Making a huge deal out of a celebrity character model and voice actor sure seems like a red fucking flag to me.
Making a huge deal out of a celebrity character model and voice actor sure seems like a red fucking flag to me
Other urls found in this thread:
Kojima must be seething that his game is nothing but walking and celebrities and he got BTFO by CDPR again.
1 second in a trailer and a couple minutes presenting the game at E3 isn't really making a huge deal out of anything.
Thats called marketing and you're called an underage faggot
>CD Projekt Red revealed Keanu Reeves’ Johnny Silverhand has more lines of dialogue than any character in Cyberpunk 2077, with the exception of the player character V
OP making the same thread for the hundredth time again sure seems like a red fucking fag to me.
Keanu is your companion the entire game so that is to be expected.
Why don't you sage then?
I was thinking that the other day. Guarantee, after he saw the response to this, he regretted not getting Keanu Reeves for his walking sim.
Yes, it's called marketing. Well done! It's still horseshit.
I forgot I'm really fucking sorry
>TFW Cyberpunk is now a celebrity friend simulator.
...and? He's an IA in your head like Cortana.
>it's ok when onimusha does it.
Same. I went from pretty excited about the game to skeptical in a matter of seconds.
>AI in your head through the entire game
Hopefully there's a way to rip him the fuck out early on if it stays true to the pen & paper game. Not OP, but this is a red flag even if having Keanu in the game is cool.
And why recruit Keanu for the Navi role when you could have spent that money on literally anything else? Seems like they don't think the game can stand on its own so they need to be able to say "featuring Oscar Winner Keanu Reeves"
>Start the game.
>Get the keanu chip
>Start killing every dog you see for the rest of the game.
Movies have been doing this for decades
It's about budget and flexing their dicks to investors
Who would you hire for the role?
>more views than any other E3 trailer
>every-fucking-body on the Internet talking about the game
>even you, OP
>literal hordes of normies saw it too, shared it on facebook/twitter/whatever and are now convinced they'll buy it on day 1
>all of that, for a 5 seconds celebrity appearance
It's actually great marketing m8
Steve Blum, who else even does game voices?
The primary plot revolves around the chip put in the players neck that supposedly holds the key to immortality, and, through it, Silverhand is kept alive - in your head.
Alt Cunningham is another key to finding out about that chip but she is stuck behind the black wall surrounding local networks, you will have to get past this wall in order to find her, which is kind of like the Deep Web equivalent of the Upside Down in Stranger things.
You will definitely get Keanu out at some point, since that's a major plot point, and its probably going to end terribly.(in terms of destruction rather than the quality of the story)
Actually sounds pretty nice.
Funny because you're the one making a huge deal out of a celebrity character model and voice actor
They, on the other hand, just showed his character for mere seconds at the very end of the trailer
Did Keanu fucked your tranny gf or something?
Sounds like you just hate the actor more than CDPR's choices.
I expected a meme but this is actually a good shout.
Keanu Reeves
he's Keanu Reeves, he was in the most influential cyberpunk movie of all time, and made a bunch of bad ass action movies as well. Now he's playing a badass soldier turned rockstar and we're gonna fuck shit up. What's not to like? Go play more weebshit if you're so anally damaged
Nope. Still not sold on the idea that you HAVE to have a story element stuffed down your throat at SOME point. Cyberpunk should be free, a truly open sandbox were the story can branch depending on your actions, not some linear 3-4 dialogue pick bullshit.
You know how in the trailers, they showed female V and male V, and in male V's case, Jackie died during an event that was completely separate from female V's in the gameplay demo? I just want dynamic events like that to happen and for there to be real repercussions and consequences for those events happening, I don't want Johnny fucking Storyhand to lead me through a set of characters that the developers intended for me to "experience" just so I can 100% get the full gist of the story the first playthrough.
Quite frankly this. Once you have someone as iconic as Keanu Reeves in your game, you don't NEED to waste as much time developing gameplay or story.
>a truly open sandbox were the story can branch depending on your actions, not some linear 3-4 dialogue pick bullshit.
This is 100% impossible with modern technology. How do you think computer games even work? There's no such totally freeform storyline in any game ever.
I'd be pretty surprised if Keanu cost that much, atleast compared to someone of similar fame
Seems like he doesn't care that much about money
>still not sold on the idea that video games have plots
People really do come up with the most desperate and retarded fucking reasons to cry about this game.
We all agree that Planescape Torment is one of the greatest RPGs ever made, a model for others to follow, but not a single decision you make through the whole thing effects anything from the ending.
This is without getting into the fact that, as a video game, it is necessitated to have a plot and direction.
Your criticism is basically
>I hate it because, as ambitious as it is, it isn't the single most ambitious piece of software ever devised by humans so far in history
>he's Keanu Reeves, he was in the most influential cyberpunk movie of all time,
Yes, and other people wrote, edited, and shot those movies to make them what they were, but you don't see gamers clamoring for them. He's just a face. Nothing to do with the movie's quality.
>Cyberpunk should be free, a truly open sandbox were the story can branch depending on your actions
It will surely happen to some extent but you can't expect 500 variants of the same story like an actual tabletop rpg
Is it so wrong to have standards? Not that guy, but I'm constantly disappointed with almost everything.
I remember faggots making fun of shit like that Snoop Dog voice pack for Call of Duty Ghosts. How is this shit any different?
it's gotten out of control
>Pff... nothing personnel kid... I have standards
So you are just waiting for a video game that will never exist
>Intelligencia Artificiale
Beaners leave
You're right, I'm sure they hired him to avoid getting criticized when they'll release an half assed Deus Ex clone with no redeeming quality whatsoever other than Keanu himself
If it helps you sleep at night, sure.
Yeah let's call the Trannosky sisters instead
It sure sounds like a good idea fucktard
It looks better than Deus Ex based on the latest gameplay imho
Nicolas Cage
You sound like a toddler describing his dream game, or a boomer not understanding how videogames actually work.
Either way I'm surprised you managed to post on Yea Forums if that's your general level of understanding
>my estimation of somethings quality is the delusional expectation i've placed on it rather than the actual content
You realize this makes your opinions completely worthless, right?
Lana is a qt and seems like a Real Trans™
Andy is a hon and clearly only transitioned because he wanted the attention too
You must have traveled here from an actually good universe then
Because this game is gonna be top tier by our extremely low standards
"Intelligenza artificiale" in my language
That's because it is. Don't preorder, wait for reviews, be smart user.
> Yea Forums: We hate cinematic games! Game is not movie! It's an interactive entertainment, who thinks it is cool that game can be movie and be fused with each other, huh?
> One hollywood celeb appears on the biggest game-show
> Yea Forums: We hate cinematic games!
>absolutely love Ace Attorney
>The Witcher
Wasn't his character supposed to be one of three "childhood hero" character traits you pick in the beginning of the game?
I think I would be disappointed to see that they've dropped two options just so you only had Keanu.
then deaths stranding is a dumpster fire
They did, instead you pick from three origin stories, corpo, street kid and nomad. Supposedly they determine your starting location and some dialogue options.
>Yea Forums:
Leave. Fuck.
it's just a publicity thing and it worked like a charm since here you are, making the umptillionth thread about it
So you're saying that an integral, major part of the game is just a publicity thing
>not one of us
Leave then
Yes user. That character and his entire questline wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for that 3 seconds appearance at the very end of the last E3 trailer.
They conceived the character and half the plot around a trailer.
Ok so through your reddit-tier sarcasm you seen to be saying that half the plotline revolves around Keanu Reeves' appearance and voice
That sounds lame as shit like video game stunt casting always is.
>comparing some poland-made garbage to Kinojima
Kojima's games in the last 10 years are only legendary for how bad they are, more like.
lmao MGSV had a thousand time better gameplay/depth and is superior in most aspects to the garbage that was TW3
you're most likely an unironic reddit
>MGSV is so good
>see 90% of Yea Forumseddit moaning about how they will never pre order again cuz of MGSV
The sheer amount of butthurt this game generates on both sides of the spectrum proves it's going to be GOTYAY
casting keanu is the publicity thing
the character he plays is a part of the game.
we don't know how big a part, yet.
>being this much of a shit eater he will buy a walking sim because it is by Kojima, the guy who brought you vocal cord parasites and ubisoft guard posts
>we don't know how big a part, yet.
we know that Johnny has the 2nd most lines in the game
Keanu himself did say in an interview that games don't need Hollywood actors. Even he gets it.
>walking sim
Probably better gameplay than anything the polish shit devs ever produced and will ever produce
Kojima has decades of experience in good gameplay
Also the setting/scenario/story/univers of the DS is ten times superior to CP77
You were all gushing when kojima got Keifer, Mads and whoever that walking dead lad is
Well maybe all other NPCs have only one line.
And DoD turned out to be the better game in the end.
Being made by CD Projekt is a red fucking flag, they've literally never made a good game before and this one will probably be no different.
Oh yeah what about Thronebreaker
didnt know that Yea Forums can connect posters from other parallel universes, cuz here CDPR hasnt made a bad game yet :)
>this is what Kojima actually believes
> Online card game
> Good
Yeah, no. Pretty much the definition of a shitty fad.
why people keep repeating that bullshit
you do realise that Thronebreaker is single player RPG with card game combat?
Yeah and in every one OP is a fag.
Still a spinoff meant to cash in on the online ccg fad. No different than shartifact except they had the brains to not to kill it with an awful monetization scheme.
yeah he's a cool face, what's your point
the ungodly amounts of money they spend on Keanu could've been used to make a better game
Entitled much? They didn't have to do anything with the budget if they didn't want to.
>comparing the equivalent of modern art in gaming to a triple A game by based poles
..and we all know how great modern art is. You Kojima shit eaters are on the same level as a bunch of retards that get excited when they stare at a yellow painted canvas with anything on it.
I don't think he costs that much, he finished all his recordings in 15 days.
>what is marketing
some fucking nobody who thinks that this game is his big chance to make it so he pours his fucking heart and soul into the game
>Big brother used to give me hundreds of bootleg games he'd download at uni
>we played some together
>fast forward almost 20 years
>he enthuses about CP2077 trailer
>Only watched it because he likes John Wick
>he will never play it
>the last game he ever played was San Andreas
>He owns funkos
I want my brother back ;_;
5 years after starting oblivion in 2006 i found out the emperor was patric stewart. i never remember it being on the box, never remeber adverts featuring him, he plays a literal 2 minute opening role.
still play it today, was a good game, only got it running on super high settings in 2010. 13 years after i first played it, its still my top wrpg
>first wrpg i ever played is my favorite one
wow didnt see that one coming
He said that Cyberpunk, and video games, was legitimate even without his presence, more specifically.
So every other character in this game? Maybe they'll go extra hard now because of Keanu
What else games are we supposed to look forward to?
>teaching English to 5 Spanish kids
>they talk to each other in Spanish and don't listen to me
>Quiero veer Ion Week
>You can't watch John Wick
>It's not for your age
>Why, is it scary?
>It's violent and pretty cool
>I'll watch it anyway
>wonder how do they even know about that movie then realize it
>class gets completely derailed
>One kid starts dabbing repeatedly
You little shits will fail your exam, don't care.
Nothing until the next stage in the zeitgeist cycle starts up again. Think around 2025. We're living in a creatively bankrupt time, and we'll just have to soldier on through it.
That's gonna get old really soon.
everyone's already over it, slowpoke. why are you posting him again? seems like you're the one trying to make him rele/v/ant again
It's not okay when CDPR does it.
Than kys and stop going to these threads.
CdProject was always about releasing games with great story.
if you want a sandbox game go play Minecraft or Skyrim or some other Bethesda game they shat out.
Also i dont even get the complains:
>I just want dynamic events like that to happen and for there to be real repercussions and consequences for those events happening
You mean like its implemented literally in every CdProject game so far?
Autistic fuck
>I just want dynamic events like that to happen and for there to be real repercussions and consequences
Maybe you should try real life, rather than expecting someone to script a simulation of life for you.
nice blogpost but nobody fucking cares about your irrelevant opinion you piece of shit
Sure. They've made mostly great movies. I'd like to see them work on a game.
>White people game vs some chink garbage
>white people
>video games
>death stranding
>video game