What am I in for
What am I in for
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A Zelda clone that is better than Zelda. Excellent story and characters on top of a full traditional Zelda-like world and combat.
Zelda but more difficult and more fun. Enjoy your 40+ hours you will sink in to it, it really is good
Happy and fun game with clear Zelda inspirations.
My favorite Zelda game.
kino, I replay it every year, I'm jealous you'll get to experience it for the first time.
The best Zelda game ever made, but it can drop too much dialogue on you at times.
The opening of the game is like 30 minutes of clicking through text.
Only played the second game so I can't tell. Alundra 2 is good.
Though I feel like calling it Zelda doesn't give it enough credit.
You're making me want to play it, I've owned it since the 90's and only briefly played it back then.
I'm completely clueless on the story because I was young and just skipped text and it's been so long I barely remember anything besides being on a boat at the start.
>get Alundra 2 after loving 1 and get immediately disappointed at how it has seemingly nothing from the first at all
>play it a bit more and appreciate it for what it is but never really get far in it
>come back to it years later with resolve to finish it and discover a fantastic game with plenty to love in it's own right, that despite not having the same setting and atmosphere of the first, still retained it's gameplay design and soul
>The Rally can go to hell though as it literally is impossible
I feel sad I'm very unlikely to play Dual Hearts though, that looks very interesting too from what little I chose to see of it.
still loved it
delete this
It's a wild ride. Starts off nice and slow with some babby dungeons to show you the ropes but gradually ramps up the further you get into the game. Most of the dungeons have cool puzzle themes that go beyond the usual "find the magic item to win" Zelda formula. There's a large map to explore with items to power you up, collectibles that unlock powerful late game items and a few neat secrets. The pixel art is fucking beautiful all the way through. And it's got some real 50 hour plus length - with no filler bullshit either.
good music too
>Remember that game
Journey's End
Kohei Tanaka is the god damn man
Play it and find out?
I had a feeling it would be that song before even opening it. The whole soundtracks for both games are just outstanding.
Tight jumps, hard bosses and actual puzzles
Nice music, P L A T F O R M I N G, some good bosses, some tedious bosses, and brainlet filter puzzles.