I just recently picked up tekken and I am behind the learning curve. I wanted to main lucky chloe, since she seems to be the most fun imo, but every fucking time I go online I get juggled/combo'ed to death.
Is the some way a player can get info on how to be better or is it just practice and getting my shit pushed in? Plz halp ;_;
I just recently picked up tekken and I am behind the learning curve. I wanted to main lucky chloe...
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Watch videos of good Lucky Chloe players. Learn fundumentals, meaning how to move, how to block, how to punish. Then learn some juggle combos. Don't just spam buttons. Play smart.
Sounds like a solid plan thank you user.
>good Lucky Chloe players
Would you be able to point out a couple players that are impressive in your opinion?
Bump, just bought the game too, I'm complete shit so looking for tips
Jeodding plays chloe in tournaments. Make sure it's season 2 gameplay though so you don't accidentally learn combos that arent optimal
pc or console? i'm on console but always down for some practice
If you're getting juggled consistently, you're doing something unsafe or they're sidestepping you and punishing your whiff.
>using the buttons
you are supposed to do koreanbackdashing until one of you is in a corner (or look at each other in crouch position for 5 min in infinite stages)
hey user, i'm glad you're enjoying the game. remember to taunt your enemies after beating them
PC, sorry buddy
Sounds like you're not blocking and pressing buttons in situations where you are in disadvantage. Look up frame data and how to use it. You don't have to memorize it but you have to understand what you can do in a situation where the opponent is +5 on frames, for example. I'm sure you can find some videos about it on YT, and it doesn't have to be purely tekken 7 related. Frame data applies to every fighting game.
I have to say I'm really new to fighting games in general (besides counting some MK in the past) I just don't have the fundamentals down atm. Usually I'm trying to mix them up then go for a start up juggle, but these guys online with 3000+ wins are straight robots in how they predict my attemps. I get punished all the time.
I'll try my best to win. Thanks.
I can help you out if you're on pc and eu.
>frame data
I didn't know about this. This should help me a lot now that I'm checking it out.
>console NA
Here watch this
You don't really wanna start out doing juggles, just play safe and punish when safe.
Here's a really good video explaining that sort of stuff
I cannot stress how imprtant this is, learning how to block, punish and take your turn is the single most important thing in any fighting game
Alright dudes. Time for some sleep then studying. Watch out for this chloe tomorrow, because I'm getting my 6th win when I wake up. Thanks for all the info! Goodnight anons.
Just to give you an example what I mean by disadvantageous situations :
>Julia hits you with 1,2
>She's now on +5 on frames
>The fastest moves most characters have are 10 frames
>Now that she's +5 on frames, that means every move from her that has a 10-14 frame start up, should beat your fastest move that is 10 frames, because you were 5 frames behind.
>This is especially dangerous against characters with fast, safe launchers, like Paul, or against characters with fast counter hit launchers, like Bryan.
>Your options at a situation like this is either to block, sidestep, sidewalk, backdash or maybe sometimes duck if you think your opponent is gonna do a high move.
At beginner levels I would just block. A lot of people at those ranks like to throw unsafe moves, and by unsafe I mean moves that are -10 frames or worse on block. Yet another example where frame data application is needed.
Punishment is important in Tekken because some characters can get away with a crazy playstyle where they throw moves that give launches and then huge damage. If you don't do anything about those moves and let them use it willy-nilly, they're gonna keep spamming those moves. Characters like Katarina and Claudio with some of the best hopkicks in the game.
>picking up fighting games
>complaining about steep learning curves
>has the audacity to pick on of the most braindead easy 0-skill and 0-effort rewarding characters in Tekken history
unironically and sincerely without any sarcasm, rope yourself
>lucky chloe
Try learning a real character first
fuck off dont disrespect my wife like that
Why are you bitching about someone asking for help with learning the game?
YouTube. That is the only tuturiol
There's literally nothing you can do right now except keep playing. You just gotta keep getting your ass beat, then taking your busted ass to training mode and figuring out what it was that was killing you and find counters for it. You gotta learn frame data so you can punish correctly and know when you're plus and when you can and can't swing. And then you just gotta slowly start looking out for flowchart players, and then remembering what strings you can duck, which ones have lows you have to parry, and slow ones to interrupt. But then you also have to remember that movement is important so you also have to practice back dashing and lateral movement. You really have to take it one step at a time
try blocking
Don't play a dog shit meme game like tekken. Play a real fighting game like kof98 or sfa2.
shut the fuck up retard, if he's willing to learn he's cool
I wasn't at all complaining about the learning curve, I just wanted to get better.
I want to have some fun and I like chloe a lot regardless of her status. Even if she was the worse character and a joke I would still pick her.
You seem angry for no reason and you are assuming too much. Take a couple deep breaths then come back.
Why would you interrupt a slow low like snake edge? Wouldn't it be better to just block and punish with a launcher?
Because he shouldn't ask for it but learn it himself. He has google. He has youtube. Only retarded zoomers and desperate friendless adults reply with unironical spoonfeeding, it's fucking disgusting. How are people supposed to grow if you hand them everything on a silver platter? Literally braindead modern faggots, that's who.
>but muh gatekeeping
Good, gatekeeping exists for a fucking good reason. If you can't see that then you are a pathetic human being. I blame your parents.
>wake up
>kiss a man
>pray to my christian god to banish all demons
>run to my bathroom, punching the mirror with my right hand
>"forse ho esagerato"
>boot up PC and get ready for some hopkicks
>ask the Claudio discord if there's any new tech
>"obtain italian citizenship"
>start up Tekken 7
>spend 3 hours trying to perform the most optimal hopkick combos
>damn that iwr2 finisher!
>time for some ranked play
>select my favorite custom, the one with the mafioso suit and the pizza
>first match against an Eliza, a filthy demonic temptress
>I wont fall for such tricks
>start the first round with a hopkick, the best move in the game
>of course it lands, an uncalculated safe move
>make quick work of her, she couldn't stand up to my barrage of wr2s and hopkicks
>hey what is that red bar icon on the bottom right?
>whatever, it's time for my win animation
>"Niente male"
>for whatever reason she losequits, what a scrub
>he'll stay a blue rank forever, but soon I'll be in brawler where I rightfully belong
>that's enough ranked for today
>check out the claudio discord before I go to the local gay bar
>someone from another server complaining that Claudio hopkicked his punish
>eventually he gets tired of all the DAHs and leaves
>mamma mia
Any other homosexual italians ITT?
yes, it would be
>loli character
>how do I play fighting games guyz xP
back to plebbit
Well first of all it's not a part of a string. But yes, it's slow enough to react to, so block and launch it.
I just mentioned snake edge as an example, any slow low you should block and punish accordingly if it's unsafe.
You should honestly not play Lucky chloe like a retard and pick up a real character like a mishima
>Tekken became a zoomer competitve fest with 7
>As such everyone talks only about gameplay
>tekken only has realistic characters
You can try suicide.
no u
YungP has a really solid guide to Chloe on youtube that goes pretty in depth on how to use her.
Hit them with d/b 4 until they punish
I love these