*blocks your path to photorealistic graphics*
*blocks your path to photorealistic graphics*
Other urls found in this thread:
Gust hair is pretty
really pretty
Hair kino?
Any kind of long hair, really.
Every dev seems to be allergic to hair longer than shoulder level.
To be fair, long hair is a nightmare to model without a ton of clipping or physics issues. Going with short hair is just easier.
Especially in games where you can change your armor/hairstyle.
is that hair of age?
Why don't more games use the tech used in the new Tomb Raider games?
It worked pretty fine.
I don't understand why hair clipping is so awful in games. Is it that hard to just draw out the clothing model as a boundary that the hair can't go through? Why would it be any different than setting the floor or a wall as boundary that you can't clip through.
The physics is already there too so the hair hitting the clothing could look semi-decent.
post bun drops
Long or short, literally all hair in games looks fucking awful (in realistic, non-anime/cartoony visuals). Only thing that doesn't look bad is guys with buzzcuts, which don't really count as hair
Styalized > photorealism
>tech demo
What is this supposed to show?
Shit that's never going to happen or not at the very least for a few gens?
Because applying this to a full complete game and many characters on screen all with their own hair physics, with ray tracing, etc, is just not feasible nor a good use of resources.
There's a million things blocking photorealism not just hair.
The closer graphics get to reality, the more influence they'll be able to wield over your mind.
This. Kat's hair in the game moves beautifully while she moves through the air.
If games put all women in burkas as Allah intended then we wouldn't have that problem.
Tfw islam is what will save video games
Here you go user
aaaaeueughghg my dick
Honestly same
Damn. The new Street Fighter looks great.
the level of effort it must take to maintain all that hair just to give me a boner when she drops it
I commend these women
IMAGINE how much shampoo and conditioner she goes through
God, that's sooo much hair.
I bet you can use it as a blanket.
Devil May Cry 5 has fantastic hair.
Same, I have a thing for girls with long hair
Would you help her wash it?
>all that fucking hair
If you shaved your head completely, how fucking long would it take for hair to grow that long again?
Dave Mustaine looks good, what game is he in?
I would mess it up
just imagine the sweet smell and softness
touching her hair and skin
I saw a video on instagram of a girl who has this kind of long as fuck hair.
Basically they grab a casserole, they put all the water, shampoo etc in it, and then just put all the hair in it.
Doesn't seem hard.
Yea Forums - Hair and Buns
I wanna absentmindedly run my hands through it and play with like she does at the end
Probably a few years.
I imagine it takes awhile. I have a qt coworker who has long hair (not as long as the hair people have posted ITT, but getting there) and she's only 20 and has gotten it trimmed one or two times, so I imagine it not only depends on genetics but also takes years
I can already feel the frame drops.
At least 5 years.
Amd has TressFX which wasn't used only because consoles are weak, i think only nu-Lara had it on consoles. I think it'll become mainstream in next-gen. Hairworks is too niche as being pc-only and proprietary to lead to the mass adoption.
Death Stranding has really good looking hair IMO.
It's too good, when you start to see how every strand starts to cross and how that's actually how reality is but you filter it, it's actually a terrible looking feeling. I don't know why the eyes don't filter for games, but it does for humans.
my hair does this and im a man
>tfw going bald
>tfw will never have long, luscious hair like this except in the form of wigs
Seconding this. It felt like I could just reach out and ruffle Lady’s hair.
It's just fucking hair. Who cares.
isn't it weird how we evolved to have hair this long? There must have been some long haired fuckers walking around in ancient times
growing up I always had shaggy hair that women loved to play with and braid whenever I'd let it grow longer. I am 32 now and it's thin as fuck on top and it sucked all of my confidence away. Became a side parter and hat wearer.
t. Bald.
my hair is about a third of that length and I've been growing it 3 years. So probably nearly a decade. Unless girls grow hair faster
>I am forgotten
How do modern games render hair physics?
Is it a 3d model with individual hair strands or illusion layers of textures?
It's a very well done illusion that is placed on top of a planar base and even then, that's not true because everyone does it differently for some reason.
finally someone posted it
This is why Claire Redfield and Lara Croft wear ponytails.
The collision physics eat up more resources than you'd think
Even though Bethedsa is garbage I think fallout 4 did pretty well with their hair physics, the base game hairs are boring but modders made hair look really impressive in that game it set a new standard that I require now and makes every other RPG/MMO hair just look like putrid shit.
I love modders.
depends on the engine
some renders it as multiple layers of transparent clothing, simulate it as sticky solid particles, or rely completely on tessellation.
Also the hair needs to follow the contours of the armor or else it would just stick straight out as soon as it hit the first bump and that takes up a lot too
Is that from that Alice game? Never played it myself but it looked interesting.
Why is everyone balding in their 30's now? radiation from prolong vidya exposure?
Lots of flat bacon strips with hair texture on them. It gives the illusion of hair while not taking too much power. t: graduated 3d student.
Smart phones
Yea Forums has always been a hairstylist board
Oh is this the hair thread?
Just wait until the hardware improves ;)
unnffffFUCK those last few slow unwinds after it slows down in the middle
how do they even manage to bundle it all up into such a small package, it's mesmerizing every single time
Her hair in-game while moving around looks like an octopus.
I started losing it around 25, but it wasn't noticeable to anyone but me until about 2 years ago. I am the 32 year old dude. It really sneaks up on you.
Letting women play with your hair is a bitch move. Allowing them to touch you in general is beta as fuck, it's a sign of you being dominated lmao.
anime game hair always looks like shit when in motion
>ugly damaged dyed tumblr hair
and dropped
My wife keeps touching my dick.
How do I make her stop, senpai?
It's by far the best hair in any vidya ever period. Not perfect, but better than anything developers ever did.
Also AMD created their special technology© just for fur and hair, Tomb Raider used it, and it still looks like shit compared to Alice.
>File too large
At this point I don't even touch them anymore. I pleasure them with my mind.
I'd damage her butthole with my ugly penis if you know what I mean
do these people with hair this long sit on their hair? that's gross, but if you put it over your shoulder it'd probably get in the way and be annoying
Just state that you're a fag, easier that way.
good lad
gay lad
Standard male pattern baldness generally triggers in mid-twenties to early thirties. Whites/Caucasians in general are more prone to it.
Slap her and get a grip around her throat while you whisper in her ear to never touch you without permission. Make her say yes daddy.
beta loser i bet u let her kiss and suck on it 2 LOL pathetic beta loser letting a women suck ur dick LOL LOSER
Plastics in food supply
make everyone bald duh
Women grow hair faster thanks to estrogen
They do, estrogen has a sorta hair growth bonus
With hair extensions, probably less than a year.
It depends on how fast your hair grows. Some people will reach terminal length and never get to that stage. My hair grows extremely fast and I’ve had it that long. It’s a headache to maintain so I trim it a lot and it makes me look too much like a girl from the back. Braids are heavy when it’s that length so it’s just a pain tbqh
Ah what the fuck, is it console only? I could have sworn it was on Steam awhile back.
>tumblr hair
Nah, senpai
Deus ex MD used it
Ah, I see. Makes sense
EA pulled it off and made it Origin exclusive.
It got removed from Steam for whatever reason, probably just EA being EA. It still might be on Origin. Just pirate it, also includes original game.
Photorealism is irrelevant. Only stylistic consitency matters.
Well that's some bullshit. Guess I'll find it elsewhere.
Just get it on xbone
Does it have PhysX? It's really good in Madness Returns, one of the best use of useless particles I've ever seen.
Tumblrinas dye their hair in a very simplistic way, most of the times with only one color, and tend to get retarded hairstyles that no one likes as a "statement" or just those shitty bow cuts.
I've been among normalfags way too much and you end up noticing the difference. That girl is the kind that gets along with everyone and that will jump at your dick if she's drunk and give her enough attention.
Yeah just pirate it.
Cool fanfic.
Hey man, wigs can be pretty realistic.
And easier to deal with, fuck me I would go insane having to maintain so much hair.
No, just based on life experiences. The world is not as simple as millennials wish it was so they were capable of understanding it with their Marvel-addicted infantilized brains.
This, true heterosexual men only let other men play with their hair.
No, only one I let play with my hair is my sister.
I can tell you are a smart guy. You're not like everyone else, you're observant and capable of critical thought. You don't fit the mold, all your life you've felt like an alien observing the world objectively. You also find yourself engage in deep profound conversations with yourself. A true renaissance man and second coming of Socrates.
make a braid and throw it around your chest i guess
We always have. Many of us are just starting to hit that age and talk about it so you are becoming more aware.
So this is how a fetish is born.
No, sorry, i'm not a millennial.
She doesn't look like she weighs upwards of 300lb, so it can't be a tumblrina.
Imagine the smell
It's very gpu intensive.
You could make hair one static blob and sure, you fixed clipping issues but your hair is shit. If you think "why is it so hard", more often than not it is and you don't even realize why, similar to how some big shot at a company asks "why is it so hard to do X". Some make shift solution that you came up with without knowing everything regarding the problem has probably been passed up on for years.
good. stylized graphics are better anyway.
Braids best haircut in games and IRL anyways.
I seem to remember her hanging upside down with an anti gravity ponytail. You probably watch shit from the ISS and think everything looks up to snuff, don’t ya?
Post more Bun drops, that shit's hot as fuck.
I was bummed when I played RDR2 and saw the long hair clipped through clothes very easily. It’s like they just accepted that would be the case and didn’t think it was worth caring about.
Damn right, this emphasis on photorealism has caused the biggest cancers in gaming.
better yet - real material stylisation
>I’d start smoking again just to help her quit, then ghost her after finishing at the same time
Color coding my friend.
It tends to stem from daddy issues, but those can result in many things. Some just become clingy girls, some into feminists, and others into sluts.
I think the one in the webm is of the last ones.
probably just like shampoo you sperg
what about natural redheads?
fuck off back to mgtow. nobody needs your pseudo-Freudian take on anything.
Still dangerous enough.
jews, you should know.
If this was on Switch we'd be laughing at how ugly it is
>jews, you should know.
an ancient roman said unmixed germans had reddish hair and blue eyes
What? I would fuck that girl without a doubt. They might not be girlfriend material, but fuckbuddies are just as important in your 20s. They provide a very valuable service to society.
>germans with hair loops
Go further back, babylon times and you can trail them.
i liked mia's hair in re7, it was fairly long and had a nice look to it
I wish this game wasnt so boring and repetitive, its truly fucking beautiful to look at. Sound design is wonderful too.
I definitely agree
Certainly not from using them
t. don't even own a smartphone
>had hair this long
>sluts in high school were jealous
Shit was curly as fuck too
>tfw my ex had ass length hair
miss her brose
That shit would get stuck on stuff, they probably cut it
From the CPU or GPU?
Oh also pests living inside it
in ancient times it wouldnt be possible to grow your hair that long, it would fray and break off
only with modern hair care is it possible
I'm mostly impressed that it doesn't seem to tangle whatsoever. Must take a ton of work.
>realistic environment textures and models but with a shitty instagram filter over everything, cel shaded characters and anime main character
looks like SHIT, imagine having this brainlet taste
That's what I wonder about nails too. Like how did they keep those contained without being freaky long like the World Record holders?
>try shampoo
why are women so gross?
>The difficulty in modelling and animating long hair results in games and animation just giving women short hair so they don't have to bother
They take care of themselves if you keep digging and scratching at shit every day
i miss the smell of a girls hair
that soapy sweet girly smell, its impossible to describe
its been so long ive almost forgotten what it smells like
this is the worst, I'm sick of seeing ugly women with short or tied up hair in every game
same, i want a gf again, but this isnt videogames, so post a pic of pretty girls in videogames.
>Turned on by long hair
You know these people could easily be guys, right?
Is that not waist length
Lmao you fucking wish tranny
literally looks like a piece of cloth, anime sucks
Whatever, it was long alright
Let me wallow in my sadness
I care
Hair is my fetish
>During the Heian Era of Japanese history, from about 794 to 1345, Japanese noblewomen rejected Chinese fashions and created a new style sensibility. The fashion during this period was for unbound, straight hair—the longer, the better! Floor-length black tresses were considered the height of beauty.
I wish the game didn't crash on me every time I tried to get through the third stage.
Underrated post. This is true.
Huh, interdasting
god I'm so jealous of asians and their straight, thick hair
it takes everything I've got to stop my hair from being frissy and curly as shit
not looking forward to the inevitable baldness, though I probably wouldn't mind wearing a wig because it means I can have whatever hair I want
Will raytracing solve this problem?
men with straight hair look like fags
The v is scissors :o)
>hair fetishists
>mutilated dick
I cant get off to this!
Asian hair is thin, though.
perfectly straight hair, maybe
wavy hair on men is top tier
Even more dangerous
no it isnt lmao its thick as fuck
reminder that long hair past the waist is farmer fetiche
Redheads are like Kryptonites to me
Why would one want photorealistic graphics
Stylized looks nicer and its less cost intensive
that does not look pleasurable
NVIDIA hairworks is pretty impressive in Metro Exodus on the creatures but also the characters. Too bad it can't be implemented in any game without AMDonkeys developing an aneurysm in their brain.
I had no idea hair fetishists unironically existed.
I don't think cheap cartoony graphics look nicer
Its a hell of a lot more normal than footfags or armpitfags
and i say this as a devoted pitfag
why do whiteoids always try to interject in subjects that they know nothing about?
There's a difference between liking nice hair (which everyone do) and fetishizing it, which is NOT more normal than foot fetish, armpits is debatable though
t. Footfag
It's true though, go compare the amount of hair fucking porn vs foot fucking porn
>hair fucking
Woah woah woah
Back it up a bit
>hair fetish thread on Yea Forums
If you have frizzy or curly hair you’re probably a mutt nigger.
>had ass-long hair
>for some reason growth slowed down hard
>every time I trim it, it's a little bit shorter than the last time because the growth just can't keep up
>every year it's a bit shorter
Fucking hell.
You forgot water and mirrors.
You ready for some wholesome?
There weren't even any black people in my town 25 years ago
>tfw get to smell my sister's hair every weekend when we watch movies
100% norf English here, i have curly brown hair
user, just shoving cell shading over everything isn't "styalized". Psychonauts is styalized. Destroy All Humans is styalized. Gravity Rush is just corne cutting because they couldn't afford anything bettter.
Thats bordering on incestuous thoughts user
>long hair
>short hair
>wavy hair
>bed hair
>braided pony tails
>cute bangs
i-i cant hold it in any longer bros...
Her couch is small, so the only way to watch stuff comfortable is if I hug her from behind.
Can't not have her hair in my nose because of her dumb voluminous emo hairstyle.
This thread is too far off topic. Post nice long hair in video games.
TW3 has good hair
10 years.
I like long hair.
Bit of a difference between cavemen and 800 AD
to be honest you have yo have a high iq to appreciate well treated hair
Any man with long hair looks better with short hair. Long hair is for women only.
I don't understand why getting hair right is so difficult. We've had cloth physics as standard for some time now. Isn't getting decent hair just the exact same concept? Just model the hair as being layers with cloth-style physics applied and it should work no problem.
Hair is always going to be in the dick in the ass to light pathing.
Resident evil 2 remake hair looks good but the rendering looks fucked up for some reason
You need to antialias as fuck to make it look believeable
silence, you greasy, frizzy-haired toad
>live together with gf
>hair everywhere
>teehee user, that's just how it is :3
Fuck you, you disgusting bitch, clean up your shit.
>You need to antialias as fuck to make it look believeable
Sounds like the hair in FF15 where if you aren't using their shitty TAA it's completely broken.
Norman Reedus looks way better with long hair
Norman Reedus is an ugly human being no matter how his hair is styled.
WTF I just broke up with my girlfriend
Exactly the same
Is Gravity Rush 2 worth playing now that the online content is dead? I own it and only played a little bit of it before I got sidetracked and all that stuff died. I really liked doing the scavenger hunts, which is a shame. Really I just want to dick around in the city and take pictures more than anything else in the game.
>he doesn't find Norman Reedus attractive
Why did they have to kill paragon lads?
I grew my hair out from a buzz cut for about a year now and it was down to my shoulders, I trimmed it short again because it was a pain in the ass and the fifth time I got a brush stuck I gave up.
If I let it grow for another two/three years I probably would have had hair of a similar length.
The online stuff was shit, the only loss is that there were some outfits locked behind it.
Red dead has pretty good hair.
Takes a couple of years to reach the shoulders, probably over 5 years to reach your knees.
Same tho, idk what it is I get completely mesmerized by girls with long healthy hair.
Something about it is extremely attractive to me.
It's called being a normal human.
Get the fuck out
For me, it was the brushing scenes in GJ-bu.
Yea wtf
I said girls with beautiful hair is extremely attractive
I didn't say I want to fuck their hair
Fucking kek
Okay I see where you're coming from now hahaha
this unironically
You can clip your nails with various tools and even with your own fingers, user.
Not all that much
>had long hair like this and only needed a blob of shampoo in the palm