I bet she can smell things you could only dream of
And I thought the edits were just lying
Oh my it's a real goblin
It's like they are mocking everyone who thought leftism couldn't get more disgusting ugly and degenerate
looks like jew
Go back to facebook
Not even lesbians want this shit. Lesbians want cute lesbians like the ones in Life is Strange
Wait a minute that nose
dios mio....
What did The Last of Us: Part 2's Director Neil Druckmann mean by this?
nice sony
Congrats, you guys finally realized it's attempting to turn jew women away from jew men.
the nose knows
>Shopped huge nose
Somebody post unedited pic
Jesus, is that bigger than V's?
I'm happy that both Nintendofags and Sonyfags know how retarded this shit is
This. So much this. Love trumps hate.
I'm tired of /pol/ shills leaking into this board. Go fuck yourselves.
It's called being a decent human being .|.
Gay people exist. Get OVER it.
reddit shill
Jesus Christ, that fucking nose....
Dilate your axe wound.
I'm a guy.
shitposting degrades the quality of the board
but literal retards do as well
can you two just go be stupid somewhere else?
i wanna see him and the kike battle with their schnozzes
stop shilling
They are also around 1-3% of the population
So what. What point are you trying to make?
You did this naughty dog, just because men find lesbians sexually appealing it doesn't mean you should make money off it.
Immigrants don't know how to control themselves and you're encouraging violence more.
That you faggots should have 1-3% of vidya representation instead of trying to steal spotlight in every major AAA release.
Not being able to recognize jokes is a common sign of autism. Not trying to offend you, but are you on the spectrum?
Name a single other AAA release where a gay is put in the spotlight.
I'm sorry that statistics hurts you so much
Because it's disgusting to most people.
stop shilling
Why do you think that is? lots of gay people and almost all developers are far left.
If they don't do this there is a reason.
Someone forgot about DA2 and Cisquisition already
that bitch looks like something straight ripped off a nazi propaganda poster
why would they do this?
>Ms Geymonat said one of the men spoke Spanish and the others had British accents.
I'd like it more if she was just a futa monster and fucked the one on the right instead.
if you don't want to see gay games, go into the games industry yourself and make more straight games
Gender reassignment surgery for 9 year olds?
That does it. Why does /pol/ have to be right all the time?
Sorry, fellow liberal progressives. I just went full 1488, and we are going to need a lot of red, white and black paint.
>botched gender reassignment surgery
Good way to resume "the two dykes cut the boy's penis in their house and he suffered that for a whole year".
Man this is really unfair to us, big nose guys and girls out there, don't put a spotlight on our insecurities wtf, these people are turning into the real bullies here Q>Q
Because it's realistic.
has facebook even been good since like 2014?
Admittedly only posting this here because it’s an anonymous board and I’d get beaten and flogged elsewhere, but it truly does slightly upset me that they just decided Ellie would be gay. In the first game, she is effectively the player’s surrogate daughter, so this fees a lot like “yah, we made your daughter GAY. Problem?” I mean I know she’s kind of tomboyish, but she doesn’t have to munch carpet because of that. Maybe they were worried having a AAA franchise starting two cis white people wouldn’t swing as well in today’s day and age...
Is this an edit or is that her actual profile?
This image alone is reason why i will ignore this game. It is honestly disgusting.
Get over this dick faggot
Cannibal people exist. Get OVER it
Why describe their language and accents when describing their appearance is more relevant? Gee, I wonder.
Good, fuck dykes.
If you're not providing entertainment, you're useless to us.
How much of societies problems would be solved if America, China & Israel were wiped from the face of the Earth?
100% if you also include the entire middle east, india, most of europe and a generous chunk of russia
Lesbians are okay when japan does it, unironically.
You sound like a spic
100%. Canada, Japan, Iceland, Greenland, Antarctica & Switzerland are the only countries that should exist
add russia and some middle eastern countries
>all the time
what about chinks and muslims. they're certainly ruining the world right now
youre still a nigger though
around 30%
the rest is mudslimes and russians
we were warned
and most africa
How much of societies problems would be solved if the Germanics, Persians, and Mongolians were wiped from the face of the Earth?
t. Rome
Point is 99% of you are the byproduct of niggers who destroyed civilization multiple times.
Alright, /pol/. You win. What can gamers do to salvage the world problem?
>literally swimming in skin imperfections and grease
Fucking zoomers.
Where's Joel in all this? Are they villainizing him?
Hi /f/.
crooked noses are my kink
I think that the adl might have a problem with that nose
The very first step is to educate yourself on the world's problems. How can you educate others if you don't have the knowledge? Here are some FACTS for you to start with and consider
>diversity isn't a good thing. people still prefer to be among their own
>LGBT is mental illness
>overpopulation is a serious issue that can be fixed by closing borders
The world has tons of problems but nobody gives a shit. All you can do is educate yourself and attempt to educate others, like I'm doing.
but victors and people in power decides what's truth. they wont give a damn about what you're thinking.
>P-please my fellow Black People, Fuck my wife, w-wakanda forever, amirite?
Careful now, a nose like that can cut mountains!
That's true. We have very little power, don't we? Which is why I tell you to do the only thing we can: spread the word. If nobody listens then your goal in life should be to acquire a lot of money and hide away from the problems. That's literally what every rich person does. They don't need to care about these things because have the money to hide from them. Now think about the people in charge of countries. They're wealthy, right? That's why they don't give a shit. Things will have to get way worse before any real change happens.
why would you save this
>acquire a lot of money
Oh, that simple? I'll get right on it.
>hide away from the problems
Trying to. But some asshats keep pushing them to where I am.
Why is it legal for lesbians to adopt boys? Frankly boys or girls.
Who in their right mind allow this? Even if the much higher rates of abuse were put aside there is no way two women can raise a boy correctly.
My youth pastor would FLIP if he knew I was reading stuff like this on the web!
No matter.
People still give a fuck about this walking simulator? Gay stuff aside, this type of "Oscar-bait" games with weak gameplay and pretentious story is no longer appealing. Even so - this shit will go up against Cyberpunk 2077 with Keanu, Dead Stranding, VtMB2 and possibly Baldur's Gate 3. Do you really think people will care about it in 2020?
That kid got napped at age 5.
She nose they'll fuck later, she can just smell it!
Where do you think gays and transgenders come from?
Single mothers and absentee fathers?
Don't generalize. I was raised by I single mother and I'm fine. I even have a loving girlfriend (female).
brazilian monkeys are not humans