>everyone hated Metal Gear Rising when it came out until MGSV was confirmed in the works
Is this true?
>everyone hated Metal Gear Rising when it came out until MGSV was confirmed in the works
Is this true?
No everyone liked it
It was considered mediocre but had a fun OST until the PC port came out when everyone started calling the greatest action game ever.
Very few people even knew of it until PC release, games being forgotten seconds after release tended to be Platinum's curse until Nier: Automata.
i will never like it
the final product did not in fact allow me to cut anything and instead was just a watered down bayonetta
they should have just delayed it untill 2020 when now we have the tech to make the original reveal demonstration a reality but no
what we got was a shitty angsty button masher
for real though fuck MGR
i hope the same happens with anarchy reigns. it wasn't perfect but it didn't deserve to go out so shittily
it was instantly beloved by Platinum fans and MGS fans alike, literally the only hate it got was well before release when it was unveiled (which didn't represent the game we got anyway).
>All these people making shit up
It was very popular, at least on here. People enjoyed it outside of anyone who shit on it for being too easy.
Why do I see this post and thumbnail every single day? Is NitroRad shilling himself? Who is doing this? Why are they??
t. didn't play MGS2
i did but its been a while
i probably dont remember because the word carried no meaning to me back then
It also ran 60fps on consoles to boot, and had a mariachi outfit.
People loved rising. Only people who were mad raiden was stronger than grey fox were mad.
People considered it Meh until PC fags finally got their Bayonetta reskin
Rising was alright, but like many platinum games its fun but lacking.
If an e celeb said it it MUST be true
No? There were people that didn't like it because it wasn't like a regular MGS game or wasn't like the original footage but there were tons of people gushing over it.
The threads on Yea Forums alone were insane amounts of excitement when it came out.
Did this faggot say that? Doesn't he get real butthurt when people say stuff he doesn't like in the comments?
>that thinning hair
No it was a sick game
More hair than I've got. My hair looks utterly retarded once it grows out for 3 months or more.
Is he autistic? He's got a very limited amount of facial expressions(all his thumbnails look the same). I've been a tard wrangler and a lot of the kids I worked with that were autistic or flat out retarded either overly exaggerated their facial expression or were very stiff like this guy.
I don't personally watch him so I don't know enough, just these shitty thumbnails.
The moment Rising even came out was the moment MG threads became Sundowner threads, It's safe to say that we all liked it
Not really and people didn't really hate Star Fox Adventures at release either. I don't know what the fuck he was going on about there. The poor reputation of Star Fox Adventures came later when the luster of a new console wore off and people saw it for the tedium that it is.
The game part is a bit packing in some ways, I played it only once years ago so I don't remember exactly but I remember thinking the gameplay was good but the pacing was a bit fucked. But the story was so surprising coming from Platinum, it's unironically one of the best MGS games, better than a lot of mainline stuff. It's pretty crazy.
People were mad because "where's muh stealth?"
Then we played it and loved it
Memes are a real term, invented by that fedora scientist
>they should have just delayed it untill 2020 when now we have the tech to make the original reveal demonstration a reality but no
Even if they perfected the tech, it wouldv'e gone nowhere because old Kojipro was incompetent when working on their own.
>Watching Nitrorad video
>Talks about his film school shit AGAIN
okay dude fuck off i barely muscled through your 15 minute rant about diegetic music (something i learned in fucking community college) in your luigis mansion video, i dont want to hear some BIG RELEVATION about how video game songs obviously use stock sound effects.
Meme is an actual word outside of the internet.
I don't watch his videos, tell me what exactly happened.
I don't understand why he would go on about how games use stock sounds, everything does, especially Nintendo titles using it in OoT and Splatoon osts.
>Very few people even knew of it until PC release
He tries to fit the tone of the video
But yeah, his expressions are pretty stiff
I wouldn't change it for the clickbait cartoonishly expressive stuff either tho
At least sometimes he talks about cool shit
i thought mgr was allright starting from when i played the demo itself that came with zoe
but i got irritated at the RICK JAMES BITCH level of memeing the RULES OF NATURE was
i'm like dave chappelle in i hate irritating repetitive memeing like it's some kind of signal of your supposed love for something
You don't actually watch zoomers, do you? Right?...
Blatantly false, and yes im talking about back when it was console exclusive, even the few people who didn't like the game still basically worshipped the soundtrack.
So he's DEFINITELY a closet furry, right? Even without a fursuit, something about his appearance sets off my alarms.
Him defending that Ghost Giant game was annoying, too.
>Bro, 2 hours of gameplay is totally worth $25. Quality over quantity, am I right?
Okay, so what if I want quality AND quantity in a game? Why does everyone make this false dichotomy, as if every game in the world is either Skyrim or The Stanley Parable?
In his Star Fox video (the one in OP) he goes on a huge tangent about stock sound effects being used in the music for the game, then goes on to tell a story of how he made a song using stock sounds in film school and it sounded like something from the game.
I liked it. It was cool, great soundtrack and run real smooth.
Quite a lot of people is praising it when it's released.
Honestly meme theory is brainlet shit
Dawkins just came up with his own word for a concept which historians and semioticians had already been working with for over 200 years. And all the brainlets lapped it up because they're ignorant motherfuckers.
It would be like if I wandered into a physics class and started lecturing them on this revolutionary new thing I'd discovered called fizzly-zizzle. Which causes magnetism and makes your hands stand on end.
I remember seeing a shitload of MGR threads and memes at the time.
If not a furry then he's definitely gay. Just look at the way he talks.
Will he turn out to be a pedo as well?
But The Stanley Parable has basically neither Quality or Quantity, it is just DEEP DECONSTRUCTION ABOUT CHOICES and MUH SNARKY BRIT NARRATOR.
The only hate I seen for it around release was from the dipshits who couldn't get past Blade Wolf.
Nobody took them seriously though.
maybe he's refering at the 4/10 projared shit?
honestly until recently I heard a lot of hot gamer takes on rising, so I was wary about it
then i bought it for 5 bucks
and I loved it
>I wouldn't change it for the clickbait cartoonishly expressive stuff either tho
I'll give you that, sure I think he looks bad but I'll take it over wild overreactions.
OP is a newfag who wasn't here when "RULES OF NATURE" and "I'M FUCKING INVINCIBLE" were spammed every minute for months
Great game btw
>couldn't get past Blade Wolf.
I played it recently, and the parry mechanic was pretty weird
Maybe it's because it's litterally my first platinum game
My gf at the time played it at her friend's house and complained she couldn't beat Blade wolf.
So when she came home I forced her to watch me play the fight at very hard without getting damage. It's really not a hard fight, but I just wanted to rub it in.
>tfw no sequel
Did u fug?
The only person who hated MGR was quinten and he ruined every thread with his shitty MSpaint comics. He meme'd himself so hard he's still shitposted even with newfags not knowing the origins of the images they dump. He's an unremarkable cancer that has yet to be wiped from the history of Yea Forums. Even manlettears is small time in comparison. Seldom do you see anymore manlettears references in filename threads anymore.
holy shit I'd like to see one of those comics
quinten was such an ass
Yes, she had this big thing with being defeated, so if I beat her in an argument or video game or whatever, she would get horny.
An autistic namefag that really hated stoners and who uses 3ds in public
Feels weird now that a lot of Yea Forums users wouldn't know who Quinten is.
Even less remember ToxicJester.
It's strange a lot of the name/tripfags of Yea Forums are all gone or really struggling.
Quinten disappeared.
EmptyHero tried way too hard
ManlyTears is still trying to be a troll streamer.
Orwell is now just sitting around shit posting in Yea Forums rather than Halo threads.
I may have had a lot of problems in my life, but they make me feel a lot better about myself.
Although he's technically still having some indirect influence by virtue of the original Virgin Walk image evolving into another meme, I do wonder how much traction Quentin may have gotten if he started doing his handheld shitposting later, given the current state of console wars on Yea Forums and the inception of nu-males. Or perhaps they would've gone the other way instead with blowback?
EmptyHero had some funny tweets, but that was about it.
nu-males is just a rebranded hipster
I forgot all about that guy. I don't remember a single thing about him other than the manlet memes.
>who shit on it for being too easy
I was one of those. I absolutely love the game as a fan of Metal Gear, but as a fan of character action games I felt it was way too shallow. It's so dissapointing when you realize you can steamroll even Revengeance Difficulty with (the far too easy) perfect parry spam. The only real challenge in that difficulty are the Unga Bunga Gorillas and Armstrong, everything else gets parried to death. Still, one of the few games I beat in one sitting around that time, and probably the last game I've done that for since, I enjoyed myself immensely over multiple playthroughs and going for no-hit boss runs. It's just a shame there's no difficulty that forces the player to use more mechanics than perfect parry. Parry is way too good, way too easy, way too accessible (by that I mean you can almost always cancel your recoveries and startups with a parry, you're never "open"), and breaks the game fundamentally. Still, great soundtrack, bosses, moments, Raiden feels great, enemy types are solid, it's a fantastic game, just too easy for anyone familiar with the genre. You can tell it was a lot of people's "first" considering the complaint wasn't nearly common enough.
And yeah, the game was always huge here, I can support that. Yea Forums loved this shit on Day 1 for good reason, it took a while for people to wise up, then PC release saw a flood of casual player praise kind of washing out the experienced player criticism.
Fuck no
Rules of Nature nigga
It's putting your face on the product, it looks ridiculous but it works for people to recognise you.
If someone watched his video passing by and remembered his face, when it's recommended to them later (and assuming they liked it) they'll instantly catch on faster than just looking at the username.
He also has very mediocre content and doesn't bring up good points, he's mostly a "feels good" channel that's best avoided if you want any actual opinion other than "It's not as bad as you thought!" or "This game is great!"
>Toxic Jester
Now that's a name I haven't heard in years
He tried to claim credit on creating 'Forever Alone' and the Ralph Pootawn alias (which he didn't for either), everything else amounts to him having a severe case of USI.
what other channel do you suggest if I wan to hear about cool RPG maker shit?
Or that talks about some obscure vidya?
Quentin is still here; he posts on the Final Fantasy XIV general.
EmptyHero stills tries to force his channel here
ManletTears is 30 and is still unemployed living with his parents
No, it was liked and infested everywhere online with people constantly quoting it and raving about it and the only complaints being
>It's short
>You don't play as upgraded Bladewolf, just the old version
It wasn't considered mediocre at all.
To Metal Gear's core audience? No, they understood how goofy the series was. To the general gaming public? Maybe, I did see a couple of articles about how it sucks because it is another Raiden game, but they seemed to warm up to it after a while.
He probably struck the right chord for the algorithm.
he was the reason why i checked out all the lisa games and fan ones
He was talking about some of the music for SFA using license-free music samples that he recognized, which took him out of the experience at times. I can sympathize with this, but I also understand that game companies weren’t dropping the money on live music and singers at this point in time.
Is it true Quentin is a tranny now? I saw someone claim that in a thread with screencaps of some guy detailing the sexual abuse they went through as a kid that they claimed was Quentin, but it seemed dubious
yea when I first played it I struggled with blade wolf because i couldn't get the parry mechanic down but eventually figured it out and from that point onwards the game became really easy because i could parry without thinking about it.
No. They made it very clear from the outset that it was a different type of game and along with bayonetta launched Platnium games into being a respected developer.
>Even manlettears is small time in comparison
It was rough around the edges sure, but it was a fucking fantastic action game. Honestly it's platinum's best game way better than Nier Automata and arguably better than Bayo 1&2.
>Metal Gear Rising was revealed and everyone was hype
>People got sad when Kojima cancelled it and gave it to Platinum instead
>People got hype again when it came out and was amazing
Only retards like Projared didn't like it. It's not the best action game but it's still great.
Yeah, and he also made a review calling Dinosaur Planet a "Flawed yet Classic installment of the Star Fox series" after his intro saying he didn't care for the Star Fox series before this.
Faggot's just trying to be contrarian by enjoying dogshit.
No? Not in the slightest.