
Attached: 65468145_2327081057379082_2522848207529050112_n.jpg (720x474, 39K)

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Did something happen?
>newfags STILL can't blankpost

I can't be sure, but it could be something to do with Etika killing himself?

it might actually be him, fuck that's sad

Attached: damn.png (626x509, 264K)

but why

>someone makes goodbye video then kills themself
how exactly?



nigger dead

Attached: 1557588083583.png (612x351, 308K)


Attached: 1552435487979.gif (550x400, 1.59M)

no ):

>he plays gacha games

Attached: 1561421853039.png (302x219, 79K)

>description fits
not many niggers with guile hair in new york

Attached: 1536081862752.jpg (2133x1600, 1.47M)


>but not confirmed whether it's him
How the fuck can you not tell what he looks like?

thread theme

maybe because floating in a river for few days tends to bloat and rot your skin.

play both at once

Attached: 1554807078787.gif (400x365, 435K)


serious moment, it's him

Attached: 2019-06-25 03_42_39-VLC media player.png (460x420, 227K)


What said but also the police don’t like to issue definitive statements til they’ve had a family member come over and gawk at the corpse for a bit. Sometimes they get a few different families in too, because people with missing family members will often misidentify bodies as being their relatives simply because they want closure.
Shit sucks.

I reviewed this video very carefully, thats his head in the middle of those men. they just lifted him out. thats his face, undeniably, and the shirt matches

>he doesn't feel emotions

Attached: 1561421568112.jpg (800x600, 29K)

>fuck that's sad
No? He was annoying and fake as hell, and having to even glance at the OPs for these not-video-games threads is tedious enough. You children need to leave.

Found him

Attached: CpqUlY0WgAAvhTA.jpg (1200x900, 125K)

Pizza must be soggy as shit.