>Wake up at sunset
>Play vidya/shitpost all night
>go to sleep after sunrise
Living the life anons
Kill me please
Wake up at sunset
Go outside
When you're waiting at a bus or in line, try to make a conversation
Ask how people are doing and how's life
Walk around your neighborhood regularly and get to know the folks around you if they also come outside
>wake up at 8pm
>leave for work at 10pm
>wage slave until 7am (shitpost on my phone for hours)
>get home at 8am
>play Vidya until 12
>sleep until 8pm
>wake up with a huge headache
>spend an hour waiting for the painkiller to kick in, doing literally nothing because if I move too much my head hurts so much I can't think straight
>spend the entire day after that on my computer doing fuckall
>go to bed hoping to god I'm not gonna wake up with a headache
>wake up with a headache
>wake up go straight to work
>work 11 hours
>come home too tired to do anything, browse Yea Forums for 2 hours maybe watch a 1/5th of a podcast
>wake up for work
You have it fucking heavenly u fucking moron
Drink water
>work 11 hours
literally your own fucking fault
Depending on where you live, there are laws that prevent you from doing over 8 hour shifts involuntary
some jobs require this of you. and any other is just minimum wage shit
what job do you have boy?
youre obese arent you?
You need a focus
Stay awake for 24H and go to sleep at sunset the next day. Trust me, it works.
I guess either your back is causing your headache or not drinking any water.
At least you still have a roof over you
or maybe it's simply the fact that SPENDING THE ENTIRE DAY ON A COMPUTER IS PRONE TO GIVE HEADACHES????????
user, it's 2019, you're supposed to willingly stay until 8pm without extra pay.
Post more Elesa.
that's what's causing the back problem
>Eight hours of class a week
>Hosting a DnD campaign 1-2 days a week
>Playing apart another campaign once a week
I think I found a good balance between alone/vidya time and stuff that requires me to go out.
>some jobs require this of you
the law doesn't. That's why they're called SHIFTS - because your shitty boss is required to hire more than one person to do the job if it takes so fucking long you mouthbreathing moron
youre fat ass and have sleep apnea
Imagine slaving for your jew boss and then defending the fact that you choose to suck his dick and throw away your own rights
I always wanted to try this.
But I assumed it would just fuck me up worse.
>he doesn't realise certain jobs have longer shifts with fewer shifts per week
That's an easy way to get questioned by the police, specially if you are a weird looking guy,
At least you don't have weird blind-spots burnt into your eyes
one of them is even kinda bending my vision. Of course my eye doctor didn't do shit
Yeah maybe if you're working the fucking military or as ship captain.
But there's literally no excuse for basic jobs, and all jobs with big hours are 99% of the time completely voluntary
What did you do user?
How'd that happen?
Apparently its a "choroid inflammation"
I have absolutely no idea. I just kinda noticed it some day. I don't even know if it can be treated.
It's kinda too hot to do things during the day. Also I have tried being a wageslave for a few years. It's exhausting and I'd rather try to find other ways to make money
Probably can't be treated. Or at least isn't worth risking complete blindness in that eye to try treating. I've got a flickering triangle in the center of my left eyes vision, like looking at a strobe light through a keyhole. Was advised to just get used to it. Frustratingly it's not constant, lasts for maybe ten minutes at a time, so it's almost impossible to just adjust to it.
Yeah I've kinda just accepted that I can't do anything about it, I honestly wouldn't even care about it anymore if it didn't also bend my vision a bit, it feels like I'm constantly slightly crossing my eyes unless I'm really close to what I'm looking at. Can only really enjoy handheld vidya right now