ban bikini armor, its ridiculous
Ban bikini armor, its ridiculous
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Is this a thinly veiled bikini armor thread?
This is why i like the 80's-90's medieval fantasy designs because they were highly sexualised and majority had bikini armor for females as the norm
>we will NEVER go back to this
women were never warriors and if any of them tried they were jailed, raped or murdered instantly
them being eyecandy is the best thing they've done throughout all of history
>Not selling all your armor to buy a sword
Too much sóy today user
Ban magic in fantasy games. Magic isn't real, it doesn't exist. The idea is for children and losers.
>and if we do then only in a overly """ironic""" deconstructionist way
Worst timeline confirmed.
>ban bikini armor, its ridiculous
Definitely, so ridiculous. I need to see more to see just how ridiculous it can get.
based filter raping you into submission
most fantasy armour in general is stupid and it has turned me off from playing a lot of good games
Isnt Conan Exiles literally that?
The more armour they wear, the more Fun you can have peeling every last bit off whilst they're struggling to get away after you beat them
It actually makes sense in a world where magic exists.
>enchant armor plates so enemy attacks always hit the center of the plate
>wearing armor made from smaller plates means lighter carry weight and better agility
>exposed part doesn't matter because enchantment draws enemy attacks to the armor plates
Agreed user. Slutty outfits are top tier.
based and redpilled
Feels bad man
Good thing we have fantasy then
Maybe the point is to distract and entice the enemy. Its hard to fight with a raging erection.
>Slutty outfits
I like erotic outfits better. Takes the politics out of it.
Same difference, but erotic also works. I just like the term slutty.
Now we’re talking
Why aren't you just using magical barriers to deflect the attacks? Why are the men wearing big bulky plate that isn't using the same magical protection?
I have no problem with bikini armor, make what is the fuck you want and ignore any cunt who says otherwise. But justifications like this have more holes in them than Swiss cheese. Just say it appeals to your dick and be done with it.
If any of you anons were in that girl selling her armor for a sword thread earlier and saw art of my girl and wanted to see more, feel free to add me: Francisca Valero#8977 I am not gonna bother to post my entire imgur on Yea Forums because of the contents
being horny is the most primal urge there is
this will only end up in rape since women are terrible fighters
Yes, ban bikinis and armours.
You just need your faith, a shield and a tabard.
Yes, and?
Honestly, the most ridiculous thing in that picture is her being that tan in such a climate.
Ironically Conan wears clothes and leather armor for most of the movie. There's only one fight scene where he's shirtless not counting his slave days.
Tried playing GW2 more than 5 years ago and i could barely get past how unimpressive and bland and safe everything looked. Has it improved any?
What is this shit
Post a sample
It was an exhibitionist thread, I am not gonna derail this one by posting it. People just wanted more and it was deleted before I could say anything.
>Why aren't you just using magical barriers
Why not both?
>Whare are men wearing big bulky plate
In my Skyrim the men are every bit as naked as the women. Can't post screenshots for obvious reasons, but I don't do a double standard.
I don't get why in the original pic, this, and the follow up, the hottest thing to me isn't that she's fucking naked but that the tabard has that heart cutout there. And the chains. Also smug cunt got what she deserved.
Name a better waifu slut armor game than modded Skyrim.
Ill bet its main purpose is distraction
hell no
putting more armor on a woman's frame is actually a bad thing, because it actually makes her easier to kill or makes it easier for her to die from environmental factors
they're ok
did the artist just give up when they got to the hands holy shit
We need to study it more before we jump into conclusion.
You need to learn how to save pixiv images properly, lad
>Half-naked men: GOOD
>Half-naked women: SEXIST
I can't believe how wise, and forward thinking you are, OP! You must be so popular with the ladies!
What an ugly fucking character.
My waif ish stronk
Hands are not his thing it seems...
Wow, racist.
Make bikini armor mandatory, it's delicious
why is ridicule bannable?
What is the seal for?
ban [insert user's fetish here], its wiggitty wiggitty wack son
freshness, i imagine.
>enchant armor plates so enemy attacks always hit the center of the plate
how about enchanting the armor so that it always hits nowhere on the wearer at all then, if enchantments can provide such specific and reliable things?
Honestly. they aren't skimpy enough.
>tfw there is no new fake outrage thing for /pol/ to shit up the board over, so you have to falseflag an imaginary one
Ban armor completely, it's ridiculous.
Enchanted underwear gives you the best AC.
so where armor that guarantees the enemy hits you. which probably amplifies the damage you take since it probably just strongly attracts the attacks to it like a magnet.
also archer will never miss you either this armor is suicide
I just have one big folder. What is the "right way"?
Is she cross-eyed?
skin tights > bikini armor
stealing this image at mach10 for D&D use
this. every "realism" discourse is invalid when it only applies to woman and sexuality. it offends them not because it is not based on realism, but because its sexual depictions offend their sexuality.
This is my fetish.
I also love concealing masks/full helms because I love imagining what emotion their face is pulling as they're stripped naked. Shock, horror, anger, sadness, maybe lust.
source of the pic? love girls in armors and that just looks splendid
How is that thing vacuum sealed to her abs?
Tera does this the Best i think, since if i remember correctly there's magic that provides alot of defense, but you cant wear any armor or clothes when using it, so only females wear it. in addition, theres a race of slutty demonelfs where the males also use it and are barely clothed.
Yeah but it's an outlier. This used to be normal in gaming.
Milius was barely, barely tolerated in the 80's at all. By the 90's he was a full blown persona non grata.
The soi's been a long time coming and it's only gotten worse.
Fair enough
>I also love concealing masks/full helms
Unironically magic. I'm more into how it sticks to her mons pubis, but hey.
Womens in Sparta and Greece was a warriors without closes they are wearing only cape also men too.
At least those are accurate to the in-game characters. Over on the NES we had to constantly deal with this bait and switch bullshit.
Skintight leotard > bikini armor
>Not the superior one of the set
Just give them shields and we're ok
When you're using smaller plates you can make them thick enough that arrows won't penetrate without weighing yourself down to the point that you can't move.
>bikini armor is too small
She doesn't look like a maiden.
Dont mind me, just posting a girl hugging her best friend
Since its fantasy, what we also need is more men in thong armour.
Its equality. If armour is not an issue, then clearly men should be free to show off their abs and sexuality in battle. It has to be BOTH men and women.
>pubes poking out of panties
this is literally my fetish
post more
But that's how things already are, and no one cares. Look at Conan. Look at Mortal Kombat where every female was covered up but every man is still not wearing a shirt. Look at the new night elves in WC3 Remastered where the male druid is shirtless but again, the female archer is completely covered.
Equality is fine. No one gives a shit when males are idealized. People only throw a bitch-fit about it when it's females, because they're somehow jealous over imaginary characters.
jesus fucking christ
Nice to see that somebody fucking gets it.
for barbarians? no
Whoever invented bikini armors needs a fucking medal and a university named after him.
Then I suppose we should speak about this obvious inequality. If they're going to ut men in such sexy situations, women should be allowed to experience the same. And vice-versa.
Tits sell. And both gay and fujos players want to put their pretty boy ocs in MMOs. There clearly isn't enough equality.
And you mentioned - Conan has the right idea of doign equality - in Conan Exiles, you can go about nude for both men and women. There's a breast slider as well as a penis slider. Thats equality.
I read all of those in my head in the dorkiest soi voice imaginable and then imagined the final beat in loud ass fuck angry dork voice now I'm laughing so hard waking everyone up in my house
Chad Thundercock University
That rig is totally inadequate for dat ass.
I need this mod right now
Please post bodyslide file for your wife dear lord PLEASE
I'm not aware of the reason but i always thought that characters without panties had that don't-know-what that made them superior to other characters.
I like females in armor
However, I enjoy it to be well designed feminine looking armor
frilly dress armor that's more ornamental than effective armor > bikini armor on a well formed body > boring realistic plain iron armor
Fucking garbage taste
>i like realism without realism
Where did i ever say realism? Are you retarded?
Even the previous tame design of She-Ra got nerfed to oblivion.
Nothing is sacred to these folks.
>cuts off before ass shot
Looks like he got around it to me, you knew what he said. Cope.
So what's that name? Like the imgur name or some shit? I wanna see titty.
Based onions
found it user. fapped to pic 3 hundreds of times but i didn't know it was someone's oc
Realism has no fucking place in videogames.
Fuck jannies
That's not even thick. That's just straight up a fatass.
It is indeed a FAT ass
Untrue but I guess this is the american education in a nutshell. No wonder why most progressives live there. Their history books skip large parts of history.
>realism and practicality
This always struck me as ironic. Realistically and practically you want to be wearing as little armour as possible.
There is a reason armour was phased out of real world combat.
The basic rule is if it can't protect you you shouldn't wear it. It is just going to slow you down, encumber you and make you hot.
Most points in history people wore very little armour or even clothes. So hey if you want equality women should copy the men and go shirtless in skirts into battle or wear boobplate.
t. resetrafag
But it is true for like 99.99% of history
>bikini armor
It's either a bikini or it's armour. The two are mutually exclusive.
True, but that's not what the one I quoted said.
what about a bikini and one armoured arm like a gladitator?
I'm fairly sure he was being hyperbolic and it was also a blatant shitpost
The shoulders are cooler, the spats are not, just give her a longer skirt.
Spats are like what you wear when you're bloated and farting a lot.
>its ridiculous
you gay
>and it was also a blatant shitpost
It is honestly hard to tell when /pol/ leaves their cave every once in a while.
Why would that be a shitpost when it's mostly true?
Why do you faggots bring this board up in every single instance of someone saying something you dislike
It's fucking obnoxious
>khardia of rhodes
The same reason why people start off-topic discussion on a vidya board.
>Yea Forums
how new?
It's the discord roasties/gays pretty much their calling card. Leftpol thinks it's their mission to always say something negative about /pol/ they are ding bat partisan commie retards,.
About 14 years new.
>this will only end up in rape since women are terrible fighters
>begin a life of adventure
>can only afford sturdy stick and a bandanna
>assholes tell me my only set of clothes is impractical
We need more fullbody armour.
Have sex
I remember reading once that the most effective armour is body hugging silk.
>hating heels
kill yourself any time
Heels are trash, you have garbage taste
>subhuman tries to speak
Sorry cant understand you
looks like a tranny. wonder why they didn't fully go woke and made her a gay, obese mutt in a wheelchair.
bikini armor is alright desu but iron heels are retarded
>not posting the full versions
Based and redpilled.
They made one of the characters fat because her power is flying so she doesn't even get exercise from walking. It's like they looked at Baron Harkonnen and thought he'd be a great role model for lazy fat girls if he only had a purple wig.
I always enjoyed how Monster Hunter pre World had a little something for everyone while Frontier just stuck to skimpy outfits for everything possible.
What's with this generation of overgrown twats trying to retroactively shit on cartoons and media better than anything they could make?
my new fetish, what is the tag user? I need more
>looks like a tranny
It is
post more healthy hips
>that Cheetara
Nope. I quit. This is how you try and gain an audience after you reboot fails?
Bikini armor is always the right choice
Xena was the first word I ever spoke, I even had a few figures of her.
Get back in the /drawfag/ Discord you slut.
The others are easy but i can't find these. Source?
>ban bikini armor, its ridiculous
So are women on the battlefield, but here we are.
No, it would be beyond your mind to acquire taste. I pity you
Damn looks good any mods of her getting railed?
The magic spells in all 3 games were so good
Hhhnnnnggggg. Her and Gabriela though... *intense sweating intensifies*
What if said armor has spikes for protection?
In the end the lewdest MHF armor is one from a NPC quest and not a monster anyway.
Which armor would that be?
Dunno if it was sarcasm or not, but if it wasn't, the one you just posted.
Nope. Legit just finding this out. Don't know a thing about Frontier save for the various armor images I've saved, but not what they're connected to.
I hated the "pulp" style when I was young. Too corny. But while that is still true, today I realize it is also kino af. It is just unabashedly proud of what it is. Certainly from a bygone age, channeling this much testosterone isn't possible anymore.
armor with spikes is a terrible idea. you gain no actual benefit and the result is super heavy armor that is impossible to articulate. In other words, a death sentence for the person wearing said armor.
Maybe we're just at the time when the oceans drank Atlantis. We could be coming up on an age undreamed of. You know, days of high adventure?
I can hear the drums in my head just reading this...
I like the new cloths though.
But face is debatable, no tits is downright heresy.
Bikini armor coupled with enchanted womb tattoos is the best combination.
But what does the womb tattoo do?
Converts incoming damage into sexual energy that you can turn into beneficial effects.
Have fun
It's fine for barbarians, it's retarded for everything else
>tfw tabard/loincloth fetish and find this thread
Implying you wouldn't be SEETHING if male protagonist was designed like a gay fantasy. Or you know just like people lose their shit about cute twinks in JRPGs
Name five examples of people getting upset about this.
Only because Bara art is fucking ugly as hell. Conan art is fine.
>full armour with lewd cutouts
Shut up, we have a narrative to maintain
gown armor > bikini armor
Why do modern cartoons always look like smug shitheads?
because they're drawn by smug retards for smug retards and no one else
Ban fun.
Humanity should ban OP from life itself. Bikini armor is the strongest, most durable, and most practical armor in the entire universe. No other type of armor could ever hope the beat the immortal preservation which bikini armor provides to all wearers.
Real life women are useless, women in videogames magically aren't, the compromise is if they're gonna be unnaturally strong and smart they might as well be eye candy, hence bikini-armor.
Video games have always been more progressive than films.
sure, faggotron
actually i think attractive women wearing skimpy outfits in video games should be mandatory by international law and apply to every female character
Germans will save us
nothing wrong with that, user. mankind once fought naked in the battlefield and constructed statues of humanity naked. nakedness is natural and pure.
>only one example against the entire western industry
>he hasn't played Skyrim
what game
>like a gay fantasy
but sexy women aren't designed like a lesbian fantasy, so what the fuck are you on about? also
>muh strawman
feck off m8
Good. Conan clones are the worst type of fantasy settings.
If the gay fantasy is like your picture then I would honestly have no problem playing that game.
Not him, but how can anyone stand bara art. The pecs look like baloons. It's fucking weird.
This looks way better.
Is poofy dress armor still okay?
Take me back!
>wow will never have lewd armor sets
>not even for races no body plays like orc females and troll females
not fair
to the good old days
Isn't that what transmogs are for?
It doesnt dumbass but it doesnt need to make sense on a fantasy setting
yeah but im talking about new armor
not gear from years back
user, we're supposed to be angry in this thread.
He's shirtless throughout the entire snake cult infiltration
Don't people usually just make the pants invisible?
>make the pants invisible
what mods to have my character look like this
Demoniac Skin textures
7 Base body
GRIM Elven Medium MK1 (Armor)
Gomaperopero follower or face preset (for face)
Snap dragon ENB
A PC that can run Snap dragon ENB
downloading those when i get home, ty
What's the real sauce for this? The pixiv I'm lead to is just some plagiarizing chink
ban female warriors, it's ridiculous
Search the filename via Twitter.
and how do you do that?
Is this the new SJW pet word?
Clientside texture modding.
I wish Dark Souls had this kind of anime artstyle to its characters instead of the fucking potatoes we got. Code Vein fanboys please do not reply to me your aesthetic is shit.
Just got back off a nap, here's the full lineup.
Literally type in "Twitter" and then the filename on Google.
>no helm
>What is the "right way"?
When you open up an image in a pixiv gallery, you have to click it a second time to enlarge it. You'll save the full size image rather than the preview size.
No game. It's original art
>Francisca Valero#8977
nigga i dont know what to do with this information. google didnt help