>Another page in your story...written.
Dantalion is objectively the best familiar.
>Another page in your story...written.
Dantalion is objectively the best familiar.
I just finished mopping up my 100% item archive, and what's up with demon bone / fiend hide?
Both crafting materials, but as far as I can tell neither are actually used for crafting anything.
>final level is just some random unmemorable ice cave
>not moon-themed
>not UltraSatanSummoning-themed
>none of the bosses there have anything to do with ice
It feels like they phoned in both of the game's final levels. Also the real-real main baddy was really boring as well. Not like I was expecting good plot out of this, but I still managed to come out disappointed. Even a generic villain Gremory had more charm and a better design to boot. Her boss fight was really fun as well and felt like the inversion power-up was actually designed to be used there. Zangetsu's sword doing auto-crits also felt like a neat detail.
If I go into the gambler fight with no gold, does that make it easier?
Yeah I was incredibly disappointing with the last 20% of the game. The ice and magma areas felt absurdly short, rushed and unmemorable. The best areas in the game are all in the first half. If the game had better boss fights and end areas it would have been a 10/10 for me.
Yeah, it was pretty disappointing. Something moon-themed would've been great. I'm fine with Dominique though, she had a pretty good fight.
I'm surprised Focalor didn't appear either, considering he would fit in the ice caves (or in forbidden underground waterway), and it feels strange to not include him.
Some materials are only used for enhancing shards
Where do you go after the proper Gebel fight?
where the FUCK is black pepper
i gotta make consomme for something for the old lady and it needs fucking black shitty pepper
Oh right I'm retarded
Garden. Place where the moon was red the first time you came through. Slash it with the Zangetsuto
Sorcery Lab after the train section. It's in the blue chests pretty often there.
Much. When he does his gold absorb thing, he'll only heal for like 20-30 points, and die in one hit.
>level up Bloodbringer because I heard it was the best sword in the game when maxed
>finally got it to level 99
>it's weaker than Blue Rose
Don't make the same mistake I did anons.
>game has tons of neat abilities
>riga storaema and riga dohin can carry you through literally all of it
i kept waiting to get a better ability and never did, was kinda disappointed
Guess I better fucking buy those 8 bit coins. Dammit, I was saving up for the Discount Card, I there aren't any solid ways for me to money farm yet.
welp, was going to level bloodbringer since it looks rad, but thanks for saving me the trouble
I have died at least 10 times to the first boss. What the fuck is wrong with me? Am I retarded? Am I missing something here? There's so much shit going on at once. How the fuck am I supposed to duck behind the adds and dodge their water at the same time?
Don't worry about getting the discount card until post game when you can start farming like a maniac. Even then, it almost feels pointless getting it at that point for anything other than completion.
Yeah, there are. Get your Augment Gold shard from the shop, max it out, and suddenly get everything you'll ever need from blowing up mana torches.
I'm gonna use him anyway because Bloodbringer is a bro
As soon as she throws the adds out, even before they rise up out of the ground, go attack them. They'll take damage and die before fully spawning.
And use your damn shard magic. If you got the Dullahammer's Head Flail shard or Aello's Gale Crawler shard, it makes the fight much easier.
bloodbringer is cringy with his "DIE!" yell he makes all the time, i just go with the fairy or the dullahead, they actually do stuff
How do you change resolution in the game? I just get a blank box for it in the grahics menu.
Anyone here playing on PC?
Don't waste your time on the fucking fairy or the sword. The book and the knight are the best familiars.
First two bosses are the hardest. After that, you're over the hump
after the blood girl the game gets gradually more sloppy as you go on, even the zangetsu stage being there didn't make any sense considering he wasn't ever part of the alchemists
Bloodbringer's voice is fucking awesome and has tons of SOUL, it reminds me of the Sword familiar from SOTN who said similar silly sounding things in battle like "SLICE!".
I just brute forced it and chugged potions. I can't even remember what attacks it had. Nightmare mode is probably gonna force me to learn the pattern though.
How do i kill the blood bitch? Any tips?
But the adds are all that protect me from her water laser.
She should die in one or two add waves, long before she lasers. She only has 600 HP on Normal, which is like 10 hits from one of your shard spells?
Inferno Breath makes short work of every boss/enemy in the game, so do that if you're struggling.
RNG, timed blue chests. Another wise design decision in this game.
Blue Chests respawn when you leave the zone/teleport away and come back.
Augment gold doesn't affect torches, just the luck stats and having full MP so you don't waste them on mp roses
I mean, Bloodbringer is stronger if the enemy resists Ice.
I always spec for luck. Am I doing it wrong? I like having a lot of luck so I get a lot of drops, that's why I'm wearing that crappy stone mask and a plundering's ring
Yeah, it's total bullshit. Hope you saved those health pots. Apart from that you could try using a weaker weapon so you can semi-safely stunlock the mobs while you're hiding behind them. Other than that, pray like hell.
I think that user is playing on Hard. It adds a second water-laser attack that literally hits the entire arena (even air) and is literally undodgeable, and you have to use the mobs she summons as protection from it. Which is doubly fucked since the mobs obviously attack you as well while you're crouching right next to them.
Augment Gold gives all gold drops, no matter what drops them, a high chance of being larger drops. At Grade 9, torches frequently drop 100 and 500 gold coins.
I just started my Hard playthrough yesterday, with a brand new file, and killed the first boss before she could do the laser with the strategy I listed. She took maybe 10 seconds?
If you are dying; yes, it's time to equip better defensive gear.
If you aren't dying: no, enjoy the crits and better farm.
Sorc lab on blue chest. I want to know what monster drops torn pages
The floating books in Ex Liber drop Torn Pages and book familiar shards. Win-win-win.
Fuck the old lady that want food.
Thanks. Im farming the book for my gun loadout
Its expensive but the payoff is huge
Gremory is litteraly just Death.
Not complaining, Death fights are always awesome.
Remember, you can snag one drop and then go Craft something that uses that drop. Then go buy a bunch from the shop and Dismantle them to get the mats back.
It costs gold, but it is a much, much faster way of acquiring lots of mats.
>Remember, you can snag one drop and then go Craft something that uses that drop. Then go buy a bunch from the shop and Dismantle them to get the mats back.
Tell me I can do this with the food because I farmed so much for flying meat and other rare shit even with luck at 111+ took forever
Is there a ring that increases shard drop chances? How do I get it?
You get it from completing all of Abigail's quests
You know the quests to get shit from burying the dead? Finish all of those, it's worth it.
He's saying "retained"
Only this slow because of Gemory's dumb animation for her laser.
Got to last boss without flame circlet.
You HAVE to buy other circlet to open flame one. Who would thought.
Hours and hours of shard grinding could be skiped
Kinda feels like Aria + Dawn of Sorrow in that regard. I wasn't a fan of the final sprint in those games.
I only have mine at like 7 and I frequently get 2k gold drops from torches. Enhance gold makes you filthy fucking rich so fast
Thanks, Anons
>missing 2 silver knight shards
Ok I can't be the only retard that didn't realize that Craftwork could move Iron Maidens right? I've been traveling the castle for like two hours looking for a boss fight that gave me Mist form or something.
Did they fix the bug with not respawning wasps in the dragon towers?
Yeah I was like “craftwork is for getting past the pillar blocks, they wouldn’t make one upgrade get you past two different obstacles so obviously I’ll get something different later”
Bloodbringer is fun, but it's just window dressing. If you want a familiar that does something, go with dullaheads or dantalion.
Im retarded too, I thought you can use the speed demon power only with mirrors.
They really should have given the Iron Maiden's a similar glow to the pillar
Dullaheads are pretty great too and Buer is a lot of fun if you know how to use him.
What is it with people? It sounds like you create your own obstacles
>Why would I try using Craftwork to move the iron maiden? OBVIOUSLY it wouldn't work
>Why would I try draining the blood with Bloodless' shard? OBVIOUSLY it wouldn't work
Less thinking and more doing is the way to go
I only realized that way late
just beat curse of the moon i cant wait to start this
What is the point of this?
good damage
and erection
It's actually very strong once you rank it up.
it's hot
but they did?
They did, user. It has the same white glow.
Flying Edge for life or until I can craft the next level of Flying Edge sword.
It was kinda weird that you need to have obtained certain items before the recipe shows up. Would've been better to just show all available ones once you collect the recipe book that unlocks them.
I never figured out the proper way to get past the spikes so I just stocked up on potions and damaged boosted through them.
sooo are there a whole bunch of hair styles then? me likey
I haven't tried comparing it to boot weapons but kicks can be pretty useful. Both them and the transformation also make your slides and pogoing off enemies deal actual damage. If you get the food items that upgrade your MP regen you can keep it on permanently.
why do I love the deathbringer so much? every other weapon sucks in comparison. this thing attacks anything above me,it's strong, it's the best. even though it's slow, it's so good.
Based and potionpilled
I like it because it's strong but not crazy overpowered so boss fights aren't over in a matter of seconds.
If you Upgrade it enough you just destroy most bosses.
>start up a nightmare file after finishing hard for the first run
>grind mode engages
>9 dullaheads before I leave the ship, 9 riga storaema, 9 true arrow
>2 cursed rings
>loads of food
>55 int chad destroying bosses without being touched
Where can I find Orichalcum?
Ice caves at the end of the game.
Throwing axemen near the end of the game have a 2% drop, but a blue chest also provides a chance of getting one or some cashmere.
It's pretty obtuse. I only figured it out because nearly everything in the game in general is one big SotN homage so I instantly realized they recycled the same idea here as well.
Is there any reason why I shouldn't be using whips for the entire game?
because sword/katana counter techniques are broken as all fuck
Just use what weapons you find fun, user. I went through most of the game using spears because I really like the longer range.
The Aegis Plate location was the most retarded thing in this game. Not even the final levels being boring as fuck compare.
I want a pet Lili
Curse of the moon 2 when
Because flying swords.
Okay I'm not the only one.
No I mean the pillars actually GLOW, whereas the Iron Maidens just have a slight white Outline that isn't nearly as noticeable.
I genuinely liked the giant level. It was a neat gimmick. It helped that the music in that area was amazing.
Agree on that fucking ice cave, though. I was actually shocked when the game just ended there because it didn't feel like a final level at all.
What is so good about the bandit sword everybody talks about it?
it can do *teleports behind you* attacks
so can daggers, and those have a ranged tech as well.
Iron Maiden for Reference.
It's strong and doesn't require item grinding to get it
I need gold and bixbite to create the tiara so I can get Solomon's Ring. Where do I find these two?
Didn't have problem with that one because they look kinda similar. Though I am still stupid because I didn't figure out right away that you have to drain the blood fountain.
Personally I find it hilarious when he yeets himself off screen.
And he actually dealt the final blow against the twin dragons.
>switch version is terrible
Flame elementals can drop bixbite and imo the best way to get gold is to disassemble something that has gold in it, disassemble the gold, reassemble the gold, and then buy gold from the shop.
You have to craft gold or disassemble and bixbite can be farmed from the Fire elementals in the inferno zone
Is it the silver tiara? If it is, farm the rocker girl, she drop it I think.
Gold is a bitch to make. Farm Alkahest from Poltergeist (try going right of the tower warp, a room has three of them), then farm Fire armor or something with gold in the recipe and break it down.
You can also occasionally get gold from the blue chests in the desert.
I finally did it
I got Solomon's Ring
Thanks, Anons
You can occasionally find gold in silver chests in the hidden desert. I think it's faster than crafting it.
wherest the fuck is the flame tiara
I only just realized that force blast gives you a free stun. Actually pretty based
Buying a circlet from the shop unlocks the recipe.
Buy a tiara and slap some flames on it
Craft it
Can’t you just slap some rubies onto a regular tiara
Good job champ
The last 50% of the game entirely was an ass to be honest.
i have no idea why this wasn't visible from the start
Did you check at the bottom of the craft menu? You just didn't have the materials to craft it.
It's themed after the deepest level of Dante's hell.
The elemental circlets don't show up until you obtain the circlet for the first time, so they're pretty easy to miss of you never make/buy it
Is there some kind of moon jump or triple jump? I got the double jump and still can't get the chests in the Galleon Minerva.
>Tfw accidentally leaving Blue Markers all over the map
>Keep going back into empty rooms trying to figure out whatever item they indicate, probably HP/SP ups or something
You can craft high jump, or wait until you get invert. IIRC you can only craft high jump after getting invert though
One of them is hidden in a breakable wall in the caves. You find that one yet?
>tfw spent half the game not doing any bounties because i thought there would be a different person coming in every time instead of the RIP AND TEAR lady
Ah, I jumped the gun on backtracking then, I'll continue progressing for now.
The fish one? Yeah. I just can't find the one at the very bottom of the list and it's making me lose my mind because I at least want to finish all the quests before heading into NG+
>get a recipe for vangole
>requires vangole sauce
>no way to make vangole sauce
There is a hidden wall in the underground water area on one of the long vertical screens that can be reached by invert
This game was pretty good, better than expected, but I think no Metroidvania will leave me with the same impact as SoTN did when they revealed the inverted castle.
When do I get the option to change the color of my outfit and customize shit?
I just did that with reflector ray
In the cathedral
after the second bossfight you will be able to reach where the npc is
how do i make the flame circlet?
>Trap a Zagan so it can continually summon Light Elementals
>Grade 8 Light Resist before getting second item
Well, that was a slog.
Make something with black pepper once, then just buy more of that shit and dismantle it
buy circlet, stick a ruby on it
You have to buy a normal circlet for the recipe to show up. This is the case with several other recipes where a piece of gear is consumed as well, like to get the Hermes Shoes recipe to show up you have to craft the Dragon Shoes first.
Oh thanks didn't even notice i never bought it
Wheres the mod to disable the stupid hats and accessories from displaying?
Zagan summons enemies? Come to think of it, I usually never actually saw it attack before I killed it.
Ice caves are themed after the deepest circle of hell, and I like it, but the overall level design was too simple, felt like Aria and Dawn on that regard.
Also, the final boss was meh but the fight against Dominique right before it was actually great. Going at it with similar spells and using a katana with all techniques felt like I was doing this game's version of a Vergil figth. Also her boss theme being a remix of her shop theme was a neat thing I didn't notice the first time around
Is this even really a spoiler? I've got to be honest, if you got 10 minutes into the game and didn't realise this was going to be a thing, you're absolutely braindead.
How many of the Shards are just busted? Because fully upgraded Shuriken is insane
Abuse the divekick like a real Castlevania player.
Almost every fully upgraded shard is pretty busted
>Muh balance
I for one love breaking games, fuck yeah for throwing balance out the window, only faggots care about that.
Does the game has that same weapon SoTN had? The crissaigrem or whatever is called.
Im also split between getting this game or Mario Maker 2, which game would you get.
Why is millionaire's bane so easy anyway? It's a cakewalk compared to other extra bosses.
I'm getting both.
I know it's obvious, especially if you played AoS, but the game just came out and I'm not gonna be throwing spoilers around untagged.
Revenant was pretty easy as well. He just jumps around and rarely attacks
Yes, there's a not-crissaegrim in the game, you get a slower version through drops and the fast as fuck crissaegrim being craftable
Why is Alchemic Bounty such a bitch to upgrade? Fucking 9 gold per level.
revenant is fun as fuck and has a great pattern, the carpenter sucks though his tells suck and he's got stupid aoe coverage.
Holy shit...
i hope the co-op online is like Harmony of dispair, I wanna play as Zangetsu online with you niggas.
Stop posting this in every fucking thread you retarded attention whore.
Because it's really fucking broken
>craft something
>get x5 for the price of a single item
>dismantle and make more, getting x5 every time
>infinite items
invert, he just throws knives 50 feet away from you
this is just like the dmcv and re2re shitposting.
I got a 777 and the boss died, was pretty funny,
>exploring around i found the carpenter's key
>"ooh i remember where that was, cool now i will finally find out whats the deal with these doors"
>surprise boss time
>hits like a truck
>he summons high end demons i haven't even faced before
that key should have been hidden in giant world
Is there a particular item you use that's most effective with to make an infinite money exploit?
I mean, it's got to be enough to cover the Alkahest cost, at least.
>Items stuck in the wall auto-collect
>Items left on the floor do not
Need help with 8bit weapons. Which ones are the best?
i absolutely shit all over hard mode my first run with the whip
Can't wait for the mockup codec conversation posts
teh 8 bit gun is the best gun in the game or tied for it depending on how you look at it, the whip does holy and dark damage and is exceptional as an endgame weapon because of it, the shoes that reveal Miriam's sexy legs are solid because they poison, as is the lotus lightsaber because anything that does lightning damage is fucking crazy dps wise. the others are alright and are completely good as endgame weapons, but those previously mentioned specifically are the best.
is there a mod to get rid of her gross crayola tattoos? literally my only complaint so far
Are there any other chair for Interactions besides fairy piano?
Use Valkyrie armor
When are we getting costumes that show Miriam's tummy
Buer lets you jump off him
where's the fuckin valk sword? I can't find it.
Staying up late tonight, Yea Forums?
I stunlocked OD with rapid fire chisel into the buer familiar, he didnt even use his time stop before he died.
>>But the adds are all that protect me from her water laser
Come on, user. Those are easily avoidable. When she pops in the middle of the screen to shoot them, run to one extreme of the screen and then slide quickly to the other end, if you can't get there fast enough you can just jump the last bit to evade it.
Don't patronize me Johannes, these recipes are a pain in the ass and the old lady demands her sustenance
>tfw most of the characters are dead by the end of the game
Well that doesn't leave a lot of room for a sequel.
In the room before the twin-headed dragon, use Dimension Shift underneath the bottom platform.
This. Some of the most fun runs I've had in SotN were with dumb shit like the Knuckle and Basilard.
You can feed the maidens an enemy to keep them shut for good
Zangetsu is fine and you're a fool if you didn't realize tity nun didn't either. I dunno about Gebel though, maybe he'll return somehow.
I played on hard, died like 20 times to the first boss then decided to spam ghosts at it, worked fairly well.
>muh balance
i think he means the attack she uses on hardmode
she has a water beam attack that covers the entire arena and there is no safe space for it except using her mocks as cover
what i did was hitting them just enough so the next hit would kill them, take cover from the laser and finish them off as soon as they are no longer needed
if you can do it standing between the adds and the boss so that if they attack they will be locked in their animation looking the other way while you take cover
Once you rank it up a little bit you get machine gun kicks that don't drain stamina.
It's like the rapier infinite jab but it cost no mana and does crazy dmg each hit.
I do 86 each hit at lvl 30 and it hits so many times per second.
Not as good against small enemies.
>tfw Mother got Dementia and kept asking me to cook the meals my father would make thinking i was him
I fucking cried not gonna lie, fuck those quests
thanks for reading my blog
what's the best way to make money besides fighting millionaire's bane?
Well Gebel did have a severe dose of the crystal treatment. I suppose the details are vague enough that the sequel could make up shit if he ever comes back.
rank 9 gold shard + equipped gold shard, spike armor and run into candles
All of IGA games have awful final stretches, it's basically his trademark.
SotN has the shitty inverted castle.
HoD has the shitty alt-castle.
AoS has the shitty teleport maze gardens and chaos domain.
DoS has the shitty abyss/hell.
PoR has the shitty inverted/mirrored portraits.
OoE has actually neat final area with the actual castle, but unfortunately the castle is the smallest in series history since it's just a final location so that's a downside.
All in all I found Bloodstained to be par on course for IGA and was neither surprised nor disappointed, just "yep, I knew this would happen".
your game is shit
augment gold
straight room with several torches
spike armor
shill your videos elsewhere, faggot
this is some high effort shitposting jezus christ
At least his hands didn't grow from the crystal treatment
Yes but
Dive kick will get you there.
It's not even an exploit, it's by design.
There many places to utilise this, particularly in the dragon towers.
Buer familar helps too in some places as you can dive kick off of his head/body.
I used the augment gold shard and the spike armor and found a room by the library with a torch right next to an exit. So I made a repeating keyboard macro of right then left, and let it run for a little bit while I did some cleaning. Came back to several hundred thousand in the bank
Miriam is for Bloodless.
Where the fuck are those bugs in the dragon tower? I've gone through both of them and hasn't seen even one.
it honestly read like Johannes saved him so I was surprised he didn't show up at the end.
lmao wat
stop shitting up bloodstained threads and get a life you big blue bitch, even if your'e not him you're probably that michael does life shitposter and put in as muhc effort as a literal no life autist did. At some point you have to realize your'e a loser and a complete human failure whose only purpose is being purposeless.
Does anyone know what additional grades on Alchemic Bounty does? The ranks increase the chance. Does the grade also do that, increase the extra amount of items, or what?
>He doesn't know
Just this once, user.
god fucking damn i forgot about this why did i ask
If you're playing on Nightmare (probably on Hard too), that first boss is stupid difficult and annoyingly random. For the mooks, my suggestion is that if you think you don't have enough time, equip the Safety Ring so you can stunlock them without worrying about accidentally killing them. The safest time to attack her is her sweeping water laser when she's in the middle of the stage, so cancel your attacks with shard casts to get the fight over more quickly.
If the game ever gets a sequel, I hope we get more martial artist church people.
What is a good place to get gold to level it up?
Buy and dismantle stuff with Alchemy (which too need Gold)
Dominique possessing Anne in the sequel.
the horse in the underwater section drops a weapon that you can dismantle for gold.
Some dude from 3dm made a nudel model and it's alright. Seams between joints are visible but Miriam's body is the hottest shit.
Drop it in \BloodstainedRotN\Content\Paks
Have sex.
Barefoot Miriam when?
Two posts above yours
That looks the same to me and I could immediately recognize they were both manipulable objects. I think you're just retarded.
To be honest the characters and concept are the least interesting thing about Bloodstained. It's just bargain-bin Castlevania with awful character designs to match. Zangetsu looks like he cut his way out of a DeviantArt profile. It's a good game despite this, but I don't really care if a direct sequel happens.
>No tattoos
Once again they fuck it up.
Un, deux, trois
>she tries to speak french
So cute.
God damn it nevermind.
Where can I get the item Gold?
Once you get the ability to go underwater, go farm the seahorse until it drop a mace.
Go disassemble the mace to get gold.
Then disassemble and craft the gold item so you can buy it at Dominique's shop.
>Valkyrie armor has shorter shorts than the regular clothes
I think Johannes has a bit of dialogue stating the original Alchemist HQ had a lab where they studied Eastern magic, that's why the Oriental Lab is there.
Gotta show more ass when her you're showing less titty. Speaking of, arent her tits bigger in the valkyrie armor?
Does starting a new game plus fix bugged chests if I've already got the patch installed? I'm missing a few recipe books because the chests were already open I want to get 100%, preferrably without starting over from scratch.
wait, where is her tats in Valkyrie shot
Bros why is she so great?
It was originally titled "Pure Miriam", so its her without the crystal infection.
Based Tamako
They said on Twitter that NG+ should fix it.
how get
Need dimension shifto from late game boss
Thanks user. You only lose quest progress and progression related shards right, everything else carries over?
>100 and 500 gold coins
this is true, however
you can get up to 2k if you rank it up all the way and double stack it
Yeah, you get to keep the accelerator shard though which is nice.
What do you mean by double stack it?
Good lord Miriam is THICC. It just needs the crystals and it'll be perfect.
Passive shards at rank 9 become permanent skill shards but you still keep the yellow ones, equipping both makes the buffs stack.
Collect it and Benjamin later. You'll know what to do when you get what you need.
If you rank up any yellow shard to rank 9, it becomes a permanent white shard.
So you basically get twice the effect of Augment gold or any passive
found the key before i found the door and kicked his ass. just get good
How do I get through the subway after the dragon fight
you can do a jump just as you exit reflector ray
Is it just me or are her thighs thicker in the valkyrie armor
Talk to OD in the library, he'll offer to make you a train pass. Take the Silver Bromide you get after the dragon fight to the shop and take Miriam's picture, go back to OD and he'll finish the pass. Then you can board the train.
Sitting in one of the chairs in Celeste's room makes a ghost appear in the other. Does nothing.
Sitting on a certain chair on the train causes a unique enemy to jumpscare you and attack.
There are two or three Mimic Chairs that throw you into hazards if you sit on them. Their Shard lets you summon chairs at will.
Plus the one chair mimic lets you get back on top of the waterfall before you learn high jump or invert.
Skip first OD, go make photo, go to OD with photo, you will get quirky dialogue
I get 2k bags at rank 7. Not super frequently, but not super rare either
Behind the waterfall there's a mimic chair that jumps back to the top.
I never let that one get far. Didn't know it did that.
Are the only prizes for beating boss rush the 8/16/32 bit coins?
Thought it was a special helpful chair because it was my first encounter with it. Only after being thrown into buzzsaws in the library did I realize it was a mimic.
Yeah. Kinda sucks.
That's disapointing, the special secret items you got in the GBA/DS games for beating boss rush were great. Give me my rocket launcher.
Atleast is easy ways to upgrade them, A good build burns through both challenges within 2 minutes.
Gee Billy! How come that mom lets you have TWO flying swords?!
Oh dam ok, thanks bros
Highest damage Sword, +chance for enemies to drop items when you hit them, +teleport hacks with an easy tech that also has a chance to steal items.
isn't it second highest damaging sword behind blue rose/eu's sword?
didnt know about the drop item on hit though, that's pretty good
Does luck affect shard drop rates? From what I remember in the Souls games it was only the Soul Eater Ring that increased your chanches, here I'm getting tons of soul shards just from the luck stat boost of two Plunder Rings.
What's with end game sword that made from 3 swords and have 20 dmg? There is some secret behind it? (the one with dragon heart)
it's a reference to a final fantasy sword, it does up to 3 hits per swing
>"God normal difficulty is so fucking easy, just play on hard mode"
What fucking games are you guys playing normally. I swear Yea Forums has no idea what "easy" actually is any more.
sotn was easy. Kirby games are easy. Zelda games are easy.
I've died like 10 times to true Zangetsu now because the mother fucker is so fucking hard to predict. All of the human bosses in this game are complete bitches, and all the demon bosses are complete fucking pushovers.
All the humanoid bosses are easy to cheese by just getting behind them. The Jinrai tech also trivializes everything.
Use your shards, you can cheese Zangetsu with most of them.
what. I died some times to first Zangetsu because of glitch, where he suddenly turn 180 midair after chain or jump attack, but true one was piss easy.
I got true arrow tier 9 because I was grinding rags for graveyard lady and tier 1 welcoming company, which destroyed him
I beat the blood bitch in about 10 seconds because she didn’t know what to do when I ducked just in front of her so she kept attacking over my head while I slapped her in the shins until she died. She only managed to get her heal off once and it only healed 100hp
In the Sorrow games Luck's effect on drop rates was actually broken. It did nothing.
Soul Eater Ring and Bloodstained's equivalent Solomon's Ring multiply Luck's effect on drop rates but Luck actually works now.
As others said, it's easy to completely cheese bosses, even humanoid ones. It isn't completely as easy as SotN but you can quickly become overpowered.
Because alkahest just falls out of the sky, right?
Yeah, I just did. Spamming flying daggers is OP as fuck.
>Does the game has that same weapon SoTN had? The crissaigrem or whatever is called.
It's not called crissargrim but it's there and it's even stronger than the original wih the right tricks and buffs. End game item though.
Just get a lucky 7.
It kinda does, ghosts drop alkahest
Is it crucial to have analog sticks in this game?
I know there's directional stuff, maybe even some of it will be fun to use, but I wanted to use one of them better pads for 2D games with no sticks.
>"this game is easy because of cheese strats!"
Am I the only one trying to avoid cheesing?
Some directional spells are mandatory for progressing, others are quite potent as well.
It’s required for some things and is how you aim an entire subset of shard skills
There's a lot of dumb shit like that.
Ahhh fuck.
>ducking is cheese
>"Surely there is a swimming skill shard around here, I've done like 4 laps now, where the fuck is it? Maybe it's a non-certain drop from a generic enemy that's really easily avoided and only in a few rooms? Nah, that'd be retarded."
>jumping is literally cheese
If you don't mind having to switch to mouse to use certain abilities for exploration and not being able to aim some attacks, you can easily play it without sticks. It's what I did.
When are we going to get Zangetsu bros?
>Jump over Zangetsu
>He immediately does an uppercut
jumping is for blood bitch, and keeping your distance is for the doppelganger, but zangetsu is a bitch.
red ghosts in desert drop up to 2, and almost 50% with gold scull ring
>keeping your distance is for the doppelganger
I shredded through doppelganger with bunnymorphosis.
Both jumping and staying away from him worked.
The only tricky move to avoid is when is switch to ice and even then he still easy.
How do you even acquire a flame circlet? I reached the end of the game without even knowing that one.
I got the water pulse whatever shard from the first enemy. I also didn’t even see it, my dullaheads were below the screen and killed it immediately. I effectively walked into the room and then suddenly got an important shard. I was really confused
You make one by buying or acquiring a regular circlet, then combine it with a fire ring.
>use in game skill
Are you one of this "fox only, zero destination" guys?
Many thanks
same way you got water jet - read walkthrought after 30 hours of grinding
Anons I don't want this game to end. I'm at the water part right now. How much is left? I feel like the map progression percentage is going really fast right now.
It's almost over, user.
Depends on how much retreading you want to do for map % or secret items you may have missed, and how quickly you might pick up on how to progress.
It's not ice, it's crystals.
You don't understand. You're supposed to do that quickly, then replay again in hard mode and take things more seriously (craft shit and do the extra stuff). If you mean you got the sinking shard and you can travel underwater without problems, you have a lab, a place with sand, weebshit and another area before the final place
are you fighting Shin Zangetsu in an honorable one on one katana duel?
Those are only in NG+, same as shorcuts.
One guy claims it's bugged. He killed 100 demons with it and 100 without it, and he got 52 shards without it and 39 with it.
Fun only begun. I spend ~10 hours before final boss just to grind some stuff
Posted this in the other thread before mods went full retard. Here's a themed run I made for people who beat nightmare and want more or people who just want a challenge. Gonna go through it myself in a few.
Belmont Mode:
Nightmare Difficulty (Create a file with the name NIGHTMARE to unlock all difficulties right away)
Weapons: Whips and only whips
No restrictions on other gear
Shard Restrictions: Only these are allowed
Head Flail (Dullahammer 6)
Throwing Axe (Axe Outsider 60)
Toxic Storm (Macaron 75)
Throw Spear (Zepar 80)
Shuriken (Ninja 86)
Progression related
Sacred Shade (Rul'sha 34)
Progression related
True Arrow (Barbatos 16)
Flying Dagger (Assassin 42)
Chisel Barrage (Master Carpenter 107)
Ruinous Rood (Revenant 108)
Gold Bullet (Valefar 123)
(I don't want to allow Directional Shield but if there is no other way to defeat O.D. I'll allow it for that fight)
All allowed
Whip Expertise (Lamashtu 74) recommended
Not allowed
How do you get your hp down to exactly 1?
I did.
It should be the only way to do that fight, katana are so fucking fun to use.
Using jinrai isn't very honorable
>freeze time during the active frames
>Big flashy moonrunes, post-block slow-mo, CGI
Huh, I think I played a different game
Well I did use a Katana. Wanted to go no potions too but I wasn't used gud enough
>no Blood Steal in conjure
After the girlfriend mod and the nun mod.
You need up to 10 alkahest to dismantle, though. That's 7200 per item
>worked fine for the past few days
>suddenly get some sound scratching
what do, this shit makes it fucking unplayable
Are you retarded? The beam you're talking about has the hitbox only on the floor, you don't even need to run from it to jump over it.
The attack he's talking about is the thicc beam that she's firing when standing at the nose of the ship, there's no way to dodge it other that crouching near the small monsters that shield you from the beam.
Am I missing something about weapon upgrades here? I can craft new weapons and enhance shards, but I haven’t yet seen the option to upgrade my current weapon
You can farm 30 alka per 5 mins at desert tho
Oh yeah forgot about that progression part
..what beam attack?
Some higher powered weapons require lesser versions of that weapon in materials. But you also need to find the crafting recipes in the castle.
You can't upgrade the weapons, unless you count the 8-bit weapons but that's just crafting stronger versions of them. Where did you get the idea that you can upgrade them?
No shit. If it requires farming something, then it's no longer an infinite money exploit.
People in the threads keep mentioning upgrading their weapons, which I guess just means using an old weapon to craft a new one.
can you leave?
Items stuck in the wall only auto collect if you’ve physically touched them before waiting for despawn/leaving the room, so it’s the same as items that land on the floor.
what does the demon necklace do bros
Yeah, it's just that. Don't worry, you did not miss anything.
>That looks the same to me
only because you're trying to prove a point, one has an obvious flashing glow the other is a greyish outline
>get 12 alk
>begin to transmute some weapons with GOLD
>craft one back and get 5 of them
>sell every one for 28k, spend 8k for 10 more alk while at the shop
You get ~130k after each cycle
It's okay. The skin is different color in some locations though. Is that because I swapped to pale skin at the barber?
Beat him on normal and NG+ and never seen this attack
If the gains cover the alk cost, then that's fine
The game can’t be considered hard if it’s only hard for a retard who refuses to use shards or whatever dumb shit it is you are doing
>tacky dark nipples and vagina
>no jiggle
That’s the one thing with Iga games, the constant fear of missing something really obtuse
>takes damage
oof, retry and do it again.
>the rose on her back is modeled and shiny, but all the rest of the crystals aren't
>Just play on hard
>if you don't want to play on normal just put in the code you can find online to unlock difficulties lmao just look shit up before you even play the game
Naw, fuck the devs. Normal is a total joke though.
>no jiggle
it's a shitty model edit and nothing more why would you expect animation that isn't there in the game already to suddenly be there with it?
>Normal is a total joke though.
So is Hard. It took the Dragon's Dogma approach to difficulty.
I agree. I'm unironically mad Hard isn't available from the start for everyone, I would totally play on hard. Normal stopped being any challenging after bloodless.
sorry, russian thing, (boss - him\his), (beat him) as (beat boss)
>Can turn the color of blood white and put the minimap wherever you goddamn please
>Can't even show a bar that tells you how much you have left to master an ability
God dammit.
I don't expect anything, I'm just saying the end result is meh.
Этoт бocc - oчeвиднaя бaбa c cиcькaми, зaлyпa ты кoнcкaя. Cкaзaл бы her.
When is the MP coming? Will it be local or online?
I also just hate how the menus look in this game.
They look like a mobile game.
>carriage morte and puppy both have 5% chance to drop souls
>have 8 puppy and 3 morte souls
so how do I trick the desire sensor
ты ктo тaкoй чтo бы пpeдпoлaгaть ee\eгo гeндep?
>I don't expect anything, I'm just saying the end result is meh.
fair enough
you're not wrong after all
If we're talking customization, I'd love to have the ability to individually turn off the passive shard visual effects. Most of them look fine on their own but together they look like a hot mess.
>inb4 just disable them
disable yourself from this thread
what is the best way to shoot fast with the gun? shoot, dodge, jump shoot, land shoot repeat?
I sent them a suggestion that white shards just shouldn't have constant visual effects, only yellow shards should.
You can send them whatever you think at fs30.formsite.com/505games/bloodstained/index.html
пoдpaзyмeвaeшь чтo гeндepoв вceгo двa, щитлopд?
>пpидepживaeтcя кoнцeпции кoнcтaнтнoгo гeндepa
I literally did this set up normally
tsk, got me there
I saw a video of what looked like crouch canceling, but haven't tried it yet
Thanks for the tips deffo gonna use dem weaps now. I got 2 8bit manuals atm, getting the gun and the whip.
I was hoping dawn sword was actually the Sword of Dawn, that sword that summons an army but oh well.
Also, what the hell is adversity ring for?
Miriam looks ~20 and she was asleep for 10 years, does that mean she's mentally a child?
user you moron, if you looks ~20 that means she was ~20 when she fell into stasis.
Makes sense ‘cos
She's 28
She was in stasis, not asleep. She's physically and metally as old as she was when she entered stasis, about 20 years old, there was a definite age somewhere in the game but I don't remember it. Her dialogue reflects that as well.
How did Johannes keep himself from not banging Miriam while she was in her coma?
28 in the game, but 18 when she was put to sleep.
I should've payed more attention to the intro, I just wanted to rush things to see how the game was.
Dominique is more of a cake. How old is she?
>Dominique: "Tell me more about your Shardbinders, Johannes. (spreads her legs) I think it would be VERY beneficial for us all."
>Switch textures are so low res that you can't even see the backer portraits
I really regret switching from PS4 to Switch, would have been nice if they could have told us the port was going to be garbage BEFORE locking which console you were getting it on.
nevermind me, just playing the game at 1440p@144hz
How do I get the recipe for spaghetti? This old lady wants it. I've already gotten all the shards and have nearly beaten the game. There can't be much left. I must have missed a recipe book somewhere.
To think I was going to go with Switch version for portability
How can the Switch version be so bad? I have a shitty PC that's no way better than a Switch and I can run it on the max specs at 60fps
Twin Dragon Towers, on the area that's circular. You need inversion or high jump.
It fits.
It really sucks. These kinds of grindy games are comfy on portable systems. Is switch really so shit?
Let's say I'm playing on an "non-legal copy", where do I find my savefiles to import it to a newer version of the game?
UE4 is kind of trash on Switch
It says a lot when a fucking Suda51 game is by far the best running UE4 game on the system.
>I sent them a suggestion that white shards just shouldn't have constant visual effects, only yellow shards should
That's already how it is, dumbass
Then please explain to me what's happening in this image, and I won't let you leave until you do.
Don't worry about it. The first boss is probably the hardest fucking boss in the game. Even on my nightmare play-through I had more trouble with her than anything else.
that's to be expected from higher difficulties, since you have no leeway basically and have to go in dry
Yellow halo is Money is Power
Glowing eyes are from Words of Wisdom
Green and red sparkling is from Regenerate
All yellow shards
Very good, we're making progress. Now pray tell how is that more than one "yellow" shard is active simultaneously?
>he doesn't know
Try being less of a noob next time
Well, just got the "kill Richter" ending with Gebel. Where should I go again? Last boss I beat was a big dragon. I don't have invert or the power to suck up blood yet, or swimming.
>decide to play aria of sorrow after bloodstained
this is honestly a downgrade and not as good....
Levelling yelloow shards to 9 makes them a permanent effect like gray ones.
Perfect! So you know what you're talking about. Now read this line again
>white shards just shouldn't have constant visual effects, only yellow shards should
>reading comprehension
where am I supposed to go after I get the double jump? I Just beat the twin dragon boss on the tower.
Fuck you
I didn't see that they became white
There is a spot in the cathedral where you can use reflector ray, thats your next goal.
It's ok mate, I'm glad we're cleared up now. cheers
It's hard to comprehend when you're writing like a sperg.
You got the bromide from the golden chest at the base of the tower? Now you can take your photo and get it to Alucardn't
Thanks, I'll go to the Cathedral and look around.
You're just not following the chair of replies far enough. I guess that's understantable
You can get it without those, since I don’t have high jump yet and only just got inversion and I made spaghetti ages ago. I think it was in one of those chests you could bounce off the torches to reach
You know, those backer portraits, they actually fit at that texture resolution and don't look nearly as out of place.
That's nice user, but I feel that for now going 4k AND 120+fps is too much. The beefiest rig wouldn't be able to hold it in more demanding games, and with RTX implementation it won't get faster, only slower. So for now It's either 4k@60 or 1440p@120+
Right on. You can consider this a PS1 aesthetic.
>got almost 10k gold just from coins without a single cannon soul drop
The only way is to actively do something else. Once you've forgotten about what you were originally farming, the sensor focuses on your new thing and drops will start again on the original thing.
Science my dude.
No need to cope user, you'll get here someday.
>cocksmoker uses a gigantic black hole to kill you
he deserved to die under a pile of flaming hot helldogs
Please tell me why and how any of those are wrong
Now Tayne I can get into.
I get it for Detective Eye since it's showing your collection distance with the ring. I'm any case, I think it should be an option but for people who don't want it, I agree.
I will say I've noticed that after crafting/preparing something with Johannes, my Detective Eye ring and Words of Wisdom glow disappear until I toggle them. Not sure if that's applicable to all of the shard visual effects.
>I get it for Detective Eye
It's funny how DE is the only shard where a visual effect is actually conveying meaningful information to you - the range, but how it's also one of the most hated ones since it's so intrusive. There's a mod on nexusmods to remove it.
Yeah, I thought the resolution and framerate drops were unfortunate but semi-understandable but I do not understand why the textures are so low quality. It's really bad.
Sorry you're dealing with that, user.
i've tried to avoid these threads for spoilers but im so fucking confused
i backed a while ago - fangamer have since sent me emails with codes - i had Curse of the Moon, and my download code for steam - aswell as them sending me emails asking me to confirm my address which i did
When i try to login to fangamer it says there is no account existing with that email? I still dont have the physical stuff i ordered and i heard theres some stuff with your backer code, like items and things i cant get
Does anyone have a list of all techniques please?
Use your Backer survey email link. Logging into the Fangamer site is for their store, it's not related to your Backer project.
There's also a Valkyrie sword technique (DD+Attack) that becomes available after mastering all others
Wait is that really an easter egg if you're wearing the eyes of horus?
Haven't tested with Eye of Horus, I just have a 21:9 monitor.
thanks, that helped. dlc cool
also i just got bad ending it seems because i stumbled on gebel and obliterated him
magic in this game seems fucking broken. I've got Greatsword Expertise x6 and im backdash cancelling strikes, and just using Flame Cannon with no Int gear still does way too much fucking damage.
Im starting again i think with melee only.
any webms showing it off?
what the hell? My screen doesn't show individual weapons like that
You'd have to turn off texture filtering though.
That blurry bilinear filtered look is very PS2/N64. PS1 had those sharp unfiltered pixelated textures.
It's an edited screenshot for easy reference, not actually in-game.
It's a backer-exclusive feature.
You can see it if you give Dominique a lot of shards
cool move, thanks for sharing
I have similar feelings about levelling up the jump shards. If you do, Miriam flashes white every fucking time you double jump/invert/hi jump.
>Miriam flashes white every fucking time you double jump/invert/hi jump.
That indicates invincibility
Yeah I know, it's annoying.
>99.8% map completion
Any easily missed secret rooms? I'm going over the maps online and I'm stumped.
I know that feel
Some kind anons here helped me to point what rooms I was missing
Are these all of them or just the ones that have been found out until now?
I saw a couple anons already who missed the breakable wall in room with the black cat in the alchemy lab
Just find a map online and your own map, line them up in photoshop, and keep toggling the layer as they overlap. The missing rooms should "blink".
It's pure cope is all, you made a mistake and settled for 1440p&144hz thinking the only games you'd ever play are demanding games yet there are thousands of games you could play right now, like this one at 2160p&240hz
But it's okay, in ten years you'll probably join us enlighten few in the sun, until then you can either bask in our glory or you could be bitter and cope, like you're doing right now. Your choice user, I can't make it for you.
Other than Zangetsu who would be the third playable character. I hope its not Dominique, she is a dumb bitch
O.D. or Bloodless would be cooler
Or if you're not a brainlet, you could just look at them
Scanning over a large image for a missing blue block in a sea of blue blocks and then glancing back at your other sea of blue blocks is needlessly complicating things.
That'd take like ten minutes to scan every possible room, way fast doing that way. I mean so long as you're aren't some sort of technologically illiterate zoomer or something.
Holy shit what the fuck
It's most likely going to be her,, unfortunately
all, 100%.
Whom are you trying to shit, user? Way to discredit your whole post.
How does one effectively grind for rapid fire?
Just use ZA WARUDO and grind all of them at once on one enemy
Still mad whips only get one tech. Would have liked a FF+Attack tech that made it whip straight out like in old CV or something.
So what is the rank in shards? is that just the number of that type of shard you have or does it actually do something?
Rank is what's improved by using Enhance Shard at Johannes. It has the listed effect in the menu. Grade is improved by collecting duplicates of the same Shard and amplifies the base effect mentioned in the description of the shard (normally increasing damage or associated stat boosts.)
Upgrading the shard gives it more rank, getting more of the same shard increases grade. Those two do different things depending on the shard.
Do you just mash skip through all dialogues?
So, for True Arrow, Rank makes more arrows shoot while Grade makes each arrow do more damage.
Collecting more shards boosts the base effect, while upgrading it at Johannes will upgrade another aspect of the spell (ie Rigor Dohin for example will linger around for longer).
>Those two do different things depending on the shard.
Grade always raises the numerical values - damage, healing, etc
Don't worry bro, some people just have bigger dicks than you. It's nothing to be so insecure about.
4k 144hz panels have only started appearing, at prices of $1200 and upwards. 4k 240hz doesn't exist at all. You're playing on a 4k tv with built-in movement interpolation, which brings input lag and artefacts. I'm sorry, user.
personally i have a problem with the underwater bats