>game has wolves
>they are always aggressive towards humans
Game has wolves
Other urls found in this thread:
>They make sad whining sounds when you hurt them
every living soul Jesus created knows pitbulls are niggers. no need to cast a bait on Yea Forums user
>kill wolf
>3 gold and a ring
How'd they get there?
this is some thatcher effect shit
niggers are to humans what pitbulls are to dogs
>Game has wolves
>They hunt in packs
as if pibbles are anywhere near as dignified as wolves
rolli ng for Gambino
>game has wolves
>treated as stronger than dogs
>when in reality there are multiple dog breeds with higher biteforce like the mastiff
>you can get a dog to pee on a box then hide in it
>wolves won't attack you
>in every game all wild predator animals always suicidal towards humans and player
But are they weak to fire?
what games actually do this and why do people think "lone wolf" is the rule and not the exception?
Spoop city
What a fucking retard
he can sue the tiger for racism
>You can pet the dog
Holy shit that tiger fucking Tiger Dropped that bull
Look at that cute pupper. I'll bet he's great with toddlers!
>game has any wild animals
>they see you from a mile away and go aggro
>just start charging right fucking at you
remember when we used to think games would have good ai in the future
A kangal dog has 200 psi more bite force than a mastiff and the strongest bite of any canine at 740 psi. That's just insane. I can't imagine the damage a bite like that could do.
why did the tiger refuse to fight when he can tear a nigger apart in one swipe?
wot game lets u pet wolves user
That Tiger begged him to stop, he didn't want to kill him.
nice reddit meme
What a retarded pic.
Its sad because that dog was just playing.
what did libtards mean by this?
Because he's not a bloodthirsty retard like the dog and doesn't want to eat him.
>latching onto face
this one was just playing too
Well the tail was wagging
I don't think 150 people have been killed by coconuts in the last 20 years let alone 1 year. What a load.
>game has humanoid creatures
>they sometimes get on all fours and run towards you at mach speed
>can easily be mistaken for dog/wolf enemies until it’s too late
>they even make loud ass screeching noises when doing it too
>they attack at fucking night time
Wait, how the fuck are people dying vs coconuts?
They standing under palm trees getting bopped on the head or something?
i hate nigger dogs
>Game has cute puppies who can only truly die when your younger sibling saves over your file
blame leberal snowflakes
Literal boomer meme
feeling dont care about facts.
it's not the dogs fault if subhumans raise them that way
sure they kill many, but only because they are raised that way
raise them right and it wouldn't happen
gonna need something stronger doc
>dude cats are little shits with no loyalty
>fucking body slams the cunt
ask and you shall receive
Right on time
Fucking clown.
thanks doc
best way to tell if a dog is genuinely playing is when they do something, back off for a second, and do a 'sneeze'. Tail wagging is just the animal being excited.
See 24 seconds in, most dogs do this when they are actually playing.
Even then, it depends on how their owner raised them and other learned behaviors. Nothing is certain, they are animals and can't communicate their intent.
nice reddit spacing
go back
>get shot twice
>still trying to attack
>the only way to stop a shitbull is to literally shoot it in the head at point blank range
>even that's not guaranteed to stop it
Shitbulls were a mistake.
you fucking faggot. I grow up without parents outside of my father's real family. my siblings wont send me to school I've been working my whole life at mall as promo guy. and I didnt turned out to be a criminal you fucking nigger. you should burn hell.
It's nature. you cant blame your past life. it's in your blood if you're truly a good guy.
>calling out shitbulls
Sorry faggot, you need to go back.
go back to facebook nigger
>humans and animals are the same
you seem triggerd anons
who hurt you?
only retards think like this
I've seen my cats defend my dogs and my dogs defend my cats
animals know they're part of a family
That makes my teeth hurt.
doc it’s too much... i dont feel well
RIP staypuff
we're clearly all different people and you're clearly seething
cant wait til your pitbulls maul your newborn
Flagrant racism aside, pitbull mixes are weirdly friendly when compared to pure pitbulls. For example boxer/pits are great dogs, playful with high energy but a very affectionate temperament, very easy to train as well.
that cat has diabetes.
oh lawd he comin
Ok Nigger
I am the Gambino
would you have a look at this edgy teenager
>he’s afraid of dogs
How wet are those pussy lips of yours
Pitbulls have thick skulls, and 9mm isn't exactly the most powerful caliber. Why pitbulls aren't banned is a mystery.
Aww what a nannydog!!!
what did you think you would get out of posting this?
that i would change my mind and ignore pitbulls having exceptionally fatal bites?
Flagrant racism aside, I feel like you are being callously dismissive of what I posted, like you aren't actually interested in what I or other anons have to say on this matter
reddit response aside, you are a nigger
YLYL guys
Doc, this dose is too much. I don't thingjkkk iiigkl,.vv.............V//////////////////j/lllkkkkkkkkkkkkghl////k/ljllllljk/lllllllllllllhkgllllklllkllllllllllllllllllllllklk
Why the fuck are all these people just watching.
Rolling for my homie Crimeboss.
I don't care how violent they are, they're just fucking ugly.
dogs might think they need a new chew toy
Because nobody wants to risk being mauled over some dog, and rightfully so. Wait for cops to show up and cap that nigger's shitbulls.
>discharging a firearm right by the guy's ear
Jesus christ as if losing your dog and getting attacked wasn't bad enough, dude's gonna have tinnitus for the rest of his life
>Flagrant racism aside
What the fuck is this you’re doing here? We’re not gonna upvote you x1000 and give you a gold sticker for virtue signalling, speak like a real human being
they are in civilized countries
dogs are gay
now rate mine
idunno man your dog looks a little gay
cute, though
Thanks, doc!
>enemy regains health by eating children
>call an ambulance!
/k/uck thinks you have time to apply proper hearing protection in the wild
You're all a bunch of sheltered white kids playing with dangerous toys.
Well yeah, it is pretty based. Thanks for sharing.
Very cute
Heres my neighbor kot Mr. Whiskers
>injured and slow
>still drop that nigger like its a chicken
Unironically based. I wouldn't even take pitbulls to a kill shelter, I'd drown them and dump them in a field to decompose.
>game has horses
>killing them doesn't give you it's hide or meat
not saying there was a better way they could have handled the situation, just saying that it sucks
but go ahead and jerk yourself off for being a real world tough guy
>sagging ass pants hanging around his ankles
>game has niggers
>killing them doesn't improve society and npc's prosecute you
>but the game actually tries to justify it by saying something is making them unnaturally aggressive or all their prey is gone so they are starving
Am I still banned jannies?
Good cattos. Here's mine, he's an old boy.
>Being this afraid of defenseless dogs your balls must literally be the size of chickpeas,
excuse me mamn, you dropped your tampons
oh shit
My sister had two great, well behaved, loving pit bulls. I came over every other weekend since they were a month old to play with them and help babysit her kids when she had to work her second job.
When they were three years old, I was moving a wheelbarrow and one of them bit me on the leg, drawing blood. I'm a huge dog lover, I've never met a dog I didn't get along with but every other weekend when she comes back and I leave, I tell her that they need to be chained up outside away from her kids. I honestly worry that some day I'm going to call at work with my sister in tears telling me that one of her five-year-olds got mauled.
what the fuck? is patsy dissolving pitbulls in vats of acid?
I don't get it, is it the same dog with several pictures taken while it was moving superimposed? Because it looks like someone gave them Osama beards.
Based aussie cat.
someone posted anti narrative, abandon thread
>Labs and retrievers exist
Unless you live in Alaska or a ghetto, why would you ever want a different dog
>all white kids are sheltered retards
Fuck off shitskin.
gonna guess it's a troll account using a pic from China
>pls like and subscribe
Very nice, looks comfy but serious kot
cute kot. how old?
Cute cat.
If you get the jump on the dog there's very little it can do. Just come up behind it, choke hold the thing and wrap your entire body around it.
Because huskies and malamutes have fluff.
>not calling animal control after a pitbull drew blood
It'll be your fault too lol
Oh I'm sorry I said something you don't like Tyler. Maybe you should put those $300 earplugs to good use and block out the mean words. :C
He's 12, but he's still happy and good.
oy vey delete it
Did you not see the other 2 pitbulls? And that's assuming the one you're grabbing doesn't slip loose and make you its next chew toy. Keep being an internet tough guy, I'm sure you would've single handedly incapacitated all those pitbulls with your bare hands.
yeah if i dont have a gun im not taking the chance, sorry
>no Swoledier
But i see more white trash with pitbulls than blacks.
>my cat's 13
The end draws nearer, cherish them every day user.
AI generated images. Look up "GANs" (Generative Adversarial Networks).
In this case it attempts to take any input image (#1 is a user-provided image) and change it enough that the AI fools itself into thinking the image is one of various dog breeds or other animals.
>pitbulls are a white owner problem just trust me bro
My dog is a pitbull/labrador mix and he Is literally and unironically the single nicest dog I've ever seen. He doesn't even bark.
>pitbulls are bad! ban them!!!!
white trash are less likely to rape and rob you
no they are not.
Yeah they're distracted on the man and the dead pup. If you're anywhere at or above average weight you can get on and get a headlock on a dog and choke it out. It's not about being a tough guy.
Great now you just have to worry about two more.
>game has predators
>they cry and howl before they try to stare you down
cherish the time you have with your kot, he looks like a good furiend
Wolves hunt excellently in packs. That's mostly what they're feared for
Back to plebbit Rodriguez
i was in this mindset for years
my cat lived to 22
What's the rent like in fantasy land?
Well deserved rest.
hahaha fuck you, not gonna click it this time
even the thumbnail gets the waterworks going
I don't need to read that shit again
>less nigger
oy vey!!
>guy in the comments points out the statistics of those dogs
>nigger replies that he sounds like a racist white person
fucking pottery
Distracted in that moment, they snap at literally anything.
I want to ____ this pupper.
FarCry New dawn lets you pet a boar.
distraction doesn't work like in video games
I wish I had a big handsome dog. But my lifestyle would have made its life hell with me not being able to provide enough walk time with it as well as being constantly near
One of which is grafted to a dead puppy it's trying to eat and the other is so distracted it's ignoring a guy hitting him with a stick. It would take at least two sensible people to help the man out so that he could properly separate the third pitbull.
I don't know why you're making this such a big deal when you're just rationalizing cowardice.
Delete this
>game has wolves
>lets you tame them
Which is why they didn't even lose focus when struck repeatedly with a baton. Right.
>Game has friendly fire for enemies
you just know...
I do knot know what you are talking about.
>I'm going to help this man
>jump on one dog
>other two dogs notice and snap
>you are now being mauled to death by three savage animals
>it's a white girl
what a """surprise"""
knothing user
You're rationalizing retardation
Sure they didn't snap at that but what if they snap at you tackling one of them? You can't assume anything.
this is how wolves show affection btw
An ancient evil awakens...
What are some video games where the token animal party member betrays the rest of the party?
>pedos hate pitbulls and spam these shitty threads all over Yea Forums
rolllan for rumple
The dogs get beat by police batons and don't even flinch. Your theory is kind of dogshit.
v o r e
my professor told me bad things about my crush
>Sure they didn't snap at that but what if they snap at you tackling one of them? You can't assume anything
They didn't snap at getting struck by a police baton, and even when they get shot they keep going until they seize up. They were fixated.
>nazi dog
but most of the pitbull owners are black
this guy is going to get crusified by his allies
We are just going to have to agree to disagree, friend.
That's fine but you're still a coward.
I'm surprised they didn't even try to touch the guy
Boy do I know the game for you guys.
borzoi are gud boi that dindu nuffin do not compare them to jews
It's the owner.
He probably wrestles with them all the time.
>race for no reason
Shouldnt you be in bed, Amerimutt?
Fuck whoever was filming and didnt try to stop it.
German Shitpards are the biggest retarded memedog. Every one of these mutts I meet outside of a work environment is aggressive to everyone. Fuck, my neighbor’s German Shepard tried to attack my kid when he was on the sidewalk walking past their house. And the fucker actually attacked one of their daughters’ friends. Meanwhile, my pitbull has never even flashed a fang at anyone in the neighborhood and is friendly with every other dog on the block but the German Shitter. Fuck these dogs.
What are some games where I can have multiple animal companions?
Last panel was so unneccessary.
fuck whoever cut the video short
>chokes on horse cock
>more wholesome
The tiger was backing off even though he didnt need to, and the dog was fucking around with an animal far bigger than him. The dog got what he deserved.
>Party member helps another party member become less shy
rolling for snarf
>for no reason
it's a secret to everyone that white girls love fucking dogs
Okami. Re4.
That is one T H I C C ass cat!
Wtf I love shitskins now.
That is a shitbull not a dog
>skyrim guard arresting a fish
AI is perfect desu.
>Own a shit-zuu
>Uncle owns a pitbull
>Insist they never get left alone together
>Mom and uncle don't take it seriously
My uncle has unironic autism and won't accept the dangers.
It's only making me more frustrated which I know the dog probably senses whenever I see that little shit.
I'll poison it if I have to.
Well black girls love gorillas and Asian girls love octopus so every female is degenerate
No, like all race relates stereotypes, theu are ramblings of obese, ambiguously brown amerimutts who try to shame others for not being racemixed abominations like them.
And, much like those stereotypes, and much like everything americans argue about really, your "proof" are cherrypicked files from the internet.
the dumb trash cunt's thong at 1:10
___ ____ ____
Please come back staypuft, also rolling for pic related
>look mom i posted the nigger dog again
>please acknowledge me for once
Except if they all would've attacked and restrained the Pit Bulls, they would have no fighting chance. Humans in a pack > Dogs in a pack
It's all about numbers, if ten humans kicked the shit out of those three pit bulls, the guy with his little dog would've been safe. But nope, everyone had to stand back and watch and film and the little doggo had to die for it.
He was ""stolen"" like 4 years ago, Staypuft is long dead.
american healthcare bills was on their minds
Corgis are the biggest retarded memedog. Every one of these mutts I meet outside of a work environment is aggressive to everyone. Fuck, my neighbor’s Corgi tried to attack my kid when he was on the sidewalk walking past their house. And the fucker actually attacked one of their daughters’ friends. Meanwhile, my pitbull has never even flashed a fang at anyone in the neighborhood and is friendly with every other dog on the block but the bongs. Fuck these dogs.
I didn't say that
In terms of rape probably but rob not true. I lived most of my teenage years in white trash shithole and it had robbing problem like in your average ghetto.
It's still a risk you could get hurt.
You expect almost a dozen strangers to get together and form a "pack" so they can risk their health for the sake of someone else's dog?
Hell I'd take a bullet for my dog, but I wouldn't take a bullet for Joe down the block's dog, that's his job.
It's just an animal.
You should have gotten over this shit with the first one.
>The wolf is actually facing the same struggles than you do in your daily life
I wonder if someone will ever be brave enough to post that webm of some women taking a huge knot, like some other user in one of those threads a week or so ago. haha
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