crying squid edition
Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom
Skylar & Plux: Adventure On Clover Island
Slipstream (race)
crying squid edition
Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom
Skylar & Plux: Adventure On Clover Island
Slipstream (race)
Kill all trannies
>1 hour and 50 minutes remain
So it's a LP?
Reminder not to bully anyone in the speedrunning community and everyone is welcome to come and have fun!
When's mahvel
Keep being triggered buddy
this game looks really fucking comfy
Why are there so many Transgender runners?
40% will do it for you.
Oh god, I didn't realize how long this was.
Do any of you actually run any games? Am I the only one here?
I'm gonna watch Metroid Prime VOD!
Reminder that MSF:
>provides medical supplies and treatment to ISIS fighters
>provides food and water to known terrorist cells
>provides food and medical aid to migrants attempting to illegally enter foreign nations
>personally commits illegal human trafficking
>exchanges food, water, and drugs for sex
Let's break 2 million this GDQ!
Why does Super Mario World, a literal 30 year old game, look like it has better graphics than this game that came out last year?
what to do for the next 2 hours? also can the feet webm poster post some more sfw feet webms? I try to develop a fetish so I can get aroused while at work
>pig's sprite is just flipped so his eye patch appears on his right eye when running right and on his left eye when running left
unironically hate when games do this
Speedrunning is naturally autistic
based and redpilled
What are those balloons doing on her chest?
Yeah but I suck.
Where's the tier list I need to watch something that's not shit.
>zoomers actually not knowing about wonder boy in this thread
But I'm a boy
Rate this Run
I run my dick through Samus' ass cheeks.
Is this the awful runs block?
dilate harder discord tranny
I had a HS teacher who got caught with feet pics. He got promoted.
I tried to get into it with Kingdom Hearts 2 but it was super hard. I'll try an easier game next time
I think the problem is that the game looks so easy. You move too fast, jump too easily and everything that has a chance to hurt you is completely meaningless and dies like nanoseconds.
If it's too easy it stops being interesting of fun to watch.
she looks pretty attractive
>rather they make heavy use of make-up and clothing
All they do is throw on stockings. And if they're using make-up they're on track to cut their dick off.
is Tina a He? i don't know anymore
Trany% runs?
That's okay user I suck too. I did a deathless Curse of the Moon run and I still fucked up almost every zip so it took ages.
only 15 minutes in
how are you holding up?
What is this metrovania shit
At least Tina is actively trying to sound like a girl and is already well on her way to looking like a girl, so good on her. But why is it that all the other GDQ trannies don't even sightly try to pass?
nearly every single trap you see have a ton of makeup on them and heavy editing in photoshop. If you would actually see them in real life they would look nothing like htat.
>find a niche game you are interested in
>you and your bro spend hours and hours playing it
>theorycraft and glitch hunt with your bro to get the best time
>your bro becomes a "sis"
>this entire run
>a fucking let's play
Muted stream and watching anime atm
anyone have a link to metokur's stream I can watch instead of this?
spoiler that shit wtf
>game released in 2018
alright let me know when the next game starts that isn't a lets play
this is gay gonna go watch the last episode of dororo now
I will never have sex
I am a pathetic virgin who doesn't understand how to connect with people
I engage in lifting and have the audacity to call it my hobby knowing full well I secretly hope at some point in the future I can declare myself fit and I will also magically become social because this is a fantasy born of the desperation I feel when I hear everyone around me involved in systems I will never understand engaging in the consummation of love that I disdain as slutty because I’m afraid if I can't find a reason to dismiss rampant sexuality I won't have any grounds to lie to myself and say that my involuntary abstinence is in some twisted mangled way a good thing in the end I believe that proceeding down the path of arbitrary engagement will lead to some form of rehabilitation where I slowly overcome my social anxiety but the truth is I choose not to improve for fear that my already existing inability to communicate should not be exposed, and this creates a feedback loop where I find myself unable to involve myself in other people's lives for the very reason I’m insecure in the first place
In the end I am the culmination of the biological desires for a human being to form a family unit and the hardwired drive for sexual gratification mixing with a cultural obsession with pure true love and ultimate selfless devotion to another human being fuelled by an obsession with anime as an outlet for the emotional variety I don't experience in real life
I am a failed human being
I am a failed psyche
This is my fault
>another playthru
Is this runner a real girl? She's pretty cute desu. Sounds like a girl as well.
Trap here. Passing is easy with the right makeup, you don't need to do tons of photo editing.
You just gotta wait for me to keep posting them all. One every thread. Collect them all!
This is a freebie
is that show good? been thinking about picking it or demon slayer or whatever it is up
Just woke up and this retard is still at it. WHAT THE FUCK.
is tina a guy or an ugly woman?
aeris dies, there i just saved you 40 minutes
>Composers: Yuzo Koshiro, Motoi Sakuraba, Michiru Yamane, Keiki Kobayashi, Takeshi Yanagawa
This game's soundtrack is the tops.
>Doesn't go fast
Why is she such a dumb boomer?
It was easy when I was shota mode but that shit fades away once you hit your mid twenties. Had to move from trap to twink.
Tinas arms are kinda... big
keep practicing
you'll get better
I believe in you
>that tummy peek
Twitchniggers' autism way outshines anything Yea Forums can muster.
post grown-up dororo
this is my kind of church gospel, preach it every day while watching femdom POV JOI telling me what a loser I am
They'll do it themselves.
pig girl playing a pig poetic
Upvote if you laugh every single time they say a boss is super hard and then it's easy
I think I got lucky. 26 and still looking 17.
Wow, so based!!!
*leaves doors and windows open*
Making fun of a girl's lunchlady arms is pretty low, user.
haha imagine someone actually being like that haha LOL
shut the fuck up faggot
They don't have a penis, they don't have a vag, they wanna end their lives really fast!
ugly boy becomes ugly girl, everytime
HRT at age 9 or bust
haven't been paying attention this year because i'm not a neet this time unfortunately. anybody keeping tabs on a run tier list so i can have a look at the vods?
I run SM64 because I like that game
I'm pretty sure I'm within the top 150 on when it comes to 120 star but I haven't checked in years
He's got bigger shoulders than the entire group, holy shit.
>Posts fat tiddied Samus
You good taste, so you prolly have good taste in speedgames. What do you run?
I give up. This is boring. Time to plat some video games for about 1.5 hours.
thats me spamming that :)
Ranger X
Titanfall 2
Alien Solider
how many games will you platinum
I love how you can tell who are the most normal people by just looking at their pants
>epilepsy warning
i want to go back...
Any good runs after this? Is it worth staying up?
does the mascot make your peepee hard?
Wow, She's pretty cute desu. But like most trannys she's probably fucking mental.
The asian looks like he has his shit together while everyone else is just fucked up
wtf happend to carl
Some mighty powerful glasses there.
Midna poster give me a good one before I have to sleep
because tina's a real girl, user
imagine the smell
Fuck off, you low test sissy.
why are there commericals in a charity event?
I've followed it for a long time and got casually into it with Mega Man X, but the game that really got me passionate about running more stuff myself was Hollow Knight. From there I dabbled in Bloodborne, Momodora and Bloodstained Curse of the Moon. I'm very much a casual but its pretty fun.
Good taste on big titty Samus, user
also who's the chad on the far right?
>"Yeah, snake's not a fan of metal gear."
haha, oh you~
Here you go user, I'm going to bed relatively soon myself so this is likely my last thread. Sweet dreams!
You just know
its a tranny u dumb fuck, dilate harder bitch ass nigga
is that a tranny again playing monster boy? man agdq is so pathethic jesus christ
>chat réserve aux abonnés
Let me guess, tranny?
Is this the famed tranny?
to make money for charity
uhh guys?
please provide citation
so just so we're all clear, the girl that just needed an audio cue to fight the frog.. she has a penis, right?
Troon aside
Anybody else play this game? It was pretty great. I kinda got stuck soon after you get the lion and get into the sky area. Never saw Yea Forums talk about it when it came out so what just curious.
>poverty chat in gestapo mode
eat shit tranny faggots.
Yes its a disgusting fucking tranny now can you shut up about it
Yes, it has a MUTILATED dick
Sweet dreams to you too, based Midna poster.
there is more then one, yes.
I'm gonna post this again
where is poverty chat?
It was mediocre. Not horrible but it was just plain meh through and through. Something to be said for consistency though, there was never a point where I wanted to turn it off, but when I did I had to force myself to turn it back on cause I just had no attachment to it or wanting to finish it.
She's kind of cute actually, not bad
So when real girls go to GDQ there's often a sex scandal that results. Cheating on their partner, orgies, etc.
Have there been any sex scandals with the transitioned girls?
no i think that would bw superprotomangicalman
this is just A tranny
play "the dragon's trap" instead on PC
ironically the trap game is better and a trap is playing.
Traps aren't welcome tho. They are "anti-trans" acording to last years GDQ. Fred Flintstones got pretty fucking tiggered over it.
Why do you guys even fucking care about twitch chat? Trihex is just spam and you're too poor/insecure to sign up for the official one.
She's cute, I don't care she got a benis. She's /ourtranny/!
Why do trannies ruin everything?
in /trihex
but I guess it makes sense given trihex is a politics streamer now and a far left one at that.
i'm not paying money for the right to TALK in a fucking chat room.
voice is feminine, shoulders not wider than hips, upper arm fat accumulation, no brow ridge, female hairline
>Not having the gamer mark
Isn’t he full on normalfag now?
He looks like he'd rip her in half, rather than helping her dilate.
Then why care? Why do you want to post on Twitch? Genuinely do not get the appeal of having your post lost in a sea of spam.
It's a pretty decent game but it doesn't stand out. It kinda just came out and while it is good enough, it never does anything amazing
Honestly it's what happens when you remake an insanely old game without updating it much.
>paying to type in a internet chatroom
bluepilled post
Trannys also have beef with regular lesbians because most of them refuse to date a tranny. They even got a term they use "T.E.R.F" and they are pretty fucking gaping wound hurt about it.
Game is boring. Runner is boring.
also, if you look at the rules on her channel, "No racist, homophobic, sexist, etc. remarks."
you really think a tranny would fail to add "transphobic" to that list?
unfortunately yea.
kill a tranny for granny
If you told me 9 years ago this was the future of gaming I would have stockpiled a lot more into becoming an hero
>I mean, he didn't kill any of them. I'm sure they're better now that they've been forcibly changed into something they weren't born as!
better make more, fag
>trihex is a political streamer now
>is far left
damn nigga, rip
I think I was a little to liberal with my original praise of the game. "Pretty decent" is much more apt.
Any noteworthy moments this year so far? Many trannies? Any Cringe?
Bring me up to date.
Fucking hell trannies really can not take care of their hair.
He's still mentally ill with fucked up world views, so he'll never truly be a normalfag.
I run meme shit no one takes seriously. Stuff like 1-10 and 1-20 in World of Warcraft.
It wasn't as good as the genesis one.
Metroid Prime 2 was pretty hype. We went through a thread about every 10 minutes for it.
yeah apparently he does a podcast with destiny and now trihex is a total sjw faggot.
like, trans and proud levels of crazy.
She has great lips & eyes desu, also I hope she didn't lop off her dick that shit is horrible.
Tiny Tina is one with THE PIG
Not really. He's a lot more lax than most when it comes to politics, even if he does lean left. Poverty chat is pretty ruthless.
that's the 4D gender id chess game they play. if you play it cool, maybe people will actually think you're a woman.
The two fag trannies commentating during Metroid Echoes were annoying. No more like that SGDQ please.
Guys we need to be open minded and embrace these people... also the furries. just kidding we going back to old lore. Prep your flamethrowers
So is GDQ aware of the fact that their mascot has porn.
How do I stop being a neet piece of shit? I fucking hate this lifestyle so much
Holy SHIT I'm mirin
he likes bernie sanders aka communist grandpa, I haven't seen many twitch personalities regress farther than trihex.
>before, chill yoshi streamer
>now, woke antifa communist
politics, not even once.
One of my friends made $500 in the first 30 minutes of releasing a furry paycomic yesterday. Furries are fucking loaded, my man. You'll never beat them, why not join them?
lol, really how so?
Wonderboy 3 and it's remake did this right. The sword and shield actually stay in the correct hand when facing left or right.
Man, you stupid.
Dude take your reddit posting and leave, you're very obviously a tourist.
Imagine being so incel you accept being a Cosmo rip off for 40k viewers
>check time
>only 40 minutes in
Monster boy looks like a cool fucking game
Why is the first time I hear about it watching a tranny break it?
what the hell
what've i missed in the last 16 hours?
Good, fuck America
>Stuff like 1-10 and 1-20 in World of Warcraft.
What's your best time, user?
Nigga he doesn't even talk politics during games. He's about as inoffensive as they come.
>live in japan
>daytime here is night time there
>I'm only up to watch shit games in an empty room
What are the best runs so far
not a tourist, been here since werster was a runner. but it's true, politics ruins people.
scuffed gameplay
scuffed commentary
scuffed runner
i could have just listened bladee and shitpost like everybody else
Ehh, she passes so who cares.
The beginning of the end
Imagine being so obsessed that you think a charity called Médecins Sans Frontières is American.
Btw, there was a midget arround the last years.
What happened to him?
finding out about trihex the person was actually sad, I thought he was normal and not this communist/sjw/political dude.
it's like he acquired a new persona and became a different person. oh well. just tired of "woke" bullshit, in all aspects of life.
Not with spacing like that, faglord. Nice fucking try
mad because he became successful and dropped a shit tier hobby (speedrunning) to actually grow on twitch
Dead as fuck
damn it, thats the best part of the end...
>have sex
The sad thing is I get lots of sex, with different girls. Just no girl is willing to be loyal and stay with me. That would be the thing to really insult
This, but it was a few seasons ago. It would be in 4th if it was on the current season's leaderboard.
better question is what happened to Big Nig?
He's still associated with GDQ, he'll show up soon enough.
he went from a speedrunner to a normie and the most awful kind (political commentary). not just that, a communist/socialist. as I said, politics makes people infinitely worse.
>have the exact same issue
GDQs are garbage in this time zone.
It is American idiot, it stands for Medicine San Francisco Frontier
He's been woke on Twitter for years though
Christ i hope not in this case. What is this fucking shit? Where are the record runs? All I see is “estimate” times. Aren’t speedruns supposed to be the opposite of casual fuckery?
the entire world is politics, stop living in your neet bubble of pixels and anime, and experience the outside world freak
Yea Forums got him confused with warwick davis
How was uncharted?
What midget? Never seen one before
is that with level scaled blue items or on a fresh account?
Is that blue shirt (?) guy from years back still going to GDQ?
Roundish head, wore glasses, laughed at everything. Supported all the runners when no one else showed up. He ran some dolphin game on the sega (Ecco?).
old trihex > communist trihex
I blame his gf, probably indoctrinated him with stupid shit
Oh yeah completely forgot about him. Where the fuck is Megamind?
hey alright user thanks for letting us know
How new are you to these threads? He was literally in the last one.
His run is actually 3 runs from now
There are 2 types of people in this world Yea Forums. Speedrunners who have blown Cosmo Wright and Warhammer 40k players. Which are you?
why isnt the game in the schedule or am i blind?
It's 1-10 w/ heirlooms. No heirlooms is approximately twice as long. I haven't speedran it since before they introduced level scaling though, so it's probably changed up a little bit since then, now that you don't need to go along mob level paths.
user you are really obsessed with politics.
I unironically enjoy the 40k theories podcast
Cosmo would blow me not me blow him ok?
Also I recently learned that he is a literal manlet
Narci is cute af though.
This run is comfy.
i'm not, i'm just pointing out that trihex is not the same person I saw years ago doing a fusion dance. he's a politics faggot now.
>Narci is cute af though.
>narci will never speedrun your penis
hosting poverty chat, someone asked "is that a trans person?" and the mods banished them.
>no questions in woke communist land
>i'm not
No you really are dude, you've been rambling about Trihex and his political views for ages now. You're clearly upset about his political views being different from you and its upset you to a staggering degree.
Whats up with this guy?
Why do I constantly smell my fingers while watching speedruns user? Is it an anxiety thing or something?
No it isn't you fucking psychopath
Good luck
quit samefagging cosmo
he looks like he lives under a russian bridge
god what?
Jordi is that you?
>Narci is cute af though
Dude, it's count Orlock in a wig. Cosmo got bit.
Boring as fuck.
He's hosting the poverty chat but unlike past years, you aren't allowed to criticize anything or you'll get purged for being a "bigot". It doesn't upset me, it annoys me how libtards force you to accept their mental illness as "normal" without critique.
retard cosmo thought they could stay away yet here they are in here now. Imagine losing so fucking bad you think you're a woman now. You're too much of a bitch to go back to speed running.
I think I've been hanging out in these threads too long I'm starting to recognize who some of you posters are
>It doesn't upset me, it annoys me
user come on now, have some self awareness
Do trannies hate other trannies that pass, like the cute girl that's running right now?
>Narci is cute
Abomination that killed warhammer and filled it with ponyfags and kids
Do real girls hate other real pretty girls? Yes.
delete this please
oh fuck
well i'm trying to chat with other people and if I ask "is that a trans person?" I will be banned for a simple question, because how dare I not accept the guy in a dress is a girl.
>poverty chat is in Trihexs stream
>you've been rambling about Trihex
New fag?
what's wrong?
maybe all the tranny shit has desensitized me but that looks normal
No because their brains are male and they don't think like women.
>yo dawg memes in donations
2007 called.
dont turn around
The kitty is fine right?
lol at all you dumb Yea Forumstards with the same old recycled jokes, /srg/ says hello btw :^)
its in a wheelchair now but gets pizza everyday
I'm just never on twitch outside GDQ, its such a shithole of spam. There's nothing appealing about it to me. But hey if you guys want to post in your based and redpilled chat (UNTIL YOU GET BANNED THEN HES A COMMIE REEEEE) more power to you.
The autist trying to join in was kind of funny but nothing is wrong. It's just fun and BFG DIVISION
i don't remember in the past GDQS being rampant with trannies
>Trihex moderator admits its because gdq is pushing trannies
Ok new poverty chat where?
Can you post adult midna
Yeah that'll happen, especially in the ESA threads. Kinda comforting, isn't?
where have you been in the last few years?
Do you mean true form Midna? She is an adult in an imp's body, user.
remember those old video games you like... they show the fastest runners of those games as long as they are far left wing pro trans doctors beyond borders.. fuck those science doctors that assume 2 genders
>that's a nix clip. its named after nix, who found that clip.
>Not even joining in on lom's Mario Retardy on twitch
there was always withhelde but there are way more the last several years because of the tranny fad
>twitch chat
go back to where you came from
>specific runners
aka ones emulating women
fucking trannyfest 2k19
>go back to twitch
Where are you watching SGDQ?
Why is no one taking my bait >:(
someone ping me when monster boy is over thanks
I've heard Mario Retardy can be fun but I've just never bothered with that stuff, sorry user. To me all my experiences with Twitch have been chat moving at light speed with emoji spam or whatever the fuck you call it.
Great movie, Boomer kino song.
2.5 million tranny hype
haha wow its another runner with a sarcastic dry sense of humor haha just cant get enough
Yeah that’s what I mean, but you already knew that.
Game looks fun, and runner's doing alright, but this just isn't an interesting speedrun game. Maybe if it wasn't 2 hours, but unfortunately it's about four times longer than it should be to warrant being in a marathon.
How do I ping you?
is this ANOTHER tranny?
What the fuck is the link between trannies and speedrunnniong?
Everything else aside, the game itself seems neat.
fuck you
is it over yet
>wojacks and pepes
Yeah I think I'll go back to imp
>gotta wait until 8pm (10 hours from now) before comfy Pokeymans
Makes me feel like I'm actually having some friends watching this with me. It's a nice feeling.
Mike Uiama
fine :(
>is this ANOTHER tranny?
Stop by July 13th and then every Saturday afterward around 6PM central time and you'll find the thread and link here. It'll be a fun time Midnaposter. Support our based jew by the way and not Yoshit.
Unfortunately its Keizaron but Pokemon games can be fun times. White 2 and Emerald were great runs, and I'm playing Gold right now so it will be fun to play it while the run is going.
Good. Fuck frog and cancer patient rageface newfags.
>born as a female in a male body
>play vidya 24/7
yeah you're not fooling anyone buddy
speedrunning is degenerate
I feel like she could POSSIBLY be a real girl just with a bulky build but I honestly wouldn't bet money on it.
Every day we stray further from god.
I wish that disease he got fucking killed him I find him so annoying
Forgot to mention that the chat isn't fast and it's quite cozy
>Tranny running a boring, obscure indie game
Every fucking time I swear
Goose is a retard who didnt brush his teeth for years until they rotted out of his skull so I'm not really sure he's the best judge on this.
I’m 31 and phone posting friendos, I haven’t got much to pick from other than porn and near porn for reaction pictures
If you think that was ever a woman you have strayed from god
how can doctors approve trans shit when they are STATISTICALLY a 40% suicide risk.
Do as he says not as he does
Or a super normie game, Metroid, Zelda etc
>July 13
>every Saturday
I can't promise I'll be free but I'll keep it in mind, thank you for the information nice user.
Doctors hate them too.
It's supposed to be like Wonder Boy 3 the Dragon's Trap which was a pretty good game so it could be. I hate there's been a huge fucking delay on the PC version though because it came out LAST YEAR for the Switch. No fucking excuses for this shit.
MSF is not an apolitical organisation
Agenda > Doctoring
Just like their human trafficking, selling medicine for sex and supporting terrorist cells.
*jewish doctors
No problem Midnaposter. It's usually every week but Lom decided to take a few weeks off for whatever reason.
god I'm jealous of you fucking neets. I have to work and Twitch is blocked there... I miss being able to watch a few good ones. Crash Bandicoot 3, Ape Escape, Super Mario Sunshine today look good. guess this is what being an adult is like
No excuse for the frogs and wojacks dudes, get your act together. That's like going to GDQ and looking/smelling like prize goblin, show a little class here.
TinaHacks her penis
Schizophrenics have a 50% suicide rate regardless of what we do, they still try to treat them.
I've been avoiding this and I think I'll just watch the vids when they get uploaded
What's the tranny situation like this time? Still forced and cringe?
Its more of a plastic surgery thing. They approve it because it's a sterilization procedure.
>WHO designates playing games a lot a health risk
>but not playing frankenstein with your body
the world is insane.
How would GDQ if you donated like $20k at the start of the event, with the message that you'll donate another $20k for every biological female showing tits on stream and/or every time someone says nigger with a hard r
Enji is a miracle of the universe
You just gotta get a more flexible job, user. I've watched a few runs at work yesterday.
Tbh this monster boy game looks super cool.
Why was it not covered at all when it released?
Has 10 times more souls and is more creative than Hollow Knight
>>but not playing frankenstein with your body
Incorrect, they moved Transexuality from mental health to sexual health, still a mental illness different jurisdiction though
I'm still pretty sure tina's just a dumpy female with autism
I just worked a 5 day shift to pay my solo rent. Deal with your own shit.
This is a good thing. Isurance won't cover it as a "mental disorder" anymore. So unless you have a preemium one, no free pills for you.
trans nonsense is a choice that leads to irreparable damage.
mental issues aren't a choice.
They would literally just ignore you and take your $20k.
Have marriage
In would fucking KILL to be at my office right now.
It's going to be 37 degrees today and I have no AC.
>tfw "40%" used to be my online name and still is my account in certain places
>tfw it was a reference to a 2007 Yea Forums meme
>tfw /pol/shitters happened
>What's the tranny situation like this time? Still forced and cringe?
>using an incorrect and old statistic
lmao idiot
play dragons trap on pc
Have commitment
>im saying anything else buy yknow
this fucking guy
>denying hundreds of thousands of dollars to life-saving cancer research to prevent some feeling sfrom being hurt
Sounds plausible.
>what if we made a 2D platformer that played like Maplestory?
who approved this
Blocked, money sent to the ADL,SPLC or some other zionist organisation, blacklisted and on the 'watchlist'
I feel for you anons who have to go to work tomorrow, hope you get some rest. The biggest thing I have happening is a dungeons and dragons session. Wish you well, goodnight and sweet dreams.
this is natural selection at work and trannies are weak and pathetic
good point. i don't get why this company feels the need to block websites, fucking faggots to be honest.
someone give me a PoE build to play while this shit goes on in the background
Have meaningful sex
I can't relate to this post enough, as someone who doesn't have any friends and someone who doesn't muck with discord, it really is a welcoming feeling. I legit can't wait for the late night (US) ESA threads, it's always great.
There is a video game? I've been looking at the top left and vomiting in a bucket, thought that was the game
Post schoolgirl Midna
what was the Yea Forums meme?
Yeah I wouldn’t surprised at all. Also most of the money probably is just enough to fun the executive compensation of whomever runs the charity.
why is the average american so ugly and fat and have no sense of fashion
CI eldritch battery flicker strike
or did they finally make it so CI and EB don't work together? I haven't played in like 6-7 years.
Yes, but schizos aren't lobotomized. Sex change operations are a money grabbing scheme to exploit the mentally ill and their loved ones.
this is probably cringe and faggy but I'm thinking about taking work off Sunday so I can get comfy and watch some of the Chrono Trigger run like old times. it's doubly cringe because the whole event is to benefit Jews but Chrono Trigger is good enough to cancel that out IMO
They don't care about the game anymore, just who is running it.
Okay user, you got it. Have a nice night because sleep beckons.
I've jacked off four times times and ate a whole pan of Hamburger Helper. About to go jack off again and probably die. Been watching the stream nonstop since I have absolutely nothing to do. Being a NEET is so blissful, yet so painful at the same time. I don't fear death; nothing will be left behind.
Aren't Dragon's Trap and Cursed Kingdom supposed to be the "same" game?
They're both reboots/remakes of the series aren't they?
i'd rather they donate the money to sick kids hospital rather than a group that literally helps terrorists.
I'm already playing ED/Contagion, currently lvl 92. It wrecks legions but it's not very engaging. Need something else.
>Yes, but schizos aren't lobotomized.
I mean, we literally used to do that. It took us what, 70 years to figure out it was a bad idea?
There was a copypasta while Gurren Lagann was airing about the budget of the show, specifically that (supposedly) 40% of the budget was spent on the last five episodes. It was posted constantly for a while back then.
Long time watcher, first time donator, donating to a great run for a great cause. Greetings from Germany!
It's probably one of the only reasons I still watch GDQ while it's going. At least there are people here to shoot the shit with to help these dull runs be less terrible.
im not sure but I played a bit of it so far on pc and it's nice, you can press a button to flip between the original game and the updated graphics/sounds which is a neat touch. (goes from updated sprites to old, etc)
no, cursed kingdom is a whole new game
Do it, as a fellow wagecuck just fucking it.
The real cringe in your post is the antisemitism. Knock it the fuck off.
isnt it funny we can barely tel the difference anymore
3/10 Beckys must be seething
oh alright thanks for explaining
I can't believe this exists
I can't believe this makes me erect
>ate a whole pan of Hamburger Helper.
Not all in one sitting.....right?
And it wasn't good medicine. Which is my point.
I have no problem with Trans people but like if you are a fat person who is awkward gay and has long hair just be that. Why you pretending to be a lady?
Dragon's Trap is a remake, Cursed Kingdom is a spiritual successor. Something like that.
>exchanges food, water, and drugs for sex
This is based I'm donating immediately
>Being a NEET is so blissful, yet so painful at the same time
very true. so is having a job, it's hellish sometimes but being active and involved makes you feel much better in many ways. there are horrible days where you're lonely and see girls at the grocery store, and hate your life, but it's preferable to the shut-in neet lifestyle. i was there for years. soon I'll be in a relationship and be able to purchase my own house.
of course I'd rather just be a rich kid, but that's not how the world works. it's not fair, and I'm doing my best. I'll take having my own property in the country, and a cute GF, over being a neet. even if it's an extremely painful struggle to get there.... I WILL get there. life ain't fair.
Nothing wrong with taking a day off once in a while to just relax a bit.
>And it wasn't good medicine.
I mean, it WORKED. But it was like killing a fly with a bazooka, too many downsides.
>I have no problem with Trans people
Imo they have a mental illness and are being forced into the spotlight by intersectionality so I have a problem with "Trans People" not a person who is trans
Stop watching SGDQ.
Take my advice. Time flies and speedrunning is the biggest waste of lifetime.
Sorry for the delay, had some errands to do. Updated for Chasm/Uncharted.
SS: Rygar / Titanfall 2
S: Streets of Rage // Alien Soldier // Chasm: The Rift
A: The Hobbit // Tony Hawk // Marble Madness // Ranger-X // Half Minute Hero // Bloodstained: CotM
B: Devil May Cry // Spyro the Dragon // TMNT 3 // Zombies Ate My Neighbors // Metroid // Castlevania: SotN // Metroid Prime
C: Sonic Generations // DKC2 // LoZ: Minish Cap // Final Doom // Bwaster Master // Solomon's Key // Jackal // Contra 3 // Ninja Spirit // Castlevania // Perfect Dark
D: Portal 2 // Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland // Outland // Contra // Super Time Force Ultra // Timespinner // Castlevania: PoR // Prey // Uncharted: Drakes Fortune
F: Super Mario Bros 2 // Ducktales 2
ZZZ: Borderlands 2
Ω: Metroid Prime 2
met a classmate from highschool, 9 years after graduation, and the nigga has become a speedrunning tranny
wtf is up with speedrunning and trannyism
are people that are into speedrunning more likely to catch a mental illness?
Are you the user that uses diapers and injects heroin?
this tranny think it's doing some witty repartee
but it's really just being an asshole
Half and half.
Move Tony Hawk up one
same, but without the burger
Gross. No.
The irony of this post is fucking palpable.
>I have no problem with Trans people
I do.
a BULLET in the HEAD of EVERY disgusting tranny FREAK
Speedrunners are likely to be autistic and autists are likely to be trannies. Not too complicated really.
I have a problem with anyone whose only personality trait revolves around their sexuality or mental illness
Rygar being that high is a joke right? It was full of shitty donation puns.
looks like we got another one boys
just change dns or use vpn?
>Metroid that low
I fucking knew it was going to be a trainwreck. Glad I went to bed.
whoah shit, scale breaker, the fuck happened during metroid prime 2?
I'm starting to doubt this is a speedrun.
Except the runner, she's cute, CUTE.
Was the tranny Metroid run memes or was it just a normal run with people losing there shit for nothing!
ooh la la look at Frenchy here
Huh, I wonder if he killed himself.
Trans people are literally the most self centered and worst type of people to date. I wouldn't do it again even once
What always happens during GDQ, trannies.
How dare you!!! I have no problem with people who have problems with trans people either. I hate you all equally.
Attention seeking.
What happened with Ducktales?
I don't even want lots of money I just want an enjoyable job doing something meaningful or interesting.
Sadly those don't seem to exist.
These threads just arent the same without the hamsterposter. How can it be that one weeb shitposter carries thw whole thread alone?
Never see nit but my guess is Miles is super shitty at Metroid now, he's trans, run was boring and a dozen problems happened.
This guy fucked a trsnny and is possibly gay if balls touched
Nothing really cringey happened, it was just really, really boring and mad awkward.
Everything that could go wrong, did go wrong.
Also he went over estimate.
The thread has been him, you, and me.
good luck user
They're pretty rare, and doing something you enjoy as a job is a good way to start hating it.
i admire the dude in black's patience and professionalism
i probably would have went off the tranny gave me lip
get gassed
retail is no fun, and all other jobs require you know someone to get in
I wouldn't mind a simple office job but how the fuck do you get in there?
Hey now, don't forget me.
Wait what happened?
This looks pathetically easy.
tranny confusing witty with asshole
that tranny gave him lip alright... like 20 mins before stream
is this man or woman?
What is it about this game where you transform your body attracted the tranny runner?
ha! gayyyyy
you're actually paying attention to this?
>Played on easy for "marathon safety"
>Runner and his buddy on couch were boring
>Still died twice back to back on easy
>Went like 4(?) minutes over estimate, probably would have been over even without the deaths
>Said that was still a good time
I wish she gave me some lip if you catch my drift.
Alright right now looks like a good time for sleep. Goodnight anons!
4:30 over in a 12 minute run.
Office jobs are hell.
Basically figure out what you like, what pays well, and what has meaning and hope you can get two our of three or at least something you like and has meaning that has a bit of upward mobility so you can eventually make 50-80k outside of the city and you'll be fine if you save and invest.
>entirely non-trivial
I hate strongly.
We just don't know.
id definitely let a tranny suck my dick. Id maybe even stick it in the pooper if its that 1% of trannies that actually pass as girls.
But i wouldnt ever mouth the cock or take it in the poopshoot. Thats gay.
If you're not that picky you could just apply at a call center, the roll-over at those jobs is usually pretty high so it's not too hard to get a job there. Otherwise you'll have to get some extra schooling to get some certificates for some software, or networking if you want a more traditional office job.
Where is new thread?
I like working with computers but don't care for coding. But I have no specialist skills like say, accounting or whatever so i'm not exactly sure what to apply for. I don't need lots of money, I just want stability.
100% agree.
Good night, user
So when's Protomagicalgirl?
How do trannies feel knowing they will never be real women? How many years will it take before this generation realizes the colossal fuck up they've made?
>mouth the cock
Thank god
First time watching this shit live. Why are there SO many disgusting trannies? Why is it a thing with speedrunning in general? Where are the cool people Who shower and dress somewhat normal? All there is are fat, disgusting tranny babymen with shit sense of fashion Who spouts cringey comments and disgustingly bad puns
so it is not bestiality when the dog licks your dick
but if it mounts you
thats totally furshit?
>i'd fuck a man
>i'm not gay tho
gdq thread turning into a vocational advice thread because nothing is happening
Probably when they start looking like old men with two water balloons on their chests.
The 40% are actually trying to prevent the world seeing that.
>Where are the cool people Who shower and dress somewhat normal?
You have some strange expectations about people who autistically speedrun video games.
>How many years will it take
not that many according to stats
This is sadly mlderm day Games done quick. We used to watch it for cringe and people would debase themselves while twitch laughed. This is not the GDQ this is a sellout involving everyone who needs an Im special medal, Red Bull and Best Buy. Do not support this. No one support this. Watch and laugh, give your money directoy to doc beyond instead
>giving money to "charities"
Use it to do something good locally instead if you're so inclined.
It actually bumps.... like that thing in your dress