Other urls found in this thread:
clang clang
wow they copied berserk again
heh, maybe i'll break a sweat this time
Are there any XIV streamers along the same vein as Asmongold, aka, popular and influential?
Is ShB even going to be a blip on the radar when the massively innovative and groundbreaking 8.2 patch drops for BfA?
Is there any chance XIV is even going to survive past August when Classic buries this pile of trash for good?
Didn't think so!
What the FUCK was that!?
Sip yep
This will get 5 yous
Well no but if you want "same vein as Asmongold" as in an actual retard moron bitch, there's Laurryzaur and Drakenstein
i just dont get why people cnat be original
theyre dead
NIN isn't even necessarily meta for pure efficiency. People jerk off over trick attack but NIN's personal DPS is low enough to make up for it.
The thing destroying the game is parse culture and people prioritizing getting gold over the actual clear. This is what's causing NIN to be a forced pick.
How hard would it be to get from 64 to 70 fisher by the time early acess launches without leves?
b-b-bros... new chapter with Casca before the end of this decade...r-r-right?
More like patch eight point poo tbqh
Giant swords in fictional video games? Woooooow
>People jerk off over trick attack but NIN's personal DPS is low enough to make up for it.
In Stormblood, yes. In Shadowbringers NIN does as much DPS as any other job but ALSO still has trick attack.
where's the khloe album
>implodes your raid community 3 days before expansion launch
Really makes you think
>bullying Larry
Really are we doing this? He's a goof but he's wholesome.
all i have is khloe_lewd.ttmp
>place truly immovable rod in front of crystal tower
Easiest raid of my life.
And Lamimi died never getting to handle Arbert's loins
You right, GoldenTot is the actual retard one and his face looks like shit.
where is the proof? we lost dripping we probably suck now
your potencies got buffed out the fucking ass to make up for it.
Redpill me on ninja, I was planning on going summoner but nin looks just as fun
name one giant sword before berserk
my dick
Post your DRK theme
you're underage, so not before berserk
try again sweaty
All of the high end World Prog/Speedkill groups are being ripped apart by a crossdressing autist who stole someone's e-girlfriend.
Fellow female Lalas, what are you playing in Shadowbringers?
nice this means i have a chance at world first Titania creampie
Ninja is fun and satisfying, you have fast paced gameplay, combos and positionals. Mudras are fun. Flashy animations. Good rhythm. I love NIN.
Go to bed, Fold
Why do you, me or any of us care?
Larry's a dumbass
Uh I doubt it?
Debuff bot with loads of ogcds and a permahaste to make up for slightly lower than average potency combos
Also you can make a hurty smoke cloud and *teleports behind you*
no wonder the bleeding edge scene in this game is shit on by the rest of the players
He's a reddit tier generic c@boi and actually pretty good at the game so it's natural Yea Forums hates him
Kinda yeah but I find it hard to hate someone who is just so unashamedly retarded and just wants to have fun. Of the XIV youtubers the ones I find the most insufferable are Mr Happy.
roxas is a tranny
Roxas isn't the e-girl. Roxas is a crossdresser that hates trannies, and stole another raider's girlfriend.
Ah shit, now it will be hard to make a choice, flashy summons with good aoe or flashy animations with lots of ogcd
GNB potencies seem kind of high for a tank. blasting zone is 700 potency every 30 sec. fated circle is 360 aoe with no falloff every 5 sec
are you retarded
>Threads devolving into discussion on "ecelebs"
Good taste, don't (You) me.
I blame the euros, this wasn't happening during america times.
Do you think the term "raidtranny" is a fucking meme?
why would you want 12 year old twitch spergs playing this game
These aren't even ecelebs. They're bleeding-edge raiders with severe mental issues.
Postan my GNB theme
>tranny insults another tranny
what about it
no one cares about your stupid eceleb faggot fuck off already
God, I want to pin her down and steal that delicious looking drumstick. I want it for myself. Just imagining the succulent taste of freshly cooked breaded poultry adorned in spices makes me absolutely ravenous. She would be completely powerless to resist my onslaught. That chicken would be mine, no question about it.
The weak should fear the strong.
Go to a WoW thread jesus fucking christ
drak is cool though
or he was, dont really watch him anymore
Is this how you try to get the threads deleted now? These are my last (You)s, fuck off.
Seems based desu
>the chad crossdresser vs the virgin tranny
I know that GAF'D and Sloppy are FFXIV memes.
Mr Happy and Work the Game are pretty much retard tier
Larry, Drak, Tate and the group around them are fine their content is somewhat entertaining.
But if you wanna talk quality, Toki Toki Pictures, that japanese group that does these small movies take the cake. Same with denmo when he's not a lazy fart
Seeing as Calloway wasn't called for SHB is that Abby Trott? or has anyone figured out who the singer for SHB is gonna be
S t o p
>game releases friday
>gonna be playing dancer
there's no other option
>roxa un the thread samefagging
dilate tranny
(You)ing you but I agree
gaf'd was an ultros server meme
Guys do custom deliveries give out EXP? Because I won't be doing it if that's the case.
if you aren't capped then yes they will give exp
Fuck. Oh well I'll just get the items ready for delivery then. At least it's easy free exp when ShB comes out.
Bros help me. I'm a hoarder. I have so much shit in my bags and I don't want to get rid of it all. Give it to me straight. Is there any reason I should keep SB alpha/sigma tokens? Should I just fucking vendor everything and call it a day?
just unsynch savage once you are lv 80 and geared lol
might want them for gnb/dnc weapons
otherwise get rid of them
He's the most nothing of that particular group. Kind of boring, quiet, regularly gets targeted by the others because he's kind of a pushover. He's also super chill and has a wife/kids though so I can't really shit on him for being the basic dad.
Who is still going to play SCH?
>there are people in this thread right now who didn't clear ucob in time for shadowbringers
>mfw i just lost my sprout
Fuck, people will now expect to me to be good or something.
you will never be a real woman
Now post your Ifrit EX with 7 DF sprouts synced clear
Just get the requirements for a mentor, put on the crown and people will be pleasantly surprised if you manage to not fuck up.
Probably me because I absolutely fucking despise leveling so since ACN gives two jobs and DPS queues are garbage I'll be stuck playing it to raid
Paladins shall become the best Tank.
It's nice.
U ok retard
few autists that think their ogcd overhealing has any place in the dps meta
Man I remember how hard just Garuda and Titan EX were back when they were originally relevant.
Did EX primals get generally easier because they've felt that way from HW onwards?
Oh fuck I thought I posted that in the other thread.
>FF14 thread
FUCK this game i wish it shut down. Just let Mentaiko go back to drawing!
>people go in their static or fc discord outside of raiding/trials.
player got better at the game
They've become more fair. Early raiding in XIV was wonky as hell
will it be easier to do wondrous tails things by yourself or will it be the same at 80
WHM/Cunny Breaker/SMN
did he start playing?
absolutely based
I will most likely. Sch is fun and I like the aesthetic. It's also getting turbo buffed in the heal department minus the loss of some OGCDs. I'm salty the DPS kit is getting nuked but numbers wise we aren't going to suffer there it's just going to be boring compared to what it used to be. I'm not a parsetranny so I never gave a shit about muh logs, I just enjoyed how it played, being a mixture of healer and offensive spell caster is awesome.
Why is there no Patch Notes, Datminer or LORE NAMES yet? Au Ra had them by now.
no shit dummy, they explicitly say they killed themselves to go to the source and it's been over a hundred years since they went home, they're double dead. I'm sure their ghosts will turn up to punch an Ascian in the face or something later though.
can we just absorb their souls and let them be the voices in our head instead
>mfw i cleared Titan EX wth a DF party
I must be a masochist cause i actually enjoyed it, despite wiping for like half an hour at the start.
I don't remember them being 'unfair', just more demanding on players with less margin for error. If one person fucked up it could very easily screw a run
this is false on every regard
Just start fresh, don't forget to type /uireset
>did he start playing?
He's been playing for a long time, keeps posting about his character on his twitter.
Black Mages got the least changes right?
they got way easier starting with sophia in HW
ravioli, nidhogg and especially sephiroth were tough motherfuckers, the only SB primal that's somewhat challenging is shinryu
i just jerk off to his works never checked his twitter
Didn't think of that, based user.
White Mage or Warrior probably gets the least changes. Consistently boring.
Is this you?
RDM, I think.
There used to be longer latency too
Good taste. He posts some lewds from time to time, found it by accident some time ago.
Despite being such a mediocre series (yes, I said it), the '97 anime has one of the best OSTs of all time.
They got easier because the playerbase got better. Watch a T9 clear and notice how subpar some people played back then.
Early HW really forced the playerbase to step-up their shit in different contents like The Vault, Thordan EX and Gordias.
That's like my inventory only far more organized and clean. Scramble that and you'd see my inventory.
>look up his work
>its faggot shit
I hate u
This is the mindset people should have about playing the game and the job they choose.
Mentaiko plays this and doesn't even give art to it?
>tfw my inventory is full of low level claymores yet i maxed out DRK years ago
>faggot shit
Is it traps or is just straight up hard gay
I dare you to post a picture.
Hard gay men
bara gay dude
Mechanically, Primals got harder if anything. I mean, if you look at Titan Ex, it basically doesn't have mechanics aside from tethered gaols and DPSing that one bomb. By today's standards, that's dungeon boss tier.
He draws art of his character (and some of his friends/pt members i think?) mostly.
I'm sorry user.
>hard gay
I'm not at home or else I would.
Is this the most shilled game on Yea Forums? Is Koji making these threads?
>actually want namazu earrings now
>2 days left
bros.. i'm not gonna make it
>I mean, if you look at Titan Ex, it basically doesn't have mechanics
It has various different dodge patterns you have to remember or die, instant tankbusters that delete tanks at expected gear, constantly ramping up tumults, upheaval, quintuple landslide, yeah no mechanics at all.
Hard gay and also forcing straight guys into gay sex.
>posting this when Mihoyo literally hired a group of paid shills to push that Genshin shit
We do it to annoy you.
that's kinda hot
We did it br/u/hs.
shadowniggers is out in 2 days
meanwhile, smash rosterfaggotry for characters that wont be announced until months from now
If you have 3 friends to run it on blu you can get a tomestone every 6 mins?
Not that user, and barely done any Ex content but even just looking through vids i find Titan (which i have cleared) much easier to remember than Thordan Ex for example.
There were threads made for this game hourly when Shadowbringers was months away.
titan ex, or any of the ARR extremes, are really really simple compared to the later primals
Yoo, they're about to get up to some gay shit after they raid.
>Retainers can't be Squadron members.
All of that is just dodging and dealing with outgoing damage, though. Back in ARR, those things qualified as mechanics, sure, but nowadays, both things are just basic gameplay elements that every battle has in spades as filler between actual mechanics.
What is actually wrong with video game threads like this? You can easily hide it and it's actually about video games and discussing a video game and not extremely loose topics like twitter, Etika or some /pol/ shit.
t. unsync heroes
>forcing straight guys into gay sex
That's somehow incredibly gayer than the aforementioned hard gay bara shit
We made bad art?!
Genuinely curious, but did you ever do any of them while they were still relevant or are you just talking based on having done them massively overgeared?
theyre for the people that dont want to deal with the mentally ill in /xivg/
well yeah, it had multiple fan fests and a media tour with a shit ton of information to discuss
meanwhile in smash threads, banjo and steve retardposting for months
i know you're in here dairocketto
I didn't do all of them, but I did do garuda, titan and ifrit when they were current.
>unsync heroes
I'm actually . I admit i'm in no way a pro, still getting through the MSQ even, i always run things synced, for now at least, this mind change later on if i want to farm something.
Old primals synced are still not the same experience because you're not at min iLevel and a lot of job skills have since changed and been shuffled around
Holy shit I did this too, I was a newfaggot and I didn't know people used PF for that kinda stuff so I just sat in queue for hours every day until I cleared it.
So I am trying to get all my crafters to 60 from 50, right now i have Weaver at 70, Cullinarian and Alchemist at 60, and Goldsmith at 55.
What should I do after Goldsmith?
Yeah, i didn't consider that, my bad. Still find Thordan Ex more complicated.
I cleared all of them back before there were EU servers, so with a cool ~1000 ms ping which made Titan Ex a nightmare. Hell, even Titan HM was something I had to learn by heart to even be able to get out of Weight of the Land.
They still weren't mechanically difficult, at all.
i've been spamming crystal tower raids since I have one sub-70 job that can get exp
if I'm running out of time i'll probably start doing that blu shit
Who else is gay? Trannies not allowed.
i did that with all ARR extremes because i didnt know PF was a thing
waited like 1+ hour for each too, but me and a bunch of other sprouts buckled in and kept wiping until we beat it
me except replace gear with just about every single crafting material in the game
reporting in
>spessmen in a XIV thread
>EU hours
>thread gets gay
Good, male miqote (moon), reporting in
If they are going to add materia 7 and 8, will they increase the success for removing 6? I was able to meld as I leveled during Stormblood because removing level 5 was usually successful, and it seemed encouraged because they gave you lot of materia from quests and even dungeon gear had slots. If it remains at 40%, there's no incentive to meld leveling gear.
Kill all fags.
>Nanjolno sang Wayward Daughter and Sunrise on Journeys
das it mane
I'm not a smoker.
>tfw bi and wanna be gayer but girls won't let me
>it's worse than original
Tier 8 first slot only, tier 7 2nd only, Tier 6 3rd slot only, tier 5 and below anything else.
I would legit play a Hrothgar tank if I wasn't a lonely foreveralone, the look cool as fuck, much better than fuckboy mancats or midlanders.
Cant wait when muslims burn EU to the ground.
but the original is also Nanjolno
I don't get it. Don't some girls like guy on guy.
Right here
>Dress half naked
>Never get whispers
Did Yea Forums lie to me
The only one in control is you, stop letting others control who you want to be.
bi curious I guess but I'm looking into conversion therapy so that I can be free of unwanted wrong thoughts
>tfw you'll never run into that online
shinryu ex is way harder than sephirot
You need a cute outfit to get whispers. Act cool and mysterious too~! None of that emote spam shit.
No such problem here so i'll be good desu.
So male cats are 100% gay huh?
Yeah I wish I could get rid of straight thoughts too, but conversion therapy doesn't work.
Homosexuality is immoral and unnatural
Make cats are 80% homosexuals and 20% selfinsertfags who thought hyurs were too boring.
>European hours
So is living past 30 you retard
>tfw going to an unironic pride event ingame made me strangely comfortable with the whole "being gay" thing
Probably helps that like half the performers were turbogay and memeing about it the whole time.
It took 3 full instance timers to get the OT to learn how to deal with Seiryu Extreme tank swap shit. TANKS ARE DUMB AS FUCK. He kept Provoking then Shirking right away. We could have won within the first instance if it wasn't for this dumb ass, even had macros to tell him when to provoke/shirk.
seems based to me
i wouldve never expected euro hours to be this gay
So, summoner egi glam will be expanded on 5.1 right? will I be able to summon my waifu Suzaku?
>EU hours full of gays
>NA hours full of trannies
dont miss dilating hours sweety
perhaps, I only did shinryu way later because I skipped that patch
>Everything we did...everything we gave.....what was it for?
You'll get ramuh and sephirot at best. And only because they've in in the game files for years.
Pink is a chad color though.
Who's the chad of the caster jobs?
I figured they will probably start with Leviathan, Ramuh, and Shiva.
Also Suzaku is not a primal.
wasn't immoral in many cultures of the past
is natural since it's observed in multiple species
topping parses, getting everyone to adjust for his unmoving ass, has never heard of mana shift
>Based mods deleted and banned all the avatarfags from the previous thread
>Early access is in 2 days 22 hours and 52 minutes
>They won't be here until maintenance starts and we all bail to avoid spoilers
Life is good bros
I did this for garuda for some reason
Neither is AIDS
Pagans are degenerates
>clearly states it may relate to anal intercourse without any decisive factor
>it's prevalent on women
>None of them have posted since they got deleted
I don't have to.
greecs and romans had many gays as well
Why not just make BLM spells all insta cast already.
They do, but that doesn't mean they want to see their man dick someone else
>just pick one or the other, forehead
It's not so simple
kill yourself
I mean link the thread faggot
whats this user
When does maintenance start?
>that kid who provokes after tankbuster castbars rather than during
DRK or WAR I wont really know until I begin. DRK fits thematically but WAR was my first love so we'll see.
I think it's wrong so I want to be cured
>need premium for livestreams
its not fair
>dude my 2000 year old cult determines what is right and what is wrong even though they've backpedaled on literally everything even including homosexuality
>transfer to the "raid data center"
>get this
>Falling for the Aether meme
I assume everyone tried to kill him before mechanic killed everyone.
How is it possible to do such low dps?
This HAS to be intentional
Alright folks SMN or MCH for Shadowbringers?
Also, what's a good way to level some alts? I'm pretty lost in this regard.
How do you wipe on glassy labia
what ugly ui
Dungeons, roulettes, PotD, HoH.
Which jobs are getting in and out of the cuckshed?
>actually doing low enough damage for Glasya's mechanics to matter in this day and age
Hot damn
Thursday, 2 AM PDT
If you choose SMN, you get a healer to 80 at the same time.
If you choose MCH it's mainly levelling from msq. Whereas you can level SMN later using SCH due to faster queues.
That's literally me
>queue for Coil T1 on DF
>spend a literal week waiting for a group
>ask in chat why no one is queueing
>"haha dude just use PF unsynced"
The only jobs in the cuckshed (because we cannot count media tour potencies as factual) are BRD and MCH because DNC voids their entire existence.
Roulettes, PotD/HoH, beast tribe quests and daily hunts for DPS
Spamming highest level queues for healers/tanks
Alright I'll be sure to peace the fuck out by then, the concept of spoilering their shit is completely lost to dataminers.
what did you expect from trannies
I wish NA/EU learned to use PF for practice and Duty Finder Raid Finder for clearing.
There's no other song
Congrats on getting blacklisted because every gilg player in the run is currently uploading the logs and talking shit about you in discord.
Good man user. Fuck dataminers.
Unfortunately you can't trust people in the West.
I didn't even think about the SCH quick dungeon leveling. I mean I'm terrible at healing but it shouldn't be that hard in random dungeons.
Also, not sure what msq means.
Main Story Quest.
I already have my Genesis at 2k/2k.
Is it worth it to run use some genesis and run some dungeons right now for that extra 900 since it's reset day today?
>normal raid roulette
>BRD ask why people with stack marker is running ot the team
>WHM refuses to cast anything but azise and medica II
>DRG who does half the DPS of the MT
Guess its time to just not play till expansion.
>muh decadent western shitters can't do anything, not like my golden folded six trillion times Nippon parse statics
newfag here
should i buy the level boost/campaign complete items
Thanks for moving to Aether.
Please stay there.
Primal is full.
You should spend all of it that you can. It will convert to poetics at a 2-1 ratio so you'll lose 1k if you save it.
having meters on in roulette content is just asking to be let down, for your own sanity turn them off
I actually had more success farming Sophia in RF compared to PF back then. Having the clear as a mandatory requirement saved me from shitters trying to sneak into farm groups in the hopes of being carried.
if you don't enjoy the story you shouldn't play XIV
people shit on the ARR story but it gives a lot of context to things that happen later, and it isn't as painful as people like to make it seem
Why buy a game and then pay extra not to play it?
It's just my experience trying to kill shit in PF, most of the people joining clear parties don't know the mechanics very well.
it wont convert automatically
Is there ever any reason to use Ruin once you unlock Ruin 2?
2's literally 1, but quickcast to boot
the post ARR content is exactly as mind numbing as people say it is and while the other primals are boring but serviceable the lead up to Titan is completely inexcusable
>level boost
no because you still need to do low level content that will sync you down to that level
>campaign complete
no because then I have to deal with you in late game trials not knowing what to do in the slightest
There won't be anything to spend it on come Friday. It doesn't matter if you hold it, all the shops will change to poetics.
My problem isn't that they don't know the mechanics, its that people don't speak up about it. They go in pretending like nobody is going to notice them fuck up the fight and have 7 others carry their weight.
Fuck this thread
Don't force others to carry your clueless ass for skipping the whole leveling process and trials
MP used to be more of a concern, you would run out spamming Ruin II instead of Ruin.
Other than that, not really. Ruin will be replaced by Ruin III eventually, which does more damage.
It's probably a party of 10 to 20 bots trying to farm the moogle tomestones. See them all the time in Syrcus Tower, and if you get enough in one raid stupid shit like that can start happening.
400 shit for main if you lagging behind. 400 shit for alts.
>mained pld since pre heavensward
>always wanted a gunblade user
>finally getting one
>but they made pld hype as FUCK in shadowbringers
>all those flashy new skills
>dont know which to main
its not fair
The data available proves that to be the case, yes.
>reading comprehension
Having fun, bros?
That's because admitting to not knowing anything usually is an instant votekick, so they'd rather take their chances.
Have you considered suicide instead? It'll be more entertaining than either of those abominations you suggested.
>babys first expansion
How do these people avoid learning what a stack marker is?
SAM if you like damage
Why does Yoshi dress his Lala so lewdly?
what site is that
Do you want to get to do content with other people? Then MNK
>mfw i'm on Lich
Should i even bother trying them?
GAF'd was ZR masquerading with the GAF tag and pulling every hunt on the server early.
I cannot comprehend this thinking. Buy a game to play it, pay a monthly sub for it and then pay extra to play less? The only reason to ever get the ARR boost is if you want an alt but even then its questionable.
I mean, if you join a party that expects you to know mechanics and then you come out and say you don't, I daresay it's reasonable for them to kick you, yes.
Maybe those people should join a practice party instead and actually fucking learn the mechanics before lying about having done so.
SAM is fun
Server doesn't matter for raids, those servers have the biggest percentage of new players.
Reminder that Nidhogg should be a mandatory fight because it introduces stack markers at a casual level.
>Tags: Stomache bulge, cumflation, group sex
Aside from weapons, tanks all use the same gear so it’s not like it’s going to take you very long to gear both up. Just play both.
What makes a good game for streaming
lack of downtime transitioning from one match/dungeon/activity to another? lack of screen clutter? ability to track what is even going on?
Nidhogg is a mandatory fight, though
most statics are cross-server
I don't think I'm gonna make it bros...
>Nidhogg should be a mandatory fight it not one already?
SAM is guaranteed to be fun since it already is and barely changed. MNK might be fun in ShB, but it's not looking very promising right now; you're taking a chance.
It is mandatory fight, but you still have some people standing outside the stack marker because stack marker doesn't kill anymore if not everyone is stacking.
not for jump potion fags
I mean for story skippers.
What's your favorite Xaela tribe? I'm partial to the Kagon and Dalamiq.
How do you feel about Rowena soon having the power to travel and sell in other dimensions?
Dude those EX have like 3 or maybe 4 attacks, i remember the headache that were susano and shinryu with that low level gear the first day
What the fuck are you playing on?
How many more hours till start of maintenance? Did someone make a countdown?
i got this on my fucking laptop what kind of windows 98 computer are you on
>tfw Zalera
wat do
>loading time
what the fuck did you do
Fuck roasties
Fuck thots
and most importantly FUCK TRANNIES
no early primal literally had no mechanics
>Total Loading Time: 592 seconds
>implying she doesn't have this already
Rowena is the true final boss of the game. Calling it now. 7.0's last Ultimate will be Rowena Ultimate.
Susano was not hard first day. Shinryu yes, but not Susano unless you were stuck with DPS who couldn't DPS
commodore 64 tape deck limitations
Aside from Shinryu and maybe Tsukiyomi, I thought the SB Ex trials were extremely easy. Like Seiryu is a fucking joke and you have to be brainded to wipe against Byakko. That said, Susan and Suzaku were both really fun fights mechanically.
>mfw i had people with the marker die cause they were running away from the group
I also got blamed once cause i tried to go near him to mitigate the damage.
>everyone looking at you in disappointment
alright boys calm down it was just a question thanks for answering
Just hope you get matched with Balmung, they have the most clears on Crystal.
That poor down syndrome viera
Some people just couldn't adjust for clouds or don't notice when they have lightning.
An AMD processor
>DRG is my favorite melee DPS
>outdated class with outdated design such as animation lock jumps, which will be a problem no matter how fast they make them
>shit potency even though there's not much group support they provide in shadowbringers
>it needs a complete rework but they'd rather make new shit store glamours or ban people for petting lalafells
>tfw midgardsormr in df
are you guys ready for dps / healer to be the job on need while everybody bandwagons gunbreaker until they learn their place and go back to sitting in limsa for their queue to pop?
You could have just said Viera
What quest was this from lol
>he felt for amd meme
they never learn
at least work to game never ruined a boss fight for an entire patch with a shitty incorrect guide.
Yes, I'm ready to get the most shit players run GNB in roulettes and make my life miserable.
You knew what was going to happen when you rolled a lancer. We all did.
there wont be any tank influx. only people who are playing tank now gonna do it in shb.
That roe is on point though
that scholar looks like she's in the middle of ripping a fat shit
>implying DNC isn't going to be the most popular job in the game
The Bio Doma turn ins.
I think you get this after 2 weeks of doing it
the pseudo mudra system alone is enough to scare casuals away
Paladins look fun for dungeon running now. Physical aoe combo, and aoe spells for requiescat.
what kind of bullshit elon musk future tech laptop are you running on
>jump high into the air and crash down on an enemy with your spear like a human missile
>deal less damage than a SAM's second combo hit
its ok user i already play tanks ill probably be aggressively average
Imagine the smell
That's probably the most insulting part.
I get extremely high on an MSI laptop from like 2016. XIV doesn’t seem to be a very resource intensive game.
I found it funny that a lot of tanks just died to the random autoattack tankbusters that Susanoo had in phase 1.
Maybe the game needs more of those.
Don't worry, you'll also get shit DRKs too like me for example.
Are any of you friends with (unable to retrieve)?
I have them on my list but I can't remember where we met.
It will be like in HW when DRK was new. For a while GNB is going to be filled with shitters and then they realize they dont want to tank and go back to healer or dps
Laptops nowadays are running a little bit under clocked PC GPUs.
where the hell is this benchmark tool?
>extremely high
It means they deleted or moved to a different data centre
Nigga I got extremely high on my 4 year old gaming laptop. XIV will run on a goddamn toaster. It runs on a fucking PS4, that should be proof enough.
I got a Sager lappy with a 1060 in it and i used it as my gaymen compooter for two years
battery aint worth shit but i like it
>lose all ability to dodge when playing ranged DPS vs melee
>my OGCD should be nuking harder than a combo
Pulling all those Gs on those jumps seems to have affected your brain
god i wish i could accept it
Ffxiv didn't prune their classes into a 3 button rotation so it's not as streamable
Are you joking, the line pattern, the constant movement, the so on the limit dps.
Honestly, if they want healers to spend more time healing that's the easiest way to do it.
isn't that a highlander?
Are there any hidden gem questchains in Stormblood I should make sure I've done before it ends?
*blocks your path*
It's live.
>all this time
>paladins still dont have proper scabbards for their swords
>running o6s after weekly removal
>Larry joins on a dps caster(cant remember)
>tranny "friend" recognizes name and spergs out trying to get him to join vc for strats
>larry politely declines because "lol o6s"
>larry wrecks for 4 pulls. Tftp and leaves
>tranny sad he didnt wanna vc with "her"
Larry is so based.
yeah but tanking looks easier than ever so I doubt as many will switch back. absolutely a healer in need expac for once I think
No, compared to other day 1 expansion primals he was pretty easy.
As long as your party wasn't made up of idiots who don't pay attention and are actually capable of playing their jobs, the mechanics are straightforward
the more we get closer to ShB the more I'm missing SB
goodbye SB, you were by far the best but no one understood you
I wonder who their vocalists are going to be for the songs with vocals
>rez mage
>lowest DPS job
Some of those swords are so retardedly huge that a scabbard for them would make you look absolutely ridiculous
I missed out on Stormblood launch but I remember randoms having a lot more trouble with Bismark EX than Ravana EX somehow. Personally I think Ravana had a lot more going on to deal with in the fight.
How much of a wall was Ravana when HW first hit?
>moving goalposts
In fact you just proved me right by acknowledging that you can have high potency oGCD skills while still keeping total pdps low.
Am i the only one that synchronizes casting Fleche while charging with Corps-a-Corps even if its less dps
>>lowest DPS job
That would be NIN.
easier than susano
newfag thats gonna get into the game soon. whats a good starting class that is good in both groups and solo?
Unlike HW DRK, GNB won't brutally punish shitters for fucking up their resource management, and all tanks will become melee DPS jobs with "reduce damage taken" oGCDs in ShB.
Normal Ravana? Not very, if more than half the group was alove for most of the fight you could easily pass the enrage.
Nothing is good solo
A joke. People solo healed it with AST during 3.0, and AST was considered unplayable shit back then due to their ass potencies on everything. That should tell you how much of a joke that fight was.
I always felt it was this way with Garuda EX during ARR.
I think it's because both Bismark and Garuda were the first in their chain and thus they filtered the shitters from the harder EX primals.
Isn't it SAM after ShB? NIN looks like they'll get a faster rotation now
groups still wipe on both to be fair
White Mage
>gunbreaker has fuck all for mitigation
>instead they just shit out absurd amounts of damage with their ogcds and cartridge combo / skills
youre not fooling me yoshi this is just a dps class
Makes sense I suppose.
their journey will end on 67 in doma castle, when they will literally start getting kicked.
>absurd amounts of damage
my condolences
Why the fuck would SAM have the lowest DPS when it is literally designed around only having high DPS and no raid utility?
hos is beast when off tanking
I wonder what the chances of both the gun based jobs to be in the shed for the majority of 5.x
Titan got way easier after they fixed the servers so people didn't have to play with an extra 200 ping on top of what their already shitty connection
Because the devs are incompetent.
Since when did faggot mage get higher DPS than ninja
>my shitty 2 button """"combo"""" should be dealing more damage than iconic class ability with a fucking cooldown
Lorelet here
Is Baldesion a Sharlayan or someone else entirely?
All jobs can solo stuff when the game wants you to solo stuff, same for group content.
it's actually the worst of the OT mitigation abilities
sincd they buffed potencies on every other dps job
It's Galuf from FFV
>While Sam gets a 800 potency ogcd
It always did. You know, because NIN was always the lowest dps job to balance out trick attack.
Yeah but in this game, is he a Sharlayan?
Was this in the Eureka cutscenes? I skipped all that shit because Pazuzu was up.
True. These are the same devs that think SMN should do more damage than BLM for the majority of the expansion, and still keep them doing more damage than MNK for some asinine reason.
>the job whose entire existence revolves around DPS shouldn't have combos that do more damage than my one ability
Ok retard
They could buff the potency to 6 gorillion and you dense fucks would still find a way to die and bitch so it's irrelevant.
>cartridge combo does fuck tons of damage and has a ogcd tied to each stage of it essentially being a 6 skill combo
>2 dots on a fucking tank
>30 second ocgd for 700 potency
>other cartridge skills being usable any time
>you get one having 550 potency single target
>easy as fuck to generate cartridges
>implying this probably wont be the highest dps tank in the game by a fair margin
Every job can solo normal content that you're supposed to solo (quests etc.) well. If you're thinking about soloing outdated content and other stuff you technically aren't supposed to, Red Mage and Paladin are both good at that, and both are desirable in groups.
>requires resource
Try again.
The combos barely changed, they just added another Midare via Tsubamegaeshi which is another channeling.
They still need to slowly build up Sen anyway. Meanwhile NIN will probably faceroll shit on top of having Trick Attack
because dots + auto attack pet
>literally 1k less dps than other tanks
That stuff will cost poetics you fucking retard
Post characters
>gunbreaker has no aoe enmity skill like flash / overpower / unleash
>their aoe skills are purely potency
i have a feeling theyre going to struggle in dungeons hard
So Students of Baldesion are like a subdivision of Sharlayans.
>requires a resource that is always present in abundance and is a part of your basic rotation
You can deal more damage overall than have a shitty second combo ability doing more damage than a fucking dragoon nuke while DRG isn't exactly very supportive as well, retard.
Goddamn i want me some spicy pulled pork.
I'd say intervention is worse. Sure you can buff it by blowing your CDs but you can't do that constantly, plus it lasts a shorter time and doesn't get the shield effect that HoS has. Nascent Flash might be worse too depending on what the regen effect is like.
BLMs just need to get better at standing still.
>april build numbers
I think it will be more common now for decent tanks to outdps bad DPS
You don't do any damage outside of your Continuation.
Gunbreaker is like if PLD didn't have Holy Spirit spam.
that's like saying DRK should have done the most damage in SB because it was pressing twice as many buttons as the other tanks, GUN will be dark arts 2.0 where you have to do a second rip tear follow-up to every attack just to keep up with monkeys spamming 123
I think PLD had the highest predicted damage which is hilarious since they also have the most utility
oh you
No tank AoE has "increased enmity" anymore, doofus. Only ranged pulls still have the "increased enmity" effect. The idea is that you get shitloads of enmity just by turning on tank stance and then doing anything.
Are you stupid?
They're like the intelligence and research division of the Scions yeah
Red mage is so grotesquely overpowered, its one of the most hideous mistakes of XIV aside from firing Tanaka and ruining his grand vision.
is that not a thing anymore then? paladins arent relegated to flashbanging their enemies to get a decent aoe lead anymore?
push the tank stance button, problem solved
You don't deserve it. Cry more, baby.
Potencies are nice and all, but there's a hidden job multiplier that is different for each job so you can't just straight up compare them between jobs. GNB could have 1000 potency on the first part of their basic combo and still do less damage than AST.
For what it's worth, though, I agree that it seems to be designed to be the high DPS tank, at least compared to other tanks.
I'm not the one crying when people kick you for "MUH SUPPORT IS MUH DEEPSXD" and not even pulling your weight, lmao
>DRG isn't exactly very supportive as well
>Battle Litany
>Dragon Sight
Come ShB you'll have more support than fucking BRD
Considering how simple their rotations are, and the fact that they can't gimp themselves with tank stance anymore, I think it's going to be a depressingly common thing for tanks to be the highest dps in a lot of fights
>The idea is that you get shitloads of enmity just by turning on tank stance and then doing anything
wasnt that the point of shit like shield oath and then total eclipse spam would be nowhere near enough enmity gen to keep aggro on aoe pulls without some flashes
>>more damage
>>more mobile
>>more utility
>>swiftcast raise
>>get another job completely free
wew lad, talk about flying under the radar. when people are talking about Chad classes they really ought to bring up the arcanist pair more often since they fit the literal definition, just straight up born better than the competition
>more support than fucking BRD
Still mad de su.
at level 20 maybe
yep, fuck flash. seems the intended way of aoe pulling now is tank stance + total eclipse
Whoa you mean things that are part of the job contribute to their massive damage?
>check act
>turn off tank stance before the boss to let shit dps know that they are really bad
The DPS will be DRK > WAR > GNB > PLD.
Yes the idea was that you build enmity with Flash and then deal damage with Total Eclipse but they are walking that back and just having all your aoes do damage so Flash is gone and Total Eclipse is your new aoe aggro skill that you get at like level 10.
>tbn cost resources, can not pop and you get cucked since shield is so strong(will only get stronger as your drk gears up)
>NF=10% mitigation with slight hp regen from war attack(free)
>intervention, cost resources. Hands down best if both tanks are sharing a tank buster
>heart of stone, its free. 15%mit ->brutal shell added
Gotta say minus warrior, all of them are pretty tits. Tbn will probably be a problem child, with intervention being the best when pali is sharing tb. Hos is just hard to fuck up though and its really strong for the cost of nothing.
>turn off tank stance before the boss
>pull boss
>have no aggro lead
>dps pulls because retarded opening burst
>team wipes
good job ape
Being a chad isn't about competence, it's bout confidence, and both book jobs attract by far the biggest whiners in the game. They are actually the most virgin jobs in the game.
What if in 6.0 every tank got a revive?
Wouldn't we be able to have harder 4 player content then because then there are two potential revivers in every party?
PLD has the highest raw total potency for their rotation but DRK has the most OGCDs to fit in the raid buff timings so they edge them out slightly in a raid setting. PLD will probably do more dps in dungeons but DRK will be better in raids. Speaking of raids, take both of them and leave GNB/WAR in the shed where they belong
>mandatory pick in prog
Yeah definitely fair and balanced. Red Mage needs their raise taken or it should have a cooldown. It infringes upon and eclipses Summoners identity and utility. For such an easy and brainless job it has no business being as powerful as it is.
>TP is gone
>physical classes can spam aoes endlessly now
>mages eternally btfo
its time for the reign of literally anyone but mages and its delicious
Wagefriends, how many days off did you get for shubbybubbers?
I got 5.
Plebs are going to be doing Squall cosplay for their GNB glam, real Chads are going to do Lightning cosplay
They will cost Mana now
Fuck that. Rezes are already way too good. They should be healer only and weakness should last the entire fight.
Is there a list of stuff to do at endgame somewhere?
Done some roulettes but dont really know what else there is
>bro just optimize uptime for weeks on a fight for top parses!
cretin smn is better on new fights
>Join any Omega group as RDM
>Doing more damage than anyone else
>Including the SAM
How do people manage this?
>real Chads are going to do Lightning cosplay
real chads are going to be making their own character instead of being a cosplay faggot
t. someone that farmed 40+ runs for the fucking skallic coat of fending
Tanks are the largest whiners in the game are you fucking kidding me?
WAR literally pissed and moaned so hard the developers had to take action, DRK has been endless tears and bitching since their introduction. Paladin whining about their story never ends either
Seethe more mr McDonalds hat RDM
>massively innovative and groundbreaking
Sure thing, champ.
Got a comp day on Friday for working late like a month ago. Then I have the 4th and 5th of July off as a holiday weekend as well.
their job alone isnt enough to raise their dps people say SAM is the bigboi selfish dps yet 99% of SAMs dont put in the extra effort to actually work their dps
>Taking off time during an MMO launch.
They never learn.
Enjoy wasting your precious holiday time sitting in a 5000 man queue after the servers crash every 5 hours or so.
nah it's fine, it's literally impossible for WAR to not be the best tank. they'll get buffed in a couple of weeks
>farming garbage buttcape
animefag retarded as always
>SMN is better than RDM in every way except not being able to instacast rez
>in a game where if you have to chain rez you're probably going to enrage anyway
>meanwhile SMN has way more damage, more utility, and even easier MP management
what is it with SMNfags and being the bitchiest of all DPS
why are you all the DPS equivalent of SCHfags
Can't wait.
>not liking the skalla gear
its one of the best looking gear sets for every class in the game
It so far has the lowest DPS on paper of the three by a larger margin unless there's a lot of changes from the media tour.
>Always get what they want
How are those Egi glamours coming along user? It's only been 6 years since they were first requested, I'm sure it'll be any day now.
I am looking forward to it.
My static will all be online in vc running shit together, shooting the shit
Half of us are rushing msq while the other half are gonna be leveling new jobs even if servers crash i know we will have a good time. Wouldnt miss it for the world.
Being a petulant child doesn't make you a Chad. It makes you obnoxious.
Kill yourself SMNigger
They have some of the best mitigation of tanks, the fuck are you talking about?
Why is she so cute
they need to just hire whoever designed them to make all the gear in the game
Nice job posting one.
Being a petulant child makes someone a WAR
I will always remember this O1S run as the one where I outdpsed a shit SAM as a DRK. I was a shitter back then too, sure, but at least I wasn't as bad as him
Keep coping, nerf bat is coming.
The job already has significant confirmed buffs at e3.
This is true for WAR. PLD got cucked for the entirety of HW so they had plenty reason to whine. DRK only complains about being boring to play which is valid.
>pld has near half of gunbreakers total mitigation in 1 skill
>gunbreakers mitigation has long as fuck cooldowns
>some of the best
I never understood the appeal of doing end game in MMOs. I just do the regular content every patch then go play other stuff. It's not very fun learning the dance routine of these fights, there's no real PvP to stomp people with your high level gear either so it just makes you more efficient at doing content you've already done.
>best mitigation of tanks
As someone who played WAR in SB because of how good they were I wish that wasn't true but I expect it to happen
Their mitigation is better than WAR and DRK.
The GARO one does but that's about it.
It's what I'm going to brutally sodomize you with. I'm going to shove an entire fucking suit of armor up your ass.
Thats fair i dont really understand the appeal of doing the "normal" content. Its a given you will clear it. Who cares about getting better gear if the content doesnt call for pushing your jobs limit to get a clear. Its just not for me.
Then don't do it?