch. Go look at Lynch's design and you'll see.

Attached: per-haggmark-knight-per-haggmark3.jpg (1920x1156, 292K)

Its cozy

>lynch is a woman
k thx

She's part of an irrelevant game mode so who cares

>im criminally retarded and dont understand conceptual homage whatsoever
fixed your post.
She's even wearing a tank top you fucking moron. It's symmetry in homage without reusing the same designs. Lynch has a short receeded hairline so she has an undercut, Lynch has a tank top and she has a tank top.

Stone even has Kane's nose bandage. You have to be clinically, unfathomably retarded to not understand the intentional parallels in design here.

What happens to the Legacy Pack when you delete Hitman 1? I got Hitman 1 free on PS+ and recently bought Hitman 2 and downloaded the Legacy Pack. Will I still be able to play the missions from within HM2 ?

It’s obvious it’s a Kane and Lynch reference, but the difference is that Stone’s design looks fine, where as Knight looks like she’s in the wrong game. A more low key design would have suited her better.

I have only fired a gun twice during the whole game, and it was as a takedown for the completion tasks.

Yeah. The Legacy Pack is a completely separate thing. You should probably delete Season 1 to free up some hard drive space.

House of Cards
Bank is probably 6th or 7th, I'll have to play it a bit more before I make a decision.

The maps in H1 and H2 are so damn good and Contracts is a lot of fun. Imo the 2 biggest things left to address are adding a suit and gun customization. Let us unlock jackets, shirts, ties, and pants seperately, and combine them as we see fit. Same for gun attachments and upgrades.

I don't even remember what version of Hitman 2 I bought back in January, but I'm pretty sure I said fuck it and bought the whole pass thing. Guess I'll check once I'm off work.

get them 1 2 tb ssds f@m it's 2019

stop being poor

How many challenges in the bank? Comparable to the other locations? Whittleton had a shit ton despite its size.

Where can I find the vodka?

45 challenges, very small amout
whittleton has 100

Why is a mace non-lethal lads?

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Security guard room behind the coat check in on the left side first floor.

a challenge pack based on the bank robber is almost guaranteed to come out

Because it’s blunt.

I wish there was some more realism with how melee weapons worked. Smacking someone over the head with a fire extinguisher shouldn’t be non-lethal either.

I think some of the challeges are missing, there are missing challenges for story missions, no chameleon or exploration ones, I think they'll add more

Got promoted to CEO, ama

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Apparently you now can turn off sinks.

look like a fucking cyberpunk character

>15 Mastery
>Half as many challenges as every other level
Last time I fell for Gold Expansion Pass bullshit

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Has anyone found a better disguise than the job applicant?

Where the hell is your award

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He's OP. Doesn't even have any enforcers

How shit are the special assignments?


Season pass is 50% off and there's actually content now. I guess it's time to pull the trigger.

Have they fixed the night marrakesh mission stories bug?

Incredible, you know how to read

Did 47 kill that Youtuber?


but i dont speak your language, what is it?

It's frog-speak

Are you mad amerimutt? :)

I don't have time to deal with this.
Got a fashion show to run

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>actual cutscenes

Where's the armored truck key?

Next to the sleeping security guard by the safety deposit boxes.


47 probably kills hobos for fun on his off days

so basially the lack of funding from the break with ubisoys is fucking clear
Still great mechanics, some signs of what couldve been but

this is H3 story mode made into an extra mission because hitman season 3 wont arrive and they had no funds to make 2 standalone missions

It is pretty good but mastery is a pisstake and the 'bonus reskins' cant compare to the quality level in H1 where there were actually more than just a slight weather change

its sad it's come to this, stealth is a niche fuck

I didn't even notice picking it up. Missed it on my second run. It certainly makes getting out after robbing the vault ten times easier.

Seriously, has anyone found it? I must be missing something because I've been all over the level at least a dozen times.

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Did anyone figure out the two hidden achievements yet?

Magazine article says it's just in her office. I haven't checked though.

>Non-Target killed

>so basially the lack of funding from the break with ubisoys is fucking clear
You're thinking of Square Enix. Also, IOI is doing better than you think since they've opened a new studio just recently.

I don't know what you were expecting since these are season pass missions, obviously they won't be as expansive as the main games missions which have more funding and resources allocated to making them. My guess is that their main team is working on season 3 right now while a smaller group is making the DLC missions.

same thing, but yeah. youre right there

this is season 3, there won't be another probably based on sales, they are finishing the story on the expansions cause that's how bad it sold
It 's a blackpill, I say it with love one of my favorite series ever but they are more corners than an uncrustables factory

glad atleast i paid for it

I'm genuinely unsure if it was bugged before I restarted the game, or I'm just fucking retarded and blind. Considering one of the first things I tried was distracting her with the gramophone to see if she did anything special, and she didn't, I'm hoping it's the former in this case.

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sniper maps take maybe 1/10 of work comparing to a regular map

Anything to be excited about?

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There’ll be a Season 3. I imagine the expansions will just be clearing up some loose ends that the main story doesn’t have time to cover.

There’s no way IO would stop making their flagship franchise after fighting so hard to retain the rights to it.

IOs dead man walking mate, sorry

Another doomposter saying it sold poorly but not offering any proof. When will this meme die?

dude the last seaon's cutscenes were fucking animated concept art , don't tell me that shit had wide margins

get used to the blackpill, it's all fortnite gen whatever sales from here on out that informs the real bankrollers of the industry

>dude the last seaon's cutscenes were fucking animated concept art
Because they had to buy themselves out from Square Enix. So they didn't have a mountain of japbucks for cinematics.

Freedom Fighters 2 when

And all the DLCs had improved in-engine cutscenes. All they need to do is design more levels to make a Season 3.

>implying that won’t be their next project once Season 3 comes out

Don't pretend it's what was promised (real sales and exceptions are worlds apart just glancing at mastery and such)

Im glad we are getting something tho, that's it.

Future elusive target?

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I kind of need help here, what is the difference between:
I want to play "HITMAN" 's content, but seemingly HITMAN 2 is better or something I dunno

I meant store.steampowered.com/bundle/4854/HITMAN__Game_of_The_Year_Edition/
fucking Steam not copying links correctly

>wall around the lobby
>can pick up wet floor sign
>do before seeing illegal sign
>"HEY YOU!" -guard
>drop it and run
>see him slip chasing after me

Literally didnt expect loony toons. This bank is comfy

Special assignments are actually slightly worse than PZ. Not even worth installing. IO had zero reason to charge extra for these other than greed.

can't see it on the ps store, and the link in the main menu just sends me to the started pack instead

legacy is all of hitman 1's content in hitman 2

if you just want one, get hitman 2 legacy

you have to buy the expansion pass

Thought so
What even is the point of having the HITMAN 2016 GOTY pack still on the store then

I have, and I got all the previous dlc too

Bitches wanted permanent Elusive Targets
IOI complied

Easily the worst in the series

Theres no changes to the santa fortuna map for some reason

At least effort went into all the other missions. These are elusive targets turned into levels at best.

I never did. I saw how the elusive targets were only good for what they were. This is another case of someone not knowing what they really wanted

she would be cute with a better haircut

You can buy Hitman goty, giving your money to square, and then launch the free Hitman 2 to get the Hitman levels on 2, or you can buy the legacy upgrade for 2, that gets you all the 1 levels
If you only want Hitman, I would buy a goty key on a keysites and then launch 2 for free

>still no ETs on Mumbai/Vermont
>thus no suit unlock

I'd rather have one level like the bonus ones over two trash reskins that waste space. Cut the sniper maps to save resources for it too.

>the bank suit is unlockable
Makes me nervous that bank wont get content

>“HITMAN 2 – New York” is the Bank and will clock in at 2.5 GB on PC and 3GB on consoles.
>“HITMAN 2 – Special Assignments Pack 1” contains both of the Special Assignments and will clock in at 8.6 GB on PC and 10 GB on consoles.
How the fuck are they larger than the full new level then?

>A shotgun, because that's something you are gonna use in a Hitman game

That's where the fun is.

It probably won't, people would bitch too much about an ET on a DLC map.

New time of day = need to redownload full levels

They let people play the map for ETs though

I like to think he has a few pets he cares for like doomguy and daisy

His hobbies canonically are fine dining and expenisve clothing. He's not sentimental or emotional enough to have pets.

>He's not sentimental or emotional enough to have pets.
Blood Money has shown that he's capable of tending to birds

Pretty shitty of them to make the DLC connected to to the story.

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>fine dining
I wonder if he cooks himself or goes to restaraunts

Based retard

yes, I was slightly annoyed that the bank intro reminded me of the awful story aswell

>that ink splot where 47 has his dual silverballers again.
They're coming back, right lads?

I hope they expand Contracts mode in 3. I'd like the ability to specify specific weapons or classes of weapons. For example, kill X with an unsilenced smg. I would also be neat to be able to place weapons and items in missions, lock/unlock doors, and delete npcs.

He had a pet bird

>That heister starting location

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Bank is a cool setting and I think they nailed it well enough, it has that spy feel that reboots obviously play on. The 'obvious' suit only route is a bit too obvious and easy though.

>Read this expecting a Hitman story
>End up getting an episode of Diners Drive-ins and Dives with added nipple torture and pedophilia

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>The 'obvious' suit only route
Climbing down to the vault, putting the datacore into a suitcase and getting the evidence files, then handing those to the reporter and killing Athena while she's making her call?

Speculation is that it's future content of some sort bundled in the download.

Does anything in Hitman 2 come close to Sapienza?

Cause that map was fucking dope but everything after that was disappointing or mediocre

Mumbai blows Sapienza out of the water.


Yes. Escaping in the bank truck too. Everything is conveniently close by as you run though it all.

Miami, Mumbai, Whittleton Creek, and Sgail are all great maps.
The bank it good to although I was hoping for higher security considering that it's a bank.

Is it good?

Hitman fans are very sensitive

wow you're so cool

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The bank is super comfy though

Here's hoping Maldives will be super comfy too since it's a private resort.

It's alright. It's an interesting read just to see 47's habits during his downtime like sleeping on the floor or his breakfast obsession, but I think HITMAN 2 has more or less retconned it from existence after the whole Subject 6 thing.

The new hitman stuff is a soft reboot. Nothing is retconned or addressed.

>Strangles Subject 6 to death, listens to his bowels releasing then dunks the corpse head first in the toilet
I dunno man

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Which maps got new missions?

>tfw just #47 in the world
Everyone stop playing, I don't want it to change

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>tfw figuring out I can get the important keys and keycards within in the first minute of starting by the entrance

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Bank is 10/10 atmosphere, I just wish it was a bit more challenging to navigate the upper floors.

Silent Assassin /wo outfit change in 1 minute as we speak

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Columbia and india
Doesnt matter. Theyre easily the worst in the game.

Gives me no hope for a halloween or night whittleton creek

>Want to enjoy the Mumbai level
>Can't stand indian accents and indian people

>Actual cutscenes for The Bank


Has anyone found any joke exits yet?

How do you trigger the heist mission?

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Go to the glass door in the deposit area.

>put the sleepy juice in the air conditioning
>turn the AC on
>everyone is sleeping
>infiltrating the vault is now 300% easier
>hide the data in the briefcase
>leaving the location is 500% easier
yep, SASO is easy
I feel I'll 100% this location

>Expansion Pass 50% off on Steam

Worth it?

Is the game worth 30 bongbucks?

What's the point of the vents, to get a gun past security? I'm surprised there's no challenge to kill using explosives or the package bomb in the vents.

for sniper missions nah
for special assignments nah
for bank and upcoming resort location? hell yea

Half the price of that on CDKeys. Inb4 shill.

I still feel some challenges are missing
you can use the vents to smuggle the explosive near recording device and blow the cameras from what I saw
but that's really it

100% will take you easily 100h without guides, and not because of grind, but because there's plenty of alternative routes, side stories, scripted situations
Worth every penny if you want to invest the time

Oh, you just have to go there before you get a keycard and sit still for 2 minutes while Diana finishes her whole dialogue. I thought it was actually gonna be something cool, shame on me.

Sniper Assassin is also hilariously easy on it. Just go the right cubicle in the entrance, turn the shades on, and wait for her lean on the clock.

It's a nice map but I'm pretty disappointed in the difficulty. I figured this was gonna be the really restrictive map and the resort was gonna be laid back.

Does the explosive phone count as an accident?

I'm far from 100% and I have 150 hours

I have 100%'d everything aside from todays content and I'm now at 168 hours

which edition do i get for the upcoming content? why is there like 3 editions AND and season pass

wait, how do I eliminate a target with an apple?

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Just get the gold one if you want everything.

Throw it at their head repeatedly until they die.

Throw it at their head a few more times

Silver includes expansion 1 (bank)
Gold includes expansion 1 and 2 (resort)
Season pass is the upgrade from vanilla to gold
