Why aren't you playing a JRPG right now?
Why aren't you playing a JRPG right now?
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Give me a good one to play that ISN'T turned based.
Dragon Quest Heroes II
Ys: Memories of Celceta
Ys: Lacrimosa of Dana
What's the game OP?
Because Mother 3 is crashing after the intro on my 3ds
trails of cold steel 4, not in english yet
I'd rather play a railshooter to scratch my 'do what you're told you little braindead bitch' itch than a J "RP" G.
Because they are shit.
Just finished FFX
it was alright
you can almost see her thing
Only JRPGs worth playing are the ones with some actual porn scenes in them
Prove me wrong.
You're missing out on some good ones. Chaining attacks real time on modern Ys games is really satisfying. Especially neat is the forest of Celceta, exploring it is almost like a good 3D Metroid game. What Other M should've been...
Chrono Trigger on Steam has the gay health bars under the character sprites, no buy.
I'm playing Trials of Mana
I haven't trusted someone saying a jrpg plays well since someone told me ToV was fun over 15 years ago. Sorry user.
The best JRPGs with porn in them have shit porn
Tales of and Ys are completely 2 different beasts, at least hear me out:
Unlike Tales, you don't walk to an enemy to load a battle screen, it's realtime and you're in complete control of all your attacks and dodges. The camera is semi-fixed, kind of like Devil May Cry.
And the music sounds like it was done on Capcom Q-Sound equipment, at least give it a listen. youtu.be
I just finished a game two days ago and I'm still experiencing the post-game crash where I get really depressed and lose the will to do anything.
Wait, I thought Ys was jousting/bumper cars with really good music? Is there more to it than that?
Because I gotta hit the hay in 15 minutes, man. And I need to get around to finishing the Trails series, I still need to go through the Crossbell and Cold Steel games.
That's classic Ys, after they began rebooting the games, they changed style. Memories of Celceta for example replaced Ys: Mask of the Sun in the canon. The only canon bumper Ys are I&II Chronicles and V. The Oath of Felghana was a retelling of III with the new style and haven't looked since. Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana might very well be the best in the series thus far.
no time for gayRPG, gotta genocide Red Pasarans
Sounds cool, I had no idea they progressed that way. Are there lots of side quests in the games like the Tales series? That's my favorite thing about them is just how much stuff there is to do besides the main story.
Playing ffx-2 later on. Fuck the Bevelle dungeon puzzle. I don't need that Ribbon, right bros? I fought both
There are sidequests, none are mandatory "except" for Lacrimosa of Dana because Adol and others shipwrecked on an uncharted island and basically you gotta make your own town by "sidequesting" rescuing others who were in the Titanic with you, it's much more kino than it sounds.
...both Bosses at least three times each, I'm thinking fuck it.
Is FFXIV a jrpg?
I know that feel user. Still recovering from DQ11
They suck ass.
Been playing Lulua.
First enjoyable Atelier since Ayesha.
Based slutty outfits
It's better than WoW
>He doesn't like turn based games
what's your endgame
I think this genre isn't for you. Have no worries though I have just thing thing for you.
>Thinking there's just one (1) person behind those posts
what's your endgame
I don't play Japanese "games".
I just like using Etika reaction images
What's the excuse they used to have a girl walk around only covered in magic symbols?