I remember when brown girls in vidya didn't have to be a controversy.
I remember when brown girls in vidya didn't have to be a controversy
Remember when the nsfw version was promised? I did.
Dude's an attention whore, I wouldn't trust him to deliver because he's already onto some other stunt/shitpost.
>make character white male
>lefttards chimp out
>make character female and/or brown
>righttards chimp out
I hate all of you.
that second part isn't what happened chud
it's still the left
This, everyone has to be mad about something. If people aren't afraid or outraged you are doing something wrong.
I unironically like female anthro primates despite not being very popular
You'd be wrong my dude. We hide but exist in mass....
>Draw a White Character as black
>Some dude on Yea Forums gets mad at you while another dude on /pol/ makes fun of you
>Draw a black character with lighter skin than dogshit brown
>Tumblr fatties dox you and try to fucking drive you to suicide
>make character white male
>sequel has him gender bended to black/latina
I want to see the reaction
This just reminded me of Nitro's Tiny Kong art and now I have to go fap to that again
cloud needs work but i love these, especially tifa and barret
Cloud lookin' like Lil Uzi Vert
dozens of us etc
White barret looks fucking awesome
I’m black
Why not just exclude poop colored people from your games?
It's not like gamers are disappointed if none exist.
But beret is already white
What about Queen La-tifa?
Shes white
Sephiroth looks cool as fuck 10/10. Cloud would honestly look better with a buzzcut but I guess that would defeat the purpose.
2013-2016 ruined everything.
This was drawn by a black man. Putting that out there before the trolls and retards come out the woodwork.
Yeah I remember when lefty negroes and latinos were quiet and didn't start chanting 'One of us! One of us!' at the sight of cute brown girl in vidya.
This is how ebola spread to humans
A monkey like that could sit enveloped in your lap
I agree my fellow educated centrist. Everyone needs to stop caring about everything desu, having strong opinions is super cringe, unlike us who can flow like water and not upset anyone
>Clout Strife
>White haired Rick James
It's like I'm really Boogie2988.
>People hating on delicious chocolate women
This ain't the Yea Forums I used to know
I guess the /pol/ leak is having more of an affect than previously thought
What if I want to kill niggers and towelheads but think it should be legal to get your childs on female hormone whenever you want.
>I never asked for this
Sorry I don't get triggered over WHITE MALE or have to bring up the entire infographic spiel on why Honoka is actually white. I know you faggots can't comprehend an opinion that isn't fucking retarded because months of arguing on twitter has decimated your minds but it's plausible to have left/right opinions on different topics and not give a single shit about a different one.
>muh /pol/ scapegoat
I hate the term "centrist" because retards think that means being a fence-sitting fag with no strong opinions on anything. I prefer "moderate" and just see it as taking the good ideas from each side and discarding the shitty ones. Idgaf on who gets upset by my views, which is something centrists would fear.
>>righttards chimp out
who is the one chimping out
someone drew the character as white skinned, then leftists chimped out
people started drawing more white skinned pictures as a joke because it was making leftists chimp out
cringeshit post
Refer to my image again
Faggots like you are not welcome
Go back to your homeboard
not him
brown girls are fine but furries are not welcome
>It's not /pol/! /pol/ isn't doing anything except posting their bullshit outside of /pol/!
You're the reason Reddit is here and not leaving.
No one's hating on Nessa.
This whole thing started because an artist drew her with /slightly/ lighter skin because of the lighting in the picture. Tumblrtards threw a fit and made the artist "fix" the picture. Now people are drawing Nessa as a monkey entirely to bait the tumblrtards for laughs, not because they hate Nessa.
That's literally what both those terms mean you coward. Try having a spine for once in your life
I challenge that
Ironic racism is still racism!
>be niggress
>be ugly
>Desperately want to appear attractive in media
>need to bleach their skin, use wigs and wear contacts to look passable
>Still have ape features
>see a with BLUE eyed, natural straight hair, thin lips and nose hair caucasoid looking brown character made by japs
>Try to appropriate her because deep down, knows that black “women” can only be attractive without groid features
The absolute state of blackcels
>Inb4 the butthurt nigger spammer in autistic denial starts posting his same chimpfaced makeup laden diversity models who have more than one round of plastic surgery and photoshop to prove real niggresses can be “attractive”.
>this much seething at not being able to blame da ebil nazis over the Ness chimpouts
When does your GDQ run start?
I do have a spine. If I didn't, I wouldn't even post my views out of fear of upsetting you fags.
Moderates are even worse. The most based ones are the people who take opinions from both sides but only from the most extreme edges of both sides.
I genuinely like Black Sephiroth more than original one. Barret was also greatly redesigned to be white in here.
>trying to smear people as racist
the journalist has arrived
I remember when someone could make a joke without the internet erupting into flames in an attempt to protect the delicate feelings of offended snowflakes.
Grow up, faggot.
Nessa doesn’t have any nigger features. I don’t understand why nogs always try to appropriate brown characters when they look Indian/caucasoid.
Black Sephiroth looks pretty cool.
I hate all of this too but I also find it funny how we're eating each other over literally fucking nothing.
Hello glow in the dark cia nigger
I think the AIDS might be worth it.
>flow like water
Cringe. High schoolers should go to bed
No black character from a Japanese game/show will ever have black people facial features unless it's for comedic/intimidation porpuses.
The most you get are lips on women since those can be sexy, but skull shape, atitude or even skin color will be toned down in order to make them appeal more to japanese audiences.
>muh features
Eyes that take up 1/3 of the face and literal dot noses aren't white features either.
there is this wild concept called mixing races it makes better humans google it
>I'm not racist. I just happen to call people nigger and have a folder of dark skinned people drawn as monkeys.
>Indian skin tone.
>muh skull shapes
>All black people look same
Jump through any more hoops and you'll qualify for a kennel club dog show.
Why does Pokémon attract so much autism
seek mental help
general reminder the bitching has come entirely from tumblrinas and twitter shitheads complaining about people drawing her "too white".
The people posting monkies are doing it to trigger the previous group, and if you weren't underaged you would understand that because that's what Yea Forums used to do all of the time before it started getting the same limp-wristed simpletons perpetually offended at everything infesting it.
drawing white skinned versions of fictional video game characters is not racist
maybe you should pick a more important hill to cry on
>I'm so offended!!!!! REEEEEEEEEEE
No one cares, pussy.
They already had an explicitly black character in Pokemon and they gave her bigger lips, narrower eyes, and poofy hair. Which shows they can do it.
same but reverse
Does the internet just get more desperate to complain every year?
I don't think anyone is arguing that. They're arguing that you're fucking retarded for caring about this in the first place.
>drawing white skinned versions of fictional video game characters is not racist
It is when it comes from a place of dislike with the goal of erasure.
I'm not offended. I just want you to stop pretending to not be racist.
>Pretending to be an oldfag
I don't even care about Nessa's race. Just don't be a faggot and try to convince me that she's white.
I apologize for not being a centrist, Boogie.
We could all benefit from a solar flare that'll take out the planet's entire electric grid
*teleports behind you*
tips bucket hat
>nothin personal nigga
Pretty black girls good, other black charactees incredibly bad. No one can refute this.
All niggers do look the same though you butthurt monkey. Are you telling me that the average black doesn’t have a big nose, natural nappy curly hair, big lips and a negroid skull shape? The ones that don’t are mixed with white dna (and still look ugly)
Adding to that, GAMEFREAK always draws explicitly black characters with nappy hair.
>when you make a racist caricature of a character because you're a manchild autist and can't stand the fact that there are other people in the world that don't look like you
>The gook who drew her too light talked to the fag who originally called him out and they SEEM to have come to an understanding
>Should have ended there
>Now it's another pointless political discourse
>thin nose
>Blue eyes
>thin lips
>Natural straight hair
>caucasoid skull shape
>are all negroid features according to black supremacists
Imagine being this much in denial
>before they come out of the woodwork
who gives a shit? nobody getting banned here nigger
shhh how will we get a 400 post thread??
This, but for every color of women. Ugly girls should be sold to government and used as stress relief stations for incels so they can stop shooting up schools
*runs you over*
So it's not videogames but literally who Twitter drama?
>having strong opinions
Is fine. On stupid shit like this? No. Invest your power in something greater.
the original didn't, it was just some jap dude who drew the skin tone too light for some random idiot
the responses came largely from a dislike of reactionary outrage
there may have been a number that came from people who legitimately dislike black people but it seems like the primary driving force is to fight back against people who cried about the original
>I'm not offended.
>Just don't be a faggot and try to convince me that she's white.
As always
more like
>make good characters
>lefties screech
>make shallow character who caters to minorities
>tasteful people criticize it
>lefties cant handle criticism
now that samus is trans and any shade of brown = african, what else is new.
>one more comment from you Jimmy and you're going to have to fuck Shaneequa
School shootings drop to 0
to clarify, there's a big difference between hating black people and hating people (largely white) who rage against any perceived slight against black people online, such as video game characters done in an artstyle they don't like
>Be Indian
>Finally get represented in a Pokémon game
>Angry blacks try to appropriate her
Why are these “people” always like this?
Blame California and American victim culture.
Stealing is natural to them
>samus is trans
But she's a mother
You're offended. Own up to it. No one was trying to convince you that she was white. Everyone was poking at your soft, sensitive fee fees who immediately saw some discussion/pictures with white skin and immediately started shitting yourself because "SHUT UP SHE'S NOT WHIIIIIIIIITE".
Now they're drawing her as a gorilla just to trigger you further. You literally caused this reaction and you're too stupid and new to realize it.
>herp dup dup I fed the trolls and now people are trolling me!!!! I don't understand guys!!!!!!!!!! why is this happening?!!?!?!?!???????
Now is the part where you pretend that, in fact, it was you trolling all along by pretending to be retarded.
>the original didn't, it was just some jap dude who drew the skin tone too light for some random idiot
Yeah but they do this so much that it feels like it's on purpose. You have no idea how many times I've searched for fanart of a character and find them colored 5-10 shades lighter than they canonically are. It's either they don't know how to color dark skin or they're doing it on purpose out of dislike for dark skin.
If a bitch is dark skin then the art of them should be dark too. They don't deserve death threats but learn to color, faggot.
I understand that but you have to understand my frustration as a black person.
It did, but do you think he's the only one who draws like that? You can go on Danbooru and see tons of completely unrelated pictures with white/light skin.
Each and every one of those pictures came from pixiv or twitter, and they got shit for them, too.
OP and artist of that image here, I'm black.
>I remember when brown girls in vidya didn't have to be a controversy.
Yeah I remember when people didn't respond to shitty bait, good times. Reminder to call them "white lefties".
Forgot to colour the shoes lol.
yes i remember Yea Forums before 2016,i remenber when this site wanst full american shills pushing a orange agenda
>Yeah but they do this so much that it feels like it's on purpose. You have no idea how many times I've searched for fanart of a character and find them colored 5-10 shades lighter than they canonically are. It's either they don't know how to color dark skin or they're doing it on purpose out of dislike for dark skin.
Does that bother you?
I mean, I just chock it up to them slathering everything with their CG filters which makes everything glossy and bright.
The fact you care about this more than a passing glimpse is really, really sad. This is more pathetic than caring about Tifa's chest size being slightly too small.
This is literally looking at art people created for free and going "W-WHY ISN'T IT DRAWN EXACTLY LIKE I WANT IT?!?"
Isn't it funny how we were much more tolerant before everyone screamed at us for being intolerant?
Don't like it?
Practice for 8 years and make your own drawing.
Remember back in 2010 when raiding other sites and doing funny pranks like the hitler youth in Roblox and that was considered funny and shocking so everyone did it and then posted screenshots on Yea Forums about how many people they pissed off?
No, of course not, because I doubt you were here before 2016 either, fucking poser.
>make character female and/or brown
>righttards chimp out
That's not what happened this time
>Make character white
Leftists chimp out.
>Make character brown
Leftists chimp out because it's not brown enough, but the rightwing gets blamed because look into the scenario only skindeep or purposely try to manipulate the narrative.
Heheh, reminds me of the old phrase
>Man not happy with a relationship? Man's fault.
>Woman not happy with a relationship? Man's fault.
All girl will become monkey
Why would becoming a monkey make her thighs so thick and her tits double the size?
>strong opinion
The vast majority of men are only good at being war fodder that's why you're violent and naturally keen to latch onto a tribal identity. It's in your genes, grug the grunt.
Do it
Nessa doesn’t look black
Seethe harder
she's been doing it for years
as much as i hate race swaps these are actually pretty good. also i think barret is supposed to be asian specifically.
Please let this be a trend
Monkeys are cute!
Anime Dravidian
Most of your gripes are only perceived racism which says a lot about you.
Aside from the monkeying itself, nothing from any of the lighter toned art suggests that the artists are racist.
Not preferring dark skin is NOT racism. Hating people ONLY because of their dark skin is.
>If a bitch is dark skin then the art of them should be dark too
Fuck off with this shit. Artist are free to create whatever they like, even the monkeying.
See ever other tumblrinas racebent, bodytype bend, inflation art, heck, even the tanning/blackening of light-skinned characters that are popular in Yea Forums and /h/.
People complain about the character not being black enough in fanart. I just want to masturbate to brown 2d sluts
I support this and will drop dollars on it
W-well I can't reject her offer, it would be racist...
I had no idea how much I wanted this
White Garrett and black Sephirot are unironically awesome.
>make character female and/or brown
>righttards chimp out
That's not what happened. The whole nessa thing is happening because the leftist twitter police harrassed an artist because he/she didn't make her dark enough.
potassium overdose
>You need to have strong political opinions on the skin color of character in video games or you're a centrist
Go fuck yourself /pol/kiddy.
this retarded "culture war" ruined the internet
Holy shit. That guy is a big deal. He's not even scared to post his opinions anonymously on the internet. What an absolute chad.