>Material refresh rate too low
>abundant materials like weeds don't sell for enough
>neighbours ask you to craft them the most basic of things
I'm not moving out of that tent on the first week, am I?
Animal Crossing
oh well
the damn shame is that i found out the clock in my gamecube no longer keeps track of time when its not on while im playing something
so i have to adjust the clock every time i go to play the gamecube game
I don't think you're supposed to speedrun animal crossing
Of course you are: youtube.com
don't you bumrush it until you get comfy and sink into a comfortable daily routine. People playing New Leaf seem to go all in until they can start doing public works projects or get the thing from the Able sister
i think it goes
>buy the house
>start filling the museum and talking to sable
>connect with friends to plant every fruit locally
>start a garden when you can to breed flowers
>bang out all the dents with PW projects
>finish up with every shop on main street, with katrina coming last
I'm just thinking that the time between living in a tent and living in a house is going to be a lot longer than it has been in previous games. The fact you can move your tent just makes it more and more likely
wouldn't doubt it
iirc the first house was around 18K
but fuckin 49 in NH? that seems a bit much
as of right now tho it seems they're emphasizing all the different activities you can do on the island in order to progress further, and that you yourself play more of a role in said progress instead of relying on npcs to make changes
in short you've got more control over the world and in turn the world is not only made more fruitful and interactive in its resources, but more flexible in what you can do with all of it
>move your tent
i never saw that in the trailer
You can put furniture outside so you're not even limited to just the tent as a living space, they probably want the first part of the game to feel like you're out camping.
perhaps it's simply something the fandom keeps saying but I'd hope the first place you put your tent isn't going to be your homebase from that moment on
why do you assume accommodation doesn't just mean the tent and he'll expect you to pony up more Bells to get the actual house
god motherfuckin dammit
of course nook would charge 49K JUST for the tent
somewhat unrelatedly, saw this in the corner of your pic
wasn't there an article or something about getting the ability to post signs now?
it's a DIY recipe
Replace the capacitors
Honestly just being able to place furniture outside will probably make this the best game yet for me.
No more money rock and probably no more coins from trees
What if money rock but all the other rocks give off rock drops
why the hell did nobody tell me how good HHD was
i just started last night and im hooked
Crafting materials you don't nees are basically money. This adds more options, not less.
Although I admit they were part if the early games character.
from what I see the only resource you don't need is weeds and even that can be used to make some things
it'd be even more restrictive if only one rocks gave resources in a 24 hour period or longer than if every rock gaves resources
The initial goals like paying off the first mortgage are supposed to take only a day, at least in the previous games.
They might rebalance this for the final release.
you just revealed that you are homosexual to us all
I remember sitting through this run like four-six hours at a time for a few days.
Good times.
Not him but me and my girlfriend also both got hooked.
but i haven't said anything about how much hotter Digby is than Isabelle.
God damn this game looks so fucking good
I really hope this one has actually enjoyable town building, I couldn't stand how finicky NL was with where you could put stuff around town
>"Hmm I don't think you can put a park bench down this close to literally just a fucking rock, mr mayor."
Every fucking time.
Tom Nook went from a "blacksmith" type of character who makes your furniture to the leader of a money empire based on restarting your life
Isabelle went from a chibi secretary that everyone wanted to hug to waifu material that wants to ursurp the mayor
The Villager became the Killager
And don't get me started on Resetti
>my town had a winding river in the middle of the map
>couldn't place anything down where i wanted it because it was "too close" to the fucking river
>wind up shoving everything to the north and it all looks like shit
Fuck you too, game.
Shut up and get back on your knees, Isabelle.
I don't know how I'll be able to play the new AC without being able to save edit as easily as you can in NL, unless they fix basically every problem I had with town customization. I didn't even cheat I just fucking used it to ignore the bullshit PWP rules.
>Tom Nook went from a "blacksmith" type of character who makes your furniture
Dude, even with Project Growing people were making jokes about how he'd break your legs for forgetting a payment and that he was an extortionist.
>Tom Nook went from a "blacksmith" type of character who makes your furniture to the leader of a money empire based on restarting your life
I think you mean he was a store owner but okay
>Isabelle went from a chibi secretary that everyone wanted to hug to waifu material that wants to ursurp the mayor
She was always a waifu, she had that whole thing with the beach shells in her game and I have no idea where you're getting the usurp the mayor thing
>The Villager became the Killager
no he didn't
>And don't get me started on Resetti
he's been pretty fucking consistent, just getting more depressed in NL because he got the boot
what the fuck are you on about, user?
Based retard.
Just replace the internal system battery.
Nigga you gay if you don't like designing a nice home
I slept on one of those camping cots in place of a bed when I lived in a studio apartment. My recommendation to anyone doing the same is to buy some polyfiber rope and brace the bottom, those things weren't intended to be used long-term after all.
you can put stuff anywhere you like or at the very least with half units you can put stuff a lot closer to other things
I kinda fucked up on save editing when I tried to move stuff around. Luckily I had a backup in the event that something went wrong. All I could do without messing up was surround Ashley's house with dead trees since they won't naturally grow so close to each other. (Yeah it's a WarioWare themed file.)
Probably got the idea from that Isabelle Ruins Everything video. youtube.com
wtf is project growing
Damn, that sounds uncomfortable. Back in my tiny shit apartment poverty days I just made a nest out of blankets and laid on the floor until I scored a decent pull out couch for nearly free.
If only real life poverty was as comfy as Animal Crossing.
The only problem I have with furniture outside is that I feel like it trivialises town decoration too much.
I liked that there was a distinction between small scale, personal decoration (home) and large scale, public decoration (public works projects).
I mean they could just have both. The same way New Leaf added rocks giving you gems but also still had money rocks.
it's not poverty it's just a basic getaway package
I think he meant Population: Growing!
All the other games you start out in debt without any money to your name, that's pretty poverty.
you start out with nothing in this game but my point is you 100% signed up for this. You weren't tricked or anything
Whoops, my bad, yeah.
It's not that bad when you brace the bottom of the cot with the rope. My knotwork sucked but it was an incredible improvement in terms of comfort, provided a lot of well-needed support when it started wearing down. The backpain from sleeping on it was also favorable to sleeping on the floor, since I only had one blanket to work with.
How do you know that we didn't get tricked into attending summer camp?
>it's a zoomer who never played AC pretends he knows AC
I had enough towels and clothes that I made a reasonably comfortable floor situation, but that's good to know about the knots for a cot. Could be helpful next time I'm camping or something.
Hopefully you're in a better place these days. I know I am, living that hand to mouth is dreadful.
Oh for sure, but even in the other games, it's a pretty pleasant life, even if you're in debt and penniless.
What's the exchange rate of bells?
I lost all motivation I had to buy New Horizons when I heard how little dialogue they've written compared to New Leaf, which already got really bland and repetitive after just a couple of months. I don't see any reason why the dialogue would be more interesting even if it's less plentiful. The only thing that can save this thing is really dynamic and fun multiplayer, and knowing Nintendo, they wouldn't want to do that even if they could
you can't pitch a tent on a friends island
I'll pitch a tent anywhere I like, user.
There isn't a female villager I haven't beaten it to.
To this day I forgot ACGC had a subtitle, I'm so used just calling it AC.
what DID user mean by this?
user they assured about the first two neighbors being closer
Beaten what to?
I sure hope it was a video game, or at least in self defense.
I'll strut around a friend's island with my erection in plain sight, if you catch my drift.
Bells are basically Yen
I'm not saying I want this to become real, but I hope new horizons lets us strip down to at least underwear. I loved the addition of custom socks, but I want there to be different underwear too.
doubt it
like how you'll never be able to swim in a bikini or trunks and always be in a full body scuba suit
No way. They've made the very questionable decision of turning animal crossing into a tropical island holiday, they at least have to make bikinis a thing now. It would be really dumb if they didn't.
best you'll get is a one piece for girl and trunks for boys but since hairstyle are now unisex they don't want any implication about topless girls
Hmm now I understand... To introduce swimwear is to gender segregate some clothing, otherwise a girl might have visible nipples. Christ, social norms are so retarded. The girl doesn't even have boobs it should be fine to see her nipples.
building a house isn't the end of the game. Interviews have suggested that it progresses in a familiar way once you reach a certain point in developing the island
>when I heard how little dialogue they've written compared to New Leaf
Where was this mentioned?
I think it's because there's no new personalities he assumes that
I think of it in a different way. Because there are no new personalities to write for, they'll probably put more work into the dialogue for existing ones.
For a game that appeals to 8 year old girls as much as anyone else I think keeping visible gender differences to girls usually wear dresses and might have longer hair is sufficient
Redpill me on this series. Is it actually any fun?
It seems to appeal to a female, girly audience but I'm willing to put pathetic childish nuances aside if the game isn't just mindlessly meant to be adoring and wholesome and actually has sustenance, construction and adult themes merged into it. Should I emulate the Gamecube game as that seems to be the best one in the series?
Someone give me a brief rundown. It looks visually appealing on the Switch.
Yeah that would be a better option, but there is no male/female clothing in animal crossing anymore. Males can wear dresses. And what we are saying is, if they introduce more revealing clothing options, it won't be compatible with this genderless clothing system.
This is what I took from that comment. Hell maybe they'll put some effort into making the same types of villagers slightly different from one another.
it's just a cutesy life sim game with a huge emphasis on collection, customisation and slow growth/progression. The game clock and calendar follows real time, so it's nice to see the seasons change or walk around at night. It's a little autistic, but if you adore the quiet life, then it's a relaxing and fun game.
If you want to try one out just emulate wild world or New Leaf if possible. The first game may have had nice features that people miss, but it is less polished. Animal Crossing is a game that you stick with for over a year but there's only 9 months until New Horizons, so you might as well just play a newer game and have a more polished, better looking experience. As long as you're aware of the features that the gamecube version had, then you know enough.
It's meant to be a relaxing game. It's got good music, tons of stuff to collect, you set your own goals, and it basically just asks you to play for a couple hours each day. It's really just a small life simulator with holiday events you can play.
Try out the Gamecube version for a week or so and see if the general style is appealing to you, it's very much a hit-or-miss type of series, but if it does hit for you you're getting hundreds of hours of enjoyment out of it. I got 640 out of New Leaf alone and I can only imagine how many hours I put into the GC version and WW.
It's pretty cozy desu. You could also make patterns to wear or place around town, so nothing's really stopping you from making girly or manly ones.
are you saying i can make a crossdressing shota
You can only crossdress in New Leaf iirc but yes.
it's just temporary! You'll be able to unlock the physical shop!! You'll see!! HAHAHA YOU'LLSEEE!! W-WE'RE GOING HOME YOU'L SEEEEEE
he'll make you build the physical shop yourself and then have you pay for it
they said on stream you'd be able to pack up and move, iirc
Never played this, I got a GC, DS, 3DS and a Wii, which one should I play?
Any. They all have their pros and cons.
get a n64 and play the japanese only n64 release
shops as menus worked for Nogami in Splatoon so I don't see why he wouldn't bring it over to Animal Crossing.
>thing was in other game so I don't see why it shouldn't replace much loved feature in this game
yeah but do you guys have keanu in your game
Yeah, which game doesn't?
browsing the shops in AC is part of the comfiness. If anything they should add that in future Splatoon 3, not the opposite
shops had physical goods from their earliest version to their final form so day 1 Nookling store being as menu is already a drastic change
When is pretendo going to implement stealing shit from Nook's store, marrying the villagers, having sexual relations with the villagers, impregnation, and child birth?
Also an option to grow drugs that the police try to sieze for fast dangerous cash would be nice. Black and golden roses are nice, but where is the fun in shitting out loads of plants on the outskirts of your village and harvesting out of town fruit?
Want an option to kill and taxidermize your villagers while you are at it?
>Steal something from Nooks store
>He pulls a Link's Awakening the next time you enter the store.
>Whips out his "raccoon pouch" and beats you to death with it
That'd be neat, maybe you could even sell them.
>marrying the villagers, having sexual relations with the villagers, impregnation, and child birth
When Shinzo Abe takes over as director.
what's with japanese racconns and giant nut sacks?
go play Stardew Valley
You're thinking of tanukis. The youkai, not the animal.
I remember hitting villagers with an axe in the first Animal Crossing game and the game not really reacting to it even though the axe connected.
Really ruined my immersion when the game railroads you out of being a serial axe murderer.
Cataclysm DDA is the only game that lets me do wacky shit like building a log cabin cannabis farm that would make Willy Nelson jealous.
i forgot about this shit
>The comical image of the tanuki having a large scrotum is thought to have developed during the Kamakura era, where goldsmiths would use tanuki pelts for the process of hammering gold nuggets into leaf. Due to the actual wild tanuki having disproportionately large testicles, a feature that has inspired humorous exaggeration in artistic depictions, and how gold nuggets share a homophone with testicles in the Japanese language, such associations would come to memetically link them together into its folklore image tradition of being a creature of wealth and whimsy.
Tom looks so much cuter now.
fake AC fans not welcome
>gorillion hours in Gamecube
>like a week of speedrunning and power gaming new leaf
Nah, if anything you're a zoomer.
that explains things
so why didn't you post him?
>lol take things slow man, just chill out! be yourself
Fuck that. I terraformmed that shitty Island in New Leaf for my golden stag industry. Anarcho Primatists and loafers begone.
because it'd be a whole different type of game if it allowed you to do stuff like that. I do think villagers should like you less if you constantly hit them with your equipment
That pole is going to be too situational
I'm not carrying that in my pockets
>he doesn't use the read letters to store the tools
You can duct tape a knife to it to spear fish while crossing the other side of the river. Its a very nice utility option instead of having to take the one bridge that is always in the worst location. It also saves time fishing and allows you to quickly roast the fish on a camp fire.
>Don't have to walk to the bridge every time I want to cross the river
Sounds good to me
Will we get Wilson as a new villager or shopkeeper?
I hope you can't farm like this in Horizons. It might be nice on a second playthrough but I feel like going from the beginning stages to the middle stages should feel earned
I really hope there's a 'normal' mode with out all the crafting and stuff. Basically a New Leaf mode
you unlock that mode once you've developed your island beyond a certain. I can see that players like you are going to have a hard time resetting your island and starting back up from nothing
I've never played animal crossing but you're making shit up right? That's way too in depth for a video game.
did you quote the wrong post because I can't see how what I said is too indepth for a videogame be it farming lots of Bells or having systems preventing said cash farming
People actually have developed strategies to rake in the shekels in New Leaf. Personally I prefer the 100 turnip password in the GC version even if it means having to save and quit after using it 3 times in a day.
Yep I quoted the wrong fucking post. Meant to reply to
I'm still disappointed they didn't make tools part of a special inventory section. All I've wanted them to do the entire series is give them a section because every game they waste 4-6 slots of your inventory. Umbrellas I can understand, they're situational, but there's no reason the Diving Suit, Slingshot, Watering Pail, Axe, Shovel, Net, and Fishing Rod should be farting around in your main inventory taking up a third of it.
I want to ___ that deer
/k/ no
so plus the Umbrella and maybe a diving suit you'll still have 11 free slots even if you carry everything. There's also the possibility that cltohes get their own section of your inventory as shown by the tshirt icon in your inventory as shown here
does she call you boyfriend if you're a guy in previous games
Imagine being named Nosegay
maybe because they are 2 different games?
fucking idortsama
It's been a while since I played but I'm pretty sure in New Leaf she calls you girlfriend no matter what.
useful everytime you want to cross the river doesn't sound situational to me. Even if you have bridges you can still get across faster unless you've already started crossing one
he pulls a kecleon
I didn't realize there were different kinds of wood. I'm guessing light is from palm trees, normal is from fruit/basic trees, and dark is from pine trees? I know pine is light in real life but it looks dark in AC.
it's actually hard and soft. The guy who made the image fucked up
>he pulls a kecleon
Please, that shit scared the fuck out of me the first time because I triggered it by accident
Elaborate further.
In the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games Kecleons are shopkeepers you can find mid-dungeon. If you try to take an item from their store without paying they will attack you and other Kecleons will begin flooding the floor you're on to stop you. They're all ridiculously strong. It's also easy to steal by accident because if you pick something up and he asks you if you're going to buy it, saying no will make him attack you as if you were planning to steal it when you might have just picked the item up by accident.
I'm afraid that you might not be able to pole vault at any part of the river, only in places you can build a bridge. As you can see in this image, where she vaults over has a smaller gap then the rest of the river. These "smaller gaps" will be a pre-determined number on each generated map, giving the player a max amount of bridges. Or in other words, once you fill each available gap with a bridge, you won't be able to build any more. Since you can only vault over the "bridge areas", the pole vault will become useless after bridges are built. This is just a theory.
post more ankha
So who wants to bet that Isabelle is a mid game unlock that comes with the construction of a town hall?
never ever
Rate the chances of the following things to appear in this game:
-Shops and other buildings.
-New buildings not in NL (such as the school from happy home designer or permanent shops for NPCs like Chip, Redd, Wendel or Joan, etc)
-Multiple Islands. The treehouse really teased this with the nooks miles travel rewards and the airport option. Multiple islands means multiple towns on a single save file + solution to the villager cap.
-Multiple islands at once with different hemispheres. (Again treehouse confirmed hemispheres exist in the game, so perhaps you can have a winter and summer island at the same time without changing clock).
-Minigames like puzzle league
-A downtown section with a bunch of shops.
-every item from NL returning + a bunch of new items (minus the 3rd party stuff like MH or 7/11)
>Nook Credit Card
What are the interest rates on that nightmare?
Play the GC version, but read up on Wild World’s lore.
all of it.
-Shops and other buildings.
-New buildings not in NL (such as the school from happy home designer or permanent shops for NPCs like Chip, Redd, Wendel or Joan, etc)
>there will be new shops and buildings from New Leaf but whether they'd have been in the spinoffs is up in the air
-Multiple Islands. The treehouse really teased this with the nooks miles travel rewards and the airport option. Multiple islands means multiple towns on a single save file + solution to the villager cap.
-Multiple islands at once with different hemispheres. (Again treehouse confirmed hemispheres exist in the game, so perhaps you can have a winter and summer island at the same time without changing clock).
practically zero
-Minigames like puzzle league
-A downtown section with a bunch of shops.
-every item from NL returning + a bunch of new items (minus the 3rd party stuff like MH or 7/11)
>even if they're back they'll be so redesigned they might as well be new
knowing Nook you'd pay to open the account and upgrade it but that's it he never charges interest on anything
>Shops and other buildings.
>New buildings not in NL
>Multiple Islands
>Multiple Islands
1/10 sorry not happening
>Minigames like puzzle league
>A downtown section with a bunch of shops.
7/10 I fucking hated diving but that's just me
>every item from NL returning + a bunch of new items
Every Item 3/10
New Items 10/10
>-Shops and other buildings.
Pretty much guaranteed. Hopefully Nooks shop displays items instead of buying them through a menu.
>-New buildings not in NL (such as the school from happy home designer or permanent shops for NPCs like Chip, Redd, Wendel or Joan, etc)
Again guaranteed at least 1 new shop. Every game in the series has had at least 1 new shop.
>-Multiple Islands. The treehouse really teased this with the nooks miles travel rewards and the airport option. Multiple islands means multiple towns on a single save file + solution to the villager cap.
Seems to be one of the biggest features of this game.
>-Multiple islands at once with different hemispheres. (Again treehouse confirmed hemispheres exist in the game, so perhaps you can have a winter and summer island at the same time without changing clock).
If multiple islands are confirmed then yes 100%
>-Minigames like puzzle league
Probably not
>-A downtown section with a bunch of shops.
doubt it
100% yes
>-every item from NL returning + a bunch of new items (minus the 3rd party stuff like MH or 7/11)
Not sure. CF had every WW item. No idea what was cut in NL, but from what I recall just about everything was in the game. So yes most likely.
How long until we have a stable emulator?
All I want in animal crossing is for every villager to have unique dialog, but that will never happen.
>Happy home designer school
God I hope they don’t bring that back
they have it in PC now and I never saw it’s appeal in making shitty basic housing
everybody going on about a toolbox when all I want is a bucket for my fish and maybe somewhere to store insects
What does the new menu UI even look like?
doesn't seem to be a section for letters
>first villager ever interacted with was Aziz
>visited him everyday
>never came back in future games
Him, Ozzie, Tangy and Olivia were the only villagers I really gave a shit about in the GC days. The rest made it to future games but I still miss my bro.
have they revealed all the microtransactions yet
they're locking things behind amiibo
surprised the twits haven't made a meme out of this
>those haha kill me eyes
haha same
they’d better not lock things like some special npc backstories behind amiibo again
Holy balls that looks like a tiny inventory. How many could you hold in NL minus the letter spaces? (Which they seem to be removed?)
>scan amiibo once per day for a free gift of 5,000 bells!
NL 15
NH 20
Letters are probably going to be e-mails on the phone now
You have my thanks for the heads up.
how do you save a physical letter which must exist due to mailboxes on a phone? I expect written messages will be texts and parcels will be mailed to you
This is exactly what I thought of when I saw that NH takes place on an island
I hope they diversify personality types so all animals in the same category aren't clones of each other
Do you expect a higher villager cap or the same as NL? Also with no shop hub area like in previous games, I imagine they are going to take up a bunch of space on the island already.
>his groaning 4 minutes in
This speedrun sounds painful
>speedrunning animal crossing
high tide autism
if you can decide where shops go as well as animals I think space is going to be more efficiently used than in past games unless you're really shit at city planning
>dumb zoomer shit like crafting is only relevant in the early game
>dumb zoomers won't be playing the game longer than a week
Which is kind of retarded, seeing how he never brings up your debts when you shop with him, never has a due date, and everyone in town that mentions him says how lax he is about the whole thing. I started to believe most of the jokes for a while because everyone kept repeating it for so long that I assumed that was the basis for the game.
Tom Nook was nominated for best villain in Nintendo Power when the Gamecube game released
>5,000 bells
the best option since it's literally nothing
many items craftable in the early stages seem like they'd still be useful/aesthetic even when you have every amenity available to you
more like most suitable to husbandu
At least japanese devs are starting to understand the importance of exclusivity and expression. A lot of women playing FFXIV were complaining that their girl characters couldn't wear the cool outfits and armor the men wore, so they decided to put the extra effort into making more armor sets fit other genders. They started with the bunny suit.
I really hope there is a way to make vegetable gardens and custom fencing, having my home take up a nice piece near the river with a lush garden of veggies and flowers is max comfy
>we want the sissy audience
>girlscomplain that they can't have cool armour
>i know give the guys the most generic and lame sloot outfit ever haha there enjoy
retarded nips
I'm praying for paths that don't get fucked up by shitty villagers and that they remove the godawful dirt path mechanic
>playing AC games that don't have NES games
>playing AC for any other purpose than to get and play NES games
It looks like there is proper paths(hopefully user set) in I'm just wanting to plant stuff other than flowers and trees
Just get Nintendo Switch Online(tm)!
There are really only like 5 NES games worth playing nowadays.
>implying anyone gave a fuck about ICE CLIMBER now or in 1985
I thought the item catalogue was already a thing in previous titles. I guess this means they got rid of show floor items? Okay.
Animal Crossing should add cryptid neighbors yes/no
already done the only question is whether we can make paths other than dirtpaths
you'll take your fruits and berries and you'll like it
It was put to a vote, so everyone they got what they wanted.
at the very least insectoid neighbors
What is the difference between the deserted island and a regular town?
Hope amiibo cards work with AC:NH. That and I hope it's easier to keep the villagers I like so I don't have to micromanage them so much to make sure they don't leave.
Also wonder how many resets it will take before I'm happy with my first island.
>at the very least insectoid neighbors
Arthropod apologists get the fuck out of Yea Forums
>you'll take your fruits and berries and you'll like it
B-but user, I just want to have comfy melon patches, some tomatoes and pepper cages, and grape trellises. Is that really so much to ask
water around all the border instead of cliffs
>That post is 10 years old.
>not wanting cute and funny moth neighbors
>Regular Town
- villagers already present and living comfortable lives in houses
- some shops already present from the start
- everything is bought
- only you and Nook. Villagers trickle in
- only shop is Nook's at the start
- villagers from the same place as you are
- things are crafted
>girls wanted actual armour instead of dumb outfits
>lets give the guys the dumb outfits to
your a retard
Its okay user people don't mind tents
we can live like the immigrants in paris
Hm alright, might be interesting
should be comfy :3
Moths and butterflies are just as horrible as any other insect they just have big stupid wings
She totally wants to fuck her
I don't understand people who aren't constantly changing their wardrobe
what, you thought more girls played ffxiv than men did?
Even face options are genderless now. At the end of the trailer there were a few male characters with faces once exclusive to female characters and vice versa. And it's the whole face too, mouth and all. So you can't mix a female eye option with the wider male mouth, at least from what I've seen.
they're banging
There are other types of insects girls though
just time travel retard
2nd playthrough maybe but I'll play the game as intended first time around
GameCube and New Leaf are the best for vastly different reasons. I'd say start off with GameCube. Wild World is okay too, though it's the most dated of them. Avoid City Folk.
>. A lot of women playing FFXIV were complaining that their girl characters couldn't wear the cool outfits and armor the men wore
again the whole point was about them not being able to wear actual coolstuff so they solved nothing dumb retarded nips it wasn't about who played it more, the isssue was never addressed
>girls want cool armour instead of dumb outfits
>give guys dumb bunny outfit instead
what was fixed in anyway you mouth breathing retard
they'll probably add this as soon as there's an option to breed with villagers and birth chimera hybrid villagers with new personality types
>>Material refresh rate too low
>>abundant materials like weeds don't sell for enough
>>neighbours ask you to craft them the most basic of things
How do you know any of this is gonna be the case?
Don't say that user, you might upset her
>attractive character is supposed to be "ugly"
I FUCKING HATE THIS. Thanks for making ugly fuckers like me feel even shittier than usual.
See I was right
Treehouse gameplay showed that
- we saw that trees only give 3 wood per tree
- clay, some ore and a bag of weeds only earned 480 bells
Interviews have stated
- you can increase villager satisfaction by giving them crafted items
It's called you having autism and not understanding the joke I was making. People brought up gender neutral clothing as an issue using females wearing male armor as an example, but the community fucked it up by mass voting a joke item. What are you so fucking upset about?
these are all guys
I hope she's completely optional
interviews imply that the only way to not get her is to stay in your tent indefinitely
what joke????? because if you were making it one it was shit and dumb just like you
She's not actually supposed to be ugly.
I guess the real joke is how upset you're getting that, in your own words, nip devs are listening to the sissy audience instead of the girlscomplain audience. In which case, nips are fucking based.
I hope accidentally digging up trees isn't going to be a huge problem
slow down your play and it won't ever happen
>completely ignoring the problem
>making a joke out of an actual complaint
>but muh sissies so based XD
reminder no girl wants to be within 1000m of you
>I wasted the last ten minutes banting with a humorless gash
Makes sense.
either which way guys AC: NH will have truly unisex clothing so you can stop arguing
All of the player models are the same so it doesn't really require any effort, so why wouldn't they?
I'm going to go to your town and dig up all the saplings
what is that supposed to mean?
It's actually bigger than any previous Animal Crossing. I think the reason it looks smaller is that it's across 2 rows instead of 3
Items that aren't furniture or tools are stackable now (and auto stack on pickup). I still wish equips had their own tabs.
i hated new leaf but i like the idea of this game
now it isnt trying to juggle the old animal crossing shit it cant do well with new shit. theyre just going all out on customizability, which is okay. i can just know that i can stick to the original for villager depth and quirky extras, and if i want to make a customizable soulless autism hole, ill play new horizons
stacked items
I really hope that since we can now place furniture outside they'll get rid of or at least rework the old way to place stuff like the windmill or a well.
If I can just plop down benches, campfires, and shit it would feel really out of place to jump through the old hoops just to place something like a streetlamp or a fountain that you can't even move around freely.
orange ponytail villager a cute
I expect the half unit thing applies to everything in game so you can probably build a lot closer to other objects
I'm partial to Dora the Explorer and Strawhat-chan from the multiplayer segment of the trailer
dont talk to my husbandu like that frogfaggot
Post his bara pics if he's really your husbando
Not bad
The villagers in Stardew Valley are humans and therefore boring
Damn, Tom Nook looks like THAT?
he had to many creampuffs haha
Nook doesn't charge interest or set payment deadlines
he isn't at all jewish
Tom Nook debt lord is Mario on shrooms levels of overplayed.
Get the furry mod then faggot
So you've already given up on the game because you've made a baseless observation on a very small demo? Pls user...
>island within an island
looks like a comfy town layout, I wonder what the others will be like. I recall a cool one in NL with a tiny scrap of beach you could only reach by swimming.
>tfw triple layer island never
the cliffs should be twice as high
everyone gets the same island
Speculating or did they confirm this?
On the minimap, are the lines of four large dots by the plane and in the top left and top right moving decorative bits or something else?
please say sike
it's rocks on the beach [see pic]
i put all my tool inside a opened letter to save inventory space
Fuck you
Nah, the pale white dots in the water.
think there will be more thematic outdoor fixtures? Like the Zen stuff from NL?
>Smash killed Shitsabelle
Based Sakurai
>choose your fighter
Axe for sure
are we posting villager types we want now
>1 chance at life
>not born a qt
>i will never get to be a fox :(
i just want cute triangle ears and a floofy tail and paw XD
I haven’t played AC since Wild World on the DS. I’m hyped as fuck to get into another AC game. I’m tempted to just buy or hack New Leaf, but it may be best to be patient for the new one to avoid getting burnt out.
>49K JUST for the tent
It's for the tent, the airfare, the phone, and applicable taxes (goyim).
Might as well be true considering how samey the terrain generation has been since Wild World
I'm glad it's over
So if multiple islands are deconfirmed, and multiplayer is done through the phone, then literally what is the airport for?
you just know someone will unlock her week one
other players have to appear from somewhere I'd think
That's local multiplayer, I imagine online multiplayer in others' towns will work the same as it always has
It has a small watch battery
Replace that
i just want bats
local multiplayer has you phoning your fellow islander
online multiplayer is unknown but it can be assumed they come by plane
Hey hey
He’s also charging for the boat ride, your Nook phone, Taxes and the fuck you fee
boats seem likely but so far there's no indication there will be any
>Wanting your house to be an empty sack of shit
Fuck you Gaylord
>one singular pond
what the fuck did they mean by this?
what a let down.
>Nook pulls out a smoke
I need this re-recreated in color
Terrain generation has been shit since WW and it's never going to get better
Does Animal Crossing still use realtime? I haven't played since GC.
I hope they bring back grumpy villagers
i didn't think the world gen could get any worse from NL
little girls can't handle people being mean to them
yes but you can pay to speed things up
Do we have any screens or footage of what the northern boundary looks like? Is it just a rock cliff side, or is it a wall?
>Why Hello Thief!
>Just for you I’m adding my special Thief charge.
>I hate your kind Thief don’t come back
there's nothing
There's so much fucking time gated shit in Animal Crossing, it's retarded.
>"Want to use the QR reader? TALK TO ME 8 DAYS IN A ROW, BETTER NOT MISS ONE!!!!"
>"Want to actually buy shit you want? Better come to the store and buy literally EVERYTHING and throw it on the ground every single fucking day!"
>"Want to unlock changing hair styles? Better come to this OTHER store and buy literally EVERYTHING and throw it on the ground every single fucking day!"
>"Want to unlock hairstyles for the opposite gender? Better change your hair EVERY DAY, you can only change it once a day!"
>"Want to learn worthless emotes? Better get a fruit and bring it to me EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY! Only one a day!"
Shit just eventually becomes a checklist and nothing differentiates players towns besides how "upgraded" they are. At least this new one looks pretty unique.
implying there won't be loads of time gated stuff in this one but with added requirement of crafting certain items or number of items
post more female villager art
Oh god, I hadn't even considered this.
>Badge/Miles Points/whatever for crafting X amount of tools
>Fastest way to do it is to just craft the tools and throw them on the fucking ground
>Do this 500 times
It's fucking Spore all over again. Fuck this shit.
>getting sable to open up to you, once a completely optional thing the player discovers themselves, is turned into a requirement for a major new feature
>it's like this for every player character in a town
>her dialogue is stripped down and newer players see her as an annoyance as a result, every time you talk to her she assumes you only want to use the machine
What were they thinking?
I think the final form of people's towns look different but the middle bit looks the same barring progress as you said. Anyway it's only a checklist if you've been spoiled and/or are following a guide. If it happens organically I can see how it would be enjoyable
>If it happens organically I can see how it would be enjoyable
I guess, but it would still take you YEARS of playing before you spend enough money to upgrade the store because there's so few options to start with weeks will go by before there's anything you want to fucking buy.
Fucking kek
But seriously Fuck Spiders
You’re a boring cunt and need to Fuck off.
See this shit
mark my words
all the good shit will be either CRAFT-ABLE ONLY or BOUGHT WITH MILES
those materials will be limited per day, so no grinding for money
this is pocket camp 2.0 until any of this is deconfirmed.
I highly doubt this for a home console release.
>27 hours
>every time you talk to her she assumes you only want to use the machine
i fucking hated this so much, i just wanted to keep talking to her again normally. sable is my favourite shopkeeper and this just made me feel like shit. i'm still fucking mad that only mable got an amiibo out of the three of them too
show me precedent for this
if the only good shit is craftable then all it means is that it costs you time just like hunting bugs, catching fish and doing all the other bell earning things did. As shown in the Direct if you're playing solo it'll take you a while to get all the items you need unless you call in assistance.
Tom nook becomes a highly successful businessman by the end of the first game's upgrades. Makes total sense for him to start having his nephews work for him, and eventually run the store entirely while he jumps into other industries
Afro must be a default hairstyle in character creation
Nice water reflections